1 /*
2  *  Copyright (c) 2016 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
3  *
4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
9  */
11 #include "rtc_tools/rtc_event_log_visualizer/analyzer.h"
13 #include <algorithm>
14 #include <cmath>
15 #include <limits>
16 #include <map>
17 #include <memory>
18 #include <string>
19 #include <utility>
21 #include "absl/algorithm/container.h"
22 #include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
23 #include "api/function_view.h"
24 #include "api/transport/field_trial_based_config.h"
25 #include "api/transport/goog_cc_factory.h"
26 #include "call/audio_receive_stream.h"
27 #include "call/audio_send_stream.h"
28 #include "call/call.h"
29 #include "call/video_receive_stream.h"
30 #include "call/video_send_stream.h"
31 #include "logging/rtc_event_log/rtc_event_processor.h"
32 #include "logging/rtc_event_log/rtc_stream_config.h"
33 #include "modules/audio_coding/audio_network_adaptor/include/audio_network_adaptor.h"
34 #include "modules/congestion_controller/goog_cc/acknowledged_bitrate_estimator.h"
35 #include "modules/congestion_controller/goog_cc/bitrate_estimator.h"
36 #include "modules/congestion_controller/goog_cc/delay_based_bwe.h"
37 #include "modules/congestion_controller/include/receive_side_congestion_controller.h"
38 #include "modules/congestion_controller/rtp/transport_feedback_adapter.h"
39 #include "modules/pacing/paced_sender.h"
40 #include "modules/pacing/packet_router.h"
41 #include "modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/include/bwe_defines.h"
42 #include "modules/rtp_rtcp/include/rtp_rtcp_defines.h"
43 #include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtcp_packet.h"
44 #include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtcp_packet/common_header.h"
45 #include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtcp_packet/receiver_report.h"
46 #include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtcp_packet/remb.h"
47 #include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtcp_packet/sender_report.h"
48 #include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtcp_packet/transport_feedback.h"
49 #include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtp_header_extensions.h"
50 #include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtp_rtcp_interface.h"
51 #include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtp_utility.h"
52 #include "rtc_base/checks.h"
53 #include "rtc_base/format_macros.h"
54 #include "rtc_base/logging.h"
55 #include "rtc_base/numerics/sequence_number_util.h"
56 #include "rtc_base/rate_statistics.h"
57 #include "rtc_base/strings/string_builder.h"
58 #include "rtc_tools/rtc_event_log_visualizer/log_simulation.h"
59 #include "test/explicit_key_value_config.h"
61 namespace webrtc {
63 namespace {
SsrcToString(uint32_t ssrc)65 std::string SsrcToString(uint32_t ssrc) {
66   rtc::StringBuilder ss;
67   ss << "SSRC " << ssrc;
68   return ss.Release();
69 }
71 // Checks whether an SSRC is contained in the list of desired SSRCs.
72 // Note that an empty SSRC list matches every SSRC.
MatchingSsrc(uint32_t ssrc,const std::vector<uint32_t> & desired_ssrc)73 bool MatchingSsrc(uint32_t ssrc, const std::vector<uint32_t>& desired_ssrc) {
74   if (desired_ssrc.empty())
75     return true;
76   return std::find(desired_ssrc.begin(), desired_ssrc.end(), ssrc) !=
77          desired_ssrc.end();
78 }
AbsSendTimeToMicroseconds(int64_t abs_send_time)80 double AbsSendTimeToMicroseconds(int64_t abs_send_time) {
81   // The timestamp is a fixed point representation with 6 bits for seconds
82   // and 18 bits for fractions of a second. Thus, we divide by 2^18 to get the
83   // time in seconds and then multiply by kNumMicrosecsPerSec to convert to
84   // microseconds.
85   static constexpr double kTimestampToMicroSec =
86       static_cast<double>(kNumMicrosecsPerSec) / static_cast<double>(1ul << 18);
87   return abs_send_time * kTimestampToMicroSec;
88 }
90 // Computes the difference |later| - |earlier| where |later| and |earlier|
91 // are counters that wrap at |modulus|. The difference is chosen to have the
92 // least absolute value. For example if |modulus| is 8, then the difference will
93 // be chosen in the range [-3, 4]. If |modulus| is 9, then the difference will
94 // be in [-4, 4].
WrappingDifference(uint32_t later,uint32_t earlier,int64_t modulus)95 int64_t WrappingDifference(uint32_t later, uint32_t earlier, int64_t modulus) {
96   RTC_DCHECK_LE(1, modulus);
97   RTC_DCHECK_LT(later, modulus);
98   RTC_DCHECK_LT(earlier, modulus);
99   int64_t difference =
100       static_cast<int64_t>(later) - static_cast<int64_t>(earlier);
101   int64_t max_difference = modulus / 2;
102   int64_t min_difference = max_difference - modulus + 1;
103   if (difference > max_difference) {
104     difference -= modulus;
105   }
106   if (difference < min_difference) {
107     difference += modulus;
108   }
109   if (difference > max_difference / 2 || difference < min_difference / 2) {
110     RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Difference between" << later << " and " << earlier
111                         << " expected to be in the range ("
112                         << min_difference / 2 << "," << max_difference / 2
113                         << ") but is " << difference
114                         << ". Correct unwrapping is uncertain.";
115   }
116   return difference;
117 }
119 // This is much more reliable for outgoing streams than for incoming streams.
120 template <typename RtpPacketContainer>
EstimateRtpClockFrequency(const RtpPacketContainer & packets,int64_t end_time_us)121 absl::optional<uint32_t> EstimateRtpClockFrequency(
122     const RtpPacketContainer& packets,
123     int64_t end_time_us) {
124   RTC_CHECK(packets.size() >= 2);
125   SeqNumUnwrapper<uint32_t> unwrapper;
126   int64_t first_rtp_timestamp =
127       unwrapper.Unwrap(packets[0].rtp.header.timestamp);
128   int64_t first_log_timestamp = packets[0].log_time_us();
129   int64_t last_rtp_timestamp = first_rtp_timestamp;
130   int64_t last_log_timestamp = first_log_timestamp;
131   for (size_t i = 1; i < packets.size(); i++) {
132     if (packets[i].log_time_us() > end_time_us)
133       break;
134     last_rtp_timestamp = unwrapper.Unwrap(packets[i].rtp.header.timestamp);
135     last_log_timestamp = packets[i].log_time_us();
136   }
137   if (last_log_timestamp - first_log_timestamp < kNumMicrosecsPerSec) {
139         << "Failed to estimate RTP clock frequency: Stream too short. ("
140         << packets.size() << " packets, "
141         << last_log_timestamp - first_log_timestamp << " us)";
142     return absl::nullopt;
143   }
144   double duration =
145       static_cast<double>(last_log_timestamp - first_log_timestamp) /
146       kNumMicrosecsPerSec;
147   double estimated_frequency =
148       (last_rtp_timestamp - first_rtp_timestamp) / duration;
149   for (uint32_t f : {8000, 16000, 32000, 48000, 90000}) {
150     if (std::fabs(estimated_frequency - f) < 0.15 * f) {
151       return f;
152     }
153   }
154   RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Failed to estimate RTP clock frequency: Estimate "
155                       << estimated_frequency
156                       << " not close to any stardard RTP frequency.";
157   return absl::nullopt;
158 }
NetworkDelayDiff_AbsSendTime(const LoggedRtpPacketIncoming & old_packet,const LoggedRtpPacketIncoming & new_packet)160 absl::optional<double> NetworkDelayDiff_AbsSendTime(
161     const LoggedRtpPacketIncoming& old_packet,
162     const LoggedRtpPacketIncoming& new_packet) {
163   if (old_packet.rtp.header.extension.hasAbsoluteSendTime &&
164       new_packet.rtp.header.extension.hasAbsoluteSendTime) {
165     int64_t send_time_diff = WrappingDifference(
166         new_packet.rtp.header.extension.absoluteSendTime,
167         old_packet.rtp.header.extension.absoluteSendTime, 1ul << 24);
168     int64_t recv_time_diff =
169         new_packet.log_time_us() - old_packet.log_time_us();
170     double delay_change_us =
171         recv_time_diff - AbsSendTimeToMicroseconds(send_time_diff);
172     return delay_change_us / 1000;
173   } else {
174     return absl::nullopt;
175   }
176 }
NetworkDelayDiff_CaptureTime(const LoggedRtpPacketIncoming & old_packet,const LoggedRtpPacketIncoming & new_packet,const double sample_rate)178 absl::optional<double> NetworkDelayDiff_CaptureTime(
179     const LoggedRtpPacketIncoming& old_packet,
180     const LoggedRtpPacketIncoming& new_packet,
181     const double sample_rate) {
182   int64_t send_time_diff =
183       WrappingDifference(new_packet.rtp.header.timestamp,
184                          old_packet.rtp.header.timestamp, 1ull << 32);
185   int64_t recv_time_diff = new_packet.log_time_us() - old_packet.log_time_us();
187   double delay_change =
188       static_cast<double>(recv_time_diff) / 1000 -
189       static_cast<double>(send_time_diff) / sample_rate * 1000;
190   if (delay_change < -10000 || 10000 < delay_change) {
191     RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Very large delay change. Timestamps correct?";
192     RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Old capture time "
193                         << old_packet.rtp.header.timestamp << ", received time "
194                         << old_packet.log_time_us();
195     RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "New capture time "
196                         << new_packet.rtp.header.timestamp << ", received time "
197                         << new_packet.log_time_us();
198     RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Receive time difference " << recv_time_diff << " = "
199                         << static_cast<double>(recv_time_diff) /
200                                kNumMicrosecsPerSec
201                         << "s";
202     RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Send time difference " << send_time_diff << " = "
203                         << static_cast<double>(send_time_diff) / sample_rate
204                         << "s";
205   }
206   return delay_change;
207 }
210 template <typename T>
CreateRtcpTypeTimeSeries(const std::vector<T> & rtcp_list,AnalyzerConfig config,std::string rtcp_name,int category_id)211 TimeSeries CreateRtcpTypeTimeSeries(const std::vector<T>& rtcp_list,
212                                     AnalyzerConfig config,
213                                     std::string rtcp_name,
214                                     int category_id) {
215   TimeSeries time_series(rtcp_name, LineStyle::kNone, PointStyle::kHighlight);
216   for (const auto& rtcp : rtcp_list) {
217     float x = config.GetCallTimeSec(rtcp.log_time_us());
218     float y = category_id;
219     time_series.points.emplace_back(x, y);
220   }
221   return time_series;
222 }
224 const char kUnknownEnumValue[] = "unknown";
226 const char kIceCandidateTypeLocal[] = "local";
227 const char kIceCandidateTypeStun[] = "stun";
228 const char kIceCandidateTypePrflx[] = "prflx";
229 const char kIceCandidateTypeRelay[] = "relay";
231 const char kProtocolUdp[] = "udp";
232 const char kProtocolTcp[] = "tcp";
233 const char kProtocolSsltcp[] = "ssltcp";
234 const char kProtocolTls[] = "tls";
236 const char kAddressFamilyIpv4[] = "ipv4";
237 const char kAddressFamilyIpv6[] = "ipv6";
239 const char kNetworkTypeEthernet[] = "ethernet";
240 const char kNetworkTypeLoopback[] = "loopback";
241 const char kNetworkTypeWifi[] = "wifi";
242 const char kNetworkTypeVpn[] = "vpn";
243 const char kNetworkTypeCellular[] = "cellular";
GetIceCandidateTypeAsString(webrtc::IceCandidateType type)245 std::string GetIceCandidateTypeAsString(webrtc::IceCandidateType type) {
246   switch (type) {
247     case webrtc::IceCandidateType::kLocal:
248       return kIceCandidateTypeLocal;
249     case webrtc::IceCandidateType::kStun:
250       return kIceCandidateTypeStun;
251     case webrtc::IceCandidateType::kPrflx:
252       return kIceCandidateTypePrflx;
253     case webrtc::IceCandidateType::kRelay:
254       return kIceCandidateTypeRelay;
255     default:
256       return kUnknownEnumValue;
257   }
258 }
GetProtocolAsString(webrtc::IceCandidatePairProtocol protocol)260 std::string GetProtocolAsString(webrtc::IceCandidatePairProtocol protocol) {
261   switch (protocol) {
262     case webrtc::IceCandidatePairProtocol::kUdp:
263       return kProtocolUdp;
264     case webrtc::IceCandidatePairProtocol::kTcp:
265       return kProtocolTcp;
266     case webrtc::IceCandidatePairProtocol::kSsltcp:
267       return kProtocolSsltcp;
268     case webrtc::IceCandidatePairProtocol::kTls:
269       return kProtocolTls;
270     default:
271       return kUnknownEnumValue;
272   }
273 }
GetAddressFamilyAsString(webrtc::IceCandidatePairAddressFamily family)275 std::string GetAddressFamilyAsString(
276     webrtc::IceCandidatePairAddressFamily family) {
277   switch (family) {
278     case webrtc::IceCandidatePairAddressFamily::kIpv4:
279       return kAddressFamilyIpv4;
280     case webrtc::IceCandidatePairAddressFamily::kIpv6:
281       return kAddressFamilyIpv6;
282     default:
283       return kUnknownEnumValue;
284   }
285 }
GetNetworkTypeAsString(webrtc::IceCandidateNetworkType type)287 std::string GetNetworkTypeAsString(webrtc::IceCandidateNetworkType type) {
288   switch (type) {
289     case webrtc::IceCandidateNetworkType::kEthernet:
290       return kNetworkTypeEthernet;
291     case webrtc::IceCandidateNetworkType::kLoopback:
292       return kNetworkTypeLoopback;
293     case webrtc::IceCandidateNetworkType::kWifi:
294       return kNetworkTypeWifi;
295     case webrtc::IceCandidateNetworkType::kVpn:
296       return kNetworkTypeVpn;
297     case webrtc::IceCandidateNetworkType::kCellular:
298       return kNetworkTypeCellular;
299     default:
300       return kUnknownEnumValue;
301   }
302 }
GetCandidatePairLogDescriptionAsString(const LoggedIceCandidatePairConfig & config)304 std::string GetCandidatePairLogDescriptionAsString(
305     const LoggedIceCandidatePairConfig& config) {
306   // Example: stun:wifi->relay(tcp):cellular@udp:ipv4
307   // represents a pair of a local server-reflexive candidate on a WiFi network
308   // and a remote relay candidate using TCP as the relay protocol on a cell
309   // network, when the candidate pair communicates over UDP using IPv4.
