/* * Copyright 2011 Joakim Sindholt * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * on the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub * license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom * the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHOR(S) AND/OR THEIR SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, * DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR * OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE * USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _NINE_SHADER_H_ #define _NINE_SHADER_H_ #include "d3d9types.h" #include "d3d9caps.h" #include "nine_defines.h" #include "nine_helpers.h" #include "nine_state.h" #include "pipe/p_state.h" /* PIPE_MAX_ATTRIBS */ #include "util/u_memory.h" struct NineDevice9; struct NineVertexDeclaration9; struct ureg_program; struct nine_lconstf /* NOTE: both pointers should be FREE'd by the user */ { struct nine_range *ranges; /* single MALLOC, but next-pointers valid */ float *data; }; struct nine_shader_constant_combination; struct nine_shader_info { unsigned type; /* in, PIPE_SHADER_x */ uint8_t version; /* (major << 4) | minor */ const DWORD *byte_code; /* in, pointer to shader tokens */ DWORD byte_size; /* out, size of data at byte_code */ void *cso; /* out, pipe cso for bind_vs,fs_state */ uint16_t input_map[PIPE_MAX_ATTRIBS]; /* VS input -> NINE_DECLUSAGE_x */ uint8_t num_inputs; /* there may be unused inputs (NINE_DECLUSAGE_NONE) */ boolean position_t; /* out, true if VP writes pre-transformed position */ boolean point_size; /* out, true if VP writes point size */ float point_size_min; float point_size_max; uint32_t sampler_ps1xtypes; /* 2 bits per sampler */ uint16_t sampler_mask; /* out, which samplers are being used */ uint16_t sampler_mask_shadow; /* in, which samplers use depth compare */ uint8_t rt_mask; /* out, which render targets are being written */ uint8_t fog_enable; uint8_t fog_mode; uint8_t force_color_in_centroid; uint8_t projected; /* ps 1.1 to 1.3 */ unsigned const_i_base; /* in vec4 (16 byte) units */ unsigned const_b_base; /* in vec4 (16 byte) units */ unsigned const_used_size; boolean int_slots_used[NINE_MAX_CONST_I]; boolean bool_slots_used[NINE_MAX_CONST_B]; unsigned const_float_slots; unsigned const_int_slots; unsigned const_bool_slots; unsigned *const_ranges; struct nine_lconstf lconstf; /* out, NOTE: members to be free'd by user */ uint8_t bumpenvmat_needed; struct { struct nine_shader_constant_combination* c_combination; boolean (*int_const_added)[NINE_MAX_CONST_I]; boolean (*bool_const_added)[NINE_MAX_CONST_B]; } add_constants_defs; boolean swvp_on; boolean process_vertices; struct NineVertexDeclaration9 *vdecl_out; struct pipe_stream_output_info so; }; struct nine_vs_output_info { BYTE output_semantic; int output_semantic_index; int mask; int output_index; }; void * nine_create_shader_with_so_and_destroy(struct ureg_program *p, struct pipe_context *pipe, const struct pipe_stream_output_info *so); HRESULT nine_translate_shader(struct NineDevice9 *device, struct nine_shader_info *, struct pipe_context *); struct nine_shader_variant { struct nine_shader_variant *next; void *cso; unsigned *const_ranges; unsigned const_used_size; uint64_t key; }; static inline void * nine_shader_variant_get(struct nine_shader_variant *list, unsigned **const_ranges, unsigned *const_used_size, uint64_t key) { while (list->key != key && list->next) list = list->next; if (list->key == key) { *const_ranges = list->const_ranges; *const_used_size = list->const_used_size; return list->cso; } return NULL; } static inline boolean nine_shader_variant_add(struct nine_shader_variant *list, uint64_t key, void *cso, unsigned *const_ranges, unsigned const_used_size) { while (list->next) { assert(list->key != key); list = list->next; } list->next = MALLOC_STRUCT(nine_shader_variant); if (!list->next) return FALSE; list->next->next = NULL; list->next->key = key; list->next->cso = cso; list->next->const_ranges = const_ranges; list->next->const_used_size = const_used_size; return TRUE; } static inline void nine_shader_variants_free(struct nine_shader_variant *list) { while (list->next) { struct nine_shader_variant *ptr = list->next; list->next = ptr->next; FREE(ptr); } } struct nine_shader_variant_so { struct nine_shader_variant_so *next; struct NineVertexDeclaration9 *vdecl; struct pipe_stream_output_info so; void *cso; }; static inline void * nine_shader_variant_so_get(struct nine_shader_variant_so *list, struct NineVertexDeclaration9 *vdecl, struct pipe_stream_output_info *so) { while (list->vdecl != vdecl && list->next) list = list->next; if (list->vdecl == vdecl) { *so = list->so; return list->cso; } return NULL; } static inline boolean nine_shader_variant_so_add(struct nine_shader_variant_so *list, struct NineVertexDeclaration9 *vdecl, struct pipe_stream_output_info *so, void *cso) { if (list->vdecl == NULL) { /* first shader */ list->next = NULL; nine_bind(&list->vdecl, vdecl); list->so = *so; list->cso = cso; return TRUE; } while (list->next) { assert(list->vdecl != vdecl); list = list->next; } list->next = MALLOC_STRUCT(nine_shader_variant_so); if (!list->next) return FALSE; list->next->next = NULL; nine_bind(&list->vdecl, vdecl); list->next->so = *so; list->next->cso = cso; return TRUE; } static inline void nine_shader_variants_so_free(struct nine_shader_variant_so *list) { while (list->next) { struct nine_shader_variant_so *ptr = list->next; list->next = ptr->next; nine_bind(&ptr->vdecl, NULL); FREE(ptr); } if (list->vdecl) nine_bind(&list->vdecl, NULL); } struct nine_shader_constant_combination { struct nine_shader_constant_combination *next; int const_i[NINE_MAX_CONST_I][4]; BOOL const_b[NINE_MAX_CONST_B]; }; #define NINE_MAX_CONSTANT_COMBINATION_VARIANTS 32 static inline uint8_t nine_shader_constant_combination_key(struct nine_shader_constant_combination **list, boolean *int_slots_used, boolean *bool_slots_used, int *const_i, BOOL *const_b) { int i; uint8_t index = 0; boolean match; struct nine_shader_constant_combination **next_allocate = list, *current = *list; assert(int_slots_used); assert(bool_slots_used); assert(const_i); assert(const_b); while (current) { index++; /* start at 1. 0 is for the variant without constant replacement */ match = TRUE; for (i = 0; i < NINE_MAX_CONST_I; ++i) { if (int_slots_used[i]) match &= !memcmp(const_i + 4*i, current->const_i[i], sizeof(current->const_i[0])); } for (i = 0; i < NINE_MAX_CONST_B; ++i) { if (bool_slots_used[i]) match &= const_b[i] == current->const_b[i]; } if (match) return index; next_allocate = ¤t->next; current = current->next; } if (index < NINE_MAX_CONSTANT_COMBINATION_VARIANTS) { *next_allocate = MALLOC_STRUCT(nine_shader_constant_combination); current = *next_allocate; index++; current->next = NULL; memcpy(current->const_i, const_i, sizeof(current->const_i)); memcpy(current->const_b, const_b, sizeof(current->const_b)); return index; } return 0; /* Too many variants, revert to no replacement */ } static inline struct nine_shader_constant_combination * nine_shader_constant_combination_get(struct nine_shader_constant_combination *list, uint8_t index) { if (index == 0) return NULL; while (index) { assert(list != NULL); index--; if (index == 0) return list; list = list->next; } assert(FALSE); return NULL; } static inline void nine_shader_constant_combination_free(struct nine_shader_constant_combination *list) { if (!list) return; while (list->next) { struct nine_shader_constant_combination *ptr = list->next; list->next = ptr->next; FREE(ptr); } FREE(list); } #endif /* _NINE_SHADER_H_ */