1 package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind;
3 import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonSerialize;
4 import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.cfg.ConfigFeature;
6 /**
7  * Enumeration that defines simple on/off features to set
8  * for {@link ObjectMapper}, and accessible (but not changeable)
9  * via {@link ObjectReader} and {@link ObjectWriter} (as well as
10  * through various convenience methods through context objects).
11  *<p>
12  * Note that in addition to being only mutable via {@link ObjectMapper},
13  * changes only take effect when done <b>before any serialization or
14  * deserialization</b> calls -- that is, caller must follow
15  * "configure-then-use" pattern.
16  */
17 public enum MapperFeature implements ConfigFeature
18 {
19     /*
20     /******************************************************
21     /* General introspection features
22     /******************************************************
23      */
25     /**
26      * Feature that determines whether annotation introspection
27      * is used for configuration; if enabled, configured
28      * {@link AnnotationIntrospector} will be used: if disabled,
29      * no annotations are considered.
30      *<p>
31      * Feature is enabled by default.
32      */
33     USE_ANNOTATIONS(true),
35     /**
36      * Feature that determines whether otherwise regular "getter"
37      * methods (but only ones that handle Collections and Maps,
38      * not getters of other type)
39      * can be used for purpose of getting a reference to a Collection
40      * and Map to modify the property, without requiring a setter
41      * method.
42      * This is similar to how JAXB framework sets Collections and
43      * Maps: no setter is involved, just setter.
44      *<p>
45      * Note that such getters-as-setters methods have lower
46      * precedence than setters, so they are only used if no
47      * setter is found for the Map/Collection property.
48      *<p>
49      * Feature is enabled by default.
50      */
53     /**
54      * Feature that determines how <code>transient</code> modifier for fields
55      * is handled: if disabled, it is only taken to mean exclusion of the field
56      * as accessor; if true, it is taken to imply removal of the whole property.
57      *<p>
58      * Feature is disabled by default, meaning that existence of `transient`
59      * for a field does not necessarily lead to ignoral of getters or setters
60      * but just ignoring the use of field for access.
61      *
62      * @since 2.6
63      */
66     /*
67     /******************************************************
68     /* Introspection-based property auto-detection
69     /******************************************************
70      */
72     /**
73      * Feature that determines whether "creator" methods are
74      * automatically detected by consider public constructors,
75      * and static single argument methods with name "valueOf".
76      * If disabled, only methods explicitly annotated are considered
77      * creator methods (except for the no-arg default constructor which
78      * is always considered a factory method).
79      *<p>
80      * Note that this feature has lower precedence than per-class
81      * annotations, and is only used if there isn't more granular
82      * configuration available.
83      *<P>
84      * Feature is enabled by default.
85      */
88     /**
89      * Feature that determines whether non-static fields are recognized as
90      * properties.
91      * If yes, then all public member fields
92      * are considered as properties. If disabled, only fields explicitly
93      * annotated are considered property fields.
94      *<p>
95      * Note that this feature has lower precedence than per-class
96      * annotations, and is only used if there isn't more granular
97      * configuration available.
98      *<p>
99      * Feature is enabled by default.
100      */
101     AUTO_DETECT_FIELDS(true),
103     /**
104      * Feature that determines whether regular "getter" methods are
105      * automatically detected based on standard Bean naming convention
106      * or not. If yes, then all public zero-argument methods that
107      * start with prefix "get"
108      * are considered as getters.
109      * If disabled, only methods explicitly  annotated are considered getters.
110      *<p>
111      * Note that since version 1.3, this does <b>NOT</b> include
112      * "is getters" (see {@link #AUTO_DETECT_IS_GETTERS} for details)
113      *<p>
114      * Note that this feature has lower precedence than per-class
115      * annotations, and is only used if there isn't more granular
116      * configuration available.
117      *<p>
118      * Feature is enabled by default.
119      */
120     AUTO_DETECT_GETTERS(true),
122     /**
123      * Feature that determines whether "is getter" methods are
124      * automatically detected based on standard Bean naming convention
125      * or not. If yes, then all public zero-argument methods that
126      * start with prefix "is", and whose return type is boolean
127      * are considered as "is getters".
128      * If disabled, only methods explicitly annotated are considered getters.
129      *<p>
130      * Note that this feature has lower precedence than per-class
131      * annotations, and is only used if there isn't more granular
132      * configuration available.
133      *<p>
134      * Feature is enabled by default.
135      */
138     /**
139      * Feature that determines whether "setter" methods are
140      * automatically detected based on standard Bean naming convention
141      * or not. If yes, then all public one-argument methods that
142      * start with prefix "set"
143      * are considered setters. If disabled, only methods explicitly
144      * annotated are considered setters.
