clang_version diagnostics path kindevent location line100 col7 file0 ranges line100 col7 file0 line100 col7 file0 depth0 extended_message Type 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' to 'NSArray *') message Type 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' to 'NSArray *') kindcontrol edges start line100 col3 file0 line100 col3 file0 end line101 col3 file0 line101 col3 file0 kindcontrol edges start line101 col3 file0 line101 col3 file0 end line101 col7 file0 line101 col7 file0 kindevent location line101 col7 file0 ranges line101 col7 file0 line101 col7 file0 depth0 extended_message Conversion from value of type 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'NSArray<NSNumber *> *' message Conversion from value of type 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'NSArray<NSNumber *> *' descriptionConversion from value of type 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'NSArray<NSNumber *> *' categoryCore Foundation/Objective-C typeGenerics check_nameosx.cocoa.ObjCGenerics issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context9be4ccbeebeb5f814eb9ff5cef4907d3 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextincompatibleTypesErased issue_hash_function_offset2 location line101 col7 file0 ExecutedLines 0 97 98 99 100 101 path kindevent location line100 col7 file0 ranges line100 col7 file0 line100 col7 file0 depth0 extended_message Type 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' to 'NSArray *') message Type 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' to 'NSArray *') kindcontrol edges start line100 col3 file0 line100 col3 file0 end line104 col3 file0 line104 col9 file0 kindcontrol edges start line104 col3 file0 line104 col9 file0 end line104 col11 file0 line104 col11 file0 kindevent location line104 col11 file0 ranges line104 col11 file0 line104 col11 file0 depth0 extended_message Conversion from value of type 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'NSArray<NSNumber *> *' message Conversion from value of type 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'NSArray<NSNumber *> *' descriptionConversion from value of type 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'NSArray<NSNumber *> *' categoryCore Foundation/Objective-C typeGenerics check_nameosx.cocoa.ObjCGenerics issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context567cd90c936f23ea70aca98b9d3af2b7 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextincompatibleTypesErased issue_hash_function_offset5 location line104 col11 file0 ExecutedLines 0 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 path kindevent location line100 col7 file0 ranges line100 col7 file0 line100 col7 file0 depth0 extended_message Type 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' to 'NSArray *') message Type 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' to 'NSArray *') kindcontrol edges start line100 col3 file0 line100 col3 file0 end line107 col3 file0 line107 col3 file0 kindevent location line107 col3 file0 ranges line107 col17 file0 line107 col39 file0 depth0 extended_message Conversion from value of type 'NSNumber *' to incompatible type 'NSString *' message Conversion from value of type 'NSNumber *' to incompatible type 'NSString *' descriptionConversion from value of type 'NSNumber *' to incompatible type 'NSString *' categoryCore Foundation/Objective-C typeGenerics check_nameosx.cocoa.ObjCGenerics issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contexta6e6f9c2db7532f45c07d2c13bcf496b issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextincompatibleTypesErased issue_hash_function_offset8 location line107 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 106 107 path kindcontrol edges start line111 col3 file0 line111 col9 file0 end line111 col28 file0 line111 col40 file0 kindevent location line111 col28 file0 ranges line111 col28 file0 line111 col42 file0 depth0 extended_message Calling 'getTypedStuff' message Calling 'getTypedStuff' kindevent location line86 col1 file0 depth1 extended_message Entered call from 'crossProceduralErasedTypes' message Entered call from 'crossProceduralErasedTypes' kindcontrol edges start line86 col1 file0 line86 col7 file0 end line87 col3 file0 line87 col9 file0 kindevent location line87 col28 file0 ranges line87 col28 file0 line87 col37 file0 depth1 extended_message Type 'NSArray<NSNumber *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'NSArray *' to 'NSArray<NSNumber *> *') message Type 'NSArray<NSNumber *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'NSArray *' to 'NSArray<NSNumber *> *') kindcontrol edges start line87 col3 file0 line87 col9 file0 end line88 col3 file0 line88 col8 file0 kindevent location line111 col28 file0 ranges line111 col28 file0 line111 col42 file0 depth0 extended_message Returning from 'getTypedStuff' message Returning from 'getTypedStuff' kindevent location line111 col28 file0 ranges line111 col28 file0 line111 col42 file0 depth0 extended_message Conversion from value of type 'NSArray<NSNumber *> *' to incompatible type 'NSArray<NSString *> *' message Conversion from value of type 'NSArray<NSNumber *> *' to incompatible type 'NSArray<NSString *> *' descriptionConversion from value of type 'NSArray<NSNumber *> *' to incompatible type 'NSArray<NSString *> *' categoryCore Foundation/Objective-C typeGenerics check_nameosx.cocoa.ObjCGenerics issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context73523166e7c9e436da86a96fbd7b3d90 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextcrossProceduralErasedTypes issue_hash_function_offset1 location line111 col28 file0 ExecutedLines 0 86 87 88 110 111 path kindevent location line116 col7 file0 ranges line116 col7 file0 line116 col7 file0 depth0 extended_message Type 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'NSMutableArray *' to 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *') message Type 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'NSMutableArray *' to 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *') kindcontrol edges start line116 col3 file0 line116 col3 file0 end line119 col3 file0 line119 col9 file0 kindcontrol edges start line119 col3 file0 line119 col9 file0 end line119 col11 file0 line119 col11 file0 kindevent location line119 col11 file0 ranges line119 col11 file0 line119 col11 file0 depth0 extended_message Conversion from value of type 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'NSArray<NSNumber *> *' message Conversion from value of type 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'NSArray<NSNumber *> *' descriptionConversion from value of type 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'NSArray<NSNumber *> *' categoryCore Foundation/Objective-C typeGenerics check_nameosx.cocoa.ObjCGenerics issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context649d50ef4cf1287ed225396d39995361 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextincompatibleTypesErasedReverseConversion issue_hash_function_offset4 location line119 col11 file0 ExecutedLines 0 114 115 116 117 118 119 path kindevent location line116 col7 file0 ranges line116 col7 file0 line116 col7 file0 depth0 extended_message Type 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'NSMutableArray *' to 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *') message Type 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'NSMutableArray *' to 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *') kindcontrol