/* * Copyright 2010 Jerome Glisse * Copyright 2015 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * on the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub * license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom * the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHOR(S) AND/OR THEIR SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, * DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR * OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE * USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "si_pipe.h" #include "sid.h" static unsigned minify_as_blocks(unsigned width, unsigned level, unsigned blk_w) { width = u_minify(width, level); return DIV_ROUND_UP(width, blk_w); } static unsigned encode_tile_info(struct si_context *sctx, struct si_texture *tex, unsigned level, bool set_bpp) { struct radeon_info *info = &sctx->screen->info; unsigned tile_index = tex->surface.u.legacy.tiling_index[level]; unsigned macro_tile_index = tex->surface.u.legacy.macro_tile_index; unsigned tile_mode = info->si_tile_mode_array[tile_index]; unsigned macro_tile_mode = info->cik_macrotile_mode_array[macro_tile_index]; return (set_bpp ? util_logbase2(tex->surface.bpe) : 0) | (G_009910_ARRAY_MODE(tile_mode) << 3) | (G_009910_MICRO_TILE_MODE_NEW(tile_mode) << 8) | /* Non-depth modes don't have TILE_SPLIT set. */ ((util_logbase2(tex->surface.u.legacy.tile_split >> 6)) << 11) | (G_009990_BANK_WIDTH(macro_tile_mode) << 15) | (G_009990_BANK_HEIGHT(macro_tile_mode) << 18) | (G_009990_NUM_BANKS(macro_tile_mode) << 21) | (G_009990_MACRO_TILE_ASPECT(macro_tile_mode) << 24) | (G_009910_PIPE_CONFIG(tile_mode) << 26); } static bool si_sdma_v4_copy_texture(struct si_context *sctx, struct pipe_resource *dst, unsigned dst_level, unsigned dstx, unsigned dsty, unsigned dstz, struct pipe_resource *src, unsigned src_level, const struct pipe_box *src_box) { struct si_texture *ssrc = (struct si_texture *)src; struct si_texture *sdst = (struct si_texture *)dst; unsigned bpp = sdst->surface.bpe; uint64_t dst_address = sdst->buffer.gpu_address + sdst->surface.u.gfx9.surf_offset; uint64_t src_address = ssrc->buffer.gpu_address + ssrc->surface.u.gfx9.surf_offset; unsigned dst_pitch = sdst->surface.u.gfx9.surf_pitch; unsigned src_pitch = ssrc->surface.u.gfx9.surf_pitch; uint64_t dst_slice_pitch = ((uint64_t)sdst->surface.u.gfx9.surf_slice_size) / bpp; uint64_t src_slice_pitch = ((uint64_t)ssrc->surface.u.gfx9.surf_slice_size) / bpp; unsigned srcx = src_box->x / ssrc->surface.blk_w; unsigned srcy = src_box->y / ssrc->surface.blk_h; unsigned srcz = src_box->z; unsigned copy_width = DIV_ROUND_UP(src_box->width, ssrc->surface.blk_w); unsigned copy_height = DIV_ROUND_UP(src_box->height, ssrc->surface.blk_h); unsigned copy_depth = src_box->depth; unsigned xalign = MAX2(1, 4 / bpp); assert(src_level <= src->last_level); assert(dst_level <= dst->last_level); assert(sdst->surface.u.gfx9.surf_offset + dst_slice_pitch * bpp * (dstz + src_box->depth) <= sdst->buffer.buf->size); assert(ssrc->surface.u.gfx9.surf_offset + src_slice_pitch * bpp * (srcz + src_box->depth) <= ssrc->buffer.buf->size); if (!si_prepare_for_dma_blit(sctx, sdst, dst_level, dstx, dsty, dstz, ssrc, src_level, src_box)) return false; dstx /= sdst->surface.blk_w; dsty /= sdst->surface.blk_h; if (srcx >= (1 << 14) || srcy >= (1 << 14) || srcz >= (1 << 11) || dstx >= (1 << 14) || dsty >= (1 << 14) || dstz >= (1 << 11)) return false; /* Linear -> linear sub-window copy. */ if (ssrc->surface.is_linear && sdst->surface.is_linear) { struct radeon_cmdbuf *cs = sctx->sdma_cs; /* Check if everything fits into the bitfields */ if (!