clang_version diagnostics path kindcontrol edges start line355 col3 file0 line355 col16 file0 end line356 col3 file0 line356 col11 file0 kindevent location line356 col20 file0 ranges line356 col20 file0 line356 col37 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'CFDateCreate' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFDateRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'CFDateCreate' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFDateRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line356 col3 file0 line356 col11 file0 end line357 col3 file0 line357 col10 file0 kindevent location line357 col3 file0 ranges line357 col3 file0 line357 col16 file0 line357 col12 file0 line357 col15 file0 depth0 extended_message Reference count incremented. The object now has a +2 retain count message Reference count incremented. The object now has a +2 retain count kindcontrol edges start line357 col3 file0 line357 col10 file0 end line358 col3 file0 line358 col11 file0 kindevent location line358 col3 file0 ranges line358 col3 file0 line358 col17 file0 line358 col13 file0 line358 col16 file0 depth0 extended_message Reference count decremented. The object now has a +1 retain count message Reference count decremented. The object now has a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line358 col3 file0 line358 col11 file0 end line360 col3 file0 line360 col11 file0 kindevent location line360 col3 file0 ranges line360 col3 file0 line360 col17 file0 line360 col13 file0 line360 col16 file0 depth0 extended_message Object released message Object released kindcontrol edges start line360 col3 file0 line360 col11 file0 end line361 col3 file0 line361 col3 file0 kindcontrol edges start line361 col3 file0 line361 col3 file0 end line361 col7 file0 line361 col27 file0 kindevent location line361 col7 file0 ranges line361 col29 file0 line361 col32 file0 depth0 extended_message Reference-counted object is used after it is released message Reference-counted object is used after it is released descriptionReference-counted object is used after it is released categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeUse-after-release check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context5928b2a4699cbae0686391c20e639007 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextf1 issue_hash_function_offset7 location line361 col7 file0 ExecutedLines 0 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 path kindcontrol edges start line366 col3 file0 line366 col16 file0 end line367 col3 file0 line367 col11 file0 kindevent location line367 col20 file0 ranges line367 col20 file0 line367 col37 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'CFDateCreate' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFDateRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'CFDateCreate' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFDateRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line367 col3 file0 line367 col11 file0 end line368 col3 file0 line368 col3 file0 kindevent location line368 col3 file0 ranges line368 col3 file0 line368 col27 file0 line368 col4 file0 line368 col19 file0 depth0 extended_message Reference count incremented. The object now has a +2 retain count message Reference count incremented. The object now has a +2 retain count kindcontrol edges start line368 col3 file0 line368 col3 file0 end line369 col3 file0 line369 col11 file0 kindevent location line369 col3 file0 ranges line369 col3 file0 line369 col17 file0 line369 col13 file0 line369 col16 file0 depth0 extended_message Reference count decremented. The object now has a +1 retain count message Reference count decremented. The object now has a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line369 col3 file0 line369 col11 file0 end line371 col3 file0 line371 col3 file0 kindevent location line371 col3 file0 ranges line371 col3 file0 line371 col28 file0 line371 col4 file0 line371 col19 file0 depth0 extended_message Object released message Object released kindcontrol edges start line371 col3 file0 line371 col3 file0 end line372 col3 file0 line372 col3 file0 kindcontrol edges start line372 col3 file0 line372 col3 file0 end line372 col7 file0 line372 col27 file0 kindevent location line372 col7 file0 ranges line372 col29 file0 line372 col32 file0 depth0 extended_message Reference-counted object is used after it is released message Reference-counted object is used after it is released descriptionReference-counted object is used after it is released categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeUse-after-release check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context6b2e175938153ac041f52ebbf50b1f43 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextf2 issue_hash_function_offset7 location line372 col7 file0 ExecutedLines 0 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 path kindcontrol edges start line402 col3 file0 line402 col16 file0 end line403 col3 file0 line403 col11 file0 kindevent location line403 col20 file0 ranges line403 col20 file0 line403 col37 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'CFDateCreate' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFDateRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'CFDateCreate' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFDateRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line403 col3 file0 line403 col11 file0 end line405 col3 file0 line405 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line405 col3 file0 line405 col4 file0 end line405 col7 file0 line405 col7 file0 kindevent location line405 col7 file0 ranges line405 col7 file0 line405 col7 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'x' is 0 message Assuming 'x' is 0 kindcontrol edges start line405 col7 file0 line405 col7 file0 end line408 col3 file0 line408 col8 file0 kindcontrol edges start line408 col3 file0 line408 col8 file0 end line408 col10 file0 line408 col10 file0 kindevent location line408 col10 file0 ranges line408 col10 file0 line408 col10 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'date' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'date' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'date' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context3fdbd844ddb925306ba2bb1b3626f310 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextf5 issue_hash_function_offset2 location line408 col10 file0 ExecutedLines 0 401 402 403 405 408 path kindevent location line414 col20 file0 ranges line414 col20 file0 line414 col62 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'CFDateCreate' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFDateRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'CFDateCreate' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFDateRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line414 col3 file0 line414 col11 file0 end line415 col3 file0 line415 col10 file0 kindevent location line415 col3 file0 ranges line415 col3 file0 line415 col16 file0 line415 col12 file0 line415 col15 file0 depth0 extended_message Reference count incremented. The object now has a +2 retain count message Reference count incremented. The object now has a +2 retain count kindcontrol edges start line415 col3 file0 line415 col10 file0 end line416 col3 file0 line416 col8 file0 kindevent location line416 col3 file0 ranges line416 col3 file0 line416 col13 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'date' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'date' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'date' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context8529da75e357c59fb0a7fefb0b6e0952 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextf6 issue_hash_function_offset1 location line416 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 413 414 415 416 path kindevent location line422 col20 file0 ranges line422 col20 file0 line422 col62 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'CFDateCreate' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFDateRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'CFDateCreate' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFDateRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line422 col3 file0 line422 col11 file0 end line423 col3 file0 line423 col10 file0 kindevent location line423 col3 file0 ranges line423 col3 file0 line423 col16 file0 line423 col12 file0 line423 col15 file0 depth0 extended_message Reference count incremented. The object now has a +2 retain count message Reference count incremented. The object now has a +2 retain count kindcontrol edges start line423 col3 file0 line423 col10 file0 end line425 col3 file0 line425 col8 file0 kindevent location line425 col3 file0 ranges line425 col3 file0 line425 col13 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'date' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +2 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'date' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +2 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'date' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contexteb0faa12081b1e28b218e4c6e53d57ec issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextf7 issue_hash_function_offset1 location line425 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 421 422 423 424 425 path kindcontrol edges start line422 col3 file0 line422 col11 file0 end line424 col3 file0 line424 col6 file0 kindevent location line424 col10 file0 ranges line424 col10 file0 line424 col52 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'CFDateCreate' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFDateRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'CFDateCreate' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFDateRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line424 col3 file0 line424 col6 file0 end line425 col3 file0 line425 col8 file0 kindevent location line425 col3 file0 ranges line425 col3 file0 line425 col13 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'date' is returned from a function whose name ('f7') does not contain 'Copy' or 'Create'. This violates the naming convention rules given in the Memory Management Guide for Core Foundation message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'date' is returned from a function whose name ('f7') does not contain 'Copy' or 'Create'. This violates the naming convention rules given in the Memory Management Guide for Core Foundation descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'date' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak of returned object check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context404d4de8faa444bc52fd510380bd0a63 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextf7 issue_hash_function_offset3 location line425 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 421 422 423 424 425 path kindevent location line433 col20 file0 ranges line433 col20 file0 line433 col33 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'MyDateCreate' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFDateRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'MyDateCreate' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFDateRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line433 col3 file0 line433 col11 file0 end line434 col3 file0 line434 col10 file0 kindevent location line434 col3 file0 ranges line434 col3 file0 line434 col16 file0 line434 col12 file0 line434 col15 file0 depth0 extended_message Reference count incremented. The object now has a +2 retain count message Reference count incremented. The object now has a +2 retain count kindcontrol edges start line434 col3 file0 line434 col10 file0 end line435 col3 file0 line435 col8 file0 kindevent location line435 col3 file0 ranges line435 col3 file0 line435 col13 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'date' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'date' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'date' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context251dff6727b3d99ec95caa28672669ea issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextf8 issue_hash_function_offset1 location line435 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 432 433 434 435 path kindcontrol edges start line439 col3 file0 line439 col11 file0 end line440 col3 file0 line440 col5 file0 kindevent location line440 col3 file0 ranges line440 col3 file0 line440 col8 file0 depth0 extended_message 'p' initialized to a null pointer value message 'p' initialized to a null pointer value kindcontrol edges start line440 col3 file0 line440 col5 file0 end line442 col3 file0 line442 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line442 col3 file0 line442 col4 file0 end line442 col7 file0 line442 col7 file0 kindevent location line442 col7 file0 ranges line442 col7 file0 line442 col11 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'date' is null message Assuming 'date' is null kindcontrol edges start line442 col7 file0 line442 col7 file0 end line442 col14 file0 line442 col14 file0 kindcontrol edges start line442 col14 file0 line442 col14 file0 end line442 col17 file0 line442 col17 file0 kindevent location line442 col17 file0 ranges line442 col15 file0 line442 col15 file0 depth0 extended_message Dereference of null pointer (loaded from variable 'p') message Dereference of null pointer (loaded from variable 'p') descriptionDereference of null pointer (loaded from variable 'p') categoryLogic error typeDereference of null pointer check_namecore.NullDereference issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context4af5d8d1438976cc7fa006af5f843b13 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextf9 issue_hash_function_offset4 location line442 col17 file0 ExecutedLines 0 438 439 440 442 path kindevent location line451 col20 file0 ranges line451 col20 file0 line451 col75 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'DADiskCreateFromBSDName' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'DADiskRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'DADiskCreateFromBSDName' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'DADiskRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line451 col3 file0 line451 col11 file0 end line452 col3 file0 line452 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line452 col3 file0 line452 col4 file0 end line452 col7 file0 line452 col10 file0 kindevent location line452 col7 file0 ranges line452 col7 file0 line452 col10 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'disk' is non-null message Assuming 'disk' is non-null kindcontrol edges start line452 col7 file0 line452 col10 file0 end line452 col13 file0 line452 col17 file0 kindcontrol edges start line452 col13 file0 line452 col17 file0 end line454 col3 file0 line454 col6 file0 kindcontrol edges start line454 col3 file0 line454 col6 file0 end line455 col3 file0 line455 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line455 col3 file0 line455 col4 file0 end line455 col7 file0 line455 col10 file0 kindevent location line455 col7 file0 ranges line455 col7 file0 line455 col10 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'disk' is null message Assuming 'disk' is null kindcontrol edges start line455 col7 file0 line455 col10 file0 end line457 col3 file0 line457 col17 file0 kindcontrol edges start line457 col3 file0 line457 col17 file0 end line457 col26 file0 line457 col46 file0 kindevent location line457 col26 file0 ranges line457 col26 file0 line457 col46 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'disk' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'disk' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'disk' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context69ae08a90fe52a921ed423df38ed7480 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextf10 issue_hash_function_offset1 location line457 col26 file0 ExecutedLines 0 450 451 452 454 455 457 path kindcontrol edges start line451 col3 file0 line451 col11 file0 end line452 col3 file0 line452 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line452 col3 file0 line452 col4 file0 end line452 col7 file0 line452 col10 file0 kindevent location line452 col7 file0 ranges line452 col7 file0 line452 col10 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'disk' is null message Assuming 'disk' is null kindcontrol edges start line452 col7 file0 line452 col10 file0 end line454 col3 file0 line454 col6 file0 kindcontrol edges start line454 col3 file0 line454 col6 file0 end line455 col3 file0 line455 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line455 col3 file0 line455 col4 file0 end line455 col7 file0 line455 col10 file0 kindevent location line455 col7 file0 ranges line455 col7 file0 line455 col10 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'disk' is null message Assuming 'disk' is null kindcontrol edges start line455 col7 file0 line455 col10 file0 end line457 col3 file0 line457 col17 file0 kindevent location line457 col26 file0 ranges line457 col26 file0 line457 col49 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'DADiskCopyDescription' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFDictionaryRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'DADiskCopyDescription' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFDictionaryRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line457 col3 file0 line457 col17 file0 end line458 col3 file0 line458 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line458 col3 file0 line458 col4 file0 end line458 col7 file0 line458 col10 file0 kindevent location line458 col7 file0 ranges line458 col7 file0 line458 col10 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'dict' is non-null message Assuming 'dict' is non-null kindcontrol edges start line458 col7 file0 line458 col10 file0 end line458 col13 file0 line458 col17 file0 kindevent location line458 col13 file0 ranges line458 col13 file0 line458 col17 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'dict' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'dict' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'dict' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contexta7f8c63b1cdc39df79b7457e27ff4930 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextf10 issue_hash_function_offset7 location line458 col13 file0 ExecutedLines 0 450 451 452 454 455 457 458 path kindcontrol edges start line451 col3 file0 line451 col11 file0 end line452 col3 file0 line452 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line452 col3 file0 line452 col4 file0 end line452 col7 file0 line452 col10 file0 kindevent location line452 col7 file0 ranges line452 col7 file0 line452 col10 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'disk' is null message Assuming 'disk' is null kindcontrol edges start line452 col7 file0 line452 col10 file0 end line454 col3 file0 line454 col6 file0 kindcontrol edges start line454 col3 file0 line454 col6 file0 end line455 col3 file0 line455 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line455 col3 file0 line455 col4 file0 end line455 col7 file0 line455 col10 file0 kindevent location line455 col7 file0 ranges line455 col7 file0 line455 col10 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'disk' is null message Assuming 'disk' is null kindcontrol edges start line455 col7 file0 line455 col10 file0 end line457 col3 file0 line457 col17 file0 kindcontrol edges start line457 col3 file0 line457 col17 file0 end line458 col3 file0 line458 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line458 col3 file0 line458 col4 file0 end line458 col7 file0 line458 col10 file0 kindevent location line458 col7 file0 ranges line458 col7 file0 line458 col10 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'dict' is null message Assuming 'dict' is null kindcontrol edges start line458 col7 file0 line458 col10 file0 end line460 col3 file0 line460 col6 file0 kindevent location line460 col10 file0 ranges line460 col10 file0 line460 col31 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'DADiskCopyWholeDisk' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'DADiskRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'DADiskCopyWholeDisk' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'DADiskRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line460 col3 file0 line460 col6 file0 end line461 col3 file0 line461 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line461 col3 file0 line461 col4 file0 end line461 col7 file0 line461 col10 file0 kindevent location line461 col7 file0 ranges line461 col7 file0 line461 col10 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'disk' is non-null message Assuming 'disk' is non-null kindcontrol edges start line461 col7 file0 line461 col10 file0 end line461 col13 file0 line461 col17 file0 kindevent location line461 col13 file0 ranges line461 col13 file0 line461 col17 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'disk' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'disk' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'disk' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contextcace8e35bed93ecdfa0455ac166aaa97 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextf10 issue_hash_function_offset10 location line461 col13 file0 ExecutedLines 0 450 451 452 454 455 457 458 460 461 path kindcontrol edges start line451 col3 file0 line451 col11 file0 end line452 col3 file0 line452 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line452 col3 file0 line452 col4 file0 end line452 col7 file0 line452 col10 file0 kindevent