edges start line116 col3 file0 line116 col3 file0 end line121 col3 file0 line121 col3 file0 kindevent location line121 col3 file0 ranges line121 col17 file0 line121 col39 file0 depth0 extended_message Conversion from value of type 'NSNumber *' to incompatible type 'NSString *' message Conversion from value of type 'NSNumber *' to incompatible type 'NSString *' descriptionConversion from value of type 'NSNumber *' to incompatible type 'NSString *' categoryCore Foundation/Objective-C typeGenerics check_nameosx.cocoa.ObjCGenerics issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contextd5cc413c71cae912d5ba469f8fa05ac3 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextincompatibleTypesErasedReverseConversion issue_hash_function_offset6 location line121 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 114 115 116 117 118 119 121 path kindevent location line125 col7 file0 ranges line125 col7 file0 line125 col7 file0 depth0 extended_message Type 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'id' to 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *') message Type 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'id' to 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *') kindcontrol edges start line125 col3 file0 line125 col3 file0 end line128 col3 file0 line128 col9 file0 kindcontrol edges start line128 col3 file0 line128 col9 file0 end line128 col11 file0 line128 col11 file0 kindevent location line128 col11 file0 ranges line128 col11 file0 line128 col11 file0 depth0 extended_message Conversion from value of type 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'NSArray<NSNumber *> *' message Conversion from value of type 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'NSArray<NSNumber *> *' descriptionConversion from value of type 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'NSArray<NSNumber *> *' categoryCore Foundation/Objective-C typeGenerics check_nameosx.cocoa.ObjCGenerics issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context36d360e268b9ebc2d70e160a15b9a186 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextidErasedIncompatibleTypesReverseConversion issue_hash_function_offset4 location line128 col11 file0 ExecutedLines 0 124 125 126 127 128 path kindevent location line125 col7 file0 ranges line125 col7 file0 line125 col7 file0 depth0 extended_message Type 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'id' to 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *') message Type 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'id' to 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *') kindcontrol edges start line125 col3 file0 line125 col3 file0 end line130 col3 file0 line130 col3 file0 kindevent location line130 col3 file0 ranges line130 col16 file0 line130 col38 file0 depth0 extended_message Conversion from value of type 'NSNumber *' to incompatible type 'NSString *' message Conversion from value of type 'NSNumber *' to incompatible type 'NSString *' descriptionConversion from value of type 'NSNumber *' to incompatible type 'NSString *' categoryCore Foundation/Objective-C typeGenerics check_nameosx.cocoa.ObjCGenerics issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contexta7326f4dedbc94e8fa1ee02d851e7810 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextidErasedIncompatibleTypesReverseConversion issue_hash_function_offset6 location line130 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 124 125 126 127 128 130 path kindevent location line135 col7 file0 ranges line135 col7 file0 line135 col7 file0 depth0 extended_message Type 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' to 'id') message Type 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' to 'id') kindcontrol edges start line135 col3 file0 line135 col3 file0 end line136 col3 file0 line136 col3 file0 kindcontrol edges start line136 col3 file0 line136 col3 file0 end line136 col7 file0 line136 col7 file0 kindevent location line136 col7 file0 ranges line136 col7 file0 line136 col7 file0 depth0 extended_message Conversion from value of type 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'NSArray<NSNumber *> *' message Conversion from value of type 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'NSArray<NSNumber *> *' descriptionConversion from value of type 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'NSArray<NSNumber *> *' categoryCore Foundation/Objective-C typeGenerics check_nameosx.cocoa.ObjCGenerics issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context2b09deaa8c501c7ce9edc693111bfab1 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextidErasedIncompatibleTypes issue_hash_function_offset2 location line136 col7 file0 ExecutedLines 0 133 134 135 136 path kindevent location line135 col7 file0 ranges line135 col7 file0 line135 col7 file0 depth0 extended_message Type 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' to 'id') message Type 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' to 'id') kindcontrol edges start line135 col3 file0 line135 col3 file0 end line139 col3 file0 line139 col9 file0 kindcontrol edges start line139 col3 file0 line139 col9 file0 end line139 col11 file0 line139 col11 file0 kindevent location line139 col11 file0 ranges line139 col11 file0 line139 col11 file0 depth0 extended_message Conversion from value of type 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'NSArray<NSNumber *> *' message Conversion from value of type 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'NSArray<NSNumber *> *' descriptionConversion from value of type 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'NSArray<NSNumber *> *' categoryCore Foundation/Objective-C typeGenerics check_nameosx.cocoa.ObjCGenerics issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contextbe4c414dad5574ca47577731eddc0adb issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextidErasedIncompatibleTypes issue_hash_function_offset5 location line139 col11 file0 ExecutedLines 0 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 path kindevent location line135 col7 file0 ranges line135 col7 file0 line135 col7 file0 depth0 extended_message Type 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' to 'id') message Type 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'NSMutableArray<NSString *> *' to 'id') kindcontrol edges start line135 col3 file0 line135 col3 file0 end line141 col3 file0 line141 col3 file0 kindevent location line141 col3 file0 ranges line141 col16 file0 line141 col38 file0 depth0 extended_message Conversion from value of type 'NSNumber *' to incompatible type 'NSString *' message Conversion from value of type 'NSNumber *' to incompatible type 'NSString *' descriptionConversion from value of type 'NSNumber *' to incompatible type 'NSString *' categoryCore Foundation/Objective-C typeGenerics check_nameosx.cocoa.ObjCGenerics issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contexte82f5d4de5cf484f9a352aaa72d0d69a issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextidErasedIncompatibleTypes issue_hash_function_offset7 location line141 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 141 path kindcontrol edges start line146 col3 file0 line146 col4 file0 end line146 col7 file0 line146 col16 file0 kindevent location line146 col7 file0 ranges line146 col7 file0 line146 col23 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming the condition is false message Assuming the condition