 *  Copyright (c) 2015 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
 *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
 *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
 *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
 *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
 *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.

#include "modules/congestion_controller/rtp/transport_feedback_adapter.h"

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <utility>

#include "absl/algorithm/container.h"
#include "api/units/timestamp.h"
#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/include/rtp_rtcp_defines.h"
#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtcp_packet/transport_feedback.h"
#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
#include "rtc_base/logging.h"
#include "system_wrappers/include/field_trial.h"

namespace webrtc {

constexpr TimeDelta kSendTimeHistoryWindow = TimeDelta::Seconds(60);

void InFlightBytesTracker::AddInFlightPacketBytes(
    const PacketFeedback& packet) {
  auto it = in_flight_data_.find(packet.network_route);
  if (it != in_flight_data_.end()) {
    it->second += packet.sent.size;
  } else {
    in_flight_data_.insert({packet.network_route, packet.sent.size});

void InFlightBytesTracker::RemoveInFlightPacketBytes(
    const PacketFeedback& packet) {
  if (packet.sent.send_time.IsInfinite())
  auto it = in_flight_data_.find(packet.network_route);
  if (it != in_flight_data_.end()) {
    RTC_DCHECK_GE(it->second, packet.sent.size);
    it->second -= packet.sent.size;
    if (it->second.IsZero())

DataSize InFlightBytesTracker::GetOutstandingData(
    const rtc::NetworkRoute& network_route) const {
  auto it = in_flight_data_.find(network_route);
  if (it != in_flight_data_.end()) {
    return it->second;
  } else {
    return DataSize::Zero();

// Comparator for consistent map with NetworkRoute as key.
bool InFlightBytesTracker::NetworkRouteComparator::operator()(
    const rtc::NetworkRoute& a,
    const rtc::NetworkRoute& b) const {
  if (a.local.network_id() != b.local.network_id())
    return a.local.network_id() < b.local.network_id();
  if (a.remote.network_id() != b.remote.network_id())
    return a.remote.network_id() < b.remote.network_id();

  if (a.local.adapter_id() != b.local.adapter_id())
    return a.local.adapter_id() < b.local.adapter_id();
  if (a.remote.adapter_id() != b.remote.adapter_id())
    return a.remote.adapter_id() < b.remote.adapter_id();

  if (a.local.uses_turn() != b.local.uses_turn())
    return a.local.uses_turn() < b.local.uses_turn();
  if (a.remote.uses_turn() != b.remote.uses_turn())
    return a.remote.uses_turn() < b.remote.uses_turn();

  return a.connected < b.connected;

TransportFeedbackAdapter::TransportFeedbackAdapter() = default;

void TransportFeedbackAdapter::AddPacket(const RtpPacketSendInfo& packet_info,
                                         size_t overhead_bytes,
                                         Timestamp creation_time) {
  PacketFeedback packet;
  packet.creation_time = creation_time;
  packet.sent.sequence_number =
  packet.sent.size = DataSize::Bytes(packet_info.length + overhead_bytes);
  packet.sent.audio = packet_info.packet_type == RtpPacketMediaType::kAudio;
  packet.network_route = network_route_;
  packet.sent.pacing_info = packet_info.pacing_info;

  while (!history_.empty() &&
         creation_time - history_.begin()->second.creation_time >
             kSendTimeHistoryWindow) {
    // TODO(sprang): Warn if erasing (too many) old items?
    if (history_.begin()->second.sent.sequence_number > last_ack_seq_num_)
  history_.insert(std::make_pair(packet.sent.sequence_number, packet));

absl::optional<SentPacket> TransportFeedbackAdapter::ProcessSentPacket(
    const rtc::SentPacket& sent_packet) {
  auto send_time = Timestamp::Millis(sent_packet.send_time_ms);
  // TODO(srte): Only use one way to indicate that packet feedback is used.
  if (sent_packet.info.included_in_feedback || sent_packet.packet_id != -1) {
    int64_t unwrapped_seq_num =
    auto it = history_.find(unwrapped_seq_num);
    if (it != history_.end()) {
      bool packet_retransmit = it->second.sent.send_time.IsFinite();
      it->second.sent.send_time = send_time;
      last_send_time_ = std::max(last_send_time_, send_time);
      // TODO(srte): Don't do this on retransmit.
      if (!pending_untracked_size_.IsZero()) {
        if (send_time < last_untracked_send_time_)
              << "appending acknowledged data for out of order packet. (Diff: "
              << ToString(last_untracked_send_time_ - send_time) << " ms.)";
        it->second.sent.prior_unacked_data += pending_untracked_size_;
        pending_untracked_size_ = DataSize::Zero();
      if (!packet_retransmit) {
        if (it->second.sent.sequence_number > last_ack_seq_num_)
        it->second.sent.data_in_flight = GetOutstandingData();
        return it->second.sent;
  } else if (sent_packet.info.included_in_allocation) {
    if (send_time < last_send_time_) {
      RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "ignoring untracked data for out of order packet.";
    pending_untracked_size_ +=
    last_untracked_send_time_ = std::max(last_untracked_send_time_, send_time);
  return absl::nullopt;

