1 //===- AffineOps.h - MLIR Affine Operations -------------------------------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // This file defines convenience types for working with Affine operations
10 // in the MLIR operation set.
11 //
12 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
17 #include "mlir/Dialect/Affine/IR/AffineMemoryOpInterfaces.h"
18 #include "mlir/Dialect/StandardOps/IR/Ops.h"
19 #include "mlir/IR/AffineMap.h"
20 #include "mlir/IR/Builders.h"
21 #include "mlir/IR/BuiltinTypes.h"
22 #include "mlir/IR/Dialect.h"
23 #include "mlir/IR/OpDefinition.h"
24 #include "mlir/Interfaces/LoopLikeInterface.h"
25 #include "mlir/Interfaces/SideEffectInterfaces.h"
27 namespace mlir {
28 class AffineApplyOp;
29 class AffineBound;
30 class AffineDimExpr;
31 class AffineValueMap;
32 class AffineYieldOp;
33 class FlatAffineConstraints;
34 class OpBuilder;
36 /// A utility function to check if a value is defined at the top level of an
37 /// op with trait `AffineScope` or is a region argument for such an op. A value
38 /// of index type defined at the top level is always a valid symbol for all its
39 /// uses.
40 bool isTopLevelValue(Value value);
42 /// AffineDmaStartOp starts a non-blocking DMA operation that transfers data
43 /// from a source memref to a destination memref. The source and destination
44 /// memref need not be of the same dimensionality, but need to have the same
45 /// elemental type. The operands include the source and destination memref's
46 /// each followed by its indices, size of the data transfer in terms of the
47 /// number of elements (of the elemental type of the memref), a tag memref with
48 /// its indices, and optionally at the end, a stride and a
49 /// number_of_elements_per_stride arguments. The tag location is used by an
50 /// AffineDmaWaitOp to check for completion. The indices of the source memref,
51 /// destination memref, and the tag memref have the same restrictions as any
52 /// affine.load/store. In particular, index for each memref dimension must be an
53 /// affine expression of loop induction variables and symbols.
54 /// The optional stride arguments should be of 'index' type, and specify a
55 /// stride for the slower memory space (memory space with a lower memory space
56 /// id), transferring chunks of number_of_elements_per_stride every stride until
57 /// %num_elements are transferred. Either both or no stride arguments should be
58 /// specified. The value of 'num_elements' must be a multiple of
59 /// 'number_of_elements_per_stride'.
60 //
61 // For example, a DmaStartOp operation that transfers 256 elements of a memref
62 // '%src' in memory space 0 at indices [%i + 3, %j] to memref '%dst' in memory
63 // space 1 at indices [%k + 7, %l], would be specified as follows:
64 //
65 //   %num_elements = constant 256
66 //   %idx = constant 0 : index
67 //   %tag = alloc() : memref<1xi32, 4>
68 //   affine.dma_start %src[%i + 3, %j], %dst[%k + 7, %l], %tag[%idx],
69 //     %num_elements :
70 //       memref<40x128xf32, 0>, memref<2x1024xf32, 1>, memref<1xi32, 2>
71 //
72 //   If %stride and %num_elt_per_stride are specified, the DMA is expected to
73 //   transfer %num_elt_per_stride elements every %stride elements apart from
74 //   memory space 0 until %num_elements are transferred.
75 //
76 //   affine.dma_start %src[%i, %j], %dst[%k, %l], %tag[%idx], %num_elements,
77 //     %stride, %num_elt_per_stride : ...
78 //
79 // TODO: add additional operands to allow source and destination striding, and
80 // multiple stride levels (possibly using AffineMaps to specify multiple levels
81 // of striding).
82 // TODO: Consider replacing src/dst memref indices with view memrefs.