145      *<p>
146      * Note that this feature has lower precedence than per-class
147      * annotations, and is only used if there isn't more granular
148      * configuration available.
149      *<P>
150      * Feature is enabled by default.
151      */
152     AUTO_DETECT_SETTERS(true),
154     /**
155      * Feature that determines whether getters (getter methods)
156      * can be auto-detected if there is no matching mutator (setter,
157      * constructor parameter or field) or not: if set to true,
158      * only getters that match a mutator are auto-discovered; if
159      * false, all auto-detectable getters can be discovered.
160      *<p>
161      * Feature is disabled by default.
162      */
165     /**
166      * Feature that determines whether member fields declared as 'final' may
167      * be auto-detected to be used mutators (used to change value of the logical
168      * property) or not. If enabled, 'final' access modifier has no effect, and
169      * such fields may be detected according to usual visibility and inference
170      * rules; if disabled, such fields are NOT used as mutators except if
171      * explicitly annotated for such use.
172      *<p>
173      * Feature is enabled by default, for backwards compatibility reasons.
174      *
175      * @since 2.2
176      */
179     /**
180      * Feature that determines whether member mutators (fields and
181      * setters) may be "pulled in" even if they are not visible,
182      * as long as there is a visible accessor (getter or field) with same name.
183      * For example: field "value" may be inferred as mutator,
184      * if there is visible or explicitly marked getter "getValue()".
185      * If enabled, inferring is enabled; otherwise (disabled) only visible and
186      * explicitly annotated accessors are ever used.
187      *<p>
188      * Note that 'getters' are never inferred and need to be either visible (including
189      * bean-style naming) or explicitly annotated.
190      *<p>
191      * Feature is enabled by default.
192      *
193      * @since 2.2
194      */
197     /**
198      * Feature that determines handling of {@code java.beans.ConstructorProperties}
199      * annotation: when enabled, it is considered as alias of
200      * {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator}, to mean that constructor
201      * should be considered a property-based Creator; when disabled, only constructor
202      * parameter name information is used, but constructor is NOT considered an explicit
203      * Creator (although may be discovered as one using other annotations or heuristics).
204      *<p>
205      * Feature is mostly used to help inter-operability with frameworks like Lombok
206      * that may automatically generate {@code ConstructorProperties} annotation
207      * but without necessarily meaning that constructor should be used as Creator
208      * for deserialization.
209      *<p>
210      * Feature is enabled by default.
211      *
212      * @since 2.9
213      */
216     /**
217      * Feature that determines whether nominal property type of {@link Void} is
218      * allowed for Getter methods to indicate {@code null} valued pseudo-property
219      * or not. If enabled, such properties are recognized (see [databind#2675] for
220      * reasons -- mostly things related to frameworks, code generation); if disabled,
221      * such property accessors (or at least getters) are ignored.
222      *<p>
223      * Feature is disabled by default (in 2.12) for backwards compatibility.
224      *
225      * @since 2.12
226      */
229     /*
230     /******************************************************
231     /* Access modifier handling
232     /******************************************************
233      */
235     /**
236      * Feature that determines whether method and field access
237      * modifier settings can be overridden when accessing
238      * properties. If enabled, method
239      * {@link java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject#setAccessible}
240      * may be called to enable access to otherwise unaccessible objects.
241      *<p>
242      * Note that this setting may have significant performance implications,
243      * since access override helps remove costly access checks on each
244      * and every Reflection access. If you are considering disabling
245      * this feature, be sure to verify performance consequences if usage
246      * is performance sensitive.
247      * Also note that performance effects vary between Java platforms
248      * (JavaSE vs Android, for example), as well as JDK versions: older
249      * versions seemed to have more significant performance difference.
250      *<p>
251      * Conversely, on some platforms, it may be necessary to disable this feature
252      * as platform does not allow such calls. For example, when developing
253      * Applets (or other Java code that runs on tightly restricted sandbox),
254      * it may be necessary to disable the feature regardless of performance effects.
255      *<p>
256      * Feature is enabled by default.
257      */
260     /**
261      * Feature that determines that forces call to
262      * {@link java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject#setAccessible} even for
263      * <code>public</code> accessors -- that is, even if no such call is
264      * needed from functionality perspective -- if call is allowed
265      * (that is, {@link #CAN_OVERRIDE_ACCESS_MODIFIERS} is set to true).
266      * The main reason to enable this feature is possible performance
267      * improvement as JDK does not have to perform access checks; these
268      * checks are otherwise made for all accessors, including public ones,
269      * and may result in slower Reflection calls. Exact impact (if any)
270      * depends on Java platform (Java SE, Android) as well as JDK version.
