1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
21 #include <cstdint>
22 #include <type_traits>
24 // Oboe needs to be able to build on old NDKs so we use hard coded constants.
25 // The correctness of these constants is verified in "aaudio/AAudioLoader.cpp".
27 namespace oboe {
29     /**
30      * Represents any attribute, property or value which hasn't been specified.
31      */
32     constexpr int32_t kUnspecified = 0;
34     // TODO: Investigate using std::chrono
35     /**
36      * The number of nanoseconds in a microsecond. 1,000.
37      */
38     constexpr int64_t kNanosPerMicrosecond =    1000;
40     /**
41      * The number of nanoseconds in a millisecond. 1,000,000.
42      */
43     constexpr int64_t kNanosPerMillisecond =    kNanosPerMicrosecond * 1000;
45     /**
46      * The number of milliseconds in a second. 1,000.
47      */
48     constexpr int64_t kMillisPerSecond =        1000;
50     /**
51      * The number of nanoseconds in a second. 1,000,000,000.
52      */
53     constexpr int64_t kNanosPerSecond =         kNanosPerMillisecond * kMillisPerSecond;
55     /**
56      * The state of the audio stream.
57      */
58     enum class StreamState : int32_t { // aaudio_stream_state_t
59         Uninitialized = 0, // AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_UNINITIALIZED,
60         Unknown = 1, // AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_UNKNOWN,
61         Open = 2, // AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_OPEN,
62         Starting = 3, // AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_STARTING,
63         Started = 4, // AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_STARTED,
64         Pausing = 5, // AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_PAUSING,
65         Paused = 6, // AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_PAUSED,
66         Flushing = 7, // AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_FLUSHING,
67         Flushed = 8, // AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_FLUSHED,
68         Stopping = 9, // AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_STOPPING,
69         Stopped = 10, // AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_STOPPED,
70         Closing = 11, // AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_CLOSING,
71         Closed = 12, // AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_CLOSED,
72         Disconnected = 13, // AAUDIO_STREAM_STATE_DISCONNECTED,
73     };
75     /**
76      * The direction of the stream.
77      */
78     enum class Direction : int32_t { // aaudio_direction_t
80         /**
81          * Used for playback.
82          */
83         Output = 0, // AAUDIO_DIRECTION_OUTPUT,
85         /**
86          * Used for recording.
87          */
88         Input = 1, // AAUDIO_DIRECTION_INPUT,
89     };
91     /**
92      * The format of audio samples.
93      */
94     enum class AudioFormat : int32_t { // aaudio_format_t
95         /**
96          * Invalid format.
97          */
98         Invalid = -1, // AAUDIO_FORMAT_INVALID,
100         /**
101          * Unspecified format. Format will be decided by Oboe.
102          */
103         Unspecified = 0, // AAUDIO_FORMAT_UNSPECIFIED,
105         /**
106          * Signed 16-bit integers.
107          */
108         I16 = 1, // AAUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_I16,
110         /**
111          * Single precision floating points.
112          */
113         Float = 2, // AAUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_FLOAT,
114     };
116     /**
117      * The result of an audio callback.
118      */
119     enum class DataCallbackResult : int32_t { // aaudio_data_callback_result_t
120         // Indicates to the caller that the callbacks should continue.
121         Continue = 0, // AAUDIO_CALLBACK_RESULT_CONTINUE,
123         // Indicates to the caller that the callbacks should stop immediately.
124         Stop = 1, // AAUDIO_CALLBACK_RESULT_STOP,
125     };
127     /**
128      * The result of an operation. All except the `OK` result indicates that an error occurred.
129      * The `Result` can be converted into a human readable string using `convertToText`.