(src_pitch <= (1 << 19) && dst_pitch <= (1 << 19) && src_slice_pitch <= (1 << 28) && dst_slice_pitch <= (1 << 28) && copy_width <= (1 << 14) && copy_height <= (1 << 14) && copy_depth <= (1 << 11))) return false; si_need_dma_space(sctx, 13, &sdst->buffer, &ssrc->buffer); src_address += ssrc->surface.u.gfx9.offset[src_level]; dst_address += sdst->surface.u.gfx9.offset[dst_level]; /* Check alignments */ if ((src_address % 4) != 0 || (dst_address % 4) != 0 || (src_pitch % xalign) != 0) return false; radeon_emit( cs, CIK_SDMA_PACKET(CIK_SDMA_OPCODE_COPY, CIK_SDMA_COPY_SUB_OPCODE_LINEAR_SUB_WINDOW, sctx->ws->cs_is_secure(cs) ? (1u << 2) : 0) | (util_logbase2(bpp) << 29)); radeon_emit(cs, src_address); radeon_emit(cs, src_address >> 32); radeon_emit(cs, srcx | (srcy << 16)); radeon_emit(cs, srcz | ((src_pitch - 1) << 13)); radeon_emit(cs, src_slice_pitch - 1); radeon_emit(cs, dst_address); radeon_emit(cs, dst_address >> 32); radeon_emit(cs, dstx | (dsty << 16)); radeon_emit(cs, dstz | ((dst_pitch - 1) << 13)); radeon_emit(cs, dst_slice_pitch - 1); radeon_emit(cs, (copy_width - 1) | ((copy_height - 1) << 16)); radeon_emit(cs, (copy_depth - 1)); return true; } /* Linear <-> Tiled sub-window copy */ if (ssrc->surface.is_linear != sdst->surface.is_linear) { struct si_texture *tiled = ssrc->surface.is_linear ? sdst : ssrc; struct si_texture *linear = tiled == ssrc ? sdst : ssrc; unsigned tiled_level = tiled == ssrc ? src_level : dst_level; unsigned linear_level = linear == ssrc ? src_level : dst_level; unsigned tiled_x = tiled == ssrc ? srcx : dstx; unsigned linear_x = linear == ssrc ? srcx : dstx; unsigned tiled_y = tiled == ssrc ? srcy : dsty; unsigned linear_y = linear == ssrc ? srcy : dsty; unsigned tiled_z = tiled == ssrc ? srcz : dstz; unsigned linear_z = linear == ssrc ? srcz : dstz; unsigned tiled_width = tiled == ssrc ? DIV_ROUND_UP(ssrc->buffer.b.b.width0, ssrc->surface.blk_w) : DIV_ROUND_UP(sdst->buffer.b.b.width0, sdst->surface.blk_w); unsigned tiled_height = tiled == ssrc ? DIV_ROUND_UP(ssrc->buffer.b.b.height0, ssrc->surface.blk_h) : DIV_ROUND_UP(sdst->buffer.b.b.height0, sdst->surface.blk_h); unsigned tiled_depth = tiled == ssrc ? ssrc->buffer.b.b.depth0 : sdst->buffer.b.b.depth0; unsigned linear_pitch = linear == ssrc ? src_pitch : dst_pitch; unsigned linear_slice_pitch = linear == ssrc ? src_slice_pitch : dst_slice_pitch; uint64_t tiled_address = tiled == ssrc ? src_address : dst_address; uint64_t linear_address = linear == ssrc ? src_address : dst_address; struct radeon_cmdbuf *cs = sctx->sdma_cs; linear_address += linear->surface.u.gfx9.offset[linear_level]; /* Check if everything fits into the bitfields */ if (!