//===-- lib/Evaluate/intrinsics.cpp ---------------------------------------===// // // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "flang/Evaluate/intrinsics.h" #include "flang/Common/Fortran.h" #include "flang/Common/enum-set.h" #include "flang/Common/idioms.h" #include "flang/Evaluate/common.h" #include "flang/Evaluate/expression.h" #include "flang/Evaluate/fold.h" #include "flang/Evaluate/shape.h" #include "flang/Evaluate/tools.h" #include "flang/Evaluate/type.h" #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace Fortran::parser::literals; namespace Fortran::evaluate { class FoldingContext; // This file defines the supported intrinsic procedures and implements // their recognition and validation. It is largely table-driven. See // docs/intrinsics.md and section 16 of the Fortran 2018 standard // for full details on each of the intrinsics. Be advised, they have // complicated details, and the design of these tables has to accommodate // that complexity. // Dummy arguments to generic intrinsic procedures are each specified by // their keyword name (rarely used, but always defined), allowable type // categories, a kind pattern, a rank pattern, and information about // optionality and defaults. The kind and rank patterns are represented // here with code values that are significant to the matching/validation engine. // An actual argument to an intrinsic procedure may be a procedure itself // only if the dummy argument is Rank::reduceOperation, // KindCode::addressable, or the special case of NULL(MOLD=procedurePointer). // These are small bit-sets of type category enumerators. // Note that typeless (BOZ literal) values don't have a distinct type category. // These typeless arguments are represented in the tables as if they were // INTEGER with a special "typeless" kind code. Arguments of intrinsic types // that can also be typeless values are encoded with an "elementalOrBOZ" // rank pattern. // Assumed-type (TYPE(*)) dummy arguments can be forwarded along to some // intrinsic functions that accept AnyType + Rank::anyOrAssumedRank or // AnyType + Kind::addressable. using CategorySet = common::EnumSet; static constexpr CategorySet IntType{TypeCategory::Integer}; static constexpr CategorySet RealType{TypeCategory::Real}; static constexpr CategorySet ComplexType{TypeCategory::Complex}; static constexpr CategorySet CharType{TypeCategory::Character}; static constexpr CategorySet LogicalType{TypeCategory::Logical}; static constexpr CategorySet IntOrRealType{IntType | RealType}; static constexpr CategorySet FloatingType{RealType | ComplexType}; static constexpr CategorySet NumericType{IntType | RealType | ComplexType}; static constexpr CategorySet RelatableType{IntType | RealType | CharType}; static constexpr CategorySet DerivedType{TypeCategory::Derived}; static constexpr CategorySet IntrinsicType{ IntType | RealType | ComplexType | CharType | LogicalType}; static constexpr CategorySet AnyType{IntrinsicType | DerivedType}; ENUM_CLASS(KindCode, none, defaultIntegerKind, defaultRealKind, // is also the default COMPLEX kind doublePrecision, defaultCharKind, defaultLogicalKind, any, // matches any kind value; each instance is independent same, // match any kind, but all "same" kinds must be equal operand, // match any kind, with promotion (non-standard) typeless, // BOZ literals are INTEGER with this kind teamType, // TEAM_TYPE from module ISO_FORTRAN_ENV (for coarrays) kindArg, // this argument is KIND= effectiveKind, // for function results: "kindArg" value, possibly defaulted dimArg, // this argument is DIM= likeMultiply, // for DOT_PRODUCT and MATMUL subscript, // address-sized integer size, // default KIND= for SIZE(), UBOUND, &c. addressable, // for PRESENT(), &c.; anything (incl. procedure) but BOZ nullPointerType, // for ASSOCIATED(NULL()) ) struct TypePattern { CategorySet categorySet; KindCode kindCode{KindCode::none}; llvm::raw_ostream &Dump(llvm::raw_ostream &) const; }; // Abbreviations for argument and result patterns in the intrinsic prototypes: // Match specific kinds of intrinsic types static constexpr TypePattern DefaultInt{IntType, KindCode::defaultIntegerKind}; static constexpr TypePattern DefaultReal{RealType, KindCode::defaultRealKind}; static constexpr TypePattern DefaultComplex{ ComplexType, KindCode::defaultRealKind}; static constexpr TypePattern DefaultChar{CharType, KindCode::defaultCharKind}; static constexpr TypePattern DefaultLogical{ LogicalType, KindCode::defaultLogicalKind}; static constexpr TypePattern BOZ{IntType, KindCode::typeless}; static constexpr TypePattern TEAM_TYPE{IntType, KindCode::teamType}; static constexpr TypePattern DoublePrecision{ RealType, KindCode::doublePrecision}; static constexpr TypePattern DoublePrecisionComplex{ ComplexType, KindCode::doublePrecision}; static constexpr TypePattern SubscriptInt{IntType, KindCode::subscript}; // Match any kind of some intrinsic or derived types static constexpr TypePattern AnyInt{IntType, KindCode::any}; static constexpr TypePattern AnyReal{RealType, KindCode::any}; static constexpr TypePattern AnyIntOrReal{IntOrRealType, KindCode::any}; static constexpr TypePattern AnyComplex{ComplexType, KindCode::any}; static constexpr TypePattern AnyFloating{FloatingType, KindCode::any}; static constexpr TypePattern AnyNumeric{NumericType, KindCode::any}; static constexpr TypePattern AnyChar{CharType, KindCode::any}; static constexpr TypePattern AnyLogical{LogicalType, KindCode::any}; static constexpr TypePattern AnyRelatable{RelatableType, KindCode::any}; static constexpr TypePattern AnyIntrinsic{IntrinsicType, KindCode::any}; static constexpr TypePattern ExtensibleDerived{DerivedType, KindCode::any}; static constexpr TypePattern AnyData{AnyType, KindCode::any}; // Type is irrelevant, but not BOZ (for PRESENT(), OPTIONAL(), &c.) static constexpr TypePattern Addressable{AnyType, KindCode::addressable}; // Match some kind of some intrinsic type(s); all "Same" values must match, // even when not in the same category (e.g., SameComplex and SameReal). // Can be used to specify a result so long as at least one argument is // a "Same". static constexpr TypePattern SameInt{IntType, KindCode::same}; static constexpr TypePattern SameReal{RealType, KindCode::same}; static constexpr TypePattern SameIntOrReal{IntOrRealType, KindCode::same}; static constexpr TypePattern SameComplex{ComplexType, KindCode::same}; static constexpr TypePattern SameFloating{FloatingType, KindCode::same}; static constexpr TypePattern SameNumeric{NumericType, KindCode::same}; static constexpr TypePattern SameChar{CharType, KindCode::same}; static constexpr TypePattern SameLogical{LogicalType, KindCode::same}; static constexpr TypePattern SameRelatable{RelatableType, KindCode::same}; static constexpr TypePattern SameIntrinsic{IntrinsicType, KindCode::same}; static constexpr TypePattern SameDerivedType{ CategorySet{TypeCategory::Derived}, KindCode::same}; static constexpr TypePattern SameType{AnyType, KindCode::same}; // Match some kind of some INTEGER or REAL type(s); when argument types // &/or kinds differ, their values are converted as if they were operands to // an intrinsic operation like addition. This is a nonstandard but nearly // universal extension feature. static constexpr TypePattern OperandReal{RealType, KindCode::operand}; static constexpr TypePattern OperandIntOrReal{IntOrRealType, KindCode::operand}; // For ASSOCIATED, the first argument is a typeless pointer static constexpr TypePattern AnyPointer{AnyType, KindCode::nullPointerType}; // For DOT_PRODUCT and MATMUL, the result type depends on the arguments static constexpr TypePattern ResultLogical{LogicalType, KindCode::likeMultiply}; static constexpr TypePattern ResultNumeric{NumericType, KindCode::likeMultiply}; // Result types with known category and KIND= static constexpr TypePattern KINDInt{IntType, KindCode::effectiveKind}; static constexpr TypePattern KINDReal{RealType, KindCode::effectiveKind}; static constexpr TypePattern KINDComplex{ComplexType, KindCode::effectiveKind}; static constexpr TypePattern KINDChar{CharType, KindCode::effectiveKind}; static constexpr TypePattern KINDLogical{LogicalType, KindCode::effectiveKind}; // The default rank pattern for dummy arguments and function results is // "elemental". ENUM_CLASS(Rank, elemental, // scalar, or array that conforms with other array arguments elementalOrBOZ, // elemental, or typeless BOZ literal scalar scalar, vector, shape, // INTEGER vector of known length and no negative element matrix, array, // not scalar, rank is known and greater than zero known, // rank is known and can be scalar anyOrAssumedRank, // rank can be unknown; assumed-type TYPE(*) allowed conformable, // scalar, or array of same rank & shape as "array" argument reduceOperation, // a pure function with constraints for REDUCE dimReduced, // scalar if no DIM= argument, else rank(array)-1 dimRemoved, // scalar, or rank(array)-1 rankPlus1, // rank(known)+1 shaped, // rank is length of SHAPE vector ) ENUM_CLASS(Optionality, required, optional, defaultsToSameKind, // for MatchingDefaultKIND defaultsToDefaultForResult, // for DefaultingKIND defaultsToSizeKind, // for SizeDefaultKIND repeats, // for MAX/MIN and their several variants ) struct IntrinsicDummyArgument { const char *keyword{nullptr}; TypePattern typePattern; Rank rank{Rank::elemental}; Optionality optionality{Optionality::required}; common::Intent intent{common::Intent::In}; llvm::raw_ostream &Dump(llvm::raw_ostream &) const; }; // constexpr abbreviations for popular arguments: // DefaultingKIND is a KIND= argument whose default value is the appropriate // KIND(0), KIND(0.0), KIND(''), &c. value for the function result. static constexpr IntrinsicDummyArgument DefaultingKIND{"kind", {IntType, KindCode::kindArg}, Rank::scalar, Optionality::defaultsToDefaultForResult, common::Intent::In}; // MatchingDefaultKIND is a KIND= argument whose default value is the // kind of any "Same" function argument (viz., the one whose kind pattern is // "same"). static constexpr IntrinsicDummyArgument MatchingDefaultKIND{"kind", {IntType, KindCode::kindArg}, Rank::scalar, Optionality::defaultsToSameKind, common::Intent::In}; // SizeDefaultKind is a KIND= argument whose default value should be // the kind of INTEGER used for address calculations, and can be // set so with a compiler flag; but the standard mandates the // kind of default INTEGER. static constexpr IntrinsicDummyArgument SizeDefaultKIND{"kind", {IntType, KindCode::kindArg}, Rank::scalar, Optionality::defaultsToSizeKind, common::Intent::In}; static constexpr IntrinsicDummyArgument RequiredDIM{"dim", {IntType, KindCode::dimArg}, Rank::scalar, Optionality::required, common::Intent::In}; static constexpr IntrinsicDummyArgument OptionalDIM{"dim", {IntType, KindCode::dimArg}, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional, common::Intent::In}; static constexpr IntrinsicDummyArgument OptionalMASK{"mask", AnyLogical, Rank::conformable, Optionality::optional, common::Intent::In}; struct