is false kindcontrol edges start line146 col7 file0 line146 col16 file0 end line150 col5 file0 line150 col5 file0 kindevent location line150 col9 file0 ranges line150 col9 file0 line150 col9 file0 depth0 extended_message Type 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' to 'MutableArray *') message Type 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' to 'MutableArray *') kindcontrol edges start line150 col5 file0 line150 col5 file0 end line151 col5 file0 line151 col5 file0 kindcontrol edges start line151 col5 file0 line151 col5 file0 end line153 col3 file0 line153 col3 file0 kindevent location line153 col3 file0 ranges line153 col17 file0 line153 col39 file0 depth0 extended_message Conversion from value of type 'NSString *' to incompatible type 'NSMutableString *' message Conversion from value of type 'NSString *' to incompatible type 'NSMutableString *' descriptionConversion from value of type 'NSString *' to incompatible type 'NSMutableString *' categoryCore Foundation/Objective-C typeGenerics check_nameosx.cocoa.ObjCGenerics issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context60492def9369fa10adfd15698ccf13c8 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextpathSensitiveInference issue_hash_function_offset8 location line153 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 144 145 146 150 151 153 path kindevent location line158 col7 file0 ranges line158 col7 file0 line158 col7 file0 depth0 extended_message Type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'id' to 'MutableArray<NSString *> *') message Type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'id' to 'MutableArray<NSString *> *') kindcontrol edges start line158 col3 file0 line158 col3 file0 end line159 col3 file0 line159 col9 file0 kindcontrol edges start line159 col3 file0 line159 col9 file0 end line159 col11 file0 line159 col11 file0 kindevent location line159 col11 file0 ranges line159 col11 file0 line159 col11 file0 depth0 extended_message Conversion from value of type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'NSArray<NSNumber *> *' message Conversion from value of type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'NSArray<NSNumber *> *' descriptionConversion from value of type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'NSArray<NSNumber *> *' categoryCore Foundation/Objective-C typeGenerics check_nameosx.cocoa.ObjCGenerics issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context7912d07f44fc4afc8ebfc7466bccad59 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextverifyAPIusage issue_hash_function_offset2 location line159 col11 file0 ExecutedLines 0 157 158 159 path kindcontrol edges start line187 col3 file0 line187 col3 file0 end line188 col3 file0 line188 col3 file0 kindevent location line188 col7 file0 ranges line188 col7 file0 line188 col7 file0 depth0 extended_message Type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'id' to 'MutableArray<NSString *> *') message Type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'id' to 'MutableArray<NSString *> *') kindcontrol edges start line188 col3 file0 line188 col3 file0 end line189 col3 file0 line189 col3 file0 kindcontrol edges start line189 col3 file0 line189 col3 file0 end line189 col7 file0 line189 col7 file0 kindevent location line189 col7 file0 ranges line189 col7 file0 line189 col7 file0 depth0 extended_message Conversion from value of type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'MutableArray<NSNumber *> *' message Conversion from value of type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'MutableArray<NSNumber *> *' descriptionConversion from value of type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'MutableArray<NSNumber *> *' categoryCore Foundation/Objective-C typeGenerics check_nameosx.cocoa.ObjCGenerics issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contexte8cde4ad9693aa9a93cdec1f7af85d11 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextsubtypeOfGeneric issue_hash_function_offset3 location line189 col7 file0 ExecutedLines 0 184 185 186 187 188 189 path kindevent location line195 col7 file0 ranges line195 col7 file0 line195 col7 file0 depth0 extended_message Type 'ExceptionalArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'ExceptionalArray<NSString *> *' to 'id') message Type 'ExceptionalArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'ExceptionalArray<NSString *> *' to 'id') kindcontrol edges start line195 col3 file0 line195 col3 file0 end line199 col3 file0 line199 col3 file0 kindcontrol edges start line199 col3 file0 line199 col3 file0 end line199 col7 file0 line199 col7 file0 kindevent location line199 col7 file0 ranges line199 col7 file0 line199 col7 file0 depth0 extended_message Conversion from value of type 'ExceptionalArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'MutableArray<NSNumber *> *' message Conversion from value of type 'ExceptionalArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'MutableArray<NSNumber *> *' descriptionConversion from value of type 'ExceptionalArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'MutableArray<NSNumber *> *' categoryCore Foundation/Objective-C typeGenerics check_nameosx.cocoa.ObjCGenerics issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context104cf6a2b6571c090fe079bc8af0e791 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextgenericSubtypeOfGeneric issue_hash_function_offset5 location line199 col7 file0 ExecutedLines 0 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 path kindevent location line195 col7 file0 ranges line195 col7 file0 line195 col7 file0 depth0 extended_message Type 'ExceptionalArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'ExceptionalArray<NSString *> *' to 'id') message Type 'ExceptionalArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'ExceptionalArray<NSString *> *' to 'id') kindcontrol edges start line195 col3 file0 line195 col3 file0 end line201 col3 file0 line201 col3 file0 kindevent location line201 col3 file0 ranges line201 col17 file0 line201 col39 file0 depth0 extended_message Conversion from value of type 'NSNumber *' to incompatible type 'NSString *' message Conversion from value of type 'NSNumber *' to incompatible type 'NSString *' descriptionConversion from value of type 'NSNumber *' to incompatible type 'NSString *' categoryCore Foundation/Objective-C typeGenerics check_nameosx.cocoa.ObjCGenerics issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context45a05502f77ed21d04b722b40d5ee735 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextgenericSubtypeOfGeneric issue_hash_function_offset7 location line201 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 201 path kindevent location line207 col7 file0 ranges line207 col7 file0 line207 col7 file0 depth0 extended_message Type 'ExceptionalArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'id' to 'ExceptionalArray<NSString *> *') message Type 'ExceptionalArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'id' to 'ExceptionalArray<NSString *> *') kindcontrol edges start line207 col3 file0 line207 col3 file0 end line211 col3 file0 line211 col3 file0 kindcontrol edges start line211 col3 file0 line211 col3 file0 end line211 col7 file0 line211 col7 file0 kindevent location line211 col7 file0 ranges line211 col7 file0 line211 col7 file0 depth0 extended_message Conversion from value of type 'ExceptionalArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'MutableArray<NSNumber *> *' message Conversion from value of type 'ExceptionalArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'MutableArray<NSNumber *> *' descriptionConversion from value of type 'ExceptionalArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'MutableArray<NSNumber *> *' categoryCore Foundation/Objective-C typeGenerics check_nameosx.cocoa.ObjCGenerics issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context25579e3cacf6d5a4f9de130b2499ce5a issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextgenericSubtypeOfGenericReverse issue_hash_function_offset5 location line211 col7 file0 ExecutedLines 0 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 path kindevent location line207 col7 file0 ranges line207 col7 file0 line207 col7 file0 depth0 extended_message Type 'ExceptionalArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'id' to 'ExceptionalArray<NSString *> *') message Type 'ExceptionalArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'id' to 'ExceptionalArray<NSString *> *') kindcontrol edges start line207 col3 file0 line207 col3 file0 end line213 col2 file0 line213 col2 file0 kindevent location line213 col2 file0 ranges line213 col16 file0 line213 col38 file0 depth0 extended_message Conversion from value of type 'NSNumber *' to incompatible type 'NSString *' message Conversion from value of type 'NSNumber *' to incompatible type 'NSString *' descriptionConversion from value of type 'NSNumber *' to incompatible type 'NSString *' categoryCore Foundation/Objective-C typeGenerics check_nameosx.cocoa.ObjCGenerics issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contexte7fd3f40a1f32b768ff8fd227b6286fc issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextgenericSubtypeOfGenericReverse issue_hash_function_offset7 location line213 col2 file0 ExecutedLines 0 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 213 path kindevent location line219 col20 file0 ranges line219 col20 file0 line219 col20 file0 depth0 extended_message Type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'id' to 'MutableArray<NSString *> *') message Type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'id' to 'MutableArray<NSString *> *') kindcontrol edges start line219 col3 file0 line219 col18 file0 end line220 col3 file0 line220 col25 file0 kindcontrol edges start line220 col3 file0 line220 col25 file0 end line220 col27 file0 line220 col27 file0 kindevent location line220 col27 file0 ranges line220 col27 file0 line220 col27 file0 depth0 extended_message Conversion from value of type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' message Conversion from value of type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' descriptionConversion from value of type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' categoryCore Foundation/Objective-C typeGenerics check_nameosx.cocoa.ObjCGenerics issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context91cf30fc85309c3e637dcb5069c41104 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextinferenceFromAPI issue_hash_function_offset4 location line220 col27 file0 ExecutedLines 0 216 219 220 path kindevent location line224 col27 file0 ranges line224 col27 file0 line224 col27 file0 depth0 extended_message Type 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'id' to 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *') message Type 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'id' to 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *') kindcontrol edges start line224 col3 file0 line224 col25 file0 end line225 col3 file0 line225 col18 file0 kindcontrol edges start line225 col3 file0 line225 col18 file0 end line225 col20 file0 line225 col20 file0 kindevent location line225 col20 file0 ranges line225 col20 file0 line225 col20 file0 depth0 extended_message Conversion from value of type 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' to incompatible type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' message Conversion from value of type 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' to incompatible type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' descriptionConversion from value of type 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' to incompatible type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' categoryCore Foundation/Objective-C typeGenerics check_nameosx.cocoa.ObjCGenerics issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context610e79d566da3ecb481a4880918b869c issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextinferenceFromAPI2 issue_hash_function_offset2 location line225 col20 file0 ExecutedLines 0 223 224 225 path kindevent location line229 col27 file0 ranges line229 col27 file0 line229 col27 file0 depth0 extended_message Type 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'LegacyMutableArray *' to 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *') message Type 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'LegacyMutableArray *' to 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *') kindcontrol edges start line229 col3 file0 line229 col25 file0 end line230 col3 file0 line230 col18 file0 kindcontrol edges start line230 col3 file0 line230 col18 file0 end line230 col20 file0 line230 col20 file0 kindevent location line230 col20 file0 ranges line230 col20 file0 line230 col20 file0 depth0 extended_message Conversion from value of type 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' to incompatible type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' message Conversion from value of type 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' to incompatible type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' descriptionConversion from value of type 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' to incompatible type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' categoryCore Foundation/Objective-C typeGenerics check_nameosx.cocoa.ObjCGenerics issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contextb3733a88d560ed410d3f67027c26c948 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextinferenceFromAPIWithLegacyTypes issue_hash_function_offset2 location line230 col20 file0 ExecutedLines 0 228 229 230 path kindevent location line234 col20 file0 ranges line234 col20 file0 line234 col20 file0 depth0 extended_message Type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'LegacySpecialMutableArray *' to 'MutableArray<NSString *> *') message Type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'LegacySpecialMutableArray *' to 'MutableArray<NSString *> *') kindcontrol edges start line234 col3 file0 line234 col18 file0 end line235 col3 file0 line235 col25 file0 kindcontrol edges start line235 col3 file0 line235 col25 file0 end line235 col27 file0 line235 col27 file0 kindevent location line235 col27 file0 ranges line235 col27 file0 line235 col27 file0 depth0 extended_message Conversion from value of type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' message Conversion from value of type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' descriptionConversion from value of type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' categoryCore Foundation/Objective-C typeGenerics check_nameosx.cocoa.ObjCGenerics issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contexte8906c6b546d90ce508f20ebe236a825 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextinferenceFromAPIWithLegacyTypes2 