// Copyright 2015 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef TESTING_EMBEDDER_TEST_TIMER_HANDLING_DELEGATE_H_ #define TESTING_EMBEDDER_TEST_TIMER_HANDLING_DELEGATE_H_ #include #include #include #include #include "testing/embedder_test.h" #include "testing/fx_string_testhelpers.h" class EmbedderTestTimerHandlingDelegate final : public EmbedderTest::Delegate { public: struct AlertRecord { std::wstring message; std::wstring title; int type; int icon; }; struct Timer { int id; int interval; TimerCallback fn; }; int Alert(FPDF_WIDESTRING message, FPDF_WIDESTRING title, int type, int icon) override { alerts_.push_back( {GetPlatformWString(message), GetPlatformWString(title), type, icon}); return 0; } int SetTimer(int msecs, TimerCallback fn) override { int id = fail_next_timer_ ? 0 : ++next_timer_id_; expiry_to_timer_map_.insert( std::pair(msecs + fake_elapsed_msecs_, {id, msecs, fn})); fail_next_timer_ = false; return id; } void KillTimer(int id) override { for (auto iter = expiry_to_timer_map_.begin(); iter != expiry_to_timer_map_.end(); ++iter) { if (iter->second.id == id) { expiry_to_timer_map_.erase(iter); break; } } } void AdvanceTime(int increment_msecs) { fake_elapsed_msecs_ += increment_msecs; while (1) { auto iter = expiry_to_timer_map_.begin(); if (iter == expiry_to_timer_map_.end()) { break; } if (iter->first > fake_elapsed_msecs_) { break; } Timer t = iter->second; expiry_to_timer_map_.erase(iter); expiry_to_timer_map_.insert( std::pair(fake_elapsed_msecs_ + t.interval, t)); t.fn(t.id); // Fire timer. } } const std::vector& GetAlerts() const { return alerts_; } void SetFailNextTimer() { fail_next_timer_ = true; } private: std::multimap expiry_to_timer_map_; // Keyed by timeout. bool fail_next_timer_ = false; int next_timer_id_ = 0; int fake_elapsed_msecs_ = 0; std::vector alerts_; }; #endif // TESTING_EMBEDDER_TEST_TIMER_HANDLING_DELEGATE_H_