/* * Copyright (c) 2014 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #include "modules/desktop_capture/win/window_capture_utils.h" // Just for the DWMWINDOWATTRIBUTE enums (DWMWA_CLOAKED). #include #include #include "modules/desktop_capture/win/scoped_gdi_object.h" #include "rtc_base/arraysize.h" #include "rtc_base/checks.h" #include "rtc_base/logging.h" #include "rtc_base/string_utils.h" #include "rtc_base/win32.h" namespace webrtc { // Prefix used to match the window class for Chrome windows. const wchar_t kChromeWindowClassPrefix[] = L"Chrome_WidgetWin_"; // The hiddgen taskbar will leave a 2 pixel margin on the screen. const int kHiddenTaskbarMarginOnScreen = 2; bool GetWindowRect(HWND window, DesktopRect* result) { RECT rect; if (!::GetWindowRect(window, &rect)) { return false; } *result = DesktopRect::MakeLTRB(rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom); return true; } bool GetCroppedWindowRect(HWND window, bool avoid_cropping_border, DesktopRect* cropped_rect, DesktopRect* original_rect) { DesktopRect window_rect; if (!GetWindowRect(window, &window_rect)) { return false; } if (original_rect) { *original_rect = window_rect; } *cropped_rect = window_rect; bool is_maximized = false; if (!IsWindowMaximized(window, &is_maximized)) { return false; } // As of Windows8, transparent resize borders are added by the OS at // left/bottom/right sides of a resizeable window. If the cropped window // doesn't remove these borders, the background will be exposed a bit. if (rtc::IsWindows8OrLater() || is_maximized) { // Only apply this cropping to windows with a resize border (otherwise, // it'd clip the edges of captured pop-up windows without this border). LONG style = GetWindowLong(window, GWL_STYLE); if (style & WS_THICKFRAME || style & DS_MODALFRAME) { int width = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSIZEFRAME); int bottom_height = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSIZEFRAME); const int visible_border_height = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYBORDER); int top_height = visible_border_height; // If requested, avoid cropping the visible window border. This is used // for pop-up windows to include their border, but not for the outermost // window (where a partially-transparent border may expose the // background a bit). if (avoid_cropping_border) { width = std::max(0, width - GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXBORDER)); bottom_height = std::max(0, bottom_height - visible_border_height); top_height = 0; } cropped_rect->Extend(-width, -top_height, -width, -bottom_height); } } return true; } bool GetWindowContentRect(HWND window, DesktopRect* result) { if (!GetWindowRect(window, result)) { return false; } RECT rect; if (!::GetClientRect(window, &rect)) { return false; } const int width = rect.right - rect.left; // The GetClientRect() is not expected to return a larger area than // GetWindowRect(). if (width > 0 && width < result->width()) { // - GetClientRect() always set the left / top of RECT to 0. So we need to // estimate the border width from GetClientRect() and GetWindowRect(). // - Border width of a window varies according to the window type. // - GetClientRect() excludes the title bar, which should be considered as // part of the content and included in the captured frame. So we always // estimate the border width according to the window width. // - We assume a window has same border width in each side. // So we shrink half of the width difference from all four sides. const int shrink = ((width - result->width()) / 2); // When |shrink| is negative, DesktopRect::Extend() shrinks itself. result->Extend(shrink, 0, shrink, 0); // Usually this should not happen, just in case we have received a strange // window, which has only left and right borders. if (result->height() > shrink * 2) { result->Extend(0, shrink, 0, shrink); } RTC_DCHECK(!result->is_empty()); } return true; } int GetWindowRegionTypeWithBoundary(HWND window, DesktopRect* result) { win::ScopedGDIObject> scoped_hrgn( CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0)); const int region_type = GetWindowRgn(window, scoped_hrgn.Get()); if (region_type == SIMPLEREGION) { RECT