#include #include #include "aco_ir.h" #include "llvm-c/Disassembler.h" #include "ac_llvm_util.h" #include #if LLVM_VERSION_MAJOR >= 11 #include #endif namespace aco { namespace { /* LLVM disassembler only supports GFX8+, try to disassemble with CLRXdisasm * for GFX6-GFX7 if found on the system, this is better than nothing. */ bool print_asm_gfx6_gfx7(Program *program, std::vector& binary, FILE *output) { char path[] = "/tmp/fileXXXXXX"; char line[2048], command[128]; const char *gpu_type; FILE *p; int fd; /* Dump the binary into a temporary file. */ fd = mkstemp(path); if (fd < 0) return true; for (uint32_t w : binary) { if (write(fd, &w, sizeof(w)) == -1) goto fail; } /* Determine the GPU type for CLRXdisasm. Use the family for GFX6 chips * because it doesn't allow to use gfx600 directly. */ switch (program->chip_class) { case GFX6: switch (program->family) { case CHIP_TAHITI: gpu_type = "tahiti"; break; case CHIP_PITCAIRN: gpu_type = "pitcairn"; break; case CHIP_VERDE: gpu_type = "capeverde"; break; case CHIP_OLAND: gpu_type = "oland"; break; case CHIP_HAINAN: gpu_type = "hainan"; break; default: unreachable("Invalid GFX6 family!"); } break; case GFX7: gpu_type = "gfx700"; break; default: unreachable("Invalid chip class!"); } sprintf(command, "clrxdisasm --gpuType=%s -r %s", gpu_type, path); p = popen(command, "r"); if (p) { if (!fgets(line, sizeof(line), p)) { fprintf(output, "clrxdisasm not found\n"); pclose(p); goto fail; } do { fputs(line, output); } while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), p)); pclose(p); } return false; fail: close(fd); unlink(path); return true; } std::pair disasm_instr(chip_class chip, LLVMDisasmContextRef disasm, uint32_t *binary, unsigned exec_size, size_t pos, char *outline, unsigned outline_size) { /* mask out src2 on v_writelane_b32 */ if (((chip == GFX8 || chip == GFX9) && (binary[pos] & 0xffff8000) == 0xd28a0000) || (chip >= GFX10 && (binary[pos] & 0xffff8000) == 0xd7610000)) { binary[pos+1] = binary[pos+1] & 0xF803FFFF; } size_t l = LLVMDisasmInstruction(disasm, (uint8_t *) &binary[pos], (exec_size - pos) * sizeof(uint32_t), pos * 4, outline, outline_size); if (chip >= GFX10 && l == 8 && ((binary[pos] & 0xffff0000) == 0xd7610000) && ((binary[pos + 1] & 0x1ff) == 0xff)) { /* v_writelane with literal uses 3 dwords but llvm consumes only 2 */ l += 4; } bool invalid = false; size_t size; if (!l && ((chip >= GFX9 && (binary[pos] & 0xffff8000) == 0xd1348000) || /* v_add_u32_e64 + clamp */ (chip >= GFX10 && (binary[pos] & 0xffff8000) == 0xd7038000) || /* v_add_u16_e64 + clamp */ (chip <= GFX9 && (binary[pos] & 0xffff8000) == 0xd1268000) || /* v_add_u16_e64 + clamp */ (chip >= GFX10 && (binary[pos] & 0xffff8000) == 0xd76d8000) || /* v_add3_u32 + clamp */ (chip == GFX9 && (binary[pos] & 0xffff8000) == 0xd1ff8000)) /* v_add3_u32 + clamp */) { strcpy(outline, "\tinteger addition + clamp"); bool has_literal = chip >= GFX10 && (((binary[pos+1] & 0x1ff) == 0xff) || (((binary[pos+1] >> 9) & 0x1ff) == 0xff)); size = 2 + has_literal; } else if (chip >= GFX10 && l == 4 && ((binary[pos] & 0xfe0001ff) == 0x020000f9)) { strcpy(outline, "\tv_cndmask_b32 + sdwa"); size = 2; } else if (!l) { strcpy(outline, "(invalid instruction)"); size = 1; invalid = true; } else { assert(l % 4 == 0); size = l / 4; } return std::make_pair(invalid, size); } } /* end namespace */ bool print_asm(Program *program, std::vector& binary, unsigned exec_size, FILE *output) { if (program->chip_class <= GFX7) { /* Do not abort if clrxdisasm isn't found. */ print_asm_gfx6_gfx7(program, binary, output); return false; } std::vector referenced_blocks(program->blocks.size()); referenced_blocks[0] = true; for (Block& block : program->blocks) { for (unsigned succ : block.linear_succs) referenced_blocks[succ] = true; } #if LLVM_VERSION_MAJOR >= 11 std::vector symbols; #else std::vector> symbols; #endif std::vector> block_names; block_names.reserve(program->blocks.size()); for (Block& block : program->blocks) { if (!referenced_blocks[block.index]) continue; std::array name; sprintf(name.data(), "BB%u", block.index); block_names.push_back(name); symbols.emplace_back(block.offset * 4, llvm::StringRef(block_names[block_names.size() - 1].data()), 0); } const char *features = ""; if (program->chip_class >= GFX10 && program->wave_size == 64) { features = "+wavefrontsize64"; } LLVMDisasmContextRef disasm = LLVMCreateDisasmCPUFeatures("amdgcn-mesa-mesa3d", ac_get_llvm_processor_name(program->family), features, &symbols, 0, NULL, NULL); size_t pos = 0; bool invalid = false; unsigned next_block = 0; unsigned prev_size = 0; unsigned prev_pos = 0; unsigned repeat_count = 0; while (pos < exec_size) { bool new_block = next_block < program->blocks.size() && pos == program->blocks[next_block].offset; if (pos + prev_size <= exec_size && prev_pos != pos && !new_block && memcmp(&binary[prev_pos], &binary[pos], prev_size * 4) == 0) { repeat_count++; pos += prev_size; continue; } else { if (repeat_count) fprintf(output, "\t(then repeated %u times)\n", repeat_count); repeat_count = 0; } while (next_block < program->blocks.size() && pos == program->blocks[next_block].offset) { if (referenced_blocks[next_block]) fprintf(output, "BB%u:\n", next_block); next_block++; } char outline[1024]; std::pair res = disasm_instr( program->chip_class, disasm, binary.data(), exec_size, pos, outline, sizeof(outline)); invalid |= res.first; fprintf(output, "%-60s ;", outline); for (unsigned i = 0; i < res.second; i++) fprintf(output, " %.8x", binary[pos + i]); fputc('\n', output); prev_size = res.second; prev_pos = pos; pos += res.second; } assert(next_block == program->blocks.size()); LLVMDisasmDispose(disasm); if (program->constant_data.size()) { fputs("\n/* constant data */\n", output); for (unsigned i = 0; i < program->constant_data.size(); i += 32) { fprintf(output, "[%.6u]", i); unsigned line_size = std::min(program->constant_data.size() - i, 32); for (unsigned j = 0; j < line_size; j += 4) { unsigned size = std::min(program->constant_data.size() - (i + j), 4); uint32_t v = 0; memcpy(&v, &program->constant_data[i + j], size); fprintf(output, " %.8x", v); } fputc('\n', output); } } return invalid; } }