IntrinsicInterface { static constexpr int maxArguments{7}; // if not a MAX/MIN(...) const char *name{nullptr}; IntrinsicDummyArgument dummy[maxArguments]; TypePattern result; Rank rank{Rank::elemental}; IntrinsicClass intrinsicClass{IntrinsicClass::elementalFunction}; std::optional Match(const CallCharacteristics &, const common::IntrinsicTypeDefaultKinds &, ActualArguments &, FoldingContext &context) const; int CountArguments() const; llvm::raw_ostream &Dump(llvm::raw_ostream &) const; }; int IntrinsicInterface::CountArguments() const { int n{0}; while (n < maxArguments && dummy[n].keyword) { ++n; } return n; } // GENERIC INTRINSIC FUNCTION INTERFACES // Each entry in this table defines a pattern. Some intrinsic // functions have more than one such pattern. Besides the name // of the intrinsic function, each pattern has specifications for // the dummy arguments and for the result of the function. // The dummy argument patterns each have a name (these are from the // standard, but rarely appear in actual code), a type and kind // pattern, allowable ranks, and optionality indicators. // Be advised, the default rank pattern is "elemental". static const IntrinsicInterface genericIntrinsicFunction[]{ {"abs", {{"a", SameIntOrReal}}, SameIntOrReal}, {"abs", {{"a", SameComplex}}, SameReal}, {"achar", {{"i", AnyInt, Rank::elementalOrBOZ}, DefaultingKIND}, KINDChar}, {"acos", {{"x", SameFloating}}, SameFloating}, {"acosd", {{"x", SameFloating}}, SameFloating}, {"acosh", {{"x", SameFloating}}, SameFloating}, {"adjustl", {{"string", SameChar}}, SameChar}, {"adjustr", {{"string", SameChar}}, SameChar}, {"aimag", {{"x", SameComplex}}, SameReal}, {"aint", {{"a", SameReal}, MatchingDefaultKIND}, KINDReal}, {"all", {{"mask", SameLogical, Rank::array}, OptionalDIM}, SameLogical, Rank::dimReduced, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"allocated", {{"array", AnyData, Rank::array}}, DefaultLogical, Rank::elemental, IntrinsicClass::inquiryFunction}, {"allocated", {{"scalar", AnyData, Rank::scalar}}, DefaultLogical, Rank::elemental, IntrinsicClass::inquiryFunction}, {"anint", {{"a", SameReal}, MatchingDefaultKIND}, KINDReal}, {"any", {{"mask", SameLogical, Rank::array}, OptionalDIM}, SameLogical, Rank::dimReduced, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"asin", {{"x", SameFloating}}, SameFloating}, {"asind", {{"x", SameFloating}}, SameFloating}, {"asinh", {{"x", SameFloating}}, SameFloating}, {"associated", {{"pointer", AnyPointer, Rank::known}, {"target", Addressable, Rank::known, Optionality::optional}}, DefaultLogical, Rank::elemental, IntrinsicClass::inquiryFunction}, {"atan", {{"x", SameFloating}}, SameFloating}, {"atand", {{"x", SameFloating}}, SameFloating}, {"atan", {{"y", OperandReal}, {"x", OperandReal}}, OperandReal}, {"atand", {{"y", OperandReal}, {"x", OperandReal}}, OperandReal}, {"atan2", {{"y", OperandReal}, {"x", OperandReal}}, OperandReal}, {"atan2d", {{"y", OperandReal}, {"x", OperandReal}}, OperandReal}, {"atanh", {{"x", SameFloating}}, SameFloating}, {"bessel_j0", {{"x", SameReal}}, SameReal}, {"bessel_j1", {{"x", SameReal}}, SameReal}, {"bessel_jn", {{"n", AnyInt}, {"x", SameReal}}, SameReal}, {"bessel_jn", {{"n1", AnyInt, Rank::scalar}, {"n2", AnyInt, Rank::scalar}, {"x", SameReal, Rank::scalar}}, SameReal, Rank::vector, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"bessel_y0", {{"x", SameReal}}, SameReal}, {"bessel_y1", {{"x", SameReal}}, SameReal}, {"bessel_yn", {{"n", AnyInt}, {"x", SameReal}}, SameReal}, {"bessel_yn", {{"n1", AnyInt, Rank::scalar}, {"n2", AnyInt, Rank::scalar}, {"x", SameReal, Rank::scalar}}, SameReal, Rank::vector, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"bge", {{"i", AnyInt, Rank::elementalOrBOZ}, {"j", AnyInt, Rank::elementalOrBOZ}}, DefaultLogical}, {"bgt", {{"i", AnyInt, Rank::elementalOrBOZ}, {"j", AnyInt, Rank::elementalOrBOZ}}, DefaultLogical}, {"bit_size", {{"i", SameInt, Rank::anyOrAssumedRank}}, SameInt, Rank::scalar, IntrinsicClass::inquiryFunction}, {"ble", {{"i", AnyInt, Rank::elementalOrBOZ}, {"j", AnyInt, Rank::elementalOrBOZ}}, DefaultLogical}, {"blt", {{"i", AnyInt, Rank::elementalOrBOZ}, {"j", AnyInt, Rank::elementalOrBOZ}}, DefaultLogical}, {"btest", {{"i", AnyInt, Rank::elementalOrBOZ}, {"pos", AnyInt}}, DefaultLogical}, {"ceiling", {{"a", AnyReal}, DefaultingKIND}, KINDInt}, {"char", {{"i", AnyInt, Rank::elementalOrBOZ}, DefaultingKIND}, KINDChar}, {"cmplx", {{"x", AnyComplex}, DefaultingKIND}, KINDComplex}, {"cmplx", {{"x", AnyIntOrReal, Rank::elementalOrBOZ}, {"y", AnyIntOrReal, Rank::elementalOrBOZ, Optionality::optional}, DefaultingKIND}, KINDComplex}, {"command_argument_count", {}, DefaultInt, Rank::scalar, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"conjg", {{"z", SameComplex}}, SameComplex}, {"cos", {{"x", SameFloating}}, SameFloating}, {"cosd", {{"x", SameFloating}}, SameFloating}, {"cosh", {{"x", SameFloating}}, SameFloating}, {"count", {{"mask", AnyLogical, Rank::array}, OptionalDIM, DefaultingKIND}, KINDInt, Rank::dimReduced, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"cshift", {{"array", SameType, Rank::array}, {"shift", AnyInt, Rank::dimRemoved}, OptionalDIM}, SameType, Rank::conformable, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"dble", {{"a", AnyNumeric, Rank::elementalOrBOZ}}, DoublePrecision}, {"digits", {{"x", AnyIntOrReal, Rank::anyOrAssumedRank}}, DefaultInt, Rank::scalar, IntrinsicClass::inquiryFunction}, {"dim", {{"x", OperandIntOrReal}, {"y", OperandIntOrReal}}, OperandIntOrReal}, {"dot_product", {{"vector_a", AnyLogical, Rank::vector}, {"vector_b", AnyLogical, Rank::vector}}, ResultLogical, Rank::scalar, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"dot_product", {{"vector_a", AnyComplex, Rank::vector}, {"vector_b", AnyNumeric, Rank::vector}}, ResultNumeric, Rank::scalar, // conjugates vector_a IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"dot_product", {{"vector_a", AnyIntOrReal, Rank::vector}, {"vector_b", AnyNumeric, Rank::vector}}, ResultNumeric, Rank::scalar, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"dprod", {{"x", DefaultReal}, {"y", DefaultReal}}, DoublePrecision}, {"dshiftl", {{"i", SameInt}, {"j", SameInt, Rank::elementalOrBOZ}, {"shift", AnyInt}}, SameInt}, {"dshiftl", {{"i", BOZ}, {"j", SameInt}, {"shift", AnyInt}}, SameInt}, {"dshiftr", {{"i", SameInt}, {"j", SameInt, Rank::elementalOrBOZ}, {"shift", AnyInt}}, SameInt}, {"dshiftr", {{"i", BOZ}, {"j", SameInt}, {"shift", AnyInt}}, SameInt}, {"eoshift", {{"array", SameIntrinsic, Rank::array}, {"shift", AnyInt, Rank::dimRemoved}, {"boundary", SameIntrinsic, Rank::dimRemoved, Optionality::optional}, OptionalDIM}, SameIntrinsic, Rank::conformable, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"eoshift", {{"array", SameDerivedType, Rank::array}, {"shift", AnyInt, Rank::dimRemoved}, {"boundary", SameDerivedType, Rank::dimRemoved}, OptionalDIM}, SameDerivedType, Rank::conformable, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"epsilon", {{"x", SameReal, Rank::anyOrAssumedRank}}, SameReal, Rank::scalar, IntrinsicClass::inquiryFunction}, {"erf", {{"x", SameReal}}, SameReal}, {"erfc", {{"x", SameReal}}, SameReal}, {"erfc_scaled", {{"x", SameReal}}, SameReal}, {"exp", {{"x", SameFloating}}, SameFloating}, {"exp", {{"x", SameFloating}}, SameFloating}, {"exponent", {{"x", AnyReal}}, DefaultInt}, {"exp", {{"x", SameFloating}}, SameFloating}, {"extends_type_of", {{"a", ExtensibleDerived, Rank::anyOrAssumedRank}, {"mold", ExtensibleDerived, Rank::anyOrAssumedRank}}, DefaultLogical, Rank::scalar, IntrinsicClass::inquiryFunction}, {"findloc", {{"array", AnyNumeric, Rank::array}, {"value", AnyNumeric, Rank::scalar}, RequiredDIM, OptionalMASK, SizeDefaultKIND, {"back", AnyLogical, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional}}, KINDInt, Rank::dimRemoved, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"findloc", {{"array", AnyNumeric, Rank::array}, {"value", AnyNumeric, Rank::scalar}, OptionalMASK, SizeDefaultKIND, {"back", AnyLogical, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional}}, KINDInt, Rank::vector, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"findloc", {{"array", SameChar, Rank::array}, {"value", SameChar, Rank::scalar}, RequiredDIM, OptionalMASK, SizeDefaultKIND, {"back", AnyLogical, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional}}, KINDInt, Rank::dimRemoved, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"findloc", {{"array", SameChar, Rank::array}, {"value", SameChar, Rank::scalar}, OptionalMASK, SizeDefaultKIND, {"back", AnyLogical, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional}}, KINDInt, Rank::vector, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"findloc", {{"array", AnyLogical, Rank::array}, {"value", AnyLogical, Rank::scalar}, RequiredDIM, OptionalMASK, SizeDefaultKIND, {"back", AnyLogical, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional}}, KINDInt, Rank::dimRemoved, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"findloc", {{"array", AnyLogical, Rank::array}, {"value", AnyLogical, Rank::scalar}, OptionalMASK, SizeDefaultKIND, {"back", AnyLogical, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional}}, KINDInt, Rank::vector, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"floor", {{"a", AnyReal}, DefaultingKIND}, KINDInt}, {"fraction", {{"x", SameReal}}, SameReal}, {"gamma", {{"x", SameReal}}, SameReal}, {"huge", {{"x", SameIntOrReal, Rank::anyOrAssumedRank}}, SameIntOrReal, Rank::scalar, IntrinsicClass::inquiryFunction}, {"hypot", {{"x", OperandReal}, {"y", OperandReal}}, OperandReal}, {"iachar", {{"c", AnyChar}, DefaultingKIND}, KINDInt}, {"iall", {{"array", SameInt, Rank::array}, OptionalDIM, OptionalMASK}, SameInt, Rank::dimReduced, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"iany", {{"array", SameInt, Rank::array}, OptionalDIM, OptionalMASK}, SameInt, Rank::dimReduced, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"iparity", {{"array", SameInt, Rank::array}, OptionalDIM, OptionalMASK}, SameInt, Rank::dimReduced, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"iand", {{"i", SameInt}, {"j", SameInt, Rank::elementalOrBOZ}}, SameInt}, {"iand", {{"i", BOZ}, {"j", SameInt}}, SameInt}, {"ibclr", {{"i", SameInt}, {"pos", AnyInt}}, SameInt}, {"ibits", {{"i", SameInt}, {"pos", AnyInt}, {"len", AnyInt}}, SameInt}, {"ibset", {{"i", SameInt}, {"pos", AnyInt}}, SameInt}, {"ichar", {{"c", AnyChar}, DefaultingKIND}, KINDInt}, {"ieor", {{"i", SameInt}, {"j", SameInt, Rank::elementalOrBOZ}}, SameInt}, {"ieor", {{"i", BOZ}, {"j", SameInt}}, SameInt}, {"image_status", {{"image", SameInt}, {"team", TEAM_TYPE, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional}}, DefaultInt}, {"index", {{"string", SameChar}, {"substring", SameChar}, {"back", AnyLogical, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional}, DefaultingKIND}, KINDInt}, {"int", {{"a", AnyNumeric, Rank::elementalOrBOZ}, DefaultingKIND}, KINDInt}, {"int_ptr_kind", {}