clang_version diagnostics path kindevent location line47 col15 file0 ranges line47 col15 file0 line47 col37 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns an instance of NSObject with a +1 retain count message Method returns an instance of NSObject with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line47 col3 file0 line47 col4 file0 end line48 col3 file0 line48 col8 file0 kindevent location line48 col3 file0 ranges line48 col3 file0 line48 col8 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'leaked' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'leaked' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'leaked' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contextd21e9660cc6434ef84a51f39ffcdce86 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextcreationViaAlloc issue_hash_function_offset1 location line48 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 46 47 48 path kindevent location line52 col22 file0 ranges line52 col22 file0 line52 col40 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'CFCreateSomething' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFTypeRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'CFCreateSomething' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFTypeRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line52 col3 file0 line52 col11 file0 end line53 col3 file0 line53 col8 file0 kindevent location line53 col3 file0 ranges line53 col3 file0 line53 col8 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'leaked' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'leaked' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'leaked' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contextf8ec2601a04113e567aa1d09c9902c91 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextcreationViaCFCreate issue_hash_function_offset1 location line53 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 51 52 53 path kindevent location line57 col15 file0 ranges line57 col15 file0 line57 col35 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns an Objective-C object with a +0 retain count message Method returns an Objective-C object with a +0 retain count kindcontrol edges start line57 col3 file0 line57 col4 file0 end line58 col3 file0 line58 col3 file0 kindevent location line58 col3 file0 ranges line58 col3 file0 line58 col17 file0 line58 col4 file0 line58 col9 file0 depth0 extended_message Reference count incremented. The object now has a +1 retain count message Reference count incremented. The object now has a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line58 col3 file0 line58 col3 file0 end line59 col3 file0 line59 col3 file0 kindevent location line59 col3 file0 ranges line59 col3 file0 line59 col17 file0 line59 col4 file0 line59 col9 file0 depth0 extended_message Reference count incremented. The object now has a +2 retain count message Reference count incremented. The object now has a +2 retain count kindcontrol edges start line59 col3 file0 line59 col3 file0 end line60 col3 file0 line60 col3 file0 kindevent location line60 col3 file0 ranges line60 col3 file0 line60 col18 file0 line60 col4 file0 line60 col9 file0 depth0 extended_message Reference count decremented. The object now has a +1 retain count message Reference count decremented. The object now has a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line60 col3 file0 line60 col3 file0 end line61 col3 file0 line61 col8 file0 kindevent location line61 col3 file0 ranges line61 col3 file0 line61 col8 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'leaked' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'leaked' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'leaked' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contextdd26a8ad9a7a057feaa636974b43ccb0 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextacquisitionViaMethod issue_hash_function_offset1 location line61 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 56 57 58 59 60 61 path kindevent location line65 col19 file0 ranges line65 col19 file0 line65 col31 file0 depth0 extended_message Property returns an Objective-C object with a +0 retain count message Property returns an Objective-C object with a +0 retain count kindcontrol edges start line65 col3 file0 line65 col4 file0 end line66 col3 file0 line66 col3 file0 kindevent location line66 col3 file0 ranges line66 col3 file0 line66 col17 file0 line66 col4 file0 line66 col9 file0 depth0 extended_message Reference count incremented. The object now has a +1 retain count message Reference count incremented. The object now has a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line66 col3 file0 line66 col3 file0 end line67 col3 file0 line67 col8 file0 kindevent location line67 col3 file0 ranges line67 col3 file0 line67 col8 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'leaked' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'leaked' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'leaked' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context2f2de5d7fe728958585598b619069e5a issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextacquisitionViaProperty issue_hash_function_offset1 location line67 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 64 65 66 67 path kindevent location line71 col22 file0 ranges line71 col22 file0 line71 col37 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'CFGetSomething' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFTypeRef' with a +0 retain count message Call to function 'CFGetSomething' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFTypeRef' with a +0 retain count kindcontrol edges start line71 col3 file0 line71 col11 file0 end line72 col3 file0 line72 col10 file0 kindevent location line72 col3 file0 ranges line72 col3 file0 line72 col18 file0 line72 col12 file0 line72 col17 file0 depth0 extended_message Reference count incremented. The object now has a +1 retain count message Reference count incremented. The object