// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "xfa/fgas/layout/cfx_rtfbreak.h" #include #include "build/build_config.h" #include "core/fxcrt/fx_safe_types.h" #include "core/fxge/text_char_pos.h" #include "third_party/base/numerics/safe_math.h" #include "third_party/base/stl_util.h" #include "xfa/fgas/font/cfgas_gefont.h" #include "xfa/fgas/layout/cfx_char.h" #include "xfa/fgas/layout/cfx_textpiece.h" #include "xfa/fgas/layout/cfx_textuserdata.h" #include "xfa/fgas/layout/fx_arabic.h" #include "xfa/fgas/layout/fx_linebreak.h" CFX_RTFBreak::CFX_RTFBreak(uint32_t dwLayoutStyles) : CFX_Break(dwLayoutStyles), m_bPagination(false), m_iAlignment(CFX_RTFLineAlignment::Left) { SetBreakStatus(); m_bPagination = !!(m_dwLayoutStyles & FX_LAYOUTSTYLE_Pagination); } CFX_RTFBreak::~CFX_RTFBreak() {} void CFX_RTFBreak::SetLineStartPos(float fLinePos) { int32_t iLinePos = FXSYS_roundf(fLinePos * kConversionFactor); iLinePos = std::min(iLinePos, m_iLineWidth); iLinePos = std::max(iLinePos, m_iLineStart); m_pCurLine->m_iStart = iLinePos; } void CFX_RTFBreak::AddPositionedTab(float fTabPos) { int32_t iTabPos = std::min( FXSYS_roundf(fTabPos * kConversionFactor) + m_iLineStart, m_iLineWidth); auto it = std::lower_bound(m_PositionedTabs.begin(), m_PositionedTabs.end(), iTabPos); if (it != m_PositionedTabs.end() && *it == iTabPos) return; m_PositionedTabs.insert(it, iTabPos); } void CFX_RTFBreak::SetUserData(const RetainPtr& pUserData) { if (m_pUserData == pUserData) return; SetBreakStatus(); m_pUserData = pUserData; } bool CFX_RTFBreak::GetPositionedTab(int32_t* iTabPos) const { auto it = std::upper_bound(m_PositionedTabs.begin(), m_PositionedTabs.end(), *iTabPos); if (it == m_PositionedTabs.end()) return false; *iTabPos = *it; return true; } CFX_BreakType CFX_RTFBreak::AppendChar(wchar_t wch) { ASSERT(m_pCurLine); FX_CHARTYPE chartype = FX_GetCharType(wch); m_pCurLine->m_LineChars.emplace_back(wch, m_iHorizontalScale, m_iVerticalScale); CFX_Char* pCurChar = &m_pCurLine->m_LineChars.back(); pCurChar->m_iFontSize = m_iFontSize; pCurChar->m_dwIdentity = m_dwIdentity; pCurChar->m_pUserData = m_pUserData; CFX_BreakType dwRet1 = CFX_BreakType::None; if (chartype != FX_CHARTYPE::kCombination && GetUnifiedCharType(m_eCharType) != GetUnifiedCharType(chartype) && m_eCharType != FX_CHARTYPE::kUnknown && IsGreaterThanLineWidth(m_pCurLine->GetLineEnd()) && (m_eCharType != FX_CHARTYPE::kSpace || chartype != FX_CHARTYPE::kControl)) { dwRet1 = EndBreak(CFX_BreakType::Line); if (!m_pCurLine->m_LineChars.empty()) pCurChar = &m_pCurLine->m_LineChars.back(); } CFX_BreakType dwRet2 = CFX_BreakType::None; switch (chartype) { case FX_CHARTYPE::kTab: AppendChar_Tab(pCurChar); break; case FX_CHARTYPE::kControl: dwRet2 = AppendChar_Control(pCurChar); break; case FX_CHARTYPE::kCombination: AppendChar_Combination(pCurChar); break; case FX_CHARTYPE::kArabicAlef: case FX_CHARTYPE::kArabicSpecial: case FX_CHARTYPE::kArabicDistortion: case FX_CHARTYPE::kArabicNormal: case FX_CHARTYPE::kArabicForm: case FX_CHARTYPE::kArabic: dwRet2 = AppendChar_Arabic(pCurChar); break; case FX_CHARTYPE::kUnknown: case FX_CHARTYPE::kSpace: case FX_CHARTYPE::kNumeric: case FX_CHARTYPE::kNormal: default: dwRet2 = AppendChar_Others(pCurChar); break; } m_eCharType = chartype; return std::max(dwRet1, dwRet2); } void CFX_RTFBreak::AppendChar_Combination(CFX_Char* pCurChar) { FX_SAFE_INT32 iCharWidth = 0; int32_t iCharWidthOut; if (m_pFont && m_pFont->GetCharWidth(pCurChar->char_code(), &iCharWidthOut)) iCharWidth = iCharWidthOut; iCharWidth *= m_iFontSize; iCharWidth *= m_iHorizontalScale; iCharWidth /= 100; CFX_Char* pLastChar = GetLastChar(0, false, true); if (pLastChar && pLastChar->GetCharType() > FX_CHARTYPE::kCombination) iCharWidth *= -1; else m_eCharType = FX_CHARTYPE::kCombination; int32_t iCharWidthValid = iCharWidth.ValueOrDefault(0); pCurChar->m_iCharWidth = iCharWidthValid; if (iCharWidthValid > 0) { FX_SAFE_INT32 checked_width = m_pCurLine->m_iWidth; checked_width += iCharWidthValid; if (!checked_width.IsValid()) return; m_pCurLine->m_iWidth = checked_width.ValueOrDie(); } } void CFX_RTFBreak::AppendChar_Tab(CFX_Char* pCurChar) { if (!(m_dwLayoutStyles & FX_LAYOUTSTYLE_ExpandTab)) return; int32_t& iLineWidth = m_pCurLine->m_iWidth; int32_t iCharWidth = iLineWidth; FX_SAFE_INT32 iSafeCharWidth; if (GetPositionedTab(&iCharWidth)) { iSafeCharWidth = iCharWidth; } else { // Tab width is >= 160000, so this part does not need to be checked. ASSERT(m_iTabWidth >= kMinimumTabWidth); iSafeCharWidth = iLineWidth / m_iTabWidth + 1; iSafeCharWidth *= m_iTabWidth; } iSafeCharWidth -= iLineWidth; iCharWidth = iSafeCharWidth.ValueOrDefault(0); pCurChar->m_iCharWidth = iCharWidth; iLineWidth += iCharWidth; } CFX_BreakType CFX_RTFBreak::AppendChar_Control(CFX_Char* pCurChar) { CFX_BreakType dwRet2 = CFX_BreakType::None; switch (pCurChar->char_code()) { case L'\v': case 0x2028: dwRet2 = CFX_BreakType::Line; break; case L'\f': dwRet2 = CFX_BreakType::Page; break; case 0x2029: dwRet2 = CFX_BreakType::Paragraph; break; default: if (pCurChar->char_code() == m_wParagraphBreakChar) dwRet2 = CFX_BreakType::Paragraph; break; } if (dwRet2 != CFX_BreakType::None) dwRet2 = EndBreak(dwRet2); return dwRet2; } CFX_BreakType CFX_RTFBreak::AppendChar_Arabic(CFX_Char* pCurChar) { m_pCurLine->IncrementArabicCharCount(); CFX_Char* pLastChar = nullptr; wchar_t wForm; bool bAlef = false; if (m_eCharType >= FX_CHARTYPE::kArabicAlef && m_eCharType <= FX_CHARTYPE::kArabicDistortion) { pLastChar = GetLastChar(1, false, true); if (pLastChar) { m_pCurLine->m_iWidth -= pLastChar->m_iCharWidth; CFX_Char* pPrevChar = GetLastChar(2, false, true); wForm = pdfium::arabic::GetFormChar(pLastChar, pPrevChar, pCurChar); bAlef = (wForm == 0xFEFF && pLastChar->GetCharType() == FX_CHARTYPE::kArabicAlef); FX_SAFE_INT32 iCharWidth; int32_t iCharWidthOut; if (m_pFont && (m_pFont->GetCharWidth(wForm, &iCharWidthOut) || m_pFont->GetCharWidth(pLastChar->char_code(), &iCharWidthOut))) { iCharWidth = iCharWidthOut; } else { iCharWidth = 0; } iCharWidth *= m_iFontSize; iCharWidth *= m_iHorizontalScale; iCharWidth /= 100; int iCharWidthValid = iCharWidth.ValueOrDefault(0); pLastChar->m_iCharWidth = iCharWidthValid; FX_SAFE_INT32 checked_width = m_pCurLine->m_iWidth; checked_width += iCharWidthValid; if (!checked_width.IsValid()) return CFX_BreakType::None; m_pCurLine->m_iWidth = checked_width.ValueOrDie(); iCharWidth = 0; } } wForm = pdfium::arabic::GetFormChar(pCurChar, bAlef ? nullptr : pLastChar, nullptr); FX_SAFE_INT32 iCharWidth; int32_t iCharWidthOut; if (m_pFont && (m_pFont->GetCharWidth(wForm, &iCharWidthOut) || m_pFont->GetCharWidth(pCurChar->char_code(), &iCharWidthOut))) { iCharWidth = iCharWidthOut; } else { iCharWidth = 0; } iCharWidth *= m_iFontSize; iCharWidth *= m_iHorizontalScale; iCharWidth /= 100; int iCharWidthValid = iCharWidth.ValueOrDefault(0); pCurChar->m_iCharWidth = iCharWidthValid; FX_SAFE_INT32 checked_width = m_pCurLine->m_iWidth; checked_width += iCharWidthValid; if (!checked_width.IsValid()) return CFX_BreakType::None; m_pCurLine->m_iWidth = checked_width.ValueOrDie(); if (IsGreaterThanLineWidth(m_pCurLine->GetLineEnd())) return EndBreak(CFX_BreakType::Line); return CFX_BreakType::None; } CFX_BreakType CFX_RTFBreak::AppendChar_Others(CFX_Char* pCurChar) { FX_CHARTYPE chartype = pCurChar->GetCharType(); wchar_t wForm = pCurChar->char_code(); FX_SAFE_INT32 iCharWidth; int32_t iCharWidthOut; if (m_pFont && m_pFont->GetCharWidth(wForm, &iCharWidthOut)) iCharWidth = iCharWidthOut; else iCharWidth = 0; iCharWidth *= m_iFontSize; iCharWidth *= m_iHorizontalScale; iCharWidth /= 100; iCharWidth += m_iCharSpace; int iCharWidthValid = iCharWidth.ValueOrDefault(0); pCurChar->m_iCharWidth = iCharWidthValid; FX_SAFE_INT32 checked_width = m_pCurLine->m_iWidth; checked_width += iCharWidthValid; if (!checked_width.IsValid()) return CFX_BreakType::None; m_pCurLine->m_iWidth = checked_width.ValueOrDie(); if (chartype != FX_CHARTYPE::kSpace && IsGreaterThanLineWidth(m_pCurLine->GetLineEnd())) { return EndBreak(CFX_BreakType::Line); } return CFX_BreakType::None; } CFX_BreakType CFX_RTFBreak::EndBreak(CFX_BreakType