83 class AffineDmaStartOp
84     : public Op<AffineDmaStartOp, OpTrait::MemRefsNormalizable,
85                 OpTrait::VariadicOperands, OpTrait::ZeroResult> {
86 public:
87   using Op::Op;
89   static void build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result, Value srcMemRef,
90                     AffineMap srcMap, ValueRange srcIndices, Value destMemRef,
91                     AffineMap dstMap, ValueRange destIndices, Value tagMemRef,
92                     AffineMap tagMap, ValueRange tagIndices, Value numElements,
93                     Value stride = nullptr, Value elementsPerStride = nullptr);
95   /// Returns the operand index of the src memref.
getSrcMemRefOperandIndex()96   unsigned getSrcMemRefOperandIndex() { return 0; }
98   /// Returns the source MemRefType for this DMA operation.
getSrcMemRef()99   Value getSrcMemRef() { return getOperand(getSrcMemRefOperandIndex()); }
getSrcMemRefType()100   MemRefType getSrcMemRefType() {
101     return getSrcMemRef().getType().cast<MemRefType>();
102   }
104   /// Returns the rank (number of indices) of the source MemRefType.
getSrcMemRefRank()105   unsigned getSrcMemRefRank() { return getSrcMemRefType().getRank(); }
107   /// Returns the affine map used to access the src memref.
getSrcMap()108   AffineMap getSrcMap() { return getSrcMapAttr().getValue(); }
getSrcMapAttr()109   AffineMapAttr getSrcMapAttr() {
110     return getAttr(getSrcMapAttrName()).cast<AffineMapAttr>();
111   }
113   /// Returns the source memref affine map indices for this DMA operation.
getSrcIndices()114   operand_range getSrcIndices() {
115     return {operand_begin() + getSrcMemRefOperandIndex() + 1,
116             operand_begin() + getSrcMemRefOperandIndex() + 1 +
117                 getSrcMap().getNumInputs()};
118   }
120   /// Returns the memory space of the src memref.
getSrcMemorySpace()121   unsigned getSrcMemorySpace() {
122     return getSrcMemRef().getType().cast<MemRefType>().getMemorySpace();
123   }
125   /// Returns the operand index of the dst memref.
getDstMemRefOperandIndex()126   unsigned getDstMemRefOperandIndex() {
127     return getSrcMemRefOperandIndex() + 1 + getSrcMap().getNumInputs();
128   }
130   /// Returns the destination MemRefType for this DMA operations.
getDstMemRef()131   Value getDstMemRef() { return getOperand(getDstMemRefOperandIndex()); }
getDstMemRefType()132   MemRefType getDstMemRefType() {
133     return getDstMemRef().getType().cast<MemRefType>();
134   }
136   /// Returns the rank (number of indices) of the destination MemRefType.
getDstMemRefRank()137   unsigned getDstMemRefRank() {
138     return getDstMemRef().getType().cast<MemRefType>().getRank();
139   }
141   /// Returns the memory space of the src memref.
getDstMemorySpace()142   unsigned getDstMemorySpace() {
143     return getDstMemRef().getType().cast<MemRefType>().getMemorySpace();
144   }
146   /// Returns the affine map used to access the dst memref.
getDstMap()147   AffineMap getDstMap() { return getDstMapAttr().getValue(); }
getDstMapAttr()148   AffineMapAttr getDstMapAttr() {
149     return getAttr(getDstMapAttrName()).cast<AffineMapAttr>();
150   }
152   /// Returns the destination memref indices for this DMA operation.
getDstIndices()153   operand_range getDstIndices() {
154     return {operand_begin() + getDstMemRefOperandIndex() + 1,
155             operand_begin() + getDstMemRefOperandIndex() + 1 +
156                 getDstMap().getNumInputs()};
157   }
159   /// Returns the operand index of the tag memref.
getTagMemRefOperandIndex()160   unsigned getTagMemRefOperandIndex() {
161     return getDstMemRefOperandIndex() + 1 + getDstMap().getNumInputs();
162   }
164   /// Returns the Tag MemRef for this DMA operation.
getTagMemRef()165   Value getTagMemRef() { return getOperand(getTagMemRefOperandIndex()); }
getTagMemRefType()166   MemRefType getTagMemRefType() {
167     return getTagMemRef().getType().cast<MemRefType>();
168   }
170   /// Returns the rank (number of indices) of the tag MemRefType.
getTagMemRefRank()171   unsigned getTagMemRefRank() {
172     return getTagMemRef().getType().cast<MemRefType>().getRank();
173   }
175   /// Returns the affine map used to access the tag memref.