location line452 col7 file0 ranges line452 col7 file0 line452 col10 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'disk' is null message Assuming 'disk' is null kindcontrol edges start line452 col7 file0 line452 col10 file0 end line454 col3 file0 line454 col6 file0 kindevent location line454 col10 file0 ranges line454 col10 file0 line454 col63 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'DADiskCreateFromIOMedia' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'DADiskRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'DADiskCreateFromIOMedia' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'DADiskRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line454 col3 file0 line454 col6 file0 end line455 col3 file0 line455 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line455 col3 file0 line455 col4 file0 end line455 col7 file0 line455 col10 file0 kindevent location line455 col7 file0 ranges line455 col7 file0 line455 col10 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'disk' is non-null message Assuming 'disk' is non-null kindcontrol edges start line455 col7 file0 line455 col10 file0 end line455 col13 file0 line455 col17 file0 kindcontrol edges start line455 col13 file0 line455 col17 file0 end line457 col3 file0 line457 col17 file0 kindcontrol edges start line457 col3 file0 line457 col17 file0 end line458 col3 file0 line458 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line458 col3 file0 line458 col4 file0 end line458 col7 file0 line458 col10 file0 kindevent location line458 col7 file0 ranges line458 col7 file0 line458 col10 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'dict' is null message Assuming 'dict' is null kindcontrol edges start line458 col7 file0 line458 col10 file0 end line460 col3 file0 line460 col6 file0 kindcontrol edges start line460 col3 file0 line460 col6 file0 end line461 col3 file0 line461 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line461 col3 file0 line461 col4 file0 end line461 col7 file0 line461 col10 file0 kindevent location line461 col7 file0 ranges line461 col7 file0 line461 col10 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'disk' is null message Assuming 'disk' is null kindcontrol edges start line461 col7 file0 line461 col10 file0 end line463 col3 file0 line463 col16 file0 kindcontrol edges start line463 col3 file0 line463 col16 file0 end line463 col30 file0 line463 col46 file0 kindevent location line463 col30 file0 ranges line463 col30 file0 line463 col46 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'disk' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'disk' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'disk' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context778f70549a15e78703b4dcb3a287df33 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextf10 issue_hash_function_offset4 location line463 col30 file0 ExecutedLines 0 450 451 452 454 455 457 458 460 461 463 path kindcontrol edges start line451 col3 file0 line451 col11 file0 end line452 col3 file0 line452 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line452 col3 file0 line452 col4 file0 end line452 col7 file0 line452 col10 file0 kindevent location line452 col7 file0 ranges line452 col7 file0 line452 col10 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'disk' is null message Assuming 'disk' is null kindcontrol edges start line452 col7 file0 line452 col10 file0 end line454 col3 file0 line454 col6 file0 kindcontrol edges start line454 col3 file0 line454 col6 file0 end line455 col3 file0 line455 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line455 col3 file0 line455 col4 file0 end line455 col7 file0 line455 col10 file0 kindevent location line455 col7 file0 ranges line455 col7 file0 line455 col10 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'disk' is null message Assuming 'disk' is null kindcontrol edges start line455 col7 file0 line455 col10 file0 end line457 col3 file0 line457 col17 file0 kindcontrol edges start line457 col3 file0 line457 col17 file0 end line458 col3 file0 line458 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line458 col3 file0 line458 col4 file0 end line458 col7 file0 line458 col10 file0 kindevent location line458 col7 file0 ranges line458 col7 file0 line458 col10 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'dict' is null message Assuming 'dict' is null kindcontrol edges start line458 col7 file0 line458 col10 file0 end line460 col3 file0 line460 col6 file0 kindcontrol edges start line460 col3 file0 line460 col6 file0 end line461 col3 file0 line461 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line461 col3 file0 line461 col4 file0 end line461 col7 file0 line461 col10 file0 kindevent location line461 col7 file0 ranges line461 col7 file0 line461 col10 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'disk' is null message Assuming 'disk' is null kindcontrol edges start line461 col7 file0 line461 col10 file0 end line463 col3 file0 line463 col16 file0 kindcontrol edges start line463 col3 file0 line463 col16 file0 end line463 col30 file0 line463 col46 file0 kindevent location line463 col30 file0 ranges line463 col30 file0 line464 col68 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'DADissenterCreate' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'DADissenterRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'DADissenterCreate' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'DADissenterRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line463 col30 file0 line463 col46 file0 end line463 col3 file0 line463 col16 file0 kindcontrol edges start line463 col3 file0 line463 col16 file0 end line465 col3 file0 line465 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line465 col3 file0 line465 col4 file0 end line465 col7 file0 line465 col15 file0 kindevent location line465 col7 file0 ranges line465 col7 file0 line465 col15 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'dissenter' is non-null message Assuming 'dissenter' is non-null kindcontrol edges start line465 col7 file0 line465 col15 file0 end line465 col18 file0 line465 col22 file0 kindevent location line465 col18 file0 ranges line465 col18 file0 line465 col22 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'dissenter' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'dissenter' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'dissenter' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context6c188b4716e84cdc55b93d40e6c2daf3 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextf10 issue_hash_function_offset13 location line465 col18 file0 ExecutedLines 0 450 451 452 454 455 457 458 460 461 463 464 465 path kindcontrol edges start line451 col3 file0 line451 col11 file0 end line452 col3 file0 line452 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line452 col3 file0 line452 col4 file0 end line452 col7 file0 line452 col10 file0 kindevent location line452 col7 file0 ranges line452 col7 file0 line452 col10 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'disk' is null message Assuming 'disk' is null kindcontrol edges start line452 col7 file0 line452 col10 file0 end line454 col3 file0 line454 col6 file0 kindcontrol edges start line454 col3 file0 line454 col6 file0 end line455 col3 file0 line455 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line455 col3 file0 line455 col4 file0 end line455 col7 file0 line455 col10 file0 kindevent location line455 col7 file0 ranges line455 col7 file0 line455 col10 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'disk' is null message Assuming 'disk' is null kindcontrol edges start line455 col7 file0 line455 col10 file0 end line457 col3 file0 line457 col17 file0 kindcontrol edges start line457 col3 file0 line457 col17 file0 end line458 col3 file0 line458 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line458 col3 file0 line458 col4 file0 end line458 col7 file0 line458 col10 file0 kindevent location line458 col7 file0 ranges line458 col7 file0 line458 col10 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'dict' is null message Assuming 'dict' is null kindcontrol edges start line458 col7 file0 line458 col10 file0 end line460 col3 file0 line460 col6 file0 kindcontrol edges start line460 col3 file0 line460 col6 file0 end line461 col3 file0 line461 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line461 col3 file0 line461 col4 file0 end line461 col7 file0 line461 col10 file0 kindevent location line461 col7 file0 ranges line461 col7 file0 line461 col10 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'disk' is null message Assuming 'disk' is null kindcontrol edges start line461 col7 file0 line461 col10 file0 end line463 col3 file0 line463 col16 file0 kindcontrol edges start line463 col3 file0 line463 col16 file0 end line465 col3 file0 line465 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line465 col3 file0 line465 col4 file0 end line465 col7 file0 line465 col15 file0 kindevent location line465 col7 file0 ranges line465 col7 file0 line465 col15 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'dissenter' is null message Assuming 'dissenter' is null kindcontrol edges start line465 col7 file0 line465 col15 file0 end line467 col3 file0 line467 col14 file0 kindevent location line467 col26 file0 ranges line467 col26 file0 line467 col61 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'DASessionCreate' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'DASessionRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'DASessionCreate' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'DASessionRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line467 col3 file0 line467 col14 file0 end line468 col3 file0 line468 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line468 col3 file0 line468 col4 file0 end line468 col7 file0 line468 col13 file0 kindevent location line468 col7 file0 ranges line468 col7 file0 line468 col13 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'session' is non-null message Assuming 'session' is non-null kindcontrol edges start line468 col7 file0 line468 col13 file0 end line468 col16 file0 line468 col20 file0 kindevent location line468 col16 file0 ranges line468 col16 file0 line468 col20 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'session' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'session' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'session' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context35b9ac7ff198890c88d5839a898b7fea issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextf10 issue_hash_function_offset17 location line468 col16 file0 ExecutedLines 0 450 451 452 454 455 457 458 460 461 463 464 465 467 468 path kindevent location line485 col16 file0 ranges line485 col16 file0 line485 col31 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'CMCreateFooRef' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CMFooRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'CMCreateFooRef' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CMFooRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line485 col3 file0 line485 col10 file0 end line486 col1 file0 line486 col1 file0 kindevent location line486 col1 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'f' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'f' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'f' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context17d84d673b35235b52d8f8f00c1d1eea issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttestLeakCoreMediaReferenceType issue_hash_function_offset1 location line486 col1 file0 ExecutedLines 0 484 485 486 path kindevent location line489 col16 file0 ranges line489 col16 file0 line489 col28 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'CMGetFooRef' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CMFooRef' with a +0 retain count message Call to function 'CMGetFooRef' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CMFooRef' with a +0 retain count kindcontrol edges start line489 col3 file0 line489 col10 file0 end line490 col3 file0 line490 col11 file0 kindevent location line490 col3 file0 ranges line490 col13 file0 line490 col13 file0 depth0 extended_message Incorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller message Incorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller descriptionIncorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeBad release check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context1702285448a953b02ab74a8eb9a610d9 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttestOverReleaseMediaReferenceType issue_hash_function_offset2 location line490 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 488 489 490 path kindcontrol edges start line523 col3 file0 line523 col13 file0 end line527 col3 file0 line527 col21 file0 kindevent location line527 col23 file0 ranges line527 col23 file0 line527 col57 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'buffer' is not equal to 'queue' message Assuming 'buffer' is not equal to 'queue' kindevent location line527 col3 file0 ranges line527 col3 file0 line527 col58 file0 depth0 extended_message FALSE message FALSE descriptionFALSE categorydebug typeChecking analyzer assumptions check_namedebug.ExprInspection issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context78b71dc497a2059b950406cb2a1cfd01 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttestCMBufferQueueDequeueAndRetain issue_hash_function_offset5 location line527 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 522 523 527 path kindcontrol edges start line523 col3 file0 line523 col13 file0 end line527 col3 file0 line527 col21 file0 kindevent location line527 col23 file0 ranges line527 col23 file0 line527 col57 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'buffer' is equal to 'queue' message Assuming 'buffer' is equal to 'queue' kindevent location line527 col3 file0 ranges line527 col3 file0 line527 col58 file0 depth0 extended_message TRUE message TRUE descriptionTRUE categorydebug typeChecking analyzer assumptions check_namedebug.ExprInspection issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context78b71dc497a2059b950406cb2a1cfd01 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttestCMBufferQueueDequeueAndRetain issue_hash_function_offset5 location line527 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 522 523 527 path kindevent location line523 col24 file0 ranges line523 col24 file0 line523 col59 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'CMBufferQueueDequeueAndRetain' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CMBufferRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'CMBufferQueueDequeueAndRetain' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CMBufferRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line523 col3 file0 line523 col13 file0 end line527 col3 file0 line527 col21 file0 kindevent location line527 col23 file0 ranges line527 col23 file0 line527 col57 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'buffer' is not equal to 'queue' message Assuming 'buffer' is not equal to 'queue' kindevent location line527 col3 file0 ranges line527 col3 file0 line527 col58 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'buffer' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'buffer' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'buffer' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context402566b4ddf1683dac1aefc1ab3e76e9 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttestCMBufferQueueDequeueAndRetain issue_hash_function_offset1 location line527 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 522 523 527 path kindcontrol edges start line534 col3 file0 line534 col19 file0 end line547 col3 file0 line547 col4 file0 kindevent location line547 col22 file0 ranges line547 col22 file0 line547 col49 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'CFArrayGetValueAtIndex' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'const void *' with a +0 retain count message Call to function 'CFArrayGetValueAtIndex' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'const void *' with a +0 retain count kindcontrol edges start line547 col3 file0 line547 col4 file0 end line553 col3 file0 line553 col11 file0 kindevent location line553 col3 file0 ranges line553 col13 file0 line553 col14 file0 depth0 extended_message Incorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller message Incorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller descriptionIncorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeBad release check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context143ef5974bfece95e9894da5250aaff0 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextf11 issue_hash_function_offset21 location line553 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 532 534 537 538 541 544 547 550 553 path kindevent location line561 col17 file0 ranges line561 col17 file0 line561 col29 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'MyCreateFun' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFTypeRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'MyCreateFun' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFTypeRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line561 col3 file0 line561 col11 file0 end line562 col1 file0 line562 col1 file0 kindevent location line562 col1 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'o' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'o' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'o' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contextaf4ad99c5fb565d82e1b4848aaca4e24 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextf12 issue_hash_function_offset1 location line562 col1 file0 ExecutedLines 0 560 561 562 path kindevent location line570 col25 file0 ranges line570 col25 file0 line570 col75 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'CFArrayCreateMutable' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFMutableArrayRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'CFArrayCreateMutable' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFMutableArrayRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line570 col3 file0 line570 col19 file0 end line571 col3 file0 line571 col3 file0 kindevent location line571 col3 file0 ranges line571 col3 file0 line571 col22 file0 line571 col4 file0 line571 col9 file0 depth0 extended_message Object autoreleased message Object autoreleased kindcontrol edges start line571 col3 file0 line571 col3 file0 end line572 col3 file0 line572 col3 file0 kindevent location line572 col3 file0 ranges line572 col3 file0 line572 col22 file0 line572 col4 file0 line572 col9 file0 depth0 extended_message Object autoreleased message Object autoreleased kindcontrol edges start line572 col3 file0 line572 col3 file0 end line573 col1 file0 line573 col1 file0 kindevent location line573 col1 file0 depth0 extended_message Object was autoreleased 2 times but the object has a +1 retain count message Object was autoreleased 2 times but the object has a +1 retain count descriptionObject autoreleased too many times categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeObject autoreleased too many times check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context58a0b3f8332f42561f89b11f6eb5e91f issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextf13_autorelease_b issue_hash_function_offset4 location line573 col1 file0 ExecutedLines 0 569 570 571 572 573 path kindevent location line576 col25 file0 ranges line576 col25 file0 line576 col75 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'CFArrayCreateMutable' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFMutableArrayRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'CFArrayCreateMutable' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFMutableArrayRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line576 col3 file0 line576 col19 file0 end line577 col3 file0 line577 col3 file0 kindevent location line577 col3 file0 ranges line577 col3 file0 line577 col22 file0 line577 col4 file0 line577 col9 file0 depth0 extended_message Object autoreleased message Object autoreleased kindcontrol edges start line577 col3 file0 line577 col3 file0 end line578 col3 file0 line578 col3 file0 kindevent location line578 col3 file0 ranges line578 col3 file0 line578 col22 file0 line578 col4 file0 line578 col9 file0 depth0 extended_message Object autoreleased message Object autoreleased kindcontrol edges start line578 col3 file0 line578 col3 file0 end line579 col3 file0 line579 col8 file0 kindevent location line579 col3 file0 ranges line579 col3 file0 line579 col10 file0 depth0 extended_message Object was autoreleased 2 times but the object has a +0 retain count message Object was autoreleased 2 times but the object has a +0 retain count descriptionObject autoreleased too many times categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeObject autoreleased too many times check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context612dc6574d54c8010703a9776d8a4a0a issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextf13_autorelease_c issue_hash_function_offset4 location line579 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 575 576 577 578 579 path kindevent location line583 col25 file0 ranges line583 col25 file0 line583 col75 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'CFArrayCreateMutable' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFMutableArrayRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'CFArrayCreateMutable' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFMutableArrayRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line583 