310   rtc::StringBuilder ss;
311   std::string local_candidate_type =
312       GetIceCandidateTypeAsString(config.local_candidate_type);
313   std::string remote_candidate_type =
314       GetIceCandidateTypeAsString(config.remote_candidate_type);
315   if (config.local_candidate_type == webrtc::IceCandidateType::kRelay) {
316     local_candidate_type +=
317         "(" + GetProtocolAsString(config.local_relay_protocol) + ")";
318   }
319   ss << local_candidate_type << ":"
320      << GetNetworkTypeAsString(config.local_network_type) << ":"
321      << GetAddressFamilyAsString(config.local_address_family) << "->"
322      << remote_candidate_type << ":"
323      << GetAddressFamilyAsString(config.remote_address_family) << "@"
324      << GetProtocolAsString(config.candidate_pair_protocol);
325   return ss.Release();
326 }
GetDirectionAsString(PacketDirection direction)328 std::string GetDirectionAsString(PacketDirection direction) {
329   if (direction == kIncomingPacket) {
330     return "Incoming";
331   } else {
332     return "Outgoing";
333   }
334 }
GetDirectionAsShortString(PacketDirection direction)336 std::string GetDirectionAsShortString(PacketDirection direction) {
337   if (direction == kIncomingPacket) {
338     return "In";
339   } else {
340     return "Out";
341   }
342 }
344 }  // namespace
EventLogAnalyzer(const ParsedRtcEventLog & log,bool normalize_time)346 EventLogAnalyzer::EventLogAnalyzer(const ParsedRtcEventLog& log,
347                                    bool normalize_time)
348     : parsed_log_(log) {
349   config_.window_duration_ = 250000;
350   config_.step_ = 10000;
351   config_.normalize_time_ = normalize_time;
352   config_.begin_time_ = parsed_log_.first_timestamp();
353   config_.end_time_ = parsed_log_.last_timestamp();
354   if (config_.end_time_ < config_.begin_time_) {
355     RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "No useful events in the log.";
356     config_.begin_time_ = config_.end_time_ = 0;
357   }
359   RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Log is "
360                    << (parsed_log_.last_timestamp() -
361                        parsed_log_.first_timestamp()) /
362                           1000000
363                    << " seconds long.";
364 }
EventLogAnalyzer(const ParsedRtcEventLog & log,const AnalyzerConfig & config)366 EventLogAnalyzer::EventLogAnalyzer(const ParsedRtcEventLog& log,
367                                    const AnalyzerConfig& config)
368     : parsed_log_(log), config_(config) {
369   RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Log is "
370                    << (parsed_log_.last_timestamp() -
371                        parsed_log_.first_timestamp()) /
372                           1000000
373                    << " seconds long.";
374 }
376 class BitrateObserver : public RemoteBitrateObserver {
377  public:
BitrateObserver()378   BitrateObserver() : last_bitrate_bps_(0), bitrate_updated_(false) {}
Update(NetworkControlUpdate update)380   void Update(NetworkControlUpdate update) {
381     if (update.target_rate) {
382       last_bitrate_bps_ = update.target_rate->target_rate.bps();
383       bitrate_updated_ = true;
384     }
385   }
OnReceiveBitrateChanged(const std::vector<uint32_t> & ssrcs,uint32_t bitrate)387   void OnReceiveBitrateChanged(const std::vector<uint32_t>& ssrcs,
388                                uint32_t bitrate) override {}
last_bitrate_bps() const390   uint32_t last_bitrate_bps() const { return last_bitrate_bps_; }
GetAndResetBitrateUpdated()391   bool GetAndResetBitrateUpdated() {
392     bool bitrate_updated = bitrate_updated_;
393     bitrate_updated_ = false;
394     return bitrate_updated;
395   }
397  private:
398   uint32_t last_bitrate_bps_;
399   bool bitrate_updated_;
400 };
CreatePacketGraph(PacketDirection direction,Plot * plot)402 void EventLogAnalyzer::CreatePacketGraph(PacketDirection direction,
403                                          Plot* plot) {
404   for (const auto& stream : parsed_log_.rtp_packets_by_ssrc(direction)) {
405     // Filter on SSRC.
406     if (!MatchingSsrc(stream.ssrc, desired_ssrc_)) {
407       continue;
408     }
410     TimeSeries time_series(GetStreamName(parsed_log_, direction, stream.ssrc),
411                            LineStyle::kBar);
412     auto GetPacketSize = [](const LoggedRtpPacket& packet) {
413       return absl::optional<float>(packet.total_length);
414     };
415     auto ToCallTime = [this](const LoggedRtpPacket& packet) {
416       return this->config_.GetCallTimeSec(packet.log_time_us());
417     };
418     ProcessPoints<LoggedRtpPacket>(ToCallTime, GetPacketSize,
419                                    stream.packet_view, &time_series);
420     plot->AppendTimeSeries(std::move(time_series));
421   }
423   plot->SetXAxis(config_.CallBeginTimeSec(), config_.CallEndTimeSec(),
424                  "Time (s)", kLeftMargin, kRightMargin);
425   plot->SetSuggestedYAxis(0, 1, "Packet size (bytes)", kBottomMargin,
426                           kTopMargin);
427   plot->SetTitle(GetDirectionAsString(direction) + " RTP packets");
428 }
CreateRtcpTypeGraph(PacketDirection direction,Plot * plot)430 void EventLogAnalyzer::CreateRtcpTypeGraph(PacketDirection direction,
431                                            Plot* plot) {
432   plot->AppendTimeSeries(CreateRtcpTypeTimeSeries(
433       parsed_log_.transport_feedbacks(direction), config_, "TWCC", 1));
434   plot->AppendTimeSeries(CreateRtcpTypeTimeSeries(
435       parsed_log_.receiver_reports(direction), config_, "RR", 2));
436   plot->AppendTimeSeries(CreateRtcpTypeTimeSeries(
437       parsed_log_.sender_reports(direction), config_, "SR", 3));
438   plot->AppendTimeSeries(CreateRtcpTypeTimeSeries(
439       parsed_log_.extended_reports(direction), config_, "XR", 4));
440   plot->AppendTimeSeries(CreateRtcpTypeTimeSeries(parsed_log_.nacks(direction),
441                                                   config_, "NACK", 5));
442   plot->AppendTimeSeries(CreateRtcpTypeTimeSeries(parsed_log_.rembs(direction),
443                                                   config_, "REMB", 6));
444   plot->AppendTimeSeries(
445       CreateRtcpTypeTimeSeries(parsed_log_.firs(direction), config_, "FIR", 7));
446   plot->AppendTimeSeries(
447       CreateRtcpTypeTimeSeries(parsed_log_.plis(direction), config_, "PLI", 8));
448   plot->SetXAxis(config_.CallBeginTimeSec(), config_.CallEndTimeSec(),
449                  "Time (s)", kLeftMargin, kRightMargin);
450   plot->SetSuggestedYAxis(0, 1, "RTCP type", kBottomMargin, kTopMargin);
451   plot->SetTitle(GetDirectionAsString(direction) + " RTCP packets");
452   plot->SetYAxisTickLabels({{1, "TWCC"},
453                             {2, "RR"},
454                             {3, "SR"},
455                             {4, "XR"},
456                             {5, "NACK"},
457                             {6, "REMB"},
458                             {7, "FIR"},
459                             {8, "PLI"}});
460 }
462 template <typename IterableType>
CreateAccumulatedPacketsTimeSeries(Plot * plot,const IterableType & packets,const std::string & label)463 void EventLogAnalyzer::CreateAccumulatedPacketsTimeSeries(
464     Plot* plot,
465     const IterableType& packets,
466     const std::string& label) {
467   TimeSeries time_series(label, LineStyle::kStep);
468   for (size_t i = 0; i < packets.size(); i++) {
469     float x = config_.GetCallTimeSec(packets[i].log_time_us());
470     time_series.points.emplace_back(x, i + 1);
471   }
472   plot->AppendTimeSeries(std::move(time_series));
473 }
CreateAccumulatedPacketsGraph(PacketDirection direction,Plot * plot)475 void EventLogAnalyzer::CreateAccumulatedPacketsGraph(PacketDirection direction,
476                                                      Plot* plot) {
477   for (const auto& stream : parsed_log_.rtp_packets_by_ssrc(direction)) {
478     if (!MatchingSsrc(stream.ssrc, desired_ssrc_))
479       continue;
480     std::string label = std::string("RTP ") +
481                         GetStreamName(parsed_log_, direction, stream.ssrc);
482     CreateAccumulatedPacketsTimeSeries(plot, stream.packet_view, label);
483   }
484   std::string label =
485       std::string("RTCP ") + "(" + GetDirectionAsShortString(direction) + ")";
486   if (direction == kIncomingPacket) {
487     CreateAccumulatedPacketsTimeSeries(
488         plot, parsed_log_.incoming_rtcp_packets(), label);
489   } else {
490     CreateAccumulatedPacketsTimeSeries(
491         plot, parsed_log_.outgoing_rtcp_packets(), label);
492   }
494   plot->SetXAxis(config_.CallBeginTimeSec(), config_.CallEndTimeSec(),
495                  "Time (s)", kLeftMargin, kRightMargin);
496   plot->SetSuggestedYAxis(0, 1, "Received Packets", kBottomMargin, kTopMargin);
497   plot->SetTitle(std::string("Accumulated ") + GetDirectionAsString(direction) +
498                  " RTP/RTCP packets");
499 }
CreatePacketRateGraph(PacketDirection direction,Plot * plot)501 void EventLogAnalyzer::CreatePacketRateGraph(PacketDirection direction,
502                                              Plot* plot) {
503   auto CountPackets = [](auto packet) { return 1.0; };
504   for (const auto& stream : parsed_log_.rtp_packets_by_ssrc(direction)) {
505     // Filter on SSRC.