getTagMap()176   AffineMap getTagMap() { return getTagMapAttr().getValue(); }
getTagMapAttr()177   AffineMapAttr getTagMapAttr() {
178     return getAttr(getTagMapAttrName()).cast<AffineMapAttr>();
179   }
181   /// Returns the tag memref indices for this DMA operation.
getTagIndices()182   operand_range getTagIndices() {
183     return {operand_begin() + getTagMemRefOperandIndex() + 1,
184             operand_begin() + getTagMemRefOperandIndex() + 1 +
185                 getTagMap().getNumInputs()};
186   }
188   /// Returns the number of elements being transferred by this DMA operation.
getNumElements()189   Value getNumElements() {
190     return getOperand(getTagMemRefOperandIndex() + 1 +
191                       getTagMap().getNumInputs());
192   }
194   /// Returns the AffineMapAttr associated with 'memref'.
getAffineMapAttrForMemRef(Value memref)195   NamedAttribute getAffineMapAttrForMemRef(Value memref) {
196     if (memref == getSrcMemRef())
197       return {Identifier::get(getSrcMapAttrName(), getContext()),
198               getSrcMapAttr()};
199     else if (memref == getDstMemRef())
200       return {Identifier::get(getDstMapAttrName(), getContext()),
201               getDstMapAttr()};
202     assert(memref == getTagMemRef() &&
203            "DmaStartOp expected source, destination or tag memref");
204     return {Identifier::get(getTagMapAttrName(), getContext()),
205             getTagMapAttr()};
206   }
208   /// Returns true if this is a DMA from a faster memory space to a slower one.
isDestMemorySpaceFaster()209   bool isDestMemorySpaceFaster() {
210     return (getSrcMemorySpace() < getDstMemorySpace());
211   }
213   /// Returns true if this is a DMA from a slower memory space to a faster one.
isSrcMemorySpaceFaster()214   bool isSrcMemorySpaceFaster() {
215     // Assumes that a lower number is for a slower memory space.
216     return (getDstMemorySpace() < getSrcMemorySpace());
217   }
219   /// Given a DMA start operation, returns the operand position of either the
220   /// source or destination memref depending on the one that is at the higher
221   /// level of the memory hierarchy. Asserts failure if neither is true.
getFasterMemPos()222   unsigned getFasterMemPos() {
223     assert(isSrcMemorySpaceFaster() || isDestMemorySpaceFaster());
224     return isSrcMemorySpaceFaster() ? 0 : getDstMemRefOperandIndex();
225   }
getSrcMapAttrName()227   static StringRef getSrcMapAttrName() { return "src_map"; }
getDstMapAttrName()228   static StringRef getDstMapAttrName() { return "dst_map"; }
getTagMapAttrName()229   static StringRef getTagMapAttrName() { return "tag_map"; }
getOperationName()231   static StringRef getOperationName() { return "affine.dma_start"; }
232   static ParseResult parse(OpAsmParser &parser, OperationState &result);
233   void print(OpAsmPrinter &p);
234   LogicalResult verify();
235   LogicalResult fold(ArrayRef<Attribute> cstOperands,
236                      SmallVectorImpl<OpFoldResult> &results);
238   /// Returns true if this DMA operation is strided, returns false otherwise.
isStrided()239   bool isStrided() {
240     return getNumOperands() !=
241            getTagMemRefOperandIndex() + 1 + getTagMap().getNumInputs() + 1;
242   }
244   /// Returns the stride value for this DMA operation.
getStride()245   Value getStride() {
246     if (!isStrided())
247       return nullptr;
248     return getOperand(getNumOperands() - 1 - 1);
249   }
251   /// Returns the number of elements to transfer per stride for this DMA op.
getNumElementsPerStride()252   Value getNumElementsPerStride() {
253     if (!isStrided())
254       return nullptr;
255     return getOperand(getNumOperands() - 1);
256   }
257 };
259 /// AffineDmaWaitOp blocks until the completion of a DMA operation associated
260 /// with the tag element '%tag[%index]'. %tag is a memref, and %index has to be
261 /// an index with the same restrictions as any load/store index. In particular,
262 /// index for each memref dimension must be an affine expression of loop
263 /// induction variables and symbols. %num_elements is the number of elements
264 /// associated with the DMA operation. For example:
265 //
266 //   affine.dma_start %src[%i, %j], %dst[%k, %l], %tag[%index], %num_elements :
267 //     memref<2048xf32, 0>, memref<256xf32, 1>, memref<1xi32, 2>
268 //   ...