col3 file0 line583 col19 file0 end line584 col3 file0 line584 col3 file0 kindevent location line584 col3 file0 ranges line584 col3 file0 line584 col22 file0 line584 col4 file0 line584 col9 file0 depth0 extended_message Object autoreleased message Object autoreleased kindcontrol edges start line584 col3 file0 line584 col3 file0 end line585 col3 file0 line585 col3 file0 kindevent location line585 col3 file0 ranges line585 col3 file0 line585 col22 file0 line585 col4 file0 line585 col9 file0 depth0 extended_message Object autoreleased message Object autoreleased kindcontrol edges start line585 col3 file0 line585 col3 file0 end line586 col3 file0 line586 col19 file0 kindcontrol edges start line586 col3 file0 line586 col19 file0 end line586 col25 file0 line586 col44 file0 kindevent location line586 col25 file0 ranges line586 col25 file0 line586 col75 file0 depth0 extended_message Object was autoreleased 2 times but the object has a +1 retain count message Object was autoreleased 2 times but the object has a +1 retain count descriptionObject autoreleased too many times categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeObject autoreleased too many times check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contextc57037289bc3acc586de325df25951ed issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextf13_autorelease_d issue_hash_function_offset4 location line586 col25 file0 ExecutedLines 0 582 583 584 585 586 path kindevent location line594 col3 file0 ranges line594 col3 file0 line594 col53 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'CFArrayCreateMutable' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFMutableArrayRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'CFArrayCreateMutable' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFMutableArrayRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line594 col3 file0 line594 col22 file0 end line595 col1 file0 line595 col1 file0 kindevent location line595 col1 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'CFMutableArrayRef' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'CFMutableArrayRef' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object of type 'CFMutableArrayRef' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context6abb479bc4c7782a125d680fddf825ef issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextf14_leakimmediately issue_hash_function_offset1 location line595 col1 file0 ExecutedLines 0 593 594 595 path kindcontrol edges start line609 col3 file0 line609 col4 file0 end line609 col7 file0 line609 col7 file0 kindevent location line609 col7 file0 ranges line609 col7 file0 line609 col7 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'p' is null message Assuming 'p' is null kindcontrol edges start line609 col7 file0 line609 col7 file0 end line612 col3 file0 line612 col8 file0 kindcontrol edges start line612 col3 file0 line612 col8 file0 end line612 col11 file0 line612 col11 file0 kindcontrol edges start line612 col11 file0 line612 col11 file0 end line614 col5 file0 line614 col13 file0 kindevent location line614 col5 file0 ranges line614 col15 file0 line614 col15 file0 depth0 extended_message Null pointer argument in call to CFRelease message Null pointer argument in call to CFRelease descriptionNull pointer argument in call to CFRelease categoryAPI Misuse (Apple) typenull passed to CF memory management function check_nameosx.coreFoundation.CFRetainRelease issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contexte7e2ba205af363f2c4cec7d01dcb6d6c issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextf16 issue_hash_function_offset6 location line614 col5 file0 ExecutedLines 0 608 609 612 613 614 path kindcontrol edges start line609 col3 file0 line609 col4 file0 end line609 col7 file0 line609 col7 file0 kindevent location line609 col7 file0 ranges line609 col7 file0 line609 col7 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'p' is null message Assuming 'p' is null kindcontrol edges start line609 col7 file0 line609 col7 file0 end line612 col3 file0 line612 col8 file0 kindcontrol edges start line612 col3 file0 line612 col8 file0 end line612 col11 file0 line612 col11 file0 kindcontrol edges start line612 col11 file0 line612 col11 file0 end line617 col5 file0 line617 col12 file0 kindevent location line617 col5 file0 ranges line617 col14 file0 line617 col14 file0 depth0 extended_message Null pointer argument in call to CFRetain message Null pointer argument in call to CFRetain descriptionNull pointer argument in call to CFRetain categoryAPI Misuse (Apple) typenull passed to CF memory management function check_nameosx.coreFoundation.CFRetainRelease issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context64f4a3367d5d8e832ca8a23ca4d72717 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextf16 issue_hash_function_offset9 location line617 col5 file0 ExecutedLines 0 608 609 612 616 617 path kindcontrol edges start line609 col3 file0 line609 col4 file0 end line609 col7 file0 line609 col7 file0 kindevent location line609 col7 file0 ranges line609 col7 file0 line609 col7 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'p' is null message Assuming 'p' is null kindcontrol edges start line609 col7 file0 line609 col7 file0 end line612 col3 file0 line612 col8 file0 kindcontrol edges start line612 col3 file0 line612 col8 file0 end line612 col11 file0 line612 col11 file0 kindcontrol edges start line612 col11 file0 line612 col11 file0 end line620 col5 file0 line620 col21 file0 kindevent location line620 col5 file0 ranges line620 col23 file0 line620 col23 file0 depth0 extended_message Null pointer argument in call to CFMakeCollectable message Null pointer argument in call to CFMakeCollectable descriptionNull pointer argument in call to CFMakeCollectable categoryAPI Misuse (Apple) typenull passed to CF memory management function check_nameosx.coreFoundation.CFRetainRelease issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context61123dbb677396de5abbdd778c399140 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextf16 issue_hash_function_offset12 location line620 col5 file0 ExecutedLines 0 608 609 612 619 620 path kindcontrol edges start line609 col3 file0 line609 col4 file0 end line609 col7 file0 line609 col7 file0 kindevent location line609 col7 file0 ranges line609 col7 file0 line609 col7 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'p' is null message Assuming 'p' is null kindcontrol edges start line609 col7 file0 line609 col7 file0 end line612 col3 file0 line612 col8 file0 kindcontrol edges start line612 col3 file0 line612 col8 file0 end line612 col11 file0 line612 col11 file0 kindcontrol edges start line612 col11 file0 line612 col11 file0 end line623 col5 file0 line623 col17 file0 kindevent location line623 col5 file0 ranges line623 col19 file0 line623 col19 file0 depth0 extended_message Null pointer argument in call to CFAutorelease message Null pointer argument in call to CFAutorelease descriptionNull pointer argument in call to CFAutorelease categoryAPI Misuse (Apple) typenull passed to CF memory management function check_nameosx.coreFoundation.CFRetainRelease issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context965bca78fe04bfa55b6ea428da3c20e3 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextf16 issue_hash_function_offset15 location line623 col5 file0 ExecutedLines 0 608 609 612 622 623 path kindevent location line685 col10 file0 ranges line685 col10 file0 line685 col32 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'isl_basic_map_cow' returns an object of type 'isl_basic_map *' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'isl_basic_map_cow' returns an object of type 'isl_basic_map *' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line685 col3 file0 line685 col6 file0 end line686 col1 file0 line686 col1 file0 kindevent location line686 col1 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'bmap' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'bmap' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'bmap' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context2cfebefee7b63ce3954419e571be4f63 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextf18 issue_hash_function_offset2 location line686 col1 file0 ExecutedLines 0 683 685 686 path kindevent location line711 col17 file0 ranges line711 col17 file0 line711 col55 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns an Objective-C object with a +0 retain count message Method returns an Objective-C object with a +0 retain count kindcontrol edges start line711 col3 file0 line711 col10 file0 end line712 col3 file0 line712 col8 file0 kindevent location line712 col3 file0 ranges line712 col3 file0 line712 col10 file0 depth0 extended_message Object with a +0 retain count returned to caller where a +1 (owning) retain count is expected message Object with a +0 retain count returned to caller where a +1 (owning) retain count is expected descriptionObject with a +0 retain count returned to caller where a +1 (owning) retain count is expected categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeMethod should return an owned object check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contextdcd3becc58a149abe6ade5598138d3dd issue_context_kindObjective-C method issue_contextnewString issue_hash_function_offset2 location line712 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 710 711 712 path kindevent location line725 col20 file0 ranges line725 col20 file0 line725 col63 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns an instance of NSString with a +1 retain count message Method returns an instance of NSString with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line725 col3 file0 line725 col10 file0 end line732 col3 file0 line732 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line732 col3 file0 line732 col4 file0 end line732 col6 file0 line732 col6 file0 kindevent location line732 col6 file0 ranges line732 col6 file0 line732 col10 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'name' is nil message Assuming 'name' is nil kindcontrol edges start line732 col6 file0 line732 col6 file0 end line733 col5 file0 line733 col10 file0 kindevent location line733 col5 file0 ranges line733 col5 file0 line733 col10 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'kind' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'kind' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'kind' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context6688c9cb12f0c76ec80eb03b1d2eddf8 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextrdar_6659160 issue_hash_function_offset5 location line733 col5 file0 ExecutedLines 0 719 720 725 731 732 733 path kindcontrol edges start line725 col3 file0 line725 col10 file0 end line732 col3 file0 line732 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line732 col3 file0 line732 col4 file0 end line732 col6 file0 line732 col6 file0 kindevent location line732 col6 file0 ranges line732 col6 file0 line732 col10 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'name' is non-nil message Assuming 'name' is non-nil kindcontrol edges start line732 col6 file0 line732 col6 file0 end line735 col3 file0 line735 col7 file0 kindevent location line735 col3 file0 ranges line735 col3 file0 line735 col19 file0 depth0 extended_message 'kindC' initialized to a null pointer value message 'kindC' initialized to a null pointer value kindcontrol edges start line735 col3 file0 line735 col7 file0 end line743 col3 file0 line743 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line743 col3 file0 line743 col4 file0 end line743 col6 file0 line743 col9 file0 kindevent location line743 col6 file0 ranges line743 col6 file0 line743 col9 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'kind' is nil message Assuming 'kind' is nil kindcontrol edges start line743 col6 file0 line743 col9 file0 end line745 col3 file0 line745 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line745 col3 file0 line745 col4 file0 end line745 col6 file0 line745 col9 file0 kindpop-up location line745 col6 file0 ranges line745 col6 file0 line745 col9 file0 extended_message 'name' is non-nil message 'name' is non-nil kindcontrol edges start line745 col6 file0 line745 col9 file0 end line746 col5 file0 line746 col9 file0 kindcontrol edges start line746 col5 file0 line746 col9 file0 end line747 col3 file0 line747 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line747 col3 file0 line747 col4 file0 end line747 col13 file0 line747 col17 file0 kindevent location line747 col13 file0 ranges line747 col13 file0 line747 col17 file0 depth0 extended_message Array access (from variable 'kindC') results in a null pointer dereference message Array access (from variable 'kindC') results in a null pointer dereference descriptionArray access (from variable 'kindC') results in a null pointer dereference categoryLogic error typeDereference of null pointer check_namecore.NullDereference issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context2824c4e1d4ab13c3ae5a0ebb2aa4ed89 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextrdar_6659160 issue_hash_function_offset27 location line747 col13 file0 ExecutedLines 0 719 720 725 731 732 735 736 743 745 746 747 path kindcontrol edges start line725 col3 file0 line725 col10 file0 end line731 col3 file0 line731 col10 file0 kindevent location line731 col20 file0 ranges line731 col20 file0 line731 col57 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns an Objective-C object with a +0 retain count message Method returns an Objective-C object with a +0 retain count kindcontrol edges start line731 col3 file0 line731 col10 file0 end line732 col3 file0 line732 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line732 col3 file0 line732 col4 file0 end line732 col6 file0 line732 col6 file0 kindevent location line732 col6 file0 ranges line732 col6 file0 line732 col10 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'name' is non-nil message Assuming 'name' is non-nil kindcontrol edges start line732 col6 file0 line732 col6 file0 end line735 col3 file0 line735 col7 file0 kindcontrol edges start line735 col3 file0 line735 col7 file0 end line743 col3 file0 line743 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line743 col3 file0 line743 col4 file0 end line743 col6 file0 line743 col9 file0 kindevent location line743 col6 file0 ranges line743 col6 file0 line743 col9 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'kind' is non-nil message Assuming 'kind' is non-nil kindcontrol edges start line743 col6 file0 line743 col9 file0 end line744 col5 file0 line744 col9 file0 kindcontrol edges start line744 col5 file0 line744 col9 file0 end line745 col3 file0 line745 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line745 col3 file0 line745 col4 file0 end line745 col6 file0 line745 col9 file0 kindpop-up location line745 col6 file0 ranges line745 col6 file0 line745 col9 file0 extended_message 'name' is non-nil message 'name' is non-nil kindcontrol edges start line745 col6 file0 line745 col9 file0 end line746 col5 file0 line746 col9 file0 kindcontrol edges start line746 col5 file0 line746 col9 file0 end line747 col3 file0 line747 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line747 col3 file0 line747 col4 file0 end line747 col6 file0 line747 col6 file0 kindevent location line747 col6 file0 ranges line747 col6 file0 line747 col21 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming the condition is false message Assuming the condition is false kindcontrol edges start line747 col6 file0 line747 col6 file0 end line749 col3 file0 line749 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line749 col3 file0 line749 col4 file0 end line749 col6 file0 line749 col6 file0 kindevent location line749 col6 file0 ranges line749 col6 file0 line749 col21 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming the condition is false message Assuming the condition is false kindcontrol edges start line749 col6 file0 line749 col6 file0 end line752 col3 file0 line752 col3 file0 kindcontrol edges start line752 col3 file0 line752 col3 file0 end line753 col3 file0 line753 col3 file0 kindevent location line753 col3 file0 ranges line753 col4 file0 line753 col7 file0 depth0 extended_message Incorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller message Incorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller descriptionIncorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeBad release check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contextd04966e9b8e981d8f69bf03823253033 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextrdar_6659160 issue_hash_function_offset33 location line753 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 719 720 725 731 732 735 736 743 744 745 746 747 749 752 753 path kindevent location line775 col12 file0 ranges line775 col12 file0 line775 col34 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns an instance of NSString with a +1 retain count message Method returns an instance of NSString with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line775 col3 file0 line775 col4 file0 end line776 col3 file0 line776 col3 file0 kindevent location line776 col3 file0 ranges line776 col3 file0 line776 col15 file0 line776 col4 file0 line776 col6 file0 depth0 extended_message Object released by directly sending the '-dealloc' message message Object released by directly sending the '-dealloc' message kindcontrol edges start line776 col3 file0 line776 col3 file0 end line777 col3 file0 line777 col3 file0 kindevent location line777 col3 file0 ranges line777 col4 file0 line777 col6 file0 depth0 extended_message Reference-counted object is used after it is released message Reference-counted object is used after it is released descriptionReference-counted object is used after it is released categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeUse-after-release check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context1b35183a6aca4df5a8732c8da94e3205 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextpr3820_ReleaseAfterDealloc issue_hash_function_offset3 location line777 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 773 774 775 776 777 path kindcontrol edges start line783 col3 file0 line783 col7 file0 end line784 col3 file0 line784 col4 file0 kindevent location line784 col12 file0 ranges line784 col12 file0 line784 col34 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns an instance of NSString with a +1 retain count message Method returns an instance of NSString with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line784 col3 file0 line784 col4 file0 end line785 col3 file0 line785 col3 file0 kindevent location line785 col3 file0 ranges line785 col3 file0 line785 col15 file0 line785 col4 file0 line785 col6 file0 depth0 extended_message Object released message Object released kindcontrol edges start line785 col3 file0 line785 col3 file0 end line786 col3 file0 line786 col3 file0 kindevent location line786 col3 file0 ranges line786 col4 file0 line786 col6 file0 depth0 extended_message Reference-counted object is used after it is released message Reference-counted object is used after it is released descriptionReference-counted object is used after it is released categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeUse-after-release check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context54f2bd1534fa675b58c4f8eef3120373 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextpr3820_DeallocAfterRelease issue_hash_function_offset4 location line786 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 781 782 783 784 785 786 path kindcontrol edges start line838 col2 file0 line838 col20 file0 end line838 col31 file0 line838 col31 file0 kindevent location line838 col31 file0 ranges line838 col31 file0 line838 col76 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns an Objective-C object with a +0 retain count message Method returns an Objective-C object with a +0 retain count kindevent location line838 col30 file0 ranges line838 col30 file0 line838 col84 file0 line838 col31 file0 line838 col76 file0 depth0 extended_message Reference count incremented. The object now has a +1 retain count message Reference count incremented. The object now has a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line838 col30 file0 line838 col30 file0 end line838 col2 file0 line838 col20 file0 kindcontrol edges start line838 col2 file0 line838 col20 file0 end line842 col2 file0 line842 col6 file0 kindcontrol edges start line842 col2 file0 line842 col6 file0 end line843 col1 file0 line843 col1 file0 kindevent location line843 col1 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'dict' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'dict' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'dict' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context055e6f3413539276fedeac241fccd9b8 issue_context_kindObjective-C method issue_contextapplicationDidFinishLaunching: issue_hash_function_offset1 location line843 col1 file0 ExecutedLines 0 837 838 840 842 843 path kindcontrol edges start line850 col2 file0 line850 col20 file0 end line850 col31 file0 line850 col31 file0 kindevent location line850 col31 file0 ranges line850 col31 file0 line850 col76 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns an Objective-C object with a +0 retain count message Method returns an Objective-C object with a +0 retain count kindevent location line850 