/* * Copyright (c) 2015, Intel Corporation * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or * other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "Config.hpp" #include "Test.hpp" #include "Exception.hpp" #include "TmpFile.hpp" #include "ParameterFramework.hpp" #include "ElementHandle.hpp" #include <catch.hpp> #include <libxml/parser.h> #include <libxml/tree.h> #include <string> #include <list> #include <stdlib.h> using std::string; using std::list; using Bytes = std::vector<uint8_t>; namespace parameterFramework { struct AllParamsPF : public ParameterFramework { AllParamsPF() : ParameterFramework{getConfig()} { REQUIRE_NOTHROW(start()); } string getBasicParams() { string structure = R"( <BooleanParameter Name="bool" Description="bool"/> <BooleanParameter ArrayLength="2" Name="bool_array" Description="bool-array"/> <IntegerParameter Signed="false" Min="33" Max="123" Size="16" Name="integer"/> <IntegerParameter Signed="true" Min="-10" Max="10" Size="32" ArrayLength="4" Name="integer_array"/> <FixedPointParameter Size="32" Integral="3" Fractional="4" Name="fix_point"/> <FixedPointParameter Size="32" Integral="3" Fractional="4" ArrayLength="3" Name="fix_point_array"/> <EnumParameter Size="8" Name="enum"> <ValuePair Literal="min" Numerical="-128"/> <ValuePair Literal="five" Numerical="5"/> <ValuePair Literal="max" Numerical="127"/> </EnumParameter> <EnumParameter Size="16" ArrayLength="4" Name="enum_array"> <ValuePair Literal="eight" Numerical="8"/> <ValuePair Literal="min" Numerical="-32767"/> </EnumParameter>)"; // String and bit parameter arrays are not supported structure += R"( <StringParameter MaxLength="63" Name="string"/> <BitParameterBlock Size="64" Name="bit_block"> <BitParameter Pos="1" Size="1" Max="1" Name="one"/> <BitParameter Pos="2" Size="2" Max="2" Name="two"/> <BitParameter Pos="6" Size="6" Max="10" Name="six"/> <BitParameter Pos="16" Size="16" Max="99" Name="sixteen"/> <BitParameter Pos="32" Size="32" Max="4294967295" Name="thirty_two"/> </BitParameterBlock> )"; return structure; } Config getConfig() { Config config; config.components = nodeDesc("ComponentType", "component_type", getBasicParams()); config.instances = getBasicParams() + nodeDesc("ParameterBlock", "parameter_block", getBasicParams()) + nodeDesc("ParameterBlock", "parameter_block_array", getBasicParams(), "ArrayLength='2'") + nodeDesc("Component", "component_scalar", "", "Type='component_type'") + nodeDesc("Component", "component_array", "", "Type='component_type' ArrayLength='2'"); return config; } void checkStructure(const string &path, const string &expected) { CHECK_NOTHROW(checkXMLEq(ElementHandle{*this, path}.getStructureAsXML(), expected)); } /** Use libxml2 to pretty format xml. * Equivalent of xmllint --format */ static string canonicalizeXML(const string &xml) { // Parse xml // Might be better to specialize std::default_delete<xmlDoc>. std::unique_ptr<xmlDoc, void (*)(xmlDoc *)> doc{ xmlReadMemory(xml.c_str(), (int)xml.length(), "structure.xml", nullptr, XML_PARSE_NOBLANKS), xmlFreeDoc}; if (doc == nullptr) { throw Exception{"Failed to parse document: " + xml}; } // Dump it formated int size; // Need to use exception unsafe raw pointer as of libxml2 c api xmlChar *unsafeFormated; // TODO: Should use canonicalization (aka c14n). // cf: http://xmlsoft.org/html/libxml-c14n.html // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canonical_XML // Additionally to what is listed on that page, // attributes are also ordered deterministically. // That would solve the workaround in the node function with pre/post attributes. // Unfortunately c14n is not available in appveyor (Windows CI) libxml2 prebuild xmlDocDumpFormatMemoryEnc(doc.get(), &unsafeFormated, &size, "UTF-8", 1); std::unique_ptr<xmlChar, void (*)(void *)> formated{unsafeFormated, xmlFree}; if (formated == nullptr) { throw Exception{"Could not dump xml: " + xml}; } return string{(char *)formated.get()}; } static void checkEq(const string &result, const string &expected) { CHECK(result == expected); // Pretty print the word differences with colors // It does not matter if it fails as the test would still fail // due to the above CHECK. if (result != expected) { utility::TmpFile resultFile(result); utility::TmpFile expectedFile(expected); string command = "git --no-pager