, DefaultInt, Rank::scalar}, {"ior", {{"i", SameInt}, {"j", SameInt, Rank::elementalOrBOZ}}, SameInt}, {"ior", {{"i", BOZ}, {"j", SameInt}}, SameInt}, {"ishft", {{"i", SameInt}, {"shift", AnyInt}}, SameInt}, {"ishftc", {{"i", SameInt}, {"shift", AnyInt}, {"size", AnyInt, Rank::elemental, Optionality::optional}}, SameInt}, {"isnan", {{"a", AnyFloating}}, DefaultLogical}, {"is_contiguous", {{"array", Addressable, Rank::anyOrAssumedRank}}, DefaultLogical, Rank::elemental, IntrinsicClass::inquiryFunction}, {"is_iostat_end", {{"i", AnyInt}}, DefaultLogical}, {"is_iostat_eor", {{"i", AnyInt}}, DefaultLogical}, {"kind", {{"x", AnyIntrinsic}}, DefaultInt, Rank::elemental, IntrinsicClass::inquiryFunction}, {"lbound", {{"array", AnyData, Rank::anyOrAssumedRank}, RequiredDIM, SizeDefaultKIND}, KINDInt, Rank::scalar, IntrinsicClass::inquiryFunction}, {"lbound", {{"array", AnyData, Rank::anyOrAssumedRank}, SizeDefaultKIND}, KINDInt, Rank::vector, IntrinsicClass::inquiryFunction}, {"leadz", {{"i", AnyInt}}, DefaultInt}, {"len", {{"string", AnyChar, Rank::anyOrAssumedRank}, DefaultingKIND}, KINDInt, Rank::scalar, IntrinsicClass::inquiryFunction}, {"len_trim", {{"string", AnyChar}, DefaultingKIND}, KINDInt}, {"lge", {{"string_a", SameChar}, {"string_b", SameChar}}, DefaultLogical}, {"lgt", {{"string_a", SameChar}, {"string_b", SameChar}}, DefaultLogical}, {"lle", {{"string_a", SameChar}, {"string_b", SameChar}}, DefaultLogical}, {"llt", {{"string_a", SameChar}, {"string_b", SameChar}}, DefaultLogical}, {"loc", {{"loc_argument", Addressable, Rank::anyOrAssumedRank}}, SubscriptInt, Rank::scalar}, {"log", {{"x", SameFloating}}, SameFloating}, {"log10", {{"x", SameReal}}, SameReal}, {"logical", {{"l", AnyLogical}, DefaultingKIND}, KINDLogical}, {"log_gamma", {{"x", SameReal}}, SameReal}, {"matmul", {{"matrix_a", AnyLogical, Rank::vector}, {"matrix_b", AnyLogical, Rank::matrix}}, ResultLogical, Rank::vector, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"matmul", {{"matrix_a", AnyLogical, Rank::matrix}, {"matrix_b", AnyLogical, Rank::vector}}, ResultLogical, Rank::vector, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"matmul", {{"matrix_a", AnyLogical, Rank::matrix}, {"matrix_b", AnyLogical, Rank::matrix}}, ResultLogical, Rank::matrix, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"matmul", {{"matrix_a", AnyNumeric, Rank::vector}, {"matrix_b", AnyNumeric, Rank::matrix}}, ResultNumeric, Rank::vector, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"matmul", {{"matrix_a", AnyNumeric, Rank::matrix}, {"matrix_b", AnyNumeric, Rank::vector}}, ResultNumeric, Rank::vector, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"matmul", {{"matrix_a", AnyNumeric, Rank::matrix}, {"matrix_b", AnyNumeric, Rank::matrix}}, ResultNumeric, Rank::matrix, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"maskl", {{"i", AnyInt}, DefaultingKIND}, KINDInt}, {"maskr", {{"i", AnyInt}, DefaultingKIND}, KINDInt}, {"max", {{"a1", OperandIntOrReal}, {"a2", OperandIntOrReal}, {"a3", OperandIntOrReal, Rank::elemental, Optionality::repeats}}, OperandIntOrReal}, {"max", {{"a1", SameChar}, {"a2", SameChar}, {"a3", SameChar, Rank::elemental, Optionality::repeats}}, SameChar}, {"maxexponent", {{"x", AnyReal, Rank::anyOrAssumedRank}}, DefaultInt, Rank::scalar, IntrinsicClass::inquiryFunction}, {"maxloc", {{"array", AnyRelatable, Rank::array}, OptionalDIM, OptionalMASK, SizeDefaultKIND, {"back", AnyLogical, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional}}, KINDInt, Rank::dimReduced, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"maxval", {{"array", SameRelatable, Rank::array}, OptionalDIM, OptionalMASK}, SameRelatable, Rank::dimReduced, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"merge", {{"tsource", SameType}, {"fsource", SameType}, {"mask", AnyLogical}}, SameType}, {"merge_bits", {{"i", SameInt}, {"j", SameInt, Rank::elementalOrBOZ}, {"mask", SameInt, Rank::elementalOrBOZ}}, SameInt}, {"merge_bits", {{"i", BOZ}, {"j", SameInt}, {"mask", SameInt, Rank::elementalOrBOZ}}, SameInt}, {"min", {{"a1", OperandIntOrReal}, {"a2", OperandIntOrReal}, {"a3", OperandIntOrReal, Rank::elemental, Optionality::repeats}}, OperandIntOrReal}, {"min", {{"a1", SameChar}, {"a2", SameChar}, {"a3", SameChar, Rank::elemental, Optionality::repeats}}, SameChar}, {"minexponent", {{"x", AnyReal, Rank::anyOrAssumedRank}}, DefaultInt, Rank::scalar, IntrinsicClass::inquiryFunction}, {"minloc", {{"array", AnyRelatable, Rank::array}, OptionalDIM, OptionalMASK, SizeDefaultKIND, {"back", AnyLogical, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional}}, KINDInt, Rank::dimReduced, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"minval", {{"array", SameRelatable, Rank::array}, OptionalDIM, OptionalMASK}, SameRelatable, Rank::dimReduced, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"mod", {{"a", OperandIntOrReal}, {"p", OperandIntOrReal}}, OperandIntOrReal}, {"modulo", {{"a", OperandIntOrReal}, {"p", OperandIntOrReal}}, OperandIntOrReal}, {"nearest", {{"x", SameReal}, {"s", AnyReal}}, SameReal}, {"new_line", {{"x", SameChar, Rank::anyOrAssumedRank}}, SameChar, Rank::scalar, IntrinsicClass::inquiryFunction}, {"nint", {{"a", AnyReal}, DefaultingKIND}, KINDInt}, {"norm2", {{"x", SameReal, Rank::array}, OptionalDIM}, SameReal, Rank::dimReduced, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"not", {{"i", SameInt}}, SameInt}, // NULL() is a special case handled in Probe() below {"num_images", {}, DefaultInt, Rank::scalar, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"num_images", {{"team_number", AnyInt, Rank::scalar}}, DefaultInt, Rank::scalar, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"out_of_range", {{"x", AnyIntOrReal}, {"mold", AnyIntOrReal, Rank::scalar}}, DefaultLogical}, {"out_of_range", {{"x", AnyReal}, {"mold", AnyInt, Rank::scalar}, {"round", AnyLogical, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional}}, DefaultLogical}, {"out_of_range", {{"x", AnyReal}, {"mold", AnyReal}}, DefaultLogical}, {"pack", {{"array", SameType, Rank::array}, {"mask", AnyLogical, Rank::conformable}, {"vector", SameType, Rank::vector, Optionality::optional}}, SameType, Rank::vector, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"parity", {{"mask", SameLogical, Rank::array}, OptionalDIM}, SameLogical, Rank::dimReduced, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"popcnt", {{"i", AnyInt}}, DefaultInt}, {"poppar", {{"i", AnyInt}}, DefaultInt}, {"product", {{"array", SameNumeric, Rank::array}, OptionalDIM, OptionalMASK}, SameNumeric, Rank::dimReduced, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"precision", {{"x", AnyFloating, Rank::anyOrAssumedRank}}, DefaultInt, Rank::scalar, IntrinsicClass::inquiryFunction}, {"present", {{"a", Addressable, Rank::anyOrAssumedRank}}, DefaultLogical, Rank::scalar, IntrinsicClass::inquiryFunction}, {"radix", {{"x", AnyIntOrReal, Rank::anyOrAssumedRank}}, DefaultInt, Rank::scalar, IntrinsicClass::inquiryFunction}, {"range", {{"x", AnyNumeric, Rank::anyOrAssumedRank}}, DefaultInt, Rank::scalar, IntrinsicClass::inquiryFunction}, {"rank", {{"a", AnyData, Rank::anyOrAssumedRank}}, DefaultInt, Rank::scalar, IntrinsicClass::inquiryFunction}, {"real", {{"a", SameComplex, Rank::elemental}}, SameReal}, // 16.9.160(4)(ii) {"real", {{"a", AnyNumeric, Rank::elementalOrBOZ}, DefaultingKIND}, KINDReal}, {"reduce", {{"array", SameType, Rank::array}, {"operation", SameType, Rank::reduceOperation}, OptionalDIM, OptionalMASK, {"identity", SameType, Rank::scalar}, {"ordered", AnyLogical, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional}}, SameType, Rank::dimReduced, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"repeat", {{"string", SameChar, Rank::scalar}, {"ncopies", AnyInt}}, SameChar, Rank::scalar, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"reshape", {{"source", SameType, Rank::array}, {"shape", AnyInt, Rank::shape}, {"pad", SameType, Rank::array, Optionality::optional}, {"order", AnyInt, Rank::vector, Optionality::optional}}, SameType, Rank::shaped, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"rrspacing", {{"x", SameReal}}, SameReal}, {"same_type_as", {{"a", ExtensibleDerived, Rank::anyOrAssumedRank}, {"b", ExtensibleDerived, Rank::anyOrAssumedRank}}, DefaultLogical, Rank::scalar, IntrinsicClass::inquiryFunction}, {"scale", {{"x", SameReal}, {"i", AnyInt}}, SameReal}, {"scan", {{"string", SameChar}, {"set", SameChar}, {"back", AnyLogical, Rank::elemental, Optionality::optional}, DefaultingKIND}, KINDInt}, {"selected_char_kind", {{"name", DefaultChar, Rank::scalar}}, DefaultInt, Rank::scalar, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"selected_int_kind", {{"r", AnyInt, Rank::scalar}}, DefaultInt, Rank::scalar, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"selected_real_kind", {{"p", AnyInt, Rank::scalar}, {"r", AnyInt, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional}, {"radix", AnyInt, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional}}, DefaultInt, Rank::scalar, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"selected_real_kind", {{"p", AnyInt, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional}, {"r", AnyInt, Rank::scalar}, {"radix", AnyInt, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional}}, DefaultInt, Rank::scalar, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"selected_real_kind", {{"p", AnyInt, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional}, {"r", AnyInt, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional}, {"radix", AnyInt, Rank::scalar}}, DefaultInt, Rank::scalar, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"set_exponent", {{"x", SameReal}, {"i", AnyInt}}, SameReal}, {"shape", {{"source", AnyData, Rank::anyOrAssumedRank}, SizeDefaultKIND}, KINDInt, Rank::vector, IntrinsicClass::inquiryFunction}, {"shifta", {{"i", SameInt}, {"shift", AnyInt}}, SameInt}, {"shiftl", {{"i", SameInt}, {"shift", AnyInt}}, SameInt}, {"shiftr", {{"i", SameInt}, {"shift", AnyInt}}, SameInt}, {"sign", {{"a", SameIntOrReal}, {"b", SameIntOrReal}}, SameIntOrReal}, {"sin", {{"x", SameFloating}}, SameFloating}, {"sind", {{"x", SameFloating}}, SameFloating}, {"sinh", {{"x", SameFloating}}, SameFloating}, {"size", {{"array", AnyData, Rank::anyOrAssumedRank}, OptionalDIM, SizeDefaultKIND}, KINDInt, Rank::scalar, IntrinsicClass::inquiryFunction}, {"spacing", {{"x", SameReal}}, SameReal}, {"spread", {{"source", SameType, Rank::known}, RequiredDIM, {"ncopies", AnyInt, Rank::scalar}}, SameType, Rank::rankPlus1, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"sqrt", {{"x", SameFloating}}, SameFloating}, {"storage_size", {{"a", AnyData, Rank::anyOrAssumedRank}, SizeDefaultKIND}, KINDInt, Rank::scalar, IntrinsicClass::inquiryFunction}, {"sum", {{"array", SameNumeric, Rank::array}, OptionalDIM, OptionalMASK}, SameNumeric, Rank::dimReduced, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"tan", {{"x", SameFloating}}, SameFloating}, {"tand", {{"x", SameFloating}}, SameFloating}, {"tanh", {{"x", SameFloating}}, SameFloating}, {"tiny", {{"x", SameReal, Rank::anyOrAssumedRank}}, SameReal, Rank::scalar, IntrinsicClass::inquiryFunction}, {"trailz", {{"i", AnyInt}}, DefaultInt}, {"transfer", {{"source", AnyData, Rank::known}, {"mold", SameType, Rank::scalar}}, SameType, Rank::scalar, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"transfer", {{"source", AnyData, Rank::known}, {"mold", SameType, Rank::array}}, SameType, Rank::vector, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"transfer", {{"source", AnyData, Rank::anyOrAssumedRank}, {"mold", SameType, Rank::anyOrAssumedRank}, {"size", AnyInt, Rank::scalar}}, SameType, Rank::vector, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"transpose", {{"matrix", SameType, Rank::matrix}}, SameType, Rank::matrix, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"trim", {{"string", SameChar, Rank::scalar}}, SameChar, Rank::scalar, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"ubound", {{"array", AnyData, Rank::anyOrAssumedRank}, RequiredDIM, SizeDefaultKIND}, KINDInt, Rank::scalar, IntrinsicClass::inquiryFunction}, {"ubound", {{"array", AnyData, Rank::anyOrAssumedRank}, SizeDefaultKIND}, KINDInt, Rank::vector, IntrinsicClass::inquiryFunction}, {"unpack", {{"vector", SameType, Rank::vector}, {"mask", AnyLogical, Rank::array}, {"field", SameType, Rank::conformable}}, SameType, Rank::conformable, IntrinsicClass::transformationalFunction}, {"verify", {{"string", SameChar}, {"set", SameChar}, {"back", AnyLogical, Rank::elemental, Optionality::optional}, DefaultingKIND}, KINDInt}, }; // TODO: