//===- MainModule.cpp - Main pybind module --------------------------------===// // // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include #include "PybindUtils.h" #include "Globals.h" #include "IRModules.h" #include "Pass.h" namespace py = pybind11; using namespace mlir; using namespace mlir::python; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PyGlobals // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PyGlobals *PyGlobals::instance = nullptr; PyGlobals::PyGlobals() { assert(!instance && "PyGlobals already constructed"); instance = this; } PyGlobals::~PyGlobals() { instance = nullptr; } void PyGlobals::loadDialectModule(llvm::StringRef dialectNamespace) { py::gil_scoped_acquire(); if (loadedDialectModulesCache.contains(dialectNamespace)) return; // Since re-entrancy is possible, make a copy of the search prefixes. std::vector localSearchPrefixes = dialectSearchPrefixes; py::object loaded; for (std::string moduleName : localSearchPrefixes) { moduleName.push_back('.'); moduleName.append(dialectNamespace.data(), dialectNamespace.size()); try { py::gil_scoped_release(); loaded = py::module::import(moduleName.c_str()); } catch (py::error_already_set &e) { if (e.matches(PyExc_ModuleNotFoundError)) { continue; } else { throw; } } break; } // Note: Iterator cannot be shared from prior to loading, since re-entrancy // may have occurred, which may do anything. loadedDialectModulesCache.insert(dialectNamespace); } void PyGlobals::registerDialectImpl(const std::string &dialectNamespace, py::object pyClass) { py::gil_scoped_acquire(); py::object &found = dialectClassMap[dialectNamespace]; if (found) { throw SetPyError(PyExc_RuntimeError, llvm::Twine("Dialect namespace '") + dialectNamespace + "' is already registered."); } found = std::move(pyClass); } void PyGlobals::registerOperationImpl(const std::string &operationName, py::object pyClass, py::object rawOpViewClass) { py::gil_scoped_acquire(); py::object &found = operationClassMap[operationName]; if (found) { throw SetPyError(PyExc_RuntimeError, llvm::Twine("Operation '") + operationName + "' is already registered."); } found = std::move(pyClass); rawOpViewClassMap[operationName] = std::move(rawOpViewClass); } llvm::Optional PyGlobals::lookupDialectClass(const std::string &dialectNamespace) { py::gil_scoped_acquire(); loadDialectModule(dialectNamespace); // Fast match against the class map first (common case). const auto foundIt = dialectClassMap.find(dialectNamespace); if (foundIt != dialectClassMap.end()) { if (foundIt->second.is_none()) return llvm::None; assert(foundIt->second && "py::object is defined"); return foundIt->second; } // Not found and loading did not yield a registration. Negative cache. dialectClassMap[dialectNamespace] = py::none(); return llvm::None; } llvm::Optional PyGlobals::lookupRawOpViewClass(llvm::StringRef operationName) { { py::gil_scoped_acquire(); auto foundIt = rawOpViewClassMapCache.find(operationName); if (foundIt != rawOpViewClassMapCache.end()) { if (foundIt->second.is_none()) return llvm::None; assert(foundIt->second && "py::object is defined"); return foundIt->second; } } // Not found. Load the dialect namespace. auto split = operationName.split('.'); llvm::StringRef dialectNamespace = split.first; loadDialectModule(dialectNamespace); // Attempt to find from the canonical map and cache. { py::gil_scoped_acquire(); auto foundIt = rawOpViewClassMap.find(operationName); if (foundIt != rawOpViewClassMap.end()) { if (foundIt->second.is_none()) return llvm::None; assert(foundIt->second && "py::object is defined"); // Positive cache. rawOpViewClassMapCache[operationName] = foundIt->second; return foundIt->second; } else { // Negative cache. rawOpViewClassMap[operationName] = py::none(); return llvm::None; } } } void PyGlobals::clearImportCache() { py::gil_scoped_acquire(); loadedDialectModulesCache.clear(); rawOpViewClassMapCache.clear(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Module initialization. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PYBIND11_MODULE(_mlir, m) { m.doc() = "MLIR Python Native Extension"; py::class_(m, "_Globals") .def_property("dialect_search_modules", &PyGlobals::getDialectSearchPrefixes, &PyGlobals::setDialectSearchPrefixes) .def("append_dialect_search_prefix", [](PyGlobals &self, std::string moduleName) { self.getDialectSearchPrefixes().push_back(std::move(moduleName)); self.clearImportCache(); }) .def("_register_dialect_impl", &PyGlobals::registerDialectImpl, "Testing hook for directly registering a dialect") .def("_register_operation_impl", &PyGlobals::registerOperationImpl, "Testing hook for directly registering an operation"); // Aside from making the globals accessible to python, having python manage // it is necessary to make sure it is destroyed (and releases its python // resources) properly. m.attr("globals") = py::cast(new PyGlobals, py::return_value_policy::take_ownership); // Registration decorators. m.def( "register_dialect", [](py::object pyClass) { std::string dialectNamespace = pyClass.attr("DIALECT_NAMESPACE").cast(); PyGlobals::get().registerDialectImpl(dialectNamespace, pyClass); return pyClass; }, "Class decorator for registering a custom Dialect wrapper"); m.def( "register_operation", [](py::object dialectClass) -> py::cpp_function { return py::cpp_function( [dialectClass](py::object opClass) -> py::object { std::string operationName = opClass.attr("OPERATION_NAME").cast(); auto rawSubclass = PyOpView::createRawSubclass(opClass); PyGlobals::get().registerOperationImpl(operationName, opClass, rawSubclass); // Dict-stuff the new opClass by name onto the dialect class. py::object opClassName = opClass.attr("__name__"); dialectClass.attr(opClassName) = opClass; // Now create a special "Raw" subclass that passes through // construction to the OpView parent (bypasses the intermediate // child's __init__). opClass.attr("_Raw") = rawSubclass; return opClass; }); }, "Class decorator for registering a custom Operation wrapper"); // Define and populate IR submodule. auto irModule = m.def_submodule("ir", "MLIR IR Bindings"); populateIRSubmodule(irModule); // Define and populate PassManager submodule. auto passModule = m.def_submodule("passmanager", "MLIR Pass Management Bindings"); populatePassManagerSubmodule(passModule); }