issue_hash_function_offset2 location line235 col27 file0 ExecutedLines 0 233 234 235 path kindevent location line239 col27 file0 ranges line239 col27 file0 line239 col27 file0 depth0 extended_message Type 'NSArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from '__kindof NSArray<NSString *> *' to 'LegacyMutableArray *') message Type 'NSArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from '__kindof NSArray<NSString *> *' to 'LegacyMutableArray *') kindcontrol edges start line239 col3 file0 line239 col20 file0 end line240 col3 file0 line240 col18 file0 kindevent location line240 col20 file0 ranges line240 col20 file0 line240 col20 file0 depth0 extended_message Type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'LegacyMutableArray *' to 'MutableArray<NSString *> *') message Type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'LegacyMutableArray *' to 'MutableArray<NSString *> *') kindcontrol edges start line240 col3 file0 line240 col18 file0 end line241 col3 file0 line241 col25 file0 kindcontrol edges start line241 col3 file0 line241 col25 file0 end line241 col27 file0 line241 col27 file0 kindevent location line241 col27 file0 ranges line241 col27 file0 line241 col27 file0 depth0 extended_message Conversion from value of type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' message Conversion from value of type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' descriptionConversion from value of type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' categoryCore Foundation/Objective-C typeGenerics check_nameosx.cocoa.ObjCGenerics issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contextcb3213e9e4a71a8e5fe96c708c5e9537 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextinferenceFromAPIWithLegacyTypes3 issue_hash_function_offset3 location line241 col27 file0 ExecutedLines 0 238 239 240 241 path kindevent location line245 col20 file0 ranges line245 col20 file0 line245 col20 file0 depth0 extended_message Type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'BuggyMutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' to 'MutableArray<NSString *> *') message Type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'BuggyMutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' to 'MutableArray<NSString *> *') kindcontrol edges start line245 col3 file0 line245 col18 file0 end line246 col3 file0 line246 col25 file0 kindcontrol edges start line246 col3 file0 line246 col25 file0 end line246 col27 file0 line246 col27 file0 kindevent location line246 col27 file0 ranges line246 col27 file0 line246 col27 file0 depth0 extended_message Conversion from value of type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' message Conversion from value of type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' descriptionConversion from value of type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' categoryCore Foundation/Objective-C typeGenerics check_nameosx.cocoa.ObjCGenerics issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contextfdbece8e1da487f06bcc3586fdd3d6d7 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextinferenceFromAPIWithBuggyTypes issue_hash_function_offset2 location line246 col27 file0 ExecutedLines 0 244 245 246 path kindevent location line250 col27 file0 ranges line250 col27 file0 line250 col27 file0 depth0 extended_message Type 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'BuggySpecialMutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' to 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *') message Type 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'BuggySpecialMutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' to 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *') kindcontrol edges start line250 col3 file0 line250 col25 file0 end line251 col3 file0 line251 col18 file0 kindcontrol edges start line251 col3 file0 line251 col18 file0 end line251 col20 file0 line251 col20 file0 kindevent location line251 col20 file0 ranges line251 col20 file0 line251 col20 file0 depth0 extended_message Conversion from value of type 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' to incompatible type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' message Conversion from value of type 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' to incompatible type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' descriptionConversion from value of type 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' to incompatible type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' categoryCore Foundation/Objective-C typeGenerics check_nameosx.cocoa.ObjCGenerics issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context697e90b8d40d9eb42cc2955ba7916c56 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextInferenceFromAPIWithBuggyTypes2 issue_hash_function_offset2 location line251 col20 file0 ExecutedLines 0 249 250 251 path kindevent location line255 col10 file0 ranges line255 col10 file0 line255 col10 file0 depth0 extended_message Type 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' to 'id') message Type 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' to 'id') kindcontrol edges start line255 col3 file0 line255 col4 file0 end line256 col3 file0 line256 col25 file0 kindevent location line256 col27 file0 ranges line256 col27 file0 line256 col67 file0 depth0 extended_message Type 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'BuggyMutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' to 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *') message Type 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'BuggyMutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' to 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *') kindcontrol edges start line256 col3 file0 line256 col25 file0 end line257 col3 file0 line257 col18 file0 kindcontrol edges start line257 col3 file0 line257 col18 file0 end line257 col20 file0 line257 col20 file0 kindevent location line257 col20 file0 ranges line257 col20 file0 line257 col20 file0 depth0 extended_message Conversion from value of type 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' to incompatible type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' message Conversion from value of type 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' to incompatible type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' descriptionConversion from value of type 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' to incompatible type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' categoryCore Foundation/Objective-C typeGenerics check_nameosx.cocoa.ObjCGenerics issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context1f981347a159069ead84333d166397a1 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextInferenceFromAPIWithBuggyTypes3 issue_hash_function_offset3 location line257 col20 file0 ExecutedLines 0 254 255 256 257 path kindevent location line261 col45 file0 ranges line261 col45 file0 line261 col45 file0 depth0 extended_message Type 'NSArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from '__kindof NSArray<NSString *> *' to 'BuggyMutableArray<NSMutableString *> *') message Type 'NSArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from '__kindof NSArray<NSString *> *' to 'BuggyMutableArray<NSMutableString *> *') kindcontrol edges start line261 col3 file0 line261 col19 file0 end line262 col3 file0 line262 col18 file0 kindevent location line262 col20 