130      */
131     enum class Result : int32_t { // aaudio_result_t
132         OK = 0, // AAUDIO_OK
133         ErrorBase = -900, // AAUDIO_ERROR_BASE,
134         ErrorDisconnected = -899, // AAUDIO_ERROR_DISCONNECTED,
135         ErrorIllegalArgument = -898, // AAUDIO_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT,
136         ErrorInternal = -896, // AAUDIO_ERROR_INTERNAL,
137         ErrorInvalidState = -895, // AAUDIO_ERROR_INVALID_STATE,
138         ErrorInvalidHandle = -892, // AAUDIO_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE,
139         ErrorUnimplemented = -890, // AAUDIO_ERROR_UNIMPLEMENTED,
140         ErrorUnavailable = -889, // AAUDIO_ERROR_UNAVAILABLE,
141         ErrorNoFreeHandles = -888, // AAUDIO_ERROR_NO_FREE_HANDLES,
142         ErrorNoMemory = -887, // AAUDIO_ERROR_NO_MEMORY,
143         ErrorNull = -886, // AAUDIO_ERROR_NULL,
144         ErrorTimeout = -885, // AAUDIO_ERROR_TIMEOUT,
145         ErrorWouldBlock = -884, // AAUDIO_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK,
146         ErrorInvalidFormat = -883, // AAUDIO_ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT,
147         ErrorOutOfRange = -882, // AAUDIO_ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE,
148         ErrorNoService = -881, // AAUDIO_ERROR_NO_SERVICE,
149         ErrorInvalidRate = -880, // AAUDIO_ERROR_INVALID_RATE,
150         // Reserved for future AAudio result types
151         Reserved1,
152         Reserved2,
153         Reserved3,
154         Reserved4,
155         Reserved5,
156         Reserved6,
157         Reserved7,
158         Reserved8,
159         Reserved9,
160         Reserved10,
161         ErrorClosed,
162     };
164     /**
165      * The sharing mode of the audio stream.
166      */
167     enum class SharingMode : int32_t { // aaudio_sharing_mode_t
169         /**
170          * This will be the only stream using a particular source or sink.
171          * This mode will provide the lowest possible latency.
172          * You should close EXCLUSIVE streams immediately when you are not using them.
173          *
174          * If you do not need the lowest possible latency then we recommend using Shared,
175          * which is the default.
176          */
177         Exclusive = 0, // AAUDIO_SHARING_MODE_EXCLUSIVE,
179         /**
180          * Multiple applications can share the same device.
181          * The data from output streams will be mixed by the audio service.
182          * The data for input streams will be distributed by the audio service.
183          *
184          * This will have higher latency than the EXCLUSIVE mode.
185          */
186         Shared = 1, // AAUDIO_SHARING_MODE_SHARED,
187     };
189     /**
190      * The performance mode of the audio stream.
191      */
192     enum class PerformanceMode : int32_t { // aaudio_performance_mode_t
194         /**
195          * No particular performance needs. Default.
196          */
197         None = 10, // AAUDIO_PERFORMANCE_MODE_NONE,
199         /**
200          * Extending battery life is most important.
201          */
202         PowerSaving = 11, // AAUDIO_PERFORMANCE_MODE_POWER_SAVING,
204         /**
205          * Reducing latency is most important.
206          */
207         LowLatency = 12, // AAUDIO_PERFORMANCE_MODE_LOW_LATENCY
208     };
210     /**
211      * The underlying audio API used by the audio stream.
212      */
213     enum class AudioApi : int32_t {
214         /**
215          * Try to use AAudio. If not available then use OpenSL ES.
216          */
217         Unspecified = kUnspecified,
219         /**
220          * Use OpenSL ES.
221          */
222         OpenSLES,
224         /**
225          * Try to use AAudio. Fail if unavailable.
226          */
227         AAudio
228     };
230     /**
231      * Specifies the quality of the sample rate conversion performed by Oboe.
232      * Higher quality will require more CPU load.
233      * Higher quality conversion will probably be implemented using a sinc based resampler.
234      */
235     enum class SampleRateConversionQuality : int32_t {
236         /**
237          * No conversion by Oboe. Underlying APIs may still do conversion.
238          */
239         None,
240         /**
241          * Fastest conversion but may not sound great.
242          * This may be implemented using bilinear interpolation.
243          */
244         Fastest,
245         Low,
246         Medium,
247         High,
248         /**
249          * Highest quality conversion, which may be expensive in terms of CPU.
250          */
251         Best,
252     };
254     /**
255      * The Usage attribute expresses *why* you are playing a sound, what is this sound used for.
256      * This information is used by certain platforms or routing policies
257      * to make more refined volume or routing decisions.
258      *
259      * Note that these match the equivalent values in AudioAttributes in the Android Java API.
260      *
261      * This attribute only has an effect on Android API 28+.
262      */
263     enum class Usage : int32_t { // aaudio_usage_t
264         /**
265          * Use this for streaming media, music performance, video, podcasts, etcetera.
