/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "trusty_storage_client" #include <errno.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/uio.h> #include <log/log.h> #include <trusty/tipc.h> #include <trusty/lib/storage.h> #define MAX_CHUNK_SIZE 4040 static inline file_handle_t make_file_handle(storage_session_t s, uint32_t fid) { return ((uint64_t)s << 32) | fid; } static inline storage_session_t _to_session(file_handle_t fh) { return (storage_session_t)(fh >> 32); } static inline uint32_t _to_handle(file_handle_t fh) { return (uint32_t) fh; } static inline uint32_t _to_msg_flags(uint32_t opflags) { uint32_t msg_flags = 0; if (opflags & STORAGE_OP_COMPLETE) msg_flags |= STORAGE_MSG_FLAG_TRANSACT_COMPLETE; return msg_flags; } static ssize_t check_response(struct storage_msg *msg, ssize_t res) { if (res < 0) return res; if ((size_t)res < sizeof(*msg)) { ALOGE("invalid msg length (%zd < %zd)\n", res, sizeof(*msg)); return -EIO; } ALOGV("cmd 0x%x: server returned %u\n", msg->cmd, msg->result); switch(msg->result) { case STORAGE_NO_ERROR: return res - sizeof(*msg); case STORAGE_ERR_NOT_FOUND: return -ENOENT; case STORAGE_ERR_EXIST: return -EEXIST; case STORAGE_ERR_NOT_VALID: return -EINVAL; case STORAGE_ERR_UNIMPLEMENTED: ALOGE("cmd 0x%x: is unhandles command\n", msg->cmd); return -EINVAL; case STORAGE_ERR_ACCESS: return -EACCES; case STORAGE_ERR_TRANSACT: return -EBUSY; case STORAGE_ERR_GENERIC: ALOGE("cmd 0x%x: internal server error\n", msg->cmd); return -EIO; default: ALOGE("cmd 0x%x: unhandled server response %u\n", msg->cmd, msg->result); } return -EIO; } static ssize_t send_reqv(storage_session_t session, const struct iovec *tx_iovs, uint tx_iovcnt, const struct iovec *rx_iovs, uint rx_iovcnt) { ssize_t rc; rc = writev(session, tx_iovs, tx_iovcnt); if (rc < 0) { rc = -errno; ALOGE("failed to send request: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return rc; } rc = readv(session, rx_iovs, rx_iovcnt); if (rc < 0) { rc = -errno; ALOGE("failed to recv response: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return rc; } return rc; } int storage_open_session(const char *device, storage_session_t *session_p, const char *port) { int rc = tipc_connect(device, port); if (rc < 0) return rc; *session_p = (storage_session_t) rc; return 0; } void storage_close_session(storage_session_t session) { tipc_close(session); } int storage_open_file(storage_session_t session, file_handle_t *handle_p, const char *name, uint32_t flags, uint32_t opflags) { struct storage_msg msg = { .cmd = STORAGE_FILE_OPEN, .flags = _to_msg_flags(opflags)}; struct storage_file_open_req req = { .flags = flags }; struct iovec tx[3] = {{&msg, sizeof(msg)}, {&req, sizeof(req)}, {(void *)name, strlen(name)}}; struct storage_file_open_resp rsp = { 0 }; struct iovec rx[2] = {{&msg, sizeof(msg)}, {&rsp, sizeof(rsp)}}; ssize_t rc = send_reqv(session, tx, 3, rx, 2); rc = check_response(&msg, rc); if (rc < 0) return rc; if ((size_t)rc != sizeof(rsp)) { ALOGE("%s: invalid response length (%zd != %zd)\n", __func__, rc, sizeof(rsp)); return -EIO; } *handle_p = make_file_handle(session, rsp.handle); return 0; } void storage_close_file(file_handle_t fh) { struct storage_msg msg = { .cmd = STORAGE_FILE_CLOSE }; struct storage_file_close_req req = { .handle = _to_handle(fh)}; struct iovec tx[2] = {{&msg, sizeof(msg)}, {&req, sizeof(req)}}; struct iovec rx[1] = {{&msg, sizeof(msg)}}; ssize_t rc = send_reqv(_to_session(fh), tx, 2, rx, 1); rc = check_response(&msg, rc); if (rc < 0) { ALOGE("close file failed (%d)\n", (int)rc); } } int storage_delete_file(storage_session_t session, const char *name, uint32_t opflags) { struct storage_msg msg = { .cmd = STORAGE_FILE_DELETE, .flags = _to_msg_flags(opflags)}; struct storage_file_delete_req req = { .flags = 0, }; struct iovec tx[3] = {{&msg, sizeof(msg)}, {&req, sizeof(req)}, {(void *)name, strlen(name)}}; struct iovec rx[1] = {{&msg, sizeof(msg)}}; ssize_t rc = send_reqv(session, tx, 3, rx, 1); return check_response(&msg, rc); } static int _read_chunk(file_handle_t fh, storage_off_t off, void *buf, size_t size) { struct storage_msg msg = { .cmd = STORAGE_FILE_READ }; struct storage_file_read_req req = { .handle = _to_handle(fh), .size = size, .offset = off }; struct iovec tx[2] = {{&msg, sizeof(msg)}, {&req, sizeof(req)}}; struct iovec rx[2] = {{&msg, sizeof(msg)}, {buf, size}}; ssize_t rc = send_reqv(_to_session(fh), tx, 2, rx, 2); return check_response(&msg, rc); } ssize_t storage_read(file_handle_t fh, storage_off_t off, void *buf, size_t size) { int rc; size_t bytes_read = 0; size_t chunk = MAX_CHUNK_SIZE; uint8_t *ptr = buf; while (size) { if (chunk > size) chunk = size; rc = _read_chunk(fh, off, ptr, chunk); if (rc < 0) return rc; if (rc == 0) break; off += rc; ptr += rc; bytes_read += rc; size -= rc; } return bytes_read; } static int _write_req(file_handle_t fh, storage_off_t off, const void *buf, size_t size, uint32_t msg_flags) { struct storage_msg msg = { .cmd = STORAGE_FILE_WRITE, .flags = msg_flags, }; struct storage_file_write_req req = { .handle = _to_handle(fh), .offset = off, }; struct iovec tx[3] = {{&msg, sizeof(msg)}, {&req, sizeof(req)}, {(void *)buf, size}}; struct iovec rx[1] = {{&msg, sizeof(msg)}}; ssize_t rc = send_reqv(_to_session(fh), tx, 3, rx, 1); rc = check_response(&msg, rc); return rc < 0 ? rc : size; } ssize_t storage_write(file_handle_t fh, storage_off_t off, const void *buf, size_t size, uint32_t opflags) { int rc; size_t bytes_written = 0; size_t chunk = MAX_CHUNK_SIZE; const uint8_t *ptr = buf; uint32_t msg_flags = _to_msg_flags(opflags & ~STORAGE_OP_COMPLETE); while (size) { if (chunk >= size) { /* last chunk in sequence */ chunk = size; msg_flags = _to_msg_flags(opflags); } rc = _write_req(fh, off, ptr, chunk, msg_flags); if (rc < 0) return rc; if ((size_t)rc != chunk) { ALOGE("got partial write (%d)\n", (int)rc); return -EIO; } off += chunk; ptr += chunk; bytes_written += chunk; size -= chunk; } return bytes_written; } int storage_set_file_size(file_handle_t fh, storage_off_t file_size, uint32_t opflags) { struct storage_msg msg = { .cmd = STORAGE_FILE_SET_SIZE, .flags = _to_msg_flags(opflags)}; struct storage_file_set_size_req req = { .handle = _to_handle(fh), .size = file_size, }; struct iovec tx[2] = {{&msg, sizeof(msg)}, {&req, sizeof(req)}}; struct iovec rx[1] = {{&msg, sizeof(msg)}}; ssize_t rc = send_reqv(_to_session(fh), tx, 2, rx, 1); return check_response(&msg, rc); } int storage_get_file_size(file_handle_t fh, storage_off_t *size_p) { struct storage_msg msg = { .cmd = STORAGE_FILE_GET_SIZE }; struct storage_file_get_size_req req = { .handle = _to_handle(fh), }; struct iovec tx[2] = {{&msg, sizeof(msg)}, {&req, sizeof(req)}}; struct storage_file_get_size_resp rsp; struct iovec rx[2] = {{&msg, sizeof(msg)}, {&rsp, sizeof(rsp)}}; ssize_t rc = send_reqv(_to_session(fh), tx, 2, rx, 2); rc = check_response(&msg, rc); if (rc < 0) return rc; if ((size_t)rc != sizeof(rsp)) { ALOGE("%s: invalid response length (%zd != %zd)\n", __func__, rc, sizeof(rsp)); return -EIO; } *size_p = rsp.size; return 0; } int storage_end_transaction(storage_session_t session, bool complete) { struct storage_msg msg = { .cmd = STORAGE_END_TRANSACTION, .flags = complete ? STORAGE_MSG_FLAG_TRANSACT_COMPLETE : 0, }; struct iovec iov = {&msg, sizeof(msg)}; ssize_t rc = send_reqv(session, &iov, 1, &iov, 1); return check_response(&msg, rc); }