file0 ranges line262 col20 file0 line262 col20 file0 depth0 extended_message Type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'BuggyMutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' to 'MutableArray<NSString *> *') message Type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'BuggyMutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' to 'MutableArray<NSString *> *') kindcontrol edges start line262 col3 file0 line262 col18 file0 end line263 col3 file0 line263 col25 file0 kindcontrol edges start line263 col3 file0 line263 col25 file0 end line263 col27 file0 line263 col27 file0 kindevent location line263 col27 file0 ranges line263 col27 file0 line263 col27 file0 depth0 extended_message Conversion from value of type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' message Conversion from value of type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' descriptionConversion from value of type 'MutableArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' categoryCore Foundation/Objective-C typeGenerics check_nameosx.cocoa.ObjCGenerics issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contextb7c763b701b33c32892c0f23719eb909 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextInferenceFromAPIWithBuggyTypes4 issue_hash_function_offset3 location line263 col27 file0 ExecutedLines 0 260 261 262 263 path kindcontrol edges start line275 col3 file0 line275 col9 file0 end line276 col3 file0 line276 col10 file0 kindcontrol edges start line276 col3 file0 line276 col10 file0 end line276 col19 file0 line276 col19 file0 kindevent location line276 col19 file0 ranges line276 col19 file0 line276 col38 file0 depth0 extended_message Type 'NSNumber *' is inferred from this context message Type 'NSNumber *' is inferred from this context kindevent location line276 col19 file0 ranges line276 col19 file0 line276 col38 file0 depth0 extended_message Object has a dynamic type 'NSNumber *' which is incompatible with static type 'NSString *' message Object has a dynamic type 'NSNumber *' which is incompatible with static type 'NSString *' descriptionObject has a dynamic type 'NSNumber *' which is incompatible with static type 'NSString *' categoryType Error typeDynamic and static type mismatch check_namealpha.core.DynamicTypeChecker issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context2e9f738345d9fa7dae2324ff7accd1ae issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextworkWithProperties issue_hash_function_offset2 location line276 col19 file0 ExecutedLines 0 274 275 276 path kindcontrol edges start line275 col3 file0 line275 col9 file0 end line278 col3 file0 line278 col5 file0 kindcontrol edges start line278 col3 file0 line278 col5 file0 end line278 col9 file0 line278 col9 file0 kindevent location line278 col9 file0 ranges line278 col9 file0 line278 col23 file0 depth0 extended_message Type 'NSNumber *' is inferred from this context message Type 'NSNumber *' is inferred from this context kindevent location line278 col9 file0 ranges line278 col9 file0 line278 col23 file0 depth0 extended_message Object has a dynamic type 'NSNumber *' which is incompatible with static type 'NSString *' message Object has a dynamic type 'NSNumber *' which is incompatible with static type 'NSString *' descriptionObject has a dynamic type 'NSNumber *' which is incompatible with static type 'NSString *' categoryType Error typeDynamic and static type mismatch check_namealpha.core.DynamicTypeChecker issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contextd85392b4efadf710b8da65a043a65e24 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextworkWithProperties issue_hash_function_offset4 location line278 col9 file0 ExecutedLines 0 274 275 276 277 278 path kindcontrol edges start line275 col3 file0 line275 col9 file0 end line280 col3 file0 line280 col5 file0 kindcontrol edges start line280 col3 file0 line280 col5 file0 end line280 col11 file0 line280 col21 file0 kindevent location line280 col11 file0 ranges line280 col11 file0 line280 col21 file0 depth0 extended_message Type 'NSNumber *' is inferred from this context message Type 'NSNumber *' is inferred from this context kindevent location line280 col9 file0 ranges line280 col9 file0 line280 col21 file0 depth0 extended_message Object has a dynamic type 'NSNumber *' which is incompatible with static type 'NSString *' message Object has a dynamic type 'NSNumber *' which is incompatible with static type 'NSString *' descriptionObject has a dynamic type 'NSNumber *' which is incompatible with static type 'NSString *' categoryType Error typeDynamic and static type mismatch check_namealpha.core.DynamicTypeChecker issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context456c6227549a5e577088c9dce4cea452 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextworkWithProperties issue_hash_function_offset6 location line280 col9 file0 ExecutedLines 0 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 path kindcontrol edges start line275 col3 file0 line275 col9 file0 end line282 col3 file0 line282 col5 file0 kindcontrol edges start line282 col3 file0 line282 col5 file0 end line282 col9 file0 line282 col9 file0 kindevent location line282 col9 file0 ranges line282 col9 file0 line282 col9 file0 depth0 extended_message Type 'NSNumber *' is inferred from this context message Type 'NSNumber *' is inferred from this context kindevent location line282 col9 file0 ranges line282 col9 file0 line282 col12 file0 depth0 extended_message Object has a dynamic type 'NSNumber *' which is incompatible with static type 'NSString *' message Object has a dynamic type 'NSNumber *' which is incompatible with static type 'NSString *' descriptionObject has a dynamic type 'NSNumber *' which is incompatible with static type 'NSString *' categoryType Error typeDynamic and static type mismatch check_namealpha.core.DynamicTypeChecker issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contextdf7f090d2b72ac07bc2351177ed6552d issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextworkWithProperties issue_hash_function_offset8 location line282 col9 file0 ExecutedLines 0 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 path kindevent location line288 col7 file0 ranges line288 col7 file0 line288 col7 file0 depth0 extended_message Type 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' to 'NSArray<NSMutableString *> *') message Type 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' to 'NSArray<NSMutableString *> *') kindcontrol edges start line288 col3 file0 line288 col3 file0 end line289 col3 file0 line289 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line289 col3 file0 line289 col4 file0 end line289 col7 file0 line289 col16 file0 kindevent location line289 col7 file0 ranges line289 col7 file0 line289 col23 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming the condition is true message Assuming the condition is true kindcontrol edges start line289 col7 file0 line289 col16 file0 end line290 col5 file0 line290 col5 file0 kindcontrol edges start line290 col5 file0 line290 col5 file0 end line291 col5 file0 line291 col5 file0 kindevent location line291 col5 file0 ranges line291 col19 file0 line291 col41 file0 depth0 extended_message Conversion from value of type 'NSString *' to incompatible type 'NSMutableString *' message Conversion from value of type 'NSString *' to incompatible type 'NSMutableString *' descriptionConversion from value of type 'NSString *' to incompatible type 