clang_version diagnostics path kindcontrol edges start line6 col3 file0 line6 col5 file0 end line6 col12 file0 line6 col12 file0 kindevent location line6 col12 file0 ranges line6 col12 file0 line6 col12 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'p' is null message Assuming 'p' is null kindcontrol edges start line6 col12 file0 line6 col12 file0 end line6 col20 file0 line6 col20 file0 kindcontrol edges start line6 col20 file0 line6 col20 file0 end line6 col3 file0 line6 col5 file0 kindevent location line6 col3 file0 ranges line6 col3 file0 line6 col8 file0 depth0 extended_message 'x' initialized to a null pointer value message 'x' initialized to a null pointer value kindcontrol edges start line6 col3 file0 line6 col5 file0 end line10 col3 file0 line10 col3 file0 kindcontrol edges start line10 col3 file0 line10 col3 file0 end line10 col6 file0 line10 col6 file0 kindevent location line10 col6 file0 ranges line10 col4 file0 line10 col4 file0 depth0 extended_message Dereference of null pointer (loaded from variable 'x') message Dereference of null pointer (loaded from variable 'x') descriptionDereference of null pointer (loaded from variable 'x') categoryLogic error typeDereference of null pointer check_namecore.NullDereference issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context8ea3f4e6a3100c73f078fac15acb0a9c issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttestCondOp issue_hash_function_offset5 location line10 col6 file0 ExecutedLines 0 5 6 10 path kindcontrol edges start line15 col3 file0 line15 col4 file0 end line15 col7 file0 line15 col7 file0 kindevent location line15 col7 file0 ranges line15 col7 file0 line15 col7 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'p' is null message Assuming 'p' is null kindcontrol edges start line15 col7 file0 line15 col7 file0 end line19 col3 file0 line19 col5 file0 kindcontrol edges start line19 col3 file0 line19 col5 file0 end line19 col11 file0 line19 col11 file0 kindevent location line19 col11 file0 ranges line19 col12 file0 line19 col12 file0 depth0 extended_message Dereference of null pointer (loaded from variable 'p') message Dereference of null pointer (loaded from variable 'p') descriptionDereference of null pointer (loaded from variable 'p') categoryLogic error typeDereference of null pointer check_namecore.NullDereference issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context2c219a33e961fc1be7d54b700867259e issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttestCondProblem issue_hash_function_offset5 location line19 col11 file0 ExecutedLines 0 14 15 19 path kindcontrol edges start line25 col3 file0 line25 col5 file0 end line25 col11 file0 line25 col11 file0 kindevent location line25 col11 file0 ranges line25 col11 file0 line25 col12 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'p' is null message Assuming 'p' is null kindcontrol edges start line25 col11 file0 line25 col11 file0 end line25 col16 file0 line25 col16 file0 kindevent location line25 col16 file0 ranges line25 col17 file0 line25 col17 file0 depth0 extended_message Dereference of null pointer (loaded from variable 'p') message Dereference of null pointer (loaded from variable 'p') descriptionDereference of null pointer (loaded from variable 'p') categoryLogic error typeDereference of null pointer check_namecore.NullDereference issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context8d43b511137326eab7d1242950e72984 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttestLHSProblem issue_hash_function_offset1 location line25 col16 file0 ExecutedLines 0 24 25 path kindcontrol edges start line33 col3 file0 line33 col5 file0 end line33 col11 file0 line33 col11 file0 kindevent location line33 col11 file0 ranges line33 col11 file0 line33 col11 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'p' is null message Assuming 'p' is null kindcontrol edges start line33 col11 file0 line33 col11 file0 end line33 col19 file0 line33 col19 file0 kindevent location line33 col19 file0 ranges line33 col20 file0 line33 col20 file0 depth0 extended_message Dereference of null pointer (loaded from variable 'p') message Dereference of null pointer (loaded from variable 'p') descriptionDereference of null pointer (loaded from variable 'p') categoryLogic error typeDereference of null pointer check_namecore.NullDereference issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contextb8e93b7355a6779a960f9a942fafac15 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttestRHSProblem issue_hash_function_offset1 location line33 col19 file0 ExecutedLines 0 32 33 path kindevent location line41 col3 file0 ranges line41 col3 file0 line41 col8 file0 depth0 extended_message 'x' initialized to a null pointer value message 'x' initialized to a null pointer value kindcontrol edges start line41 col3 file0 line41 col5 file0 end line44 col3 file0 line44 col3 file0 kindcontrol edges start line44 col3 file0 line44 col3 file0 end line44 col6 file0 line44 col6 file0 kindevent location line44 col6 file0 ranges line44 col4 file0 line44 col4 file0 depth0 