Coarray intrinsic functions // LCOBOUND, UCOBOUND, FAILED_IMAGES, GET_TEAM, IMAGE_INDEX, // STOPPED_IMAGES, TEAM_NUMBER, THIS_IMAGE, // COSHAPE // TODO: Non-standard intrinsic functions // AND, OR, XOR, LSHIFT, RSHIFT, SHIFT, ZEXT, IZEXT, // COMPL, EQV, NEQV, INT8, JINT, JNINT, KNINT, // QCMPLX, DFLOAT, QEXT, QFLOAT, QREAL, DNUM, // INUM, JNUM, KNUM, QNUM, RNUM, RAN, RANF, ILEN, SIZEOF, // MCLOCK, SECNDS, COTAN, IBCHNG, ISHA, ISHC, ISHL, IXOR // IARG, IARGC, NARGS, NUMARG, BADDRESS, IADDR, CACHESIZE, // EOF, FP_CLASS, INT_PTR_KIND, MALLOC // probably more (these are PGI + Intel, possibly incomplete) // TODO: Optionally warn on use of non-standard intrinsics: // LOC, probably others // TODO: Optionally warn on operand promotion extension // The following table contains the intrinsic functions listed in // Tables 16.2 and 16.3 in Fortran 2018. The "unrestricted" functions // in Table 16.2 can be used as actual arguments, PROCEDURE() interfaces, // and procedure pointer targets. // Note that the restricted conversion functions dcmplx, dreal, float, idint, // ifix, and sngl are extended to accept any argument kind because this is a // common Fortran compilers behavior, and as far as we can tell, is safe and // useful. struct SpecificIntrinsicInterface : public IntrinsicInterface { const char *generic{nullptr}; bool isRestrictedSpecific{false}; // Exact actual/dummy type matching is required by default for specific // intrinsics. If useGenericAndForceResultType is set, then the probing will // also attempt to use the related generic intrinsic and to convert the result // to the specific intrinsic result type if needed. This also prevents // using the generic name so that folding can insert the conversion on the // result and not the arguments. // // This is not enabled on all specific intrinsics because an alternative // is to convert the actual arguments to the required dummy types and this is // not numerically equivalent. // e.g. IABS(INT(i, 4)) not equiv to INT(ABS(i), 4). // This is allowed for restricted min/max specific functions because // the expected behavior is clear from their definitions. A warning is though // always emitted because other compilers' behavior is not ubiquitous here and // the results in case of conversion overflow might not be equivalent. // e.g for MIN0: INT(MIN(2147483647_8, 2*2147483647_8), 4) = 2147483647_4 // but: MIN(INT(2147483647_8, 4), INT(2*2147483647_8, 4)) = -2_4 // xlf and ifort return the first, and pgfortran the later. f18 will return // the first because this matches more closely the MIN0 definition in // Fortran 2018 table 16.3 (although it is still an extension to allow // non default integer argument in MIN0). bool useGenericAndForceResultType{false}; }; static const SpecificIntrinsicInterface specificIntrinsicFunction[]{ {{"abs", {{"a", DefaultReal}}, DefaultReal}}, {{"acos", {{"x", DefaultReal}}, DefaultReal}}, {{"aimag", {{"z", DefaultComplex}}, DefaultReal}}, {{"aint", {{"a", DefaultReal}}, DefaultReal}}, {{"alog", {{"x", DefaultReal}}, DefaultReal}, "log"}, {{"alog10", {{"x", DefaultReal}}, DefaultReal}, "log10"}, {{"amax0", {{"a1", DefaultInt}, {"a2", DefaultInt}, {"a3", DefaultInt, Rank::elemental, Optionality::repeats}}, DefaultReal}, "max", true, true}, {{"amax1", {{"a1", DefaultReal}, {"a2", DefaultReal}, {"a3", DefaultReal, Rank::elemental, Optionality::repeats}}, DefaultReal}, "max", true, true}, {{"amin0", {{"a1", DefaultInt}, {"a2", DefaultInt}, {"a3", DefaultInt, Rank::elemental, Optionality::repeats}}, DefaultReal}, "min", true, true}, {{"amin1", {{"a1", DefaultReal}, {"a2", DefaultReal}, {"a3", DefaultReal, Rank::elemental, Optionality::repeats}}, DefaultReal}, "min", true, true}, {{"amod", {{"a", DefaultReal}, {"p", DefaultReal}}, DefaultReal}, "mod"}, {{"anint", {{"a", DefaultReal}}, DefaultReal}}, {{"asin", {{"x", DefaultReal}}, DefaultReal}}, {{"atan", {{"x", DefaultReal}}, DefaultReal}}, {{"atan2", {{"y", DefaultReal}, {"x", DefaultReal}}, DefaultReal}}, {{"cabs", {{"a", DefaultComplex}}, DefaultReal}, "abs"}, {{"ccos", {{"a", DefaultComplex}}, DefaultComplex}, "cos"}, {{"cdabs", {{"a", DoublePrecisionComplex}}, DoublePrecision}, "abs"}, {{"cdcos", {{"a", DoublePrecisionComplex}}, DoublePrecisionComplex}, "cos"}, {{"cdexp", {{"a", DoublePrecisionComplex}}, DoublePrecisionComplex}, "exp"}, {{"cdlog", {{"a", DoublePrecisionComplex}}, DoublePrecisionComplex}, "log"}, {{"cdsin", {{"a", DoublePrecisionComplex}}, DoublePrecisionComplex}, "sin"}, {{"cdsqrt", {{"a", DoublePrecisionComplex}}, DoublePrecisionComplex}, "sqrt"}, {{"cexp", {{"a", DefaultComplex}}, DefaultComplex}, "exp"}, {{"clog", {{"a", DefaultComplex}}, DefaultComplex}, "log"}, {{"conjg", {{"a", DefaultComplex}}, DefaultComplex}}, {{"cos", {{"x", DefaultReal}}, DefaultReal}}, {{"cosh", {{"x", DefaultReal}}, DefaultReal}}, {{"csin", {{"a", DefaultComplex}}, DefaultComplex}, "sin"}, {{"csqrt", {{"a", DefaultComplex}}, DefaultComplex}, "sqrt"}, {{"ctan", {{"a", DefaultComplex}}, DefaultComplex}, "tan"}, {{"dabs", {{"a", DoublePrecision}}, DoublePrecision}, "abs"}, {{"dacos", {{"x", DoublePrecision}}, DoublePrecision}, "acos"}, {{"dasin", {{"x", DoublePrecision}}, DoublePrecision}, "asin"}, {{"datan", {{"x", DoublePrecision}}, DoublePrecision}, "atan"}, {{"datan2", {{"y", DoublePrecision}, {"x", DoublePrecision}}, DoublePrecision}, "atan2"}, {{"dcmplx", {{"x", AnyComplex}}, DoublePrecisionComplex}, "cmplx", true}, {{"dcmplx", {{"x", AnyIntOrReal, Rank::elementalOrBOZ}, {"y", AnyIntOrReal, Rank::elementalOrBOZ, Optionality::optional}}, DoublePrecisionComplex}, "cmplx", true}, {{"dreal", {{"a", AnyComplex}}, DoublePrecision}, "real", true}, {{"dconjg", {{"a", DoublePrecisionComplex}}, DoublePrecisionComplex}, "conjg"}, {{"dcos", {{"x", DoublePrecision}}, DoublePrecision}, "cos"}, {{"dcosh", {{"x", DoublePrecision}}, DoublePrecision}, "cosh"}, {{"ddim", {{"x", DoublePrecision}, {"y", DoublePrecision}}, DoublePrecision}, "dim"}, {{"dimag", {{"a", DoublePrecisionComplex}}, DoublePrecision}, "aimag"}, {{"dexp", {{"x", DoublePrecision}}, DoublePrecision}, "exp"}, {{"dim", {{"x", DefaultReal}, {"y", DefaultReal}}, DefaultReal}}, {{"dint", {{"a", DoublePrecision}}, DoublePrecision}, "aint"}, {{"dlog", {{"x", DoublePrecision}}, DoublePrecision}, "log"}, {{"dlog10", {{"x", DoublePrecision}}, DoublePrecision}, "log10"}, {{"dmax1", {{"a1", DoublePrecision}, {"a2", DoublePrecision}, {"a3", DoublePrecision, Rank::elemental, Optionality::repeats}}, DoublePrecision}, "max", true, true}, {{"dmin1", {{"a1", DoublePrecision}, {"a2", DoublePrecision}, {"a3", DoublePrecision, Rank::elemental, Optionality::repeats}}, DoublePrecision}, "min", true, true}, {{"dmod", {{"a", DoublePrecision}, {"p", DoublePrecision}}, DoublePrecision}, "mod"}, {{"dnint", {{"a", DoublePrecision}}, DoublePrecision}, "anint"}, {{"dprod", {{"x", DefaultReal}, {"y", DefaultReal}}, DoublePrecision}}, {{"dsign", {{"a", DoublePrecision}, {"b", DoublePrecision}}, DoublePrecision}, "sign"}, {{"dsin", {{"x", DoublePrecision}}, DoublePrecision}, "sin"}, {{"dsinh", {{"x", DoublePrecision}}, DoublePrecision}, "sinh"}, {{"dsqrt", {{"x", DoublePrecision}}, DoublePrecision}, "sqrt"}, {{"dtan", {{"x", DoublePrecision}}, DoublePrecision}, "tan"}, {{"dtanh", {{"x", DoublePrecision}}, DoublePrecision}, "tanh"}, {{"exp", {{"x", DefaultReal}}, DefaultReal}}, {{"float", {{"i", AnyInt}}, DefaultReal}, "real", true}, {{"iabs", {{"a", DefaultInt}}, DefaultInt}, "abs"}, {{"idim", {{"x", DefaultInt}, {"y", DefaultInt}}, DefaultInt}, "dim"}, {{"idint", {{"a", AnyReal}}, DefaultInt}, "int", true}, {{"idnint", {{"a", DoublePrecision}}, DefaultInt}, "nint"}, {{"ifix", {{"a", AnyReal}}, DefaultInt}, "int", true}, {{"index", {{"string", DefaultChar}, {"substring", DefaultChar}}, DefaultInt}}, {{"isign", {{"a", DefaultInt}, {"b", DefaultInt}}, DefaultInt}, "sign"}, {{"len", {{"string", DefaultChar, Rank::anyOrAssumedRank}}, DefaultInt, Rank::scalar}}, {{"lge", {{"string_a", DefaultChar}, {"string_b", DefaultChar}}, DefaultLogical}}, {{"lgt", {{"string_a", DefaultChar}, {"string_b", DefaultChar}}, DefaultLogical}}, {{"lle", {{"string_a", DefaultChar}, {"string_b", DefaultChar}}, DefaultLogical}}, {{"llt", {{"string_a", DefaultChar}, {"string_b", DefaultChar}}, DefaultLogical}}, {{"log", {{"x", DefaultReal}}, DefaultReal}}, {{"log10", {{"x", DefaultReal}}, DefaultReal}}, {{"max0", {{"a1", DefaultInt}, {"a2", DefaultInt}, {"a3", DefaultInt, Rank::elemental, Optionality::repeats}}, DefaultInt}, "max", true, true}, {{"max1", {{"a1", DefaultReal}, {"a2", DefaultReal}, {"a3", DefaultReal, Rank::elemental, Optionality::repeats}}, DefaultInt}, "max", true, true}, {{"min0", {{"a1", DefaultInt}, {"a2", DefaultInt}, {"a3", DefaultInt, Rank::elemental, Optionality::repeats}}, DefaultInt}, "min", true, true}, {{"min1", {{"a1", DefaultReal}, {"a2", DefaultReal}, {"a3", DefaultReal, Rank::elemental, Optionality::repeats}}, DefaultInt}, "min", true, true}, {{"mod", {{"a", DefaultInt}, {"p", DefaultInt}}, DefaultInt}}, {{"nint", {{"a", DefaultReal}}, DefaultInt}}, {{"sign", {{"a", DefaultReal}, {"b", DefaultReal}}, DefaultReal}}, {{"sin", {{"x", DefaultReal}}, DefaultReal}}, {{"sinh", {{"x", DefaultReal}}, DefaultReal}}, {{"sngl", {{"a", AnyReal}}, DefaultReal}, "real", true}, {{"sqrt", {{"x", DefaultReal}}, DefaultReal}}, {{"tan", {{"x", DefaultReal}}, DefaultReal}}, {{"tanh", {{"x", DefaultReal}}, DefaultReal}}, }; static