col30 file0 ranges line850 col30 file0 line850 col84 file0 line850 col31 file0 line850 col76 file0 depth0 extended_message Reference count incremented. The object now has a +1 retain count message Reference count incremented. The object now has a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line850 col30 file0 line850 col30 file0 end line850 col2 file0 line850 col20 file0 kindcontrol edges start line850 col2 file0 line850 col20 file0 end line851 col2 file0 line851 col3 file0 kindcontrol edges start line851 col2 file0 line851 col3 file0 end line851 col6 file0 line851 col11 file0 kindevent location line851 col6 file0 ranges line851 col6 file0 line851 col11 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming the condition is false message Assuming the condition is false kindcontrol edges start line851 col6 file0 line851 col11 file0 end line853 col1 file0 line853 col1 file0 kindevent location line853 col1 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'dict' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'dict' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'dict' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context444f6019b048a95dd71c6be49ecb73ff issue_context_kindObjective-C method issue_contextradar10102244 issue_hash_function_offset1 location line853 col1 file0 ExecutedLines 0 849 850 851 853 path kindcontrol edges start line861 col3 file0 line861 col19 file0 end line862 col3 file0 line862 col9 file0 kindevent location line862 col20 file0 ranges line862 col20 file0 line862 col34 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns an Objective-C object with a +0 retain count message Method returns an Objective-C object with a +0 retain count kindcontrol edges start line862 col3 file0 line862 col9 file0 end line863 col3 file0 line863 col3 file0 kindevent location line863 col3 file0 ranges line863 col4 file0 line863 col8 file0 depth0 extended_message Incorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller message Incorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller descriptionIncorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeBad release check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context641de26edd3d85ca241de577afbcda86 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextrdar_6257780_Case1 issue_hash_function_offset3 location line863 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 860 861 862 863 path kindcontrol edges start line938 col3 file0 line938 col3 file0 end line939 col3 file0 line939 col3 file0 kindevent location line939 col3 file0 ranges line939 col3 file0 line939 col36 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns an instance of RDar6320065Subclass with a +1 retain count message Method returns an instance of RDar6320065Subclass with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line939 col3 file0 line939 col3 file0 end line940 col3 file0 line940 col8 file0 kindevent location line940 col3 file0 ranges line940 col3 file0 line940 col13 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'RDar6320065Subclass *' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'RDar6320065Subclass *' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object of type 'RDar6320065Subclass *' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context8e8ae80fd006f27a952f77494bd1c05f issue_context_kindObjective-C method issue_context_initReturningNewClassBad issue_hash_function_offset2 location line940 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 937 938 939 940 path kindcontrol edges start line943 col3 file0 line943 col3 file0 end line944 col3 file0 line944 col6 file0 kindevent location line944 col10 file0 ranges line944 col10 file0 line944 col43 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns an instance of RDar6320065Subclass with a +1 retain count message Method returns an instance of RDar6320065Subclass with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line944 col3 file0 line944 col6 file0 end line945 col3 file0 line945 col8 file0 kindevent location line945 col10 file0 ranges line945 col10 file0 line945 col27 file0 line945 col11 file0 line945 col14 file0 depth0 extended_message Object autoreleased message Object autoreleased kindevent location line945 col3 file0 ranges line945 col3 file0 line945 col27 file0 depth0 extended_message Object with a +0 retain count returned to caller where a +1 (owning) retain count is expected message Object with a +0 retain count returned to caller where a +1 (owning) retain count is expected descriptionObject with a +0 retain count returned to caller where a +1 (owning) retain count is expected categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeMethod should return an owned object check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context625e26ef3ae9de238f30175e4e9f4937 issue_context_kindObjective-C method issue_contextinitReturningNewClassBad2 issue_hash_function_offset3 location line945 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 942 943 944 945 path kindevent location line983 col37 file0 ranges line983 col37 file0 line983 col59 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns an instance of NSString with a +1 retain count message Method returns an instance of NSString with a +1 retain count kindevent location line983 col30 file0 ranges line983 col30 file0 line983 col59 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'NSString *' is returned from a method whose name ('NoCopyString') does not start with 'copy', 'mutableCopy', 'alloc' or 'new'. This violates the naming convention rules given in the Memory Management Guide for Cocoa message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'NSString *' is returned from a method whose name ('NoCopyString') does not start with 'copy', 'mutableCopy', 'alloc' or 'new'. This violates the naming convention rules given in the Memory Management Guide for Cocoa descriptionPotential leak of an object of type 'NSString *' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak of returned object check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context666dce676597e2cfa3199521864f7b96 issue_context_kindObjective-C method issue_contextNoCopyString issue_hash_function_offset0 location line983 col30 file0 ExecutedLines 0 983 path kindevent location line984 col37 file0 ranges line984 col37 file0 line984 col59 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns an instance of NSString with a +1 retain count message Method returns an instance of NSString with a +1 retain count kindevent location line984 col30 file0 ranges line984 col30 file0 line984 col59 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'NSString *' is returned from a method whose name ('noCopyString') does not start with 'copy', 'mutableCopy', 'alloc' or 'new'. This violates the naming convention rules given in the Memory Management Guide for Cocoa message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'NSString *' is returned from a method whose name ('noCopyString') does not start with 'copy', 'mutableCopy', 'alloc' or 'new'. This violates the naming convention rules given in the Memory Management Guide for Cocoa descriptionPotential leak of an object of type 'NSString *' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak of returned object check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context31104cdb408dbc3faf693a5c31973486 issue_context_kindObjective-C method issue_contextnoCopyString issue_hash_function_offset0 location line984 col30 file0 ExecutedLines 0 984 path kindevent location line988 col3 file0 ranges line988 col3 file0 line988 col18 file0 depth0 extended_message Calling 'NoCopyString' message Calling 'NoCopyString' kindevent location line983 col1 file0 depth1 extended_message Entered call from 'test_RDar6859457' message Entered call from 'test_RDar6859457' kindcontrol edges start line983 col1 file0 line983 col1 file0 end line983 col30 file0 line983 col35 file0 kindevent location line983 col37 file0 ranges line983 col37 file0 line983 col59 file0 depth1 extended_message Method returns an instance of NSString with a +1 retain count message Method returns an instance of NSString with a +1 retain count kindevent location line988 col3 file0 ranges line988 col3 file0 line988 col18 file0 depth0 extended_message Returning from 'NoCopyString' message Returning from 'NoCopyString' kindcontrol edges start line988 col3 file0 line988 col3 file0 end line989 col3 file0 line989 col3 file0 kindevent location line989 col3 file0 ranges line989 col3 file0 line989 col18 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'NSString *' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'NSString *' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object of type 'NSString *' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context909638940b4d7020f51062089653b231 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttest_RDar6859457 issue_hash_function_offset1 location line989 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 983 987 988 989 path kindcontrol edges start line988 col3 file0 line988 col3 file0 end line989 col3 file0 line989 col3 file0 kindevent location line989 col3 file0 ranges line989 col3 file0 line989 col18 file0 depth0 extended_message Calling 'noCopyString' message Calling 'noCopyString' kindevent location line984 col1 file0 depth1 extended_message Entered call from 'test_RDar6859457' message Entered call from 'test_RDar6859457' kindcontrol edges start line984 col1 file0 line984 col1 file0 end line984 col30 file0 line984 col35 file0 kindevent location line984 col37 file0 ranges line984 col37 file0 line984 col59 file0 depth1 extended_message Method returns an instance of NSString with a +1 retain count message Method returns an instance of NSString with a +1 retain count kindevent location line989 col3 file0 ranges line989 col3 file0 line989 col18 file0 depth0 extended_message Returning from 'noCopyString' message Returning from 'noCopyString' kindcontrol edges start line989 col3 file0 line989 col3 file0 end line990 col3 file0 line990 col3 file0 kindevent location line990 col3 file0 ranges line990 col3 file0 line990 col54 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'NSString *' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'NSString *' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object of type 'NSString *' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context2a37743e32cfa0a86958fed215c30e87 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttest_RDar6859457 issue_hash_function_offset2 location line990 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 983 984 987 988 989 990 path kindevent location line1023 col10 file0 ranges line1023 col10 file0 line1023 col32 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns an instance of NSString with a +1 retain count message Method returns an instance of NSString with a +1 retain count kindevent location line1023 col3 file0 ranges line1023 col3 file0 line1023 col32 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'NSString *' is returned from a method whose name (':') does not start with 'copy', 'mutableCopy', 'alloc' or 'new'. This violates the naming convention rules given in the Memory Management Guide for Cocoa message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'NSString *' is returned from a method whose name (':') does not start with 'copy', 'mutableCopy', 'alloc' or 'new'. This violates the naming convention rules given in the Memory Management Guide for Cocoa descriptionPotential leak of an object of type 'NSString *' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak of returned object check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context20b25f0ba6268e055d8491c67c6a26bd issue_context_kindObjective-C method issue_context: issue_hash_function_offset1 location line1023 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1022 1023 path kindevent location line1053 col3 file0 ranges line1053 col3 file0 line1053 col38 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns an Objective-C object with a +1 retain count message Method returns an Objective-C object with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line1053 col3 file0 line1053 col3 file0 end line1054 col3 file0 line1054 col3 file0 kindevent location line1054 col3 file0 ranges line1054 col3 file0 line1054 col42 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'id' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'id' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object of type 'id' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context706b9d732ece93a88487dbbf0b82fd23 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextrdar6902710 issue_hash_function_offset1 location line1054 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 path kindcontrol edges start line1053 col3 file0 line1053 col3 file0 end line1054 col3 file0 line1054 col3 file0 kindevent location line1054 col3 file0 ranges line1054 col3 file0 line1054 col42 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns an Objective-C object with a +1 retain count message Method returns an Objective-C object with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line1054 col3 file0 line1054 col3 file0 end line1055 col3 file0 line1055 col3 file0 kindcontrol edges start line1055 col3 file0 line1055 col3 file0 end line1055 col39 file0 line1055 col42 file0 kindevent location line1055 col39 file0 ranges line1055 col39 file0 line1055 col42 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'id' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'id' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object of type 'id' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context631eebb0c921191c24734f98fe93f6bf issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextrdar6902710 issue_hash_function_offset2 location line1055 col39 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 path kindcontrol edges start line1053 col3 file0 line1053 col3 file0 end line1055 col3 file0 line1055 col3 file0 kindevent location line1055 col3 file0 ranges line1055 col3 file0 line1055 col43 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CGImageRef' with a +1 retain count message Method returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CGImageRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line1055 col3 file0 line1055 col3 file0 end line1056 col3 file0 line1056 col3 file0 kindcontrol edges start line1056 col3 file0 line1056 col3 file0 end line1056 col39 file0 line1056 col42 file0 kindevent location line1056 col39 file0 ranges line1056 col39 file0 line1056 col42 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'CGImageRef' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'CGImageRef' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object of type 'CGImageRef' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contextee36a48521a32c183a086066d3c5ae1f issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextrdar6902710 issue_hash_function_offset3 location line1056 col39 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 path kindcontrol edges start line1053 col3 file0 line1053 col3 file0 end line1056 col3 file0 line1056 col3 file0 kindevent location line1056 col3 file0 ranges line1056 col3 file0 line1056 col69 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CGImageRef' with a +1 retain count message Method returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CGImageRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line1056 col3 file0 line1056 col3 file0 end line1057 col1 file0 line1057 col1 file0 kindevent location line1057 col1 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'CGImageRef' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'CGImageRef' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object of type 'CGImageRef' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context70a2dd4ee6b6f7caad87a46dc6dd3580 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextrdar6902710 issue_hash_function_offset4 location line1057 col1 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 path kindevent location line1065 col3 file0 ranges line1065 col3 file0 line1065 col45 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CGLayerRef' with a +1 retain count message Method returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CGLayerRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line1065 col3 file0 line1065 col3 file0 end line1066 col1 file0 line1066 col1 file0 kindevent location line1066 col1 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'CGLayerRef' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'CGLayerRef' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object of type 'CGLayerRef' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contexta82448687d1cbf5cb517914dbe6de4fe issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextrdar6945561 issue_hash_function_offset1 location line1066 col1 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1064 1065 1066 path kindevent location line1074 col3 file0 ranges line1074 col3 file0 line1074 col49 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'IOBSDNameMatching' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFMutableDictionaryRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'IOBSDNameMatching' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFMutableDictionaryRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line1074 col3 file0 line1074 col19 file0 end line1075 col1 file0 line1075 col1 file0 kindevent location line1075 col1 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'CFMutableDictionaryRef' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'CFMutableDictionaryRef' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object of type 'CFMutableDictionaryRef' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context540e0145994c1e14ea750fe91a497855 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextIOBSDNameMatching_wrapper issue_hash_function_offset1 location line1075 col1 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1073 1074 1075 path kindevent location line1078 col3 file0 ranges line1078 col3 file0 line1078 col25 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'IOServiceMatching' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFMutableDictionaryRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'IOServiceMatching' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFMutableDictionaryRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line1078 col3 file0 line1078 col19 file0 end line1079 col1 file0 line1079 col1 file0 kindevent location line1079 col1 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'CFMutableDictionaryRef' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'CFMutableDictionaryRef' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object of type 'CFMutableDictionaryRef' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context99d7012d797e181ef8e9a289ee9099eb issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextIOServiceMatching_wrapper issue_hash_function_offset1 location line1079 col1 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1077 1078 1079 path kindevent location line1082 col3 file0 ranges line1082 col3 file0 line1082 col29 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'IOServiceNameMatching' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFMutableDictionaryRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'IOServiceNameMatching' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFMutableDictionaryRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line1082 col3 file0 line1082 col23 file0 end line1083 col1 file0 line1083 col1 file0 kindevent location line1083 col1 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'CFMutableDictionaryRef' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'CFMutableDictionaryRef' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object of type 'CFMutableDictionaryRef' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context5d956e58f05bcc1b67ff65e02cbba302 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextIOServiceNameMatching_wrapper issue_hash_function_offset1 location line1083 col1 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1081 1082 1083 path kindevent location line1090 col30 file0 ranges line1090 col30 file0 line1090 col41 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'CreateDict' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFDictionaryRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'CreateDict' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFDictionaryRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line1090 col3 file0 line1090 col17 file0 end line1091 col3 file0 line1091 col11 file0 kindevent location line1091 col3 file0 ranges line1091 col3 file0 line1091 col21 file0 line1091 col13 file0 line1091 col20 file0 depth0 extended_message Object released message Object released kindcontrol edges start line1091 col3 file0 line1091 col11 file0 end line1092 col3 file0 line1092 col26 file0 kindevent location line1092 col3 file0 ranges line1092 col58 file0 line1092 col65 file0 depth0 extended_message Reference-counted object is used after it is released message Reference-counted object is used after it is released descriptionReference-counted object is used after it is released categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeUse-after-release check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context84a53bfb58a3a929535b47e28b997382 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextIOServiceAddNotification_wrapper