506     if (!MatchingSsrc(stream.ssrc, desired_ssrc_)) {
507       continue;
508     }
509     TimeSeries time_series(
510         std::string("RTP ") +
511             GetStreamName(parsed_log_, direction, stream.ssrc),
512         LineStyle::kLine);
513     MovingAverage<LoggedRtpPacket, double>(CountPackets, stream.packet_view,
514                                            config_, &time_series);
515     plot->AppendTimeSeries(std::move(time_series));
516   }
517   TimeSeries time_series(
518       std::string("RTCP ") + "(" + GetDirectionAsShortString(direction) + ")",
519       LineStyle::kLine);
520   if (direction == kIncomingPacket) {
521     MovingAverage<LoggedRtcpPacketIncoming, double>(
522         CountPackets, parsed_log_.incoming_rtcp_packets(), config_,
523         &time_series);
524   } else {
525     MovingAverage<LoggedRtcpPacketOutgoing, double>(
526         CountPackets, parsed_log_.outgoing_rtcp_packets(), config_,
527         &time_series);
528   }
529   plot->AppendTimeSeries(std::move(time_series));
531   plot->SetXAxis(config_.CallBeginTimeSec(), config_.CallEndTimeSec(),
532                  "Time (s)", kLeftMargin, kRightMargin);
533   plot->SetSuggestedYAxis(0, 1, "Packet Rate (packets/s)", kBottomMargin,
534                           kTopMargin);
535   plot->SetTitle("Rate of " + GetDirectionAsString(direction) +
536                  " RTP/RTCP packets");
537 }
CreateTotalPacketRateGraph(PacketDirection direction,Plot * plot)539 void EventLogAnalyzer::CreateTotalPacketRateGraph(PacketDirection direction,
540                                                   Plot* plot) {
541   // Contains a log timestamp to enable counting logged events of different
542   // types using MovingAverage().
543   class LogTime {
544    public:
545     explicit LogTime(int64_t log_time_us) : log_time_us_(log_time_us) {}
547     int64_t log_time_us() const { return log_time_us_; }
549    private:
550     int64_t log_time_us_;
551   };
553   std::vector<LogTime> packet_times;
554   auto handle_rtp = [&](const LoggedRtpPacket& packet) {
555     packet_times.emplace_back(packet.log_time_us());
556   };
557   RtcEventProcessor process;
558   for (const auto& stream : parsed_log_.rtp_packets_by_ssrc(direction)) {
559     process.AddEvents(stream.packet_view, handle_rtp);
560   }
561   if (direction == kIncomingPacket) {
562     auto handle_incoming_rtcp = [&](const LoggedRtcpPacketIncoming& packet) {
563       packet_times.emplace_back(packet.log_time_us());
564     };
565     process.AddEvents(parsed_log_.incoming_rtcp_packets(),
566                       handle_incoming_rtcp);
567   } else {
568     auto handle_outgoing_rtcp = [&](const LoggedRtcpPacketOutgoing& packet) {
569       packet_times.emplace_back(packet.log_time_us());
570     };
571     process.AddEvents(parsed_log_.outgoing_rtcp_packets(),
572                       handle_outgoing_rtcp);
573   }
574   process.ProcessEventsInOrder();
575   TimeSeries time_series(std::string("Total ") + "(" +
576                              GetDirectionAsShortString(direction) + ") packets",
577                          LineStyle::kLine);
578   MovingAverage<LogTime, uint64_t>([](auto packet) { return 1; }, packet_times,
579                                    config_, &time_series);
580   plot->AppendTimeSeries(std::move(time_series));
582   plot->SetXAxis(config_.CallBeginTimeSec(), config_.CallEndTimeSec(),
583                  "Time (s)", kLeftMargin, kRightMargin);
584   plot->SetSuggestedYAxis(0, 1, "Packet Rate (packets/s)", kBottomMargin,
585                           kTopMargin);
586   plot->SetTitle("Rate of all " + GetDirectionAsString(direction) +
587                  " RTP/RTCP packets");
588 }
590 // For each SSRC, plot the time between the consecutive playouts.
CreatePlayoutGraph(Plot * plot)591 void EventLogAnalyzer::CreatePlayoutGraph(Plot* plot) {
592   for (const auto& playout_stream : parsed_log_.audio_playout_events()) {
593     uint32_t ssrc = playout_stream.first;
594     if (!MatchingSsrc(ssrc, desired_ssrc_))
595       continue;
596     absl::optional<int64_t> last_playout_ms;
597     TimeSeries time_series(SsrcToString(ssrc), LineStyle::kBar);
598     for (const auto& playout_event : playout_stream.second) {
599       float x = config_.GetCallTimeSec(playout_event.log_time_us());
600       int64_t playout_time_ms = playout_event.log_time_ms();
601       // If there were no previous playouts, place the point on the x-axis.
602       float y = playout_time_ms - last_playout_ms.value_or(playout_time_ms);
603       time_series.points.push_back(TimeSeriesPoint(x, y));
604       last_playout_ms.emplace(playout_time_ms);
605     }
606     plot->AppendTimeSeries(std::move(time_series));
607   }
609   plot->SetXAxis(config_.CallBeginTimeSec(), config_.CallEndTimeSec(),
610                  "Time (s)", kLeftMargin, kRightMargin);
611   plot->SetSuggestedYAxis(0, 1, "Time since last playout (ms)", kBottomMargin,
612                           kTopMargin);
613   plot->SetTitle("Audio playout");
614 }
616 // For audio SSRCs, plot the audio level.
CreateAudioLevelGraph(PacketDirection direction,Plot * plot)617 void EventLogAnalyzer::CreateAudioLevelGraph(PacketDirection direction,
618                                              Plot* plot) {
619   for (const auto& stream : parsed_log_.rtp_packets_by_ssrc(direction)) {
620     if (!IsAudioSsrc(parsed_log_, direction, stream.ssrc))
621       continue;
622     TimeSeries time_series(GetStreamName(parsed_log_, direction, stream.ssrc),
623                            LineStyle::kLine);
624     for (auto& packet : stream.packet_view) {
625       if (packet.header.extension.hasAudioLevel) {
626         float x = config_.GetCallTimeSec(packet.log_time_us());
627         // The audio level is stored in -dBov (so e.g. -10 dBov is stored as 10)
628         // Here we convert it to dBov.
629         float y = static_cast<float>(-packet.header.extension.audioLevel);
630         time_series.points.emplace_back(TimeSeriesPoint(x, y));
631       }
632     }
633     plot->AppendTimeSeries(std::move(time_series));
634   }
636   plot->SetXAxis(config_.CallBeginTimeSec(), config_.CallEndTimeSec(),
637                  "Time (s)", kLeftMargin, kRightMargin);
638   plot->SetYAxis(-127, 0, "Audio level (dBov)", kBottomMargin, kTopMargin);
639   plot->SetTitle(GetDirectionAsString(direction) + " audio level");
640 }
642 // For each SSRC, plot the sequence number difference between consecutive
643 // incoming packets.
CreateSequenceNumberGraph(Plot * plot)644 void EventLogAnalyzer::CreateSequenceNumberGraph(Plot* plot) {
645   for (const auto& stream : parsed_log_.incoming_rtp_packets_by_ssrc()) {
646     // Filter on SSRC.
647     if (!MatchingSsrc(stream.ssrc, desired_ssrc_)) {
648       continue;
649     }
651     TimeSeries time_series(
652         GetStreamName(parsed_log_, kIncomingPacket, stream.ssrc),
653         LineStyle::kBar);
654     auto GetSequenceNumberDiff = [](const LoggedRtpPacketIncoming& old_packet,
655                                     const LoggedRtpPacketIncoming& new_packet) {
656       int64_t diff =
657           WrappingDifference(new_packet.rtp.header.sequenceNumber,
658                              old_packet.rtp.header.sequenceNumber, 1ul << 16);
659       return diff;
660     };
661     auto ToCallTime = [this](const LoggedRtpPacketIncoming& packet) {
662       return this->config_.GetCallTimeSec(packet.log_time_us());
663     };
664     ProcessPairs<LoggedRtpPacketIncoming, float>(
665         ToCallTime, GetSequenceNumberDiff, stream.incoming_packets,
666         &time_series);
667     plot->AppendTimeSeries(std::move(time_series));
668   }
670   plot->SetXAxis(config_.CallBeginTimeSec(), config_.CallEndTimeSec(),
671                  "Time (s)", kLeftMargin, kRightMargin);
672   plot->SetSuggestedYAxis(0, 1, "Difference since last packet", kBottomMargin,
673                           kTopMargin);
674   plot->SetTitle("Incoming sequence number delta");
675 }
CreateIncomingPacketLossGraph(Plot * plot)677 void EventLogAnalyzer::CreateIncomingPacketLossGraph(Plot* plot) {
678   for (const auto& stream : parsed_log_.incoming_rtp_packets_by_ssrc()) {
679     const std::vector<LoggedRtpPacketIncoming>& packets =
680         stream.incoming_packets;
681     // Filter on SSRC.
682     if (!MatchingSsrc(stream.ssrc, desired_ssrc_) || packets.empty()) {
683       continue;
684     }
686     TimeSeries time_series(
687         GetStreamName(parsed_log_, kIncomingPacket, stream.ssrc),
688         LineStyle::kLine, PointStyle::kHighlight);
689     // TODO(terelius): Should the window and step size be read from the class
690     // instead?