269 //   ...
270 //   affine.dma_wait %tag[%index], %num_elements : memref<1xi32, 2>
271 //
272 class AffineDmaWaitOp
273     : public Op<AffineDmaWaitOp, OpTrait::MemRefsNormalizable,
274                 OpTrait::VariadicOperands, OpTrait::ZeroResult> {
275 public:
276   using Op::Op;
278   static void build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result, Value tagMemRef,
279                     AffineMap tagMap, ValueRange tagIndices, Value numElements);
getOperationName()281   static StringRef getOperationName() { return "affine.dma_wait"; }
283   // Returns the Tag MemRef associated with the DMA operation being waited on.
getTagMemRef()284   Value getTagMemRef() { return getOperand(0); }
getTagMemRefType()285   MemRefType getTagMemRefType() {
286     return getTagMemRef().getType().cast<MemRefType>();
287   }
289   /// Returns the affine map used to access the tag memref.
getTagMap()290   AffineMap getTagMap() { return getTagMapAttr().getValue(); }
getTagMapAttr()291   AffineMapAttr getTagMapAttr() {
292     return getAttr(getTagMapAttrName()).cast<AffineMapAttr>();
293   }
295   // Returns the tag memref index for this DMA operation.
getTagIndices()296   operand_range getTagIndices() {
297     return {operand_begin() + 1,
298             operand_begin() + 1 + getTagMap().getNumInputs()};
299   }
301   // Returns the rank (number of indices) of the tag memref.
getTagMemRefRank()302   unsigned getTagMemRefRank() {
303     return getTagMemRef().getType().cast<MemRefType>().getRank();
304   }
306   /// Returns the AffineMapAttr associated with 'memref'.
getAffineMapAttrForMemRef(Value memref)307   NamedAttribute getAffineMapAttrForMemRef(Value memref) {
308     assert(memref == getTagMemRef());
309     return {Identifier::get(getTagMapAttrName(), getContext()),
310             getTagMapAttr()};
311   }
313   /// Returns the number of elements transferred in the associated DMA op.
getNumElements()314   Value getNumElements() { return getOperand(1 + getTagMap().getNumInputs()); }
getTagMapAttrName()316   static StringRef getTagMapAttrName() { return "tag_map"; }
317   static ParseResult parse(OpAsmParser &parser, OperationState &result);
318   void print(OpAsmPrinter &p);
319   LogicalResult verify();
320   LogicalResult fold(ArrayRef<Attribute> cstOperands,
321                      SmallVectorImpl<OpFoldResult> &results);
322 };
324 /// Returns true if the given Value can be used as a dimension id in the region
325 /// of the closest surrounding op that has the trait `AffineScope`.
326 bool isValidDim(Value value);
328 /// Returns true if the given Value can be used as a dimension id in `region`,
329 /// i.e., for all its uses in `region`.
330 bool isValidDim(Value value, Region *region);
332 /// Returns true if the given value can be used as a symbol in the region of the
333 /// closest surrounding op that has the trait `AffineScope`.
334 bool isValidSymbol(Value value);
336 /// Returns true if the given Value can be used as a symbol for `region`, i.e.,
337 /// for all its uses in `region`.
338 bool isValidSymbol(Value value, Region *region);
340 /// Parses dimension and symbol list and returns true if parsing failed.