271      *<p>
272      * Feature is enabled by default, for legacy reasons (it was the behavior
273      * until 2.6)
274      *
275      * @since 2.7
276      */
279     /*
280     /******************************************************
281     /* Type-handling features
282     /******************************************************
283      */
285     /**
286      * Feature that determines whether the type detection for
287      * serialization should be using actual dynamic runtime type,
288      * or declared static type.
289      * Note that deserialization always uses declared static types
290      * since no runtime types are available (as we are creating
291      * instances after using type information).
292      *<p>
293      * This global default value can be overridden at class, method
294      * or field level by using {@link JsonSerialize#typing} annotation
295      * property.
296      *<p>
297      * Feature is disabled by default which means that dynamic runtime types
298      * are used (instead of declared static types) for serialization.
299      */
300     USE_STATIC_TYPING(false),
302     /**
303      * Feature that specifies whether the declared base type of a polymorphic value
304      * is to be used as the "default" implementation, if no explicit default class
305      * is specified via {@code @JsonTypeInfo.defaultImpl} annotation.
306      *<p>
307      * Note that feature only has effect on deserialization of regular polymorphic properties:
308      * it does NOT affect non-polymorphic cases, and is unlikely to work with Default Typing.
309      *<p>
310      * Feature is disabled by default for backwards compatibility.
311      *
312      * @since 2.10
313      */
316     /**
317      * Feature that enables inferring builder type bindings from the value type
318      * being deserialized. This requires that the generic type declaration on
319      * the value type match that on the builder exactly: mismatched type declarations
320      * are not necessarily detected by databind.
321      *<p>
322      * Feature is enabled by default which means that deserialization does
323      * support deserializing types via builders with type parameters (generic types).
324      *<p>
325      * See: https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson-databind/issues/921
326      *
327      * @since 2.12
328      */
331     /*
332     /******************************************************
333     /* View-related features
334     /******************************************************
335      */
337     /**
338      * Feature that determines whether properties that have no view
339      * annotations are included in JSON serialization views (see
340      * {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonView} for more
341      * details on JSON Views).
342      * If enabled, non-annotated properties will be included;
343      * when disabled, they will be excluded. So this feature
344      * changes between "opt-in" (feature disabled) and
345      * "opt-out" (feature enabled) modes.
346      *<p>
347      * Default value is enabled, meaning that non-annotated
348      * properties are included in all views if there is no
349      * {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonView} annotation.
350      *<p>
351      * Feature is enabled by default.
352      */
355     /*
356     /******************************************************
357     /* Generic output features
358     /******************************************************
359      */
361     /**
362      * Feature that defines default property serialization order used
363      * for POJO fields (note: does <b>not</b> apply to {@link java.util.Map}
364      * serialization!):
365      * if enabled, default ordering is alphabetic (similar to
366      * how {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonPropertyOrder#alphabetic()}
367      * works); if disabled, order is unspecified (based on what JDK gives
368      * us, which may be declaration order, but is not guaranteed).
369      *<p>
370      * Note that this is just the default behavior, and can be overridden by
371      * explicit overrides in classes (for example with
372      * {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonPropertyOrder} annotation)
373      *<p>
374      * Feature is disabled by default.
375      */
378     /*
379     /******************************************************
380     /* Name-related features
381     /******************************************************
382      */
384     /**
385      * Feature that will allow for more forgiving deserialization of incoming JSON.
386      * If enabled, the bean properties will be matched using their lower-case equivalents,
387      * meaning that any case-combination (incoming and matching names are canonicalized
388      * by lower-casing) should work.
389      *<p>
390      * Note that there is additional performance overhead since incoming property
391      * names need to be lower-cased before comparison, for cases where there are upper-case
392      * letters. Overhead for names that are already lower-case should be negligible.
393      *<p>
394      * Feature is disabled by default.
395      *
396      * @since 2.5
397      */
401     /**
402      * Feature that determines if Enum deserialization should be case sensitive or not.
403      * If enabled, Enum deserialization will ignore case, that is, case of incoming String
404      * value and enum id (depending on other settings, either `name()`, `toString()`, or
405      * explicit override) do not need to match.
406      * <p>
407      * Feature is disabled by default.
408      *
409      * @since 2.9
410      */
413     /**
414      * Feature that permits parsing some enumerated text-based value types but ignoring the case
415      * of the values on deserialization: for example, date/time type deserializers.
416      * Support for this feature depends on deserializer implementations using it.
417      *<p>
418      * Note, however, that regular {@code Enum} types follow {@link #ACCEPT_CASE_INSENSITIVE_ENUMS}
419      * setting instead.
420      *<p>
421      * Feature is disabled by default.
422      *
423      * @since 2.10
424      */
427     /**
428      * Feature that can be enabled to make property names be
429      * overridden by wrapper name (usually detected with annotations
430      * as defined by {@link AnnotationIntrospector#findWrapperName}.
431      * If enabled, all properties that have associated non-empty Wrapper
432      * name will use that wrapper name instead of property name.
