/* * Copyright 2016-17, OpenCensus Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.opencensus.trace; import io.opencensus.common.Internal; import io.opencensus.internal.Utils; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Random; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.annotation.concurrent.Immutable; /** * A class that represents a trace identifier. A valid trace identifier is a 16-byte array with at * least one non-zero byte. * * @since 0.5 */ @Immutable public final class TraceId implements Comparable { /** * The size in bytes of the {@code TraceId}. * * @since 0.5 */ public static final int SIZE = 16; private static final int HEX_SIZE = 32; /** * The invalid {@code TraceId}. All bytes are '\0'. * * @since 0.5 */ public static final TraceId INVALID = new TraceId(new byte[SIZE]); // The internal representation of the TraceId. private final byte[] bytes; private TraceId(byte[] bytes) { this.bytes = bytes; } /** * Returns a {@code TraceId} built from a byte representation. * *

Equivalent with: * *

   * TraceId.fromBytes(buffer, 0);
   * }
* * @param buffer the representation of the {@code TraceId}. * @return a {@code TraceId} whose representation is given by the {@code buffer} parameter. * @throws NullPointerException if {@code buffer} is null. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code buffer.length} is not {@link TraceId#SIZE}. * @since 0.5 */ public static TraceId fromBytes(byte[] buffer) { Utils.checkNotNull(buffer, "buffer"); Utils.checkArgument( buffer.length == SIZE, "Invalid size: expected %s, got %s", SIZE, buffer.length); byte[] bytesCopied = Arrays.copyOf(buffer, SIZE); return new TraceId(bytesCopied); } /** * Returns a {@code TraceId} whose representation is copied from the {@code src} beginning at the * {@code srcOffset} offset. * * @param src the buffer where the representation of the {@code TraceId} is copied. * @param srcOffset the offset in the buffer where the representation of the {@code TraceId} * begins. * @return a {@code TraceId} whose representation is copied from the buffer. * @throws NullPointerException if {@code src} is null. * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code srcOffset+TraceId.SIZE} is greater than {@code * src.length}. * @since 0.5 */ public static TraceId fromBytes(byte[] src, int srcOffset) { byte[] bytes = new byte[SIZE]; System.arraycopy(src, srcOffset, bytes, 0, SIZE); return new TraceId(bytes); } /** * Returns a {@code TraceId} built from a lowercase base16 representation. * * @param src the lowercase base16 representation. * @return a {@code TraceId} built from a lowercase base16 representation. * @throws NullPointerException if {@code src} is null. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code src.length} is not {@code 2 * TraceId.SIZE} OR if * the {@code str} has invalid characters. * @since 0.11 */ public static TraceId fromLowerBase16(CharSequence src) { Utils.checkArgument( src.length() == HEX_SIZE, "Invalid size: expected %s, got %s", HEX_SIZE, src.length()); return new TraceId(LowerCaseBase16Encoding.decodeToBytes(src)); } /** * Generates a new random {@code TraceId}. * * @param random the random number generator. * @return a new valid {@code TraceId}. * @since 0.5 */ public static TraceId generateRandomId(Random random) { byte[] bytes = new byte[SIZE]; do { random.nextBytes(bytes); } while (Arrays.equals(bytes, INVALID.bytes)); return new TraceId(bytes); } /** * Returns the 16-bytes array representation of the {@code TraceId}. * * @return the 16-bytes array representation of the {@code TraceId}. * @since 0.5 */ public byte[] getBytes() { return Arrays.copyOf(bytes, SIZE); } /** * Copies the byte array representations of the {@code TraceId} into the {@code dest} beginning at * the {@code destOffset} offset. * *

Equivalent with (but faster because it avoids any new allocations): * *

   * System.arraycopy(getBytes(), 0, dest, destOffset, TraceId.SIZE);
   * }
* * @param dest the destination buffer. * @param destOffset the starting offset in the destination buffer. * @throws NullPointerException if {@code dest} is null. * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code destOffset+TraceId.SIZE} is greater than {@code * dest.length}. * @since 0.5 */ public void copyBytesTo(byte[] dest, int destOffset) { System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, dest, destOffset, SIZE); } /** * Returns whether the {@code TraceId} is valid. A valid trace identifier is a 16-byte array with * at least one non-zero byte. * * @return {@code true} if the {@code TraceId} is valid. * @since 0.5 */ public boolean isValid() { return !Arrays.equals(bytes, INVALID.bytes); } /** * Returns the lowercase base16 encoding of this {@code TraceId}. * * @return the lowercase base16 encoding of this {@code TraceId}. * @since 0.11 */ public String toLowerBase16() { return LowerCaseBase16Encoding.encodeToString(bytes); } /** * Returns the lower 8 bytes of the trace-id as a long value, assuming little-endian order. This * is used in ProbabilitySampler. * *

This method is marked as internal and subject to change. * * @return the lower 8 bytes of the trace-id as a long value, assuming little-endian order. */ @Internal public long getLowerLong() { long result = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Long.SIZE / Byte.SIZE; i++) { result <<= Byte.SIZE; result |= (bytes[i] & 0xff); } if (result < 0) { return -result; } return result; } @Override public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof TraceId)) { return false; } TraceId that = (TraceId) obj; return Arrays.equals(bytes, that.bytes); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Arrays.hashCode(bytes); } @Override public String toString() { return "TraceId{traceId=" + toLowerBase16() + "}"; } @Override public int compareTo(TraceId that) { for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) { if (bytes[i] != that.bytes[i]) { return bytes[i] < that.bytes[i] ? -1 : 1; } } return 0; } }