    const rtcp::TransportFeedback& feedback,
    Timestamp feedback_receive_time) {
  if (feedback.GetPacketStatusCount() == 0) {
    RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Empty transport feedback packet received.";
    return absl::nullopt;

  TransportPacketsFeedback msg;
  msg.feedback_time = feedback_receive_time;

  msg.prior_in_flight = in_flight_.GetOutstandingData(network_route_);
  msg.packet_feedbacks =
      ProcessTransportFeedbackInner(feedback, feedback_receive_time);
  if (msg.packet_feedbacks.empty())
    return absl::nullopt;

  auto it = history_.find(last_ack_seq_num_);
  if (it != history_.end()) {
    msg.first_unacked_send_time = it->second.sent.send_time;
  msg.data_in_flight = in_flight_.GetOutstandingData(network_route_);

  return msg;

void TransportFeedbackAdapter::SetNetworkRoute(
    const rtc::NetworkRoute& network_route) {
  network_route_ = network_route;

DataSize TransportFeedbackAdapter::GetOutstandingData() const {
  return in_flight_.GetOutstandingData(network_route_);

    const rtcp::TransportFeedback& feedback,
    Timestamp feedback_receive_time) {
  // Add timestamp deltas to a local time base selected on first packet arrival.
  // This won't be the true time base, but makes it easier to manually inspect
  // time stamps.
  if (last_timestamp_.IsInfinite()) {
    current_offset_ = feedback_receive_time;
  } else {
    // TODO(srte): We shouldn't need to do rounding here.
    const TimeDelta delta = feedback.GetBaseDelta(last_timestamp_)
    // Protect against assigning current_offset_ negative value.
    if (delta < Timestamp::Zero() - current_offset_) {
      RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Unexpected feedback timestamp received.";
      current_offset_ = feedback_receive_time;
    } else {
      current_offset_ += delta;
  last_timestamp_ = feedback.GetBaseTime();

  std::vector<PacketResult> packet_result_vector;

  size_t failed_lookups = 0;
  size_t ignored = 0;
  TimeDelta packet_offset = TimeDelta::Zero();
  for (const auto& packet : feedback.GetAllPackets()) {
    int64_t seq_num = seq_num_unwrapper_.Unwrap(packet.sequence_number());

    if (seq_num > last_ack_seq_num_) {
      // Starts at history_.begin() if last_ack_seq_num_ < 0, since any valid
      // sequence number is >= 0.
      for (auto it = history_.upper_bound(last_ack_seq_num_);
           it != history_.upper_bound(seq_num); ++it) {
      last_ack_seq_num_ = seq_num;

    auto it = history_.find(seq_num);
    if (it == history_.end()) {

    if (it->second.sent.send_time.IsInfinite()) {
      // TODO(srte): Fix the tests that makes this happen and make this a
      // DCHECK.
          << "Received feedback before packet was indicated as sent";

    PacketFeedback packet_feedback = it->second;
    if (packet.received()) {
      packet_offset += packet.delta();
      packet_feedback.receive_time =
          current_offset_ + packet_offset.RoundDownTo(TimeDelta::Millis(1));
      // Note: Lost packets are not removed from history because they might be
      // reported as received by a later feedback.
    if (packet_feedback.network_route == network_route_) {
      PacketResult result;
      result.sent_packet = packet_feedback.sent;
      result.receive_time = packet_feedback.receive_time;
    } else {

  if (failed_lookups > 0) {
    RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Failed to lookup send time for " << failed_lookups
                        << " packet" << (failed_lookups > 1 ? "s" : "")
                        << ". Send time history too small?";
  if (ignored > 0) {
    RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Ignoring " << ignored
                     << " packets because they were sent on a different route.";

  return packet_result_vector;

}  // namespace webrtc