1 /*
2  * Copyright 2005 Google Inc.
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
16 package com.google.common.geometry;
18 import com.google.common.geometry.S2.Metric;
20 /**
21  * This class specifies the details of how the cube faces are projected onto the
22  * unit sphere. This includes getting the face ordering and orientation correct
23  * so that sequentially increasing cell ids follow a continuous space-filling
24  * curve over the entire sphere, and defining the transformation from cell-space
25  * to cube-space (see s2.h) in order to make the cells more uniform in size.
26  *
27  *
28  *  We have implemented three different projections from cell-space (s,t) to
29  * cube-space (u,v): linear, quadratic, and tangent. They have the following
30  * tradeoffs:
31  *
32  *  Linear - This is the fastest transformation, but also produces the least
33  * uniform cell sizes. Cell areas vary by a factor of about 5.2, with the
34  * largest cells at the center of each face and the smallest cells in the
35  * corners.
36  *
37  *  Tangent - Transforming the coordinates via atan() makes the cell sizes more
38  * uniform. The areas vary by a maximum ratio of 1.4 as opposed to a maximum
39  * ratio of 5.2. However, each call to atan() is about as expensive as all of
40  * the other calculations combined when converting from points to cell ids, i.e.
41  * it reduces performance by a factor of 3.
42  *
43  *  Quadratic - This is an approximation of the tangent projection that is much
44  * faster and produces cells that are almost as uniform in size. It is about 3
45  * times faster than the tangent projection for converting cell ids to points,
46  * and 2 times faster for converting points to cell ids. Cell areas vary by a
47  * maximum ratio of about 2.1.
48  *
49  *  Here is a table comparing the cell uniformity using each projection. "Area
50  * ratio" is the maximum ratio over all subdivision levels of the largest cell
51  * area to the smallest cell area at that level, "edge ratio" is the maximum
52  * ratio of the longest edge of any cell to the shortest edge of any cell at the
53  * same level, and "diag ratio" is the ratio of the longest diagonal of any cell
54  * to the shortest diagonal of any cell at the same level. "ToPoint" and
55  * "FromPoint" are the times in microseconds required to convert cell ids to and
56  * from points (unit vectors) respectively.
57  *
58  *  Area Edge Diag ToPoint FromPoint Ratio Ratio Ratio (microseconds)
59  * ------------------------------------------------------- Linear: 5.200 2.117
60  * 2.959 0.103 0.123 Tangent: 1.414 1.414 1.704 0.290 0.306 Quadratic: 2.082
61  * 1.802 1.932 0.116 0.161
62  *
63  *  The worst-case cell aspect ratios are about the same with all three
64  * projections. The maximum ratio of the longest edge to the shortest edge
65  * within the same cell is about 1.4 and the maximum ratio of the diagonals
66  * within the same cell is about 1.7.
67  *
68  * This data was produced using s2cell_unittest and s2cellid_unittest.
69  *
70  */
72 public final strictfp class S2Projections {
73   public enum Projections {
75   }
77   private static final Projections S2_PROJECTION = Projections.S2_QUADRATIC_PROJECTION;
79   // All of the values below were obtained by a combination of hand analysis and
80   // Mathematica. In general, S2_TAN_PROJECTION produces the most uniform
81   // shapes and sizes of cells, S2_LINEAR_PROJECTION is considerably worse, and
82   // S2_QUADRATIC_PROJECTION is somewhere in between (but generally closer to
83   // the tangent projection than the linear one).
86   // The minimum area of any cell at level k is at least MIN_AREA.GetValue(k),
87   // and the maximum is at most MAX_AREA.GetValue(k). The average area of all
88   // cells at level k is exactly AVG_AREA.GetValue(k).
89   public static final Metric MIN_AREA = new Metric(2,
90     S2_PROJECTION == Projections.S2_LINEAR_PROJECTION ? 1 / (3 * Math.sqrt(3)) : // 0.192
91       S2_PROJECTION == Projections.S2_TAN_PROJECTION ? (S2.M_PI * S2.M_PI)
92         / (16 * S2.M_SQRT2) : // 0.436
94           ? 2 * S2.M_SQRT2 / 9 : // 0.314
95           0);
96   public static final Metric MAX_AREA = new Metric(2,
97     S2_PROJECTION == Projections.S2_LINEAR_PROJECTION ? 1 : // 1.000
98       S2_PROJECTION == Projections.S2_TAN_PROJECTION ? S2.M_PI * S2.M_PI / 16 : // 0.617
100           ? 0.65894981424079037 : // 0.659
101           0);
102   public static final Metric AVG_AREA = new Metric(2, S2.M_PI / 6); // 0.524)
105   // Each cell is bounded by four planes passing through its four edges and
106   // the center of the sphere. These metrics relate to the angle between each
107   // pair of opposite bounding planes, or equivalently, between the planes
108   // corresponding to two different s-values or two different t-values. For
109   // example, the maximum angle between opposite bounding planes for a cell at
110   // level k is MAX_ANGLE_SPAN.GetValue(k), and the average angle span for all
111   // cells at level k is approximately AVG_ANGLE_SPAN.GetValue(k).
