#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """Release test for simpleperf prebuilts. It includes below tests: 1. Test profiling Android apps on different Android versions (starting from Android N). 2. Test simpleperf python scripts on different Hosts (linux, darwin and windows) on x86_64. 3. Test using both devices and emulators. 4. Test using both `adb root` and `adb unroot`. """ import argparse from dataclasses import dataclass import fnmatch import inspect import multiprocessing as mp import os from pathlib import Path import re import sys import time from tqdm import tqdm import types from typing import List, Optional import unittest from simpleperf_utils import extant_dir, log_exit, remove, ArgParseFormatter from . api_profiler_test import * from . app_profiler_test import * from . app_test import * from . binary_cache_builder_test import * from . cpp_app_test import * from . debug_unwind_reporter_test import * from . inferno_test import * from . java_app_test import * from . kotlin_app_test import * from . pprof_proto_generator_test import * from . purgatorio_test import * from . report_html_test import * from . report_lib_test import * from . run_simpleperf_on_device_test import * from . tools_test import * from . test_utils import TestHelper def get_args() -> argparse.Namespace: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__, formatter_class=ArgParseFormatter) parser.add_argument('--browser', action='store_true', help='open report html file in browser.') parser.add_argument( '-d', '--device', nargs='+', help='set devices used to run tests. Each device in format name:serial-number') parser.add_argument('--only-host-test', action='store_true', help='Only run host tests') parser.add_argument('--list-tests', action='store_true', help='List tests') parser.add_argument('--ndk-path', type=extant_dir, help='Set the path of a ndk release') parser.add_argument('-p', '--pattern', nargs='+', help='Run tests matching the selected pattern.') parser.add_argument('-r', '--repeat', type=int, default=1, help='times to repeat tests') parser.add_argument('--test-from', help='Run tests following the selected test.') parser.add_argument('--test-dir', default='test_dir', help='Directory to store test results') return parser.parse_args() def get_all_tests() -> List[str]: tests = [] for name, value in globals().items(): if isinstance(value, type) and issubclass(value, unittest.TestCase): for member_name, member in inspect.getmembers(value): if isinstance(member, (types.MethodType, types.FunctionType)): if member_name.startswith('test'): tests.append(name + '.' + member_name) return sorted(tests) def get_host_tests() -> List[str]: def filter_fn(test: str) -> bool: return get_test_type(test) == 'host_test' return list(filter(filter_fn, get_all_tests())) def get_filtered_tests( tests: List[str], test_from: Optional[str], test_pattern: Optional[List[str]]) -> List[str]: if test_from: try: tests = tests[tests.index(test_from):] except ValueError: log_exit("Can't find test %s" % test_from) if test_pattern: patterns = [re.compile(fnmatch.translate(x)) for x in test_pattern] tests = [t for t in tests if any(pattern.match(t) for pattern in patterns)] if not tests: log_exit('No tests are matched.') return tests def get_test_type(test: str) -> Optional[str]: testcase_name, test_name = test.split('.') if test_name == 'test_run_simpleperf_without_usb_connection': return 'device_serialized_test' if testcase_name in ( 'TestApiProfiler', 'TestNativeProfiling', 'TestNativeLibDownloader', 'TestRecordingRealApps', 'TestRunSimpleperfOnDevice'): return 'device_test' if testcase_name.startswith('TestExample'): return 'device_test' if testcase_name in ('TestBinaryCacheBuilder', 'TestDebugUnwindReporter', 'TestInferno', 'TestPprofProtoGenerator', 'TestPurgatorio', 'TestReportHtml', 'TestReportLib', 'TestTools'): return 'host_test' return None def build_testdata(testdata_dir: Path): """ Collect testdata in testdata_dir. In system/extras/simpleperf/scripts, testdata comes from: /../testdata, /test/script_testdata, /../demo In prebuilts/simpleperf, testdata comes from: /test/testdata """ testdata_dir.mkdir() script_test_dir = Path(__file__).resolve().parent script_dir = script_test_dir.parent source_dirs = [ script_test_dir / 'script_testdata', script_test_dir / 'testdata', script_dir.parent / 'testdata', script_dir.parent / 'demo', script_dir.parent / 'runtest', ] for source_dir in source_dirs: if not source_dir.is_dir(): continue for src_path in source_dir.iterdir(): dest_path = testdata_dir / src_path.name if dest_path.exists(): continue if src_path.is_file(): shutil.copyfile(src_path, dest_path) elif src_path.is_dir(): shutil.copytree(src_path, dest_path) def run_tests(tests: List[str]) -> bool: argv = [sys.argv[0]] + tests test_runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(stream=TestHelper.log_fh, verbosity=0) test_program = unittest.main(argv=argv, testRunner=test_runner, exit=False, verbosity=0, module='test.do_test') return test_program.result.wasSuccessful() def test_process_entry(tests: List[str], test_options: List[str], conn: mp.connection.Connection): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--browser', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--device', help='android device serial number') parser.add_argument('--ndk-path', type=extant_dir) parser.add_argument('--testdata-dir', type=extant_dir) parser.add_argument('--test-dir', help='directory to store test results') args = parser.parse_args(test_options) TestHelper.init(args.test_dir, args.testdata_dir, args.browser, args.ndk_path, args.device, conn) run_tests(tests) @dataclass class Device: name: str serial_number: str @dataclass class TestResult: try_time: int ok: bool class TestProcess: """ Create a test process to run selected tests on a device. """ TEST_MAX_TRY_TIME = 10 TEST_TIMEOUT_IN_SEC = 10 * 60 def __init__( self, test_type: str, tests: List[str], device: Optional[Device], repeat_index: int, test_options: List[str]): self.test_type = test_type self.tests = tests self.device = device self.repeat_index = repeat_index self.test_options = test_options self.try_time = 1 self.test_results: Dict[str, TestResult] = {} self.parent_conn: Optional[mp.connection.Connection] = None self.proc: Optional[mp.Process] = None self.last_update_time = 0.0 self._start_test_process() def _start_test_process(self): unfinished_tests = [test for test in self.tests if test not in self.test_results] self.parent_conn, child_conn = mp.Pipe(duplex=False) test_options = self.test_options[:] test_options += ['--test-dir', str(self.test_dir)] if self.device: test_options += ['--device', self.device.serial_number] self.proc = mp.Process(target=test_process_entry, args=( unfinished_tests, test_options, child_conn)) self.proc.start() self.last_update_time = time.time() @property def name(self) -> str: name = self.test_type if self.device: name += '_' + self.device.name name += '_repeat_%d' % self.repeat_index return name @property def test_dir(self) -> Path: """ Directory to run the tests. """ return Path.cwd() / (self.name + '_try_%d' % self.try_time) @property def alive(self) -> bool: """ Return if the test process is alive. """ return self.proc.is_alive() @property def finished(self) -> bool: """ Return if all tests are finished. """ return len(self.test_results) == len(self.tests) def check_update(self): """ Check if there is any test update. """ try: while self.parent_conn.poll(): msg = self.parent_conn.recv() self._process_msg(msg) self.last_update_time = time.time() except (EOFError, BrokenPipeError) as e: pass if time.time() - self.last_update_time > TestProcess.TEST_TIMEOUT_IN_SEC: self.proc.terminate() def _process_msg(self, msg: str): test_name, test_success = msg.split() test_success = test_success == 'OK' self.test_results[test_name] = TestResult(self.try_time, test_success) def join(self): self.proc.join() def restart(self) -> bool: """ Create a new test process to run unfinished tests. """ if self.finished: return False if self.try_time == self.TEST_MAX_TRY_TIME: """ Exceed max try time. So mark left tests as failed. """ for test in self.tests: if test not in self.test_results: self.test_results[test] = TestResult(self.try_time, False) return False self.try_time += 1 self._start_test_process() return True class ProgressBar: def __init__(self, total_count: int): self.total_bar = tqdm( total=total_count, desc='test progress', ascii=' ##', bar_format="{l_bar}{bar}| {n_fmt}/{total_fmt} [{elapsed}, {rate_fmt}", position=0) self.test_process_bars: Dict[str, tqdm] = {} def update(self, test_proc: TestProcess): if test_proc.name not in self.test_process_bars: if not test_proc.alive: return bar = tqdm(total=len(test_proc.tests), desc=test_proc.name, ascii=' ##', bar_format="{l_bar}{bar} | {n_fmt}/{total_fmt} [{elapsed}]") self.test_process_bars[test_proc.name] = bar else: bar = self.test_process_bars[test_proc.name] add = len(test_proc.test_results) - bar.n if add: bar.update(add) self.total_bar.update(add) if not test_proc.alive: bar.close() del self.test_process_bars[test_proc.name] def end_tests(self): for bar in self.test_process_bars.values(): bar.close() self.total_bar.close() class TestSummary: def __init__(self, test_count: int): self.summary_fh = open('test_summary.txt', 'w') self.failed_summary_fh = open('failed_test_summary.txt', 'w') self.results: Dict[Tuple[str, str], bool] = {} self.test_count = test_count @property def failed_test_count(self) -> int: return self.test_count - sum(1 for result in self.results.values() if result) def update(self, test_proc: TestProcess): for test, result in test_proc.test_results.items(): key = (test, '%s_try_%s' % (test_proc.name, result.try_time)) if key not in self.results: self.results[key] = result.ok self._write_result(key[0], key[1], result.ok) def _write_result(self, test_name: str, test_env: str, test_result: bool): print( '%s %s %s' % (test_name, test_env, 'OK' if test_result else 'FAILED'), file=self.summary_fh, flush=True) if not test_result: print('%s %s FAILED' % (test_name, test_env), file=self.failed_summary_fh, flush=True) def end_tests(self): # Show sorted results after testing. self.summary_fh.seek(0, 0) self.failed_summary_fh.seek(0, 0) for key in sorted(self.results.keys()): self._write_result(key[0], key[1], self.results[key]) self.summary_fh.close() self.failed_summary_fh.close() class TestManager: """ Create test processes, monitor their status and log test progresses. """ def __init__(self, args: argparse.Namespace): self.repeat_count = args.repeat self.test_options = self._build_test_options(args) self.devices = self._build_test_devices(args) self.progress_bar: Optional[ProgressBar] = None self.test_summary: Optional[TestSummary] = None def _build_test_devices(self, args: argparse.Namespace) -> List[Device]: devices = [] if args.device: for s in args.device: name, serial_number = s.split(':') devices.append(Device(name, serial_number)) else: devices.append(Device('default', '')) return devices def _build_test_options(self, args: argparse.Namespace) -> List[str]: test_options: List[str] = [] if args.browser: test_options.append('--browser') if args.ndk_path: test_options += ['--ndk-path', args.ndk_path] testdata_dir = Path('testdata').resolve() test_options += ['--testdata-dir', str(testdata_dir)] return test_options def run_all_tests(self, tests: List[str]): device_tests = [] device_serialized_tests = [] host_tests = [] for test in tests: test_type = get_test_type(test) assert test_type, f'No test type for test {test}' if test_type == 'device_test': device_tests.append(test) if test_type == 'device_serialized_test': device_serialized_tests.append(test) if test_type == 'host_test': host_tests.append(test) total_test_count = (len(device_tests) + len(device_serialized_tests) ) * len(self.devices) * self.repeat_count + len(host_tests) self.progress_bar = ProgressBar(total_test_count) self.test_summary = TestSummary(total_test_count) if device_tests: self.run_device_tests(device_tests) if device_serialized_tests: self.run_device_serialized_tests(device_serialized_tests) if host_tests: self.run_host_tests(host_tests) self.progress_bar.end_tests() self.progress_bar = None self.test_summary.end_tests() def run_device_tests(self, tests: List[str]): """ Tests can run in parallel on different devices. """ test_procs: List[TestProcess] = [] for device in self.devices: test_procs.append(TestProcess('device_test', tests, device, 1, self.test_options)) self.wait_for_test_results(test_procs, self.repeat_count) def run_device_serialized_tests(self, tests: List[str]): """ Tests run on each device in order. """ for device in self.devices: test_proc = TestProcess('device_serialized_test', tests, device, 1, self.test_options) self.wait_for_test_results([test_proc], self.repeat_count) def run_host_tests(self, tests: List[str]): """ Tests run only once on host. """ test_proc = TestProcess('host_tests', tests, None, 1, self.test_options) self.wait_for_test_results([test_proc], 1) def wait_for_test_results(self, test_procs: List[TestProcess], repeat_count: int): test_count = sum(len(test_proc.tests) for test_proc in test_procs) while test_procs: dead_procs: List[TestProcess] = [] # Check update. for test_proc in test_procs: if not test_proc.alive: dead_procs.append(test_proc) test_proc.check_update() self.progress_bar.update(test_proc) self.test_summary.update(test_proc) # Process dead procs. for test_proc in dead_procs: test_proc.join() if not test_proc.finished and test_proc.restart(): continue test_procs.remove(test_proc) if test_proc.repeat_index < repeat_count: test_procs.append( TestProcess(test_proc.test_type, test_proc.tests, test_proc.device, test_proc.repeat_index + 1, test_proc.test_options)) time.sleep(0.1) return True def run_tests_in_child_process(tests: List[str], args: argparse.Namespace) -> bool: """ run tests in child processes, read test results through a pipe. """ mp.set_start_method('spawn') # to be consistent on darwin, linux, windows test_manager = TestManager(args) test_manager.run_all_tests(tests) total_test_count = test_manager.test_summary.test_count failed_test_count = test_manager.test_summary.failed_test_count if failed_test_count == 0: print('All tests passed!') return True print('%d of %d tests failed. See %s/failed_test_summary.txt for details.' % (failed_test_count, total_test_count, args.test_dir)) return False def main() -> bool: args = get_args() tests = get_host_tests() if args.only_host_test else get_all_tests() tests = get_filtered_tests(tests, args.test_from, args.pattern) if args.list_tests: print('\n'.join(tests)) return True test_dir = Path(args.test_dir).resolve() remove(test_dir) test_dir.mkdir(parents=True) # Switch to the test dir. os.chdir(test_dir) build_testdata(Path('testdata')) return run_tests_in_child_process(tests, args)