#include "zink_batch.h" #include "zink_context.h" #include "zink_fence.h" #include "zink_framebuffer.h" #include "zink_query.h" #include "zink_program.h" #include "zink_render_pass.h" #include "zink_resource.h" #include "zink_screen.h" #include "util/hash_table.h" #include "util/u_debug.h" #include "util/set.h" static void reset_batch(struct zink_context *ctx, struct zink_batch *batch) { struct zink_screen *screen = zink_screen(ctx->base.screen); batch->descs_left = ZINK_BATCH_DESC_SIZE; // cmdbuf hasn't been submitted before if (!batch->fence) return; zink_fence_finish(screen, batch->fence, PIPE_TIMEOUT_INFINITE); zink_fence_reference(screen, &batch->fence, NULL); zink_render_pass_reference(screen, &batch->rp, NULL); zink_framebuffer_reference(screen, &batch->fb, NULL); set_foreach(batch->programs, entry) { struct zink_gfx_program *prog = (struct zink_gfx_program*)entry->key; zink_gfx_program_reference(screen, &prog, NULL); } _mesa_set_clear(batch->programs, NULL); /* unref all used resources */ set_foreach(batch->resources, entry) { struct pipe_resource *pres = (struct pipe_resource *)entry->key; pipe_resource_reference(&pres, NULL); } _mesa_set_clear(batch->resources, NULL); /* unref all used sampler-views */ set_foreach(batch->sampler_views, entry) { struct pipe_sampler_view *pres = (struct pipe_sampler_view *)entry->key; pipe_sampler_view_reference(&pres, NULL); } _mesa_set_clear(batch->sampler_views, NULL); util_dynarray_foreach(&batch->zombie_samplers, VkSampler, samp) { vkDestroySampler(screen->dev, *samp, NULL); } util_dynarray_clear(&batch->zombie_samplers); if (vkResetDescriptorPool(screen->dev, batch->descpool, 0) != VK_SUCCESS) fprintf(stderr, "vkResetDescriptorPool failed\n"); } void zink_start_batch(struct zink_context *ctx, struct zink_batch *batch) { reset_batch(ctx, batch); VkCommandBufferBeginInfo cbbi = {}; cbbi.sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_COMMAND_BUFFER_BEGIN_INFO; cbbi.flags = VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_ONE_TIME_SUBMIT_BIT; if (vkBeginCommandBuffer(batch->cmdbuf, &cbbi) != VK_SUCCESS) debug_printf("vkBeginCommandBuffer failed\n"); if (!ctx->queries_disabled) zink_resume_queries(ctx, batch); } void zink_end_batch(struct zink_context *ctx, struct zink_batch *batch) { if (!ctx->queries_disabled) zink_suspend_queries(ctx, batch); if (vkEndCommandBuffer(batch->cmdbuf) != VK_SUCCESS) { debug_printf("vkEndCommandBuffer failed\n"); return; } assert(batch->fence == NULL); batch->fence = zink_create_fence(ctx->base.screen, batch); if (!batch->fence) return; VkSubmitInfo si = {}; si.sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_SUBMIT_INFO; si.waitSemaphoreCount = 0; si.pWaitSemaphores = NULL; si.signalSemaphoreCount = 0; si.pSignalSemaphores = NULL; si.pWaitDstStageMask = NULL; si.commandBufferCount = 1; si.pCommandBuffers = &batch->cmdbuf; if (vkQueueSubmit(ctx->queue, 1, &si, batch->fence->fence) != VK_SUCCESS) { debug_printf("ZINK: vkQueueSubmit() failed\n"); ctx->is_device_lost = true; if (ctx->reset.reset) { ctx->reset.reset(ctx->reset.data, PIPE_GUILTY_CONTEXT_RESET); } } } void zink_batch_reference_resource_rw(struct zink_batch *batch, struct zink_resource *res, bool write) { unsigned mask = write ? ZINK_RESOURCE_ACCESS_WRITE : ZINK_RESOURCE_ACCESS_READ; /* u_transfer_helper unrefs the stencil buffer when the depth buffer is unrefed, * so we add an extra ref here to the stencil buffer to compensate */ struct zink_resource *stencil; zink_get_depth_stencil_resources((struct pipe_resource*)res, NULL, &stencil); struct set_entry *entry = _mesa_set_search(batch->resources, res); if (!entry) { entry = _mesa_set_add(batch->resources, res); pipe_reference(NULL, &res->base.reference); if (stencil) pipe_reference(NULL, &stencil->base.reference); } /* the batch_uses value for this batch is guaranteed to not be in use now because * reset_batch() waits on the fence and removes access before resetting */ res->batch_uses[batch->batch_id] |= mask; if (stencil) stencil->batch_uses[batch->batch_id] |= mask; } void zink_batch_reference_sampler_view(struct zink_batch *batch, struct zink_sampler_view *sv) { struct set_entry *entry = _mesa_set_search(batch->sampler_views, sv); if (!entry) { entry = _mesa_set_add(batch->sampler_views, sv); pipe_reference(NULL, &sv->base.reference); } } void zink_batch_reference_program(struct zink_batch *batch, struct zink_gfx_program *prog) { struct set_entry *entry = _mesa_set_search(batch->programs, prog); if (!entry) { entry = _mesa_set_add(batch->programs, prog); pipe_reference(NULL, &prog->reference); } }