issue_hash_function_offset4 location line1092 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1087 1088 1090 1091 1092 1093 path kindevent location line1097 col3 file0 ranges line1097 col3 file0 line1097 col36 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'IORegistryEntryIDMatching' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFMutableDictionaryRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'IORegistryEntryIDMatching' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFMutableDictionaryRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line1097 col3 file0 line1097 col27 file0 end line1098 col1 file0 line1098 col1 file0 kindevent location line1098 col1 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'CFMutableDictionaryRef' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'CFMutableDictionaryRef' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object of type 'CFMutableDictionaryRef' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context36337ff486f6a8b702e68d13393bc975 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextIORegistryEntryIDMatching_wrapper issue_hash_function_offset1 location line1098 col1 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1096 1097 1098 path kindevent location line1102 col3 file0 ranges line1102 col3 file0 line1102 col55 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'IOOpenFirmwarePathMatching' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFMutableDictionaryRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'IOOpenFirmwarePathMatching' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFMutableDictionaryRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line1102 col3 file0 line1102 col28 file0 end line1103 col1 file0 line1103 col1 file0 kindevent location line1103 col1 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'CFMutableDictionaryRef' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'CFMutableDictionaryRef' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object of type 'CFMutableDictionaryRef' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contextee83ca968ddc2ecad7ae4318ce7d1d95 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextIOOpenFirmwarePathMatching_wrapper issue_hash_function_offset1 location line1103 col1 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1100 1101 1102 1103 path kindevent location line1106 col30 file0 ranges line1106 col30 file0 line1106 col41 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'CreateDict' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFDictionaryRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'CreateDict' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFDictionaryRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line1106 col3 file0 line1106 col17 file0 end line1107 col3 file0 line1107 col29 file0 kindevent location line1107 col3 file0 ranges line1107 col3 file0 line1107 col51 file0 line1107 col43 file0 line1107 col50 file0 depth0 extended_message Object released message Object released kindcontrol edges start line1107 col3 file0 line1107 col29 file0 end line1108 col3 file0 line1108 col11 file0 kindevent location line1108 col3 file0 ranges line1108 col13 file0 line1108 col20 file0 depth0 extended_message Reference-counted object is used after it is released message Reference-counted object is used after it is released descriptionReference-counted object is used after it is released categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeUse-after-release check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contexte8c08b2b3d53f5890907888e16927805 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextIOServiceGetMatchingService_wrapper issue_hash_function_offset3 location line1108 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1105 1106 1107 1108 path kindevent location line1112 col30 file0 ranges line1112 col30 file0 line1112 col41 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'CreateDict' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFDictionaryRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'CreateDict' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFDictionaryRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line1112 col3 file0 line1112 col17 file0 end line1113 col3 file0 line1113 col30 file0 kindevent location line1113 col3 file0 ranges line1113 col3 file0 line1113 col62 file0 line1113 col44 file0 line1113 col51 file0 depth0 extended_message Object released message Object released kindcontrol edges start line1113 col3 file0 line1113 col30 file0 end line1114 col3 file0 line1114 col11 file0 kindevent location line1114 col3 file0 ranges line1114 col13 file0 line1114 col20 file0 depth0 extended_message Reference-counted object is used after it is released message Reference-counted object is used after it is released descriptionReference-counted object is used after it is released categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeUse-after-release check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context31664b5acc7980da73f5545fb16b0910 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextIOServiceGetMatchingServices_wrapper issue_hash_function_offset3 location line1114 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1111 1112 1113 1114 path kindevent location line1120 col30 file0 ranges line1120 col30 file0 line1120 col41 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'CreateDict' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFDictionaryRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'CreateDict' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFDictionaryRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line1120 col3 file0 line1120 col17 file0 end line1121 col3 file0 line1121 col34 file0 kindevent location line1121 col3 file0 ranges line1121 col3 file0 line1121 col106 file0 line1121 col66 file0 line1121 col73 file0 depth0 extended_message Object released message Object released kindcontrol edges start line1121 col3 file0 line1121 col34 file0 end line1122 col3 file0 line1122 col11 file0 kindevent location line1122 col3 file0 ranges line1122 col13 file0 line1122 col20 file0 depth0 extended_message Reference-counted object is used after it is released message Reference-counted object is used after it is released descriptionReference-counted object is used after it is released categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeUse-after-release check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context6edae46016a9671e2d5400b100d5efb5 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextIOServiceAddMatchingNotification_wrapper issue_hash_function_offset4 location line1122 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1117 1118 1120 1121 1122 path kindcontrol edges start line1160 col3 file0 line1160 col23 file0 end line1163 col3 file0 line1163 col10 file0 kindevent location line1163 col22 file0 ranges line1163 col22 file0 line1163 col53 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns an instance of NSNumber with a +1 retain count message Method returns an instance of NSNumber with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line1163 col3 file0 line1163 col10 file0 end line1165 col3 file0 line1165 col3 file0 kindevent location line1165 col3 file0 ranges line1165 col3 file0 line1165 col18 file0 line1165 col4 file0 line1165 col9 file0 depth0 extended_message Reference count decremented message Reference count decremented kindcontrol edges start line1165 col3 file0 line1165 col3 file0 end line1166 col3 file0 line1166 col3 file0 kindevent location line1166 col3 file0 ranges line1166 col3 file0 line1166 col17 file0 line1166 col4 file0 line1166 col9 file0 depth0 extended_message Reference count incremented. The object now has a +1 retain count message Reference count incremented. The object now has a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line1166 col3 file0 line1166 col3 file0 end line1167 col3 file0 line1167 col11 file0 kindevent location line1167 col3 file0 ranges line1167 col3 file0 line1167 col23 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'number' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'number' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'number' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contextdcec4e2bd254a3c24e84e598b5a827bf issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextrdar_7152619 issue_hash_function_offset4 location line1167 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 70 74 75 76 77 78 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 path kindcontrol edges start line1176 col3 file0 line1176 col8 file0 end line1187 col3 file0 line1187 col15 file0 kindcontrol edges start line1187 col3 file0 line1187 col15 file0 end line1188 col41 file0 line1188 col67 file0 kindevent location line1188 col41 file0 ranges line1188 col41 file0 line1188 col69 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CGColorSpaceRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CGColorSpaceRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line1188 col41 file0 line1188 col67 file0 end line1187 col3 file0 line1187 col15 file0 kindevent location line1187 col3 file0 ranges line1187 col3 file0 line1187 col26 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'CGColorSpaceRef' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'CGColorSpaceRef' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object of type 'CGColorSpaceRef' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context9317a6bf07dd10dc988f2415cc2c4ef7 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextrdar_7184450 issue_hash_function_offset13 location line1187 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1187 1188 1189 path kindcontrol edges start line1198 col3 file0 line1198 col8 file0 end line1209 col3 file0 line1209 col15 file0 kindcontrol edges start line1209 col3 file0 line1209 col15 file0 end line1210 col40 file0 line1210 col66 file0 kindevent location line1210 col40 file0 ranges line1210 col40 file0 line1210 col68 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CGColorSpaceRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CGColorSpaceRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line1210 col40 file0 line1210 col66 file0 end line1209 col3 file0 line1209 col15 file0 kindevent location line1209 col3 file0 ranges line1209 col3 file0 line1209 col26 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'CGColorSpaceRef' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'CGColorSpaceRef' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object of type 'CGColorSpaceRef' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contextec3e6216b279aa48d8403c6aab30d996 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextrdar_7184450_pos issue_hash_function_offset13 location line1209 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1209 1210 path kindcontrol edges start line1198 col3 file0 line1198 col8 file0 end line1209 col3 file0 line1209 col15 file0 kindcontrol edges start line1209 col3 file0 line1209 col15 file0 end line1210 col4 file0 line1210 col38 file0 kindevent location line1210 col4 file0 ranges line1210 col4 file0 line1210 col107 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'CGGradientCreateWithColorComponents' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CGGradientRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'CGGradientCreateWithColorComponents' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CGGradientRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line1210 col4 file0 line1210 col38 file0 end line1212 col3 file0 line1212 col29 file0 kindcontrol edges start line1212 col3 file0 line1212 col29 file0 end line1214 col1 file0 line1214 col1 file0 kindevent location line1214 col1 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'myGradient' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'myGradient' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'myGradient' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context4b3d6bb6b8dc5c51b7dfa8554b24eb66 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextrdar_7184450_pos issue_hash_function_offset13 location line1214 col1 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1209 1210 1212 1213 1214 path kindevent location line1248 col22 file0 ranges line1248 col22 file0 line1248 col53 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns an instance of NSNumber with a +1 retain count message Method returns an instance of NSNumber with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line1248 col3 file0 line1248 col10 file0 end line1249 col1 file0 line1249 col1 file0 kindevent location line1249 col1 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'number' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'number' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'number' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context42a83016e862ec323e24920873073a5a issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextrdar_7299394_positive issue_hash_function_offset1 location line1249 col1 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1247 1248 1249 path kindcontrol edges start line1483 col5 file0 line1483 col12 file0 end line1485 col3 file0 line1485 col31 file0 kindevent location line1485 col3 file0 ranges line1485 col3 file0 line1486 col60 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'CGBitmapContextCreateWithData' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CGContextRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'CGBitmapContextCreateWithData' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CGContextRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line1485 col3 file0 line1485 col31 file0 end line1487 col1 file0 line1487 col1 file0 kindevent location line1487 col1 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'CGContextRef' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'CGContextRef' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object of type 'CGContextRef' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contexta416473fed3a9dbc6bfee885bee38216 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextrdar_7358899 issue_hash_function_offset7 location line1487 col1 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1475 1476 1477 1478 1483 1485 1486 1487 path kindevent location line1503 col10 file0 ranges line1503 col10 file0 line1503 col22 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns an Objective-C object with a +1 retain count message Method returns an Objective-C object with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line1503 col3 file0 line1503 col4 file0 end line1504 col1 file0 line1504 col1 file0 kindevent location line1504 col1 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'y' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'y' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'y' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context980dd45e9cf6581dbc2be9ebfc500b7f issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextrdar7265711_a issue_hash_function_offset1 location line1504 col1 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1502 1503 1504 path kindcontrol edges start line1523 col3 file0 line1523 col10 file0 end line1524 col3 file0 line1524 col10 file0 kindevent location line1524 col22 file0 ranges line1524 col22 file0 line1524 col53 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns an instance of NSNumber with a +1 retain count message Method returns an instance of NSNumber with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line1524 col3 file0 line1524 col10 file0 end line1525 col1 file0 line1525 col1 file0 kindevent location line1525 col1 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'number' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'number' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'number' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contextebf51fb2b16499cf3a5c57d251a91061 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextrdar7306898 issue_hash_function_offset4 location line1525 col1 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1520 1523 1524 1525 path kindevent location line1534 col3 file0 ranges line1534 col3 file0 line1534 col23 file0 depth0 extended_message The 'release' message should be sent to instances of class 'RDar7252064' and not the class directly message The 'release' message should be sent to instances of class 'RDar7252064' and not the class directly descriptionThe 'release' message should be sent to instances of class 'RDar7252064' and not the class directly categoryAPI Misuse (Apple) typemessage incorrectly sent to class instead of class instance check_nameosx.cocoa.ClassRelease issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contextbdc4aaf3d712232f4ae72dce230189f9 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextrdar7252064 issue_hash_function_offset1 location line1534 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1533 1534 path kindcontrol edges start line1534 col3 file0 line1534 col3 file0 end line1535 col3 file0 line1535 col3 file0 kindevent location line1535 col3 file0 ranges line1535 col3 file0 line1535 col22 file0 depth0 extended_message The 'retain' message should be sent to instances of class 'RDar7252064' and not the class directly message The 'retain' message should be sent to instances of class 'RDar7252064' and not the class directly descriptionThe 'retain' message should be sent to instances of class 'RDar7252064' and not the class directly categoryAPI Misuse (Apple) typemessage incorrectly sent to class instead of class instance check_nameosx.cocoa.ClassRelease issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contextb767178ef573c7bd520dc62faabc32fc issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextrdar7252064 issue_hash_function_offset2 location line1535 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1533 1534 1535 path kindcontrol edges start line1534 col3 file0 line1534 col3 file0 end line1536 col3 file0 line1536 col3 file0 kindevent location line1536 col3 file0 ranges line1536 col3 file0 line1536 col27 file0 depth0 extended_message The 'autorelease' message should be sent to instances of class 'RDar7252064' and not the class directly message The 'autorelease' message should be sent to instances of class 'RDar7252064' and not the class directly descriptionThe 'autorelease' message should be sent to instances of class 'RDar7252064' and not the class directly categoryAPI Misuse (Apple) typemessage incorrectly sent to class instead of class instance check_nameosx.cocoa.ClassRelease issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context3dbe304966f8bffa6bdefc5f3ada7df6 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextrdar7252064 issue_hash_function_offset3 location line1536 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1533 1534 1535 1536 path kindcontrol edges start line1534 col3 file0 line1534 col3 file0 end line1537 col3 file0 line1537 col3 file0 kindevent location line1537 col3 file0 ranges line1537 col3 file0 line1537 col27 file0 depth0 extended_message The 'drain' message should be sent to instances of class 'NSAutoreleasePool' and not the class directly message The 'drain' message should be sent to instances of class 'NSAutoreleasePool' and not the class directly descriptionThe 'drain' message should be sent to instances of class 'NSAutoreleasePool' and not the class directly categoryAPI Misuse (Apple) typemessage incorrectly sent to class instead of class instance check_nameosx.cocoa.ClassRelease issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contextc519bce30f1da4bb6e3ecc46453d6958 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextrdar7252064 issue_hash_function_offset4 location line1537 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 path kindevent location line1564 col19 file0 ranges line1564 col19 file0 line1564 col42 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns an instance of NSString with a +1 retain count message Method returns an instance of NSString with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line1564 col3 file0 line1564 col10 file0 end line1565 col1 file0 line1565 col1 file0 kindevent location line1565 col1 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'str' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'str' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'str' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context1174ccc2a30887ebf80fe25fc6722b1a issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttest_attr_1 issue_hash_function_offset1 location line1565 col1 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1563 1564 1565 path kindevent location line1568 col19 file0 ranges line1568 col19 file0 line1568 col44 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns a Core Foundation object of type 'NSString *' with a +1 retain count message Method returns a Core Foundation object of type 'NSString *' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line1568 col3 file0 line1568 col10 file0 end line1569 col1 file0 line1569 col1 file0 kindevent location line1569 col1 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'str' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'str' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'str' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contextce9963dd1c85ac22cea4e4fef615354e issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttest_attr_1b issue_hash_function_offset1 