now has a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line72 col3 file0 line72 col10 file0 end line73 col3 file0 line73 col8 file0 kindevent location line73 col3 file0 ranges line73 col3 file0 line73 col8 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'leaked' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'leaked' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'leaked' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context1c02b65e83dad1b22270ff5a71de3118 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextacquisitionViaCFFunction issue_hash_function_offset1 location line73 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 70 71 72 73 path kindevent location line77 col15 file0 ranges line77 col15 file0 line77 col37 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns an instance of NSObject with a +1 retain count message Method returns an instance of NSObject with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line77 col3 file0 line77 col4 file0 end line78 col3 file0 line78 col3 file0 kindevent location line78 col3 file0 ranges line78 col3 file0 line78 col18 file0 line78 col4 file0 line78 col9 file0 depth0 extended_message Object released by directly sending the '-dealloc' message message Object released by directly sending the '-dealloc' message kindcontrol edges start line78 col3 file0 line78 col3 file0 end line79 col3 file0 line79 col3 file0 kindevent location line79 col3 file0 ranges line79 col4 file0 line79 col9 file0 depth0 extended_message Reference-counted object is used after it is released message Reference-counted object is used after it is released descriptionReference-counted object is used after it is released categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeUse-after-release check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context03c23f0f82d7f2fd880a22e0d9cf14b9 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextexplicitDealloc issue_hash_function_offset3 location line79 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 76 77 78 79 path kindevent location line83 col15 file0 ranges line83 col15 file0 line83 col37 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns an instance of NSObject with a +1 retain count message Method returns an instance of NSObject with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line83 col3 file0 line83 col4 file0 end line84 col3 file0 line84 col3 file0 kindevent location line84 col3 file0 ranges line84 col3 file0 line84 col18 file0 line84 col4 file0 line84 col9 file0 depth0 extended_message Object released message Object released kindcontrol edges start line84 col3 file0 line84 col3 file0 end line85 col3 file0 line85 col3 file0 kindevent location line85 col3 file0 ranges line85 col4 file0 line85 col9 file0 depth0 extended_message Reference-counted object is used after it is released message Reference-counted object is used after it is released descriptionReference-counted object is used after it is released categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeUse-after-release check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context6f1b3f0c6c7f79f1af9b313273a01e92 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextimplicitDealloc issue_hash_function_offset3 location line85 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 82 83 84 85 path kindevent location line89 col15 file0 ranges line89 col15 file0 line89 col37 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns an instance of NSObject with a +1 retain count message Method returns an instance of NSObject with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line89 col3 file0 line89 col4 file0 end line90 col3 file0 line90 col3 file0 kindevent location line90 col3 file0 ranges line90 col3 file0 line90 col22 file0 line90 col4 file0 line90 col9 file0 depth0 extended_message Object autoreleased message Object autoreleased kindcontrol edges start line90 col3 file0 line90 col3 file0 end line91 col3 file0 line91 col3 file0 kindevent location line91 col3 file0 ranges line91 col3 file0 line91 col22 file0 line91 col4 file0 line91 col9 file0 depth0 extended_message Object autoreleased message Object autoreleased kindcontrol edges start line91 col3 file0 line91 col3 file0 end line92 col3 file0 line92 col8 file0 kindevent location line92 col3 file0 ranges line92 col3 file0 line92 col8 file0 depth0 extended_message Object was autoreleased 2 times but the object has a +1 retain count message Object was autoreleased 2 times but the object has a +1 retain count descriptionObject autoreleased too many times categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeObject autoreleased too many times check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contextcb5e4205a8f925230a70715914a2e3d2 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextoverAutorelease issue_hash_function_offset4 location line92 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 88 89 90 91 92 path kindevent location line96 col19 file0 ranges line96 col19 file0 line96 col31 file0 depth0 extended_message Property returns an Objective-C object with a +0 retain count message Property returns an Objective-C object with a +0 retain count kindcontrol edges start line96 col3 file0 line96 col4 file0 end line97 col3 file0 line97 col3 file0 kindevent location line97 col3 file0 ranges line97 col3 file0 line97 col22 file0 line97 col4 file0 line97 col9 file0 depth0 extended_message Object autoreleased message Object autoreleased kindcontrol edges start line97 col3 file0 line97 col3 file0 end line98 col3 file0 line98 col8 file0 kindevent location line98 col3 file0 ranges line98 col3 file0 line98 col8 file0 depth0 extended_message Object was autoreleased but has a +0 retain count message Object was autoreleased but has a +0 retain count descriptionObject autoreleased too many times categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeObject autoreleased too many times