266          */
267         Media =  1, // AAUDIO_USAGE_MEDIA
269         /**
270          * Use this for voice over IP, telephony, etcetera.
271          */
272         VoiceCommunication = 2, // AAUDIO_USAGE_VOICE_COMMUNICATION
274         /**
275          * Use this for sounds associated with telephony such as busy tones, DTMF, etcetera.
276          */
277         VoiceCommunicationSignalling = 3, // AAUDIO_USAGE_VOICE_COMMUNICATION_SIGNALLING
279         /**
280          * Use this to demand the users attention.
281          */
282         Alarm = 4, // AAUDIO_USAGE_ALARM
284         /**
285          * Use this for notifying the user when a message has arrived or some
286          * other background event has occured.
287          */
288         Notification = 5, // AAUDIO_USAGE_NOTIFICATION
290         /**
291          * Use this when the phone rings.
292          */
293         NotificationRingtone = 6, // AAUDIO_USAGE_NOTIFICATION_RINGTONE
295         /**
296          * Use this to attract the users attention when, for example, the battery is low.
297          */
298         NotificationEvent = 10, // AAUDIO_USAGE_NOTIFICATION_EVENT
300         /**
301          * Use this for screen readers, etcetera.
302          */
303         AssistanceAccessibility = 11, // AAUDIO_USAGE_ASSISTANCE_ACCESSIBILITY
305         /**
306          * Use this for driving or navigation directions.
307          */
308         AssistanceNavigationGuidance = 12, // AAUDIO_USAGE_ASSISTANCE_NAVIGATION_GUIDANCE
310         /**
311          * Use this for user interface sounds, beeps, etcetera.
312          */
313         AssistanceSonification = 13, // AAUDIO_USAGE_ASSISTANCE_SONIFICATION
315         /**
316          * Use this for game audio and sound effects.
317          */
318         Game = 14, // AAUDIO_USAGE_GAME
320         /**
321          * Use this for audio responses to user queries, audio instructions or help utterances.
322          */
323         Assistant = 16, // AAUDIO_USAGE_ASSISTANT
324     };
327     /**
328      * The ContentType attribute describes *what* you are playing.
329      * It expresses the general category of the content. This information is optional.
330      * But in case it is known (for instance {@link Movie} for a
331      * movie streaming service or {@link Speech} for
332      * an audio book application) this information might be used by the audio framework to
333      * enforce audio focus.
334      *
335      * Note that these match the equivalent values in AudioAttributes in the Android Java API.
336      *
337      * This attribute only has an effect on Android API 28+.
338      */
339     enum ContentType : int32_t { // aaudio_content_type_t
341         /**
342          * Use this for spoken voice, audio books, etcetera.
343          */
344         Speech = 1, // AAUDIO_CONTENT_TYPE_SPEECH
346         /**
347          * Use this for pre-recorded or live music.
348          */
349         Music = 2, // AAUDIO_CONTENT_TYPE_MUSIC
351         /**
352          * Use this for a movie or video soundtrack.
353          */
354         Movie = 3, // AAUDIO_CONTENT_TYPE_MOVIE
356         /**
357          * Use this for sound is designed to accompany a user action,
358          * such as a click or beep sound made when the user presses a button.
359          */
360         Sonification = 4, // AAUDIO_CONTENT_TYPE_SONIFICATION
361     };
363     /**
364      * Defines the audio source.
365      * An audio source defines both a default physical source of audio signal, and a recording
366      * configuration.
367      *
368      * Note that these match the equivalent values in MediaRecorder.AudioSource in the Android Java API.
369      *
370      * This attribute only has an effect on Android API 28+.
371      */
372     enum InputPreset : int32_t { // aaudio_input_preset_t
373         /**
374          * Use this preset when other presets do not apply.
375          */
376         Generic = 1, // AAUDIO_INPUT_PRESET_GENERIC
378         /**
379          * Use this preset when recording video.
380          */
381         Camcorder = 5, // AAUDIO_INPUT_PRESET_CAMCORDER
383         /**
384          * Use this preset when doing speech recognition.
385          */
386         VoiceRecognition = 6, // AAUDIO_INPUT_PRESET_VOICE_RECOGNITION
388         /**
389          * Use this preset when doing telephony or voice messaging.
