b0
b1
b2
b3
b00
b11
b22
b33
b01
b23
b02
b0123
b0000
b1111
b2222
b3333
b0
b2
w0
w1
aadd
asmin
asmax
aumin
aumax
aand
aor
axor
aaddu
aadds
aadd
asmin
asmax
aumin
aumax
aand
aor
axor
ainc
adec
aumax1
asmax1
aor1
ainc
adec
aumax1
asmax1
aor1
ainc
adec
aumax1
asmax1
aor1
ainc
adec
aumax1
asmax1
aor1
aadd
asmin
asmax
aumin
aumax
aand
aor
axor
aaddu
aadds
aadd
asmin
asmax
aumin
aumax
aand
aor
axor
aadd
asmin
asmax
aumin
aumax
aand
aor
axor
aaddu
aadds
aadd
asmin
asmax
aumin
aumax
aand
aor
axor
aaddu
aadds
aadd
asmin
asmax
aumin
aumax
aand
aor
axor
h00
h10
h01
h11
eq
gt
ge
ne
lt
le
eq
ne
gt
ge
lt
le
gt
ge
lt
le
eq
gt
ge
ne
lt
le
eq
ne
gt
ge
lt
le
gt
ge
lt
le
h0
h1
none
rtp
rtn
rtz
none
clamp_0_inf
clamp_m1_1
clamp_0_1
none
h0
h1
none
h0
h1
h00
h10
h01
h11
h00
h10
h01
h11
none
rtp
rtn
rtz
none
clamp_0_inf
clamp_m1_1
clamp_0_1
none
h0
h1
none
h0
h1
eq
gt
ge
ne
lt
le
gtlt
total
i1
f1
m1
eq
gt
ge
ne
lt
le
gtlt
total
h00
h10
h01
h11
h00
h10
h01
h11
i1
f1
m1
b0
b2
none
h0
h1
none
h0
h1
none
rtp
rtn
rtz
none
clamp_0_inf
clamp_m1_1
clamp_0_1
h00
h10
h01
h11
h00
h10
h01
h11
none
rtp
rtn
rtz
none
clamp_0_inf
clamp_m1_1
clamp_0_1
h00
h10
h01
h11
none
clamp_0_inf
clamp_m1_1
clamp_0_1
none
n
left
scale16
none
clamp_0_inf
clamp_m1_1
clamp_0_1
none
n
left
h0
h1
none
h0
h1
h00
h10
h01
h11
none
h0
h1
h00
h10
h01
h11
none
h0
h1
none
rtp
rtn
rtz
rtna
h00
h10
h01
h11
none
rtp
rtn
rtz
rtna
b0
b2
zext
sext
zext
sext
none
h0
h1
b0
b1
b2
b3
none
sext
zext
h00
h10
h01
h11
h00
h10
h01
h11
b0123
b0123
b0000
b1111
b2222
b3333
even
odd
z
nz
return
call
none
replace
b0
b2
w0
w1
b0
b1
b2
b3
not
none
b00
b11
b22
b33
b01
b23
b02
not
none
b0123
b0000
b1111
b2222
b3333
not
none
b0
b2
w0
w1
b0
b1
b2
b3
not
none
b00
b11
b22
b33
b01
b23
b02
not
none
b0123
b0000
b1111
b2222
b3333
not
none
b0
b1
b2
b3
b00
b11
b22
b33
b01
b23
b02
b0123
b0000
b1111
b2222
b3333
h0
h1
h0
h1
b0
b2
b0
b2
b0
b2
b0
b2
h00
h10
h01
h11
b0
b2
w0
w1
b0
b1
b2
b3
not
none
b00
b11
b22
b33
b01
b23
b02
not
none
b0123
b0000
b1111
b2222
b3333
not
none
b0
b2
w0
w1
b0
b1
b2
b3
not
none
b00
b11
b22
b33
b01
b23
b02
not
none
b0123
b0000
b1111
b2222
b3333
not
none
b0
b1
b2
b3
b00
b11
b22
b33
b01
b23
b02
b0123
b0000
b1111
b2222
b3333
h0
h1
b0
b1
b2
b3
wgl
tl
wgl
tl
h0
h1
none
h0
h1
none
h0
h1
b0
b1
b2
b3
none
clamp_0_inf
clamp_m1_1
clamp_0_1
none
rtp
rtn
rtz
rtna
none
h0
h1
none