location line1569 col1 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1567 1568 1569 path kindcontrol edges start line1572 col3 file0 line1572 col10 file0 end line1573 col3 file0 line1573 col10 file0 kindevent location line1573 col20 file0 ranges line1573 col20 file0 line1573 col38 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns an instance of NSString with a +1 retain count message Method returns an instance of NSString with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line1573 col3 file0 line1573 col10 file0 end line1574 col3 file0 line1574 col10 file0 kindcontrol edges start line1574 col3 file0 line1574 col10 file0 end line1574 col20 file0 line1574 col20 file0 kindevent location line1574 col20 file0 ranges line1574 col20 file0 line1574 col37 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'str2' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'str2' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'str2' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context0183088266857082f35eb17f1377fd69 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttest_attr1c issue_hash_function_offset2 location line1574 col20 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1571 1572 1573 1574 path kindcontrol edges start line1572 col3 file0 line1572 col10 file0 end line1575 col3 file0 line1575 col10 file0 kindcontrol edges start line1575 col3 file0 line1575 col10 file0 end line1575 col21 file0 line1575 col21 file0 kindevent location line1575 col21 file0 ranges line1575 col21 file0 line1575 col38 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns an instance of NSString with a +0 retain count message Method returns an instance of NSString with a +0 retain count kindevent location line1575 col20 file0 ranges line1575 col20 file0 line1575 col46 file0 line1575 col21 file0 line1575 col38 file0 depth0 extended_message Reference count incremented. The object now has a +1 retain count message Reference count incremented. The object now has a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line1575 col20 file0 line1575 col20 file0 end line1575 col3 file0 line1575 col10 file0 kindcontrol edges start line1575 col3 file0 line1575 col10 file0 end line1576 col1 file0 line1576 col1 file0 kindevent location line1576 col1 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'str4' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'str4' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'str4' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context352a17ef8eddd3aa5f7f6e74a74a4df3 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttest_attr1c issue_hash_function_offset4 location line1576 col1 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 path kindevent location line1579 col26 file0 ranges line1579 col26 file0 line1579 col50 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns an instance of TestOwnershipAttr with a +1 retain count message Method returns an instance of TestOwnershipAttr with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line1579 col3 file0 line1579 col19 file0 end line1580 col1 file0 line1580 col1 file0 kindevent location line1580 col1 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'x' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'x' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'x' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contextd0e564404585060990202acb33f0bb1e issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttestattr2_a issue_hash_function_offset1 location line1580 col1 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1578 1579 1580 path kindevent location line1583 col26 file0 ranges line1583 col26 file0 line1583 col63 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns an Objective-C object with a +1 retain count message Method returns an Objective-C object with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line1583 col3 file0 line1583 col19 file0 end line1584 col1 file0 line1584 col1 file0 kindevent location line1584 col1 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'x' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'x' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'x' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context567dfcbc22471ca4ba9f2fccd9ff14fb issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttestattr2_b issue_hash_function_offset1 location line1584 col1 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1582 1583 1584 path kindevent location line1587 col26 file0 ranges line1587 col26 file0 line1587 col63 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns an Objective-C object with a +1 retain count message Method returns an Objective-C object with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line1587 col3 file0 line1587 col19 file0 end line1588 col3 file0 line1588 col3 file0 kindcontrol edges start line1588 col3 file0 line1588 col3 file0 end line1589 col1 file0 line1589 col1 file0 kindevent location line1589 col1 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'x' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'x' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'x' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context83cd2670977d513443836653fee8147b issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttestattr2_b_11358224_self_assign_looses_the_leak issue_hash_function_offset1 location line1589 col1 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1586 1587 1588 1589 path kindevent location line1619 col10 file0 ranges line1619 col10 file0 line1619 col25 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns an instance of NSString with a +1 retain count message Method returns an instance of NSString with a +1 retain count kindevent location line1619 col3 file0 ranges line1619 col3 file0 line1619 col25 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'NSString *' is returned from a method that is annotated as NS_RETURNS_NOT_RETAINED message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'NSString *' is returned from a method that is annotated as NS_RETURNS_NOT_RETAINED descriptionPotential leak of an object of type 'NSString *' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak of returned object check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contextf83246e7e738918426df1adc915f4eca issue_context_kindObjective-C method issue_contextnewString issue_hash_function_offset1 location line1619 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1618 1619 path kindcontrol edges start line1652 col3 file0 line1652 col8 file0 end line1652 col26 file0 line1652 col26 file0 kindevent location line1652 col26 file0 ranges line1652 col26 file0 line1652 col53 file0 depth0 extended_message Calling 'returnsCFRetainedAsCF' message Calling 'returnsCFRetainedAsCF' kindevent location line1643 col1 file0 depth1 extended_message Entered call from 'newCFRetainedAsCFNoAttr' message Entered call from 'newCFRetainedAsCFNoAttr' kindcontrol edges start line1643 col1 file0 line1643 col1 file0 end line1644 col3 file0 line1644 col8 file0 kindcontrol edges start line1644 col3 file0 line1644 col8 file0 end line1644 col10 file0 line1644 col30 file0 kindevent location line1644 col10 file0 ranges line1644 col10 file0 line1644 col32 file0 depth1 extended_message Calling 'returnsRetainedCFDate' message Calling 'returnsRetainedCFDate' kindevent location line1633 col1 file0 depth2 extended_message Entered call from 'returnsCFRetainedAsCF' message Entered call from 'returnsCFRetainedAsCF' kindcontrol edges start line1633 col1 file0 line1633 col19 file0 end line1635 col3 file0 line1635 col8 file0 kindevent location line1635 col10 file0 ranges line1635 col10 file0 line1635 col52 file0 depth2 extended_message Call to function 'CFDateCreate' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFDateRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'CFDateCreate' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFDateRef' with a +1 retain count kindevent location line1644 col10 file0 ranges line1644 col10 file0 line1644 col32 file0 depth1 extended_message Returning from 'returnsRetainedCFDate' message Returning from 'returnsRetainedCFDate' kindcontrol edges start line1644 col10 file0 line1644 col30 file0 end line1644 col3 file0 line1644 col8 file0 kindevent location line1652 col26 file0 ranges line1652 col26 file0 line1652 col53 file0 depth0 extended_message Returning from 'returnsCFRetainedAsCF' message Returning from 'returnsCFRetainedAsCF' kindcontrol edges start line1652 col26 file0 line1652 col26 file0 end line1652 col21 file0 line1652 col21 file0 kindevent location line1652 col21 file0 ranges line1652 col21 file0 line1652 col66 file0 line1652 col22 file0 line1652 col53 file0 depth0 extended_message Object autoreleased message Object autoreleased kindcontrol edges start line1652 col21 file0 line1652 col21 file0 end line1652 col3 file0 line1652 col8 file0 kindevent location line1652 col3 file0 ranges line1652 col3 file0 line1652 col66 file0 depth0 extended_message Object with a +0 retain count returned to caller where a +1 (owning) retain count is expected message Object with a +0 retain count returned to caller where a +1 (owning) retain count is expected descriptionObject with a +0 retain count returned to caller where a +1 (owning) retain count is expected categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeMethod should return an owned object check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context5f233261d96f1d461af36fc3e0efc8eb issue_context_kindObjective-C method issue_contextnewCFRetainedAsCFNoAttr issue_hash_function_offset1 location line1652 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1633 1634 1635 1643 1644 1651 1652 path kindcontrol edges start line1656 col3 file0 line1656 col8 file0 end line1656 col20 file0 line1656 col40 file0 kindevent location line1656 col20 file0 ranges line1656 col20 file0 line1656 col42 file0 depth0 extended_message Calling 'returnsRetainedCFDate' message Calling 'returnsRetainedCFDate' kindevent location line1633 col1 file0 depth1 extended_message Entered call from 'alsoReturnsRetained' message Entered call from 'alsoReturnsRetained' kindcontrol edges start line1633 col1 file0 line1633 col19 file0 end line1635 col3 file0 line1635 col8 file0 kindevent location line1635 col10 file0 ranges line1635 col10 file0 line1635 col52 file0 depth1 extended_message Call to function 'CFDateCreate' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFDateRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'CFDateCreate' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFDateRef' with a +1 retain count kindevent location line1656 col20 file0 ranges line1656 col20 file0 line1656 col42 file0 depth0 extended_message Returning from 'returnsRetainedCFDate' message Returning from 'returnsRetainedCFDate' kindcontrol edges start line1656 col20 file0 line1656 col40 file0 end line1656 col3 file0 line1656 col8 file0 kindevent location line1656 col3 file0 ranges line1656 col3 file0 line1656 col42 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'CFDateRef' is returned from a method whose name ('alsoReturnsRetained') does not start with 'copy', 'mutableCopy', 'alloc' or 'new'. This violates the naming convention rules given in the Memory Management Guide for Cocoa message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'CFDateRef' is returned from a method whose name ('alsoReturnsRetained') does not start with 'copy', 'mutableCopy', 'alloc' or 'new'. This violates the naming convention rules given in the Memory Management Guide for Cocoa descriptionPotential leak of an object of type 'CFDateRef' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak of returned object check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context7ee55b74b5ee01c6ffa2a3d83c8cf88b issue_context_kindObjective-C method issue_contextalsoReturnsRetained issue_hash_function_offset1 location line1656 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1633 1634 1635 1655 1656 path kindcontrol edges start line1660 col3 file0 line1660 col8 file0 end line1660 col10 file0 line1660 col30 file0 kindevent location line1660 col10 file0 ranges line1660 col10 file0 line1660 col32 file0 depth0 extended_message Calling 'returnsRetainedCFDate' message Calling 'returnsRetainedCFDate' kindevent location line1633 col1 file0 depth1 extended_message Entered call from 'alsoReturnsRetainedAsCF' message Entered call from 'alsoReturnsRetainedAsCF' kindcontrol edges start line1633 col1 file0 line1633 col19 file0 end line1635 col3 file0 line1635 col8 file0 kindevent location line1635 col10 file0 ranges line1635 col10 file0 line1635 col52 file0 depth1 extended_message Call to function 'CFDateCreate' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFDateRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'CFDateCreate' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFDateRef' with a +1 retain count kindevent location line1660 col10 file0 ranges line1660 col10 file0 line1660 col32 file0 depth0 extended_message Returning from 'returnsRetainedCFDate' message Returning from 'returnsRetainedCFDate' kindcontrol edges start line1660 col10 file0 line1660 col30 file0 end line1660 col3 file0 line1660 col8 file0 kindevent location line1660 col3 file0 ranges line1660 col3 file0 line1660 col32 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'CFDateRef' is returned from a method whose name ('alsoReturnsRetainedAsCF') does not start with 'copy', 'mutableCopy', 'alloc' or 'new'. This violates the naming convention rules given in the Memory Management Guide for Cocoa message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'CFDateRef' is returned from a method whose name ('alsoReturnsRetainedAsCF') does not start with 'copy', 'mutableCopy', 'alloc' or 'new'. This violates the naming convention rules given in the Memory Management Guide for Cocoa descriptionPotential leak of an object of type 'CFDateRef' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak of returned object check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context177b2cf7eb3d8334393ee0861f5a38ac issue_context_kindObjective-C method issue_contextalsoReturnsRetainedAsCF issue_hash_function_offset1 location line1660 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1633 1634 1635 1659 1660 path kindcontrol edges start line1680 col3 file0 line1680 col8 file0 end line1681 col3 file0 line1681 col13 file0 kindevent location line1681 col23 file0 ranges line1681 col23 file0 line1681 col82 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'CFNumberCreate' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFNumberRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'CFNumberCreate' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFNumberRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line1681 col3 file0 line1681 col13 file0 end line1682 col1 file0 line1682 col1 file0 kindevent location line1682 col1 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'value' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'value' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'value' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context85e9d8130a1f1ec37f0ba26746abd749 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttest_panic_negative issue_hash_function_offset2 location line1682 col1 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1679 1680 1681 1682 path kindcontrol edges start line1691 col3 file0 line1691 col8 file0 end line1692 col3 file0 line1692 col13 file0 kindevent location line1692 col23 file0 ranges line1692 col23 file0 line1692 col82 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'CFNumberCreate' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFNumberRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'CFNumberCreate' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFNumberRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line1692 col3 file0 line1692 col13 file0 end line1693 col3 file0 line1693 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line1693 col3 file0 line1693 col4 file0 end line1693 col7 file0 line1693 col7 file0 kindevent location line1693 col7 file0 ranges line1693 col7 file0 line1693 col7 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'x' is 0 message Assuming 'x' is 0 kindcontrol edges start line1693 col7 file0 line1693 col7 file0 end line1695 col1 file0 line1695 col1 file0 kindevent location line1695 col1 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'value' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'value' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'value' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context4a0b16976e0517b38b2ccc16e2928c2e issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttest_panic_neg_2 issue_hash_function_offset2 location line1695 col1 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1690 1691 1692 1693 1695 path kindevent location line1715 col22 file0 ranges line1715 col22 file0 line1715 col53 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns an instance of NSNumber with a +1 retain count message Method returns an instance of NSNumber with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line1715 col3 file0 line1715 col10 file0 end line1716 col3 file0 line1716 col3 file0 kindevent location line1716 col3 file0 ranges line1716 col3 file0 line1716 col7 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'number' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'number' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'number' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contextaf73d9c62952a300a7c393ebd5073f75 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttest_blocks_1_pos issue_hash_function_offset1 location line1716 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1714 1715 1716 path kindevent location line1736 col22 file0 ranges line1736 col22 file0 line1736 col53 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns an instance of NSNumber with a +1 retain count message Method returns an instance of NSNumber with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line1736 col3 file0 line1736 col10 file0 end line1737 col3 file0 line1737 col3 file0 kindevent location line1737 col3 file0 ranges line1737 col3 file0 line1737 col39 file0 depth0 extended_message Calling anonymous block message Calling anonymous block kindevent location line1737 col3 file0 depth1 extended_message Entered call from 'test_blocks_1_indirect_retain_via_call' message Entered call from 'test_blocks_1_indirect_retain_via_call' kindcontrol edges start line1737 col3 file0 line1737 col3 file0 end line1737 col19 file0 line1737 col19 file0 kindevent location line1737 col19 file0 ranges line1737 col19 file0 line1737 col28 file0 line1737 col20 file0 line1737 col20 file0 depth1 extended_message Reference count incremented. The object now has a +2 retain count message Reference count incremented. The object now has a +2 retain count kindevent location line1737 col3 file0 ranges line1737 col3 file0 line1737 col39 file0 depth0 extended_message Returning to caller message Returning to caller kindcontrol edges start line1737 col3 file0 line1737 col3 file0 end line1738 col1 file0 line1738 col1 file0 kindevent location line1738 col1 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'number' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +2 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'number' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +2 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'number' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context771b2a332053388ffbdd9ba74ea84c5e issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttest_blocks_1_indirect_retain_via_call issue_hash_function_offset1 location line1738 col1 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1735 1736 1737 1738 path kindcontrol edges start line1788 col5 file0 line1788 col14 file0 end line1791 col5 file0 line1791 col9 file0 kindcontrol edges start line1791 col5 file0 line1791 col9 file0 end line1791 col12 file0 line1791 col24 file0 kindevent location line1791 col12 file0 ranges line1791 col12 file0 line1791 col38 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'error_to_dump' is not equal to null message Assuming 'error_to_dump' is not equal to null kindevent location line1791 col12 file0 ranges line1791 col12 file0 line1791 col38 file0 depth0 extended_message Entering loop body message Entering loop body kindcontrol edges start line1791 col12 file0 line1791 col24 file0 end line1792 col9 file0 line1792 col23 file0 kindcontrol edges start line1792 col9 file0 line1792 col23 file0 end line1794 col9 file0 line1794 col12 file0 kindevent location line1794 col16 file0 ranges line1794 col16 file0 line1794 col49 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'CFErrorCopyUserInfo' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFDictionaryRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'CFErrorCopyUserInfo' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFDictionaryRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line1794 col9 file0 line1794 col12 file0 end line1796 col9 file0 line1796 col10 file0 kindcontrol edges start line1796 col9 file0 line1796 col10 file0 end line1796 col13 file0 line1796 col16 file0 kindevent location line1796 col13 file0 ranges line1796 col13 file0 line1796 col30 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'info' is not equal to null message Assuming 'info' is not equal to null kindcontrol edges start line1796 col13 file0 line1796 col16 file0 end line1799 