/* * Copyright (C) 2012-2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "LogBufferElement.h" #include <ctype.h> #include <endian.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <log/log_read.h> #include <private/android_logger.h> #include "LogStatistics.h" #include "LogUtils.h" LogBufferElement::LogBufferElement(log_id_t log_id, log_time realtime, uid_t uid, pid_t pid, pid_t tid, uint64_t sequence, const char* msg, uint16_t len) : uid_(uid), pid_(pid), tid_(tid), sequence_(sequence), realtime_(realtime), msg_len_(len), log_id_(log_id), dropped_(false) { msg_ = new char[len]; memcpy(msg_, msg, len); } LogBufferElement::LogBufferElement(const LogBufferElement& elem) : uid_(elem.uid_), pid_(elem.pid_), tid_(elem.tid_), sequence_(elem.sequence_), realtime_(elem.realtime_), msg_len_(elem.msg_len_), log_id_(elem.log_id_), dropped_(elem.dropped_) { if (dropped_) { tag_ = elem.GetTag(); } else { msg_ = new char[msg_len_]; memcpy(msg_, elem.msg_, msg_len_); } } LogBufferElement::LogBufferElement(LogBufferElement&& elem) noexcept : uid_(elem.uid_), pid_(elem.pid_), tid_(elem.tid_), sequence_(elem.sequence_), realtime_(elem.realtime_), msg_len_(elem.msg_len_), log_id_(elem.log_id_), dropped_(elem.dropped_) { if (dropped_) { tag_ = elem.GetTag(); } else { msg_ = elem.msg_; elem.msg_ = nullptr; } } LogBufferElement::~LogBufferElement() { if (!dropped_) { delete[] msg_; } } uint32_t LogBufferElement::GetTag() const { // Binary buffers have no tag. if (!IsBinary(log_id())) { return 0; } // Dropped messages store the tag in place of msg_. if (dropped_) { return tag_; } return MsgToTag(msg(), msg_len()); } LogStatisticsElement LogBufferElement::ToLogStatisticsElement() const { // Estimate the size of this element in the parent std::list<> by adding two void*'s // corresponding to the next/prev pointers and aligning to 64 bit. uint16_t element_in_list_size = (sizeof(*this) + 2 * sizeof(void*) + sizeof(uint64_t) - 1) & -sizeof(uint64_t); return LogStatisticsElement{ .uid = uid(), .pid = pid(), .tid = tid(), .tag = GetTag(), .realtime = realtime(), .msg = msg(), .msg_len = msg_len(), .dropped_count = dropped_count(), .log_id = log_id(), .total_len = static_cast<uint16_t>(element_in_list_size + msg_len()), }; } uint16_t LogBufferElement::SetDropped(uint16_t value) { if (dropped_) { return dropped_count_ = value; } // The tag information is saved in msg_ data, which is in a union with tag_, used after dropped_ // is set to true. Therefore we save the tag value aside, delete msg_, then set tag_ to the tag // value in its place. auto old_tag = GetTag(); delete[] msg_; msg_ = nullptr; tag_ = old_tag; dropped_ = true; return dropped_count_ = value; } // caller must own and free character string char* android::tidToName(pid_t tid) { char* retval = nullptr; char buffer[256]; snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "/proc/%u/comm", tid); int fd = open(buffer, O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC); if (fd >= 0) { ssize_t ret = read(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (ret >= (ssize_t)sizeof(buffer)) { ret = sizeof(buffer) - 1; } while ((ret > 0) && isspace(buffer[ret - 1])) { --ret; } if (ret > 0) { buffer[ret] = '\0'; retval = strdup(buffer); } close(fd); } // if nothing for comm, check out cmdline char* name = android::pidToName(tid); if (!retval) { retval = name; name = nullptr; } // check if comm is truncated, see if cmdline has full representation if (name) { // impossible for retval to be NULL if name not NULL size_t retval_len = strlen(retval); size_t name_len = strlen(name); // KISS: ToDo: Only checks prefix truncated, not suffix, or both if ((retval_len < name_len) && !fastcmp<strcmp>(retval, name + name_len - retval_len)) { free(retval); retval = name; } else { free(name); } } return retval; } // assumption: msg_ == NULL size_t LogBufferElement::PopulateDroppedMessage(char*& buffer, LogStatistics* stats, bool lastSame) { static const char tag[] = "chatty"; if (!__android_log_is_loggable_len(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, tag, strlen(tag), ANDROID_LOG_VERBOSE)) { return 0; } static const char format_uid[] = "uid=%u%s%s %s %u line%s"; const char* name = stats->UidToName(uid_); const char* commName = android::tidToName(tid_); if (!commName && (tid_ != pid_)) { commName = android::tidToName(pid_); } if (!commName) { commName = stats->PidToName(pid_); } if (name && name[0] && commName && (name[0] == commName[0])) { size_t len = strlen(name + 1); if (!strncmp(name + 1, commName + 1, len)) { if (commName[len + 1] == '\0') { free(const_cast<char*>(commName)); commName = nullptr; } else { free(const_cast<char*>(name)); name = nullptr; } } } if (name) { char* buf = nullptr; int result = asprintf(&buf, "(%s)", name); if (result != -1) { free(const_cast<char*>(name)); name = buf; } } if (commName) { char* buf = nullptr; int result = asprintf(&buf, " %s", commName); if (result != -1) { free(const_cast<char*>(commName)); commName = buf; } } // identical to below to calculate the buffer size required const char* type = lastSame ? "identical" : "expire"; size_t len = snprintf(nullptr, 0, format_uid, uid_, name ? name : "", commName ? commName : "", type, dropped_count(), (dropped_count() > 1) ? "s" : ""); size_t hdrLen; if (IsBinary(log_id())) { hdrLen = sizeof(android_log_event_string_t); } else { hdrLen = 1 + sizeof(tag); } buffer = static_cast<char*>(calloc(1, hdrLen + len + 1)); if (!buffer) { free(const_cast<char*>(name)); free(const_cast<char*>(commName)); return 0; } size_t retval = hdrLen + len; if (IsBinary(log_id())) { android_log_event_string_t* event = reinterpret_cast<android_log_event_string_t*>(buffer); event->header.tag = htole32(CHATTY_LOG_TAG); event->type = EVENT_TYPE_STRING; event->length = htole32(len); } else { ++retval; buffer[0] = ANDROID_LOG_INFO; strcpy(buffer + 1, tag); } snprintf(buffer + hdrLen, len + 1, format_uid, uid_, name ? name : "", commName ? commName : "", type, dropped_count(), (dropped_count() > 1) ? "s" : ""); free(const_cast<char*>(name)); free(const_cast<char*>(commName)); return retval; } bool LogBufferElement::FlushTo(LogWriter* writer, LogStatistics* stats, bool lastSame) { struct logger_entry entry = {}; entry.hdr_size = sizeof(struct logger_entry); entry.lid = log_id_; entry.pid = pid_; entry.tid = tid_; entry.uid = uid_; entry.sec = realtime_.tv_sec; entry.nsec = realtime_.tv_nsec; char* buffer = nullptr; const char* msg; if (dropped_) { entry.len = PopulateDroppedMessage(buffer, stats, lastSame); if (!entry.len) return true; msg = buffer; } else { msg = msg_; entry.len = msg_len_; } bool retval = writer->Write(entry, msg); if (buffer) free(buffer); return retval; }