const IntrinsicInterface intrinsicSubroutine[]{ {"cpu_time", {{"time", AnyReal, Rank::scalar, Optionality::required, common::Intent::Out}}, {}, Rank::elemental, IntrinsicClass::impureSubroutine}, {"date_and_time", {{"date", DefaultChar, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional, common::Intent::Out}, {"time", DefaultChar, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional, common::Intent::Out}, {"zone", DefaultChar, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional, common::Intent::Out}, {"values", AnyInt, Rank::vector, Optionality::optional, common::Intent::Out}}, {}, Rank::elemental, IntrinsicClass::impureSubroutine}, {"execute_command_line", {{"command", DefaultChar, Rank::scalar}, {"wait", AnyLogical, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional}, {"exitstat", AnyInt, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional, common::Intent::InOut}, {"cmdstat", AnyInt, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional, common::Intent::Out}, {"cmdmsg", DefaultChar, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional, common::Intent::InOut}}, {}, Rank::elemental, IntrinsicClass::impureSubroutine}, {"get_command", {{"command", DefaultChar, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional, common::Intent::Out}, {"length", AnyInt, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional, common::Intent::Out}, {"status", AnyInt, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional, common::Intent::Out}, {"errmsg", DefaultChar, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional, common::Intent::InOut}}, {}, Rank::elemental, IntrinsicClass::impureSubroutine}, {"get_command_argument", {{"number", AnyInt, Rank::scalar}, {"value", DefaultChar, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional, common::Intent::Out}, {"length", AnyInt, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional, common::Intent::Out}, {"status", AnyInt, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional, common::Intent::Out}, {"errmsg", DefaultChar, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional, common::Intent::InOut}}, {}, Rank::elemental, IntrinsicClass::impureSubroutine}, {"get_environment_variable", {{"name", DefaultChar, Rank::scalar}, {"value", DefaultChar, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional, common::Intent::Out}, {"length", AnyInt, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional, common::Intent::Out}, {"status", AnyInt, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional, common::Intent::Out}, {"trim_name", AnyLogical, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional}, {"errmsg", DefaultChar, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional, common::Intent::InOut}}, {}, Rank::elemental, IntrinsicClass::impureSubroutine}, {"move_alloc", {{"from", SameType, Rank::known, Optionality::required, common::Intent::InOut}, {"to", SameType, Rank::known, Optionality::required, common::Intent::Out}, {"stat", AnyInt, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional, common::Intent::Out}, {"errmsg", DefaultChar, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional, common::Intent::InOut}}, {}, Rank::elemental, IntrinsicClass::pureSubroutine}, {"mvbits", {{"from", SameInt}, {"frompos", AnyInt}, {"len", AnyInt}, {"to", SameInt, Rank::elemental, Optionality::required, common::Intent::Out}, {"topos", AnyInt}}, {}, Rank::elemental, IntrinsicClass::elementalSubroutine}, // elemental {"random_init", {{"repeatable", AnyLogical, Rank::scalar}, {"image_distinct", AnyLogical, Rank::scalar}}, {}, Rank::elemental, IntrinsicClass::impureSubroutine}, {"random_number", {{"harvest", AnyReal, Rank::known, Optionality::required, common::Intent::Out}}, {}, Rank::elemental, IntrinsicClass::impureSubroutine}, {"random_seed", {{"size", DefaultInt, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional, common::Intent::Out}, {"put", DefaultInt, Rank::vector, Optionality::optional}, {"get", DefaultInt, Rank::vector, Optionality::optional, common::Intent::Out}}, {}, Rank::elemental, IntrinsicClass::impureSubroutine}, // TODO: at most one argument can be // present {"system_clock", {{"count", AnyInt, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional, common::Intent::Out}, {"count_rate", AnyIntOrReal, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional, common::Intent::Out}, {"count_max", AnyInt, Rank::scalar, Optionality::optional, common::Intent::Out}}, {}, Rank::elemental, IntrinsicClass::impureSubroutine}, }; // TODO: Intrinsic subroutine EVENT_QUERY // TODO: Atomic intrinsic subroutines: ATOMIC_ADD &al. // TODO: Collective intrinsic subroutines: CO_BROADCAST &al. // Intrinsic interface matching against the arguments of a particular // procedure reference. std::optional IntrinsicInterface::Match( const CallCharacteristics &call, const common::IntrinsicTypeDefaultKinds &defaults, ActualArguments &arguments, FoldingContext &context) const { auto &messages{context.messages()}; // Attempt to construct a 1-1 correspondence between the dummy arguments in // a particular intrinsic procedure's generic interface and the actual // arguments in a procedure reference. std::size_t dummyArgPatterns{0}; for (; dummyArgPatterns < maxArguments && dummy[dummyArgPatterns].keyword; ++dummyArgPatterns) { } // MAX and MIN (and others that map to them) allow their last argument to // be repeated indefinitely. The actualForDummy vector is sized // and null-initialized to the non-repeated dummy argument count, // but additional actual argument pointers can be pushed on it // when this flag is set. bool repeatLastDummy{dummyArgPatterns > 0 && dummy[dummyArgPatterns - 1].optionality == Optionality::repeats}; std::size_t nonRepeatedDummies{ repeatLastDummy ? dummyArgPatterns - 1 : dummyArgPatterns}; std::vector actualForDummy(nonRepeatedDummies, nullptr); int missingActualArguments{0}; for (std::optional &arg : arguments) { if (!arg) { ++missingActualArguments; } else { if (arg->isAlternateReturn()) { messages.Say( "alternate return specifier not acceptable on call to intrinsic '%s'"_err_en_US, name); return std::nullopt; } bool found{false}; int slot{missingActualArguments}; for (std::size_t j{0}; j < nonRepeatedDummies && !found; ++j) { if (arg->keyword()) { found = *arg->keyword() == dummy[j].keyword; if (found) { if (const auto *previous{actualForDummy[j]}) { if (previous->keyword()) { messages.Say(*arg->keyword(), "repeated keyword argument to intrinsic '%s'"_err_en_US, name); } else { messages.Say(*arg->keyword(), "keyword argument to intrinsic '%s' was supplied " "positionally by an earlier actual argument"_err_en_US, name); } return std::nullopt; } } } else { found = !actualForDummy[j] && slot-- == 0; } if (found) { actualForDummy[j] = &*arg; } } if (!found) { if (repeatLastDummy && !arg->keyword()) { // MAX/MIN argument after the 2nd actualForDummy.push_back(&*arg); } else { if (arg->keyword()) { messages.Say(*arg->keyword(), "unknown keyword argument to intrinsic '%s'"_err_en_US, name); } else { messages.Say( "too many actual arguments for intrinsic '%s'"_err_en_US, name); } return std::nullopt; } } } } std::size_t dummies{actualForDummy.size()}; // Check types and kinds of the actual arguments against the intrinsic's // interface. Ensure that two or more arguments that have to have the same // (or compatible) type and kind do so. Check for missing non-optional // arguments now, too. const ActualArgument *sameArg{nullptr}; const ActualArgument *operandArg{nullptr}; const IntrinsicDummyArgument *kindDummyArg{nullptr}; const ActualArgument *kindArg{nullptr}; bool hasDimArg{false}; for (std::size_t j{0}; j < dummies; ++j) { const IntrinsicDummyArgument &d{dummy[std::min(j, dummyArgPatterns - 1)]}; if (d.typePattern.kindCode == KindCode::kindArg) { CHECK(!kindDummyArg); kindDummyArg = &d; } const ActualArgument *arg{actualForDummy[j]}; if (!arg) { if (d.optionality == Optionality::required) { messages.Say("missing mandatory '%s=' argument"_err_en_US, d.keyword); return std::nullopt; // missing non-OPTIONAL argument } else { continue; } } if (arg->GetAssumedTypeDummy()) { // TYPE(*) assumed-type dummy argument forwarded to intrinsic if (d.typePattern.categorySet == AnyType && d.rank == Rank::anyOrAssumedRank && (d.typePattern.kindCode == KindCode::any || d.typePattern.kindCode == KindCode::addressable)) { continue; } else { messages.Say("Assumed type TYPE(*) dummy argument not allowed " "for '%s=' intrinsic argument"_err_en_US, d.keyword); return std::nullopt; } } std::optional type{arg->GetType()}; if (!type) { CHECK(arg->Rank() == 0); const Expr &expr{DEREF(arg->UnwrapExpr())}; if (std::holds_alternative(expr.u)) { if (d.typePattern.kindCode == KindCode::typeless || d.rank == Rank::elementalOrBOZ) { continue; } else { const IntrinsicDummyArgument &nextParam{dummy[j + 1]}; messages.Say( "Typeless (BOZ) not allowed for both '%s=' & '%s=' arguments"_err_en_US, // C7109 d.keyword, nextParam.keyword); } } else { // NULL(), procedure, or procedure pointer CHECK(IsProcedurePointer(expr)); if (d.typePattern.kindCode == KindCode::addressable || d.rank == Rank::reduceOperation) { continue; } else if (d.typePattern.kindCode == KindCode::nullPointerType) { continue; } else { messages.Say( "Actual argument for '%s=' may not be a procedure"_err_en_US, d.keyword); } } return std::nullopt; } else if (!d.typePattern.categorySet.test(type->category())) { messages.Say("Actual argument for '%s=' has bad type '%s'"_err_en_US, d.keyword, type->AsFortran()); return std::nullopt; // argument has invalid type category } bool argOk{false}; switch (d.typePattern.kindCode) { case KindCode::none: case KindCode::typeless: case KindCode::teamType: // TODO: TEAM_TYPE argOk = false; break; case KindCode::defaultIntegerKind: argOk = type->kind() == defaults.GetDefaultKind(TypeCategory::Integer); break; case KindCode::defaultRealKind: argOk = type->kind() == defaults.GetDefaultKind(TypeCategory::Real); break; case KindCode::doublePrecision: argOk = type->kind() == defaults.doublePrecisionKind(); break; case KindCode::defaultCharKind: argOk = type->kind() == defaults.GetDefaultKind(TypeCategory::Character); break; case KindCode::defaultLogicalKind: argOk = type->kind() == defaults.GetDefaultKind(TypeCategory::Logical); break; case KindCode::any: argOk = true; break; case KindCode::kindArg: CHECK(type->category() == TypeCategory::Integer); CHECK(!kindArg); kindArg = arg; argOk = true; break; case KindCode::dimArg: CHECK(type->category() == TypeCategory::Integer); hasDimArg = true; argOk = true; break; case KindCode::same: if (!sameArg) { sameArg = arg; } argOk = type->IsTkCompatibleWith(sameArg->GetType().value()); break; case KindCode::operand: if (!operandArg) { operandArg = arg; } else if (auto prev{operandArg->GetType()}) { if (type->category() == prev->category()) { if (type->kind() > prev->kind()) { operandArg = arg; } } else if (prev->category() == TypeCategory::Integer) { operandArg = arg; } } argOk = true; break; case