112   public static final Metric MIN_ANGLE_SPAN = new Metric(1,
113     S2_PROJECTION == Projections.S2_LINEAR_PROJECTION ? 0.5 : // 0.500
114       S2_PROJECTION == Projections.S2_TAN_PROJECTION ? S2.M_PI / 4 : // 0.785
115         S2_PROJECTION == Projections.S2_QUADRATIC_PROJECTION ? 2. / 3 : // 0.667
116           0);
117   public static final Metric MAX_ANGLE_SPAN = new Metric(1,
118     S2_PROJECTION == Projections.S2_LINEAR_PROJECTION ? 1 : // 1.000
119       S2_PROJECTION == Projections.S2_TAN_PROJECTION ? S2.M_PI / 4 : // 0.785
120         S2_PROJECTION == Projections.S2_QUADRATIC_PROJECTION
121           ? 0.85244858959960922 : // 0.852
122           0);
123   public static final Metric AVG_ANGLE_SPAN = new Metric(1, S2.M_PI / 4); // 0.785
126   // The width of geometric figure is defined as the distance between two
127   // parallel bounding lines in a given direction. For cells, the minimum
128   // width is always attained between two opposite edges, and the maximum
129   // width is attained between two opposite vertices. However, for our
130   // purposes we redefine the width of a cell as the perpendicular distance
131   // between a pair of opposite edges. A cell therefore has two widths, one
132   // in each direction. The minimum width according to this definition agrees
133   // with the classic geometric one, but the maximum width is different. (The
134   // maximum geometric width corresponds to MAX_DIAG defined below.)
135   //
136   // For a cell at level k, the distance between opposite edges is at least
137   // MIN_WIDTH.GetValue(k) and at most MAX_WIDTH.GetValue(k). The average
138   // width in both directions for all cells at level k is approximately
139   // AVG_WIDTH.GetValue(k).
140   //
141   // The width is useful for bounding the minimum or maximum distance from a
142   // point on one edge of a cell to the closest point on the opposite edge.
143   // For example, this is useful when "growing" regions by a fixed distance.
144   public static final Metric MIN_WIDTH = new Metric(1,
145     (S2Projections.S2_PROJECTION == Projections.S2_LINEAR_PROJECTION ? 1 / Math.sqrt(6) : // 0.408
146       S2_PROJECTION == Projections.S2_TAN_PROJECTION ? S2.M_PI / (4 * S2.M_SQRT2) : // 0.555
147         S2_PROJECTION == Projections.S2_QUADRATIC_PROJECTION ? S2.M_SQRT2 / 3 : // 0.471
148         0));
150   public static final Metric MAX_WIDTH = new Metric(1, MAX_ANGLE_SPAN.deriv());
151   public static final Metric AVG_WIDTH = new Metric(1,
152     S2_PROJECTION == Projections.S2_LINEAR_PROJECTION ? 0.70572967292222848 : // 0.706
153       S2_PROJECTION == Projections.S2_TAN_PROJECTION ? 0.71865931946258044 : // 0.719
154         S2_PROJECTION == Projections.S2_QUADRATIC_PROJECTION
155           ? 0.71726183644304969 : // 0.717
156           0);
158   // The minimum edge length of any cell at level k is at least
159   // MIN_EDGE.GetValue(k), and the maximum is at most MAX_EDGE.GetValue(k).
160   // The average edge length is approximately AVG_EDGE.GetValue(k).
161   //
162   // The edge length metrics can also be used to bound the minimum, maximum,
163   // or average distance from the center of one cell to the center of one of
164   // its edge neighbors. In particular, it can be used to bound the distance
165   // between adjacent cell centers along the space-filling Hilbert curve for
166   // cells at any given level.