691     const int64_t kWindowUs = 1000000;
692     const int64_t kStep = 1000000;
693     SeqNumUnwrapper<uint16_t> unwrapper_;
694     SeqNumUnwrapper<uint16_t> prior_unwrapper_;
695     size_t window_index_begin = 0;
696     size_t window_index_end = 0;
697     uint64_t highest_seq_number =
698         unwrapper_.Unwrap(packets[0].rtp.header.sequenceNumber) - 1;
699     uint64_t highest_prior_seq_number =
700         prior_unwrapper_.Unwrap(packets[0].rtp.header.sequenceNumber) - 1;
702     for (int64_t t = config_.begin_time_; t < config_.end_time_ + kStep;
703          t += kStep) {
704       while (window_index_end < packets.size() &&
705              packets[window_index_end].rtp.log_time_us() < t) {
706         uint64_t sequence_number = unwrapper_.Unwrap(
707             packets[window_index_end].rtp.header.sequenceNumber);
708         highest_seq_number = std::max(highest_seq_number, sequence_number);
709         ++window_index_end;
710       }
711       while (window_index_begin < packets.size() &&
712              packets[window_index_begin].rtp.log_time_us() < t - kWindowUs) {
713         uint64_t sequence_number = prior_unwrapper_.Unwrap(
714             packets[window_index_begin].rtp.header.sequenceNumber);
715         highest_prior_seq_number =
716             std::max(highest_prior_seq_number, sequence_number);
717         ++window_index_begin;
718       }
719       float x = config_.GetCallTimeSec(t);
720       uint64_t expected_packets = highest_seq_number - highest_prior_seq_number;
721       if (expected_packets > 0) {
722         int64_t received_packets = window_index_end - window_index_begin;
723         int64_t lost_packets = expected_packets - received_packets;
724         float y = static_cast<float>(lost_packets) / expected_packets * 100;
725         time_series.points.emplace_back(x, y);
726       }
727     }
728     plot->AppendTimeSeries(std::move(time_series));
729   }
731   plot->SetXAxis(config_.CallBeginTimeSec(), config_.CallEndTimeSec(),
732                  "Time (s)", kLeftMargin, kRightMargin);
733   plot->SetSuggestedYAxis(0, 1, "Loss rate (in %)", kBottomMargin, kTopMargin);
734   plot->SetTitle("Incoming packet loss (derived from incoming packets)");
735 }
CreateIncomingDelayGraph(Plot * plot)737 void EventLogAnalyzer::CreateIncomingDelayGraph(Plot* plot) {
738   for (const auto& stream : parsed_log_.incoming_rtp_packets_by_ssrc()) {
739     // Filter on SSRC.
740     if (!MatchingSsrc(stream.ssrc, desired_ssrc_) ||
741         IsRtxSsrc(parsed_log_, kIncomingPacket, stream.ssrc)) {
742       continue;
743     }
745     const std::vector<LoggedRtpPacketIncoming>& packets =
746         stream.incoming_packets;
747     if (packets.size() < 100) {
748       RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Can't estimate the RTP clock frequency with "
749                           << packets.size() << " packets in the stream.";
750       continue;
751     }
752     int64_t segment_end_us = parsed_log_.first_log_segment().stop_time_us();
753     absl::optional<uint32_t> estimated_frequency =
754         EstimateRtpClockFrequency(packets, segment_end_us);
755     if (!estimated_frequency)
756       continue;
757     const double frequency_hz = *estimated_frequency;
758     if (IsVideoSsrc(parsed_log_, kIncomingPacket, stream.ssrc) &&
759         frequency_hz != 90000) {
761           << "Video stream should use a 90 kHz clock but appears to use "
762           << frequency_hz / 1000 << ". Discarding.";
763       continue;
764     }
766     auto ToCallTime = [this](const LoggedRtpPacketIncoming& packet) {
767       return this->config_.GetCallTimeSec(packet.log_time_us());
768     };
769     auto ToNetworkDelay = [frequency_hz](
770                               const LoggedRtpPacketIncoming& old_packet,
771                               const LoggedRtpPacketIncoming& new_packet) {
772       return NetworkDelayDiff_CaptureTime(old_packet, new_packet, frequency_hz);
773     };
775     TimeSeries capture_time_data(
776         GetStreamName(parsed_log_, kIncomingPacket, stream.ssrc) +
777             " capture-time",
778         LineStyle::kLine);
779     AccumulatePairs<LoggedRtpPacketIncoming, double>(
780         ToCallTime, ToNetworkDelay, packets, &capture_time_data);
781     plot->AppendTimeSeries(std::move(capture_time_data));
783     TimeSeries send_time_data(
784         GetStreamName(parsed_log_, kIncomingPacket, stream.ssrc) +
785             " abs-send-time",
786         LineStyle::kLine);
787     AccumulatePairs<LoggedRtpPacketIncoming, double>(
788         ToCallTime, NetworkDelayDiff_AbsSendTime, packets, &send_time_data);
789     plot->AppendTimeSeriesIfNotEmpty(std::move(send_time_data));
790   }
792   plot->SetXAxis(config_.CallBeginTimeSec(), config_.CallEndTimeSec(),
793                  "Time (s)", kLeftMargin, kRightMargin);
794   plot->SetSuggestedYAxis(0, 1, "Delay (ms)", kBottomMargin, kTopMargin);
795   plot->SetTitle("Incoming network delay (relative to first packet)");
796 }
798 // Plot the fraction of packets lost (as perceived by the loss-based BWE).
CreateFractionLossGraph(Plot * plot)799 void EventLogAnalyzer::CreateFractionLossGraph(Plot* plot) {
800   TimeSeries time_series("Fraction lost", LineStyle::kLine,
801                          PointStyle::kHighlight);
802   for (auto& bwe_update : parsed_log_.bwe_loss_updates()) {
803     float x = config_.GetCallTimeSec(bwe_update.log_time_us());
804     float y = static_cast<float>(bwe_update.fraction_lost) / 255 * 100;
805     time_series.points.emplace_back(x, y);
806   }
808   plot->AppendTimeSeries(std::move(time_series));
809   plot->SetXAxis(config_.CallBeginTimeSec(), config_.CallEndTimeSec(),
810                  "Time (s)", kLeftMargin, kRightMargin);
811   plot->SetSuggestedYAxis(0, 10, "Loss rate (in %)", kBottomMargin, kTopMargin);
812   plot->SetTitle("Outgoing packet loss (as reported by BWE)");
813 }
815 // Plot the total bandwidth used by all RTP streams.
CreateTotalIncomingBitrateGraph(Plot * plot)816 void EventLogAnalyzer::CreateTotalIncomingBitrateGraph(Plot* plot) {
817   // TODO(terelius): This could be provided by the parser.
818   std::multimap<int64_t, size_t> packets_in_order;
819   for (const auto& stream : parsed_log_.incoming_rtp_packets_by_ssrc()) {
820     for (const LoggedRtpPacketIncoming& packet : stream.incoming_packets)
821       packets_in_order.insert(
822           std::make_pair(packet.rtp.log_time_us(), packet.rtp.total_length));
823   }
825   auto window_begin = packets_in_order.begin();
826   auto window_end = packets_in_order.begin();
827   size_t bytes_in_window = 0;
829   if (!packets_in_order.empty()) {
830     // Calculate a moving average of the bitrate and store in a TimeSeries.
831     TimeSeries bitrate_series("Bitrate", LineStyle::kLine);
832     for (int64_t time = config_.begin_time_;
833          time < config_.end_time_ + config_.step_; time += config_.step_) {
834       while (window_end != packets_in_order.end() && window_end->first < time) {
835         bytes_in_window += window_end->second;
836         ++window_end;
837       }
838       while (window_begin != packets_in_order.end() &&
839              window_begin->first < time - config_.window_duration_) {
840         RTC_DCHECK_LE(window_begin->second, bytes_in_window);
841         bytes_in_window -= window_begin->second;
842         ++window_begin;
843       }
844       float window_duration_in_seconds =
845           static_cast<float>(config_.window_duration_) / kNumMicrosecsPerSec;
846       float x = config_.GetCallTimeSec(time);
847       float y = bytes_in_window * 8 / window_duration_in_seconds / 1000;
848       bitrate_series.points.emplace_back(x, y);
849     }
850     plot->AppendTimeSeries(std::move(bitrate_series));
851   }
853   // Overlay the outgoing REMB over incoming bitrate.
854   TimeSeries remb_series("Remb", LineStyle::kStep);
855   for (const auto& rtcp : parsed_log_.rembs(kOutgoingPacket)) {
856     float x = config_.GetCallTimeSec(rtcp.log_time_us());
857     float y = static_cast<float>(rtcp.remb.bitrate_bps()) / 1000;
858     remb_series.points.emplace_back(x, y);
859   }
860   plot->AppendTimeSeriesIfNotEmpty(std::move(remb_series));
862   if (!parsed_log_.generic_packets_received().empty()) {
863     TimeSeries time_series("Incoming generic bitrate", LineStyle::kLine);
864     auto GetPacketSizeKilobits = [](const LoggedGenericPacketReceived& packet) {
865       return packet.packet_length * 8.0 / 1000.0;
866     };
867     MovingAverage<LoggedGenericPacketReceived, double>(
868         GetPacketSizeKilobits, parsed_log_.generic_packets_received(), config_,
869         &time_series);
870     plot->AppendTimeSeries(std::move(time_series));
871   }
873   plot->SetXAxis(config_.CallBeginTimeSec(), config_.CallEndTimeSec(),
874                  "Time (s)", kLeftMargin, kRightMargin);
875   plot->SetSuggestedYAxis(0, 1, "Bitrate (kbps)", kBottomMargin, kTopMargin);
876   plot->SetTitle("Incoming RTP bitrate");
877 }
879 // Plot the total bandwidth used by all RTP streams.
CreateTotalOutgoingBitrateGraph(Plot * plot,bool show_detector_state,bool show_alr_state)880 void EventLogAnalyzer::CreateTotalOutgoingBitrateGraph(Plot* plot,
881                                                        bool show_detector_state,
882                                                        bool show_alr_state) {
883   // TODO(terelius): This could be provided by the parser.
884   std::multimap<int64_t, size_t> packets_in_order;
885   for (const auto& stream : parsed_log_.outgoing_rtp_packets_by_ssrc()) {
886     for (const LoggedRtpPacketOutgoing& packet : stream.outgoing_packets)
887       packets_in_order.insert(
888           std::make_pair(packet.rtp.log_time_us(), packet.rtp.total_length));
889   }
891   auto window_begin = packets_in_order.begin();
892   auto window_end = packets_in_order.begin();
893   size_t bytes_in_window = 0;
895   if (!packets_in_order.empty()) {
896     // Calculate a moving average of the bitrate and store in a TimeSeries.
897     TimeSeries bitrate_series("Bitrate", LineStyle::kLine);
898     for (int64_t time = config_.begin_time_;
899          time < config_.end_time_ + config_.step_; time += config_.step_) {
900       while (window_end != packets_in_order.end() && window_end->first < time) {
901         bytes_in_window += window_end->second;
902         ++window_end;
903       }
904       while (window_begin != packets_in_order.end() &&
905              window_begin->first < time - config_.window_duration_) {
906         RTC_DCHECK_LE(window_begin->second, bytes_in_window);
907         bytes_in_window -= window_begin->second;
908         ++window_begin;
909       }
910       float window_duration_in_seconds =
911           static_cast<float>(config_.window_duration_) / kNumMicrosecsPerSec;
912       float x = config_.GetCallTimeSec(time);
913       float y = bytes_in_window * 8 / window_duration_in_seconds / 1000;
914       bitrate_series.points.emplace_back(x, y);
915     }
916     plot->AppendTimeSeries(std::move(bitrate_series));
917   }
919   // Overlay the send-side bandwidth estimate over the outgoing bitrate.