dwStatus) { ASSERT(dwStatus != CFX_BreakType::None); ++m_dwIdentity; if (!m_pCurLine->m_LinePieces.empty()) { if (dwStatus != CFX_BreakType::Piece) m_pCurLine->m_LinePieces.back().m_dwStatus = dwStatus; return m_pCurLine->m_LinePieces.back().m_dwStatus; } if (HasLine()) { if (m_Lines[m_iReadyLineIndex].m_LinePieces.empty()) return CFX_BreakType::None; if (dwStatus != CFX_BreakType::Piece) m_Lines[m_iReadyLineIndex].m_LinePieces.back().m_dwStatus = dwStatus; return m_Lines[m_iReadyLineIndex].m_LinePieces.back().m_dwStatus; } if (m_pCurLine->m_LineChars.empty()) return CFX_BreakType::None; CFX_Char* tc = m_pCurLine->GetChar(m_pCurLine->m_LineChars.size() - 1); tc->m_dwStatus = dwStatus; if (dwStatus == CFX_BreakType::Piece) return dwStatus; m_iReadyLineIndex = m_pCurLine == &m_Lines[0] ? 0 : 1; CFX_BreakLine* pNextLine = &m_Lines[1 - m_iReadyLineIndex]; bool bAllChars = m_iAlignment == CFX_RTFLineAlignment::Justified || m_iAlignment == CFX_RTFLineAlignment::Distributed; if (!EndBreak_SplitLine(pNextLine, bAllChars, dwStatus)) { std::deque tpos; EndBreak_BidiLine(&tpos, dwStatus); if (!m_bPagination && m_iAlignment != CFX_RTFLineAlignment::Left) EndBreak_Alignment(tpos, bAllChars, dwStatus); } m_pCurLine = pNextLine; m_pCurLine->m_iStart = m_iLineStart; CFX_Char* pTC = GetLastChar(0, false, true); m_eCharType = pTC ? pTC->GetCharType() : FX_CHARTYPE::kUnknown; return dwStatus; } bool CFX_RTFBreak::EndBreak_SplitLine(CFX_BreakLine* pNextLine, bool bAllChars, CFX_BreakType dwStatus) { bool bDone = false; if (IsGreaterThanLineWidth(m_pCurLine->GetLineEnd())) { const CFX_Char* tc = m_pCurLine->GetChar(m_pCurLine->m_LineChars.size() - 1); switch (tc->GetCharType()) { case FX_CHARTYPE::kTab: case FX_CHARTYPE::kControl: case FX_CHARTYPE::kSpace: break; default: SplitTextLine(m_pCurLine.Get(), pNextLine, !m_bPagination && bAllChars); bDone = true; break; } } if (!m_bPagination) { if (bAllChars && !bDone) { int32_t endPos = m_pCurLine->GetLineEnd(); GetBreakPos(m_pCurLine->m_LineChars, bAllChars, true, &endPos); } return false; } const CFX_Char* pCurChars = m_pCurLine->m_LineChars.data(); CFX_BreakPiece tp; tp.m_pChars = &m_pCurLine->m_LineChars; bool bNew = true; uint32_t dwIdentity = static_cast(-1); int32_t iLast = pdfium::CollectionSize(m_pCurLine->m_LineChars) - 1; int32_t j = 0; for (int32_t i = 0; i <= iLast;) { const CFX_Char* pTC = pCurChars + i; if (bNew) { tp.m_iStartChar = i; tp.m_iStartPos += tp.m_iWidth; tp.m_iWidth = 0; tp.m_dwStatus = pTC->m_dwStatus; tp.m_iFontSize = pTC->m_iFontSize; tp.m_iHorizontalScale = pTC->horizonal_scale(); tp.m_iVerticalScale = pTC->vertical_scale(); dwIdentity = pTC->m_dwIdentity; tp.m_dwIdentity = dwIdentity; tp.m_pUserData = pTC->m_pUserData; j = i; bNew = false; } if (i == iLast || pTC->m_dwStatus != CFX_BreakType::None || pTC->m_dwIdentity != dwIdentity) { tp.m_iChars = i - j; if (pTC->m_dwIdentity == dwIdentity) { tp.m_dwStatus = pTC->m_dwStatus; tp.m_iWidth += pTC->m_iCharWidth; tp.m_iChars += 1; ++i; } m_pCurLine->m_LinePieces.push_back(tp); bNew = true; } else { tp.m_iWidth += pTC->m_iCharWidth; ++i; } } return true; } void CFX_RTFBreak::EndBreak_BidiLine(std::deque* tpos, CFX_BreakType dwStatus) { CFX_Char* pTC; std::vector& chars = m_pCurLine->m_LineChars; if (!m_bPagination && m_pCurLine->HasArabicChar()) { size_t iBidiNum = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_pCurLine->m_LineChars.size(); ++i) { pTC = &chars[i]; pTC->m_iBidiPos = static_cast(i); if (pTC->GetCharType() != FX_CHARTYPE::kControl) iBidiNum = i; if (i == 0) pTC->m_iBidiLevel = 1; } CFX_Char::BidiLine(&chars, iBidiNum + 1); } else { for (size_t i = 0; i < m_pCurLine->m_LineChars.size(); ++i) { pTC = &chars[i]; pTC->m_iBidiLevel = 0; pTC->m_iBidiPos = 0; pTC->m_iBidiOrder = 0; } } CFX_BreakPiece tp; tp.m_dwStatus = CFX_BreakType::Piece; tp.m_iStartPos = m_pCurLine->m_iStart; tp.m_pChars = &chars; int32_t iBidiLevel = -1; int32_t iCharWidth; FX_TPO tpo; uint32_t dwIdentity = static_cast(-1); int32_t i = 0; int32_t j = 0; int32_t iCount = pdfium::CollectionSize(m_pCurLine->m_LineChars); while (i < iCount) { pTC = &chars[i]; if (iBidiLevel < 0) { iBidiLevel = pTC->m_iBidiLevel; iCharWidth = pTC->m_iCharWidth; tp.m_iWidth = iCharWidth < 1 ? 0 : iCharWidth; tp.m_iBidiLevel = iBidiLevel; tp.m_iBidiPos = pTC->m_iBidiOrder; tp.m_iFontSize = pTC->m_iFontSize; tp.m_iHorizontalScale = pTC->horizonal_scale(); tp.m_iVerticalScale = pTC->vertical_scale(); dwIdentity = pTC->m_dwIdentity; tp.m_dwIdentity = dwIdentity; tp.m_pUserData = pTC->m_pUserData; tp.m_dwStatus = CFX_BreakType::Piece; ++i; } else if (iBidiLevel != pTC->m_iBidiLevel || pTC->m_dwIdentity != dwIdentity) { tp.m_iChars = i - tp.m_iStartChar; m_pCurLine->m_LinePieces.push_back(tp); tp.m_iStartPos += tp.m_iWidth; tp.m_iStartChar = i; tpo.index = j++; tpo.pos = tp.m_iBidiPos; tpos->push_back(tpo); iBidiLevel = -1; } else { iCharWidth = pTC->m_iCharWidth; if (iCharWidth > 0) tp.m_iWidth += iCharWidth; ++i; } } if (i > tp.m_iStartChar) { tp.m_dwStatus = dwStatus; tp.m_iChars = i - tp.m_iStartChar; m_pCurLine->m_LinePieces.push_back(tp); tpo.index = j; tpo.pos = tp.m_iBidiPos; tpos->push_back(tpo); } std::sort(tpos->begin(), tpos->end()); int32_t iStartPos = m_pCurLine->m_iStart; for (const auto& it : *tpos) { CFX_BreakPiece& ttp = m_pCurLine->m_LinePieces[it.index]; ttp.m_iStartPos = iStartPos; iStartPos += ttp.m_iWidth; } } void CFX_RTFBreak::EndBreak_Alignment(const std::deque& tpos, bool bAllChars, CFX_BreakType dwStatus) { int32_t iNetWidth = m_pCurLine->m_iWidth; int32_t iGapChars = 0; bool bFind = false; for (auto it = tpos.rbegin(); it != tpos.rend(); it++) { CFX_BreakPiece& ttp = m_pCurLine->m_LinePieces[it->index]; if (!bFind) iNetWidth = ttp.GetEndPos(); bool bArabic = FX_IsOdd(ttp.m_iBidiLevel); int32_t j = bArabic ? 