/* * Copyright 2019 Google LLC * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "include/private/SkSLString.h" #include "src/sksl/SkSLASTNode.h" #include "src/sksl/SkSLOperators.h" namespace SkSL { #ifdef SK_DEBUG String ASTNode::description() const { switch (fKind) { case Kind::kNull: return ""; case Kind::kBinary: return "(" + this->begin()->description() + " " + getOperator().operatorName() + " " + (this->begin() + 1)->description() + ")"; case Kind::kBlock: { String result = "{\n"; for (const auto& c : *this) { result += c.description(); result += "\n"; } result += "}"; return result; } case Kind::kBool: return getBool() ? "true" : "false"; case Kind::kBreak: return "break"; case Kind::kCall: { auto iter = this->begin(); String result = (iter++)->description(); result += "("; const char* separator = ""; while (iter != this->end()) { result += separator; result += (iter++)->description(); separator = ","; } result += ")"; return result; } case Kind::kContinue: return "continue"; case Kind::kDiscard: return "discard"; case Kind::kDo: return "do " + this->begin()->description() + " while (" + (this->begin() + 1)->description() + ")"; case Kind::kEnum: { String result = "enum "; result += getString(); result += " {\n"; for (const auto& c : *this) { result += c.description(); result += "\n"; } result += "};"; return result; } case Kind::kEnumCase: if (this->begin() != this->end()) { return String(getString()) + " = " + this->begin()->description(); } return getString(); case Kind::kExtension: return "#extension " + getString(); case Kind::kField: return this->begin()->description() + "." + getString(); case Kind::kFile: { String result; for (const auto& c : *this) { result += c.description(); result += "\n"; } return result; } case Kind::kFloat: return to_string(getFloat()); case Kind::kFor: return "for (" + this->begin()->description() + "; " + (this->begin() + 1)->description() + "; " + (this->begin() + 2)->description() + ") " + (this->begin() + 3)->description(); case Kind::kFunction: { const FunctionData& fd = getFunctionData(); String result = fd.fModifiers.description(); if (result.size()) { result += " "; } auto iter = this->begin(); result += (iter++)->description() + " " + fd.fName + "("; const char* separator = ""; for (size_t i = 0; i < fd.fParameterCount; ++i) { result += separator; result += (iter++)->description(); separator = ", "; } result += ")"; if (iter != this->end()) { result += " " + (iter++)->description(); SkASSERT(iter == this->end()); } else { result += ";"; } return result; } case Kind::kIdentifier: return getString(); case Kind::kIndex: return this->begin()->description() + "[" + (this->begin() + 1)->description() + "]"; case Kind::kIf: { String result; if (getBool()) { result = "@"; } auto iter = this->begin(); result += "if (" + (iter++)->description() + ") "; result += (iter++)->description(); if (iter != this->end()) { result += " else " + (iter++)->description(); SkASSERT(iter == this->end()); } return result; } case Kind::kInt: return to_string(getInt()); case Kind::kInterfaceBlock: { const InterfaceBlockData& id = getInterfaceBlockData(); String result = id.fModifiers.description() + " " + id.fTypeName + " {\n"; auto iter = this->begin(); for (size_t i = 0; i < id.fDeclarationCount; ++i) { result += (iter++)->description() + "\n"; } result += "} "; result += id.fInstanceName; if (id.fIsArray) { result += "[" + (iter++)->description() + "]"; } SkASSERT(iter == this->end()); result += ";"; return result; } case Kind::kModifiers: return getModifiers().description(); case Kind::kParameter: { const ParameterData& pd = getParameterData(); auto iter = this->begin(); String result = (iter++)->description() + " " + pd.fName; if (pd.fIsArray) { result += "[" + (iter++)->description() + "]"; } if (iter != this->end()) { result += " = " + (iter++)->description(); SkASSERT(iter == this->end()); } return result; } case Kind::kPostfix: return this->begin()->description() + getOperator().operatorName(); case Kind::kPrefix: return getOperator().operatorName() + this->begin()->description(); case Kind::kReturn: if (this->begin() != this->end()) { return "return " + this->begin()->description() + ";"; } return "return;"; case Kind::kScope: return this->begin()->description() + "::" + getString(); case Kind::kSection: return "@section { ... }"; case Kind::kSwitchCase: { auto iter = this->begin(); String result; if (*iter) { result.appendf("case %s:\n", iter->description().c_str()); } else { result = "default:\n"; } for (++iter; iter != this->end(); ++iter) { result += "\n" + iter->description(); } return result; } case Kind::kSwitch: { auto iter = this->begin(); String result; if (getBool()) { result = "@"; } result += "switch (" + (iter++)->description() + ") {"; for (; iter != this->end(); ++iter) { result += iter->description() + "\n"; } result += "}"; return result; } case Kind::kTernary: return "(" + this->begin()->description() + " ? " + (this->begin() + 1)->description() + " : " + (this->begin() + 2)->description() + ")"; case Kind::kType: return getString(); case Kind::kVarDeclaration: { const VarData& vd = getVarData(); String result = vd.fName; auto iter = this->begin(); if (vd.fIsArray) { result += "[" + (iter++)->description() + "]"; } if (iter != this->end()) { result += " = " + (iter++)->description(); SkASSERT(iter == this->end()); } return result; } case Kind::kVarDeclarations: { auto iter = this->begin(); String result = (iter++)->description(); if (result.size()) { result += " "; } result += (iter++)->description(); const char* separator = " "; for (; iter != this->end(); ++iter) { result += separator + iter->description(); separator = ", "; } return result; } case Kind::kWhile: { return "while (" + this->begin()->description() + ") " + (this->begin() + 1)->description(); } default: SkDEBUGFAIL("unrecognized AST node kind"); return ""; } } #endif } // namespace SkSL