'NSMutableString *' categoryCore Foundation/Objective-C typeGenerics check_nameosx.cocoa.ObjCGenerics issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contextd2e2edac5234dd2750793699662fe372 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextfindMethodDeclInTrackedType issue_hash_function_offset4 location line291 col5 file0 ExecutedLines 0 286 287 288 289 290 291 path kindevent location line300 col7 file0 ranges line300 col7 file0 line300 col7 file0 depth0 extended_message Type 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' to '__kindof NSArray<NSString *> *') message Type 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'MutableArray<NSMutableString *> *' to '__kindof NSArray<NSString *> *') kindcontrol edges start line300 col3 file0 line300 col3 file0 end line301 col3 file0 line301 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line301 col3 file0 line301 col4 file0 end line301 col7 file0 line301 col16 file0 kindevent location line301 col7 file0 ranges line301 col7 file0 line301 col23 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming the condition is true message Assuming the condition is true kindcontrol edges start line301 col7 file0 line301 col16 file0 end line302 col5 file0 line302 col5 file0 kindevent location line302 col5 file0 ranges line302 col19 file0 line302 col41 file0 depth0 extended_message Conversion from value of type 'NSString *' to incompatible type 'NSMutableString *' message Conversion from value of type 'NSString *' to incompatible type 'NSMutableString *' descriptionConversion from value of type 'NSString *' to incompatible type 'NSMutableString *' categoryCore Foundation/Objective-C typeGenerics check_nameosx.cocoa.ObjCGenerics issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context3bf8676fa507b66d643659571359abb9 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextfindMethodDeclInTrackedType2 issue_hash_function_offset3 location line302 col5 file0 ExecutedLines 0 298 299 300 301 302 path kindcontrol edges start line326 col3 file0 line326 col7 file0 end line327 col3 file0 line327 col9 file0 kindcontrol edges start line327 col3 file0 line327 col9 file0 end line327 col28 file0 line327 col28 file0 kindevent location line327 col28 file0 ranges line327 col28 file0 line327 col39 file0 depth0 extended_message Type 'NSArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from this context message Type 'NSArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from this context kindevent location line327 col28 file0 ranges line327 col28 file0 line327 col39 file0 depth0 extended_message Conversion from value of type 'NSArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'NSArray<NSNumber *> *' message Conversion from value of type 'NSArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'NSArray<NSNumber *> *' descriptionConversion from value of type 'NSArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'NSArray<NSNumber *> *' categoryCore Foundation/Objective-C typeGenerics check_nameosx.cocoa.ObjCGenerics issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context8a15a02f23d0fe7c9bf9870b2b6058e4 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttrackedClassVariables issue_hash_function_offset2 location line327 col28 file0 ExecutedLines 0 325 326 327 path kindcontrol edges start line326 col3 file0 line326 col7 file0 end line328 col3 file0 line328 col3 file0 kindcontrol edges start line328 col3 file0 line328 col3 file0 end line328 col7 file0 line328 col7 file0 kindevent location line328 col7 file0 ranges line328 col7 file0 line328 col19 file0 depth0 extended_message Type 'NSArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from this context message Type 'NSArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from this context kindevent location line328 col7 file0 ranges line328 col7 file0 line328 col19 file0 depth0 extended_message Conversion from value of type 'NSArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'NSArray<NSNumber *> *' message Conversion from value of type 'NSArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'NSArray<NSNumber *> *' descriptionConversion from value of type 'NSArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'NSArray<NSNumber *> *' categoryCore Foundation/Objective-C typeGenerics check_nameosx.cocoa.ObjCGenerics issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context020a563323ed1afc8f25c3dbb0ae9787 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttrackedClassVariables issue_hash_function_offset3 location line328 col7 file0 ExecutedLines 0 325 326 327 328 path kindevent location line332 col13 file0 ranges line332 col13 file0 line332 col15 file0 depth0 extended_message Type 'NSArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'NSArray<NSString *> *' to 'id') message Type 'NSArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'NSArray<NSString *> *' to 'id') kindcontrol edges start line332 col3 file0 line332 col4 file0 end line333 col3 file0 line333 col3 file0 kindcontrol edges start line333 col3 file0 line333 col3 file0 end line333 col18 file0 line333 col21 file0 kindevent location line333 col18 file0 ranges line333 col18 file0 line333 col21 file0 depth0 extended_message Conversion from value of type 'NSArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'NSArray<NSNumber *> *' message Conversion from value of type 'NSArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'NSArray<NSNumber *> *' descriptionConversion from value of type 'NSArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'NSArray<NSNumber *> *' categoryCore Foundation/Objective-C typeGenerics check_nameosx.cocoa.ObjCGenerics issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contextcd7ff0a199876a9291a9feb137c251cf issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextnestedCollections issue_hash_function_offset2 location line333 col18 file0 ExecutedLines 0 331 332 333 path kindcontrol edges start line345 col3 file0 line345 col9 file0 end line346 col3 file0 line346 col4 file0 kindevent location line346 col10 file0 ranges line346 col10 file0 line346 col29 file0 depth0 extended_message Type 'NSArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from this context message Type 'NSArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from this context kindcontrol edges start line346 col3 file0 line346 col4 file0 end line347 col3 file0 line347 col9 file0 kindcontrol edges start line347 col3 file0 line347 col9 file0 end line347 col30 file0 line347 col30 file0 kindevent location line347 col30 file0 ranges line347 col30 file0 line347 col30 file0 depth0 extended_message Conversion from value of type 'NSArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'NSArray<NSNumber *> *' message Conversion from value of type 'NSArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'NSArray<NSNumber *> *' descriptionConversion from value of type 'NSArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'NSArray<NSNumber *> *' categoryCore Foundation/Objective-C typeGenerics check_nameosx.cocoa.ObjCGenerics issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context8ba10666e1dab5d0a5bdc4f6e16aeb63 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextreturnCollectionToIdVariable issue_hash_function_offset3 location line347 col30 file0 ExecutedLines 0 344 345 346 347 path kindcontrol edges start line351 col3 file0 line351 col9 file0 end line352 col3 file0 line352 col9 file0 kindevent location line352 col16 file0 ranges