// Build the unit tests for audio_utils package { // http://go/android-license-faq // A large-scale-change added 'default_applicable_licenses' to import // the below license kinds from "system_media_license": // SPDX-license-identifier-Apache-2.0 default_applicable_licenses: ["system_media_license"], } cc_test { name: "balance_tests", host_supported: true, srcs: [ "balance_tests.cpp", ], static_libs: [ "libaudioutils", ], cflags: [ "-Wall", "-Werror", "-Wextra", ], } cc_binary { name: "biquad_filter", host_supported: true, srcs: [ "biquad_filter.cpp" ], shared_libs: [ "libaudioutils", ], cflags: [ "-Wall", "-Werror", "-Wextra", ], } cc_test { name: "biquad_filter_tests", host_supported: true, srcs: [ "biquad_filter_tests.cpp", ], header_libs: [ "libaudioutils_headers", ], static_libs: [ "libgmock", ], cflags: [ "-Wall", "-Werror", "-Wextra", ], } cc_test { name: "fdtostring_tests", host_supported: true, shared_libs: [ "libaudioutils", "libcutils", "liblog", "libutils", //for systemTime ], srcs: ["fdtostring_tests.cpp"], cflags: [ "-Wall", "-Werror", "-Wextra", ], } cc_test { name: "intrinsic_tests", host_supported: true, srcs: [ "intrinsic_tests.cpp", ], header_libs: [ "libaudioutils_headers", ], cflags: [ "-Wall", "-Werror", "-Wextra", ], } cc_test { name: "primitives_tests", host_supported: true, shared_libs: [ "liblog", "libcutils", ], srcs: ["primitives_tests.cpp"], cflags: [ "-Werror", "-Wall", ], target: { android: { shared_libs: ["libaudioutils"], }, host: { static_libs: ["libaudioutils"], }, } } cc_binary { name: "fifo_tests", host_supported: true, srcs: ["fifo_tests.cpp"], shared_libs: ["libaudioutils"], static_libs: ["libsndfile"], cflags: [ "-Werror", "-Wall", ], } cc_binary { name: "fifo_multiprocess", host_supported: true, srcs: ["fifo_multiprocess.cpp"], shared_libs: ["libaudioutils", "libcutils"], static_libs: ["libsndfile"], cflags: [ "-Werror", "-Wall", ], } cc_binary_host { name: "fifo_threads", // TODO move getch.c and .h to a utility library srcs: [ "fifo_threads.cpp", "getch.c", ], static_libs: [ "libaudioutils", "liblog", ], cflags: [ "-Werror", "-Wall", ], } cc_binary_host { name: "limiter_tests", srcs: ["limiter_tests.c"], static_libs: ["libaudioutils"], cflags: [ "-Werror", "-Wall", "-UNDEBUG", ], } cc_test { name: "power_tests", host_supported: true, shared_libs: [ "libcutils", "liblog", ], srcs: ["power_tests.cpp"], cflags: [ "-Wall", "-Werror", "-Wextra", ], target: { android: { shared_libs: ["libaudioutils"], }, host: { static_libs: ["libaudioutils"], }, } } cc_test { name: "errorlog_tests", host_supported: true, shared_libs: [ "libcutils", "liblog", ], srcs: ["errorlog_tests.cpp"], cflags: [ "-Wall", "-Werror", "-Wextra", ], target: { android: { shared_libs: ["libaudioutils"], }, host: { static_libs: ["libaudioutils"], }, } } cc_test { name: "metadata_tests", host_supported: false, shared_libs: [ "libcutils", "liblog", ], srcs: ["metadata_tests.cpp"], cflags: [ "-Wall", "-Werror", "-Wextra", ], target: { android: { shared_libs: ["libaudioutils"], }, host: { static_libs: ["libaudioutils"], }, } } cc_binary { name: "metadata_c_tests", host_supported: true, srcs: ["metadata_tests_c.c"], cflags: [ "-Wall", "-Werror", "-Wextra", ], shared_libs: ["libaudioutils"], } cc_test { name: "powerlog_tests", host_supported: true, shared_libs: [ "libcutils", "liblog", ], srcs: ["powerlog_tests.cpp"], cflags: [ "-Wall", "-Werror", "-Wextra", ], target: { android: { shared_libs: ["libaudioutils"], }, host: { static_libs: ["libaudioutils"], }, } } cc_test { name: "simplelog_tests", host_supported: true, shared_libs: [ "libcutils", "liblog", ], srcs: ["simplelog_tests.cpp"], cflags: [ "-Wall", "-Werror", "-Wextra", ], target: { android: { shared_libs: ["libaudioutils"], }, host: { static_libs: ["libaudioutils"], }, } } cc_test { name: "channels_tests", host_supported: true, shared_libs: [ "libcutils", "liblog", ], srcs: ["channels_tests.cpp"], cflags: [ "-Wall", "-Werror", ], target: { android: { shared_libs: ["libaudioutils"], }, host: { static_libs: ["libaudioutils"], }, } } cc_test { name: "string_tests", host_supported: true, shared_libs: ["libaudioutils"], srcs: ["string_tests.cpp"], cflags: [ "-Wall", "-Werror", ], target: { host: { shared_libs: ["libcutils"], }, } } cc_test { name: "format_tests", host_supported: true, shared_libs: [ "liblog", ], srcs: ["format_tests.cpp"], cflags: [ "-Werror", "-Wall", ], target: { android: { shared_libs: ["libaudioutils"], }, host: { static_libs: ["libaudioutils"], }, } } cc_test { name: "statistics_tests", host_supported: true, header_libs: ["libaudioutils_headers"], srcs: ["statistics_tests.cpp"], cflags: [ "-Wall", "-Werror", "-Wextra", ], } cc_test { name: "timestampverifier_tests", host_supported: true, header_libs: ["libaudioutils_headers"], srcs: ["timestampverifier_tests.cpp"], cflags: [ "-Wall", "-Werror", "-Wextra", ], } cc_test { name: "variadic_tests", host_supported: true, shared_libs: ["libaudioutils"], srcs: ["variadic_tests.cpp"], cflags: [ "-Wall", "-Werror", "-Wextra", ], } cc_test { name: "logplot_tests", host_supported: true, shared_libs: [ "liblog", "libcutils", ], srcs: ["logplot_tests.cpp"], gtest:false, cflags: [ "-Werror", "-Wall", ], target: { android: { shared_libs: ["libaudioutils"], }, host: { static_libs: ["libaudioutils"], }, } } cc_test { name: "sample_tests", host_supported: true, shared_libs: [ "liblog", "libcutils", ], srcs: ["sample_tests.cpp"], cflags: [ "-Werror", "-Wall", ], target: { android: { shared_libs: ["libaudioutils"], }, host: { static_libs: ["libaudioutils"], }, } } cc_test { name: "spdif_tests", host_supported: true, shared_libs: [ "libaudioutils", "libaudiospdif", "liblog", "libcutils", ], srcs: ["spdif_tests.cpp"], cflags: [ "-Werror", "-Wall", ], }