KindCode::effectiveKind: common::die("INTERNAL: KindCode::effectiveKind appears on argument '%s' " "for intrinsic '%s'", d.keyword, name); break; case KindCode::addressable: case KindCode::nullPointerType: argOk = true; break; default: CRASH_NO_CASE; } if (!argOk) { messages.Say( "Actual argument for '%s=' has bad type or kind '%s'"_err_en_US, d.keyword, type->AsFortran()); return std::nullopt; } } // Check the ranks of the arguments against the intrinsic's interface. const ActualArgument *arrayArg{nullptr}; const ActualArgument *knownArg{nullptr}; std::optional shapeArgSize; int elementalRank{0}; for (std::size_t j{0}; j < dummies; ++j) { const IntrinsicDummyArgument &d{dummy[std::min(j, dummyArgPatterns - 1)]}; if (const ActualArgument * arg{actualForDummy[j]}) { if (IsAssumedRank(*arg) && d.rank != Rank::anyOrAssumedRank) { messages.Say("Assumed-rank array cannot be forwarded to " "'%s=' argument"_err_en_US, d.keyword); return std::nullopt; } int rank{arg->Rank()}; bool argOk{false}; switch (d.rank) { case Rank::elemental: case Rank::elementalOrBOZ: if (elementalRank == 0) { elementalRank = rank; } argOk = rank == 0 || rank == elementalRank; break; case Rank::scalar: argOk = rank == 0; break; case Rank::vector: argOk = rank == 1; break; case Rank::shape: CHECK(!shapeArgSize); if (rank != 1) { messages.Say( "'shape=' argument must be an array of rank 1"_err_en_US); return std::nullopt; } else { if (auto shape{GetShape(context, *arg)}) { if (auto constShape{AsConstantShape(context, *shape)}) { shapeArgSize = constShape->At(ConstantSubscripts{1}).ToInt64(); CHECK(shapeArgSize >= 0); argOk = true; } } } if (!argOk) { messages.Say( "'shape=' argument must be a vector of known size"_err_en_US); return std::nullopt; } break; case Rank::matrix: argOk = rank == 2; break; case Rank::array: argOk = rank > 0; if (!arrayArg) { arrayArg = arg; } else { argOk &= rank == arrayArg->Rank(); } break; case Rank::known: if (!knownArg) { knownArg = arg; } argOk = rank == knownArg->Rank(); break; case Rank::anyOrAssumedRank: argOk = true; break; case Rank::conformable: CHECK(arrayArg); argOk = rank == 0 || rank == arrayArg->Rank(); break; case Rank::dimRemoved: CHECK(arrayArg); argOk = rank == 0 || rank + 1 == arrayArg->Rank(); break; case Rank::reduceOperation: // TODO: validate the reduction operation -- it must be a pure // function of two arguments with special constraints. CHECK(arrayArg); argOk = rank == 0; break; case Rank::dimReduced: case Rank::rankPlus1: case Rank::shaped: common::die("INTERNAL: result-only rank code appears on argument '%s' " "for intrinsic '%s'", d.keyword, name); } if (!argOk) { messages.Say("'%s=' argument has unacceptable rank %d"_err_en_US, d.keyword, rank); return std::nullopt; } } } // Calculate the characteristics of the function result, if any std::optional resultType; if (auto category{result.categorySet.LeastElement()}) { // The intrinsic is not a subroutine. if (call.isSubroutineCall) { return std::nullopt; } switch (result.kindCode) { case KindCode::defaultIntegerKind: CHECK(result.categorySet == IntType); CHECK(*category == TypeCategory::Integer); resultType = DynamicType{TypeCategory::Integer, defaults.GetDefaultKind(TypeCategory::Integer)}; break; case KindCode::defaultRealKind: CHECK(result.categorySet == CategorySet{*category}); CHECK(FloatingType.test(*category)); resultType = DynamicType{*category, defaults.GetDefaultKind(TypeCategory::Real)}; break; case KindCode::doublePrecision: CHECK(result.categorySet == CategorySet{*category}); CHECK(FloatingType.test(*category)); resultType = DynamicType{*category, defaults.doublePrecisionKind()}; break; case KindCode::defaultCharKind: CHECK(result.categorySet == CharType); CHECK(*category == TypeCategory::Character); resultType = DynamicType{TypeCategory::Character, defaults.GetDefaultKind(TypeCategory::Character)}; break; case KindCode::defaultLogicalKind: CHECK(result.categorySet == LogicalType); CHECK(*category == TypeCategory::Logical); resultType = DynamicType{TypeCategory::Logical, defaults.GetDefaultKind(TypeCategory::Logical)}; break; case KindCode::same: CHECK(sameArg); if (std::optional aType{sameArg->GetType()}) { if (result.categorySet.test(aType->category())) { resultType = *aType; } else { resultType = DynamicType{*category, aType->kind()}; } } break; case KindCode::operand: CHECK(operandArg); resultType = operandArg->GetType(); CHECK(!resultType || result.categorySet.test(resultType->category())); break; case KindCode::effectiveKind: CHECK(kindDummyArg); CHECK(result.categorySet == CategorySet{*category}); if (kindArg) { if (auto *expr{kindArg->UnwrapExpr()}) { CHECK(expr->Rank() == 0); if (auto code{ToInt64(*expr)}) { if (IsValidKindOfIntrinsicType(*category, *code)) { resultType = DynamicType{*category, static_cast(*code)}; break; } } } messages.Say("'kind=' argument must be a constant scalar integer " "whose value is a supported kind for the " "intrinsic result type"_err_en_US); return std::nullopt; } else if (kindDummyArg->optionality == Optionality::defaultsToSameKind) { CHECK(sameArg); resultType = *sameArg->GetType(); } else if (kindDummyArg->optionality == Optionality::defaultsToSizeKind) { CHECK(*category == TypeCategory::Integer); resultType = DynamicType{TypeCategory::Integer, defaults.sizeIntegerKind()}; } else { CHECK(kindDummyArg->optionality == Optionality::defaultsToDefaultForResult); resultType = DynamicType{*category, defaults.GetDefaultKind(*category)}; } break; case KindCode::likeMultiply: CHECK(dummies >= 2); CHECK(actualForDummy[0]); CHECK(actualForDummy[1]); resultType = actualForDummy[0]->GetType()->ResultTypeForMultiply( *actualForDummy[1]->GetType()); break; case KindCode::subscript: CHECK(result.categorySet == IntType); CHECK(*category == TypeCategory::Integer); resultType = DynamicType{TypeCategory::Integer, defaults.subscriptIntegerKind()}; break; case KindCode::size: CHECK(result.categorySet == IntType); CHECK(*category == TypeCategory::Integer); resultType = DynamicType{TypeCategory::Integer, defaults.sizeIntegerKind()}; break; case KindCode::typeless: case KindCode::teamType: case KindCode::any: case KindCode::kindArg: case KindCode::dimArg: common::die( "INTERNAL: bad KindCode appears on intrinsic '%s' result", name); break; default: CRASH_NO_CASE; } } else { if (!call.isSubroutineCall) { return std::nullopt; } CHECK(result.kindCode == KindCode::none); } // At this point, the call is acceptable. // Determine the rank of the function result. int resultRank{0}; switch (rank) { case Rank::elemental: resultRank = elementalRank; break; case Rank::scalar: resultRank = 0; break; case Rank::vector: resultRank = 1; break; case Rank::matrix: resultRank = 2; break; case Rank::conformable: CHECK(arrayArg); resultRank = arrayArg->Rank(); break; case Rank::dimReduced: CHECK(arrayArg); resultRank = hasDimArg ? arrayArg->Rank() - 1 : 0; break; case Rank::dimRemoved: CHECK(arrayArg); resultRank = arrayArg->Rank() - 1; break; case Rank::rankPlus1: CHECK(knownArg); resultRank = knownArg->Rank() + 1; break; case Rank::shaped: CHECK(shapeArgSize); resultRank = *shapeArgSize; break; case Rank::elementalOrBOZ: case Rank::shape: case Rank::array: case Rank::known: case Rank::anyOrAssumedRank: case Rank::reduceOperation: common::die("INTERNAL: bad Rank code on intrinsic '%s' result", name); break; } CHECK(resultRank >= 0); // Rearrange the actual arguments into dummy argument order. ActualArguments rearranged(dummies); for (std::size_t j{0}; j < dummies; ++j) { if (ActualArgument * arg{actualForDummy[j]}) { rearranged[j] = std::move(*arg); } } // Characterize the specific intrinsic procedure. characteristics::DummyArguments dummyArgs; std::optional sameDummyArg; for (std::size_t j{0}; j < dummies; ++j) { const IntrinsicDummyArgument &d{dummy[std::min(j, dummyArgPatterns - 1)]}; if (const auto &arg{rearranged[j]}) { if (const Expr *expr{arg->UnwrapExpr()}) { auto dc{characteristics::DummyArgument::FromActual( std::string{d.keyword}, *expr, context)}; CHECK(dc); dummyArgs.emplace_back(std::move(*dc)); if (d.typePattern.kindCode == KindCode::same && !sameDummyArg) { sameDummyArg = j; } } else { CHECK(arg->GetAssumedTypeDummy()); dummyArgs.emplace_back(std::string{d.keyword}, characteristics::DummyDataObject{DynamicType::AssumedType()}); } } else { // optional argument is absent CHECK(d.optionality != Optionality::required); if (d.typePattern.kindCode == KindCode::same) { dummyArgs.emplace_back(dummyArgs[sameDummyArg.value()]); } else { auto category{d.typePattern.categorySet.LeastElement().value()}; characteristics::TypeAndShape typeAndShape{ DynamicType{category, defaults.GetDefaultKind(category)}}; dummyArgs.emplace_back(std::string{d.keyword}, characteristics::DummyDataObject{std::move(typeAndShape)}); } dummyArgs.back().SetOptional(); } dummyArgs.back().SetIntent(d.intent); } characteristics::Procedure::Attrs attrs; if (elementalRank > 0) { attrs.set(characteristics::Procedure::Attr::Elemental); } if (call.isSubroutineCall) { return SpecificCall{ SpecificIntrinsic{ name, characteristics::Procedure{std::move(dummyArgs), attrs}}, std::move(rearranged)}; } else { attrs.set(characteristics::Procedure::Attr::Pure); characteristics::TypeAndShape typeAndShape{resultType.value(), resultRank}; characteristics::FunctionResult funcResult{std::move(typeAndShape)}; characteristics::Procedure chars{ std::move(funcResult), std::move(dummyArgs), attrs}; return SpecificCall{ SpecificIntrinsic{name, std::move(chars)}, std::move(rearranged)}; } } class IntrinsicProcTable::Implementation { public: explicit Implementation(const common::IntrinsicTypeDefaultKinds &dfts) : defaults_{dfts} { for (const IntrinsicInterface &f : genericIntrinsicFunction) { genericFuncs_.insert(std::make_pair(std::string{f.name}, &f)); } for (const SpecificIntrinsicInterface &f : specificIntrinsicFunction) { specificFuncs_.insert(std::make_pair(std::string{f.name}, &f)); } for (const IntrinsicInterface &f : intrinsicSubroutine) { subroutines_.insert(std::make_pair(std::string{f.name}, &f)); } } bool IsIntrinsic(const std::string &) const; bool IsIntrinsicFunction(const std::string &) const; bool IsIntrinsicSubroutine(const std::string &) const; IntrinsicClass GetIntrinsicClass(const std::string &) const; std::string GetGenericIntrinsicName(const std::string &) const; std::optional Probe(const CallCharacteristics &, ActualArguments &, FoldingContext &, const IntrinsicProcTable &) const; std::optional IsSpecificIntrinsicFunction( const std::string &) const; llvm::raw_ostream &Dump(llvm::raw_ostream &) const; private: DynamicType GetSpecificType(const TypePattern &) const; SpecificCall HandleNull(ActualArguments &, FoldingContext &) const; std::optional HandleC_F_Pointer( ActualArguments &, FoldingContext &) const; common::IntrinsicTypeDefaultKinds defaults_; std::multimap genericFuncs_; std::multimap specificFuncs_; std::multimap subroutines_; }; bool IntrinsicProcTable::Implementation::IsIntrinsicFunction( const std::string &name) const { auto