390          */
391         VoiceCommunication = 7, // AAUDIO_INPUT_PRESET_VOICE_COMMUNICATION
393         /**
394          * Use this preset to obtain an input with no effects.
395          * Note that this input will not have automatic gain control
396          * so the recorded volume may be very low.
397          */
398         Unprocessed = 9, // AAUDIO_INPUT_PRESET_UNPROCESSED
400         /**
401          * Use this preset for capturing audio meant to be processed in real time
402          * and played back for live performance (e.g karaoke).
403          * The capture path will minimize latency and coupling with playback path.
404          */
405          VoicePerformance = 10, // AAUDIO_INPUT_PRESET_VOICE_PERFORMANCE
407     };
409     /**
410      * This attribute can be used to allocate a session ID to the audio stream.
411      *
412      * This attribute only has an effect on Android API 28+.
413      */
414     enum SessionId {
415         /**
416          * Do not allocate a session ID.
417          * Effects cannot be used with this stream.
418          * Default.
419          */
420          None = -1, // AAUDIO_SESSION_ID_NONE
422         /**
423          * Allocate a session ID that can be used to attach and control
424          * effects using the Java AudioEffects API.
425          * Note that the use of this flag may result in higher latency.
426          *
427          * Note that this matches the value of AudioManager.AUDIO_SESSION_ID_GENERATE.
428          */
429          Allocate = 0, // AAUDIO_SESSION_ID_ALLOCATE
430     };
432     /**
433      * The channel count of the audio stream. The underlying type is `int32_t`.
434      * Use of this enum is convenient to avoid "magic"
435      * numbers when specifying the channel count.
436      *
437      * For example, you can write
438      * `builder.setChannelCount(ChannelCount::Stereo)`
439      * rather than `builder.setChannelCount(2)`
440      *
441      */
442     enum ChannelCount : int32_t {
443       /**
444        * Audio channel count definition, use Mono or Stereo
445        */
446       Unspecified = kUnspecified,
448       /**
449        * Use this for mono audio
450        */
451       Mono = 1,
453       /**
454        * Use this for stereo audio.
455        */
456       Stereo = 2,
457     };
459     /**
460      * On API 16 to 26 OpenSL ES will be used. When using OpenSL ES the optimal values for sampleRate and
461      * framesPerBurst are not known by the native code.
462      * On API 17+ these values should be obtained from the AudioManager using this code:
463      *
464      * <pre><code>
465      * // Note that this technique only works for built-in speakers and headphones.
466      * AudioManager myAudioMgr = (AudioManager) getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
467      * String sampleRateStr = myAudioMgr.getProperty(AudioManager.PROPERTY_OUTPUT_SAMPLE_RATE);
468      * int defaultSampleRate = Integer.parseInt(sampleRateStr);
469      * String framesPerBurstStr = myAudioMgr.getProperty(AudioManager.PROPERTY_OUTPUT_FRAMES_PER_BUFFER);
470      * int defaultFramesPerBurst = Integer.parseInt(framesPerBurstStr);
471      * </code></pre>
472      *
473      * It can then be passed down to Oboe through JNI.
474      *
475      * AAudio will get the optimal framesPerBurst from the HAL and will ignore this value.
476      */
477     class DefaultStreamValues {
479     public:
481         /** The default sample rate to use when opening new audio streams */
482         static int32_t SampleRate;
483         /** The default frames per burst to use when opening new audio streams */
484         static int32_t FramesPerBurst;
485         /** The default channel count to use when opening new audio streams */
486         static int32_t ChannelCount;
488     };
490     /**
491      * The time at which the frame at `position` was presented
492      */
493     struct FrameTimestamp {
494         int64_t position; // in frames
495         int64_t timestamp; // in nanoseconds
496     };
498     class OboeGlobals {
499     public:
areWorkaroundsEnabled()501         static bool areWorkaroundsEnabled() {
502             return mWorkaroundsEnabled;
503         }
505         /**
506          * Disable this when writing tests to reproduce bugs in AAudio or OpenSL ES
507          * that have workarounds in Oboe.
508          * @param enabled
509          */
setWorkaroundsEnabled(bool enabled)510         static void setWorkaroundsEnabled(bool enabled) {
511             mWorkaroundsEnabled = enabled;
512         }
514     private:
515         static bool mWorkaroundsEnabled;
516     };
517 } // namespace oboe
519 #endif // OBOE_DEFINITIONS_H