/* * Copyright (C) 2015, The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "ast_cpp.h" #include #include #include "code_writer.h" #include "logging.h" using std::string; using std::unique_ptr; using std::vector; namespace android { namespace aidl { namespace cpp { std::string AstNode::ToString() { std::string str; Write(CodeWriter::ForString(&str).get()); return str; } LiteralDecl::LiteralDecl(const std::string& expression) : expression_(expression) {} void LiteralDecl::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { to->Write("%s", expression_.c_str()); } ClassDecl::ClassDecl(const std::string& name, const std::string& parent, const std::vector& template_params, const std::string& attributes) : name_(name), parent_(parent), attributes_(attributes), template_params_(template_params) {} ClassDecl::ClassDecl(const std::string& name, const std::string& parent, const std::vector& template_params, std::vector> public_members, std::vector> private_members, const std::string& attributes) : name_(name), parent_(parent), attributes_(attributes), template_params_(template_params), public_members_(std::move(public_members)), private_members_(std::move(private_members)) {} void ClassDecl::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { if (!template_params_.empty()) to->Write("template \n", base::Join(template_params_, ", typename ").c_str()); to->Write("class"); if (!attributes_.empty()) { to->Write(" %s", attributes_.c_str()); } to->Write(" %s ", name_.c_str()); if (parent_.length() > 0) to->Write(": public %s ", parent_.c_str()); to->Write("{\n"); if (!public_members_.empty()) to->Write("public:\n"); to->Indent(); for (const auto& dec : public_members_) dec->Write(to); to->Dedent(); if (!private_members_.empty()) to->Write("private:\n"); to->Indent(); for (const auto& dec : private_members_) dec->Write(to); to->Dedent(); to->Write("}; // class %s\n", name_.c_str()); } void ClassDecl::AddPublic(std::unique_ptr member) { public_members_.push_back(std::move(member)); } void ClassDecl::AddPrivate(std::unique_ptr member) { private_members_.push_back(std::move(member)); } Enum::EnumField::EnumField(const string& k, const string& v, const string& a) : key(k), value(v), attribute(a) {} Enum::Enum(const string& name, const string& base_type, bool is_class, const std::string& attributes) : enum_name_(name), underlying_type_(base_type), attributes_(attributes), is_class_(is_class) {} void Enum::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { to->Write("enum "); if (is_class_) { to->Write("class "); } if (!attributes_.empty()) { to->Write("%s ", attributes_.c_str()); } if (underlying_type_.empty()) { to->Write("%s {\n", enum_name_.c_str()); } else { to->Write("%s : %s {\n", enum_name_.c_str(), underlying_type_.c_str()); } to->Indent(); for (const auto& field : fields_) { to->Write("%s", field.key.c_str()); if (!field.attribute.empty()) { to->Write(" %s", field.attribute.c_str()); } if (!field.value.empty()) { to->Write(" = %s", field.value.c_str()); } to->Write(",\n"); } to->Dedent(); to->Write("};\n"); } void Enum::AddValue(const string& key, const string& value, const string& attribute) { fields_.emplace_back(key, value, attribute); } ArgList::ArgList(const std::string& single_argument) : ArgList(vector{single_argument}) {} ArgList::ArgList(const std::vector& arg_list) { for (const auto& s : arg_list) { arguments_.emplace_back(new LiteralExpression(s)); } } ArgList::ArgList(std::vector> arg_list) : arguments_(std::move(arg_list)) {} ArgList::ArgList(ArgList&& arg_list) noexcept : arguments_(std::move(arg_list.arguments_)) {} void ArgList::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { to->Write("("); bool is_first = true; for (const auto& s : arguments_) { if (!is_first) { to->Write(", "); } is_first = false; s->Write(to); } to->Write(")"); } ConstructorDecl::ConstructorDecl( const std::string& name, ArgList&& arg_list) : ConstructorDecl(name, std::move(arg_list), 0u) {} ConstructorDecl::ConstructorDecl( const std::string& name, ArgList&& arg_list, uint32_t modifiers) : name_(name), arguments_(std::move(arg_list)), modifiers_(modifiers) {} void ConstructorDecl::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { if (modifiers_ & Modifiers::IS_VIRTUAL) to->Write("virtual "); if (modifiers_ & Modifiers::IS_EXPLICIT) to->Write("explicit "); to->Write("%s", name_.c_str()); arguments_.Write(to); if (modifiers_ & Modifiers::IS_DEFAULT) to->Write(" = default"); to->Write(";\n"); } MacroDecl::MacroDecl(const std::string& name, ArgList&& arg_list) : name_(name), arguments_(std::move(arg_list)) {} void MacroDecl::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { to->Write("%s", name_.c_str()); arguments_.Write(to); to->Write("\n"); } MethodDecl::MethodDecl(const std::string& return_type, const std::string& name, ArgList&& arg_list, const std::string& attributes) : MethodDecl(return_type, name, std::move(arg_list), 0u, attributes) {} MethodDecl::MethodDecl(const std::string& return_type, const std::string& name, ArgList&& arg_list, uint32_t modifiers, const std::string& attributes) : return_type_(return_type), name_(name), attributes_(attributes), arguments_(std::move(arg_list)), is_const_(modifiers & IS_CONST), is_virtual_(modifiers & IS_VIRTUAL), is_override_(modifiers & IS_OVERRIDE), is_pure_virtual_(modifiers & IS_PURE_VIRTUAL), is_static_(modifiers & IS_STATIC), is_final_(modifiers & IS_FINAL) {} void MethodDecl::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { if (is_virtual_) to->Write("virtual "); if (is_static_) to->Write("static "); to->Write("%s %s", return_type_.c_str(), name_.c_str()); arguments_.Write(to); if (is_const_) to->Write(" const"); if (is_override_) to->Write(" override"); if (is_final_) to->Write(" final"); if (!attributes_.empty()) to->Write(" %s", attributes_.c_str()); if (is_pure_virtual_) to->Write(" = 0"); to->Write(";\n"); } void StatementBlock::AddStatement(unique_ptr statement) { statements_.push_back(std::move(statement)); } void StatementBlock::AddStatement(AstNode* statement) { statements_.emplace_back(statement); } void StatementBlock::AddLiteral(const std::string& expression_str, bool add_semicolon) { if (add_semicolon) { statements_.push_back(unique_ptr(new Statement(expression_str))); } else { statements_.push_back(unique_ptr( new LiteralExpression(expression_str))); } } void StatementBlock::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { to->Write("{\n"); to->Indent(); for (const auto& statement : statements_) { statement->Write(to); } to->Dedent(); to->Write("}\n"); } ConstructorImpl::ConstructorImpl(const string& class_name, ArgList&& arg_list, const vector& initializer_list) : class_name_(class_name), arguments_(std::move(arg_list)), initializer_list_(initializer_list) {} StatementBlock* ConstructorImpl::GetStatementBlock() { return &body_; } void ConstructorImpl::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { to->Write("%s::%s", class_name_.c_str(), class_name_.c_str()); arguments_.Write(to); to->Write("\n"); bool is_first = true; for (const string& i : initializer_list_) { if (is_first) { to->Write(" : %s", i.c_str()); } else { to->Write(",\n %s", i.c_str()); } is_first = false; } body_.Write(to); } MethodImpl::MethodImpl(const string& return_type, const string& class_name, const string& method_name, const std::vector& template_params, ArgList&& arg_list, bool is_const_method) : return_type_(return_type), method_name_(method_name), arguments_(std::move(arg_list)), is_const_method_(is_const_method), template_params_(template_params) { if (!class_name.empty()) { if (!template_params.empty()) { method_name_ = class_name + "<" + base::Join(template_params, ",") + ">::" + method_name; } else { method_name_ = class_name + "::" + method_name; } } } StatementBlock* MethodImpl::GetStatementBlock() { return &statements_; } void MethodImpl::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { if (!template_params_.empty()) to->Write("template \n", base::Join(template_params_, ", typename ").c_str()); to->Write("%s %s", return_type_.c_str(), method_name_.c_str()); arguments_.Write(to); to->Write("%s ", (is_const_method_) ? " const" : ""); statements_.Write(to); } SwitchStatement::SwitchStatement(const std::string& expression) : switch_expression_(expression) {} StatementBlock* SwitchStatement::AddCase(const string& value_expression) { auto it = std::find(case_values_.begin(), case_values_.end(), value_expression); if (it != case_values_.end()) { AIDL_ERROR(value_expression) << "Duplicate switch case labels"; return nullptr; } StatementBlock* ret = new StatementBlock(); case_values_.push_back(value_expression); case_logic_.push_back(unique_ptr{ret}); return ret; } void SwitchStatement::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { to->Write("switch (%s) {\n", switch_expression_.c_str()); for (size_t i = 0; i < case_values_.size(); ++i) { const string& case_value = case_values_[i]; const unique_ptr& statements = case_logic_[i]; if (case_value.empty()) { to->Write("default:\n"); } else { to->Write("case %s:\n", case_value.c_str()); } statements->Write(to); to->Write("break;\n"); } to->Write("}\n"); } Assignment::Assignment(const std::string& left, const std::string& right) : Assignment(left, new LiteralExpression{right}) {} Assignment::Assignment(const std::string& left, AstNode* right) : lhs_(left), rhs_(right) {} void Assignment::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { to->Write("%s = ", lhs_.c_str()); rhs_->Write(to); to->Write(";\n"); } MethodCall::MethodCall(const std::string& method_name, const std::string& single_argument) : MethodCall(method_name, ArgList{single_argument}) {} MethodCall::MethodCall(const std::string& method_name, ArgList&& arg_list) : method_name_(method_name), arguments_{std::move(arg_list)} {} void MethodCall::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { to->Write("%s", method_name_.c_str()); arguments_.Write(to); } IfStatement::IfStatement(AstNode* expression, bool invert_expression) : expression_(expression), invert_expression_(invert_expression) {} void IfStatement::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { to->Write("if (%s", (invert_expression_) ? "!(" : ""); expression_->Write(to); to->Write(")%s ", (invert_expression_) ? ")" : ""); on_true_.Write(to); if (!on_false_.Empty()) { to->Write("else "); on_false_.Write(to); } } Statement::Statement(unique_ptr expression) : expression_(std::move(expression)) {} Statement::Statement(AstNode* expression) : expression_(expression) {} Statement::Statement(const string& expression) : expression_(new LiteralExpression(expression)) {} void Statement::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { expression_->Write(to); to->Write(";\n"); } Comparison::Comparison(AstNode* lhs, const string& comparison, AstNode* rhs) : left_(lhs), right_(rhs), operator_(comparison) {} void Comparison::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { to->Write("(("); left_->Write(to); to->Write(") %s (", operator_.c_str()); right_->Write(to); to->Write("))"); } LiteralExpression::LiteralExpression(const std::string& expression) : expression_(expression) {} void LiteralExpression::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { to->Write("%s", expression_.c_str()); } CppNamespace::CppNamespace(const std::string& name, std::vector> declarations) : declarations_(std::move(declarations)), name_(name) {} CppNamespace::CppNamespace(const std::string& name, unique_ptr declaration) : name_(name) { declarations_.push_back(std::move(declaration)); } CppNamespace::CppNamespace(const std::string& name) : name_(name) {} void CppNamespace::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { to->Write("namespace %s {\n\n", name_.c_str()); for (const auto& dec : declarations_) { dec->Write(to); to->Write("\n"); } to->Write("} // namespace %s\n", name_.c_str()); } Document::Document(const std::vector& include_list, std::vector> declarations) : include_list_(include_list), declarations_(std::move(declarations)) {} void Document::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { for (const auto& include : include_list_) { to->Write("#include <%s>\n", include.c_str()); } to->Write("\n"); for (const auto& declaration : declarations_) { declaration->Write(to); } } CppHeader::CppHeader(const std::vector& include_list, std::vector> declarations) : Document(include_list, std::move(declarations)) {} void CppHeader::Write(CodeWriter* to) const { to->Write("#pragma once\n\n"); Document::Write(to); } CppSource::CppSource(const std::vector& include_list, std::vector> declarations) : Document(include_list, std::move(declarations)) {} } // namespace cpp } // namespace aidl } // namespace android