920   TimeSeries loss_series("Loss-based estimate", LineStyle::kStep);
921   for (auto& loss_update : parsed_log_.bwe_loss_updates()) {
922     float x = config_.GetCallTimeSec(loss_update.log_time_us());
923     float y = static_cast<float>(loss_update.bitrate_bps) / 1000;
924     loss_series.points.emplace_back(x, y);
925   }
927   TimeSeries delay_series("Delay-based estimate", LineStyle::kStep);
928   IntervalSeries overusing_series("Overusing", "#ff8e82",
929                                   IntervalSeries::kHorizontal);
930   IntervalSeries underusing_series("Underusing", "#5092fc",
931                                    IntervalSeries::kHorizontal);
932   IntervalSeries normal_series("Normal", "#c4ffc4",
933                                IntervalSeries::kHorizontal);
934   IntervalSeries* last_series = &normal_series;
935   double last_detector_switch = 0.0;
937   BandwidthUsage last_detector_state = BandwidthUsage::kBwNormal;
939   for (auto& delay_update : parsed_log_.bwe_delay_updates()) {
940     float x = config_.GetCallTimeSec(delay_update.log_time_us());
941     float y = static_cast<float>(delay_update.bitrate_bps) / 1000;
943     if (last_detector_state != delay_update.detector_state) {
944       last_series->intervals.emplace_back(last_detector_switch, x);
945       last_detector_state = delay_update.detector_state;
946       last_detector_switch = x;
948       switch (delay_update.detector_state) {
949         case BandwidthUsage::kBwNormal:
950           last_series = &normal_series;
951           break;
952         case BandwidthUsage::kBwUnderusing:
953           last_series = &underusing_series;
954           break;
955         case BandwidthUsage::kBwOverusing:
956           last_series = &overusing_series;
957           break;
958         case BandwidthUsage::kLast:
959           RTC_NOTREACHED();
960       }
961     }
963     delay_series.points.emplace_back(x, y);
964   }
966   RTC_CHECK(last_series);
967   last_series->intervals.emplace_back(last_detector_switch, config_.end_time_);
969   TimeSeries created_series("Probe cluster created.", LineStyle::kNone,
970                             PointStyle::kHighlight);
971   for (auto& cluster : parsed_log_.bwe_probe_cluster_created_events()) {
972     float x = config_.GetCallTimeSec(cluster.log_time_us());
973     float y = static_cast<float>(cluster.bitrate_bps) / 1000;
974     created_series.points.emplace_back(x, y);
975   }
977   TimeSeries result_series("Probing results.", LineStyle::kNone,
978                            PointStyle::kHighlight);
979   for (auto& result : parsed_log_.bwe_probe_success_events()) {
980     float x = config_.GetCallTimeSec(result.log_time_us());
981     float y = static_cast<float>(result.bitrate_bps) / 1000;
982     result_series.points.emplace_back(x, y);
983   }
985   TimeSeries probe_failures_series("Probe failed", LineStyle::kNone,
986                                    PointStyle::kHighlight);
987   for (auto& failure : parsed_log_.bwe_probe_failure_events()) {
988     float x = config_.GetCallTimeSec(failure.log_time_us());
989     probe_failures_series.points.emplace_back(x, 0);
990   }
992   IntervalSeries alr_state("ALR", "#555555", IntervalSeries::kHorizontal);
993   bool previously_in_alr = false;
994   int64_t alr_start = 0;
995   for (auto& alr : parsed_log_.alr_state_events()) {
996     float y = config_.GetCallTimeSec(alr.log_time_us());
997     if (!previously_in_alr && alr.in_alr) {
998       alr_start = alr.log_time_us();
999       previously_in_alr = true;
1000     } else if (previously_in_alr && !alr.in_alr) {
1001       float x = config_.GetCallTimeSec(alr_start);
1002       alr_state.intervals.emplace_back(x, y);
1003       previously_in_alr = false;
1004     }
1005   }
1007   if (previously_in_alr) {
1008     float x = config_.GetCallTimeSec(alr_start);
1009     float y = config_.GetCallTimeSec(config_.end_time_);
1010     alr_state.intervals.emplace_back(x, y);
1011   }
1013   if (show_detector_state) {
1014     plot->AppendIntervalSeries(std::move(overusing_series));
1015     plot->AppendIntervalSeries(std::move(underusing_series));
1016     plot->AppendIntervalSeries(std::move(normal_series));
1017   }
1019   if (show_alr_state) {
1020     plot->AppendIntervalSeries(std::move(alr_state));
1021   }
1022   plot->AppendTimeSeries(std::move(loss_series));
1023   plot->AppendTimeSeriesIfNotEmpty(std::move(probe_failures_series));
1024   plot->AppendTimeSeries(std::move(delay_series));
1025   plot->AppendTimeSeries(std::move(created_series));
1026   plot->AppendTimeSeries(std::move(result_series));
1028   // Overlay the incoming REMB over the outgoing bitrate.
1029   TimeSeries remb_series("Remb", LineStyle::kStep);
1030   for (const auto& rtcp : parsed_log_.rembs(kIncomingPacket)) {
1031     float x = config_.GetCallTimeSec(rtcp.log_time_us());
1032     float y = static_cast<float>(rtcp.remb.bitrate_bps()) / 1000;
1033     remb_series.points.emplace_back(x, y);
1034   }
1035   plot->AppendTimeSeriesIfNotEmpty(std::move(remb_series));
1037   if (!parsed_log_.generic_packets_sent().empty()) {
1038     {
1039       TimeSeries time_series("Outgoing generic total bitrate",
1040                              LineStyle::kLine);
1041       auto GetPacketSizeKilobits = [](const LoggedGenericPacketSent& packet) {
1042         return packet.packet_length() * 8.0 / 1000.0;
1043       };
1044       MovingAverage<LoggedGenericPacketSent, double>(
1045           GetPacketSizeKilobits, parsed_log_.generic_packets_sent(), config_,
1046           &time_series);
1047       plot->AppendTimeSeries(std::move(time_series));
1048     }
1050     {
1051       TimeSeries time_series("Outgoing generic payload bitrate",
1052                              LineStyle::kLine);
1053       auto GetPacketSizeKilobits = [](const LoggedGenericPacketSent& packet) {
1054         return packet.payload_length * 8.0 / 1000.0;
1055       };
1056       MovingAverage<LoggedGenericPacketSent, double>(
1057           GetPacketSizeKilobits, parsed_log_.generic_packets_sent(), config_,
1058           &time_series);
1059       plot->AppendTimeSeries(std::move(time_series));
1060     }
1061   }
1063   plot->SetXAxis(config_.CallBeginTimeSec(), config_.CallEndTimeSec(),
1064                  "Time (s)", kLeftMargin, kRightMargin);
1065   plot->SetSuggestedYAxis(0, 1, "Bitrate (kbps)", kBottomMargin, kTopMargin);
1066   plot->SetTitle("Outgoing RTP bitrate");
1067 }
1069 // For each SSRC, plot the bandwidth used by that stream.
CreateStreamBitrateGraph(PacketDirection direction,Plot * plot)1070 void EventLogAnalyzer::CreateStreamBitrateGraph(PacketDirection direction,
1071                                                 Plot* plot) {
1072   for (const auto& stream : parsed_log_.rtp_packets_by_ssrc(direction)) {
1073     // Filter on SSRC.
1074     if (!MatchingSsrc(stream.ssrc, desired_ssrc_)) {
1075       continue;
1076     }
1078     TimeSeries time_series(GetStreamName(parsed_log_, direction, stream.ssrc),
1079                            LineStyle::kLine);
1080     auto GetPacketSizeKilobits = [](const LoggedRtpPacket& packet) {
1081       return packet.total_length * 8.0 / 1000.0;
1082     };
1083     MovingAverage<LoggedRtpPacket, double>(
1084         GetPacketSizeKilobits, stream.packet_view, config_, &time_series);
1085     plot->AppendTimeSeries(std::move(time_series));
1086   }
1088   plot->SetXAxis(config_.CallBeginTimeSec(), config_.CallEndTimeSec(),
1089                  "Time (s)", kLeftMargin, kRightMargin);
1090   plot->SetSuggestedYAxis(0, 1, "Bitrate (kbps)", kBottomMargin, kTopMargin);
1091   plot->SetTitle(GetDirectionAsString(direction) + " bitrate per stream");
1092 }
1094 // Plot the bitrate allocation for each temporal and spatial layer.
1095 // Computed from RTCP XR target bitrate block, so the graph is only populated if
1096 // those are sent.
CreateBitrateAllocationGraph(PacketDirection direction,Plot * plot)1097 void EventLogAnalyzer::CreateBitrateAllocationGraph(PacketDirection direction,
1098                                                     Plot* plot) {
1099   std::map<LayerDescription, TimeSeries> time_series;
1100   const auto& xr_list = parsed_log_.extended_reports(direction);
1101   for (const auto& rtcp : xr_list) {
1102     const absl::optional<rtcp::TargetBitrate>& target_bitrate =
1103         rtcp.xr.target_bitrate();
1104     if (!target_bitrate.has_value())
1105       continue;
1106     for (const auto& bitrate_item : target_bitrate->GetTargetBitrates()) {
1107       LayerDescription layer(rtcp.xr.sender_ssrc(), bitrate_item.spatial_layer,
1108                              bitrate_item.temporal_layer);
1109       auto time_series_it = time_series.find(layer);
1110       if (time_series_it == time_series.end()) {
1111         std::string layer_name = GetLayerName(layer);
1112         bool inserted;
1113         std::tie(time_series_it, inserted) = time_series.insert(
1114             std::make_pair(layer, TimeSeries(layer_name, LineStyle::kStep)));
1115         RTC_DCHECK(inserted);
1116       }
1117       float x = config_.GetCallTimeSec(rtcp.log_time_us());
1118       float y = bitrate_item.target_bitrate_kbps;
1119       time_series_it->second.points.emplace_back(x, y);
1120     }
1121   }
1122   for (auto& layer : time_series) {
1123     plot->AppendTimeSeries(std::move(layer.second));
1124   }
1125   plot->SetXAxis(config_.CallBeginTimeSec(), config_.CallEndTimeSec(),
1126                  "Time (s)", kLeftMargin, kRightMargin);
1127   plot->SetSuggestedYAxis(0, 1, "Bitrate (kbps)", kBottomMargin, kTopMargin);
1128   if (direction == kIncomingPacket)
1129     plot->SetTitle("Target bitrate per incoming layer");
1130   else
1131     plot->SetTitle("Target bitrate per outgoing layer");
1132 }
CreateGoogCcSimulationGraph(Plot * plot)1134 void EventLogAnalyzer::CreateGoogCcSimulationGraph(Plot* plot) {
1135   TimeSeries target_rates("Simulated target rate", LineStyle::kStep,
1136                           PointStyle::kHighlight);
1137   TimeSeries delay_based("Logged delay-based estimate", LineStyle::kStep,
1138                          PointStyle::kHighlight);
1139   TimeSeries loss_based("Logged loss-based estimate", LineStyle::kStep,
1140                         PointStyle::kHighlight);
1141   TimeSeries probe_results("Logged probe success", LineStyle::kNone,
1142                            PointStyle::kHighlight);
1144   LogBasedNetworkControllerSimulation simulation(
1145       std::make_unique<GoogCcNetworkControllerFactory>(),
1146       [&](const NetworkControlUpdate& update, Timestamp at_time) {
1147         if (update.target_rate) {
1148           target_rates.points.emplace_back(
1149               config_.GetCallTimeSec(at_time.us()),
1150               update.target_rate->target_rate.kbps<float>());
1151         }
1152       });
1154   simulation.ProcessEventsInLog(parsed_log_);
1155   for (const auto& logged : parsed_log_.bwe_delay_updates())
1156     delay_based.points.emplace_back(
1157         config_.GetCallTimeSec(logged.log_time_us()),
1158         logged.bitrate_bps / 1000);
1159   for (const auto& logged : parsed_log_.bwe_probe_success_events())
1160     probe_results.points.emplace_back(
1161         config_.GetCallTimeSec(logged.log_time_us()),
1162         logged.bitrate_bps / 1000);
1163   for (const auto& logged : parsed_log_.bwe_loss_updates())
1164     loss_based.points.emplace_back(config_.GetCallTimeSec(logged.log_time_us()),
1165                                    logged.bitrate_bps / 1000);
1167   plot->AppendTimeSeries(std::move(delay_based));
1168   plot->AppendTimeSeries(std::move(loss_based));
1169   plot->AppendTimeSeries(std::move(probe_results));
1170   plot->AppendTimeSeries(std::move(target_rates));
1172   plot->SetXAxis(config_.CallBeginTimeSec(), config_.CallEndTimeSec(),
1173                  "Time (s)", kLeftMargin, kRightMargin);
1174   plot->SetSuggestedYAxis(0, 10, "Bitrate (kbps)", kBottomMargin, kTopMargin);
1175   plot->SetTitle("Simulated BWE behavior");
1176 }
CreateSendSideBweSimulationGraph(Plot * plot)1178 void EventLogAnalyzer::CreateSendSideBweSimulationGraph(Plot* plot) {
1179   using RtpPacketType = LoggedRtpPacketOutgoing;
1180   using TransportFeedbackType = LoggedRtcpPacketTransportFeedback;
1182   // TODO(terelius): This could be provided by the parser.