0 : ttp.m_iChars - 1; while (j > -1 && j < ttp.m_iChars) { const CFX_Char* tc = ttp.GetChar(j); if (tc->m_eLineBreakType == FX_LINEBREAKTYPE::kDIRECT_BRK) ++iGapChars; if (!bFind || !bAllChars) { FX_CHARTYPE dwCharType = tc->GetCharType(); if (dwCharType == FX_CHARTYPE::kSpace || dwCharType == FX_CHARTYPE::kControl) { if (!bFind) { int32_t iCharWidth = tc->m_iCharWidth; if (bAllChars && iCharWidth > 0) iNetWidth -= iCharWidth; } } else { bFind = true; if (!bAllChars) break; } } j += bArabic ? 1 : -1; } if (!bAllChars && bFind) break; } int32_t iOffset = m_iLineWidth - iNetWidth; if (iGapChars > 0 && (m_iAlignment == CFX_RTFLineAlignment::Distributed || (m_iAlignment == CFX_RTFLineAlignment::Justified && dwStatus != CFX_BreakType::Paragraph))) { int32_t iStart = -1; for (const auto& tpo : tpos) { CFX_BreakPiece& ttp = m_pCurLine->m_LinePieces[tpo.index]; if (iStart < 0) iStart = ttp.m_iStartPos; else ttp.m_iStartPos = iStart; for (int32_t j = 0; j < ttp.m_iChars; ++j) { CFX_Char* tc = ttp.GetChar(j); if (tc->m_eLineBreakType != FX_LINEBREAKTYPE::kDIRECT_BRK || tc->m_iCharWidth < 0) { continue; } int32_t k = iOffset / iGapChars; tc->m_iCharWidth += k; ttp.m_iWidth += k; iOffset -= k; --iGapChars; if (iGapChars < 1) break; } iStart += ttp.m_iWidth; } } else if (m_iAlignment == CFX_RTFLineAlignment::Right || m_iAlignment == CFX_RTFLineAlignment::Center) { if (m_iAlignment == CFX_RTFLineAlignment::Center) iOffset /= 2; if (iOffset > 0) { for (auto& ttp : m_pCurLine->m_LinePieces) ttp.m_iStartPos += iOffset; } } } int32_t CFX_RTFBreak::GetBreakPos(std::vector& tca, bool bAllChars, bool bOnlyBrk, int32_t* pEndPos) { int32_t iLength = pdfium::CollectionSize(tca) - 1; if (iLength < 1) return iLength; int32_t iBreak = -1; int32_t iBreakPos = -1; int32_t iIndirect = -1; int32_t iIndirectPos = -1; int32_t iLast = -1; int32_t iLastPos = -1; if (*pEndPos <= m_iLineWidth) { if (!bAllChars) return iLength; iBreak = iLength; iBreakPos = *pEndPos; } CFX_Char* pCharArray = tca.data(); CFX_Char* pCur = pCharArray + iLength; --iLength; if (bAllChars) pCur->m_eLineBreakType = FX_LINEBREAKTYPE::kUNKNOWN; FX_BREAKPROPERTY nNext = FX_GetBreakProperty(pCur->char_code()); int32_t iCharWidth = pCur->m_iCharWidth; if (iCharWidth > 0) *pEndPos -= iCharWidth; while (iLength >= 0) { pCur = pCharArray + iLength; FX_BREAKPROPERTY nCur = FX_GetBreakProperty(pCur->char_code()); bool bNeedBreak = false; FX_LINEBREAKTYPE eType; if (nCur == FX_BREAKPROPERTY::kTB) { bNeedBreak = true; eType = nNext == FX_BREAKPROPERTY::kTB ? FX_LINEBREAKTYPE::kPROHIBITED_BRK : GetLineBreakTypeFromPair(nCur, nNext); } else { if (nCur == FX_BREAKPROPERTY::kSP) bNeedBreak = true; eType = nNext == FX_BREAKPROPERTY::kSP ? FX_LINEBREAKTYPE::kPROHIBITED_BRK : GetLineBreakTypeFromPair(nCur, nNext); } if (bAllChars) pCur->m_eLineBreakType = eType; if (!bOnlyBrk) { iCharWidth = pCur->m_iCharWidth; if (*pEndPos <= m_iLineWidth || bNeedBreak) { if (eType == FX_LINEBREAKTYPE::kDIRECT_BRK && iBreak < 0) { iBreak = iLength; iBreakPos = *pEndPos; if (!bAllChars) return iLength; } else if (eType == FX_LINEBREAKTYPE::kINDIRECT_BRK && iIndirect < 0) { iIndirect = iLength; iIndirectPos = *pEndPos; } if (iLast < 0) { iLast = iLength; iLastPos = *pEndPos; } } if (iCharWidth > 0) *pEndPos -= iCharWidth; } nNext = nCur; --iLength; } if (bOnlyBrk) return 0; if (iBreak > -1) { *pEndPos = iBreakPos; return iBreak; } if (iIndirect > -1) { *pEndPos = iIndirectPos; return iIndirect; } if (iLast > -1) { *pEndPos = iLastPos; return iLast; } return 0; } void CFX_RTFBreak::SplitTextLine(CFX_BreakLine* pCurLine, CFX_BreakLine* pNextLine, bool bAllChars) { ASSERT(pCurLine); ASSERT(pNextLine); if (pCurLine->m_LineChars.size() < 2) return; int32_t iEndPos = pCurLine->GetLineEnd(); std::vector& curChars = pCurLine->m_LineChars; int32_t iCharPos = GetBreakPos(curChars, bAllChars, false, &iEndPos); if (iCharPos < 0) iCharPos = 0; ++iCharPos; if (iCharPos >= pdfium::CollectionSize(pCurLine->m_LineChars)) { pNextLine->Clear(); curChars[iCharPos - 1].m_eLineBreakType = FX_LINEBREAKTYPE::kUNKNOWN; return; } pNextLine->m_LineChars = std::vector(curChars.begin() + iCharPos, curChars.end()); curChars.erase(curChars.begin() + iCharPos, curChars.end()); pNextLine->m_iStart = pCurLine->m_iStart; pNextLine->m_iWidth = pCurLine->GetLineEnd() - iEndPos; pCurLine->m_iWidth = iEndPos; curChars[iCharPos - 1].m_eLineBreakType = FX_LINEBREAKTYPE::kUNKNOWN; for (size_t i = 0; i < pNextLine->m_LineChars.size(); ++i) { if (pNextLine->m_LineChars[i].GetCharType() >= FX_CHARTYPE::kArabicAlef) { pCurLine->DecrementArabicCharCount(); pNextLine->IncrementArabicCharCount(); } pNextLine->m_LineChars[i].m_dwStatus = CFX_BreakType::None; } } size_t CFX_RTFBreak::GetDisplayPos(const CFX_TextPiece* pPiece, std::vector* pCharPos) const { ASSERT(pPiece->iChars > 0); ASSERT(pPiece->pFont); RetainPtr pFont = pPiece->pFont; CFX_RectF rtText(pPiece->rtPiece); bool bRTLPiece = FX_IsOdd(pPiece->iBidiLevel); float fFontSize = pPiece->fFontSize; int32_t iFontSize = FXSYS_roundf(fFontSize * 20.0f); if (iFontSize == 0) return 0; int32_t iAscent = pFont->GetAscent(); int32_t iDescent = pFont->GetDescent(); int32_t iMaxHeight = iAscent - iDescent; float fFontHeight = fFontSize; float fAscent = fFontHeight * static_cast(iAscent) / static_cast(iMaxHeight); wchar_t wPrev = 0xFEFF; wchar_t wNext; float fX = rtText.left; int32_t iHorScale = pPiece->iHorScale; int32_t iVerScale = pPiece->iVerScale; if (bRTLPiece) fX = rtText.right(); float fY = rtText.top + fAscent; size_t szCount = 0; for (int32_t i = 0; i < pPiece->iChars; ++i) { TextCharPos& current_char_pos = (*pCharPos)[szCount]; wchar_t wch = pPiece->szText[i]; int32_t iWidth = pPiece->Widths[i]; FX_CHARTYPE dwCharType = FX_GetCharType(wch); if (iWidth == 0) { if (dwCharType == FX_CHARTYPE::kArabicAlef) wPrev = 0xFEFF; continue; } uint32_t iCharWidth = abs(iWidth); const bool bEmptyChar = (dwCharType >= FX_CHARTYPE::kTab && dwCharType <= FX_CHARTYPE::kControl); if (!bEmptyChar) ++szCount; iCharWidth /= iFontSize; wchar_t wForm = wch; if (dwCharType >= FX_CHARTYPE::kArabicAlef) { if (i + 1 < pPiece->iChars) { wNext = pPiece->szText[i + 1]; if (pPiece->Widths[i + 1] < 0 && i + 2 < pPiece->iChars) wNext = pPiece->szText[i + 2]; } else { wNext = 0xFEFF; } wForm = pdfium::arabic::GetFormChar(wch, wPrev, wNext); } else if (bRTLPiece) { wForm = FX_GetMirrorChar(wch); } if (!bEmptyChar) { current_char_pos.m_GlyphIndex = pFont->GetGlyphIndex(wForm); if (current_char_pos.m_GlyphIndex == 0xFFFF) current_char_pos.m_GlyphIndex = pFont->GetGlyphIndex(wch); #if defined(OS_MACOSX) current_char_pos.m_ExtGID = current_char_pos.m_GlyphIndex; #endif current_char_pos.m_FontCharWidth = iCharWidth; } float fCharWidth = fFontSize * iCharWidth / 1000.0f; if (bRTLPiece && dwCharType != FX_CHARTYPE::kCombination) fX -= fCharWidth; if (!bEmptyChar) current_char_pos.m_Origin = CFX_PointF(fX, fY); if (!bRTLPiece && dwCharType != FX_CHARTYPE::kCombination) fX += fCharWidth; if (!bEmptyChar) { current_char_pos.m_bGlyphAdjust = true; current_char_pos.m_AdjustMatrix[0] = -1; current_char_pos.m_AdjustMatrix[1] = 0; current_char_pos.m_AdjustMatrix[2] = 0; current_char_pos.m_AdjustMatrix[3] = 1; current_char_pos.m_Origin.y += fAscent * iVerScale / 100.0f; current_char_pos.m_Origin.y -= fAscent; if (iHorScale != 100 || iVerScale != 100) { current_char_pos.m_AdjustMatrix[0] = current_char_pos.m_AdjustMatrix[0] * iHorScale / 100.0f; current_char_pos.m_AdjustMatrix[1] = current_char_pos.m_AdjustMatrix[1] * iHorScale / 100.0f; current_char_pos.m_AdjustMatrix[2] = current_char_pos.m_AdjustMatrix[2] * iVerScale / 100.0f; current_char_pos.m_AdjustMatrix[3] = current_char_pos.m_AdjustMatrix[3] * iVerScale / 100.0f; } } if (iWidth > 0) wPrev = wch; } return szCount; }