#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import logging import os import shutil import tempfile from vts.runners.host import asserts from vts.runners.host import base_test from vts.runners.host import const from vts.runners.host import keys from vts.runners.host import test_runner from vts.utils.python.android import api from vts.utils.python.file import target_file_utils class VtsTrebleSysPropTest(base_test.BaseTestClass): """Test case which check compatibility of system property. Attributes: _temp_dir: The temporary directory to which necessary files are copied. _PUBLIC_PROPERTY_CONTEXTS_FILE_PATH: The path of public property contexts file. _SYSTEM_PROPERTY_CONTEXTS_FILE_PATH: The path of system property contexts file. _PRODUCT_PROPERTY_CONTEXTS_FILE_PATH: The path of product property contexts file. _VENDOR_PROPERTY_CONTEXTS_FILE_PATH: The path of vendor property contexts file. _ODM_PROPERTY_CONTEXTS_FILE_PATH: The path of odm property contexts file. _VENDOR_OR_ODM_NAMESPACES: The namespaces allowed for vendor/odm properties. _VENDOR_OR_ODM_NAMESPACES_WHITELIST: The extra namespaces allowed for vendor/odm properties. _VENDOR_TYPE_PREFIX: Expected prefix for the vendor prop types _ODM_TYPE_PREFIX: Expected prefix for the odm prop types _SYSTEM_WHITELISTED_TYPES: System props are not allowed to start with "vendor_", but these are exceptions. _VENDOR_OR_ODM_WHITELISTED_TYPES: vendor/odm props must start with "vendor_" or "odm_", but these are exceptions. """ _PUBLIC_PROPERTY_CONTEXTS_FILE_PATH = ("vts/testcases/security/" "system_property/data/" "property_contexts") _SYSTEM_PROPERTY_CONTEXTS_FILE_PATH = ("/system/etc/selinux/" "plat_property_contexts") _PRODUCT_PROPERTY_CONTEXTS_FILE_PATH = ("/product/etc/selinux/" "product_property_contexts") _VENDOR_PROPERTY_CONTEXTS_FILE_PATH = ("/vendor/etc/selinux/" "vendor_property_contexts") _ODM_PROPERTY_CONTEXTS_FILE_PATH = ("/odm/etc/selinux/" "odm_property_contexts") _VENDOR_OR_ODM_NAMESPACES = [ "ctl.odm.", "ctl.vendor.", "ctl.start$odm.", "ctl.start$vendor.", "ctl.stop$odm.", "ctl.stop$vendor.", "init.svc.odm.", "init.svc.vendor.", "ro.boot.", "ro.hardware.", "ro.odm.", "ro.vendor.", "odm.", "persist.odm.", "persist.vendor.", "vendor." ] _VENDOR_OR_ODM_NAMESPACES_WHITELIST = [ "persist.camera." # b/138545066 remove this ] _VENDOR_TYPE_PREFIX = "vendor_" _ODM_TYPE_PREFIX = "odm_" _SYSTEM_WHITELISTED_TYPES = [ "vendor_default_prop", "vendor_security_patch_level_prop", "vendor_socket_hook_prop" ] _VENDOR_OR_ODM_WHITELISTED_TYPES = [ ] def setUpClass(self): """Initializes tests. Data file path, device, remote shell instance and temporary directory are initialized. """ required_params = [keys.ConfigKeys.IKEY_DATA_FILE_PATH] self.getUserParams(required_params) self.dut = self.android_devices[0] self.shell = self.dut.shell self._temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() def tearDownClass(self): """Deletes the temporary directory.""" logging.info("Delete %s", self._temp_dir) shutil.rmtree(self._temp_dir) def _ParsePropertyDictFromPropertyContextsFile(self, property_contexts_file, exact_only=False): """Parse property contexts file to a dictionary. Args: property_contexts_file: file object of property contexts file exact_only: whether parsing only properties which require exact matching Returns: dict: {property_name: property_tokens} where property_tokens[1] is selinux type of the property, e.g. u:object_r:my_prop:s0 """ property_dict = dict() for line in property_contexts_file.readlines(): tokens = line.strip().rstrip("\n").split() if len(tokens) > 0 and not tokens[0].startswith("#"): if not exact_only: property_dict[tokens[0]] = tokens elif len(tokens) >= 4 and tokens[2] == "exact": property_dict[tokens[0]] = tokens return property_dict def testActionableCompatiblePropertyEnabled(self): """Ensures the feature