(tiled_x <= (1 << 14) && tiled_y <= (1 << 14) && tiled_z <= (1 << 11) && tiled_width <= (1 << 14) && tiled_height <= (1 << 14) && tiled_depth <= (1 << 11) && linear_x <= (1 << 14) && linear_y <= (1 << 14) && linear_z <= (1 << 11) && linear_pitch <= (1 << 14) && linear_slice_pitch <= (1 << 28) && copy_width <= (1 << 14) && copy_height <= (1 << 14) && copy_depth <= (1 << 11))) return false; /* Check alignments */ if ((tiled_address % 256 != 0) || (linear_address % 4 != 0) || (linear_pitch % xalign != 0) || (linear_slice_pitch % xalign != 0)) return false; si_need_dma_space(sctx, 14, &sdst->buffer, &ssrc->buffer); radeon_emit( cs, CIK_SDMA_PACKET(CIK_SDMA_OPCODE_COPY, CIK_SDMA_COPY_SUB_OPCODE_TILED_SUB_WINDOW, sctx->ws->cs_is_secure(cs) ? (1u << 2) : 0) | tiled->buffer.b.b.last_level << 20 | tiled_level << 24 | (linear == sdst ? 1u : 0) << 31); radeon_emit(cs, (uint32_t)tiled_address); radeon_emit(cs, (uint32_t)(tiled_address >> 32)); radeon_emit(cs, tiled_x | (tiled_y << 16)); radeon_emit(cs, tiled_z | ((tiled_width - 1) << 16)); radeon_emit(cs, (tiled_height - 1) | (tiled_depth - 1) << 16); radeon_emit(cs, util_logbase2(bpp) | tiled->surface.u.gfx9.surf.swizzle_mode << 3 | tiled->surface.u.gfx9.resource_type << 9 | tiled->surface.u.gfx9.surf.epitch << 16); radeon_emit(cs, (uint32_t)linear_address); radeon_emit(cs, (uint32_t)(linear_address >> 32)); radeon_emit(cs, linear_x | (linear_y << 16)); radeon_emit(cs, linear_z | ((linear_pitch - 1) << 16)); radeon_emit(cs, linear_slice_pitch - 1); radeon_emit(cs, (copy_width - 1) | ((copy_height - 1) << 16)); radeon_emit(cs, (copy_depth - 1)); return true; } return false; } static bool cik_sdma_copy_texture(struct si_context *sctx, struct pipe_resource *dst, unsigned dst_level, unsigned dstx, unsigned dsty, unsigned dstz, struct pipe_resource *src, unsigned src_level, const struct pipe_box *src_box) { struct radeon_info *info = &sctx->screen->info; struct si_texture *ssrc = (struct si_texture *)src; struct si_texture *sdst = (struct si_texture *)dst; unsigned bpp = sdst->surface.bpe; uint64_t dst_address = sdst->buffer.gpu_address + sdst->surface.u.legacy.level[dst_level].offset; uint64_t src_address = ssrc->buffer.gpu_address + ssrc->surface.u.legacy.level[src_level].offset; unsigned dst_mode = sdst->surface.u.legacy.level[dst_level].mode; unsigned src_mode = ssrc->surface.u.legacy.level[src_level].mode; unsigned dst_tile_index = sdst->surface.u.legacy.tiling_index[dst_level]; unsigned src_tile_index = ssrc->surface.u.legacy.tiling_index[src_level]; unsigned dst_tile_mode = info->si_tile_mode_array[dst_tile_index]; unsigned src_tile_mode = info->si_tile_mode_array[src_tile_index]; unsigned dst_micro_mode = G_009910_MICRO_TILE_MODE_NEW(dst_tile_mode); unsigned src_micro_mode = G_009910_MICRO_TILE_MODE_NEW(src_tile_mode); unsigned dst_tile_swizzle = dst_mode == RADEON_SURF_MODE_2D ? sdst->surface.tile_swizzle : 0; unsigned src_tile_swizzle = src_mode == RADEON_SURF_MODE_2D ? ssrc->surface.tile_swizzle : 0; unsigned dst_pitch = sdst->surface.u.legacy.level[dst_level].nblk_x; unsigned src_pitch = ssrc->surface.u.legacy.level[src_level].nblk_x; uint64_t dst_slice_pitch = ((uint64_t)sdst->surface.u.legacy.level[dst_level].slice_size_dw * 4) / bpp; uint64_t src_slice_pitch = ((uint64_t)ssrc->surface.u.legacy.level[src_level].slice_size_dw * 4) / bpp; unsigned dst_width = minify_as_blocks(sdst->buffer.b.b.width0, dst_level, sdst->surface.blk_w); unsigned src_width = minify_as_blocks(ssrc->buffer.b.b.width0, src_level, ssrc->surface.blk_w); unsigned dst_height = minify_as_blocks(sdst->buffer.b.b.height0, dst_level, sdst->surface.blk_h); unsigned src_height = minify_as_blocks(ssrc->buffer.b.b.height0, src_level, ssrc->surface.blk_h); unsigned srcx = src_box->x / ssrc->surface.blk_w; unsigned srcy = src_box->y / ssrc->surface.blk_h; unsigned srcz = src_box->z; unsigned copy_width = DIV_ROUND_UP(src_box->width, ssrc->surface.blk_w); unsigned copy_height = DIV_ROUND_UP(src_box->height, ssrc->surface.blk_h); unsigned copy_depth = src_box->depth; assert(src_level <= src->last_level); assert(dst_level <= dst->last_level); assert(sdst->surface.u.legacy.level[dst_level].offset + dst_slice_pitch * bpp * (dstz + src_box->depth) <= sdst->buffer.buf->size); assert(ssrc->surface.u.legacy.level[src_level].offset + src_slice_pitch * bpp * (srcz + src_box->depth) <= ssrc->buffer.buf->size); if (!si_prepare_for_dma_blit(sctx, sdst, dst_level, dstx, dsty, dstz, ssrc, src_level, src_box)) return false; dstx /= sdst->surface.blk_w; dsty /= sdst->surface.blk_h; if (srcx >= (1 << 14) || srcy >= (1 << 14) || srcz >= (1 << 11) || dstx >= (1 << 14) || dsty >= (1 << 14) || dstz >= (1 << 11)) return false; dst_address |= dst_tile_swizzle << 8; src_address |= src_tile_swizzle << 8; /* Linear -> linear sub-window copy. */ if (dst_mode == RADEON_SURF_MODE_LINEAR_ALIGNED && src_mode == RADEON_SURF_MODE_LINEAR_ALIGNED && /* check if everything fits into the bitfields */ src_pitch <= (1 << 14) && dst_pitch <= (1 << 14) && src_slice_pitch <= (1 << 28) && dst_slice_pitch <= (1 << 28) && copy_width <= (1 << 14) && copy_height <= (1 << 14) && copy_depth <= (1 << 11) && /* HW limitation - GFX7: */ (sctx->chip_class != GFX7 || (copy_width < (1 << 14) && copy_height < (1 << 14) && copy_depth < (1 << 11))) && /* HW limitation - some GFX7 parts: */ ((sctx->family != CHIP_BONAIRE && sctx->family != CHIP_KAVERI) || (srcx + copy_width != (1 << 14) && srcy + copy_height != (1 << 14)))) { struct radeon_cmdbuf *cs = sctx->sdma_cs; si_need_dma_space(sctx, 13, &sdst->buffer, &ssrc->buffer); radeon_emit( cs, CIK_SDMA_PACKET(CIK_SDMA_OPCODE_COPY, CIK_SDMA_COPY_SUB_OPCODE_LINEAR_SUB_WINDOW, 0) | (util_logbase2(bpp) << 29)); radeon_emit(cs, src_address); radeon_emit(cs, src_address >> 32); radeon_emit(cs, srcx | (srcy << 16)); radeon_emit(cs, srcz | ((src_pitch - 1) << 16)); radeon_emit(cs, src_slice_pitch - 1); radeon_emit(cs, dst_address); radeon_emit(cs, dst_address >> 32); radeon_emit(cs, dstx | (dsty << 16)); radeon_emit(cs, dstz | ((dst_pitch - 1) << 16)); radeon_emit(cs, dst_slice_pitch - 1); if (sctx->chip_class == GFX7) { radeon_emit(cs, copy_width | (copy_height << 16)); radeon_emit(cs, copy_depth); } else { radeon_emit(cs, (copy_width - 1) | ((copy_height - 1) << 16)); radeon_emit(cs, (copy_depth - 1)); } return true; } /* Tiled <-> linear sub-window copy. */ if ((src_mode >= RADEON_SURF_MODE_1D) != (dst_mode >= RADEON_SURF_MODE_1D)) { struct si_texture *tiled = src_mode >= RADEON_SURF_MODE_1D ? ssrc : sdst; struct si_texture *linear = tiled == ssrc ? sdst : ssrc; unsigned tiled_level = tiled == ssrc ? src_level : dst_level; unsigned linear_level = linear == ssrc ? src_level : dst_level; unsigned tiled_x = tiled == ssrc ? srcx : dstx; unsigned linear_x = linear == ssrc ? srcx : dstx; unsigned tiled_y = tiled == ssrc ? srcy : dsty; unsigned linear_y = linear == ssrc ? srcy : dsty; unsigned tiled_z = tiled == ssrc ? srcz : dstz; unsigned linear_z = linear == ssrc ? srcz : dstz; unsigned tiled_width = tiled == ssrc ? src_width : dst_width; unsigned linear_width = linear == ssrc ? src_width : dst_width; unsigned tiled_pitch = tiled == ssrc ? src_pitch : dst_pitch; unsigned linear_pitch = linear == ssrc ? src_pitch : dst_pitch; unsigned tiled_slice_pitch = tiled == ssrc ? src_slice_pitch : dst_slice_pitch; unsigned linear_slice_pitch = linear == ssrc ? src_slice_pitch : dst_slice_pitch; uint64_t tiled_address = tiled == ssrc ? src_address : dst_address; uint64_t linear_address = linear == ssrc ? src_address : dst_address; unsigned tiled_micro_mode = tiled == ssrc ? src_micro_mode : dst_micro_mode; assert(tiled_pitch % 8 == 0); assert(tiled_slice_pitch % 64 == 0); unsigned pitch_tile_max = tiled_pitch / 8 - 1; unsigned slice_tile_max = tiled_slice_pitch / 64 - 1; unsigned xalign = MAX2(1, 4 / bpp); unsigned copy_width_aligned = copy_width; /* If the region ends at the last pixel and is unaligned, we * can copy the remainder of the line that is not visible to * make it aligned. */ if (copy_width % xalign != 0 && linear_x + copy_width == linear_width && tiled_x + copy_width == tiled_width && linear_x + align(copy_width, xalign) <= linear_pitch && tiled_x + align(copy_width, xalign) <= tiled_pitch) copy_width_aligned = align(copy_width, xalign); /* HW limitations. */ if ((sctx->family == CHIP_BONAIRE || sctx->family == CHIP_KAVERI) && linear_pitch - 1 == 0x3fff && bpp == 16) return false; if (sctx->chip_class == GFX7 && (copy_width_aligned == (1 << 14) || copy_height == (1 << 14) || copy_depth == (1 << 11))) return false; if ((sctx->family == CHIP_BONAIRE || sctx->family == CHIP_KAVERI || sctx->family == CHIP_KABINI) && (tiled_x + copy_width == (1 << 14) || tiled_y + copy_height == (1 << 14))) return false; /* The hw can read outside of the given linear buffer bounds, * or access those pages but not touch the memory in case * of writes. (it still causes a VM fault) * * Out-of-bounds memory access or page directory access must * be prevented. */ int64_t start_linear_address, end_linear_address; unsigned granularity; /* Deduce the size of reads from the linear surface. */ switch (tiled_micro_mode) { case V_009910_ADDR_SURF_DISPLAY_MICRO_TILING: granularity = bpp == 1 ? 64 / (8 * bpp) : 128 / (8 * bpp); break; case V_009910_ADDR_SURF_THIN_MICRO_TILING: case V_009910_ADDR_SURF_DEPTH_MICRO_TILING: if (0 /* TODO: THICK microtiling */) granularity = bpp == 1 ? 32 / (8 * bpp) : bpp == 2 ? 64 / (8 * bpp) : bpp <= 8 ? 128 / (8 * bpp) : 256 / (8 * bpp); else granularity = bpp <= 2 ? 64 / (8 * bpp) : bpp <= 8 ? 