167   public static final Metric MIN_EDGE = new Metric(1,
168     S2_PROJECTION == Projections.S2_LINEAR_PROJECTION ? S2.M_SQRT2 / 3 : // 0.471
169       S2_PROJECTION == Projections.S2_TAN_PROJECTION ? S2.M_PI / (4 * S2.M_SQRT2) : // 0.555
170         S2_PROJECTION == Projections.S2_QUADRATIC_PROJECTION ? S2.M_SQRT2 / 3 : // 0.471
171           0);
172   public static final Metric MAX_EDGE = new Metric(1, MAX_ANGLE_SPAN.deriv());
173   public static final Metric AVG_EDGE = new Metric(1,
174     S2_PROJECTION == Projections.S2_LINEAR_PROJECTION ? 0.72001709647780182 : // 0.720
175       S2_PROJECTION == Projections.S2_TAN_PROJECTION ? 0.73083351627336963 : // 0.731
176         S2_PROJECTION == Projections.S2_QUADRATIC_PROJECTION
177           ? 0.72960687319305303 : // 0.730
178           0);
181   // The minimum diagonal length of any cell at level k is at least
182   // MIN_DIAG.GetValue(k), and the maximum is at most MAX_DIAG.GetValue(k).
183   // The average diagonal length is approximately AVG_DIAG.GetValue(k).
184   //
185   // The maximum diagonal also happens to be the maximum diameter of any cell,
186   // and also the maximum geometric width (see the discussion above). So for
187   // example, the distance from an arbitrary point to the closest cell center
188   // at a given level is at most half the maximum diagonal length.
189   public static final Metric MIN_DIAG = new Metric(1,
190     S2_PROJECTION == Projections.S2_LINEAR_PROJECTION ? S2.M_SQRT2 / 3 : // 0.471
191       S2_PROJECTION == Projections.S2_TAN_PROJECTION ? S2.M_PI / (3 * S2.M_SQRT2) : // 0.740
192         S2_PROJECTION == Projections.S2_QUADRATIC_PROJECTION
193           ? 4 * S2.M_SQRT2 / 9 : // 0.629
194           0);
195   public static final Metric MAX_DIAG = new Metric(1,
196     S2_PROJECTION == Projections.S2_LINEAR_PROJECTION ? S2.M_SQRT2 : // 1.414
197       S2_PROJECTION == Projections.S2_TAN_PROJECTION ? S2.M_PI / Math.sqrt(6) : // 1.283
198         S2_PROJECTION == Projections.S2_QUADRATIC_PROJECTION
199           ? 1.2193272972170106 : // 1.219
200           0);
201   public static final Metric AVG_DIAG = new Metric(1,
202     S2_PROJECTION == Projections.S2_LINEAR_PROJECTION ? 1.0159089332094063 : // 1.016
203       S2_PROJECTION == Projections.S2_TAN_PROJECTION ? 1.0318115985978178 : // 1.032
204         S2_PROJECTION == Projections.S2_QUADRATIC_PROJECTION
205           ? 1.03021136949923584 : // 1.030
206           0);
208   // This is the maximum edge aspect ratio over all cells at any level, where
209   // the edge aspect ratio of a cell is defined as the ratio of its longest
210   // edge length to its shortest edge length.
211   public static final double MAX_EDGE_ASPECT =
212       S2_PROJECTION == Projections.S2_LINEAR_PROJECTION ? S2.M_SQRT2 : // 1.414
213       S2_PROJECTION == Projections.S2_TAN_PROJECTION ? S2.M_SQRT2 : // 1.414
214       S2_PROJECTION == Projections.S2_QUADRATIC_PROJECTION ? 1.44261527445268292 : // 1.443
215       0;
217   // This is the maximum diagonal aspect ratio over all cells at any level,
218   // where the diagonal aspect ratio of a cell is defined as the ratio of its
219   // longest diagonal length to its shortest diagonal length.
220   public static final double MAX_DIAG_ASPECT = Math.sqrt(3); // 1.732
stToUV(double s)222   public static double stToUV(double s) {
223     switch (S2_PROJECTION) {
224       case S2_LINEAR_PROJECTION:
225         return s;
226       case S2_TAN_PROJECTION:
227         // Unfortunately, tan(M_PI_4) is slightly less than 1.0. This isn't due
228         // to
229         // a flaw in the implementation of tan(), it's because the derivative of
230         // tan(x) at x=pi/4 is 2, and it happens that the two adjacent floating
231         // point numbers on either side of the infinite-precision value of pi/4
232         // have
233         // tangents that are slightly below and slightly above 1.0 when rounded
234         // to
235         // the nearest double-precision result.
236         s = Math.tan(S2.M_PI_4 * s);
237         return s + (1.0 / (1L << 53)) * s;
239         if (s >= 0) {
240           return (1 / 3.) * ((1 + s) * (1 + s) - 1);
241         } else {
242           return (1 / 3.) * (1 - (1 - s) * (1 - s));
243         }
244       default:
245         throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid value for S2_PROJECTION");
246     }
247   }
uvToST(double u)249   public static double uvToST(double u) {
250     switch (S2_PROJECTION) {
251       case S2_LINEAR_PROJECTION:
252         return u;
253       case S2_TAN_PROJECTION:
254         return (4 * S2.M_1_PI) * Math.atan(u);
256         if (u >= 0) {
257           return Math.sqrt(1 + 3 * u) - 1;
258         } else {
259           return 1 - Math.sqrt(1 - 3 * u);
260         }
261       default:
262         throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid value for S2_PROJECTION");
263     }
264   }
267   /**
268    * Convert (face, u, v) coordinates to a direction vector (not necessarily
269    * unit length).