extended_message Dereference of null pointer (loaded from variable 'x') message Dereference of null pointer (loaded from variable 'x') descriptionDereference of null pointer (loaded from variable 'x') categoryLogic error typeDereference of null pointer check_namecore.NullDereference issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contexta944281d096940ca43ec995649b48b5f issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttestBinaryCondOp issue_hash_function_offset4 location line44 col6 file0 ExecutedLines 0 40 41 44 path kindcontrol edges start line49 col3 file0 line49 col4 file0 end line49 col7 file0 line49 col7 file0 kindevent location line49 col7 file0 ranges line49 col7 file0 line49 col7 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'p' is null message Assuming 'p' is null kindcontrol edges start line49 col7 file0 line49 col7 file0 end line53 col3 file0 line53 col5 file0 kindcontrol edges start line53 col3 file0 line53 col5 file0 end line53 col11 file0 line53 col11 file0 kindevent location line53 col11 file0 ranges line53 col12 file0 line53 col12 file0 depth0 extended_message Dereference of null pointer (loaded from variable 'p') message Dereference of null pointer (loaded from variable 'p') descriptionDereference of null pointer (loaded from variable 'p') categoryLogic error typeDereference of null pointer check_namecore.NullDereference issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context4db164bbf5cea42d75c5e838be1eef6f issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttestBinaryLHSProblem issue_hash_function_offset5 location line53 col11 file0 ExecutedLines 0 48 49 53 path kindcontrol edges start line59 col3 file0 line59 col4 file0 end line59 col7 file0 line59 col7 file0 kindevent location line59 col7 file0 ranges line59 col7 file0 line59 col7 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'a' is not equal to 0 message Assuming 'a' is not equal to 0 kindcontrol edges start line59 col7 file0 line59 col7 file0 end line62 col5 file0 line62 col5 file0 kindcontrol edges start line62 col5 file0 line62 col5 file0 end line62 col24 file0 line62 col24 file0 kindevent location line62 col24 file0 ranges line62 col5 file0 line62 col26 file0 depth0 extended_message Dereference of null pointer message Dereference of null pointer descriptionDereference of null pointer categoryLogic error typeDereference of null pointer check_namecore.NullDereference issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context778d56ad485369222613ac2c03b97700 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttestDiagnosableBranch issue_hash_function_offset4 location line62 col24 file0 ExecutedLines 0 58 59 62 path kindcontrol edges start line68 col3 file0 line68 col4 file0 end line68 col7 file0 line68 col7 file0 kindevent location line68 col7 file0 ranges line68 col7 file0 line68 col7 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'a' is not equal to 0 message Assuming 'a' is not equal to 0 kindcontrol edges start line68 col7 file0 line68 col7 file0 end line68 col12 file0 line68 col12 file0 kindevent location line68 col12 file0 ranges line68 col12 file0 line68 col12 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'b' is not equal to 0 message Assuming 'b' is not equal to 0 kindcontrol edges start line68 col12 file0 line68 col12 file0 end line73 col5 file0 line73 col5 file0 kindcontrol edges start line73 col5 file0 line73 col5 file0 end line73 col24 file0 line73 col24 file0 kindevent location line73 col24 file0 ranges line73 col5 file0 line73 col26 file0 depth0 extended_message Dereference of null pointer message Dereference of null pointer descriptionDereference of null pointer categoryLogic error typeDereference of null pointer check_namecore.NullDereference issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contexta2b345c9681d9dd3aa15d12810759cb9 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttestDiagnosableBranchLogical issue_hash_function_offset6 location line73 col24 file0 ExecutedLines 0 67 68 73 path kindcontrol edges start line79 col3 file0 line79 col4 file0 end line79 col7 file0 line79 col7 file0 kindevent location line79 col7 file0 ranges line79 col7 file0 line79 col11 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming the condition is true message Assuming the condition is true kindcontrol edges start line79 col7 file0 line79 col7 file0 end line82 col5 file0 line82 col5 file0 kindcontrol edges start line82 col5 file0 line82 col5 file0 end line82 col24 file0 line82 col24 file0 kindevent location line82 col24 file0 ranges line82 col5 file0 line82 col26 file0 depth0 extended_message Dereference of null pointer message Dereference of null pointer descriptionDereference of null pointer categoryLogic error typeDereference of null pointer check_namecore.NullDereference issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contextf56671e5f67c73abef619b56f7c29fa4 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttestNonDiagnosableBranchArithmetic issue_hash_function_offset4 location line82 col24 file0 ExecutedLines 0 78 79 82 files