1 /*
2  * Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #ifndef FRUIT_MACRO_H
18 #define FRUIT_MACRO_H
20 // This include is not required here, but having it here shortens the include trace in error messages.
21 #include <fruit/impl/injection_errors.h>
23 #include <fruit/fruit_forward_decls.h>
25 /**
26  * A convenience macro to define the Inject typedef while declaring/defining the constructor that will be used for
27  * injection.
28  * It also supports assisted injection and injection of annotated types.
29  *
30  * Example usage:
31  *
32  * class MyClass {
33  * public:
34  *    INJECT(MyClass(Foo* foo, Bar* bar)) {...}
35  * };
36  *
37  * is equivalent to:
38  *
39  * class MyClass {
40  * public:
41  *    using Inject = MyClass(Foo*, Bar*);
42  *
43  *    MyClass(Foo* foo, Bar* y) {...}
44  * };
45  *
46  * Example usage for assisted injection (see PartialComponent::registerFactory):
47  *
48  * class MyClass {
49  * public:
50  *    INJECT(MyClass(Foo* foo, ASSISTED(int) n) {...}
51  * };
52  *
53  * is equivalent to:
54  *
55  * class MyClass {
56  * public:
57  *    using Inject = MyClass(Foo*, Assisted<int>);
58  *
59  *    MyClass(Foo* foo, int n) {...}
60  * };
61  *
62  * Example usage for annotated types:
63  *
64  * class MyClass {
65  * public:
66  *    INJECT(MyClass(ANNOTATED(SomeAnnotation, Foo*) foo, Bar* bar)) {...}
67  * };
68  *
69  * ASSISTED and ANNOTATED *can* be used together in the same INJECT() annotation, but they can't both be used for a
70  * single parameter (as this wouldn't make sense, parameters that use assisted injection are user-supplied, they aren't
71  * injected from a binding).
72  *
73  * NOTE: This can't be used if the constructor is templated (the class can be templated, however), if there are any
74  * default arguments or if the constructor is marked `explicit'.
75  * In those cases, define the Inject annotation manually or use registerConstructor()/registerFactory() instead.
76  *
77  * NOTE: ASSISTED takes just one argument, but it's declared as variadic to make sure that the preprocessor doesn't
78  * choke on multi-argument templates like the map above, that the processor is unable to parse correctly.
79  *
80  * NOTE: ASSISTED takes just 2 arguments, but it's declared as variadic to make sure that the preprocessor doesn't choke
81  * on multi-argument templates, that the processor is unable to parse correctly.
82  *
83  * NOTE: In addition to the public Inject typedef, two typedefs (FruitAssistedTypedef and FruitAnnotatedTypedef) will be
84  * defined inside the class, make sure you don't define another typedef/field/method with the same name if you use the
85  * INJECT macro (unlikely but possible) these typedefs are an implementation detail of Fruit and should not be used.
86  *
87  * NOTE: The return type (MyClass in this case) should not be annotated. However an annotated
88  * MyClass (or MyClass factory) can be injected from any INJECT declaration.
89  */
90 #define INJECT(Signature)                                                                                              \
91   using Inject = Signature;                                                                                            \
92                                                                                                                        \
93   template <typename FruitAssistedDeclarationParam>                                                                    \
94   using FruitAssistedTypedef = FruitAssistedDeclarationParam;                                                          \
95   template <typename Annotation, typename FruitAnnotatedDeclarationParam>                                              \
96   using FruitAnnotatedTypedef = FruitAnnotatedDeclarationParam;                                                        \
97                                                                                                                        \
98   Signature
100 #define ASSISTED(...) FruitAssistedTypedef<__VA_ARGS__>
101 #define ANNOTATED(Annotation, ...) FruitAnnotatedTypedef<Annotation, __VA_ARGS__>
103 /**
104  * These are intentionally NOT in the fruit namespace, they can't be there for technical reasons.
105  *
106  * NOTE: don't use these directly, they're only used to implement the INJECT macro.
107  * Consider them part of fruit::impl.
108  */
109 template <typename T>
110 using FruitAssistedTypedef = fruit::Assisted<T>;
111 template <typename Annotation, typename T>
112 using FruitAnnotatedTypedef = fruit::Annotated<Annotation, T>;
114 #endif // FRUIT_MACRO_H