// Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. import {Engine} from '../common/engine'; import { ALLOC_SPACE_MEMORY_ALLOCATED_KEY, DEFAULT_VIEWING_OPTION, expandCallsites, findRootSize, mergeCallsites, OBJECTS_ALLOCATED_KEY, OBJECTS_ALLOCATED_NOT_FREED_KEY, SPACE_MEMORY_ALLOCATED_NOT_FREED_KEY } from '../common/flamegraph_util'; import {slowlyCountRows} from '../common/query_iterator'; import {CallsiteInfo, HeapProfileFlamegraph} from '../common/state'; import {fromNs} from '../common/time'; import {HeapProfileDetails} from '../frontend/globals'; import {Controller} from './controller'; import {globals} from './globals'; export interface HeapProfileControllerArgs { engine: Engine; } const MIN_PIXEL_DISPLAYED = 1; class TablesCache { private engine: Engine; private cache: Map; private prefix: string; private tableId: number; private cacheSizeLimit: number; constructor(engine: Engine, prefix: string) { this.engine = engine; this.cache = new Map(); this.prefix = prefix; this.tableId = 0; this.cacheSizeLimit = 10; } async getTableName(query: string): Promise { let tableName = this.cache.get(query); if (tableName === undefined) { // TODO(hjd): This should be LRU. if (this.cache.size > this.cacheSizeLimit) { for (const name of this.cache.values()) { await this.engine.query(`drop table ${name}`); } this.cache.clear(); } tableName = `${this.prefix}_${this.tableId++}`; await this.engine.query( `create temp table if not exists ${tableName} as ${query}`); this.cache.set(query, tableName); } return tableName; } } export class HeapProfileController extends Controller<'main'> { private flamegraphDatasets: Map = new Map(); private lastSelectedHeapProfile?: HeapProfileFlamegraph; private requestingData = false; private queuedRequest = false; private heapProfileDetails: HeapProfileDetails = {}; private cache: TablesCache; constructor(private args: HeapProfileControllerArgs) { super('main'); this.cache = new TablesCache(args.engine, 'grouped_callsites'); } run() { const selection = globals.state.currentHeapProfileFlamegraph; if (!selection) return; if (this.shouldRequestData(selection)) { if (this.requestingData) { this.queuedRequest = true; } else { this.requestingData = true; const selectedHeapProfile: HeapProfileFlamegraph = this.copyHeapProfile(selection); this.getHeapProfileMetadata( selection.type, selectedHeapProfile.ts, selectedHeapProfile.upid) .then(result => { if (result !== undefined) { Object.assign(this.heapProfileDetails, result); } // TODO(hjd): Clean this up. if (this.lastSelectedHeapProfile && this.lastSelectedHeapProfile.focusRegex !== selection.focusRegex) { this.flamegraphDatasets.clear(); } this.lastSelectedHeapProfile = this.copyHeapProfile(selection); const expandedId = selectedHeapProfile.expandedCallsite ? selectedHeapProfile.expandedCallsite.id : -1; const rootSize = selectedHeapProfile.expandedCallsite === undefined ? undefined : selectedHeapProfile.expandedCallsite.totalSize; const key = `${selectedHeapProfile.upid};${selectedHeapProfile.ts}`; this.getFlamegraphData( key, selectedHeapProfile.viewingOption ? selectedHeapProfile.viewingOption : DEFAULT_VIEWING_OPTION, selection.ts, selectedHeapProfile.upid, selectedHeapProfile.type, selectedHeapProfile.focusRegex) .then(flamegraphData => { if (flamegraphData !== undefined && selection && selection.kind === selectedHeapProfile.kind && selection.id === selectedHeapProfile.id && selection.ts === selectedHeapProfile.ts) { const expandedFlamegraphData = expandCallsites(flamegraphData, expandedId); this.prepareAndMergeCallsites( expandedFlamegraphData, this.lastSelectedHeapProfile!.viewingOption, rootSize, this.lastSelectedHeapProfile!.expandedCallsite); } }) .finally(() => { this.requestingData = false; if (this.queuedRequest) { this.queuedRequest = false; this.run(); } }); }); } } } private copyHeapProfile(heapProfile: HeapProfileFlamegraph): HeapProfileFlamegraph { return { kind: heapProfile.kind, id: heapProfile.id, upid: heapProfile.upid, ts: heapProfile.ts, type: heapProfile.type, expandedCallsite: heapProfile.expandedCallsite, viewingOption: heapProfile.viewingOption, focusRegex: heapProfile.focusRegex, }; } private shouldRequestData(selection: HeapProfileFlamegraph) { return selection.kind === 'HEAP_PROFILE_FLAMEGRAPH' && (this.lastSelectedHeapProfile === undefined || (this.lastSelectedHeapProfile !== undefined && (this.lastSelectedHeapProfile.id !== selection.id || this.lastSelectedHeapProfile.ts !== selection.ts || this.lastSelectedHeapProfile.type !== selection.type || this.lastSelectedHeapProfile.upid !== selection.upid || this.lastSelectedHeapProfile.viewingOption !== selection.viewingOption || this.lastSelectedHeapProfile.focusRegex !== selection.focusRegex || this.lastSelectedHeapProfile.expandedCallsite !