of actionable compatible property is enforced. ro.actionable_compatible_property.enabled must be true to enforce the feature of actionable compatible property. """ asserts.assertEqual( self.dut.getProp("ro.actionable_compatible_property.enabled"), "true", "ro.actionable_compatible_property.enabled must be true") def _TestVendorOrOdmPropertyNames(self, partition, contexts_path): logging.info("Checking existence of %s", contexts_path) target_file_utils.assertPermissionsAndExistence( self.shell, contexts_path, target_file_utils.IsReadable) # Pull property contexts file from device. self.dut.adb.pull(contexts_path, self._temp_dir) logging.info("Adb pull %s to %s", contexts_path, self._temp_dir) with open( os.path.join(self._temp_dir, "%s_property_contexts" % partition), "r") as property_contexts_file: property_dict = self._ParsePropertyDictFromPropertyContextsFile( property_contexts_file) logging.info("Found %d property names in %s property contexts", len(property_dict), partition) violation_list = filter( lambda x: not any( x.startswith(prefix) for prefix in self._VENDOR_OR_ODM_NAMESPACES + self._VENDOR_OR_ODM_NAMESPACES_WHITELIST), property_dict.keys()) asserts.assertEqual( len(violation_list), 0, ("%s properties (%s) have wrong namespace" % (partition, " ".join(sorted(violation_list))))) def _TestPropertyTypes(self, property_contexts_file, check_function): fd, downloaded = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=self._temp_dir) os.close(fd) self.dut.adb.pull(property_contexts_file, downloaded) logging.info("adb pull %s to %s", property_contexts_file, downloaded) with open(downloaded, "r") as f: property_dict = self._ParsePropertyDictFromPropertyContextsFile(f) logging.info("Found %d properties from %s", len(property_dict), property_contexts_file) # Filter props that don't satisfy check_function. # tokens[1] is something like u:object_r:my_prop:s0 violation_list = [(name, tokens) for name, tokens in property_dict.items() if not check_function(tokens[1].split(":")[2])] asserts.assertEqual( len(violation_list), 0, "properties in %s have wrong property types:\n%s" % ( property_contexts_file, "\n".join("name: %s, type: %s" % (name, tokens[1]) for name, tokens in violation_list)) ) def testVendorPropertyNames(self): """Ensures vendor properties have proper namespace. Vendor or ODM properties must have their own prefix. """ asserts.skipIf( self.dut.getLaunchApiLevel() <= api.PLATFORM_API_LEVEL_P, "Skip test for a device which launched first before Android Q.") self._TestVendorOrOdmPropertyNames( "vendor", self._VENDOR_PROPERTY_CONTEXTS_FILE_PATH) def testOdmPropertyNames(self): """Ensures odm properties have proper namespace. Vendor or ODM properties must have their own prefix. """ asserts.skipIf( self.dut.getLaunchApiLevel() <= api.PLATFORM_API_LEVEL_P, "Skip test for a device which launched first before Android Q.") asserts.skipIf( not target_file_utils.Exists(self._ODM_PROPERTY_CONTEXTS_FILE_PATH, self.shell), "Skip test for a device which doesn't have an odm property " "contexts.") self._TestVendorOrOdmPropertyNames( "odm", self._ODM_PROPERTY_CONTEXTS_FILE_PATH) def testProductPropertyNames(self): """Ensures product properties have proper namespace. Product properties must not have Vendor or ODM namespaces. """ asserts.skipIf( self.dut.getLaunchApiLevel() <= api.PLATFORM_API_LEVEL_P, "Skip test for a device which launched first before Android Q.") asserts.skipIf( not target_file_utils.Exists(self._PRODUCT_PROPERTY_CONTEXTS_FILE_PATH, self.shell), "Skip test for a device which doesn't have an product property " "contexts.") logging.info("Checking existence of %s", self._PRODUCT_PROPERTY_CONTEXTS_FILE_PATH) target_file_utils.assertPermissionsAndExistence( self.shell, self._PRODUCT_PROPERTY_CONTEXTS_FILE_PATH, target_file_utils.IsReadable) # Pull product property contexts