341 ParseResult parseDimAndSymbolList(OpAsmParser &parser,
342                                   SmallVectorImpl<Value> &operands,
343                                   unsigned &numDims);
345 /// Modifies both `map` and `operands` in-place so as to:
346 /// 1. drop duplicate operands
347 /// 2. drop unused dims and symbols from map
348 /// 3. promote valid symbols to symbolic operands in case they appeared as
349 ///    dimensional operands
350 /// 4. propagate constant operands and drop them
351 void canonicalizeMapAndOperands(AffineMap *map,
352                                 SmallVectorImpl<Value> *operands);
354 /// Canonicalizes an integer set the same way canonicalizeMapAndOperands does
355 /// for affine maps.
356 void canonicalizeSetAndOperands(IntegerSet *set,
357                                 SmallVectorImpl<Value> *operands);
359 /// Returns a composed AffineApplyOp by composing `map` and `operands` with
360 /// other AffineApplyOps supplying those operands. The operands of the resulting
361 /// AffineApplyOp do not change the length of  AffineApplyOp chains.
362 AffineApplyOp makeComposedAffineApply(OpBuilder &b, Location loc, AffineMap map,
363                                       ArrayRef<Value> operands);
365 /// Given an affine map `map` and its input `operands`, this method composes
366 /// into `map`, maps of AffineApplyOps whose results are the values in
367 /// `operands`, iteratively until no more of `operands` are the result of an
368 /// AffineApplyOp. When this function returns, `map` becomes the composed affine
369 /// map, and each Value in `operands` is guaranteed to be either a loop IV or a
370 /// terminal symbol, i.e., a symbol defined at the top level or a block/function
371 /// argument.
372 void fullyComposeAffineMapAndOperands(AffineMap *map,
373                                       SmallVectorImpl<Value> *operands);
375 #include "mlir/Dialect/Affine/IR/AffineOpsDialect.h.inc"
377 #define GET_OP_CLASSES
378 #include "mlir/Dialect/Affine/IR/AffineOps.h.inc"
380 /// Returns true if the provided value is the induction variable of a
381 /// AffineForOp.
382 bool isForInductionVar(Value val);
384 /// Returns the loop parent of an induction variable. If the provided value is
385 /// not an induction variable, then return nullptr.
386 AffineForOp getForInductionVarOwner(Value val);
388 /// Extracts the induction variables from a list of AffineForOps and places them
389 /// in the output argument `ivs`.
390 void extractForInductionVars(ArrayRef<AffineForOp> forInsts,
391                              SmallVectorImpl<Value> *ivs);
393 /// Builds a perfect nest of affine "for" loops, i.e. each loop except the
394 /// innermost only contains another loop and a terminator. The loops iterate
395 /// from "lbs" to "ubs" with "steps". The body of the innermost loop is
396 /// populated by calling "bodyBuilderFn" and providing it with an OpBuilder, a
397 /// Location and a list of loop induction variables.
398 void buildAffineLoopNest(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
399                          ArrayRef<int64_t> lbs, ArrayRef<int64_t> ubs,
400                          ArrayRef<int64_t> steps,
401                          function_ref<void(OpBuilder &, Location, ValueRange)>
402                              bodyBuilderFn = nullptr);
403 void buildAffineLoopNest(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, ValueRange lbs,
404                          ValueRange ubs, ArrayRef<int64_t> steps,
405                          function_ref<void(OpBuilder &, Location, ValueRange)>
406                              bodyBuilderFn = nullptr);
408 /// AffineBound represents a lower or upper bound in the for operation.
409 /// This class does not own the underlying operands. Instead, it refers
410 /// to the operands stored in the AffineForOp. Its life span should not exceed
411 /// that of the for operation it refers to.
412 class AffineBound {
413 public:
getAffineForOp()414   AffineForOp getAffineForOp() { return op; }
getMap()415   AffineMap getMap() { return map; }
getNumOperands()417   unsigned getNumOperands() { return opEnd - opStart; }
getOperand(unsigned idx)418   Value getOperand(unsigned idx) { return op.getOperand(opStart + idx); }
420   using operand_iterator = AffineForOp::operand_iterator;
421   using operand_range = AffineForOp::operand_range;
operand_begin()423   operand_iterator operand_begin() { return op.operand_begin() + opStart; }
operand_end()424   operand_iterator operand_end() { return op.operand_begin() + opEnd; }
getOperands()425   operand_range getOperands() { return {operand_begin(), operand_end()}; }
427 private:
428   // 'affine.for' operation that contains this bound.