check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context1edd178e5ad76c79ce9812f519e8f467 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextautoreleaseUnowned issue_hash_function_offset3 location line98 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 95 96 97 98 path kindevent location line102 col22 file0 ranges line102 col22 file0 line102 col40 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'CFCreateSomething' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFTypeRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'CFCreateSomething' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFTypeRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line102 col3 file0 line102 col11 file0 end line105 col3 file0 line105 col8 file0 kindevent location line105 col3 file0 ranges line105 col3 file0 line105 col8 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'leaked' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'leaked' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'leaked' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context3f08690fae9687c29bb23b7a7cb7995b issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextmakeCollectableIgnored issue_hash_function_offset1 location line105 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 101 102 103 104 105 path kindevent location line109 col22 file0 ranges line109 col22 file0 line109 col37 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'CFGetSomething' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFTypeRef' with a +0 retain count message Call to function 'CFGetSomething' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFTypeRef' with a +0 retain count kindcontrol edges start line109 col3 file0 line109 col11 file0 end line110 col3 file0 line110 col8 file0 kindevent location line110 col3 file0 ranges line110 col3 file0 line110 col15 file0 depth0 extended_message Object with a +0 retain count returned to caller where a +1 (owning) retain count is expected message Object with a +0 retain count returned to caller where a +1 (owning) retain count is expected descriptionObject with a +0 retain count returned to caller where a +1 (owning) retain count is expected categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeMethod should return an owned object check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context4b621ab5f8f2ef9240699119f4d874cb issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextCFCopyRuleViolation issue_hash_function_offset2 location line110 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 108 109 110 path kindevent location line114 col22 file0 ranges line114 col22 file0 line114 col40 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'CFCreateSomething' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFTypeRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'CFCreateSomething' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFTypeRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line114 col3 file0 line114 col11 file0 end line115 col3 file0 line115 col8 file0 kindevent location line115 col3 file0 ranges line115 col3 file0 line115 col15 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'object' is returned from a function whose name ('CFGetRuleViolation') does not contain 'Copy' or 'Create'. This violates the naming convention rules given in the Memory Management Guide for Core Foundation message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'object' is returned from a function whose name ('CFGetRuleViolation') does not contain 'Copy' or 'Create'. This violates the naming convention rules given in the Memory Management Guide for Core Foundation descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'object' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak of returned object check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context5248d2310322982d02e5f3d564249b4f issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextCFGetRuleViolation issue_hash_function_offset1 location line115 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 113 114 115 path kindevent location line120 col20 file0 ranges line120 col20 file0 line120 col32 file0 depth0 extended_message Property returns an Objective-C object with a +0 retain count message Property returns an Objective-C object with a +0 retain count kindcontrol edges start line120 col3 file0 line120 col4 file0 end line121 col3 file0 line121 col8 file0 kindevent location line121 col3 file0 ranges line121 col3 file0 line121 col15 file0 depth0 extended_message Object with a +0 retain count returned to caller where a +1 (owning) retain count is expected message Object with a +0 retain count returned to caller where a +1 (owning) retain count is expected descriptionObject with a +0 retain count returned to caller where a +1 (owning) retain count is expected categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeMethod should return an owned object check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context4f23ad2725fb68134cec8b8354cd295c issue_context_kindObjective-C method issue_contextcopyViolation issue_hash_function_offset2 location line121 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 119 120 121 path kindevent location line125 col15 file0 ranges line125 col15 file0 line125 col18 file0 depth0 extended_message Subscript returns an Objective-C object with a +0 retain count message Subscript returns an Objective-C object with a +0 retain count kindcontrol edges start line125 col3 file0 line125 col4 file0 end line126 col3 file0 line126 col8 file0 kindevent location line126 col3 file0 ranges line126 col3 file0 line126 col15 file0 depth0 extended_message Object with a +0 retain count returned to caller where a +1 (owning) retain count is expected message Object with a +0 retain count returned to caller where a +1 (owning) retain count is expected descriptionObject with a +0 retain count returned to caller where a +1 (owning) retain count is expected categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeMethod should return an owned object check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contextda1dab126ed46b144040160ae8628460 issue_context_kindObjective-C method issue_contextcopyViolationIndexedSubscript issue_hash_function_offset2 location line126 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 124 125 126 path kindevent location line130 col15 file0 ranges line130 col15 file0 line130 col18 file0 depth0 extended_message Subscript returns an Objective-C object with a +0 retain count message Subscript returns an Objective-C object with a +0 retain count kindcontrol edges start line130 col3 file0 line130 col4 file0 end line131 col3 file0 line131 col8 file0 kindevent location line131 col3 file0 ranges line131 col3 file0 line131 col15 file0 depth0 extended_message Object with a +0 retain count returned to caller where a +1 (owning) retain count is expected message Object with a +0 retain count returned to caller where a +1 (owning) retain count is expected descriptionObject with a +0 retain count returned to caller where a +1 (owning) retain count is expected categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeMethod should return an owned object check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context52877f9471b1ecdaf213b39016b84e52 issue_context_kindObjective-C method issue_contextcopyViolationKeyedSubscript issue_hash_function_offset2 location line131 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 129 130 131 path kindevent location line135 col15 file0 ranges line135 col15 file0 line135 col32 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns an instance of Foo with a +1 retain count message Method returns an instance of Foo with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line135 col3 file0 line135 col4 file0 end line136 col3 file0 line136 col8 file0 kindevent location line136 col3 file0 ranges line136 col3 file0 line136 col15 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'result' is returned from a method whose name ('getViolation') does not start with 'copy', 'mutableCopy', 'alloc' or 'new'. This violates the naming convention rules given in the Memory Management Guide for Cocoa message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'result' is returned from a method whose name ('getViolation') does not start with 'copy', 'mutableCopy', 'alloc' or 'new'. This violates the naming convention rules given in the Memory Management Guide for Cocoa descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'result' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak of returned object check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contextcf8c65a18ad9982cb9848a266cd9c61b issue_context_kindObjective-C method issue_contextgetViolation issue_hash_function_offset1 location line136 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 134 135 136 path kindevent location line140 col15 file0 ranges line140 col15 file0 line140 col32 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns an instance of Foo with a +1 retain count message Method returns an instance of Foo with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line140 col3 file0 line140 col4 file0 end line141 col3 file0 line141 col3 file0 kindevent location line141 col3 file0 ranges line141 col3 file0 line141 col22 file0 line141 col4 file0 line141 col9 file0 depth0 extended_message Object autoreleased message Object autoreleased kindcontrol edges start line141 col3 file0 line141 col3 file0 end line142 col3 file0 line142 col8 file0 kindevent location line142 col3 file0 ranges line142 col3 file0 line142 col15 file0 depth0 extended_message Object with a +0 retain count returned to caller where a +1 (owning) retain count is expected message Object with a +0 retain count returned to caller where a +1 (owning) retain count is expected descriptionObject with a +0 retain count returned to caller where a +1 (owning) retain count is expected categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeMethod should return an owned object check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contexte7b798151545b45a994592df0d27d250 issue_context_kindObjective-C method issue_contextcopyAutorelease issue_hash_function_offset3 location line142 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 139 140 141 142 path kindevent location line170 col15 file0 ranges line170 col15 file0 line170 col16 file0 depth0 extended_message NSNumber literal is an object with a +0 retain count message NSNumber literal is an object with a +0 retain count kindcontrol edges start line170 col3 file0 line170 col4 file0 end line171 col3 file0 line171 col3 file0 kindevent location line171 col3 file0 ranges line171 col4 file0 line171 col9 file0 depth0 extended_message Incorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller message Incorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller descriptionIncorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeBad release check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context4e0c810e2b301aca3f636ad7e3d6b0b8 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttestNumericLiteral issue_hash_function_offset2 location line171 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 169 170 171 path kindevent location line175 col15 file0 ranges line175 col15 file0 line175 col18 file0 depth0 extended_message NSNumber boxed expression produces an object with a +0 retain count message NSNumber boxed expression produces an object with a +0 retain count kindcontrol edges start line175 col3 file0 line175 col4 file0 end line176 col3 file0 line176 col3 file0 kindevent location line176 col3 file0 ranges line176 col4 file0 line176 col9 file0 depth0 extended_message Incorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller message Incorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller descriptionIncorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeBad release check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context1d054002016aa4360aaf23a4c4d8fbb7 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttestBoxedInt issue_hash_function_offset2 location line176 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 174 175 176 path kindevent location line180 col15 file0 ranges line180 col15 file0 line180 col20 file0 depth0 extended_message NSString boxed expression produces an object with a +0 retain count message NSString boxed expression produces an object with a +0 retain count kindcontrol edges start line180 col3 file0 line180 col4 file0 end line181 col3 file0 line181 col3 file0 kindevent location line181 col3 file0 ranges line181 col4 file0 line181 col9 file0 depth0 extended_message Incorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller message Incorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller descriptionIncorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeBad release check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context67ca92144b05322ee4569aea88d08595 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttestBoxedString issue_hash_function_offset2 location line181 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 179 180 181 path kindevent location line185 col15 file0 ranges line185 col15 file0 line185 col20 file0 depth0 extended_message NSArray literal is an object with a +0 retain count message NSArray literal is an object with a +0 retain count kindcontrol edges start line185 col3 file0 line185 col4 file0 end line186 col3 file0 line186 col3 file0 kindevent location line186 col3 file0 ranges line186 col4 file0 line186 col9 file0 depth0 extended_message Incorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller message Incorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller descriptionIncorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeBad release check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context32fcec71872b8f62d8d7b1b05284b0fe issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttestArray issue_hash_function_offset2 location line186 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 184 185 186 path kindevent location line190 col15 file0 ranges line190 col15 file0 line190 col27 file0 depth0 extended_message NSDictionary literal is an object with a +0 retain count message NSDictionary literal is an object with a +0 retain count kindcontrol edges start line190 col3 file0 line190 col4 file0 end line191 col3 file0 line191 col3 file0 kindevent location line191 col3 file0 ranges line191 col4 file0 line191 col9 file0 depth0 extended_message Incorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller message Incorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller descriptionIncorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeBad release check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contextd9584825bb1e62066879949e3ade8570 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttestDictionary issue_hash_function_offset2 location line191 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 189 190 191 path kindcontrol edges start line226 col3 file0 line226 col4 file0 end line226 col11 file0 line226 col11 file0 kindevent location line226 col11 file0 ranges line226 col11 file0 line226 col23 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns an instance of MyObj with a +1 retain count message Method returns an instance of MyObj with a +1 retain count kindevent location line226 col10 file0 ranges line226 col10 file0 line226 col30 file0 depth0 extended_message Calling 'initX' message Calling 'initX' kindevent location line206 col1 file0 depth1 extended_message Entered call from 'test' message Entered call from 'test' kindcontrol edges start line206 col1 file0 line206 col1 file0 end line207 col3 file0 line207 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line207 col3 file0 line207 col4 file0 end line207 col7 file0 line207 col10 file0 kindevent location line207 col7 file0 ranges line207 col7 file0 line207 col10 file0 depth1 extended_message Assuming 'Cond' is not equal to 0 message Assuming 'Cond' is not equal to 0 kindcontrol edges start line207 col7 file0 line207 col10 file0 end line209 col5 file0 line209 col10 file0 kindevent location line226 col10 file0 ranges line226 col10 file0 line226 col30 file0 depth0 extended_message Returning from 'initX' message Returning from 'initX' kindcontrol edges start line226 col10 file0 line226 col10 file0 end line226 col3 file0 line226 col4 file0 kindevent location line226 col3 file0 ranges line226 col3 file0 line226 col6 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'MyObj *' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'MyObj *' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object of type 'MyObj *' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contexteef2aef4b58abf21fcfa4bbf69e19c02 issue_context_kindObjective-C method issue_contexttest issue_hash_function_offset2 location line226 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 206 207 209 224 226 path kindcontrol edges start line226 col3 file0 line226 col4 file0 end line232 col3 file0 line232 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line232 col3 file0 line232 col4 file0 end line232 col10 file0 line232 col10 file0 kindevent location line232 col10 file0 ranges line232 col10 file0 line232 col30 file0 depth0 extended_message Calling 'initY' message Calling 'initY' kindevent location line214 col1 file0 depth1 extended_message Entered call from 'test' message Entered call from 'test' kindcontrol edges start line214 col1 file0 line214 col1 file0 end line215 col3 file0 line215 col6 file0 kindevent location line215 col10 file0 ranges line215 col10 file0 line215 col21 file0 depth1 extended_message Method returns an instance of MyObj with a +1 retain count message Method returns an instance of MyObj with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line215 col3 file0 line215 col6 file0 end line216 col3 file0 line216 col8 file0 