1183   std::multimap<int64_t, const RtpPacketType*> outgoing_rtp;
1184   for (const auto& stream : parsed_log_.outgoing_rtp_packets_by_ssrc()) {
1185     for (const RtpPacketType& rtp_packet : stream.outgoing_packets)
1186       outgoing_rtp.insert(
1187           std::make_pair(rtp_packet.rtp.log_time_us(), &rtp_packet));
1188   }
1190   const std::vector<TransportFeedbackType>& incoming_rtcp =
1191       parsed_log_.transport_feedbacks(kIncomingPacket);
1193   SimulatedClock clock(0);
1194   BitrateObserver observer;
1195   RtcEventLogNull null_event_log;
1196   PacketRouter packet_router;
1197   PacedSender pacer(&clock, &packet_router, &null_event_log);
1198   TransportFeedbackAdapter transport_feedback;
1199   auto factory = GoogCcNetworkControllerFactory();
1200   TimeDelta process_interval = factory.GetProcessInterval();
1201   // TODO(holmer): Log the call config and use that here instead.
1202   static const uint32_t kDefaultStartBitrateBps = 300000;
1203   NetworkControllerConfig cc_config;
1204   cc_config.constraints.at_time = Timestamp::Micros(clock.TimeInMicroseconds());
1205   cc_config.constraints.starting_rate =
1206       DataRate::BitsPerSec(kDefaultStartBitrateBps);
1207   cc_config.event_log = &null_event_log;
1208   auto goog_cc = factory.Create(cc_config);
1210   TimeSeries time_series("Delay-based estimate", LineStyle::kStep,
1211                          PointStyle::kHighlight);
1212   TimeSeries acked_time_series("Raw acked bitrate", LineStyle::kLine,
1213                                PointStyle::kHighlight);
1214   TimeSeries robust_time_series("Robust throughput estimate", LineStyle::kLine,
1215                                 PointStyle::kHighlight);
1216   TimeSeries acked_estimate_time_series("Ackednowledged bitrate estimate",
1217                                         LineStyle::kLine,
1218                                         PointStyle::kHighlight);
1220   auto rtp_iterator = outgoing_rtp.begin();
1221   auto rtcp_iterator = incoming_rtcp.begin();
1223   auto NextRtpTime = [&]() {
1224     if (rtp_iterator != outgoing_rtp.end())
1225       return static_cast<int64_t>(rtp_iterator->first);
1226     return std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
1227   };
1229   auto NextRtcpTime = [&]() {
1230     if (rtcp_iterator != incoming_rtcp.end())
1231       return static_cast<int64_t>(rtcp_iterator->log_time_us());
1232     return std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
1233   };
1234   int64_t next_process_time_us_ = std::min({NextRtpTime(), NextRtcpTime()});
1236   auto NextProcessTime = [&]() {
1237     if (rtcp_iterator != incoming_rtcp.end() ||
1238         rtp_iterator != outgoing_rtp.end()) {
1239       return next_process_time_us_;
1240     }
1241     return std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
1242   };
1244   RateStatistics acked_bitrate(750, 8000);
1245   test::ExplicitKeyValueConfig throughput_config(
1246       "WebRTC-Bwe-RobustThroughputEstimatorSettings/"
1247       "enabled:true,reduce_bias:true,assume_shared_link:false,initial_packets:"
1248       "10,min_packets:25,window_duration:750ms,unacked_weight:0.5/");
1249   std::unique_ptr<AcknowledgedBitrateEstimatorInterface>
1250       robust_throughput_estimator(
1251           AcknowledgedBitrateEstimatorInterface::Create(&throughput_config));
1252   FieldTrialBasedConfig field_trial_config;
1253   std::unique_ptr<AcknowledgedBitrateEstimatorInterface>
1254       acknowledged_bitrate_estimator(
1255           AcknowledgedBitrateEstimatorInterface::Create(&field_trial_config));
1256   int64_t time_us =
1257       std::min({NextRtpTime(), NextRtcpTime(), NextProcessTime()});
1258   int64_t last_update_us = 0;
1259   while (time_us != std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max()) {
1260     clock.AdvanceTimeMicroseconds(time_us - clock.TimeInMicroseconds());
1261     if (clock.TimeInMicroseconds() >= NextRtpTime()) {
1262       RTC_DCHECK_EQ(clock.TimeInMicroseconds(), NextRtpTime());
1263       const RtpPacketType& rtp_packet = *rtp_iterator->second;
1264       if (rtp_packet.rtp.header.extension.hasTransportSequenceNumber) {
1265         RtpPacketSendInfo packet_info;
1266         packet_info.ssrc = rtp_packet.rtp.header.ssrc;
1267         packet_info.transport_sequence_number =
1268             rtp_packet.rtp.header.extension.transportSequenceNumber;
1269         packet_info.rtp_sequence_number = rtp_packet.rtp.header.sequenceNumber;
1270         packet_info.length = rtp_packet.rtp.total_length;
1271         if (IsRtxSsrc(parsed_log_, PacketDirection::kOutgoingPacket,
1272                       rtp_packet.rtp.header.ssrc)) {
1273           // Don't set the optional media type as we don't know if it is
1274           // a retransmission, FEC or padding.
1275         } else if (IsVideoSsrc(parsed_log_, PacketDirection::kOutgoingPacket,
1276                                rtp_packet.rtp.header.ssrc)) {
1277           packet_info.packet_type = RtpPacketMediaType::kVideo;
1278         } else if (IsAudioSsrc(parsed_log_, PacketDirection::kOutgoingPacket,
1279                                rtp_packet.rtp.header.ssrc)) {
1280           packet_info.packet_type = RtpPacketMediaType::kAudio;
1281         }
1282         transport_feedback.AddPacket(
1283             packet_info,
1284             0u,  // Per packet overhead bytes.
1285             Timestamp::Micros(rtp_packet.rtp.log_time_us()));
1286       }
1287       rtc::SentPacket sent_packet;
1288       sent_packet.send_time_ms = rtp_packet.rtp.log_time_ms();
1289       sent_packet.info.included_in_allocation = true;
1290       sent_packet.info.packet_size_bytes = rtp_packet.rtp.total_length;
1291       if (rtp_packet.rtp.header.extension.hasTransportSequenceNumber) {
1292         sent_packet.packet_id =
1293             rtp_packet.rtp.header.extension.transportSequenceNumber;
1294         sent_packet.info.included_in_feedback = true;
1295       }
1296       auto sent_msg = transport_feedback.ProcessSentPacket(sent_packet);
1297       if (sent_msg)
1298         observer.Update(goog_cc->OnSentPacket(*sent_msg));
1299       ++rtp_iterator;
1300     }
1301     if (clock.TimeInMicroseconds() >= NextRtcpTime()) {
1302       RTC_DCHECK_EQ(clock.TimeInMicroseconds(), NextRtcpTime());
1304       auto feedback_msg = transport_feedback.ProcessTransportFeedback(
1305           rtcp_iterator->transport_feedback,
1306           Timestamp::Millis(clock.TimeInMilliseconds()));
1307       absl::optional<uint32_t> bitrate_bps;
1308       if (feedback_msg) {
1309         observer.Update(goog_cc->OnTransportPacketsFeedback(*feedback_msg));
1310         std::vector<PacketResult> feedback =
1311             feedback_msg->SortedByReceiveTime();
1312         if (!feedback.empty()) {
1313           acknowledged_bitrate_estimator->IncomingPacketFeedbackVector(
1314               feedback);
1315           robust_throughput_estimator->IncomingPacketFeedbackVector(feedback);
1316           for (const PacketResult& packet : feedback) {
1317             acked_bitrate.Update(packet.sent_packet.size.bytes(),
1318                                  packet.receive_time.ms());
1319           }
1320           bitrate_bps = acked_bitrate.Rate(feedback.back().receive_time.ms());
1321         }
1322       }
1324       float x = config_.GetCallTimeSec(clock.TimeInMicroseconds());
1325       float y = bitrate_bps.value_or(0) / 1000;
1326       acked_time_series.points.emplace_back(x, y);
1327       y = robust_throughput_estimator->bitrate()
1328               .value_or(DataRate::Zero())
1329               .kbps();
1330       robust_time_series.points.emplace_back(x, y);
1331       y = acknowledged_bitrate_estimator->bitrate()
1332               .value_or(DataRate::Zero())
1333               .kbps();
1334       acked_estimate_time_series.points.emplace_back(x, y);
1335       ++rtcp_iterator;
1336     }
1337     if (clock.TimeInMicroseconds() >= NextProcessTime()) {
1338       RTC_DCHECK_EQ(clock.TimeInMicroseconds(), NextProcessTime());
1339       ProcessInterval msg;
1340       msg.at_time = Timestamp::Micros(clock.TimeInMicroseconds());
1341       observer.Update(goog_cc->OnProcessInterval(msg));
1342       next_process_time_us_ += process_interval.us();
1343     }
1344     if (observer.GetAndResetBitrateUpdated() ||
1345         time_us - last_update_us >= 1e6) {
1346       uint32_t y = observer.last_bitrate_bps() / 1000;
1347       float x = config_.GetCallTimeSec(clock.TimeInMicroseconds());
1348       time_series.points.emplace_back(x, y);
1349       last_update_us = time_us;
1350     }
1351     time_us = std::min({NextRtpTime(), NextRtcpTime(), NextProcessTime()});
1352   }
1353   // Add the data set to the plot.