429   AffineForOp op;
430   // Start and end positions of this affine bound operands in the list of
431   // the containing 'affine.for' operation operands.
432   unsigned opStart, opEnd;
433   // Affine map for this bound.
434   AffineMap map;
AffineBound(AffineForOp op,unsigned opStart,unsigned opEnd,AffineMap map)436   AffineBound(AffineForOp op, unsigned opStart, unsigned opEnd, AffineMap map)
437       : op(op), opStart(opStart), opEnd(opEnd), map(map) {}
439   friend class AffineForOp;
440 };
442 /// An `AffineApplyNormalizer` is a helper class that supports renumbering
443 /// operands of AffineApplyOp. This acts as a reindexing map of Value to
444 /// positional dims or symbols and allows simplifications such as:
445 ///
446 /// ```mlir
447 ///    %1 = affine.apply (d0, d1) -> (d0 - d1) (%0, %0)
448 /// ```
449 ///
450 /// into:
451 ///
452 /// ```mlir
453 ///    %1 = affine.apply () -> (0)
454 /// ```
455 struct AffineApplyNormalizer {
456   AffineApplyNormalizer(AffineMap map, ArrayRef<Value> operands);
458   /// Returns the AffineMap resulting from normalization.
getAffineMapAffineApplyNormalizer459   AffineMap getAffineMap() { return affineMap; }
getOperandsAffineApplyNormalizer461   SmallVector<Value, 8> getOperands() {
462     SmallVector<Value, 8> res(reorderedDims);
463     res.append(concatenatedSymbols.begin(), concatenatedSymbols.end());
464     return res;
465   }
getNumSymbolsAffineApplyNormalizer467   unsigned getNumSymbols() { return concatenatedSymbols.size(); }
getNumDimsAffineApplyNormalizer468   unsigned getNumDims() { return reorderedDims.size(); }
470   /// Normalizes 'otherMap' and its operands 'otherOperands' to map to this
471   /// normalizer's coordinate space.
472   void normalize(AffineMap *otherMap, SmallVectorImpl<Value> *otherOperands);
474 private:
475   /// Helper function to insert `v` into the coordinate system of the current
476   /// AffineApplyNormalizer. Returns the AffineDimExpr with the corresponding
477   /// renumbered position.
478   AffineDimExpr renumberOneDim(Value v);
480   /// Given an `other` normalizer, this rewrites `other.affineMap` in the
481   /// coordinate system of the current AffineApplyNormalizer.
482   /// Returns the rewritten AffineMap and updates the dims and symbols of
483   /// `this`.
484   AffineMap renumber(const AffineApplyNormalizer &other);
486   /// Maps of Value to position in `affineMap`.
487   DenseMap<Value, unsigned> dimValueToPosition;
489   /// Ordered dims and symbols matching positional dims and symbols in
490   /// `affineMap`.
491   SmallVector<Value, 8> reorderedDims;
492   SmallVector<Value, 8> concatenatedSymbols;
494   /// The number of symbols in concatenated symbols that belong to the original
495   /// map as opposed to those concatendated during map composition.
496   unsigned numProperSymbols;
498   AffineMap affineMap;
500   /// Used with RAII to control the depth at which AffineApply are composed
501   /// recursively. Only accepts depth 1 for now to allow a behavior where a
502   /// newly composed AffineApplyOp does not increase the length of the chain of
503   /// AffineApplyOps. Full composition is implemented iteratively on top of
504   /// this behavior.
affineApplyDepthAffineApplyNormalizer505   static unsigned &affineApplyDepth() {
506     static thread_local unsigned depth = 0;
507     return depth;
508   }
509   static constexpr unsigned kMaxAffineApplyDepth = 1;
AffineApplyNormalizerAffineApplyNormalizer511   AffineApplyNormalizer() : numProperSymbols(0) { affineApplyDepth()++; }
513 public:
~AffineApplyNormalizerAffineApplyNormalizer514   ~AffineApplyNormalizer() { affineApplyDepth()--; }
515 };
517 } // end namespace mlir
519 #endif