rect; GetRgnBox(scoped_hrgn.Get(), &rect); *result = DesktopRect::MakeLTRB(rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom); } return region_type; } bool GetDcSize(HDC hdc, DesktopSize* size) { win::ScopedGDIObject> scoped_hgdi( GetCurrentObject(hdc, OBJ_BITMAP)); BITMAP bitmap; memset(&bitmap, 0, sizeof(BITMAP)); if (GetObject(scoped_hgdi.Get(), sizeof(BITMAP), &bitmap) == 0) { return false; } size->set(bitmap.bmWidth, bitmap.bmHeight); return true; } bool IsWindowMaximized(HWND window, bool* result) { WINDOWPLACEMENT placement; memset(&placement, 0, sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT)); placement.length = sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT); if (!::GetWindowPlacement(window, &placement)) { return false; } *result = (placement.showCmd == SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED); return true; } bool IsWindowValidAndVisible(HWND window) { return IsWindow(window) && IsWindowVisible(window) && !IsIconic(window); } BOOL CALLBACK FilterUncapturableWindows(HWND hwnd, LPARAM param) { DesktopCapturer::SourceList* list = reinterpret_cast(param); // Skip windows that are invisible, minimized, have no title, or are owned, // unless they have the app window style set. int len = GetWindowTextLength(hwnd); HWND owner = GetWindow(hwnd, GW_OWNER); LONG exstyle = GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE); if (len == 0 || !IsWindowValidAndVisible(hwnd) || (owner && !(exstyle & WS_EX_APPWINDOW))) { return TRUE; } // Skip unresponsive windows. Set timout with 50ms, in case system is under // heavy load. We could wait longer and have a lower false negative, but that // would delay the the enumeration. const UINT timeout = 50; // ms if (!SendMessageTimeout(hwnd, WM_NULL, 0, 0, SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG, timeout, nullptr)) { return TRUE; } // Skip the Program Manager window and the Start button. WCHAR class_name[256]; const int class_name_length = GetClassNameW(hwnd, class_name, arraysize(class_name)); if (class_name_length < 1) return TRUE; // Skip Program Manager window and the Start button. This is the same logic // that's used in Win32WindowPicker in libjingle. Consider filtering other // windows as well (e.g. toolbars). if (wcscmp(class_name, L"Progman") == 0 || wcscmp(class_name, L"Button") == 0) return TRUE; DesktopCapturer::Source window; window.id = reinterpret_cast(hwnd); // Truncate the title if it's longer than 500 characters. WCHAR window_title[500]; GetWindowTextW(hwnd, window_title, arraysize(window_title)); window.title = rtc::ToUtf8(window_title); // Skip windows when we failed to convert the title or it is empty. if (window.title.empty()) return TRUE; list->push_back(window); return TRUE; } // WindowCaptureHelperWin implementation. WindowCaptureHelperWin::WindowCaptureHelperWin() { // Try to load dwmapi.dll dynamically since it is not available on XP. dwmapi_library_ = LoadLibraryW(L"dwmapi.dll"); if (dwmapi_library_) { func_ = reinterpret_cast( GetProcAddress(dwmapi_library_, "DwmIsCompositionEnabled")); dwm_get_window_attribute_func_ = reinterpret_cast( GetProcAddress(dwmapi_library_, "DwmGetWindowAttribute")); } if (rtc::IsWindows10OrLater()) { if (FAILED(::CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(VirtualDesktopManager), nullptr, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_PPV_ARGS(&virtual_desktop_manager_)))) { RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Fail to create instance of VirtualDesktopManager"; } } } WindowCaptureHelperWin::~WindowCaptureHelperWin() { if (dwmapi_library_) { FreeLibrary(dwmapi_library_); } } bool WindowCaptureHelperWin::IsAeroEnabled() { BOOL result = FALSE; if (func_) { func_(&result); } return result != FALSE; } // This is just a best guess of a notification window. Chrome uses the Windows // native framework for showing notifications. So far what we know about such a // window includes: no title, class name with prefix "Chrome_WidgetWin_" and // with certain extended styles. bool WindowCaptureHelperWin::IsWindowChromeNotification(HWND hwnd) { const size_t kTitleLength = 32; WCHAR window_title[kTitleLength]; GetWindowTextW(hwnd, window_title, kTitleLength); if (wcsnlen_s(window_title, kTitleLength) != 