file from device. self.dut.adb.pull(self._PRODUCT_PROPERTY_CONTEXTS_FILE_PATH, self._temp_dir) logging.info("Adb pull %s to %s", self._PRODUCT_PROPERTY_CONTEXTS_FILE_PATH, self._temp_dir) with open(os.path.join(self._temp_dir, "product_property_contexts"), "r") as property_contexts_file: property_dict = self._ParsePropertyDictFromPropertyContextsFile( property_contexts_file, True) logging.info( "Found %d property names in product property contexts", len(property_dict)) violation_list = filter( lambda x: any( x.startswith(prefix) for prefix in self._VENDOR_OR_ODM_NAMESPACES), property_dict.keys()) asserts.assertEqual( len(violation_list), 0, ("product propertes (%s) have wrong namespace" % " ".join(sorted(violation_list)))) def testPlatformPropertyTypes(self): """Ensures properties in the system partition have valid types""" asserts.skipIf( self.dut.getLaunchApiLevel() <= api.PLATFORM_API_LEVEL_Q, "Skip test for a device which launched first before Android R.") self._TestPropertyTypes( self._SYSTEM_PROPERTY_CONTEXTS_FILE_PATH, lambda typename: ( not typename.startswith(self._VENDOR_TYPE_PREFIX) and not typename.startswith(self._ODM_TYPE_PREFIX) and typename not in self._VENDOR_OR_ODM_WHITELISTED_TYPES ) or typename in self._SYSTEM_WHITELISTED_TYPES) def testVendorPropertyTypes(self): """Ensures properties in the vendor partion have valid types""" asserts.skipIf( self.dut.getLaunchApiLevel() <= api.PLATFORM_API_LEVEL_Q, "Skip test for a device which launched first before Android R.") self._TestPropertyTypes( self._VENDOR_PROPERTY_CONTEXTS_FILE_PATH, lambda typename: typename.startswith(self._VENDOR_TYPE_PREFIX) or typename in self._VENDOR_OR_ODM_WHITELISTED_TYPES) def testOdmPropertyTypes(self): """Ensures properties in the odm partition have valid types""" asserts.skipIf( self.dut.getLaunchApiLevel() <= api.PLATFORM_API_LEVEL_Q, "Skip test for a device which launched first before Android R.") asserts.skipIf( not target_file_utils.Exists(self._ODM_PROPERTY_CONTEXTS_FILE_PATH, self.shell), "Skip test for a device which doesn't have an odm property " "contexts.") self._TestPropertyTypes( self._ODM_PROPERTY_CONTEXTS_FILE_PATH, lambda typename: typename.startswith(self._VENDOR_TYPE_PREFIX) or typename.startswith(self._ODM_TYPE_PREFIX) or typename in self._VENDOR_OR_ODM_WHITELISTED_TYPES) def testExportedPlatformPropertyIntegrity(self): """Ensures public property contexts isn't modified at all. Public property contexts must not be modified. """ logging.info("Checking existence of %s", self._SYSTEM_PROPERTY_CONTEXTS_FILE_PATH) target_file_utils.assertPermissionsAndExistence( self.shell, self._SYSTEM_PROPERTY_CONTEXTS_FILE_PATH, target_file_utils.IsReadable) # Pull system property contexts file from device. self.dut.adb.pull(self._SYSTEM_PROPERTY_CONTEXTS_FILE_PATH, self._temp_dir) logging.info("Adb pull %s to %s", self._SYSTEM_PROPERTY_CONTEXTS_FILE_PATH, self._temp_dir) with open(os.path.join(self._temp_dir, "plat_property_contexts"), "r") as property_contexts_file: sys_property_dict = self._ParsePropertyDictFromPropertyContextsFile( property_contexts_file, True) logging.info( "Found %d exact-matching properties " "in system property contexts", len(sys_property_dict)) pub_property_contexts_file_path = os.path.join( self.data_file_path, self._PUBLIC_PROPERTY_CONTEXTS_FILE_PATH) with open(pub_property_contexts_file_path, "r") as property_contexts_file: pub_property_dict = self._ParsePropertyDictFromPropertyContextsFile( property_contexts_file, True) for name in pub_property_dict: public_tokens = pub_property_dict[name] asserts.assertTrue(name in sys_property_dict, "Exported property (%s) doesn't exist" % name) system_tokens = sys_property_dict[name] asserts.assertEqual(public_tokens, system_tokens, "Exported property (%s) is modified" % name) if __name__ == "__main__": test_runner.main()