diff --word-diff-regex='[^ <>]+'" " --color --no-index --exit-code " + resultFile.getPath() + ' ' + expectedFile.getPath(); // `system` return -1 or 127 on failure, the command error code otherwise // `git diff` return 1 if the files are the different (thanks to --exit-code) auto status = system(command.c_str()); #ifdef WIFEXITED // Posix platform bool success = WIFEXITED(status) and WEXITSTATUS(status) == 1; #else bool success = status == 1; #endif if (not success) { WARN("Warning: Failed to pretty-print the difference between " "actual and expected results with `git diff'"); } } } static void checkXMLEq(const string &result, const string &expected) { checkEq(canonicalizeXML(result), canonicalizeXML(expected)); } static string node(string tag, string name, string content, string attributes = "", string postAttributes = "") { return "<" + tag + " " + attributes + " Name='" + name + "' " + postAttributes + ">" + content + "</" + tag + ">"; } /** Node with a description. * @param[in] maybeDescription If nullptr, description will be generated from the name * Otherwise, the description. */ static string nodeDesc(string tag, string name, string content, string attributes = "", const char *maybeDescription = nullptr) { string description = "description_" + name; if (maybeDescription != nullptr) { description = maybeDescription; } return node(tag, name, content, attributes, "Description='" + description + "'"); } static string rootNode(string name, string attributes, string content) { return '<' + name + ' ' + attributes + '>' + content + "</" + name + '>'; } }; SCENARIO_METHOD(AllParamsPF, "Export boolean", "[handler][structure][xml]") { string expected = rootNode("BooleanParameter", "Name='bool' Description='bool'", ""); checkStructure("/test/test/bool", expected); } SCENARIO_METHOD(AllParamsPF, "Export component", "[handler][structure][xml]") { string expected = rootNode("ParameterBlock", "Name='component_scalar' " "Description='description_component_scalar'", getBasicParams()); checkStructure("/test/test/component_scalar", expected); } SCENARIO_METHOD(AllParamsPF, "Export component array", "[handler][structure][xml]") { string expected = rootNode( "ParameterBlock", "Name='component_array' Description='description_component_array'", nodeDesc("ParameterBlock", "0", getBasicParams(), "", "description_component_array") + nodeDesc("ParameterBlock", "1", getBasicParams(), "", "description_component_array")); checkStructure("/test/test/component_array", expected); } SCENARIO_METHOD(AllParamsPF, "Export all parameters", "[handler][structure][xml]") { string paramExpected = getBasicParams() + nodeDesc("ParameterBlock", "parameter_block", getBasicParams()) + nodeDesc("ParameterBlock", "parameter_block_array", nodeDesc("ParameterBlock", "0", getBasicParams(), "", // description is inherited from array "description_parameter_block_array") + nodeDesc("ParameterBlock", "1", getBasicParams(), "", "description_parameter_block_array")) + // Components should be exported as parameterBlock nodeDesc("ParameterBlock", "component_scalar", getBasicParams()) + nodeDesc("ParameterBlock", "component_array", nodeDesc("ParameterBlock", "0", getBasicParams(), "", // description is inherited from array "description_component_array") + nodeDesc("ParameterBlock", "1", getBasicParams(), "", "description_component_array")); WHEN ("Exporting subsystem") { string expected = rootNode("Subsystem", "Name='test'", paramExpected); checkStructure("/test/test", expected); } WHEN ("Exporting systemClass") { string expected = rootNode("SystemClass", "Name='test'", "<Subsystem Name='test'>" + paramExpected + "</Subsystem>"); // Awkwardly, the root and its first child are the same element checkStructure("/test", expected); checkStructure("/", expected); } } struct SettingsTestPF : public AllParamsPF { static string parameterBlockNode(string name, string settings) { return node("ParameterBlock", name, settings); }; static string mkBasicSettings(string settings, string name) { return rootNode("ParameterBlock", "Name='" + name + "'", settings); } static string fullXMLSettings(const string &basicSettings) { string settings = basicSettings; settings += parameterBlockNode("parameter_block", settings) + parameterBlockNode("parameter_block_array", parameterBlockNode("0", settings) + parameterBlockNode("1", settings)) + parameterBlockNode("component_scalar", settings) + parameterBlockNode("component_array", parameterBlockNode("0", settings) + parameterBlockNode("1", settings)); return rootNode("SystemClass", "Name='test'", node("Subsystem", "test", settings, "")); } static string fullBytesSettings(const string &basicSettings) { string fullSettings; // We have the "basic params" repeated 7 times across the test // structure for (size_t i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { fullSettings += basicSettings; } return fullSettings; } /** Print Bytes as string separated hexadecimal number. */ static string showBytes(const Bytes &bytes) { using namespace std; ostringstream ss; ss.exceptions(ostream::badbit | ostream::failbit); for (auto byte : bytes) { ss << hex << setw(2) << setfill('0') << int{byte} << ' '; } return ss.str(); } static Bytes readBytes(const string &strBytes) { using namespace std; istringstream ss{strBytes}; ss.exceptions(istream::badbit | istream::failbit); Bytes bytes(strBytes.size() / 3); for (auto &byte : bytes) { uint16_t notCharByte; ss >> hex >> setw(2) >> notCharByte; byte = static_cast<char>(notCharByte); } return bytes; } static void checkBytesEq(const Bytes &result, const string &expect) { checkEq(showBytes(result), expect); } static void checkBytesEq(const Bytes &result, const Bytes &expect) { checkEq(showBytes(result), showBytes(expect)); } }; static const char *defaultBasicSettingsXML = R"( <BooleanParameter Name="bool">0</BooleanParameter> <BooleanParameter Name="bool_array">0 0</BooleanParameter> <IntegerParameter Name="integer">33</IntegerParameter> <IntegerParameter Name="integer_array">-10 -10 -10 -10</IntegerParameter> <FixedPointParameter Name="fix_point">0.0000</FixedPointParameter> <FixedPointParameter Name="fix_point_array">0.0000 0.0000 0.0000</FixedPointParameter> <EnumParameter Name="enum">min</EnumParameter> <EnumParameter Name="enum_array">eight eight eight eight</EnumParameter> <StringParameter Name="string"></StringParameter> <BitParameterBlock Name="bit_block"> <BitParameter Name="one">0</BitParameter> <BitParameter Name="two">0</BitParameter> <BitParameter Name="six">0</BitParameter> <BitParameter Name="sixteen">0</BitParameter> <BitParameter Name="thirty_two">0</BitParameter> </BitParameterBlock> )"; static const char *testBasicSettingsXML = R"( <BooleanParameter Name="bool">1</BooleanParameter> <BooleanParameter Name="bool_array">0 1</BooleanParameter> <IntegerParameter Name="integer">100</IntegerParameter> <IntegerParameter Name="integer_array">-10 0 8 10</IntegerParameter> <FixedPointParameter Name="fix_point">2.2500</FixedPointParameter> <FixedPointParameter Name="fix_point_array">7.1250 0.6875 -1.0000</FixedPointParameter> <EnumParameter Name="enum">five</EnumParameter> <EnumParameter Name="enum_array">eight min eight min</EnumParameter> <StringParameter Name="string">A string of 32 character.@@@@@@@</StringParameter> <BitParameterBlock Name="bit_block"> <BitParameter Name="one">1</BitParameter> <BitParameter Name="two">2</BitParameter> <BitParameter Name="six">10</BitParameter> <BitParameter Name="sixteen">72</BitParameter> <BitParameter Name="thirty_two">4294967295</BitParameter> </BitParameterBlock> )"; static const char *testRawHexBasicSettingsXML = R"( <BooleanParameter Name="bool">0x1</BooleanParameter> <BooleanParameter Name="bool_array">0x0 0x1</BooleanParameter> <IntegerParameter Name="integer">0x0064</IntegerParameter> <IntegerParameter Name="integer_array">0xFFFFFFF6 0x00000000 0x00000008 0x0000000A</IntegerParameter> <FixedPointParameter ValueSpace="Raw" Name="fix_point">0x24000000</FixedPointParameter> <FixedPointParameter ValueSpace="Raw" Name="fix_point_array">0x72000000 0x0B000000 0xF0000000</FixedPointParameter> <EnumParameter Name="enum">0x05</EnumParameter> <EnumParameter Name="enum_array">0x0008 0x8001 0x0008 0x8001</EnumParameter> <StringParameter Name="string">A string of 32 character.