#!/usr/bin/perl # # This script tests debugging information generated by a compiler. # Input arguments # - Input source program. Usually this source file is decorated using # special comments to communicate debugger commands. # - Executable file. This file is generated by the compiler. # # This perl script extracts debugger commands from input source program # comments in a script. A debugger is used to load the executable file # and run the script generated from source program comments. Finally, # the debugger output is checked, using FileCheck, to validate # debugging information. # # On Darwin the default is to use the llgdb.py wrapper script which # translates gdb commands into their lldb equivalents. use File::Basename; use Config; use Cwd; my $testcase_file = $ARGV[0]; my $executable_file = $ARGV[1]; my $input_filename = basename $testcase_file; my $output_dir = dirname $executable_file; my $debugger_script_file = "$output_dir/$input_filename.debugger.script"; my $output_file = "$output_dir/$input_filename.gdb.output"; my %cmd_map = (); # Assume lldb to be the debugger on Darwin. my $use_lldb = 0; $use_lldb = 1 if ($Config{osname} eq "darwin"); # Extract debugger commands from testcase. They are marked with DEBUGGER: # at the beginning of a comment line. open(INPUT, $testcase_file); open(OUTPUT, ">$debugger_script_file"); while(<INPUT>) { my($line) = $_; $i = index($line, "DEBUGGER:"); if ( $i >= 0) { $l = length("DEBUGGER:"); $s = substr($line, $i + $l); print OUTPUT "$s"; } } print OUTPUT "\n"; print OUTPUT "quit\n"; close(INPUT); close(OUTPUT); # setup debugger and debugger options to run a script. my $my_debugger = $ENV{'DEBUGGER'}; if (!$my_debugger) { if ($use_lldb) { my $path = dirname(Cwd::abs_path($0)); # At least on darwin, LLDB needs te system python. $my_debugger = "/usr/bin/python $path/llgdb.py"; } else { $my_debugger = "gdb"; } } # quiet / exit after cmdline / no init file / execute script my $debugger_options = "-q -batch -n -x"; # run debugger and capture output. system("$my_debugger $debugger_options $debugger_script_file $executable_file > $output_file 2>&1"); # validate output. system("FileCheck", "-input-file", "$output_file", "$testcase_file"); if ($?>>8 == 1) { print "Debugger output was:\n"; system("cat", "$output_file"); exit 1; } else { exit 0; }