h0
h1
none
h0
h1
eq
gt
ge
ne
lt
le
none
h0
h1
none
h0
h1
eq
gt
ge
ne
lt
le
none
h0
h1
none
h0
h1
eq
ne
none
h0
h1
none
h0
h1
eq
ne
none
h0
h1
none
h0
h1
gt
ge
lt
le
none
h0
h1
none
h0
h1
gt
ge
lt
le
none
h0
h1
none
h0
h1
gt
ge
lt
le
none
h0
h1
none
h0
h1
gt
ge
lt
le
any
all
h0
h1
any
all
none
h0
h1
eq
gt
ge
ne
lt
le
eq
gt
ge
ne
lt
le
none
h0
h1
eq
ne
eq
ne
none
h0
h1
gt
ge
lt
le
gt
ge
lt
le
none
h0
h1
gt
ge
lt
le
gt
ge
lt
le
none
xor
accumulate
shift
subgroup2
subgroup4
subgroup8
zero
umax
i1
v2i1
smin
smax
v2smin
v2smax
v4smin
v4smax
f1
v2f1
infn
inf
v2infn
v2inf
eq
gt
ge
ne
lt
le
none
h0
h1
none
h0
h1
h0
h1
none
rtp
rtn
rtz
rtna
h0
h1
none
rtp
rtn
rtz
rtna
h0
h1
none
rtp
rtn
rtz
rtna
none
rtp
rtn
rtz
rtna
none
rtp
rtn
rtz
rto
none
clamp_0_inf
clamp_m1_1
clamp_0_1
none
h0
h1
none
h0
h1
h00
h10
h01
h11
h00
h10
h01
h11
none
rtp
rtn
rtz
none
rtp
rtn
rtz
rtna
h0
h1
h0
h1
h0
h1
h0
h1
none
h0
h1
none
h0
h1
eq
gt
ge
ne
lt
le
gtlt
total
i1
f1
m1
eq
gt
ge
ne
lt
le
gtlt
total
h00
h10
h01
h11
h00
h10
h01
h11
i1
f1
m1
none
small
low
none
h0
h1
red
base2
natural
none
high
low
none
clamp_0_inf
clamp_m1_1
clamp_0_1
nan_suppress
nan_propagate
c
inverse_c
h00
h10
h01
h11
h00
h10
h01
h11
nan_suppress
nan_propagate
c
inverse_c
none
clamp_0_inf
clamp_m1_1
clamp_0_1
nan_suppress
nan_propagate
c
inverse_c
h00
h10
h01
h11
h00
h10
h01
h11
nan_suppress
nan_propagate
c
inverse_c
h0
h1
pow
powr
pown
rootn
h0
h1
none
h0
h1
pow
powr
pown
rootn
none
h0
h1
h0
h1
none
none
h0
h1
none
h0
h1
h00
h10
h01
h11
none
h0
h1
h00
h10
h01
h11
none
h0
h1
none
rtp
rtn
rtz
h00
h10
h01
h11
none
rtp
rtn
rtz
h0
h1
none
none
h0
h1
rtn
rtp
rtn
rtp
rtn
rtp
h01
h10
h01
h10
rtn
rtp
h01
h10
h01
h10
rtn
rtp
rtn
rtp
h00
h10
h01
h11
none
h0
h1
b0
b1
b2
b3
none
h0
h1
b0
b1
b2
b3
h01
h10
h01
h10
h00
h11
b01
b23
h01
h10
h01
h10
h00
h11
b01
b23
b0123
b0123
b0000
b1111
b2222
b3333
b0101
b2323
b0123
b0123
b0000
b1111
b2222
b3333
b0101
b2323
i1
m1
eq
ne
i1
m1
gt
ge
lt
le
i1
m1
gt
ge
lt
le
h00
h10
h01
h11
h00
h10
h01
h11
i1
m1
eq
ne
h00
h10
h01
h11
h00
h10
h01
h11
i1
m1
gt
ge
lt
le
h00
h10
h01
h11
h00
h10
h01
h11
i1
m1
gt
ge
lt
le
i1
m1
eq
ne
i1
m1
gt
ge
lt
le
i1
m1
gt
ge
lt
le
i1
m1
eq
ne
i1
m1
gt
ge
i1
m1
gt
ge
none
h0
h1
h00
h10
h01
h11
even
odd
none
h0
h1
b0
b1
b2
b3
none
h0
h1
b0
b1
b2
b3
h01
h10
h01
h10
h00
h11
b01
b23
h01
h10
h01
h10
h00
h11
b01
