// // Copyright 2015 Google, Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at: // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // #define LOG_TAG "bt_bluetooth_host" #include "service/ipc/linux_ipc_host.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "osi/include/log.h" #include "osi/include/osi.h" #include "service/adapter.h" using bluetooth::Adapter; using bluetooth::Uuid; using namespace bluetooth::gatt; namespace { // IPC API is according to: // https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eRnku-jAyVU1wGJsLT2CzWi0-8bs2g49s1b3FR_GApM const char kSetAdapterNameCommand[] = "set-device-name"; const char kCreateServiceCommand[] = "create-service"; const char kDestroyServiceCommand[] = "destroy-service"; const char kAddCharacteristicCommand[] = "add-characteristic"; const char kSetCharacteristicValueCommand[] = "set-characteristic-value"; const char kSetAdvertisementCommand[] = "set-advertisement"; const char kSetScanResponseCommand[] = "set-scan-response"; const char kStartServiceCommand[] = "start-service"; const char kStopServiceCommand[] = "stop-service"; const char kWriteCharacteristicCommand[] = "write-characteristic"; // Useful values for indexing LinuxIPCHost::pfds_ // Not super general considering that we should be able to support // many GATT FDs owned by one LinuxIPCHost. enum { kFdIpc = 0, kFdGatt = 1, kPossibleFds = 2, }; bool TokenBool(const std::string& text) { return text == "true"; } } // namespace namespace ipc { LinuxIPCHost::LinuxIPCHost(int sockfd, Adapter* adapter) : adapter_(adapter), pfds_(1, {sockfd, POLLIN, 0}) {} LinuxIPCHost::~LinuxIPCHost() { close(pfds_[0].fd); } bool LinuxIPCHost::EventLoop() { while (true) { int status = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(ppoll(pfds_.data(), pfds_.size(), nullptr, nullptr)); if (status < 1) { LOG_ERROR("ppoll error"); return false; } if (pfds_[kFdIpc].revents && !OnMessage()) { return false; } if (pfds_.size() == kPossibleFds && pfds_[kFdGatt].revents && !OnGattWrite()) { return false; } } return true; } bool LinuxIPCHost::OnSetAdapterName(const std::string& name) { std::string decoded_data; base::Base64Decode(name, &decoded_data); return adapter_->SetName(decoded_data); } bool LinuxIPCHost::OnCreateService(const std::string& service_uuid) { gatt_servers_[service_uuid] = std::unique_ptr(new Server); int gattfd; bool status = gatt_servers_[service_uuid]->Initialize( Uuid::FromString(service_uuid), &gattfd); if (!status) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to initialize bluetooth"); return false; } pfds_.resize(kPossibleFds); pfds_[kFdGatt] = {gattfd, POLLIN, 0}; return true; } bool LinuxIPCHost::OnDestroyService(const std::string& service_uuid) { gatt_servers_.erase(service_uuid); close(pfds_[1].fd); pfds_.resize(1); return true; } bool LinuxIPCHost::OnAddCharacteristic(const std::string& service_uuid, const std::string& characteristic_uuid, const std::string& control_uuid, const std::string& options) { std::vector option_tokens = base::SplitString( options, ".", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_ALL); int properties_mask = 0; int permissions_mask = 0; if (std::find(option_tokens.begin(), option_tokens.end(), "notify") != option_tokens.end()) { permissions_mask |= kPermissionRead; properties_mask |= kPropertyRead; properties_mask |= kPropertyNotify; } if (std::find(option_tokens.begin(), option_tokens.end(), "read") != option_tokens.end()) { permissions_mask |= kPermissionRead; properties_mask |= kPropertyRead; } if (std::find(option_tokens.begin(), option_tokens.end(), "write") != option_tokens.end()) { permissions_mask |= kPermissionWrite; properties_mask |= kPropertyWrite; } if (control_uuid.empty()) { gatt_servers_[service_uuid]->AddCharacteristic( Uuid::FromString(characteristic_uuid), properties_mask, permissions_mask); } else { gatt_servers_[service_uuid]->AddBlob(Uuid::FromString(characteristic_uuid), Uuid::FromString(control_uuid), properties_mask, permissions_mask); } return true; } bool LinuxIPCHost::OnSetCharacteristicValue( const std::string& service_uuid, const std::string& characteristic_uuid, const std::string& value) { std::string decoded_data; base::Base64Decode(value, &decoded_data); std::vector blob_data(decoded_data.begin(), decoded_data.end()); gatt_servers_[service_uuid]->SetCharacteristicValue( Uuid::FromString(characteristic_uuid), blob_data); return true; } bool LinuxIPCHost::OnSetAdvertisement(const std::string& service_uuid, const std::string& advertise_uuids, const std::string& advertise_data, const std::string& manufacturer_data, const std::string& transmit_name) { LOG_INFO("%s: service:%s