1354   plot->AppendTimeSeries(std::move(time_series));
1355   plot->AppendTimeSeries(std::move(robust_time_series));
1356   plot->AppendTimeSeries(std::move(acked_time_series));
1357   plot->AppendTimeSeriesIfNotEmpty(std::move(acked_estimate_time_series));
1359   plot->SetXAxis(config_.CallBeginTimeSec(), config_.CallEndTimeSec(),
1360                  "Time (s)", kLeftMargin, kRightMargin);
1361   plot->SetSuggestedYAxis(0, 10, "Bitrate (kbps)", kBottomMargin, kTopMargin);
1362   plot->SetTitle("Simulated send-side BWE behavior");
1363 }
CreateReceiveSideBweSimulationGraph(Plot * plot)1365 void EventLogAnalyzer::CreateReceiveSideBweSimulationGraph(Plot* plot) {
1366   using RtpPacketType = LoggedRtpPacketIncoming;
1367   class RembInterceptingPacketRouter : public PacketRouter {
1368    public:
1369     void OnReceiveBitrateChanged(const std::vector<uint32_t>& ssrcs,
1370                                  uint32_t bitrate_bps) override {
1371       last_bitrate_bps_ = bitrate_bps;
1372       bitrate_updated_ = true;
1373       PacketRouter::OnReceiveBitrateChanged(ssrcs, bitrate_bps);
1374     }
1375     uint32_t last_bitrate_bps() const { return last_bitrate_bps_; }
1376     bool GetAndResetBitrateUpdated() {
1377       bool bitrate_updated = bitrate_updated_;
1378       bitrate_updated_ = false;
1379       return bitrate_updated;
1380     }
1382    private:
1383     // We don't know the start bitrate, but assume that it is the default 300
1384     // kbps.
1385     uint32_t last_bitrate_bps_ = 300000;
1386     bool bitrate_updated_ = false;
1387   };
1389   std::multimap<int64_t, const RtpPacketType*> incoming_rtp;
1391   for (const auto& stream : parsed_log_.incoming_rtp_packets_by_ssrc()) {
1392     if (IsVideoSsrc(parsed_log_, kIncomingPacket, stream.ssrc)) {
1393       for (const auto& rtp_packet : stream.incoming_packets)
1394         incoming_rtp.insert(
1395             std::make_pair(rtp_packet.rtp.log_time_us(), &rtp_packet));
1396     }
1397   }
1399   SimulatedClock clock(0);
1400   RembInterceptingPacketRouter packet_router;
1401   // TODO(terelius): The PacketRouter is used as the RemoteBitrateObserver.
1402   // Is this intentional?
1403   ReceiveSideCongestionController rscc(&clock, &packet_router);
1404   // TODO(holmer): Log the call config and use that here instead.
1405   // static const uint32_t kDefaultStartBitrateBps = 300000;
1406   // rscc.SetBweBitrates(0, kDefaultStartBitrateBps, -1);
1408   TimeSeries time_series("Receive side estimate", LineStyle::kLine,
1409                          PointStyle::kHighlight);
1410   TimeSeries acked_time_series("Received bitrate", LineStyle::kLine);
1412   RateStatistics acked_bitrate(250, 8000);
1413   int64_t last_update_us = 0;
1414   for (const auto& kv : incoming_rtp) {
1415     const RtpPacketType& packet = *kv.second;
1416     int64_t arrival_time_ms = packet.rtp.log_time_us() / 1000;
1417     size_t payload = packet.rtp.total_length; /*Should subtract header?*/
1418     clock.AdvanceTimeMicroseconds(packet.rtp.log_time_us() -
1419                                   clock.TimeInMicroseconds());
1420     rscc.OnReceivedPacket(arrival_time_ms, payload, packet.rtp.header);
1421     acked_bitrate.Update(payload, arrival_time_ms);
1422     absl::optional<uint32_t> bitrate_bps = acked_bitrate.Rate(arrival_time_ms);
1423     if (bitrate_bps) {
1424       uint32_t y = *bitrate_bps / 1000;
1425       float x = config_.GetCallTimeSec(clock.TimeInMicroseconds());
1426       acked_time_series.points.emplace_back(x, y);
1427     }
1428     if (packet_router.GetAndResetBitrateUpdated() ||
1429         clock.TimeInMicroseconds() - last_update_us >= 1e6) {
1430       uint32_t y = packet_router.last_bitrate_bps() / 1000;
1431       float x = config_.GetCallTimeSec(clock.TimeInMicroseconds());
1432       time_series.points.emplace_back(x, y);
1433       last_update_us = clock.TimeInMicroseconds();
1434     }
1435   }
1436   // Add the data set to the plot.
1437   plot->AppendTimeSeries(std::move(time_series));
1438   plot->AppendTimeSeries(std::move(acked_time_series));
1440   plot->SetXAxis(config_.CallBeginTimeSec(), config_.CallEndTimeSec(),
1441                  "Time (s)", kLeftMargin, kRightMargin);
1442   plot->SetSuggestedYAxis(0, 10, "Bitrate (kbps)", kBottomMargin, kTopMargin);
1443   plot->SetTitle("Simulated receive-side BWE behavior");
1444 }
CreateNetworkDelayFeedbackGraph(Plot * plot)1446 void EventLogAnalyzer::CreateNetworkDelayFeedbackGraph(Plot* plot) {
1447   TimeSeries time_series("Network delay", LineStyle::kLine,
1448                          PointStyle::kHighlight);
1449   int64_t min_send_receive_diff_ms = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
1450   int64_t min_rtt_ms = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
1452   int64_t prev_y = 0;
1453   std::vector<MatchedSendArrivalTimes> matched_rtp_rtcp =
1454       GetNetworkTrace(parsed_log_);
1455   absl::c_stable_sort(matched_rtp_rtcp, [](const MatchedSendArrivalTimes& a,
1456                                            const MatchedSendArrivalTimes& b) {
1457     return a.feedback_arrival_time_ms < b.feedback_arrival_time_ms ||
1458            (a.feedback_arrival_time_ms == b.feedback_arrival_time_ms &&
1459             a.arrival_time_ms < b.arrival_time_ms);
1460   });
1461   for (const auto& packet : matched_rtp_rtcp) {
1462     if (packet.arrival_time_ms == MatchedSendArrivalTimes::kNotReceived)
1463       continue;
1464     float x = config_.GetCallTimeSec(1000 * packet.feedback_arrival_time_ms);
1465     int64_t y = packet.arrival_time_ms - packet.send_time_ms;
1466     prev_y = y;
1467     int64_t rtt_ms = packet.feedback_arrival_time_ms - packet.send_time_ms;
1468     min_rtt_ms = std::min(rtt_ms, min_rtt_ms);
1469     min_send_receive_diff_ms = std::min(y, min_send_receive_diff_ms);
1470     time_series.points.emplace_back(x, y);
1471   }
1473   // We assume that the base network delay (w/o queues) is equal to half
1474   // the minimum RTT. Therefore rescale the delays by subtracting the minimum
1475   // observed 1-ways delay and add half the minimum RTT.
1476   const int64_t estimated_clock_offset_ms =
1477       min_send_receive_diff_ms - min_rtt_ms / 2;
1478   for (TimeSeriesPoint& point : time_series.points)
1479     point.y -= estimated_clock_offset_ms;
1481   // Add the data set to the plot.
1482   plot->AppendTimeSeriesIfNotEmpty(std::move(time_series));
1484   plot->SetXAxis(config_.CallBeginTimeSec(), config_.CallEndTimeSec(),
1485                  "Time (s)", kLeftMargin, kRightMargin);
1486   plot->SetSuggestedYAxis(0, 10, "Delay (ms)", kBottomMargin, kTopMargin);
1487   plot->SetTitle("Outgoing network delay (based on per-packet feedback)");
1488 }
CreatePacerDelayGraph(Plot * plot)1490 void EventLogAnalyzer::CreatePacerDelayGraph(Plot* plot) {
1491   for (const auto& stream : parsed_log_.outgoing_rtp_packets_by_ssrc()) {
1492     const std::vector<LoggedRtpPacketOutgoing>& packets =
1493         stream.outgoing_packets;
1495     if (IsRtxSsrc(parsed_log_, kOutgoingPacket, stream.ssrc)) {
1496       continue;
1497     }
1499     if (packets.size() < 2) {
1500       RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING)
1501           << "Can't estimate a the RTP clock frequency or the "
1502              "pacer delay with less than 2 packets in the stream";
1503       continue;
1504     }
1505     int64_t segment_end_us = parsed_log_.first_log_segment().stop_time_us();
1506     absl::optional<uint32_t> estimated_frequency =
1507         EstimateRtpClockFrequency(packets, segment_end_us);
1508     if (!estimated_frequency)
1509       continue;
1510     if (IsVideoSsrc(parsed_log_, kOutgoingPacket, stream.ssrc) &&
1511         *estimated_frequency != 90000) {
1512       RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING)
1513           << "Video stream should use a 90 kHz clock but appears to use "
1514           << *estimated_frequency / 1000 << ". Discarding.";
1515       continue;
1516     }
1518     TimeSeries pacer_delay_series(
1519         GetStreamName(parsed_log_, kOutgoingPacket, stream.ssrc) + "(" +
1520             std::to_string(*estimated_frequency / 1000) + " kHz)",
1521         LineStyle::kLine, PointStyle::kHighlight);
1522     SeqNumUnwrapper<uint32_t> timestamp_unwrapper;
1523     uint64_t first_capture_timestamp =
1524         timestamp_unwrapper.Unwrap(packets.front().rtp.header.timestamp);
1525     uint64_t first_send_timestamp = packets.front().rtp.log_time_us();
1526     for (const auto& packet : packets) {
1527       double capture_time_ms = (static_cast<double>(timestamp_unwrapper.Unwrap(
1528                                     packet.rtp.header.timestamp)) -
1529                                 first_capture_timestamp) /
1530                                *estimated_frequency * 1000;
1531       double send_time_ms =
1532           static_cast<double>(packet.rtp.log_time_us() - first_send_timestamp) /
1533           1000;
1534       float x = config_.GetCallTimeSec(packet.rtp.log_time_us());
1535       float y = send_time_ms - capture_time_ms;
1536       pacer_delay_series.points.emplace_back(x, y);
1537     }
1538     plot->AppendTimeSeries(std::move(pacer_delay_series));
1539   }
1541   plot->SetXAxis(config_.CallBeginTimeSec(), config_.CallEndTimeSec(),
1542                  "Time (s)", kLeftMargin, kRightMargin);
1543   plot->SetSuggestedYAxis(0, 10, "Pacer delay (ms)", kBottomMargin, kTopMargin);
1544   plot->SetTitle(
1545       "Delay from capture to send time. (First packet normalized to 0.)");
1546 }
CreateTimestampGraph(PacketDirection direction,Plot * plot)1548 void EventLogAnalyzer::CreateTimestampGraph(PacketDirection direction,
1549                                             Plot* plot) {
1550   for (const auto& stream : parsed_log_.rtp_packets_by_ssrc(direction)) {
1551     TimeSeries rtp_timestamps(
1552         GetStreamName(parsed_log_, direction, stream.ssrc) + " capture-time",
1553         LineStyle::kLine, PointStyle::kHighlight);
1554     for (const auto& packet : stream.packet_view) {
1555       float x = config_.GetCallTimeSec(packet.log_time_us());
1556       float y = packet.header.timestamp;
1557       rtp_timestamps.points.emplace_back(x, y);
1558     }
1559     plot->AppendTimeSeries(std::move(rtp_timestamps));
1561     TimeSeries rtcp_timestamps(
1562         GetStreamName(parsed_log_, direction, stream.ssrc) +
1563             " rtcp capture-time",
1564         LineStyle::kLine, PointStyle::kHighlight);
1565     // TODO(terelius): Why only sender reports?