b23
b0123
b0123
b0000
b1111
b2222
b3333
b0101
b2323
b0123
b0123
b0000
b1111
b2222
b3333
b0101
b2323
none
rtp
rtn
rtz
rtna
inf
inf0
none
rtp
rtn
rtz
rtna
inf
inf0
f16
f32
s32
u32
s16
u16
f64
i64
auto
none
v2
v3
v4
f16
f32
s32
u32
s16
u16
f64
i64
auto
none
v2
v3
v4
f16
f32
s32
u32
s16
u16
f64
i64
auto
none
v2
v3
v4
none
v2
v3
v4
system_timestamp
cycle_counter
none
v2
v3
v4
none
v2
v3
v4
store
retrieve
conditional
clobber
f32
f16
auto
center
centroid
sample
explicit
none
none
v2
v3
v4
f32
f16
u32
s32
auto
none
and
or
none
v2
v3
v4
f32
f16
u32
s32
auto
none
and
or
none
v2
v3
v4
store
retrieve
conditional
clobber
f32
f16
auto
center
centroid
sample
explicit
none
point
frag_w
frag_z
none
v2
v3
v4
store
retrieve
conditional
clobber
f32
f16
auto
center
centroid
sample
explicit
none
f16
f32
s32
u32
s16
u16
f64
i64
auto
f16
f32
s32
u32
s16
u16
f64
i64
auto
f16
f32
s32
u32
s16
u16
f64
i64
auto
u16
u32
u16
u32
none
wgl
stream
ubo
tl
none
wgl
stream
ubo
tl
h0
h1
w0
d0
none
sext
zext
none
wgl
stream
ubo
tl
none
wgl
stream
ubo
tl
none
sext
zext
none
wgl
stream
ubo
tl
none
wgl
stream
ubo
tl
none
wgl
stream
ubo
tl
b0
b1
b2
b3
h0
h1
w0
d0
none
sext
zext
none
wgl
stream
ubo
tl
none
h0
h1
h00
h10
h01
h11
h0
h1
h0
h1
neg
int_zero
fp_zero
bit
neg
int_zero
fp_zero
bit
h01
h10
h01
h10
h01
h10
neg
int_zero
h00
h10
h01
h11
h0
h1
h0
h1
none
rtp
rtn
rtz
rtna
b0
b1
b2
b3
b0
b1
b2
b3
wgl
tl
wgl
tl
none
wgl
stream
tl
none
wgl
stream
tl
none
wgl
stream
tl
none
wgl
stream
tl
none
wgl
stream
tl
none
wgl
stream
tl
none
wgl
stream
tl
none
wgl
stream
tl
none
v2
v3
v4
none
v2
v3
v4
h00
h10
h11
b0000
b1111
b2222
b3333
b0011
b2233
b1032
b3210
computed_lod
zero_lod
computed_lod
zero_lod
h0
h1
h0
h1
none
rtp
rtn
rtz
rtna
b0
b1
b2
b3
b0
b1
b2
b3
none
rtp
rtn
rtz
rtna
h00
h10
h01
h11
none
rtp
rtn
rtz
rtna
h00
h10
h01
h11
none
clamp_0_inf
clamp_m1_1
clamp_0_1
none
rtp
rtn
rtz
rtna
none
rtp
rtn
rtz
rtna
h00
h10
h01
h11
b00
b10
b20
b30
b01
b11
b21
b31
b02
b12
b22
b32
b03
b13
b23
b33
b00
b10
b20
b30
b01
b11
b21
b31
b02
b12
b22
b32
b03
b13
b23
b33
none
rtp
rtn
rtz
rtna
h00
h10
h01
h11
b00
b10
b20
b30
b01
b11
b21
b31
b02
b12
b22
b32
b03
b13
b23
b33
b00
b10
b20
b30
b01
b11
b21
b31
b02
b12
b22
b32
b03
b13
b23
b33
store
retrieve
computed_lod
zero_lod
center
none
store
retrieve
computed_lod
zero_lod
center
none
subgroup2
subgroup4
subgroup8