@@@@@@@</StringParameter> <BitParameterBlock Name="bit_block"> <BitParameter Name="one">0x1</BitParameter> <BitParameter Name="two">0x2</BitParameter> <BitParameter Name="six">0xA</BitParameter> <BitParameter Name="sixteen">0x48</BitParameter> <BitParameter Name="thirty_two">0xFFFFFFFF</BitParameter> </BitParameterBlock> )"; SCENARIO_METHOD(SettingsTestPF, "Export and import XML settings", "[handler][settings][xml]") { WHEN ("Exporting root XML") { auto getAsXML = [this](string path) { return ElementHandle(*this, path).getAsXML(); }; CHECK(getAsXML("/") == getAsXML("/test")); checkXMLEq(getAsXML("/"), fullXMLSettings(defaultBasicSettingsXML)); } ElementHandle basicParams(*this, "/test/test/parameter_block"); WHEN ("Exporting basic parameter XML") { checkXMLEq(basicParams.getAsXML(), mkBasicSettings(defaultBasicSettingsXML, "parameter_block")); } string testSettings = mkBasicSettings(testBasicSettingsXML, "parameter_block"); string rawTestSettings = mkBasicSettings(testRawHexBasicSettingsXML, "parameter_block"); auto checkExport = [&] { THEN ("Exported settings should be the ones imported") { checkXMLEq(basicParams.getAsXML(), testSettings); } THEN ("Exported raw settings should be the ones imported") { setRawValueSpace(true); setHexOutputFormat(true); checkXMLEq(basicParams.getAsXML(), rawTestSettings); } }; WHEN ("Importing basic parameter XML") { CHECK_NOTHROW(basicParams.setAsXML(testSettings)); checkExport(); } WHEN ("Importing raw basic parameter XML") { CHECK_NOTHROW(basicParams.setAsXML(rawTestSettings)); checkExport(); } } static const string defaultBasicSettingsBytes = "00 00 00 21 00 f6 ff ff ff f6 ff ff ff f6 ff ff ff f6 ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 " "00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 08 00 08 00 08 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 " "00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 " "00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 " "00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 "; static const string testBasicSettingsBytes = "01 00 01 64 00 f6 ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 00 00 24 " "00 00 00 72 00 00 00 0b 00 00 00 f0 05 08 00 01 80 08 00 01 80 41 20 73 74 72 " "69 6e 67 20 6f 66 20 33 32 20 63 68 61 72 61 63 74 65 72 2e 40 40 40 40 40 40 " "40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 " "00 00 00 00 00 00 00 8a 02 48 00 ff ff ff ff "; SCENARIO_METHOD(SettingsTestPF, "Bijection of binary show and read", "[identity][test]") { CHECK(showBytes(readBytes(testBasicSettingsBytes)) == testBasicSettingsBytes); } SCENARIO_METHOD(SettingsTestPF, "Export and import root binary settings", "[handler][settings][bytes]") { ElementHandle root(*this, "/"); ElementHandle systemClass(*this, "/"); THEN ("Root and system class should export the same binary") { checkBytesEq(root.getAsBytes(), systemClass.getAsBytes()); } WHEN ("Exporting root binary") { checkBytesEq(root.getAsBytes(), fullBytesSettings(defaultBasicSettingsBytes)); } WHEN ("Importing root binary") { string rootTestSettings = fullBytesSettings(testBasicSettingsBytes); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(root.setAsBytes(readBytes(rootTestSettings))); THEN ("Exported settings should be the ones imported") { checkBytesEq(root.getAsBytes(), rootTestSettings); } } } SCENARIO_METHOD(SettingsTestPF, "Export and import basic binary settings", "[handler][settings][bytes]") { ElementHandle basicParams(*this, "/test/test/parameter_block"); WHEN ("Exporting basic parameter binary") { checkBytesEq(basicParams.getAsBytes(), defaultBasicSettingsBytes); } WHEN ("Importing basic parameter binary") { REQUIRE_NOTHROW(basicParams.setAsBytes(readBytes(testBasicSettingsBytes))); THEN ("Exported settings should be the ones imported") { checkBytesEq(basicParams.getAsBytes(), testBasicSettingsBytes); } } } SCENARIO_METHOD(SettingsTestPF, "Export and import array binary settings", "[handler][settings][bytes]") { ElementHandle array(*this, "/test/test/parameter_block_array"); ElementHandle elem0(*this, "/test/test/parameter_block_array/0"); WHEN ("Importing one array element") { REQUIRE_NOTHROW(elem0.setAsBytes(readBytes(testBasicSettingsBytes))); THEN ("The other element should not have changed") { checkBytesEq(array.getAsBytes(), testBasicSettingsBytes + defaultBasicSettingsBytes); } } } SCENARIO_METHOD(SettingsTestPF, "Import root in one format, export in an other", "[handler][settings][bytes][xml]") { ElementHandle root(*this, "/test"); string rootBytesSettings = fullBytesSettings(testBasicSettingsBytes); string rootXMLSettings = fullXMLSettings(testBasicSettingsXML); WHEN ("Importing root binary") { REQUIRE_NOTHROW(root.setAsBytes(readBytes(rootBytesSettings))); THEN ("Exported XML settings should be the ones imported") { checkXMLEq(root.getAsXML(), rootXMLSettings); } } WHEN ("Importing root XML") { REQUIRE_NOTHROW(root.setAsXML(rootXMLSettings)); THEN ("Exported bytes settings should be the ones imported") { checkBytesEq(root.getAsBytes(), rootBytesSettings); } } } SCENARIO_METHOD(SettingsTestPF, "Import basic params in one format, export in an other", "[handler][settings][bytes][xml]") { ElementHandle basicParams(*this, "/test/test/parameter_block_array/0"); string basicXMLSettings = mkBasicSettings(testBasicSettingsXML, "0"); WHEN ("Importing basic parameters binary") { REQUIRE_NOTHROW(basicParams.setAsBytes(readBytes(testBasicSettingsBytes))); THEN ("Exported XML settings should be the ones imported") { checkXMLEq(basicParams.getAsXML(), basicXMLSettings); } } WHEN ("Importing basic parameters XML") { REQUIRE_NOTHROW(basicParams.setAsXML(basicXMLSettings)); THEN ("Exported bytes settings should be the ones imported") { checkBytesEq(basicParams.getAsBytes(), testBasicSettingsBytes); } } } struct MappingPF : public ParameterFramework { MappingPF() : ParameterFramework{getConfig()} { REQUIRE_NOTHROW(start()); } struct TestVector { string path; string humanReadable; list<string> valid; list<string> invalid; }; list<TestVector> testVectors = { // clang-format off {"/test/test", {"rootK:rootV"}, {"root"}, {"param", "type", "instance", "derived"}}, {"/test/test/param", {"rootK:rootV, paramK:paramV"}, {"root", "param"}, {"type", "derived", "instance"}}, {"/test/test/component", {"rootK:rootV, typeK:typeV, derivedK:derivedV, instanceK:instanceV"}, {"root", "type", "derived", "instance"}, {"param"}} // clang-format on }; Config getConfig() { Config config; config.subsystemMapping = "rootK:rootV"; config.components = "<ComponentType Name='componentType' Mapping='typeK:typeV' />" "<ComponentType Extends='componentType' Name='derivedComponentType' " "Mapping='derivedK:derivedV' />"; config.instances = "<BooleanParameter Name='param' Mapping='paramK:paramV' />" "<Component Name='component' Mapping='instanceK:instanceV' " " Type='derivedComponentType' />"; return config; } }; SCENARIO_METHOD(MappingPF, "showMapping command", "[mapping]") { auto cmdHandler = std::unique_ptr<CommandHandlerInterface>(createCommandHandler()); for (auto &testVector : testVectors) { string output; CHECK(cmdHandler->process("showMapping", {testVector.path}, output)); CHECK(output == testVector.humanReadable); } } SCENARIO_METHOD(MappingPF, "Mapping handle access", "[handler][mapping]") { GIVEN ("A PF with mappings") { for (auto &test : testVectors) { GIVEN ("An element handle of " + test.path) { ElementHandle handle(*this, test.path); for (auto &valid : test.valid) { THEN ("The following mapping should exist: " + valid) { CHECK(handle.getMappingData(valid + "K") == valid + "V"); } } for (auto &invalid : test.invalid) { THEN ("The following mapping should not exist: " + invalid) { CHECK_THROWS_AS(handle.getMappingData(invalid + "K"), Exception); } } } } } } SCENARIO_METHOD(SettingsTestPF, "Handle Get/Set as various kinds", "[handler][dynamic]") { ElementHandle intScalar(*this, "/test/test/parameter_block/integer"); WHEN ("Setting a scalar integer") { WHEN ("As an array") { THEN ("It should fail") { CHECK_THROWS(intScalar.setAsIntegerArray({0, 0})); } } WHEN ("As a scalalar") { THEN ("It should succeed") { uint32_t expected = 111; CHECK_NOTHROW(intScalar.setAsInteger(expected)); AND_THEN ("Getting it back should give the same value") { uint32_t back = 42; CHECK_NOTHROW(intScalar.getAsInteger(back)); CHECK(back == expected); } } } } ElementHandle intArray(*this, "/test/test/parameter_block/integer_array"); WHEN ("Setting a array integer") { WHEN ("As a scalar") { THEN ("It should fail") { CHECK_THROWS(intArray.setAsSignedInteger(0)); } } WHEN ("As a integer") { THEN ("It should succeed") { const std::vector<int32_t> expected = {-9, 8, -7, 6}; CHECK_NOTHROW(intArray.setAsSignedIntegerArray(expected)); AND_THEN ("Getting it back should give the same value") { std::vector<int32_t> back = {-42, 42, 43, -43}; CHECK_NOTHROW(intArray.getAsSignedIntegerArray(back)); CHECK(back == expected); } } } } } } // namespace parameterFramework