270    */
faceUvToXyz(int face, double u, double v)271   public static S2Point faceUvToXyz(int face, double u, double v) {
272     switch (face) {
273       case 0:
274         return new S2Point(1, u, v);
275       case 1:
276         return new S2Point(-u, 1, v);
277       case 2:
278         return new S2Point(-u, -v, 1);
279       case 3:
280         return new S2Point(-1, -v, -u);
281       case 4:
282         return new S2Point(v, -1, -u);
283       default:
284         return new S2Point(v, u, -1);
285     }
286   }
validFaceXyzToUv(int face, S2Point p)288   public static R2Vector validFaceXyzToUv(int face, S2Point p) {
289     // assert (p.dotProd(faceUvToXyz(face, 0, 0)) > 0);
290     double pu;
291     double pv;
292     switch (face) {
293       case 0:
294         pu = p.y / p.x;
295         pv = p.z / p.x;
296         break;
297       case 1:
298         pu = -p.x / p.y;
299         pv = p.z / p.y;
300         break;
301       case 2:
302         pu = -p.x / p.z;
303         pv = -p.y / p.z;
304         break;
305       case 3:
306         pu = p.z / p.x;
307         pv = p.y / p.x;
308         break;
309       case 4:
310         pu = p.z / p.y;
311         pv = -p.x / p.y;
312         break;
313       default:
314         pu = -p.y / p.z;
315         pv = -p.x / p.z;
316         break;
317     }
318     return new R2Vector(pu, pv);
319   }
xyzToFace(S2Point p)321   public static int xyzToFace(S2Point p) {
322     int face = p.largestAbsComponent();
323     if (p.get(face) < 0) {
324       face += 3;
325     }
326     return face;
327   }
faceXyzToUv(int face, S2Point p)329   public static R2Vector faceXyzToUv(int face, S2Point p) {
330     if (face < 3) {
331       if (p.get(face) <= 0) {
332         return null;
333       }
334     } else {
335       if (p.get(face - 3) >= 0) {
336         return null;
337       }
338     }
339     return validFaceXyzToUv(face, p);
340   }
getUNorm(int face, double u)342   public static S2Point getUNorm(int face, double u) {
343     switch (face) {
344       case 0:
345         return new S2Point(u, -1, 0);
346       case 1:
347         return new S2Point(1, u, 0);
348       case 2:
349         return new S2Point(1, 0, u);
350       case 3:
351         return new S2Point(-u, 0, 1);
352       case 4:
353         return new S2Point(0, -u, 1);
354       default:
355         return new S2Point(0, -1, -u);
356     }
357   }
getVNorm(int face, double v)359   public static S2Point getVNorm(int face, double v) {
360     switch (face) {
361       case 0:
362         return new S2Point(-v, 0, 1);
363       case 1:
364         return new S2Point(0, -v, 1);
365       case 2:
366         return new S2Point(0, -1, -v);
367       case 3:
368         return new S2Point(v, -1, 0);
369       case 4:
370         return new S2Point(1, v, 0);
371       default:
372         return new S2Point(1, 0, v);
373     }
374   }
getNorm(int face)376   public static S2Point getNorm(int face) {
377     return faceUvToXyz(face, 0, 0);
378   }
getUAxis(int face)380   public static S2Point getUAxis(int face) {
381     switch (face) {
382       case 0:
383         return new S2Point(0, 1, 0);
384       case 1:
385         return new S2Point(-1, 0, 0);
386       case 2:
387         return new S2Point(-1, 0, 0);
388       case 3:
389         return new S2Point(0, 0, -1);
390       case 4:
391         return new S2Point(0, 0, -1);
392       default:
393         return new S2Point(0, 1, 0);
394     }
395   }
getVAxis(int face)397   public static S2Point getVAxis(int face) {
398     switch (face) {
399       case 0:
400         return new S2Point(0, 0, 1);
401       case 1:
402         return new S2Point(0, 0, 1);
403       case 2:
404         return new S2Point(0, -1, 0);
405       case 3:
406         return new S2Point(0, -1, 0);
407       case 4:
408         return new S2Point(1, 0, 0);
409       default:
410         return new S2Point(1, 0, 0);
411     }
412   }
414   // Don't instantiate
S2Projections()415   private S2Projections() {
416   }
417 }