433      * If disabled, wrapper name is only used for wrapping (if anything).
434      *<p>
435      * Feature is disabled by default.
436      *
437      * @since 2.1
438      */
441     /**
442      * Feature that may be enabled to enforce strict compatibility with
443      * Bean name introspection, instead of slightly different mechanism
444      * Jackson defaults to.
445      * Specific difference is that Jackson always lower cases leading upper-case
446      * letters, so "getURL()" becomes "url" property; whereas standard Bean
447      * naming <b>only</b> lower-cases the first letter if it is NOT followed by
448      * another upper-case letter (so "getURL()" would result in "URL" property).
449      *<p>
450      * Feature is disabled by default for backwards compatibility purposes: earlier
451      * Jackson versions used Jackson's own mechanism.
452      *
453      * @since 2.5
454      */
455     USE_STD_BEAN_NAMING(false),
457     /**
458      * Feature that when enabled will allow explicitly named properties (i.e., fields or methods
459      * annotated with {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty}("explicitName")) to
460      * be re-named by a {@link PropertyNamingStrategy}, if one is configured.
461      * <p>
462      * Feature is disabled by default.
463      *
464      * @since 2.7
465      */
468     /*
469     /******************************************************
470     /* Coercion features
471     /******************************************************
472      */
474     /**
475      * Feature that determines whether coercions from secondary representations are allowed
476      * for simple non-textual scalar types: numbers and booleans. This includes `primitive`
477      * types and their wrappers, but excludes `java.lang.String` and date/time types.
478      *<p>
479      * When feature is disabled, only strictly compatible input may be bound: numbers for
480      * numbers, boolean values for booleans. When feature is enabled, conversions from
481      * JSON String are allowed, as long as textual value matches (for example, String
482      * "true" is allowed as equivalent of JSON boolean token `true`; or String "1.0"
483      * for `double`).
484      *<p>
485      * Note that it is possible that other configurability options can override this
486      * in closer scope (like on per-type or per-property basis); this is just the global
487      * default.
488      *<p>
489      * Feature is enabled by default (for backwards compatibility since this was the
490      * default behavior)
491      *
492      * @since 2.9
493      */
496     /*
497     /******************************************************
498     /* Other features
499     /******************************************************
500      */
502     /**
503      * Feature that determines whether multiple registrations of same module
504      * should be ignored or not; if enabled, only the first registration call
505      * results in module being called, and possible duplicate calls are silently
506      * ignored; if disabled, no checking is done and all registration calls are
507      * dispatched to module.
508      *<p>
509      * Definition of "same module" is based on using {@link Module#getTypeId()};
510      * modules with same non-null <code>type id</code> are considered same for
511      * purposes of duplicate registration. This also avoids having to keep track
512      * of actual module instances; only ids will be kept track of (and only if
513      * this feature is enabled).
514      *<p>
515      * Feature is enabled by default.
516      *
517      * @since 2.5
518      */
521     /**
522      * Setting that determines what happens if an attempt is made to explicitly
523      * "merge" value of a property, where value does not support merging; either
524      * merging is skipped and new value is created (<code>true</code>) or
525      * an exception is thrown (false).
526      *<p>
527      * Feature is enabled by default, to allow use of merge defaults even in presence
528      * of some unmergeable properties.
529      *
530      * @since 2.9
531      */
534     /**
535      * Setting that may be enabled to reconfigure <b>default</b>
536      * {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsontype.PolymorphicTypeValidator}
537      * used by legacy {@code ObjectMapper.enableDefaultTyping()} methods as well as default used
538      * for annotation-based polymorphic handling so that it uses
539      * {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsontype.DefaultBaseTypeLimitingValidator}.
540      * This will block use of a set of "unsafe" base types such as {@link java.lang.Object}
541      * through methods that do not require passing of explicit {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsontype.PolymorphicTypeValidator}.
542      * It is still possible to override one used; this only affects default settings.
543      *<p>
544      * Enabling of this setting is <b>strongly recommended</b>.
545      *<p>
546      * Feature is disabled by default in 2.x for backwards compatibility reasons: it will become
547      * default setting (and feature likely removed) in 3.0.
548      *
549      * @since 2.11
550      */
552     ;
554     private final boolean _defaultState;
555     private final int _mask;
MapperFeature(boolean defaultState)557     private MapperFeature(boolean defaultState) {
558         _defaultState = defaultState;
559         _mask = (1 << ordinal());
560     }
562     @Override
enabledByDefault()563     public boolean enabledByDefault() { return _defaultState; }
565     @Override
getMask()566     public int getMask() { return _mask; }
568     @Override
enabledIn(int flags)569     public boolean enabledIn(int flags) { return (flags & _mask) != 0; }
570 }