col23 file0 line1799 col23 file0 kindevent location line1799 col23 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'info' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'info' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'info' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context39f8c30f7436f678d5259c0fdd3a0dad issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextrdar_8724287 issue_hash_function_offset7 location line1799 col23 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1786 1787 1788 1790 1791 1792 1794 1796 1799 path kindevent location line1844 col10 file0 ranges line1844 col10 file0 line1844 col60 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'CFArrayCreateMutable' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFMutableArrayRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'CFArrayCreateMutable' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFMutableArrayRef' with a +1 retain count kindevent location line1844 col3 file0 ranges line1844 col3 file0 line1844 col60 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'CFMutableArrayRef' is returned from a function whose name ('camelcase_createno') does not contain 'Copy' or 'Create'. This violates the naming convention rules given in the Memory Management Guide for Core Foundation message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'CFMutableArrayRef' is returned from a function whose name ('camelcase_createno') does not contain 'Copy' or 'Create'. This violates the naming convention rules given in the Memory Management Guide for Core Foundation descriptionPotential leak of an object of type 'CFMutableArrayRef' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak of returned object check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context107e3efdeb8cdff4bef4c64183c4f6fa issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextcamelcase_createno issue_hash_function_offset1 location line1844 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1843 1844 path kindevent location line1852 col10 file0 ranges line1852 col10 file0 line1852 col60 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'CFArrayCreateMutable' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFMutableArrayRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'CFArrayCreateMutable' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFMutableArrayRef' with a +1 retain count kindevent location line1852 col3 file0 ranges line1852 col3 file0 line1852 col60 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'CFMutableArrayRef' is returned from a function whose name ('camelcase_copying') does not contain 'Copy' or 'Create'. This violates the naming convention rules given in the Memory Management Guide for Core Foundation message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'CFMutableArrayRef' is returned from a function whose name ('camelcase_copying') does not contain 'Copy' or 'Create'. This violates the naming convention rules given in the Memory Management Guide for Core Foundation descriptionPotential leak of an object of type 'CFMutableArrayRef' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak of returned object check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context20c973a013858abb0a926276c956f858 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextcamelcase_copying issue_hash_function_offset1 location line1852 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1851 1852 path kindevent location line1873 col10 file0 ranges line1873 col10 file0 line1873 col60 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'CFArrayCreateMutable' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFMutableArrayRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'CFArrayCreateMutable' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFMutableArrayRef' with a +1 retain count kindevent location line1873 col3 file0 ranges line1873 col3 file0 line1873 col60 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'CFMutableArrayRef' is returned from a function whose name ('camel_creat') does not contain 'Copy' or 'Create'. This violates the naming convention rules given in the Memory Management Guide for Core Foundation message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'CFMutableArrayRef' is returned from a function whose name ('camel_creat') does not contain 'Copy' or 'Create'. This violates the naming convention rules given in the Memory Management Guide for Core Foundation descriptionPotential leak of an object of type 'CFMutableArrayRef' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak of returned object check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context80ee99e51561a37297429740e3a4da0c issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextcamel_creat issue_hash_function_offset1 location line1873 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1872 1873 path kindevent location line1885 col10 file0 ranges line1885 col10 file0 line1885 col60 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'CFArrayCreateMutable' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFMutableArrayRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'CFArrayCreateMutable' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFMutableArrayRef' with a +1 retain count kindevent location line1885 col3 file0 ranges line1885 col3 file0 line1885 col60 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'CFMutableArrayRef' is returned from a function whose name ('camel_copymachine') does not contain 'Copy' or 'Create'. This violates the naming convention rules given in the Memory Management Guide for Core Foundation message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'CFMutableArrayRef' is returned from a function whose name ('camel_copymachine') does not contain 'Copy' or 'Create'. This violates the naming convention rules given in the Memory Management Guide for Core Foundation descriptionPotential leak of an object of type 'CFMutableArrayRef' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak of returned object check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contexta4e28a04f6a8d87c8aaf4d71c37cac0f issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextcamel_copymachine issue_hash_function_offset1 location line1885 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1884 1885 path kindcontrol edges start line1905 col3 file0 line1905 col16 file0 end line1906 col3 file0 line1906 col11 file0 kindevent location line1906 col24 file0 ranges line1906 col24 file0 line1906 col41 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'CFDateCreate' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFDateRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'CFDateCreate' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFDateRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line1906 col3 file0 line1906 col11 file0 end line1907 col1 file0 line1907 col1 file0 kindevent location line1907 col1 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'vals' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'vals' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'vals' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context6b727a438d8411c058fd32867b9402bc issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextrdar6582778 issue_hash_function_offset2 location line1907 col1 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1904 1905 1906 1907 path kindcontrol edges start line1931 col3 file0 line1931 col16 file0 end line1933 col3 file0 line1933 col10 file0 kindevent location line1933 col22 file0 ranges line1933 col22 file0 line1933 col64 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns an instance of NSString with a +1 retain count message Method returns an instance of NSString with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line1933 col3 file0 line1933 col10 file0 end line1934 col3 file0 line1934 col3 file0 kindevent location line1934 col3 file0 ranges line1934 col3 file0 line1934 col18 file0 line1934 col4 file0 line1934 col9 file0 depth0 extended_message Object released message Object released kindcontrol edges start line1934 col3 file0 line1934 col3 file0 end line1936 col3 file0 line1936 col10 file0 kindcontrol edges start line1936 col3 file0 line1936 col10 file0 end line1936 col27 file0 line1936 col27 file0 kindevent location line1936 col27 file0 ranges line1936 col28 file0 line1936 col33 file0 depth0 extended_message Reference-counted object is used after it is released message Reference-counted object is used after it is released descriptionReference-counted object is used after it is released categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeUse-after-release check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contextb39dcf9df7cec8dd73cbbe25b2a7d6c5 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextrdar10232019_positive issue_hash_function_offset6 location line1936 col27 file0 ExecutedLines 0 1930 1931 1933 1934 1936 path kindcontrol edges start line2063 col9 file0 line2063 col16 file0 end line2064 col9 file0 line2064 col15 file0 kindevent location line2064 col22 file0 ranges line2064 col22 file0 line2064 col66 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns an instance of NSArray with a +1 retain count message Method returns an instance of NSArray with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line2064 col9 file0 line2064 col15 file0 end line2067 col9 file0 line2067 col9 file0 kindevent location line2067 col9 file0 ranges line2067 col9 file0 line2067 col23 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'a' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'a' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'a' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contexta501f743b22f1feb5dc317fcad4f7556 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttest_objc_arrays issue_hash_function_offset3 location line2067 col9 file0 ExecutedLines 0 2061 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 path kindcontrol edges start line2063 col9 file0 line2063 col16 file0 end line2067 col9 file0 line2067 col9 file0 kindcontrol edges start line2067 col9 file0 line2067 col9 file0 end line2071 col9 file0 line2071 col16 file0 kindcontrol edges start line2071 col9 file0 line2071 col16 file0 end line2073 col9 file0 line2073 col15 file0 kindevent location line2073 col23 file0 ranges line2073 col23 file0 line2073 col56 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns an instance of NSArray with a +1 retain count message Method returns an instance of NSArray with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line2073 col9 file0 line2073 col15 file0 end line2076 col9 file0 line2076 col9 file0 kindevent location line2076 col9 file0 ranges line2076 col9 file0 line2076 col23 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'a2' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'a2' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'a2' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contexta141a6ad33e8ff2ae3b13da0ad36ebc5 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttest_objc_arrays issue_hash_function_offset12 location line2076 col9 file0 ExecutedLines 0 2061 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 path kindcontrol edges start line2063 col9 file0 line2063 col16 file0 end line2067 col9 file0 line2067 col9 file0 kindcontrol edges start line2067 col9 file0 line2067 col9 file0 end line2071 col9 file0 line2071 col16 file0 kindcontrol edges start line2071 col9 file0 line2071 col16 file0 end line2076 col9 file0 line2076 col9 file0 kindcontrol edges start line2076 col9 file0 line2076 col9 file0 end line2080 col9 file0 line2080 col16 file0 kindcontrol edges start line2080 col9 file0 line2080 col16 file0 end line2081 col9 file0 line2081 col15 file0 kindcontrol edges start line2081 col9 file0 line2081 col15 file0 end line2081 col24 file0 line2081 col24 file0 kindevent location line2081 col24 file0 ranges line2081 col24 file0 line2081 col27 file0 depth0 extended_message NSArray literal is an object with a +0 retain count message NSArray literal is an object with a +0 retain count kindevent location line2081 col23 file0 ranges line2081 col23 file0 line2081 col35 file0 line2081 col24 file0 line2081 col27 file0 depth0 extended_message Reference count incremented. The object now has a +1 retain count message Reference count incremented. The object now has a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line2081 col23 file0 line2081 col23 file0 end line2081 col9 file0 line2081 col15 file0 kindcontrol edges start line2081 col9 file0 line2081 col15 file0 end line2084 col9 file0 line2084 col9 file0 kindevent location line2084 col9 file0 ranges line2084 col9 file0 line2084 col23 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'a3' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'a3' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'a3' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context2b072d75e8da8e3fe8f7968a85efb37c issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttest_objc_arrays issue_hash_function_offset20 location line2084 col9 file0 ExecutedLines 0 2061 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 path kindcontrol edges start line2063 col9 file0 line2063 col16 file0 end line2067 col9 file0 line2067 col9 file0 kindcontrol edges start line2067 col9 file0 line2067 col9 file0 end line2071 col9 file0 line2071 col16 file0 kindcontrol edges start line2071 col9 file0 line2071 col16 file0 end line2076 col9 file0 line2076 col9 file0 kindcontrol edges start line2076 col9 file0 line2076 col9 file0 end line2080 col9 file0 line2080 col16 file0 kindcontrol edges start line2080 col9 file0 line2080 col16 file0 end line2084 col9 file0 line2084 col9 file0 kindcontrol edges start line2084 col9 file0 line2084 col9 file0 end line2088 col9 file0 line2088 col16 file0 kindcontrol edges start line2088 col9 file0 line2088 col16 file0 end line2089 col9 file0 line2089 col15 file0 kindevent location line2089 col22 file0 ranges line2089 col22 file0 line2089 col57 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns an instance of NSArray with a +1 retain count message Method returns an instance of NSArray with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line2089 col9 file0 line2089 col15 file0 end line2093 col9 file0 line2093 col9 file0 kindevent location line2093 col9 file0 ranges line2093 col9 file0 line2093 col23 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'a' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'a' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'a' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context0bfdfb7e392626e0fccc6ab9f58f1ca8 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttest_objc_arrays issue_hash_function_offset28 location line2093 col9 file0 ExecutedLines 0 2061 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2088 2089 2090 2092 2093 path kindcontrol edges start line2063 col9 file0 line2063 col16 file0 end line2067 col9 file0 line2067 col9 file0 kindcontrol edges start line2067 col9 file0 line2067 col9 file0 end line2071 col9 file0 line2071 col16 file0 kindcontrol edges start line2071 col9 file0 line2071 col16 file0 end line2076 col9 file0 line2076 col9 file0 kindcontrol edges start line2076 col9 file0 line2076 col9 file0 end line2080 col9 file0 line2080 col16 file0 kindcontrol edges start line2080 col9 file0 line2080 col16 file0 end line2084 col9 file0 line2084 col9 file0 kindcontrol edges start line2084 col9 file0 line2084 col9 file0 end line2088 col9 file0 line2088 col16 file0 kindcontrol edges start line2088 col9 file0 line2088 col16 file0 end line2093 col9 file0 line2093 col9 file0 kindcontrol edges start line2093 col9 file0 line2093 col9 file0 end line2097 col9 file0 line2097 col15 file0 kindcontrol edges start line2097 col9 file0 line2097 col15 file0 end line2098 col9 file0 line2098 col20 file0 kindcontrol edges start line2098 col9 file0 line2098 col20 file0 end line2098 col28 file0 line2098 col28 file0 kindevent location line2098 col28 file0 ranges line2098 col28 file0 line2098 col35 file0 depth0 extended_message NSDictionary literal is an object with a +0 retain count message NSDictionary literal is an object with a +0 retain count kindevent location line2098 col27 file0 ranges line2098 col27 file0 line2098 col43 file0 line2098 col28 file0 line2098 col35 file0 depth0 extended_message Reference count incremented. The object now has a +1 retain count message Reference count incremented. The object now has a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line2098 col27 file0 line2098 col27 file0 end line2098 col9 file0 line2098 col20 file0 kindcontrol edges start line2098 col9 file0 line2098 col20 file0 end line2102 col9 file0 line2102 col9 file0 kindevent location line2102 col9 file0 ranges line2102 col9 file0 line2102 col23 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'a' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'a' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'a' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contextff7c34e661a42d06a7fb3e9669e70339 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttest_objc_arrays issue_hash_function_offset37 location line2102 col9 file0 ExecutedLines 0 2061 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2088 2089 2090 2092 2093 2097 2098 2099 2101 2102 path kindcontrol edges start line2107 col3 file0 line2107 col4 file0 end line2107 col15 file0 line2107 col15 file0 kindevent location line2107 col15 file0 ranges line2107 col15 file0 line2107 col16 file0 depth0 extended_message NSNumber literal is an object with a +0 retain count message NSNumber literal is an object with a +0 retain count kindevent location line2107 col14 file0 ranges line2107 col14 file0 line2107 col24 file0 line2107 col15 file0 line2107 col16 file0 depth0 extended_message Reference count incremented. The object now has a +1 retain count message Reference count incremented. The object now has a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line2107 col14 file0 line2107 col14 file0 end line2107 col3 file0 line2107 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line2107 col3 file0 line2107 col4 file0 end line2108 col3 file0 line2108 col3 file0 kindcontrol edges start line2108 col3 file0 line2108 col3 file0 end line2109 col1 file0 line2109 col1 file0 kindevent location line2109 col1 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'value' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'value' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'value' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context73e84c042932d2e17e00f00dc3d36d5a issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttest_objc_integer_literals issue_hash_function_offset1 location line2109 col1 file0 ExecutedLines 0 2106 2107 2108 2109 path kindcontrol edges start line2112 col3 file0 line2112 col4 file0 end line2112 col15 file0 line2112 col15 file0 kindevent location line2112 col15 file0 ranges line2112 col15 file0 line2112 col18 file0 depth0 extended_message NSNumber boxed expression produces an object with a +0 retain count message NSNumber boxed expression produces an object with a +0 retain count kindevent location line2112 col14 file0 ranges line2112 col14 file0 line2112 col26 file0 line2112 col15 file0 line2112 col18 file0 depth0 extended_message Reference count incremented. The object now has a +1 retain count message Reference count incremented. The object now has a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line2112 col14 file0 line2112 col14 file0 end line2112 col3 file0 line2112 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line2112 col3 file0 line2112 col4 file0 end line2116 col3 file0 line2116 col3 file0 kindevent location line2116 col3 file0 ranges line2116 col3 file0 line2116 col21 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'value' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'value' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'value' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context465e592d4f7a187717d00b8154a614b5 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttest_objc_boxed_expressions issue_hash_function_offset1 location line2116 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 2111 2112 2113 2115 2116 path kindcontrol edges start line2112 col3 file0 line2112 col4 file0 end line2115 col3 file0 line2115 col7 file0 kindcontrol edges start line2115 col3 file0 line2115 col7 file0 end line2115 col12 file0 line2115 col12 file0 kindevent location line2115 col12 file0 ranges line2115 col12 file0 line2115 col15 file0 depth0 extended_message NSString boxed expression produces an object with a +0 retain count message NSString boxed expression produces an object with a +0 retain count kindevent location line2115 col11 file0 ranges line2115 col11 file0 line2115 col23 file0 line2115 col12 file0 line2115 col15 file0 depth0 extended_message Reference count incremented. The object now has a +1 retain count message Reference count incremented. The object now has a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line2115 col11 file0 line2115 col11 file0 end line2115 col3 file0 line2115 col7 file0 kindcontrol edges start line2115 col3 file0 line2115 col7 file0 end line2116 col3 file0 line2116 col3 file0 kindcontrol edges start line2116 col3 file0 line2116 col3 file0 end line2117 col1 file0 line2117 col1 file0 kindevent location line2117 col1 