kindevent location line232 col10 file0 ranges line232 col10 file0 line232 col30 file0 depth0 extended_message Returning from 'initY' message Returning from 'initY' kindcontrol edges start line232 col10 file0 line232 col10 file0 end line232 col3 file0 line232 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line232 col3 file0 line232 col4 file0 end line237 col3 file0 line237 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line237 col3 file0 line237 col4 file0 end line237 col11 file0 line237 col11 file0 kindevent location line237 col11 file0 ranges line237 col11 file0 line237 col23 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'y' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'y' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'y' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context8c27524f691296551f9e52856b824326 issue_context_kindObjective-C method issue_contexttest issue_hash_function_offset8 location line237 col11 file0 ExecutedLines 0 206 207 209 214 215 216 224 226 232 237 path kindevent location line247 col22 file0 ranges line247 col22 file0 line247 col40 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'CFCreateSomething' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFTypeRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'CFCreateSomething' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFTypeRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line247 col3 file0 line247 col11 file0 end line248 col3 file0 line248 col15 file0 kindevent location line248 col3 file0 ranges line248 col3 file0 line248 col23 file0 line248 col17 file0 line248 col22 file0 depth0 extended_message Object autoreleased message Object autoreleased kindcontrol edges start line248 col3 file0 line248 col15 file0 end line249 col3 file0 line249 col15 file0 kindevent location line249 col3 file0 ranges line249 col3 file0 line249 col23 file0 line249 col17 file0 line249 col22 file0 depth0 extended_message Object autoreleased message Object autoreleased kindcontrol edges start line249 col3 file0 line249 col15 file0 end line250 col3 file0 line250 col8 file0 kindevent location line250 col3 file0 ranges line250 col3 file0 line250 col8 file0 depth0 extended_message Object was autoreleased 2 times but the object has a +1 retain count message Object was autoreleased 2 times but the object has a +1 retain count descriptionObject autoreleased too many times categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeObject autoreleased too many times check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context4fc36e73ba317d307dc9cc4b3d62fd0a issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextCFOverAutorelease issue_hash_function_offset4 location line250 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 246 247 248 249 250 path kindevent location line254 col22 file0 ranges line254 col22 file0 line254 col37 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'CFGetSomething' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFTypeRef' with a +0 retain count message Call to function 'CFGetSomething' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFTypeRef' with a +0 retain count kindcontrol edges start line254 col3 file0 line254 col11 file0 end line255 col3 file0 line255 col15 file0 kindevent location line255 col3 file0 ranges line255 col3 file0 line255 col23 file0 line255 col17 file0 line255 col22 file0 depth0 extended_message Object autoreleased message Object autoreleased kindcontrol edges start line255 col3 file0 line255 col15 file0 end line256 col3 file0 line256 col8 file0 kindevent location line256 col3 file0 ranges line256 col3 file0 line256 col8 file0 depth0 extended_message Object was autoreleased but has a +0 retain count message Object was autoreleased but has a +0 retain count descriptionObject autoreleased too many times categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeObject autoreleased too many times check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context08e6a3931d34cda45c09dfda76976e17 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextCFAutoreleaseUnowned issue_hash_function_offset3 location line256 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 253 254 255 256 path kindevent location line260 col22 file0 ranges line260 col22 file0 line260 col37 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'CFGetSomething' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFTypeRef' with a +0 retain count message Call to function 'CFGetSomething' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFTypeRef' with a +0 retain count kindcontrol edges start line260 col3 file0 line260 col11 file0 end line261 col3 file0 line261 col15 file0 kindevent location line261 col3 file0 ranges line261 col3 file0 line261 col23 file0 line261 col17 file0 line261 col22 file0 depth0 extended_message Object autoreleased message Object autoreleased kindcontrol edges start line261 col3 file0 line261 col15 file0 end line262 col3 file0 line262 col3 file0 kindevent location line262 col3 file0 ranges line262 col3 file0 line262 col26 file0 line262 col4 file0 line262 col13 file0 depth0 extended_message Object autoreleased message Object autoreleased kindcontrol edges start line262 col3 file0 line262 col3 file0 end line263 col3 file0 line263 col8 file0 kindevent location line263 col3 file0 ranges line263 col3 file0 line263 col8 file0 depth0 extended_message Object was autoreleased 2 times but the object has a +0 retain count message Object was autoreleased 2 times but the object has a +0 retain count descriptionObject autoreleased too many times categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeObject autoreleased too many times check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contextd9bb23a5435fe15df9d7ffdc27a8a072 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextCFAutoreleaseUnownedMixed issue_hash_function_offset4 location line263 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 259 260 261 262 263 files