specificRange{specificFuncs_.equal_range(name)}; if (specificRange.first != specificRange.second) { return true; } auto genericRange{genericFuncs_.equal_range(name)}; if (genericRange.first != genericRange.second) { return true; } // special cases return name == "null"; } bool IntrinsicProcTable::Implementation::IsIntrinsicSubroutine( const std::string &name) const { auto subrRange{subroutines_.equal_range(name)}; if (subrRange.first != subrRange.second) { return true; } // special cases return name == "__builtin_c_f_pointer"; } bool IntrinsicProcTable::Implementation::IsIntrinsic( const std::string &name) const { return IsIntrinsicFunction(name) || IsIntrinsicSubroutine(name); } IntrinsicClass IntrinsicProcTable::Implementation::GetIntrinsicClass( const std::string &name) const { auto specificIntrinsic{specificFuncs_.find(name)}; if (specificIntrinsic != specificFuncs_.end()) { return specificIntrinsic->second->intrinsicClass; } auto genericIntrinsic{genericFuncs_.find(name)}; if (genericIntrinsic != genericFuncs_.end()) { return genericIntrinsic->second->intrinsicClass; } auto subrIntrinsic{subroutines_.find(name)}; if (subrIntrinsic != subroutines_.end()) { return subrIntrinsic->second->intrinsicClass; } return IntrinsicClass::noClass; } std::string IntrinsicProcTable::Implementation::GetGenericIntrinsicName( const std::string &name) const { auto specificIntrinsic{specificFuncs_.find(name)}; if (specificIntrinsic != specificFuncs_.end()) { if (const char *genericName{specificIntrinsic->second->generic}) { return {genericName}; } } return name; } bool CheckAndRearrangeArguments(ActualArguments &arguments, parser::ContextualMessages &messages, const char *const dummyKeywords[], std::size_t trailingOptionals) { std::size_t numDummies{0}; while (dummyKeywords[numDummies]) { ++numDummies; } CHECK(trailingOptionals <= numDummies); if (arguments.size() > numDummies) { messages.Say("Too many actual arguments (%zd > %zd)"_err_en_US, arguments.size(), numDummies); return false; } ActualArguments rearranged(numDummies); bool anyKeywords{false}; std::size_t position{0}; for (std::optional &arg : arguments) { std::size_t dummyIndex{0}; if (arg && arg->keyword()) { anyKeywords = true; for (; dummyIndex < numDummies; ++dummyIndex) { if (*arg->keyword() == dummyKeywords[dummyIndex]) { break; } } if (dummyIndex >= numDummies) { messages.Say(*arg->keyword(), "Unknown argument keyword '%s='"_err_en_US, *arg->keyword()); return false; } } else if (anyKeywords) { messages.Say( "A positional actual argument may not appear after any keyword arguments"_err_en_US); return false; } else { dummyIndex = position++; } if (rearranged[dummyIndex]) { messages.Say("Dummy argument '%s=' appears more than once"_err_en_US, dummyKeywords[dummyIndex]); return false; } rearranged[dummyIndex] = std::move(arg); arg.reset(); } bool anyMissing{false}; for (std::size_t j{0}; j < numDummies - trailingOptionals; ++j) { if (!rearranged[j]) { messages.Say("Dummy argument '%s=' is absent and not OPTIONAL"_err_en_US, dummyKeywords[j]); anyMissing = true; } } arguments = std::move(rearranged); return !anyMissing; } // The NULL() intrinsic is a special case. SpecificCall IntrinsicProcTable::Implementation::HandleNull( ActualArguments &arguments, FoldingContext &context) const { static const char *const keywords[]{"mold", nullptr}; if (CheckAndRearrangeArguments(arguments, context.messages(), keywords, 1) && arguments[0]) { if (Expr * mold{arguments[0]->UnwrapExpr()}) { bool goodProcPointer{true}; if (IsAllocatableOrPointer(*mold)) { characteristics::DummyArguments args; std::optional fResult; if (IsProcedurePointer(*mold)) { // MOLD= procedure pointer const Symbol *last{GetLastSymbol(*mold)}; CHECK(last); auto procPointer{ characteristics::Procedure::Characterize(*last, context)}; // procPointer is null if there was an error with the analysis // associated with the procedure pointer if (procPointer) { args.emplace_back("mold"s, characteristics::DummyProcedure{common::Clone(*procPointer)}); fResult.emplace(std::move(*procPointer)); } else { goodProcPointer = false; } } else if (auto type{mold->GetType()}) { // MOLD= object pointer characteristics::TypeAndShape typeAndShape{ *type, GetShape(context, *mold)}; args.emplace_back( "mold"s, characteristics::DummyDataObject{typeAndShape}); fResult.emplace(std::move(typeAndShape)); } else { context.messages().Say( "MOLD= argument to NULL() lacks type"_err_en_US); } if (goodProcPointer) { fResult->attrs.set(characteristics::FunctionResult::Attr::Pointer); characteristics::Procedure::Attrs attrs; attrs.set(characteristics::Procedure::Attr::NullPointer); characteristics::Procedure chars{ std::move(*fResult), std::move(args), attrs}; return SpecificCall{SpecificIntrinsic{"null"s, std::move(chars)}, std::move(arguments)}; } } } context.messages().Say( "MOLD= argument to NULL() must be a pointer or allocatable"_err_en_US); } characteristics::Procedure::Attrs attrs; attrs.set(characteristics::Procedure::Attr::NullPointer); attrs.set(characteristics::Procedure::Attr::Pure); arguments.clear(); return SpecificCall{ SpecificIntrinsic{"null"s, characteristics::Procedure{characteristics::DummyArguments{}, attrs}}, std::move(arguments)}; } // Subroutine C_F_POINTER(CPTR=,FPTR=[,SHAPE=]) from // intrinsic module ISO_C_BINDING ( std::optional IntrinsicProcTable::Implementation::HandleC_F_Pointer( ActualArguments &arguments, FoldingContext &context) const { characteristics::Procedure::Attrs attrs; attrs.set(characteristics::Procedure::Attr::Subroutine); static const char *const keywords[]{"cptr", "fptr", "shape", nullptr}; characteristics::DummyArguments dummies; if (CheckAndRearrangeArguments(arguments, context.messages(), keywords, 1)) { CHECK(arguments.size() == 3); if (const auto *expr{arguments[0].value().UnwrapExpr()}) { if (expr->Rank() > 0) { context.messages().Say( "CPTR= argument to C_F_POINTER() must be scalar"_err_en_US); } if (auto type{expr->GetType()}) { if (type->category() != TypeCategory::Derived || type->IsPolymorphic() || type->GetDerivedTypeSpec().typeSymbol().name() != "__builtin_c_ptr") { context.messages().Say( "CPTR= argument to C_F_POINTER() must be a C_PTR"_err_en_US); } characteristics::DummyDataObject cptr{ characteristics::TypeAndShape{*type}}; cptr.intent = common::Intent::In; dummies.emplace_back("cptr"s, std::move(cptr)); } } if (const auto *expr{arguments[1].value().UnwrapExpr()}) { int fptrRank{expr->Rank()}; if (auto type{expr->GetType()}) { if (type->HasDeferredTypeParameter()) { context.messages().Say( "FPTR= argument to C_F_POINTER() may not have a deferred type parameter"_err_en_US); } if (ExtractCoarrayRef(*expr)) { context.messages().Say( "FPTR= argument to C_F_POINTER() may not be a coindexed object"_err_en_US); } characteristics::DummyDataObject fptr{ characteristics::TypeAndShape{*type, fptrRank}}; fptr.intent = common::Intent::Out; fptr.attrs.set(characteristics::DummyDataObject::Attr::Pointer); dummies.emplace_back("fptr"s, std::move(fptr)); } if (arguments[2] && fptrRank == 0) { context.messages().Say( "SHAPE= argument to C_F_POINTER() may not appear when FPTR= is scalar"_err_en_US); } else if (!arguments[2] && fptrRank > 0) { context.messages().Say( "SHAPE= argument to C_F_POINTER() must appear when FPTR= is an array"_err_en_US); } if (arguments[2]) { DynamicType shapeType{ TypeCategory::Integer, defaults_.sizeIntegerKind()}; if (auto type{arguments[2]->GetType()}) { if (type->category() == TypeCategory::Integer) { shapeType = *type; } } characteristics::DummyDataObject shape{ characteristics::TypeAndShape{shapeType, 1}}; shape.intent = common::Intent::In; shape.attrs.set(characteristics::DummyDataObject::Attr::Optional); dummies.emplace_back("shape"s, std::move(shape)); } } } if (dummies.size() == 3) { return SpecificCall{ SpecificIntrinsic{"__builtin_c_f_pointer"s, characteristics::Procedure{std::move(dummies), attrs}}, std::move(arguments)}; } else { return std::nullopt; } } static bool CheckAssociated(SpecificCall &call, FoldingContext &context) { bool ok{true}; if (const auto &pointerArg{call.arguments[0]}) { if (const auto *pointerExpr{pointerArg->UnwrapExpr()}) { if (const Symbol * pointerSymbol{GetLastSymbol(*pointerExpr)}) { if (!pointerSymbol->attrs().test(semantics::Attr::POINTER)) { AttachDeclaration(context.messages().Say( "POINTER= argument of ASSOCIATED() must be a " "POINTER"_err_en_US), *pointerSymbol); } else { const auto pointerProc{characteristics::Procedure::Characterize( *pointerSymbol, context)}; if (const auto &targetArg{call.arguments[1]}) { if (const auto *targetExpr{targetArg->UnwrapExpr()}) { std::optional targetProc{ std::nullopt}; const Symbol *targetSymbol{GetLastSymbol(*targetExpr)}; bool isCall{false}; std::string targetName; if (const auto *targetProcRef{// target is a function call std::get_if(&targetExpr->u)}) { if (auto targetRefedChars{ characteristics::Procedure::Characterize( *targetProcRef, context)}) { targetProc = *targetRefedChars; targetName = targetProcRef->proc().GetName() + "()"; isCall = true; } } else if (targetSymbol && !targetProc) { // proc that's not a call targetProc = characteristics::Procedure::Characterize( *targetSymbol, context); targetName = targetSymbol->name().ToString(); } if (pointerProc) { if (targetProc) { // procedure pointer and procedure target if (std::optional msg{ CheckProcCompatibility( isCall, pointerProc, &*targetProc)}) { AttachDeclaration( context.messages().Say(std::move(*msg), "pointer '" + pointerSymbol->name().ToString() + "'", targetName), *pointerSymbol); } } else { // procedure pointer and object target if (!IsNullPointer(*targetExpr)) { AttachDeclaration( context.messages().Say( "POINTER= argument '%s' is a procedure " "pointer but the TARGET= argument '%s' is not a " "procedure or procedure pointer"_err_en_US, pointerSymbol->name(), targetName), *pointerSymbol); } } } else if (targetProc) { // object pointer and procedure target AttachDeclaration( context.messages().Say( "POINTER= argument '%s' is an object pointer " "but the TARGET= argument '%s' is a " "procedure designator"_err_en_US, pointerSymbol->name(), targetName), *pointerSymbol); } else { // object pointer and target if (const Symbol * targetSymbol{GetLastSymbol(*targetExpr)}) { if (!