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'value' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'value' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'value' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contextc701bd0c60f51d96c047aa78c9e0eb99 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttest_objc_boxed_expressions issue_hash_function_offset4 location line2117 col1 file0 ExecutedLines 0 2111 2112 2113 2115 2116 2117 path kindcontrol edges start line2123 col5 file0 line2123 col12 file0 end line2124 col5 file0 line2124 col6 file0 kindcontrol edges start line2124 col5 file0 line2124 col6 file0 end line2124 col8 file0 line2124 col8 file0 kindevent location line2124 col8 file0 ranges line2124 col8 file0 line2124 col12 file0 depth0 extended_message Assuming 'y' is <= 2 message Assuming 'y' is <= 2 kindcontrol edges start line2124 col8 file0 line2124 col8 file0 end line2127 col7 file0 line2127 col17 file0 kindevent location line2127 col21 file0 ranges line2127 col21 file0 line2127 col43 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns an instance of NSString with a +1 retain count message Method returns an instance of NSString with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line2127 col7 file0 line2127 col17 file0 end line2128 col5 file0 line2128 col9 file0 kindcontrol edges start line2128 col5 file0 line2128 col9 file0 end line2129 col5 file0 line2129 col5 file0 kindevent location line2129 col5 file0 ranges line2129 col5 file0 line2129 col25 file0 line2129 col6 file0 line2129 col16 file0 depth0 extended_message Object released message Object released kindcontrol edges start line2129 col5 file0 line2129 col5 file0 end line2130 col5 file0 line2130 col9 file0 kindevent location line2130 col5 file0 ranges line2130 col25 file0 line2130 col35 file0 depth0 extended_message Reference-counted object is used after it is released message Reference-counted object is used after it is released descriptionReference-counted object is used after it is released categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeUse-after-release check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contexta4cedbb647e9632da7a5072cb839e54a issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextrdar11400885 issue_hash_function_offset9 location line2130 col5 file0 ExecutedLines 0 2120 2121 2123 2124 2127 2128 2129 2130 path kindcontrol edges start line2148 col3 file0 line2148 col4 file0 end line2156 col3 file0 line2156 col4 file0 kindevent location line2156 col19 file0 ranges line2156 col19 file0 line2156 col21 file0 depth0 extended_message NSArray literal is an object with a +0 retain count message NSArray literal is an object with a +0 retain count kindcontrol edges start line2156 col3 file0 line2156 col4 file0 end line2157 col3 file0 line2157 col24 file0 kindevent location line2157 col3 file0 ranges line2157 col26 file0 line2157 col35 file0 depth0 extended_message Incorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller message Incorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller descriptionIncorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeBad release check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contextfd9427d86a2357fd92478c9c7abbc1f4 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttestConsumeAndStopTracking issue_hash_function_offset10 location line2157 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 2147 2148 2149 2151 2152 2156 2157 path kindcontrol edges start line2161 col3 file0 line2161 col4 file0 end line2169 col3 file0 line2169 col4 file0 kindevent location line2169 col19 file0 ranges line2169 col19 file0 line2169 col21 file0 depth0 extended_message NSArray literal is an object with a +0 retain count message NSArray literal is an object with a +0 retain count kindcontrol edges start line2169 col3 file0 line2169 col4 file0 end line2170 col3 file0 line2170 col26 file0 kindevent location line2170 col3 file0 ranges line2170 col28 file0 line2170 col48 file0 depth0 extended_message Incorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller message Incorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller descriptionIncorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeBad release check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context0e65e51476e5671dcd37f632806e5147 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttestCFConsumeAndStopTracking issue_hash_function_offset10 location line2170 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 2160 2161 2162 2164 2165 2169 2170 path kindevent location line2182 col16 file0 ranges line2182 col16 file0 line2182 col31 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'CreateMyCFType' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'MyCFType' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'CreateMyCFType' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'MyCFType' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line2182 col3 file0 line2182 col10 file0 end line2183 col1 file0 line2183 col1 file0 kindevent location line2183 col1 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'x' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'x' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'x' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contexta0ba9c47505e923763ea5323ad2f71b7 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttest_custom_cf issue_hash_function_offset1 location line2183 col1 file0 ExecutedLines 0 2181 2182 2183 path kindevent location line2217 col18 file0 ranges line2217 col18 file0 line2217 col29 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'makeCustom' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'MyCFType' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'makeCustom' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'MyCFType' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line2217 col3 file0 line2217 col10 file0 end line2218 col1 file0 line2218 col1 file0 kindevent location line2218 col1 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'obj' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'obj' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'obj' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context7a6cf8cb3c5e0ca3125d7e27695a810a issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttestCustomReturnsRetained issue_hash_function_offset1 location line2218 col1 file0 ExecutedLines 0 2216 2217 2218 path kindevent location line2221 col13 file0 ranges line2221 col13 file0 line2221 col23 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'getCustom' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'MyCFType' with a +0 retain count message Call to function 'getCustom' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'MyCFType' with a +0 retain count kindevent location line2221 col3 file0 ranges line2221 col13 file0 line2221 col23 file0 depth0 extended_message Incorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller message Incorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller descriptionIncorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeBad release check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context810fce32373fe40ba8e2d0894d46f667 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttestCustomReturnsNotRetained issue_hash_function_offset1 location line2221 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 2220 2221 path kindcontrol edges start line2240 col3 file0 line2240 col4 file0 end line2240 col11 file0 line2240 col11 file0 kindevent location line2240 col11 file0 ranges line2240 col11 file0 line2240 col31 file0 depth0 extended_message Method returns an instance of MyObj12706177 with a +1 retain count message Method returns an instance of MyObj12706177 with a +1 retain count kindevent location line2240 col10 file0 ranges line2240 col10 file0 line2240 col38 file0 depth0 extended_message Calling 'initX' message Calling 'initX' kindevent location line2233 col1 file0 depth1 extended_message Entered call from 'test12706177' message Entered call from 'test12706177' kindcontrol edges start line2233 col1 file0 line2233 col1 file0 end line2234 col3 file0 line2234 col4 file0 kindcontrol edges start line2234 col3 file0 line2234 col4 file0 end line2234 col7 file0 line2234 col10 file0 kindevent location line2234 col7 file0 ranges line2234 col7 file0 line2234 col10 file0 depth1 extended_message Assuming 'Cond' is not equal to 0 message Assuming 'Cond' is not equal to 0 kindcontrol edges start line2234 col7 file0 line2234 col10 file0 end line2235 col5 file0 line2235 col10 file0 kindevent location line2240 col10 file0 ranges line2240 col10 file0 line2240 col38 file0 depth0 extended_message Returning from 'initX' message Returning from 'initX' kindcontrol edges start line2240 col10 file0 line2240 col10 file0 end line2240 col3 file0 line2240 col4 file0 kindevent location line2240 col3 file0 ranges line2240 col3 file0 line2240 col6 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'MyObj12706177 *' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: allocated object of type 'MyObj12706177 *' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object of type 'MyObj12706177 *' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context68ee7961ffb62c575cc2298cb4836090 issue_context_kindObjective-C method issue_contexttest12706177 issue_hash_function_offset1 location line2240 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 2233 2234 2235 2239 2240 path kindcontrol edges start line2256 col3 file0 line2256 col8 file0 end line2256 col24 file0 line2256 col37 file0 kindevent location line2256 col24 file0 ranges line2256 col24 file0 line2256 col39 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'CFGetSomething' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFTypeRef' with a +0 retain count message Call to function 'CFGetSomething' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFTypeRef' with a +0 retain count kindcontrol edges start line2256 col24 file0 line2256 col37 file0 end line2256 col10 file0 line2256 col22 file0 kindevent location line2256 col10 file0 ranges line2256 col10 file0 line2256 col40 file0 line2256 col24 file0 line2256 col39 file0 depth0 extended_message Object autoreleased message Object autoreleased kindcontrol edges start line2256 col10 file0 line2256 col22 file0 end line2256 col3 file0 line2256 col8 file0 kindevent location line2256 col3 file0 ranges line2256 col3 file0 line2256 col40 file0 depth0 extended_message Object was autoreleased but has a +0 retain count message Object was autoreleased but has a +0 retain count descriptionObject autoreleased too many times categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeObject autoreleased too many times check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context1dc376fbbe90d14b6766585a0e2b7bee issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextgetIncorrectlyAutoreleasedCFType issue_hash_function_offset2 location line2256 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 2254 2256 path kindcontrol edges start line2261 col3 file0 line2261 col8 file0 end line2261 col24 file0 line2261 col40 file0 kindevent location line2261 col24 file0 ranges line2261 col24 file0 line2261 col42 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'CFCreateSomething' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFTypeRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'CFCreateSomething' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFTypeRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line2261 col24 file0 line2261 col40 file0 end line2261 col10 file0 line2261 col22 file0 kindevent location line2261 col10 file0 ranges line2261 col10 file0 line2261 col43 file0 line2261 col24 file0 line2261 col42 file0 depth0 extended_message Object autoreleased message Object autoreleased kindcontrol edges start line2261 col10 file0 line2261 col22 file0 end line2261 col3 file0 line2261 col8 file0 kindevent location line2261 col3 file0 ranges line2261 col3 file0 line2261 col43 file0 depth0 extended_message Object with a +0 retain count returned to caller where a +1 (owning) retain count is expected message Object with a +0 retain count returned to caller where a +1 (owning) retain count is expected descriptionObject with a +0 retain count returned to caller where a +1 (owning) retain count is expected categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeMethod should return an owned object check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context6ae8ea9fe4bf203e6b7bfaf649a6ca6a issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextcreateIncorrectlyAutoreleasedCFType issue_hash_function_offset2 location line2261 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 2259 2261 path kindevent location line2276 col19 file0 ranges line2276 col19 file0 line2276 col37 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'CFCreateSomething' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFTypeRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'CFCreateSomething' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFTypeRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line2276 col3 file0 line2276 col11 file0 end line2277 col3 file0 line2277 col11 file0 kindevent location line2277 col3 file0 ranges line2277 col3 file0 line2277 col16 file0 line2277 col13 file0 line2277 col15 file0 depth0 extended_message Object released message Object released kindcontrol edges start line2277 col3 file0 line2277 col11 file0 end line2280 col3 file0 line2280 col7 file0 kindevent location line2280 col3 file0 ranges line2280 col9 file0 line2280 col11 file0 depth0 extended_message Reference-counted object is used after it is released message Reference-counted object is used after it is released descriptionReference-counted object is used after it is released categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeUse-after-release check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_contextd4e28f96fc8610b5b4b849f4760956eb issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextuseAfterRelease issue_hash_function_offset7 location line2280 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 2273 2276 2277 2280 path kindevent location line2285 col19 file0 ranges line2285 col19 file0 line2285 col37 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'CFCreateSomething' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFTypeRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'CFCreateSomething' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFTypeRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line2285 col3 file0 line2285 col11 file0 end line2286 col3 file0 line2286 col11 file0 kindevent location line2286 col22 file0 ranges line2286 col22 file0 line2286 col39 file0 line2286 col36 file0 line2286 col38 file0 depth0 extended_message Object autoreleased message Object autoreleased kindcontrol edges start line2286 col3 file0 line2286 col11 file0 end line2287 col3 file0 line2287 col10 file0 kindevent location line2287 col3 file0 ranges line2287 col3 file0 line2287 col18 file0 line2287 col12 file0 line2287 col17 file0 depth0 extended_message Reference count incremented. The object now has a +2 retain count message Reference count incremented. The object now has a +2 retain count kindcontrol edges start line2287 col3 file0 line2287 col10 file0 end line2288 col1 file0 line2288 col1 file0 kindevent location line2288 col1 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'obj' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'obj' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'obj' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context7986c4b7fb29301c109343dfe4155202 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttestAutoreleaseReturnsInput issue_hash_function_offset2 location line2288 col1 file0 ExecutedLines 0 2283 2285 2286 2287 2288 path kindevent location line2305 col20 file0 ranges line2305 col20 file0 line2305 col70 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'CFArrayCreateMutable' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFMutableArrayRef' with a +1 retain count message Call to function 'CFArrayCreateMutable' returns a Core Foundation object of type 'CFMutableArrayRef' with a +1 retain count kindcontrol edges start line2305 col3 file0 line2305 col12 file0 end line2306 col3 file0 line2306 col12 file0 kindevent location line2306 col34 file0 ranges line2306 col34 file0 line2306 col62 file0 line2306 col48 file0 line2306 col61 file0 depth0 extended_message Object autoreleased message Object autoreleased kindcontrol edges start line2306 col3 file0 line2306 col12 file0 end line2307 col3 file0 line2307 col10 file0 kindevent location line2307 col3 file0 ranges line2307 col3 file0 line2307 col17 file0 line2307 col12 file0 line2307 col16 file0 depth0 extended_message Reference count incremented. The object now has a +2 retain count message Reference count incremented. The object now has a +2 retain count kindcontrol edges start line2307 col3 file0 line2307 col10 file0 end line2308 col1 file0 line2308 col1 file0 kindevent location line2308 col1 file0 depth0 extended_message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'arr' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 message Object leaked: object allocated and stored into 'arr' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1 descriptionPotential leak of an object stored into 'arr' categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeLeak check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context2e0dbfdf379acf2f09e46db47d753e8a issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextautoreleaseReturningTypedObject issue_hash_function_offset1 location line2308 col1 file0 ExecutedLines 0 2304 2305 2306 2307 2308 path kindcontrol edges start line2319 col3 file0 line2319 col4 file0 end line2322 col3 file0 line2322 col4 file0 kindevent location line2322 col19 file0 ranges line2322 col19 file0 line2322 col20 file0 depth0 extended_message NSNumber literal is an object with a +0 retain count message NSNumber literal is an object with a +0 retain count kindcontrol edges start line2322 col3 file0 line2322 col4 file0 end line2323 col3 file0 line2323 col15 file0 kindevent location line2323 col3 file0 ranges line2323 col3 file0 line2323 col27 file0 line2323 col17 file0 line2323 col26 file0 depth0 extended_message Object autoreleased message Object autoreleased kindcontrol edges start line2323 col3 file0 line2323 col15 file0 end line2324 col1 file0 line2324 col1 file0 kindevent location line2324 col1 file0 depth0 extended_message Object was autoreleased but has a +0 retain count message Object was autoreleased but has a +0 retain count descriptionObject autoreleased too many times categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeObject autoreleased too many times check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context41a2d6f91fdfa9b5f396102a60571e21 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contextautoreleaseObjC issue_hash_function_offset6 location line2324 col1 file0 ExecutedLines 0 2318 2319 2320 2322 2323 2324 path kindcontrol edges start line2374 col3 file0 line2374 col11 file0 end line2375 col3 file0 line2375 col13 file0 kindevent location line2375 col3 file0 ranges line2375 col3 file0 line2375 col19 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'getViaParam' writes a Core Foundation object of type 'CFTypeRef' with a +0 retain count into an out parameter 'outObj' message Call to function 'getViaParam' writes a Core Foundation object of type 'CFTypeRef' with a +0 retain count into an out parameter 'outObj' kindcontrol edges start line2375 col3 file0 line2375 col13 file0 end line2376 col3 file0 line2376 col11 file0 kindevent location line2376 col3 file0 ranges line2376 col13 file0 line2376 col15 file0 depth0 extended_message Incorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller message Incorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller descriptionIncorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeBad release check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context95dd5581ae4195b71e9a11f34290af5d issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttestCFReturnsNotRetained issue_hash_function_offset4 location line2376 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 2372 2374 2375 2376 path kindcontrol edges start line2381 col3 file0 line2381 col11 file0 end line2382 col3 file0 line2382 col14 file0 kindevent location line2382 col3 file0 ranges line2382 col3 file0 line2382 col20 file0 depth0 extended_message Call to function 'getViaParam2' writes a Core Foundation object of type 'CFTypeRef' with a +0 retain count into an out parameter 'outObj' message Call to function 'getViaParam2' writes a Core Foundation object of type 'CFTypeRef' with a +0 retain count into an out parameter 'outObj' kindcontrol edges start line2382 col3 file0 line2382 col14 file0 end line2383 col3 file0 line2383 col11 file0 kindevent location line2383 col3 file0 ranges line2383 col13 file0 line2383 col15 file0 depth0 extended_message Incorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller message Incorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller descriptionIncorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller categoryMemory (Core Foundation/Objective-C/OSObject) typeBad release check_nameosx.cocoa.RetainCount issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context014103674df4a8a65a96bcdf936637a2 issue_context_kindfunction issue_contexttestCFReturnsNotRetainedAnnotated issue_hash_function_offset4 location line2383 col3 file0 ExecutedLines 0 2379 2381 2382 2383 files