== selection.expandedCallsite))); } private prepareAndMergeCallsites( flamegraphData: CallsiteInfo[], viewingOption: string|undefined = DEFAULT_VIEWING_OPTION, rootSize?: number, expandedCallsite?: CallsiteInfo) { const mergedFlamegraphData = mergeCallsites( flamegraphData, this.getMinSizeDisplayed(flamegraphData, rootSize)); this.heapProfileDetails.flamegraph = mergedFlamegraphData; this.heapProfileDetails.expandedCallsite = expandedCallsite; this.heapProfileDetails.viewingOption = viewingOption; globals.publish('HeapProfileDetails', this.heapProfileDetails); } async getFlamegraphData( baseKey: string, viewingOption: string, ts: number, upid: number, type: string, focusRegex: string): Promise { let currentData: CallsiteInfo[]; const key = `${baseKey}-${viewingOption}`; if (this.flamegraphDatasets.has(key)) { currentData = this.flamegraphDatasets.get(key)!; } else { // TODO(hjd): Show loading state. // Collecting data for drawing flamegraph for selected heap profile. // Data needs to be in following format: // id, name, parent_id, depth, total_size const tableName = await this.prepareViewsAndTables(ts, upid, type, focusRegex); currentData = await this.getFlamegraphDataFromTables( tableName, viewingOption, focusRegex); this.flamegraphDatasets.set(key, currentData); } return currentData; } async getFlamegraphDataFromTables( tableName: string, viewingOption = DEFAULT_VIEWING_OPTION, focusRegex: string) { let orderBy = ''; let sizeIndex = 4; let selfIndex = 9; // TODO(fmayer): Improve performance so this is no longer necessary. // Alternatively consider collapsing frames of the same label. const maxDepth = 100; switch (viewingOption) { case SPACE_MEMORY_ALLOCATED_NOT_FREED_KEY: orderBy = `where cumulative_size > 0 and depth < ${ maxDepth} order by depth, parent_id, cumulative_size desc, name`; sizeIndex = 4; selfIndex = 9; break; case ALLOC_SPACE_MEMORY_ALLOCATED_KEY: orderBy = `where cumulative_alloc_size > 0 and depth < ${ maxDepth} order by depth, parent_id, cumulative_alloc_size desc, name`; sizeIndex = 5; selfIndex = 9; break; case OBJECTS_ALLOCATED_NOT_FREED_KEY: orderBy = `where cumulative_count > 0 and depth < ${ maxDepth} order by depth, parent_id, cumulative_count desc, name`; sizeIndex = 6; selfIndex = 10; break; case OBJECTS_ALLOCATED_KEY: orderBy = `where cumulative_alloc_count > 0 and depth < ${ maxDepth} order by depth, parent_id, cumulative_alloc_count desc, name`; sizeIndex = 7; selfIndex = 10; break; default: break; } const callsites = await this.args.engine.query( `SELECT id, IFNULL(DEMANGLE(name), name), IFNULL(parent_id, -1), depth, cumulative_size, cumulative_alloc_size, cumulative_count, cumulative_alloc_count, map_name, size, count from ${tableName} ${ orderBy}`); const flamegraphData: CallsiteInfo[] = new Array(); const hashToindex: Map = new Map(); for (let i = 0; i < slowlyCountRows(callsites); i++) { const hash = callsites.columns[0].longValues![i]; let name = callsites.columns[1].stringValues![i]; const parentHash = callsites.columns[2].longValues![i]; const depth = +callsites.columns[3].longValues![i]; const totalSize = +callsites.columns[sizeIndex].longValues![i]; const mapping = callsites.columns[8].stringValues![i]; const selfSize = +callsites.columns[selfIndex].longValues![i]; const highlighted = focusRegex !== '' && name.toLocaleLowerCase().includes(focusRegex.toLocaleLowerCase()); const parentId = hashToindex.has(+parentHash) ? hashToindex.get(+parentHash)! : -1; if (depth === maxDepth - 1) { name += ' [tree truncated]'; } hashToindex.set(+hash, i); // Instead of hash, we will store index of callsite in this original array // as an id of callsite. That way, we have quicker access to parent and it // will stay unique. flamegraphData.push({ id: i, totalSize, depth, parentId, name, selfSize, mapping, merged: false, highlighted }); } return flamegraphData; } private async prepareViewsAndTables( ts: number, upid: number, type: string, focusRegex: string): Promise { // Creating unique names for views so we can reuse and not delete them // for each marker. let whereClause = ''; if (focusRegex !== '') { whereClause = `where focus_str = '${focusRegex}'`; } return this.cache.getTableName( `select id, name, map_name, parent_id, depth, cumulative_size, cumulative_alloc_size, cumulative_count, cumulative_alloc_count, size, alloc_size, count, alloc_count from experimental_flamegraph(${ts}, ${upid}, '${type}') ${ whereClause}`); } getMinSizeDisplayed(flamegraphData: CallsiteInfo[], rootSize?: number): number { const timeState = globals.state.frontendLocalState.visibleState; let width = (timeState.endSec - timeState.startSec) / timeState.resolution; // TODO(168048193): Remove screen size hack: width = Math.max(width, 800); if (rootSize === undefined) { rootSize = findRootSize(flamegraphData); } return MIN_PIXEL_DISPLAYED * rootSize / width; } async getHeapProfileMetadata(type: string, ts: number, upid: number) { // Don't do anything if selection of the marker stayed the same. if ((this.lastSelectedHeapProfile !== undefined && ((this.lastSelectedHeapProfile.ts === ts && this.lastSelectedHeapProfile.upid === upid)))) { return undefined; } // Collecting data for more information about heap profile, such as: // total memory allocated, memory that is allocated and not freed. const pidValue = await this.args.engine.query( `select pid from process where upid = ${upid}`); const pid = pidValue.columns[0].longValues![0]; const startTime = fromNs(ts) - globals.state.traceTime.startSec; return {ts: startTime, tsNs: ts, pid, upid, type}; } }