/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <gtest/gtest.h> #include <utils/StrongPointer.h> #include <utils/RefBase.h> #include <thread> #include <atomic> #include <sched.h> #include <errno.h> // Enhanced version of StrongPointer_test, but using RefBase underneath. using namespace android; static constexpr int NITERS = 1000000; static constexpr int INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE = 1 << 28; // Mirroring RefBase definition. class Foo : public RefBase { public: Foo(bool* deleted_check) : mDeleted(deleted_check) { *mDeleted = false; } ~Foo() { *mDeleted = true; } private: bool* mDeleted; }; // A version of Foo that ensures that all objects are allocated at the same // address. No more than one can be allocated at a time. Thread-hostile. class FooFixedAlloc : public RefBase { public: static void* operator new(size_t size) { if (mAllocCount != 0) { abort(); } mAllocCount = 1; if (theMemory == nullptr) { theMemory = malloc(size); } return theMemory; } static void operator delete(void *p) { if (mAllocCount != 1 || p != theMemory) { abort(); } mAllocCount = 0; } FooFixedAlloc(bool* deleted_check) : mDeleted(deleted_check) { *mDeleted = false; } ~FooFixedAlloc() { *mDeleted = true; } private: bool* mDeleted; static int mAllocCount; static void* theMemory; }; int FooFixedAlloc::mAllocCount(0); void* FooFixedAlloc::theMemory(nullptr); TEST(RefBase, StrongMoves) { bool isDeleted; Foo* foo = new Foo(&isDeleted); ASSERT_EQ(INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE, foo->getStrongCount()); ASSERT_FALSE(isDeleted) << "Already deleted...?"; sp<Foo> sp1(foo); wp<Foo> wp1(sp1); ASSERT_EQ(1, foo->getStrongCount()); // Weak count includes both strong and weak references. ASSERT_EQ(2, foo->getWeakRefs()->getWeakCount()); { sp<Foo> sp2 = std::move(sp1); ASSERT_EQ(1, foo->getStrongCount()) << "std::move failed, incremented refcnt"; ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, sp1.get()) << "std::move failed, sp1 is still valid"; // The strong count isn't increasing, let's double check the old object // is properly reset and doesn't early delete sp1 = std::move(sp2); } ASSERT_FALSE(isDeleted) << "deleted too early! still has a reference!"; { // Now let's double check it deletes on time sp<Foo> sp2 = std::move(sp1); } ASSERT_TRUE(isDeleted) << "foo was leaked!"; ASSERT_TRUE(wp1.promote().get() == nullptr); } TEST(RefBase, WeakCopies) { bool isDeleted; Foo* foo = new Foo(&isDeleted); EXPECT_EQ(0, foo->getWeakRefs()->getWeakCount()); ASSERT_FALSE(isDeleted) << "Foo (weak) already deleted...?"; wp<Foo> wp1(foo); EXPECT_EQ(1, foo->getWeakRefs()->getWeakCount()); { wp<Foo> wp2 = wp1; ASSERT_EQ(2, foo->getWeakRefs()->getWeakCount()); } EXPECT_EQ(1, foo->getWeakRefs()->getWeakCount()); ASSERT_FALSE(isDeleted) << "deleted too early! still has a reference!"; wp1 = nullptr; ASSERT_FALSE(isDeleted) << "Deletion on wp destruction should no longer occur"; } TEST(RefBase, Comparisons) { bool isDeleted, isDeleted2, isDeleted3; Foo* foo = new Foo(&isDeleted); Foo* foo2 = new Foo(&isDeleted2); sp<Foo> sp1(foo); sp<Foo> sp2(foo2); wp<Foo> wp1(sp1); wp<Foo> wp2(sp1); wp<Foo> wp3(sp2); ASSERT_TRUE(wp1 == wp2); ASSERT_TRUE(wp1 == sp1); ASSERT_TRUE(wp3 == sp2); ASSERT_TRUE(wp1 != sp2); ASSERT_TRUE(wp1 <= wp2); ASSERT_TRUE(wp1 >= wp2); ASSERT_FALSE(wp1 != wp2); ASSERT_FALSE(wp1 > wp2); ASSERT_FALSE(wp1 < wp2); ASSERT_FALSE(sp1 == sp2); ASSERT_TRUE(sp1 != sp2); bool sp1_smaller = sp1 < sp2; wp<Foo>wp_smaller = sp1_smaller ? wp1 : wp3; wp<Foo>wp_larger = sp1_smaller ? wp3 : wp1; ASSERT_TRUE(wp_smaller < wp_larger); ASSERT_TRUE(wp_smaller != wp_larger); ASSERT_TRUE(wp_smaller <= wp_larger); ASSERT_FALSE(wp_smaller == wp_larger); ASSERT_FALSE(wp_smaller > wp_larger); ASSERT_FALSE(wp_smaller >= wp_larger); sp2 = nullptr; ASSERT_TRUE(isDeleted2); ASSERT_FALSE(isDeleted); ASSERT_FALSE(wp3 == sp2); // Comparison results on weak pointers should not be affected. ASSERT_TRUE(wp_smaller < wp_larger); ASSERT_TRUE(wp_smaller != wp_larger); ASSERT_TRUE(wp_smaller <= wp_larger); ASSERT_FALSE(wp_smaller == wp_larger); ASSERT_FALSE(wp_smaller > wp_larger); ASSERT_FALSE(wp_smaller >= wp_larger); wp2 = nullptr; ASSERT_FALSE(wp1 == wp2); ASSERT_TRUE(wp1 != wp2); wp1.clear(); ASSERT_TRUE(wp1 == wp2); ASSERT_FALSE(wp1 != wp2); wp3.clear(); ASSERT_TRUE(wp1 == wp3); ASSERT_FALSE(wp1 != wp3); ASSERT_FALSE(isDeleted); sp1.clear(); ASSERT_TRUE(isDeleted); ASSERT_TRUE(sp1 == sp2); // Try to check that null pointers are properly initialized. { // Try once with non-null, to maximize chances of getting junk on the // stack. sp<Foo> sp3(new Foo(&isDeleted3)); wp<Foo> wp4(sp3); wp<Foo> wp5; ASSERT_FALSE(wp4 == wp5); ASSERT_TRUE(wp4 != wp5); ASSERT_FALSE(sp3 == wp5); ASSERT_FALSE(wp5 == sp3); ASSERT_TRUE(sp3 != wp5); ASSERT_TRUE(wp5 != sp3); ASSERT_TRUE(sp3 == wp4); } { sp<Foo> sp3; wp<Foo> wp4(sp3); wp<Foo> wp5; ASSERT_TRUE(wp4 == wp5); ASSERT_FALSE(wp4 != wp5); ASSERT_TRUE(sp3 == wp5); ASSERT_TRUE(wp5 == sp3); ASSERT_FALSE(sp3 != wp5); ASSERT_FALSE(wp5 != sp3); ASSERT_TRUE(sp3 == wp4); } } // Check whether comparison against dead wp works, even if the object referenced // by the new wp happens to be at the same address. TEST(RefBase, ReplacedComparison) { bool isDeleted, isDeleted2; FooFixedAlloc* foo = new FooFixedAlloc(&isDeleted); sp<FooFixedAlloc> sp1(foo); wp<FooFixedAlloc> wp1(sp1); ASSERT_TRUE(wp1 == sp1); sp1.clear(); // Deallocates the object. ASSERT_TRUE(isDeleted); FooFixedAlloc* foo2 = new FooFixedAlloc(&isDeleted2); ASSERT_FALSE(isDeleted2); ASSERT_EQ(foo, foo2); // Not technically a legal comparison, but ... sp<FooFixedAlloc> sp2(foo2); wp<FooFixedAlloc> wp2(sp2); ASSERT_TRUE(sp2 == wp2); ASSERT_FALSE(sp2 != wp2); ASSERT_TRUE(sp2 != wp1); ASSERT_FALSE(sp2 == wp1); ASSERT_FALSE(sp2 == sp1); // sp1 is null. ASSERT_FALSE(wp1 == wp2); // wp1 refers to old object. ASSERT_TRUE(wp1 != wp2); ASSERT_TRUE(wp1 > wp2 || wp1 < wp2); ASSERT_TRUE(wp1 >= wp2 || wp1 <= wp2); ASSERT_FALSE(wp1 >= wp2 && wp1 <= wp2); ASSERT_FALSE(wp1 == nullptr); wp1 = sp2; ASSERT_TRUE(wp1 == wp2); ASSERT_FALSE(wp1 != wp2); } TEST(RefBase, AssertWeakRefExistsSuccess) { bool isDeleted; sp<Foo> foo = sp<Foo>::make(&isDeleted); wp<Foo> weakFoo = foo; EXPECT_EQ(weakFoo, wp<Foo>::fromExisting(foo.get())); EXPECT_EQ(weakFoo.unsafe_get(), wp<Foo>::fromExisting(foo.get()).unsafe_get()); EXPECT_FALSE(isDeleted); foo = nullptr; EXPECT_TRUE(isDeleted); } TEST(RefBase, AssertWeakRefExistsDeath) { // uses some other refcounting method, or none at all bool isDeleted; Foo* foo = new Foo(&isDeleted); // can only get a valid wp<> object when you construct it from an sp<> EXPECT_DEATH(wp<Foo>::fromExisting(foo), ""); delete foo; } // Set up a situation in which we race with visit2AndRremove() to delete // 2 strong references. Bar destructor checks that there are no early // deletions and prior updates are visible to destructor. class Bar : public RefBase { public: Bar(std::atomic<int>* delete_count) : mVisited1(false), mVisited2(false), mDeleteCount(delete_count) { } ~Bar() { EXPECT_TRUE(mVisited1); EXPECT_TRUE(mVisited2); (*mDeleteCount)++; } bool mVisited1; bool mVisited2; private: std::atomic<int>* mDeleteCount; }; static sp<Bar> buffer; static std::atomic<bool> bufferFull(false); // Wait until bufferFull has value val. static inline void waitFor(bool val) { while (bufferFull != val) {} } cpu_set_t otherCpus; // Divide the cpus we're allowed to run on into myCpus and otherCpus. // Set origCpus to the processors we were originally allowed to run on. // Return