128 / (8 * bpp) : 256 / (8 * bpp); break; default: return false; } /* The linear reads start at tiled_x & ~(granularity - 1). * If linear_x == 0 && tiled_x % granularity != 0, the hw * starts reading from an address preceding linear_address!!! */ start_linear_address = linear->surface.u.legacy.level[linear_level].offset + bpp * (linear_z * linear_slice_pitch + linear_y * linear_pitch + linear_x); start_linear_address -= (int)(bpp * (tiled_x % granularity)); end_linear_address = linear->surface.u.legacy.level[linear_level].offset + bpp * ((linear_z + copy_depth - 1) * linear_slice_pitch + (linear_y + copy_height - 1) * linear_pitch + (linear_x + copy_width)); if ((tiled_x + copy_width) % granularity) end_linear_address += granularity - (tiled_x + copy_width) % granularity; if (start_linear_address < 0 || end_linear_address > linear->surface.surf_size) return false; /* Check requirements. */ if (tiled_address % 256 == 0 && linear_address % 4 == 0 && linear_pitch % xalign == 0 && linear_x % xalign == 0 && tiled_x % xalign == 0 && copy_width_aligned % xalign == 0 && tiled_micro_mode != V_009910_ADDR_SURF_ROTATED_MICRO_TILING && /* check if everything fits into the bitfields */ tiled->surface.u.legacy.tile_split <= 4096 && pitch_tile_max < (1 << 11) && slice_tile_max < (1 << 22) && linear_pitch <= (1 << 14) && linear_slice_pitch <= (1 << 28) && copy_width_aligned <= (1 << 14) && copy_height <= (1 << 14) && copy_depth <= (1 << 11)) { struct radeon_cmdbuf *cs = sctx->sdma_cs; uint32_t direction = linear == sdst ? 1u << 31 : 0; si_need_dma_space(sctx, 14, &sdst->buffer, &ssrc->buffer); radeon_emit(cs, CIK_SDMA_PACKET(CIK_SDMA_OPCODE_COPY, CIK_SDMA_COPY_SUB_OPCODE_TILED_SUB_WINDOW, 0) | direction); radeon_emit(cs, tiled_address); radeon_emit(cs, tiled_address >> 32); radeon_emit(cs, tiled_x | (tiled_y << 16)); radeon_emit(cs, tiled_z | (pitch_tile_max << 16)); radeon_emit(cs, slice_tile_max); radeon_emit(cs, encode_tile_info(sctx, tiled, tiled_level, true)); radeon_emit(cs, linear_address); radeon_emit(cs, linear_address >> 32); radeon_emit(cs, linear_x | (linear_y << 16)); radeon_emit(cs, linear_z | ((linear_pitch - 1) << 16)); radeon_emit(cs, linear_slice_pitch - 1); if (sctx->chip_class == GFX7) { radeon_emit(cs, copy_width_aligned | (copy_height << 16)); radeon_emit(cs, copy_depth); } else { radeon_emit(cs, (copy_width_aligned - 1) | ((copy_height - 1) << 16)); radeon_emit(cs, (copy_depth - 1)); } return true; } } /* Tiled -> Tiled sub-window copy. */ if (dst_mode >= RADEON_SURF_MODE_1D && src_mode >= RADEON_SURF_MODE_1D && /* check if these fit into the bitfields */ src_address % 256 == 0 && dst_address % 256 == 0 && ssrc->surface.u.legacy.tile_split <= 4096 && sdst->surface.u.legacy.tile_split <= 4096 && dstx % 8 == 0 && dsty % 8 == 0 && srcx % 8 == 0 && srcy % 8 == 0 && /* this can either be equal, or display->rotated (GFX8+ only) */ (src_micro_mode == dst_micro_mode || (sctx->chip_class >= GFX8 && src_micro_mode == V_009910_ADDR_SURF_DISPLAY_MICRO_TILING && dst_micro_mode == V_009910_ADDR_SURF_ROTATED_MICRO_TILING))) { assert(src_pitch % 8 == 0); assert(dst_pitch % 8 == 0); assert(src_slice_pitch % 64 == 0); assert(dst_slice_pitch % 64 == 0); unsigned src_pitch_tile_max = src_pitch / 8 - 1; unsigned dst_pitch_tile_max = dst_pitch / 8 - 1; unsigned src_slice_tile_max = src_slice_pitch / 64 - 1; unsigned dst_slice_tile_max = dst_slice_pitch / 64 - 1; unsigned copy_width_aligned = copy_width; unsigned copy_height_aligned = copy_height; /* If the region ends at the last pixel and is unaligned, we * can copy the remainder of the tile that is not visible to * make it aligned. */ if (copy_width % 8 != 0 && srcx + copy_width == src_width && dstx + copy_width == dst_width) copy_width_aligned = align(copy_width, 8); if (copy_height % 8 != 0 && srcy + copy_height == src_height && dsty + copy_height == dst_height) copy_height_aligned = align(copy_height, 8); /* check if these fit into the bitfields */ if (src_pitch_tile_max < (1 << 11) && dst_pitch_tile_max < (1 << 11) && src_slice_tile_max < (1 << 22) && dst_slice_tile_max < (1 << 22) && copy_width_aligned <= (1 << 14) && copy_height_aligned <= (1 << 14) && copy_depth <= (1 << 11) && copy_width_aligned % 8 == 0 && copy_height_aligned % 8 == 0 && /* HW limitation - GFX7: */ (sctx->chip_class != GFX7 || (copy_width_aligned < (1 << 14) && copy_height_aligned < (1 << 14) && copy_depth < (1 << 11))) && /* HW limitation - some GFX7 parts: */ ((sctx->family != CHIP_BONAIRE && sctx->family != CHIP_KAVERI && sctx->family != CHIP_KABINI) || (srcx + copy_width_aligned != (1 << 14) && srcy + copy_height_aligned != (1 << 14) && dstx + copy_width != (1 << 14)))) { struct radeon_cmdbuf *cs = sctx->sdma_cs; si_need_dma_space(sctx, 15, &sdst->buffer, &ssrc->buffer); radeon_emit( cs, CIK_SDMA_PACKET(CIK_SDMA_OPCODE_COPY, CIK_SDMA_COPY_SUB_OPCODE_T2T_SUB_WINDOW, 0)); radeon_emit(cs, src_address); radeon_emit(cs, src_address >> 32); radeon_emit(cs, srcx | (srcy << 16)); radeon_emit(cs, srcz | (src_pitch_tile_max << 16)); radeon_emit(cs, src_slice_tile_max); radeon_emit(cs, encode_tile_info(sctx, ssrc, src_level, true)); radeon_emit(cs, dst_address); radeon_emit(cs, dst_address >> 32); radeon_emit(cs, dstx | (dsty << 16)); radeon_emit(cs, dstz | (dst_pitch_tile_max << 16)); radeon_emit(cs, dst_slice_tile_max); radeon_emit(cs, encode_tile_info(sctx, sdst, dst_level, false)); if (sctx->chip_class == GFX7) { radeon_emit(cs, copy_width_aligned | (copy_height_aligned << 16)); radeon_emit(cs, copy_depth); } else { radeon_emit(cs, (copy_width_aligned - 8) | ((copy_height_aligned - 8) << 16)); radeon_emit(cs, (copy_depth - 1)); } return true; } } return false; } static void cik_sdma_copy(struct pipe_context *ctx, struct pipe_resource *dst, unsigned dst_level, unsigned dstx, unsigned dsty, unsigned dstz, struct pipe_resource *src, unsigned src_level, const struct pipe_box *src_box) { struct si_context *sctx = (struct si_context *)ctx; assert(src->target != PIPE_BUFFER); if (!sctx->sdma_cs || src->flags & PIPE_RESOURCE_FLAG_SPARSE || dst->flags & PIPE_RESOURCE_FLAG_SPARSE) goto fallback; /* SDMA causes corruption. See: * https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=110575 * https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=110635 * * Keep SDMA enabled on APUs. */ if (sctx->screen->debug_flags & DBG(FORCE_SDMA) || (!sctx->screen->info.has_dedicated_vram && !(sctx->screen->debug_flags & DBG(NO_SDMA_COPY_IMAGE)))) { if ((sctx->chip_class == GFX7 || sctx->chip_class == GFX8) && cik_sdma_copy_texture(sctx, dst, dst_level, dstx, dsty, dstz, src, src_level, src_box)) return; else if (sctx->chip_class == GFX9 && si_sdma_v4_copy_texture(sctx, dst, dst_level, dstx, dsty, dstz, src, src_level, src_box)) return; } fallback: si_resource_copy_region(ctx, dst, dst_level, dstx, dsty, dstz, src, src_level, src_box); } void cik_init_sdma_functions(struct si_context *sctx) { sctx->dma_copy = cik_sdma_copy; }