/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ %{ #include "AST.h" #include "Declaration.h" #include "Type.h" #include "VarDeclaration.h" #include "FunctionDeclaration.h" #include "CompositeDeclaration.h" #include "Define.h" #include "Include.h" #include "EnumVarDeclaration.h" #include "Note.h" #include "TypeDef.h" #include "Expression.h" #include "c2hal_y.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <algorithm> using namespace android; extern int yylex(YYSTYPE *yylval_param, YYLTYPE *llocp, void *); int yyerror(YYLTYPE *llocp, AST *, const char *s) { extern bool should_report_errors; if (!should_report_errors) { return 0; } fflush(stdout); LOG(ERROR) << " " << s << " near line " << llocp->first_line; return 0; } #define scanner ast->scanner() std::string get_last_comment() { extern std::string last_comment; std::string ret{last_comment}; // clear the last comment now that it's been taken last_comment = ""; return ret; } %} %parse-param { android::AST *ast } %lex-param { void *scanner } %locations %define api.pure %glr-parser /* These have to do with the fact that * struct_or_union_declaration and enum_declaration * both start with STRUCT/UNION/ENUM opt_id * and type_qualifiers contain these. */ %expect 3 %token START_HEADER %token START_EXPR %token STRUCT %token UNION %token ENUM %token CLASS %token CONST %token VOID %token INCLUDE %token DEFINE %token TYPEDEF %token UNSIGNED %token SIGNED %token LSHIFT %token RSHIFT %token VARARGS %token NAMESPACE %token EXTERN %token C_STRING %left ',' %right '?' ':' %left '|' %left '^' %left '&' %left RSHIFT LSHIFT %left '+' '-' %left '*' '/' '%' %right '~' '!' UMINUS UPLUS %left ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT FUNCTION_CALL %right STRUCT ENUM %token<str> ID %token<str> COMMENT %token<str> VALUE %token<str> INTEGRAL_VALUE %token<str> INCLUDE_FILE %token<str> FUNCTION %token<str> DEFINE_SLURP %token<str> OTHER_STATEMENT %type<expression> array %type<expressions> arrays %type<expression> expr %type<expressions> args %type<type> type %type<type> opt_enum_base_type %type<qualifier> type_qualifier %type<qualifiers> type_qualifiers %type<declaration> declaration %type<declarations> declarations %type<composite> struct_or_union_declaration %type<composite> enum_declaration %type<param> param %type<params> params %type<qualification> struct_or_union %type<str> opt_id %type<include> include %type<enum_var> enum_var %type<declarations> enum_vars enum_vars_all_but_last %type<declaration> enum_var_line enum_var_last_line %start parse_selector %union { const char *str; int count; android::Declaration *declaration; android::CompositeDeclaration *composite; std::vector<android::Declaration *> *declarations; android::EnumVarDeclaration *enum_var; android::Declaration *param; std::vector<android::Declaration *> *params; android::Type *type; android::Type::Qualifier *qualifier; android::Type::Qualifier::Qualification qualification; std::vector<android::Type::Qualifier*> *qualifiers; android::Include *include; std::vector<android::Include *> *includes; android::Expression *expression; std::vector<android::Expression *> *expressions; } %% parse_selector : START_HEADER header | START_EXPR expr_parser ; expr_parser : expr { ast->setExpression($1); } ; header : declarations /* well, we are a header file */ { ast->setDeclarations($1); } ; declarations : /* EMPTY */ { $$ = new std::vector<Declaration *>; } | declarations declaration { $$ = $1; $$->push_back($2); } | declarations EXTERN C_STRING '{' declarations '}' { $1->push_back(new Note("extern \"C\" { ")); $1->insert($1->end(), $5->begin(), $5->end()); $1->push_back(new Note("} // end of extern C")); delete $5; $$ = $1; } ; declaration : param ';' { $$ = $1; $$->setComment(get_last_comment()); } | struct_or_union_declaration ';' { $$ = $1; } | enum_declaration ';' { $$ = $1; } | TYPEDEF struct_or_union_declaration ';' { // ignore that it is a typedef, for our purposes it doesn't matter $$ = $2; } | TYPEDEF enum_declaration ';' { // ignore that it is a typedef, for our purposes it doesn't matter $$ = $2; } | TYPEDEF param ';' /* looks like 'typedef const int8_t store;' */ { $$ = new TypeDef($2->getName(), $2); $$->setComment(get_last_comment()); } | DEFINE ID DEFINE_SLURP { $$ = new Define($2, $3); $$->setComment(get_last_comment()); } | OTHER_STATEMENT { $$ = new Note($1); $$->setComment(get_last_comment()); } | FUNCTION { $$ = new Note($1); $$->setComment(get_last_comment()); } | type ID '=' expr ';' { $$ = new Note($1->decorateName($2) + " = " + $4->toString()); } | include { $$ = $1; $$->setComment(get_last_comment()); } | NAMESPACE ID '{' declarations '}' { $$ = new CompositeDeclaration(Type::Qualifier::STRUCT, $2, $4); get_last_comment(); // clear it $$->setComment("/* from namespace declaration */"); } ; include : INCLUDE '<' INCLUDE_FILE '>' { $$ = new Include($3, true /* isLibrary */); } | INCLUDE '"' INCLUDE_FILE '"' { $$ = new Include($3, false /* isLibrary */); } ; struct_or_union_declaration : struct_or_union opt_id { $<str>$ = strdup(get_last_comment().c_str()); } '{' declarations '}' opt_id { $$ = new CompositeDeclaration($1, $2, $5); $$->setComment($<str>3); if(!std::string($7).empty()) { $$->setName($7); } } ; opt_comma : /* EMPTY */ | ',' ; enum_key : ENUM | ENUM CLASS /* c++11 */ | ENUM STRUCT /* c++11 */ ; opt_enum_base_type : /* EMPTY */ { $$ = NULL; } | ':' type { $$ = $2; } ; enum_declaration : enum_key opt_id { $<str>$ = strdup(get_last_comment().c_str()); } opt_enum_base_type '{' enum_vars '}' opt_id { $$ = new CompositeDeclaration(Type::Qualifier::ENUM, $2, $6); $$->setComment($<str>3); if($4) { $$->setEnumTypeName($4->decorateName("")); delete $4; } if(!std::string($8).empty()) { $$->setName($8); } } ; enum_vars : /* EMPTY */ { $$ = new std::vector<Declaration *>; } | enum_vars_all_but_last enum_var_last_line { $$ = $1; $$->push_back($2); } enum_vars_all_but_last : /* EMPTY */ { $$ = new std::vector<Declaration *>; } | enum_vars_all_but_last enum_var_line { $$ = $1; $$->push_back($2); } ; enum_var_last_line : enum_var opt_comma { $$ = $1; } | OTHER_STATEMENT { $$ = new Note($1); $$->setComment(get_last_comment()); } ; enum_var_line : enum_var ',' { $$ = $1; } | OTHER_STATEMENT { $$ = new Note($1); $$->setComment(get_last_comment()); } ; enum_var : ID { $$ = new EnumVarDeclaration($1, NULL); $$->setComment(get_last_comment()); } | ID '=' expr { $$ = new EnumVarDeclaration($1, $3); $$->setComment(get_last_comment()); } ; params : /* EMPTY */ { $$ = new std::vector<Declaration *>; } | param { $$ = new std::vector<Declaration *>; $$->push_back($1); } | params ',' param { $$ = $1; $$->push_back($3); } ; param : type arrays { $1->setArrays($2); // allow for either "const int myvar" or "const int" // as a parameter declaration std::string lastId = $1->removeLastId(); $$ = new VarDeclaration($1, lastId); } | type '(' '*' ID arrays ')' '(' params ')' { $1->setArrays($5); $$ = new FunctionDeclaration($1, $4, $8); } | type ID '(' params ')' { $$ = new FunctionDeclaration($1, $2, $4); } | type '(' ID ')' '(' params ')' { $$ = new FunctionDeclaration($1, $3, $6); } | VARARGS { $$ = new VarDeclaration(new Type(NULL), "..."); } ; type : type_qualifiers { $$ = new Type($1); } ; type_qualifiers : type_qualifier { $$ = new std::vector<Type::Qualifier *>; $$->push_back($1); } | type_qualifiers type_qualifier { $$ = $1; $$->push_back($2); } ; opt_id : /* EMPTY */ { $$ = ""; } | ID { $$ = $1; } ; expr : ID { $$ = Expression::atom(Expression::Type::UNKNOWN, $1, true /* isId*/ ); } | VALUE { $$ = Expression::atom(Expression::Type::UNKNOWN, $1); } | INTEGRAL_VALUE { $$ = Expression::atom(Expression::integralType($1), $1); } | '(' expr ')' { $$ = Expression::parenthesize($2); } | ID '[' expr ']' %prec ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT { $$ = Expression::arraySubscript($1, $3); } | ID '(' args ')' %prec FUNCTION_CALL { $$ = Expression::functionCall($1, $3); } | expr '?' expr ':' expr { $$ = Expression::ternary($1, $3, $5); } | expr '+' expr { $$ = Expression::binary($1, "+", $3); } | expr '-' expr { $$ = Expression::binary($1, "-", $3); } | expr '/' expr { $$ = Expression::binary($1, "/", $3); } | expr '*' expr { $$ = Expression::binary($1, "*", $3); } | expr '%' expr { $$ = Expression::binary($1, "%%", $3); } | expr '&' expr { $$ = Expression::binary($1, "&", $3); } | expr '|' expr { $$ = Expression::binary($1, "|", $3); } | expr '^' expr { $$ = Expression::binary($1, "^", $3); } | expr LSHIFT expr { $$ = Expression::binary($1, "<<", $3); } | expr RSHIFT expr { $$ = Expression::binary($1, ">>", $3); } | '~' expr { $$ = Expression::unary("~", $2); } | '-' expr %prec UMINUS { $$ = Expression::unary("-", $2); } | '+' expr %prec UPLUS { $$ = Expression::unary("+", $2); } ; args : /* empty */ { $$ = new std::vector<Expression *>; } | expr { $$ = new std::vector<Expression *>; $$->push_back($1); } | args ',' expr { $$ = $1; $$->push_back($3); } ; type_qualifier : UNSIGNED { $$ = new Type::Qualifier(Type::Qualifier::UNSIGNED); } | SIGNED { $$ = new Type::Qualifier(Type::Qualifier::SIGNED); } | VOID { $$ = new Type::Qualifier(Type::Qualifier::VOID); } | '*' { $$ = new Type::Qualifier(Type::Qualifier::POINTER); } | CONST { $$ = new Type::Qualifier(Type::Qualifier::CONST); } | ID { $$ = new Type::Qualifier(Type::Qualifier::ID, $1); } | '<' type '>' { $$ = new Type::Qualifier(Type::Qualifier::GENERICS, $2); } | enum_key { $$ = new Type::Qualifier(Type::Qualifier::ENUM); } | struct_or_union { $$ = new Type::Qualifier($1); } ; struct_or_union : STRUCT { $$ = android::Type::Qualifier::STRUCT; } | UNION { $$ = android::Type::Qualifier::UNION; } ; arrays : /* empty */ { $$ = new std::vector<Expression *>; } | arrays array { $$ = $1; $$->push_back($2); } ; array : '[' ']' { $$ = Expression::atom(Expression::Type::UNKNOWN, " "); } | '[' expr ']' { $$ = $2; } ; %%