0) { return false; } const size_t kClassLength = 256; WCHAR class_name[kClassLength]; const int class_name_length = GetClassNameW(hwnd, class_name, kClassLength); if (class_name_length < 1 || wcsncmp(class_name, kChromeWindowClassPrefix, wcsnlen_s(kChromeWindowClassPrefix, kClassLength)) != 0) { return false; } const LONG exstyle = GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE); if ((exstyle & WS_EX_NOACTIVATE) && (exstyle & WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW) && (exstyle & WS_EX_TOPMOST)) { return true; } return false; } // |content_rect| is preferred because, // 1. WindowCapturerWinGdi is using GDI capturer, which cannot capture DX // output. // So ScreenCapturer should be used as much as possible to avoid // uncapturable cases. Note: lots of new applications are using DX output // (hardware acceleration) to improve the performance which cannot be // captured by WindowCapturerWinGdi. See bug http://crbug.com/741770. // 2. WindowCapturerWinGdi is still useful because we do not want to expose the // content on other windows if the target window is covered by them. // 3. Shadow and borders should not be considered as "content" on other // windows because they do not expose any useful information. // // So we can bear the false-negative cases (target window is covered by the // borders or shadow of other windows, but we have not detected it) in favor // of using ScreenCapturer, rather than let the false-positive cases (target // windows is only covered by borders or shadow of other windows, but we treat // it as overlapping) impact the user experience. bool WindowCaptureHelperWin::AreWindowsOverlapping( HWND hwnd, HWND selected_hwnd, const DesktopRect& selected_window_rect) { DesktopRect content_rect; if (!GetWindowContentRect(hwnd, &content_rect)) { // Bail out if failed to get the window area. return true; } content_rect.IntersectWith(selected_window_rect); if (content_rect.is_empty()) { return false; } // When the taskbar is automatically hidden, it will leave a 2 pixel margin on // the screen which will overlap the maximized selected window that will use // up the full screen area. Since there is no solid way to identify a hidden // taskbar window, we have to make an exemption here if the overlapping is // 2 x screen_width/height to a maximized window. bool is_maximized = false; IsWindowMaximized(selected_hwnd, &is_maximized); bool overlaps_hidden_horizontal_taskbar = selected_window_rect.width() == content_rect.width() && content_rect.height() == kHiddenTaskbarMarginOnScreen; bool overlaps_hidden_vertical_taskbar = selected_window_rect.height() == content_rect.height() && content_rect.width() == kHiddenTaskbarMarginOnScreen; if (is_maximized && (overlaps_hidden_horizontal_taskbar || overlaps_hidden_vertical_taskbar)) { return false; } return true; } bool WindowCaptureHelperWin::IsWindowOnCurrentDesktop(HWND hwnd) { // Make sure the window is on the current virtual desktop. if (virtual_desktop_manager_) { BOOL on_current_desktop; if (SUCCEEDED(virtual_desktop_manager_->IsWindowOnCurrentVirtualDesktop( hwnd, &on_current_desktop)) && !on_current_desktop) { return false; } } return true; } bool WindowCaptureHelperWin::IsWindowVisibleOnCurrentDesktop(HWND hwnd) { return IsWindowValidAndVisible(hwnd) && IsWindowOnCurrentDesktop(hwnd) && !IsWindowCloaked(hwnd); } // A cloaked window is composited but not visible to the user. // Example: Cortana or the Action Center when collapsed. bool WindowCaptureHelperWin::IsWindowCloaked(HWND hwnd) { if (!dwm_get_window_attribute_func_) { // Does not apply. return false; } int res = 0; if (dwm_get_window_attribute_func_(hwnd, DWMWA_CLOAKED, &res, sizeof(res)) != S_OK) { // Cannot tell so assume not cloaked for backward compatibility. return false; } return res != 0; } bool WindowCaptureHelperWin::EnumerateCapturableWindows( DesktopCapturer::SourceList* results) { LPARAM param = reinterpret_cast(results); if (!EnumWindows(&FilterUncapturableWindows, param)) return false; for (auto it = results->begin(); it != results->end();) { if (!IsWindowVisibleOnCurrentDesktop(reinterpret_cast(it->id))) { it = results->erase(it); } else { ++it; } } return true; } } // namespace webrtc