(targetSymbol->attrs().test(semantics::Attr::POINTER) || targetSymbol->attrs().test( semantics::Attr::TARGET))) { AttachDeclaration( context.messages().Say( "TARGET= argument '%s' must have either " "the POINTER or the TARGET " "attribute"_err_en_US, targetName), *targetSymbol); } } if (const auto pointerType{pointerArg->GetType()}) { if (const auto targetType{targetArg->GetType()}) { ok = pointerType->IsTkCompatibleWith(*targetType); } } } } } } } } } else { // No arguments to ASSOCIATED() ok = false; } if (!ok) { context.messages().Say( "Arguments of ASSOCIATED() must be a POINTER and an optional valid target"_err_en_US); } return ok; } // Applies any semantic checks peculiar to an intrinsic. static bool ApplySpecificChecks(SpecificCall &call, FoldingContext &context) { bool ok{true}; const std::string &name{call.specificIntrinsic.name}; if (name == "allocated") { if (const auto &arg{call.arguments[0]}) { if (const auto *expr{arg->UnwrapExpr()}) { if (const Symbol * symbol{GetLastSymbol(*expr)}) { ok = symbol->attrs().test(semantics::Attr::ALLOCATABLE); } } } if (!ok) { context.messages().Say( "Argument of ALLOCATED() must be an ALLOCATABLE object or component"_err_en_US); } } else if (name == "associated") { return CheckAssociated(call, context); } else if (name == "loc") { if (const auto &arg{call.arguments[0]}) { ok = arg->GetAssumedTypeDummy() || GetLastSymbol(arg->UnwrapExpr()); } if (!ok) { context.messages().Say( "Argument of LOC() must be an object or procedure"_err_en_US); } } else if (name == "present") { if (const auto &arg{call.arguments[0]}) { if (const auto *expr{arg->UnwrapExpr()}) { if (const Symbol * symbol{UnwrapWholeSymbolDataRef(*expr)}) { ok = symbol->attrs().test(semantics::Attr::OPTIONAL); } } } if (!ok) { context.messages().Say( "Argument of PRESENT() must be the name of an OPTIONAL dummy argument"_err_en_US); } } return ok; } static DynamicType GetReturnType(const SpecificIntrinsicInterface &interface, const common::IntrinsicTypeDefaultKinds &defaults) { TypeCategory category{TypeCategory::Integer}; switch (interface.result.kindCode) { case KindCode::defaultIntegerKind: break; case KindCode::doublePrecision: case KindCode::defaultRealKind: category = TypeCategory::Real; break; default: CRASH_NO_CASE; } int kind{interface.result.kindCode == KindCode::doublePrecision ? defaults.doublePrecisionKind() : defaults.GetDefaultKind(category)}; return DynamicType{category, kind}; } // Probe the configured intrinsic procedure pattern tables in search of a // match for a given procedure reference. std::optional IntrinsicProcTable::Implementation::Probe( const CallCharacteristics &call, ActualArguments &arguments, FoldingContext &context, const IntrinsicProcTable &intrinsics) const { // All special cases handled here before the table probes below must // also be recognized as special names in IsIntrinsic(). if (call.isSubroutineCall) { if (call.name == "__builtin_c_f_pointer") { return HandleC_F_Pointer(arguments, context); } } else { if (call.name == "null") { return HandleNull(arguments, context); } } if (call.isSubroutineCall) { auto subrRange{subroutines_.equal_range(call.name)}; for (auto iter{subrRange.first}; iter != subrRange.second; ++iter) { if (auto specificCall{ iter->second->Match(call, defaults_, arguments, context)}) { return specificCall; } } if (IsIntrinsicFunction(call.name)) { context.messages().Say( "Cannot use intrinsic function '%s' as a subroutine"_err_en_US, call.name); } return std::nullopt; // TODO } // Helper to avoid emitting errors before it is sure there is no match parser::Messages localBuffer; parser::Messages *finalBuffer{context.messages().messages()}; parser::ContextualMessages localMessages{ context.messages().at(), finalBuffer ? &localBuffer : nullptr}; FoldingContext localContext{context, localMessages}; auto matchOrBufferMessages{ [&](const IntrinsicInterface &intrinsic, parser::Messages &buffer) -> std::optional { if (auto specificCall{ intrinsic.Match(call, defaults_, arguments, localContext)}) { if (finalBuffer) { finalBuffer->Annex(std::move(localBuffer)); } return specificCall; } else if (buffer.empty()) { buffer.Annex(std::move(localBuffer)); } else { localBuffer.clear(); } return std::nullopt; }}; // Probe the generic intrinsic function table first. parser::Messages genericBuffer; auto genericRange{genericFuncs_.equal_range(call.name)}; for (auto iter{genericRange.first}; iter != genericRange.second; ++iter) { if (auto specificCall{ matchOrBufferMessages(*iter->second, genericBuffer)}) { ApplySpecificChecks(*specificCall, context); return specificCall; } } // Probe the specific intrinsic function table next. parser::Messages specificBuffer; auto specificRange{specificFuncs_.equal_range(call.name)}; for (auto specIter{specificRange.first}; specIter != specificRange.second; ++specIter) { // We only need to check the cases with distinct generic names. if (const char *genericName{specIter->second->generic}) { if (auto specificCall{ matchOrBufferMessages(*specIter->second, specificBuffer)}) { if (!specIter->second->useGenericAndForceResultType) { specificCall->specificIntrinsic.name = genericName; } specificCall->specificIntrinsic.isRestrictedSpecific = specIter->second->isRestrictedSpecific; // TODO test feature AdditionalIntrinsics, warn on nonstandard // specifics with DoublePrecisionComplex arguments. return specificCall; } } } // If there was no exact match with a specific, try to match the related // generic and convert the result to the specific required type. for (auto specIter{specificRange.first}; specIter != specificRange.second; ++specIter) { // We only need to check the cases with distinct generic names. if (const char *genericName{specIter->second->generic}) { if (specIter->second->useGenericAndForceResultType) { auto genericRange{genericFuncs_.equal_range(genericName)}; for (auto genIter{genericRange.first}; genIter != genericRange.second; ++genIter) { if (auto specificCall{ matchOrBufferMessages(*genIter->second, specificBuffer)}) { // Force the call result type to the specific intrinsic result type DynamicType newType{GetReturnType(*specIter->second, defaults_)}; context.messages().Say( "argument types do not match specific intrinsic '%s' " "requirements; using '%s' generic instead and converting the " "result to %s if needed"_en_US, call.name, genericName, newType.AsFortran()); specificCall->specificIntrinsic.name = call.name; specificCall->specificIntrinsic.characteristics.value() .functionResult.value() .SetType(newType); return specificCall; } } } } } if (specificBuffer.empty() && genericBuffer.empty() && IsIntrinsicSubroutine(call.name)) { context.messages().Say( "Cannot use intrinsic subroutine '%s' as a function"_err_en_US, call.name); } // No match; report the right errors, if any if (finalBuffer) { if (specificBuffer.empty()) { finalBuffer->Annex(std::move(genericBuffer)); } else { finalBuffer->Annex(std::move(specificBuffer)); } } return std::nullopt; } std::optional IntrinsicProcTable::Implementation::IsSpecificIntrinsicFunction( const std::string &name) const { auto specificRange{specificFuncs_.equal_range(name)}; for (auto iter{specificRange.first}; iter != specificRange.second; ++iter) { const SpecificIntrinsicInterface &specific{*iter->second}; std::string genericName{name}; if (specific.generic) { genericName = std::string(specific.generic); } characteristics::FunctionResult fResult{GetSpecificType(specific.result)}; characteristics::DummyArguments args; int dummies{specific.CountArguments()}; for (int j{0}; j < dummies; ++j) { characteristics::DummyDataObject dummy{ GetSpecificType(specific.dummy[j].typePattern)}; dummy.intent = specific.dummy[j].intent; args.emplace_back( std::string{specific.dummy[j].keyword}, std::move(dummy)); } characteristics::Procedure::Attrs attrs; attrs.set(characteristics::Procedure::Attr::Pure) .set(characteristics::Procedure::Attr::Elemental); characteristics::Procedure chars{ std::move(fResult), std::move(args), attrs}; return SpecificIntrinsicFunctionInterface{ std::move(chars), genericName, specific.isRestrictedSpecific}; } return std::nullopt; } DynamicType IntrinsicProcTable::Implementation::GetSpecificType( const TypePattern &pattern) const { const CategorySet &set{pattern.categorySet}; CHECK(set.count() == 1); TypeCategory category{set.LeastElement().value()}; return DynamicType{category, defaults_.GetDefaultKind(category)}; } IntrinsicProcTable::~IntrinsicProcTable() = default; IntrinsicProcTable IntrinsicProcTable::Configure( const common::IntrinsicTypeDefaultKinds &defaults) { IntrinsicProcTable result; result.impl_ = std::make_unique(defaults); return result; } bool IntrinsicProcTable::IsIntrinsic(const std::string &name) const { return DEREF(impl_).IsIntrinsic(name); } bool IntrinsicProcTable::IsIntrinsicFunction(const std::string &name) const { return DEREF(impl_).IsIntrinsicFunction(name); } bool IntrinsicProcTable::IsIntrinsicSubroutine(const std::string &name) const { return DEREF(impl_).IsIntrinsicSubroutine(name); } IntrinsicClass IntrinsicProcTable::GetIntrinsicClass( const std::string &name) const { return DEREF(impl_).GetIntrinsicClass(name); } std::string IntrinsicProcTable::GetGenericIntrinsicName( const std::string &name) const { return DEREF(impl_).GetGenericIntrinsicName(name); } std::optional IntrinsicProcTable::Probe( const CallCharacteristics &call, ActualArguments &arguments, FoldingContext &context) const { return DEREF(impl_).Probe(call, arguments, context, *this); } std::optional IntrinsicProcTable::IsSpecificIntrinsicFunction(const std::string &name) const { return DEREF(impl_).IsSpecificIntrinsicFunction(name); } llvm::raw_ostream &TypePattern::Dump(llvm::raw_ostream &o) const { if (categorySet == AnyType) { o << "any type"; } else { const char *sep = ""; auto set{categorySet}; while (auto least{set.LeastElement()}) { o << sep << EnumToString(*least); sep = " or "; set.reset(*least); } } o << '(' << EnumToString(kindCode) << ')'; return o; } llvm::raw_ostream &IntrinsicDummyArgument::Dump(llvm::raw_ostream &o) const { if (keyword) { o << keyword << '='; } return typePattern.Dump(o) << ' ' << EnumToString(rank) << ' ' << EnumToString(optionality) << EnumToString(intent); } llvm::raw_ostream &IntrinsicInterface::Dump(llvm::raw_ostream &o) const { o << name; char sep{'('}; for (const auto &d : dummy) { if (d.typePattern.kindCode == KindCode::none) { break; } d.Dump(o << sep); sep = ','; } if (sep == '(') { o << "()"; } return result.Dump(o << " -> ") << ' ' << EnumToString(rank); } llvm::raw_ostream &IntrinsicProcTable::Implementation::Dump( llvm::raw_ostream &o) const { o << "generic intrinsic functions:\n"; for (const auto &iter : genericFuncs_) { iter.second->Dump(o << iter.first << ": ") << '\n'; } o << "specific intrinsic functions:\n"; for (const auto &iter : specificFuncs_) { iter.second->Dump(o << iter.first << ": "); if (const char *g{iter.second->generic}) { o << " -> " << g; } o << '\n'; } o << "subroutines:\n"; for (const auto &iter : subroutines_) { iter.second->Dump(o << iter.first << ": ") << '\n'; } return o; } llvm::raw_ostream &IntrinsicProcTable::Dump(llvm::raw_ostream &o) const { return impl_->Dump(o); } // In general C846 prohibits allocatable coarrays to be passed to INTENT(OUT) // dummy arguments. This rule does not apply to intrinsics in general. // Some intrinsic explicitly allow coarray allocatable in their description. // It is assumed that unless explicitly allowed for an intrinsic, // this is forbidden. // Since there are very few intrinsic identified that allow this, they are // listed here instead of adding a field in the table. bool AcceptsIntentOutAllocatableCoarray(const std::string &intrinsic) { return intrinsic == "move_alloc"; } } // namespace Fortran::evaluate