uuids:%s data:%s", __func__, service_uuid.c_str(), advertise_uuids.c_str(), advertise_data.c_str()); std::vector advertise_uuid_tokens = base::SplitString( advertise_uuids, ".", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_ALL); // string -> vector std::vector ids; for (const auto& uuid_token : advertise_uuid_tokens) ids.emplace_back(Uuid::FromString(uuid_token)); std::string decoded_data; base::Base64Decode(advertise_data, &decoded_data); std::vector decoded_advertise_data(decoded_data.begin(), decoded_data.end()); base::Base64Decode(manufacturer_data, &decoded_data); std::vector decoded_manufacturer_data(decoded_data.begin(), decoded_data.end()); gatt_servers_[service_uuid]->SetAdvertisement(ids, decoded_advertise_data, decoded_manufacturer_data, TokenBool(transmit_name)); return true; } bool LinuxIPCHost::OnSetScanResponse(const std::string& service_uuid, const std::string& scan_response_uuids, const std::string& scan_response_data, const std::string& manufacturer_data, const std::string& transmit_name) { std::vector scan_response_uuid_tokens = base::SplitString( scan_response_uuids, ".", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_ALL); // string -> vector std::vector ids; for (const auto& uuid_token : scan_response_uuid_tokens) ids.emplace_back(Uuid::FromString(uuid_token)); std::string decoded_data; base::Base64Decode(scan_response_data, &decoded_data); std::vector decoded_advertise_data(decoded_data.begin(), decoded_data.end()); base::Base64Decode(manufacturer_data, &decoded_data); std::vector decoded_manufacturer_data(decoded_data.begin(), decoded_data.end()); gatt_servers_[service_uuid]->SetScanResponse(ids, decoded_advertise_data, decoded_manufacturer_data, TokenBool(transmit_name)); return true; } bool LinuxIPCHost::OnStartService(const std::string& service_uuid) { return gatt_servers_[service_uuid]->Start(); } bool LinuxIPCHost::OnStopService(const std::string& service_uuid) { return gatt_servers_[service_uuid]->Stop(); } bool LinuxIPCHost::OnMessage() { std::string ipc_msg; ssize_t size; OSI_NO_INTR(size = recv(pfds_[kFdIpc].fd, &ipc_msg[0], 0, MSG_PEEK | MSG_TRUNC)); if (-1 == size) { LOG_ERROR("Error reading datagram size: %s", strerror(errno)); return false; } else if (0 == size) { LOG_INFO("%s:%d: Connection closed", __func__, __LINE__); return false; } ipc_msg.resize(size); OSI_NO_INTR(size = read(pfds_[kFdIpc].fd, &ipc_msg[0], ipc_msg.size())); if (-1 == size) { LOG_ERROR("Error reading IPC: %s", strerror(errno)); return false; } else if (0 == size) { LOG_INFO("%s:%d: Connection closed", __func__, __LINE__); return false; } std::vector tokens = base::SplitString( ipc_msg, "|", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_ALL); switch (tokens.size()) { case 2: if (tokens[0] == kSetAdapterNameCommand) return OnSetAdapterName(tokens[1]); if (tokens[0] == kCreateServiceCommand) return OnCreateService(tokens[1]); if (tokens[0] == kDestroyServiceCommand) return OnDestroyService(tokens[1]); if (tokens[0] == kStartServiceCommand) return OnStartService(tokens[1]); if (tokens[0] == kStopServiceCommand) return OnStopService(tokens[1]); break; case 4: if (tokens[0] == kSetCharacteristicValueCommand) return OnSetCharacteristicValue(tokens[1], tokens[2], tokens[3]); break; case 5: if (tokens[0] == kAddCharacteristicCommand) return OnAddCharacteristic(tokens[1], tokens[2], tokens[3], tokens[4]); break; case 6: if (tokens[0] == kSetAdvertisementCommand) return OnSetAdvertisement(tokens[1], tokens[2], tokens[3], tokens[4], tokens[5]); if (tokens[0] == kSetScanResponseCommand) return OnSetScanResponse(tokens[1], tokens[2], tokens[3], tokens[4], tokens[5]); break; default: break; } LOG_ERROR("Malformed IPC message: %s", ipc_msg.c_str()); return false; } bool LinuxIPCHost::OnGattWrite() { Uuid::UUID128Bit id; ssize_t r; OSI_NO_INTR(r = read(pfds_[kFdGatt].fd, id.data(), id.size())); if (r != id.size()) { LOG_ERROR("Error reading GATT attribute ID"); return false; } std::vector value; // TODO(icoolidge): Generalize this for multiple clients. auto server = gatt_servers_.begin(); server->second->GetCharacteristicValue(Uuid::From128BitBE(id), &value); const std::string value_string(value.begin(), value.end()); std::string encoded_value; base::Base64Encode(value_string, &encoded_value); std::string transmit(kWriteCharacteristicCommand); transmit += "|" + server->first; transmit += "|" + base::HexEncode(id.data(), id.size()); transmit += "|" + encoded_value; OSI_NO_INTR(r = write(pfds_[kFdIpc].fd, transmit.data(), transmit.size())); if (-1 == r) { LOG_ERROR("Error replying to IPC: %s", strerror(errno)); return false; } return true; } } // namespace ipc