# Tests of resolver errors. # # The initial environment contains the predeclared names "M" # (module-specific) and "U" (universal). This distinction # should be unobservable to the Starlark program. # use of declared global x = 1 _ = x --- # premature use of global is not a static error; # see github.com/google/skylark/issues/116. _ = x x = 1 --- # use of undefined global _ = x ### "undefined: x" --- # redeclaration of global x = 1 x = 2 ### "cannot reassign global x declared at .*resolve.star:23:1" --- # Redeclaration of predeclared names is allowed. # # This rule permits tool maintainers to add members to the predeclared # environment without breaking existing programs. # module-specific predeclared name M = 1 # ok M = 2 ### "cannot reassign global M declared at .*/resolve.star" # universal predeclared name U = 1 # ok U = 1 ### "cannot reassign global U declared at .*/resolve.star" --- # A global declaration shadows all references to a predeclared; # see github.com/google/skylark/issues/116. a = U # ok: U is a reference to the global defined on the next line. U = 1 --- # reference to predeclared name M() --- # locals may be referenced before they are defined def f(): M(x) # dynamic error x = 1 --- # Various forms of assignment: def f(x): # parameter M(x) M(y) ### "undefined: y" (a, b) = 1, 2 M(a) M(b) M(c) ### "undefined: c" [p, q] = 1, 2 M(p) M(q) M(r) ### "undefined: r" --- # a comprehension introduces a separate lexical block _ = [x for x in "abc"] M(x) ### "undefined: x" --- # Functions may have forward refs. def f(): g() h() ### "undefined: h" def inner(): i() i = lambda: 0 def g(): f() --- # It is not permitted to rebind a global using a += assignment. x = [1] x.extend([2]) # ok x += [3] ### `cannot reassign global x` def f(): x += [4] # x is local to f y = 1 y += 2 ### `cannot reassign global y` z += 3 # ok (but fails dynamically because z is undefined) --- def f(a): if 1==1: b = 1 c = 1 M(a) # ok: param M(b) # ok: maybe bound local M(c) # ok: bound local M(d) # NB: we don't do a use-before-def check on local vars! M(e) # ok: global M(f) # ok: global d = 1 e = 1 --- # This program should resolve successfully but fail dynamically. x = 1 def f(): M(x) # dynamic error: reference to undefined local x = 2 f() --- load("module", "name") # ok def f(): load("foo", "bar") ### "load statement within a function" load("foo", "", ### "load: empty identifier" "_a", ### "load: names with leading underscores are not exported: _a" b="", ### "load: empty identifier" c="_d", ### "load: names with leading underscores are not exported: _d" _e="f") # ok --- # option:globalreassign if M: load("foo", "bar") ### "load statement within a conditional" --- # option:globalreassign for x in M: load("foo", "bar") ### "load statement within a loop" --- # option:recursion option:globalreassign while M: load("foo", "bar") ### "load statement within a loop" --- # return statements must be within a function return ### "return statement not within a function" --- # if-statements and for-loops at top-level are forbidden # (without globalreassign option) for x in "abc": ### "for loop not within a function" pass if x: ### "if statement not within a function" pass --- # option:globalreassign for x in "abc": # ok pass if x: # ok pass --- # while loops are forbidden (without -recursion option) def f(): while U: ### "dialect does not support while loops" pass --- # option:recursion def f(): while U: # ok pass while U: ### "while loop not within a function" pass --- # option:globalreassign option:recursion while U: # ok pass --- # The parser allows any expression on the LHS of an assignment. 1 = 0 ### "can't assign to literal" 1+2 = 0 ### "can't assign to binaryexpr" f() = 0 ### "can't assign to callexpr" [a, b] = 0 [c, d] += 0 ### "can't use list expression in augmented assignment" (e, f) += 0 ### "can't use tuple expression in augmented assignment" [] = 0 # ok () = 0 # ok --- # break and continue statements must appear within a loop break ### "break not in a loop" continue ### "continue not in a loop" pass --- # Positional arguments (and required parameters) # must appear before named arguments (and optional parameters). M(x=1, 2) ### `positional argument may not follow named` def f(x=1, y): pass ### `required parameter may not follow optional` --- # No parameters may follow **kwargs in a declaration. def f(**kwargs, x): ### `parameter may not follow \*\*kwargs` pass def g(**kwargs, *args): ### `\* parameter may not follow \*\*kwargs` pass def h(**kwargs1, **kwargs2): ### `multiple \*\* parameters not allowed` pass --- # Only keyword-only params and **kwargs may follow *args in a declaration. def f(*args, x): # ok pass def g(*args1, *args2): ### `multiple \* parameters not allowed` pass def h(*, ### `bare \* must be followed by keyword-only parameters` *): ### `multiple \* parameters not allowed` pass def i(*args, *): ### `multiple \* parameters not allowed` pass def j(*, ### `bare \* must be followed by keyword-only parameters` *args): ### `multiple \* parameters not allowed` pass def k(*, **kwargs): ### `bare \* must be followed by keyword-only parameters` pass def l(*): ### `bare \* must be followed by keyword-only parameters` pass def m(*args, a=1, **kwargs): # ok pass def n(*, a=1, **kwargs): # ok pass --- # No arguments may follow **kwargs in a call. def f(*args, **kwargs): pass f(**{}, 1) ### `argument may not follow \*\*kwargs` f(**{}, x=1) ### `argument may not follow \*\*kwargs` f(**{}, *[]) ### `\*args may not follow \*\*kwargs` f(**{}, **{}) ### `multiple \*\*kwargs not allowed` --- # Only **kwargs may follow *args in a call. def f(*args, **kwargs): pass f(*[], 1) ### `positional argument may not follow \*args` f(*[], a=1) ### `keyword argument may not follow \*args` f(*[], *[]) ### `multiple \*args not allowed` f(*[], **{}) # ok --- # Parameter names must be unique. def f(a, b, a): pass ### "duplicate parameter: a" def g(args, b, *args): pass ### "duplicate parameter: args" def h(kwargs, a, **kwargs): pass ### "duplicate parameter: kwargs" def i(*x, **x): pass ### "duplicate parameter: x" --- # Floating-point support is now standard. a = float("3.141") b = 1 / 2 c = 3.141 --- # option:globalreassign # Legacy Bazel (and Python) semantics: def must precede use even for globals. _ = x ### `undefined: x` x = 1 --- # option:globalreassign # Legacy Bazel (and Python) semantics: reassignment of globals is allowed. x = 1 x = 2 # ok --- # option:globalreassign # Redeclaration of predeclared names is allowed. # module-specific predeclared name M = 1 # ok M = 2 # ok (legacy) # universal predeclared name U = 1 # ok U = 1 # ok (legacy) --- # https://github.com/bazelbuild/starlark/starlark/issues/21 def f(**kwargs): pass f(a=1, a=1) ### `keyword argument a repeated` --- # spelling print = U hello = 1 print(hollo) ### `undefined: hollo \(did you mean hello\?\)` def f(abc): print(abd) ### `undefined: abd \(did you mean abc\?\)` print(goodbye) ### `undefined: goodbye$` --- load("module", "x") # ok x = 1 ### `cannot reassign local x` load("module", "x") ### `cannot reassign top-level x` --- # option:loadbindsglobally load("module", "x") # ok x = 1 ### `cannot reassign global x` load("module", "x") ### `cannot reassign global x` --- # option:globalreassign load("module", "x") # ok x = 1 # ok load("module", "x") # ok --- # option:globalreassign option:loadbindsglobally load("module", "x") # ok x = 1 load("module", "x") # ok --- _ = x # forward ref to file-local load("module", "x") # ok