/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // THIS FILE IS IMMUTABLE. DO NOT EDIT IN ANY CASE. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This file is a snapshot of an AIDL file. Do not edit it manually. There are // two cases: // 1). this is a frozen version file - do not edit this in any case. // 2). this is a 'current' file. If you make a backwards compatible change to // the interface (from the latest frozen version), the build system will // prompt you to update this file with `m -update-api`. // // You must not make a backward incompatible change to any AIDL file built // with the aidl_interface module type with versions property set. The module // type is used to build AIDL files in a way that they can be used across // independently updatable components of the system. If a device is shipped // with such a backward incompatible change, it has a high risk of breaking // later when a module using the interface is updated, e.g., Mainline modules. package another_package; interface IFaz { void CanYouDealWithThisFoo(in some_package.IFoo foo); }