line352 col16 file0 line352 col35 file0 depth0 extended_message Type 'NSArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from this context message Type 'NSArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from this context kindcontrol edges start line352 col3 file0 line352 col9 file0 end line353 col3 file0 line353 col9 file0 kindcontrol edges start line353 col3 file0 line353 col9 file0 end line353 col30 file0 line353 col30 file0 kindevent location line353 col30 file0 ranges line353 col30 file0 line353 col30 file0 depth0 extended_message Conversion from value of type 'NSArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'NSArray<NSNumber *> *' message Conversion from value of type 'NSArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'NSArray<NSNumber *> *' descriptionConversion from value of type 'NSArray<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'NSArray<NSNumber *> *' categoryCore Foundation/Objective-C typeGenerics check_nameosx.cocoa.ObjCGenerics issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contextbf63c6bdf68630cd020bb73e195e1df3 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexteraseSpecialization issue_hash_function_offset3 location line353 col30 file0 ExecutedLines 0 350 351 352 353 path kindcontrol edges start line357 col3 file0 line357 col9 file0 end line358 col3 file0 line358 col7 file0 kindcontrol edges start line358 col3 file0 line358 col7 file0 end line358 col14 file0 line358 col14 file0 kindevent location line358 col14 file0 ranges line358 col14 file0 line358 col33 file0 depth0 extended_message Type 'NSArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from this context message Type 'NSArray<NSString *> *' is inferred from this context kindevent location line358 col14 file0 ranges line358 col14 file0 line358 col33 file0 depth0 extended_message Object has a dynamic type 'NSArray<NSString *> *' which is incompatible with static type 'NSSet *' message Object has a dynamic type 'NSArray<NSString *> *' which is incompatible with static type 'NSSet *' descriptionObject has a dynamic type 'NSArray<NSString *> *' which is incompatible with static type 'NSSet *' categoryType Error typeDynamic and static type mismatch check_namealpha.core.DynamicTypeChecker issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contextbe6714fed24af6e7ac522b87a5098de0 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextreturnToUnrelatedType issue_hash_function_offset2 location line358 col14 file0 ExecutedLines 0 356 357 358 path kindcontrol edges start line363 col3 file0 line363 col9 file0 end line364 col3 file0 line364 col4 file0 kindevent location line364 col10 file0 ranges line364 col10 file0 line364 col29 file0 depth0 extended_message Type 'NSString *' is inferred from this context message Type 'NSString *' is inferred from this context kindcontrol edges start line364 col3 file0 line364 col4 file0 end line365 col3 file0 line365 col10 file0 kindcontrol edges start line365 col3 file0 line365 col10 file0 end line365 col19 file0 line365 col19 file0 kindevent location line365 col19 file0 ranges line365 col19 file0 line365 col19 file0 depth0 extended_message Object has a dynamic type 'NSString *' which is incompatible with static type 'NSNumber *' message Object has a dynamic type 'NSString *' which is incompatible with static type 'NSNumber *' descriptionObject has a dynamic type 'NSString *' which is incompatible with static type 'NSNumber *' categoryType Error typeDynamic and static type mismatch check_namealpha.core.DynamicTypeChecker issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context5e96ef711c8f115bc64f69baa3f6ea7a issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextreturnToIdVariable issue_hash_function_offset3 location line365 col19 file0 ExecutedLines 0 362 363 364 365 path kindevent location line374 col12 file0 ranges line374 col12 file0 line374 col12 file0 depth0 extended_message Type 'UnrelatedTypeGeneric<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'UnrelatedTypeGeneric<NSString *> *' to 'id') message Type 'UnrelatedTypeGeneric<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'UnrelatedTypeGeneric<NSString *> *' to 'id') kindcontrol edges start line374 col3 file0 line374 col4 file0 end line375 col3 file0 line375 col3 file0 kindcontrol edges start line375 col3 file0 line375 col3 file0 end line375 col7 file0 line375 col9 file0 kindevent location line375 col7 file0 ranges line375 col7 file0 line375 col9 file0 depth0 extended_message Conversion from value of type 'UnrelatedTypeGeneric<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'NSArray<NSString *> *' message Conversion from value of type 'UnrelatedTypeGeneric<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'NSArray<NSString *> *' descriptionConversion from value of type 'UnrelatedTypeGeneric<NSString *> *' to incompatible type 'NSArray<NSString *> *' categoryCore Foundation/Objective-C typeGenerics check_nameosx.cocoa.ObjCGenerics issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context4cf120bb70d4c304368bb36b4ee7bb49 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttestGetMostInformativeDerivedForId issue_hash_function_offset2 location line375 col7 file0 ExecutedLines 0 372 373 374 375 path kindevent location line374 col12 file0 ranges line374 col12 file0 line374 col12 file0 depth0 extended_message Type 'UnrelatedTypeGeneric<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'UnrelatedTypeGeneric<NSString *> *' to 'id') message Type 'UnrelatedTypeGeneric<NSString *> *' is inferred from implicit cast (from 'UnrelatedTypeGeneric<NSString *> *' to 'id') kindcontrol edges start line374 col3 file0 line374 col4 file0 end line380 col3 file0 line380 col3 file0 kindevent location line380 col3 file0 ranges line380 col16 file0 line380 col38 file0 depth0 extended_message Conversion from value of type 'NSNumber *' to incompatible type 'NSString *' message Conversion from value of type 'NSNumber *' to incompatible type 'NSString *' descriptionConversion from value of type 'NSNumber *' to incompatible type 'NSString *' categoryCore Foundation/Objective-C typeGenerics check_nameosx.cocoa.ObjCGenerics issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contextc25b5be7d87537d862f7b1eabeb79678 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttestGetMostInformativeDerivedForId issue_hash_function_offset7 location line380 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 372 373 374 375 379 380 path kindcontrol edges start line389 col3 file0 line389 col9 file0 end line391 col3 file0 line391 col9 file0 kindcontrol edges start line391 col3 file0 line391 col9 file0 end line391 col70 file0 line391 col79 file0 kindevent location line391 col70 file0 ranges line391 col70 file0 line391 col79 file0 depth0 extended_message Object has a dynamic type 'NSNumber *' which is incompatible with static type 'NSString *' message Object has a dynamic type 'NSNumber *' which is incompatible with static type 'NSString *' descriptionObject has a dynamic type 'NSNumber *' which is incompatible with static type 'NSString *' categoryType Error typeDynamic and static type mismatch check_namealpha.core.DynamicTypeChecker issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context56326e7b73d049256717eba7005ccc4d issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttestArgumentAfterUpcastWithCovariantTypeParameter issue_hash_function_offset3 location line391 col70 file0 ExecutedLines 0 388 389 390 391 files