false if origCpus doesn't include at least processors 0 and 1. static bool setExclusiveCpus(cpu_set_t* origCpus /* out */, cpu_set_t* myCpus /* out */, cpu_set_t* otherCpus) { if (sched_getaffinity(0, sizeof(cpu_set_t), origCpus) != 0) { return false; } if (!CPU_ISSET(0, origCpus) || !CPU_ISSET(1, origCpus)) { return false; } CPU_ZERO(myCpus); CPU_ZERO(otherCpus); CPU_OR(myCpus, myCpus, origCpus); CPU_OR(otherCpus, otherCpus, origCpus); for (unsigned i = 0; i < CPU_SETSIZE; ++i) { // I get the even cores, the other thread gets the odd ones. if (i & 1) { CPU_CLR(i, myCpus); } else { CPU_CLR(i, otherCpus); } } return true; } static void visit2AndRemove() { if (sched_setaffinity(0, sizeof(cpu_set_t), &otherCpus) != 0) { FAIL() << "setaffinity returned:" << errno; } for (int i = 0; i < NITERS; ++i) { waitFor(true); buffer->mVisited2 = true; buffer = nullptr; bufferFull = false; } } TEST(RefBase, RacingDestructors) { cpu_set_t origCpus; cpu_set_t myCpus; // Restrict us and the helper thread to disjoint cpu sets. // This prevents us from getting scheduled against each other, // which would be atrociously slow. if (setExclusiveCpus(&origCpus, &myCpus, &otherCpus)) { std::thread t(visit2AndRemove); std::atomic<int> deleteCount(0); if (sched_setaffinity(0, sizeof(cpu_set_t), &myCpus) != 0) { FAIL() << "setaffinity returned:" << errno; } for (int i = 0; i < NITERS; ++i) { waitFor(false); Bar* bar = new Bar(&deleteCount); sp<Bar> sp3(bar); buffer = sp3; bufferFull = true; ASSERT_TRUE(bar->getStrongCount() >= 1); // Weak count includes strong count. ASSERT_TRUE(bar->getWeakRefs()->getWeakCount() >= 1); sp3->mVisited1 = true; sp3 = nullptr; } t.join(); if (sched_setaffinity(0, sizeof(cpu_set_t), &origCpus) != 0) { FAIL(); } ASSERT_EQ(NITERS, deleteCount) << "Deletions missed!"; } // Otherwise this is slow and probably pointless on a uniprocessor. } static wp<Bar> wpBuffer; static std::atomic<bool> wpBufferFull(false); // Wait until wpBufferFull has value val. static inline void wpWaitFor(bool val) { while (wpBufferFull != val) {} } static void visit3AndRemove() { if (sched_setaffinity(0, sizeof(cpu_set_t), &otherCpus) != 0) { FAIL() << "setaffinity returned:" << errno; } for (int i = 0; i < NITERS; ++i) { wpWaitFor(true); { sp<Bar> sp1 = wpBuffer.promote(); // We implicitly check that sp1 != NULL sp1->mVisited2 = true; } wpBuffer = nullptr; wpBufferFull = false; } } TEST(RefBase, RacingPromotions) { cpu_set_t origCpus; cpu_set_t myCpus; // Restrict us and the helper thread to disjoint cpu sets. // This prevents us from getting scheduled against each other, // which would be atrociously slow. if (setExclusiveCpus(&origCpus, &myCpus, &otherCpus)) { std::thread t(visit3AndRemove); std::atomic<int> deleteCount(0); if (sched_setaffinity(0, sizeof(cpu_set_t), &myCpus) != 0) { FAIL() << "setaffinity returned:" << errno; } for (int i = 0; i < NITERS; ++i) { Bar* bar = new Bar(&deleteCount); wp<Bar> wp1(bar); bar->mVisited1 = true; if (i % (NITERS / 10) == 0) { // Do this rarely, since it generates a log message. wp1 = nullptr; // No longer destroys the object. wp1 = bar; } wpBuffer = wp1; ASSERT_EQ(bar->getWeakRefs()->getWeakCount(), 2); wpBufferFull = true; // Promotion races with that in visit3AndRemove. // This may or may not succeed, but it shouldn't interfere with // the concurrent one. sp<Bar> sp1 = wp1.promote(); wpWaitFor(false); // Waits for other thread to drop strong pointer. sp1 = nullptr; // No strong pointers here. sp1 = wp1.promote(); ASSERT_EQ(sp1.get(), nullptr) << "Dead wp promotion succeeded!"; } t.join(); if (sched_setaffinity(0, sizeof(cpu_set_t), &origCpus) != 0) { FAIL(); } ASSERT_EQ(NITERS, deleteCount) << "Deletions missed!"; } // Otherwise this is slow and probably pointless on a uniprocessor. }