/* * Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <utils/String16.h> #include <utils/String8.h> #include <gtest/gtest.h> using namespace android; ::testing::AssertionResult Char16_tStringEquals(const char16_t* a, const char16_t* b) { if (strcmp16(a, b) != 0) { return ::testing::AssertionFailure() << "\"" << String8(a).c_str() << "\" not equal to \"" << String8(b).c_str() << "\""; } return ::testing::AssertionSuccess(); } #define EXPECT_STR16EQ(a, b) EXPECT_TRUE(Char16_tStringEquals(a, b)) TEST(String16Test, FromChar16_t) { String16 tmp(u"Verify me"); EXPECT_STR16EQ(u"Verify me", tmp); } TEST(String16Test, FromChar16_tSized) { String16 tmp(u"Verify me", 7); EXPECT_STR16EQ(u"Verify ", tmp); } TEST(String16Test, FromChar) { String16 tmp("Verify me"); EXPECT_STR16EQ(u"Verify me", tmp); } TEST(String16Test, FromCharSized) { String16 tmp("Verify me", 7); EXPECT_STR16EQ(u"Verify ", tmp); } TEST(String16Test, Copy) { String16 tmp("Verify me"); String16 another = tmp; EXPECT_STR16EQ(u"Verify me", tmp); EXPECT_STR16EQ(u"Verify me", another); } TEST(String16Test, Move) { String16 tmp("Verify me"); String16 another(std::move(tmp)); EXPECT_STR16EQ(u"Verify me", another); } TEST(String16Test, Size) { String16 tmp("Verify me"); EXPECT_EQ(9U, tmp.size()); } TEST(String16Test, setTo) { String16 tmp("Verify me"); tmp.setTo(u"New content"); EXPECT_EQ(11U, tmp.size()); EXPECT_STR16EQ(u"New content", tmp); } TEST(String16Test, Append) { String16 tmp("Verify me"); tmp.append(String16("Hello")); EXPECT_EQ(14U, tmp.size()); EXPECT_STR16EQ(u"Verify meHello", tmp); } TEST(String16Test, Insert) { String16 tmp("Verify me"); tmp.insert(6, u"Insert"); EXPECT_EQ(15U, tmp.size()); EXPECT_STR16EQ(u"VerifyInsert me", tmp); } TEST(String16Test, ReplaceAll) { String16 tmp("Verify verify Verify"); tmp.replaceAll(u'r', u'!'); EXPECT_STR16EQ(u"Ve!ify ve!ify Ve!ify", tmp); } TEST(String16Test, Compare) { String16 tmp("Verify me"); EXPECT_EQ(String16(u"Verify me"), tmp); } TEST(String16Test, StaticString) { String16 nonStaticString("NonStatic"); StaticString16 staticString(u"Static"); EXPECT_TRUE(staticString.isStaticString()); EXPECT_FALSE(nonStaticString.isStaticString()); } TEST(String16Test, StaticStringCopy) { StaticString16 tmp(u"Verify me"); String16 another = tmp; EXPECT_STR16EQ(u"Verify me", tmp); EXPECT_STR16EQ(u"Verify me", another); EXPECT_TRUE(tmp.isStaticString()); EXPECT_TRUE(another.isStaticString()); } TEST(String16Test, StaticStringMove) { StaticString16 tmp(u"Verify me"); String16 another(std::move(tmp)); EXPECT_STR16EQ(u"Verify me", another); EXPECT_TRUE(another.isStaticString()); } TEST(String16Test, StaticStringSize) { StaticString16 tmp(u"Verify me"); EXPECT_EQ(9U, tmp.size()); } TEST(String16Test, StaticStringSetTo) { StaticString16 tmp(u"Verify me"); tmp.setTo(u"New content"); EXPECT_EQ(11U, tmp.size()); EXPECT_STR16EQ(u"New content", tmp); EXPECT_FALSE(tmp.isStaticString()); } TEST(String16Test, StaticStringAppend) { StaticString16 tmp(u"Verify me"); tmp.append(String16("Hello")); EXPECT_EQ(14U, tmp.size()); EXPECT_STR16EQ(u"Verify meHello", tmp); EXPECT_FALSE(tmp.isStaticString()); } TEST(String16Test, StaticStringInsert) { StaticString16 tmp(u"Verify me"); tmp.insert(6, u"Insert"); EXPECT_EQ(15U, tmp.size()); EXPECT_STR16EQ(u"VerifyInsert me", tmp); EXPECT_FALSE(tmp.isStaticString()); } TEST(String16Test, StaticStringReplaceAll) { StaticString16 tmp(u"Verify verify Verify"); tmp.replaceAll(u'r', u'!'); EXPECT_STR16EQ(u"Ve!ify ve!ify Ve!ify", tmp); EXPECT_FALSE(tmp.isStaticString()); } TEST(String16Test, StaticStringCompare) { StaticString16 tmp(u"Verify me"); EXPECT_EQ(String16(u"Verify me"), tmp); } TEST(String16Test, StringSetToStaticString) { StaticString16 tmp(u"Verify me"); String16 another(u"nonstatic"); another = tmp; EXPECT_STR16EQ(u"Verify me", tmp); EXPECT_STR16EQ(u"Verify me", another); } TEST(String16Test, StringMoveFromStaticString) { StaticString16 tmp(u"Verify me"); String16 another(std::move(tmp)); EXPECT_STR16EQ(u"Verify me", another); } TEST(String16Test, EmptyStringIsStatic) { String16 tmp(""); EXPECT_TRUE(tmp.isStaticString()); } TEST(String16Test, OverreadUtf8Conversion) { char tmp[] = {'a', static_cast<char>(0xe0), '\0'}; String16 another(tmp); EXPECT_TRUE(another.size() == 0); } TEST(String16Test, ValidUtf8Conversion) { String16 another("abcdef"); EXPECT_EQ(6U, another.size()); EXPECT_STR16EQ(another, u"abcdef"); } TEST(String16Test, append) { String16 s; EXPECT_EQ(OK, s.append(String16(u"foo"))); EXPECT_STR16EQ(u"foo", s); EXPECT_EQ(OK, s.append(String16(u"bar"))); EXPECT_STR16EQ(u"foobar", s); EXPECT_EQ(OK, s.append(u"baz", 0)); EXPECT_STR16EQ(u"foobar", s); EXPECT_EQ(NO_MEMORY, s.append(u"baz", SIZE_MAX)); EXPECT_STR16EQ(u"foobar", s); } TEST(String16Test, insert) { String16 s; // Inserting into the empty string inserts at the start. EXPECT_EQ(OK, s.insert(123, u"foo")); EXPECT_STR16EQ(u"foo", s); // Inserting zero characters at any position is okay, but won't expand the string. EXPECT_EQ(OK, s.insert(123, u"foo", 0)); EXPECT_STR16EQ(u"foo", s); // Inserting past the end of a non-empty string appends. EXPECT_EQ(OK, s.insert(123, u"bar")); EXPECT_STR16EQ(u"foobar", s); EXPECT_EQ(OK, s.insert(3, u"!")); EXPECT_STR16EQ(u"foo!bar", s); EXPECT_EQ(NO_MEMORY, s.insert(3, u"", SIZE_MAX)); EXPECT_STR16EQ(u"foo!bar", s); }