1566     const auto& sender_reports = parsed_log_.sender_reports(direction);
1567     for (const auto& rtcp : sender_reports) {
1568       if (rtcp.sr.sender_ssrc() != stream.ssrc)
1569         continue;
1570       float x = config_.GetCallTimeSec(rtcp.log_time_us());
1571       float y = rtcp.sr.rtp_timestamp();
1572       rtcp_timestamps.points.emplace_back(x, y);
1573     }
1574     plot->AppendTimeSeriesIfNotEmpty(std::move(rtcp_timestamps));
1575   }
1577   plot->SetXAxis(config_.CallBeginTimeSec(), config_.CallEndTimeSec(),
1578                  "Time (s)", kLeftMargin, kRightMargin);
1579   plot->SetSuggestedYAxis(0, 1, "RTP timestamp", kBottomMargin, kTopMargin);
1580   plot->SetTitle(GetDirectionAsString(direction) + " timestamps");
1581 }
CreateSenderAndReceiverReportPlot(PacketDirection direction,rtc::FunctionView<float (const rtcp::ReportBlock &)> fy,std::string title,std::string yaxis_label,Plot * plot)1583 void EventLogAnalyzer::CreateSenderAndReceiverReportPlot(
1584     PacketDirection direction,
1585     rtc::FunctionView<float(const rtcp::ReportBlock&)> fy,
1586     std::string title,
1587     std::string yaxis_label,
1588     Plot* plot) {
1589   std::map<uint32_t, TimeSeries> sr_reports_by_ssrc;
1590   const auto& sender_reports = parsed_log_.sender_reports(direction);
1591   for (const auto& rtcp : sender_reports) {
1592     float x = config_.GetCallTimeSec(rtcp.log_time_us());
1593     uint32_t ssrc = rtcp.sr.sender_ssrc();
1594     for (const auto& block : rtcp.sr.report_blocks()) {
1595       float y = fy(block);
1596       auto sr_report_it = sr_reports_by_ssrc.find(ssrc);
1597       bool inserted;
1598       if (sr_report_it == sr_reports_by_ssrc.end()) {
1599         std::tie(sr_report_it, inserted) = sr_reports_by_ssrc.emplace(
1600             ssrc, TimeSeries(GetStreamName(parsed_log_, direction, ssrc) +
1601                                  " Sender Reports",
1602                              LineStyle::kLine, PointStyle::kHighlight));
1603       }
1604       sr_report_it->second.points.emplace_back(x, y);
1605     }
1606   }
1607   for (auto& kv : sr_reports_by_ssrc) {
1608     plot->AppendTimeSeries(std::move(kv.second));
1609   }
1611   std::map<uint32_t, TimeSeries> rr_reports_by_ssrc;
1612   const auto& receiver_reports = parsed_log_.receiver_reports(direction);
1613   for (const auto& rtcp : receiver_reports) {
1614     float x = config_.GetCallTimeSec(rtcp.log_time_us());
1615     uint32_t ssrc = rtcp.rr.sender_ssrc();
1616     for (const auto& block : rtcp.rr.report_blocks()) {
1617       float y = fy(block);
1618       auto rr_report_it = rr_reports_by_ssrc.find(ssrc);
1619       bool inserted;
1620       if (rr_report_it == rr_reports_by_ssrc.end()) {
1621         std::tie(rr_report_it, inserted) = rr_reports_by_ssrc.emplace(
1622             ssrc, TimeSeries(GetStreamName(parsed_log_, direction, ssrc) +
1623                                  " Receiver Reports",
1624                              LineStyle::kLine, PointStyle::kHighlight));
1625       }
1626       rr_report_it->second.points.emplace_back(x, y);
1627     }
1628   }
1629   for (auto& kv : rr_reports_by_ssrc) {
1630     plot->AppendTimeSeries(std::move(kv.second));
1631   }
1633   plot->SetXAxis(config_.CallBeginTimeSec(), config_.CallEndTimeSec(),
1634                  "Time (s)", kLeftMargin, kRightMargin);
1635   plot->SetSuggestedYAxis(0, 1, yaxis_label, kBottomMargin, kTopMargin);
1636   plot->SetTitle(title);
1637 }
CreateIceCandidatePairConfigGraph(Plot * plot)1639 void EventLogAnalyzer::CreateIceCandidatePairConfigGraph(Plot* plot) {
1640   std::map<uint32_t, TimeSeries> configs_by_cp_id;
1641   for (const auto& config : parsed_log_.ice_candidate_pair_configs()) {
1642     if (configs_by_cp_id.find(config.candidate_pair_id) ==
1643         configs_by_cp_id.end()) {
1644       const std::string candidate_pair_desc =
1645           GetCandidatePairLogDescriptionAsString(config);
1646       configs_by_cp_id[config.candidate_pair_id] =
1647           TimeSeries("[" + std::to_string(config.candidate_pair_id) + "]" +
1648                          candidate_pair_desc,
1649                      LineStyle::kNone, PointStyle::kHighlight);
1650       candidate_pair_desc_by_id_[config.candidate_pair_id] =
1651           candidate_pair_desc;
1652     }
1653     float x = config_.GetCallTimeSec(config.log_time_us());
1654     float y = static_cast<float>(config.type);
1655     configs_by_cp_id[config.candidate_pair_id].points.emplace_back(x, y);
1656   }
1658   // TODO(qingsi): There can be a large number of candidate pairs generated by
1659   // certain calls and the frontend cannot render the chart in this case due to
1660   // the failure of generating a palette with the same number of colors.
1661   for (auto& kv : configs_by_cp_id) {
1662     plot->AppendTimeSeries(std::move(kv.second));
1663   }
1665   plot->SetXAxis(config_.CallBeginTimeSec(), config_.CallEndTimeSec(),
1666                  "Time (s)", kLeftMargin, kRightMargin);
1667   plot->SetSuggestedYAxis(0, 3, "Config Type", kBottomMargin, kTopMargin);
1668   plot->SetTitle("[IceEventLog] ICE candidate pair configs");
1669   plot->SetYAxisTickLabels(
1670       {{static_cast<float>(IceCandidatePairConfigType::kAdded), "ADDED"},
1671        {static_cast<float>(IceCandidatePairConfigType::kUpdated), "UPDATED"},
1672        {static_cast<float>(IceCandidatePairConfigType::kDestroyed),
1673         "DESTROYED"},
1674        {static_cast<float>(IceCandidatePairConfigType::kSelected),
1675         "SELECTED"}});
1676 }
GetCandidatePairLogDescriptionFromId(uint32_t candidate_pair_id)1678 std::string EventLogAnalyzer::GetCandidatePairLogDescriptionFromId(
1679     uint32_t candidate_pair_id) {
1680   if (candidate_pair_desc_by_id_.find(candidate_pair_id) !=
1681       candidate_pair_desc_by_id_.end()) {
1682     return candidate_pair_desc_by_id_[candidate_pair_id];
1683   }
1684   for (const auto& config : parsed_log_.ice_candidate_pair_configs()) {
1685     // TODO(qingsi): Add the handling of the "Updated" config event after the
1686     // visualization of property change for candidate pairs is introduced.
1687     if (candidate_pair_desc_by_id_.find(config.candidate_pair_id) ==
1688         candidate_pair_desc_by_id_.end()) {
1689       const std::string candidate_pair_desc =
1690           GetCandidatePairLogDescriptionAsString(config);
1691       candidate_pair_desc_by_id_[config.candidate_pair_id] =
1692           candidate_pair_desc;
1693     }
1694   }
1695   return candidate_pair_desc_by_id_[candidate_pair_id];
1696 }
CreateIceConnectivityCheckGraph(Plot * plot)1698 void EventLogAnalyzer::CreateIceConnectivityCheckGraph(Plot* plot) {
1699   constexpr int kEventTypeOffset =
1700       static_cast<int>(IceCandidatePairConfigType::kNumValues);
1701   std::map<uint32_t, TimeSeries> checks_by_cp_id;
1702   for (const auto& event : parsed_log_.ice_candidate_pair_events()) {
1703     if (checks_by_cp_id.find(event.candidate_pair_id) ==
1704         checks_by_cp_id.end()) {
1705       checks_by_cp_id[event.candidate_pair_id] = TimeSeries(
1706           "[" + std::to_string(event.candidate_pair_id) + "]" +
1707               GetCandidatePairLogDescriptionFromId(event.candidate_pair_id),
1708           LineStyle::kNone, PointStyle::kHighlight);
1709     }
1710     float x = config_.GetCallTimeSec(event.log_time_us());
1711     float y = static_cast<float>(event.type) + kEventTypeOffset;
1712     checks_by_cp_id[event.candidate_pair_id].points.emplace_back(x, y);
1713   }
1715   // TODO(qingsi): The same issue as in CreateIceCandidatePairConfigGraph.
1716   for (auto& kv : checks_by_cp_id) {
1717     plot->AppendTimeSeries(std::move(kv.second));
1718   }
1720   plot->SetXAxis(config_.CallBeginTimeSec(), config_.CallEndTimeSec(),
1721                  "Time (s)", kLeftMargin, kRightMargin);
1722   plot->SetSuggestedYAxis(0, 4, "Connectivity State", kBottomMargin,
1723                           kTopMargin);
1724   plot->SetTitle("[IceEventLog] ICE connectivity checks");
1726   plot->SetYAxisTickLabels(
1727       {{static_cast<float>(IceCandidatePairEventType::kCheckSent) +
1728             kEventTypeOffset,
1729         "CHECK SENT"},
1730        {static_cast<float>(IceCandidatePairEventType::kCheckReceived) +
1731             kEventTypeOffset,
1732         "CHECK RECEIVED"},
1733        {static_cast<float>(IceCandidatePairEventType::kCheckResponseSent) +
1734             kEventTypeOffset,
1735         "RESPONSE SENT"},
1736        {static_cast<float>(IceCandidatePairEventType::kCheckResponseReceived) +
1737             kEventTypeOffset,
1738         "RESPONSE RECEIVED"}});
1739 }
CreateDtlsTransportStateGraph(Plot * plot)1741 void EventLogAnalyzer::CreateDtlsTransportStateGraph(Plot* plot) {
1742   TimeSeries states("DTLS Transport State", LineStyle::kNone,
1743                     PointStyle::kHighlight);
1744   for (const auto& event : parsed_log_.dtls_transport_states()) {
1745     float x = config_.GetCallTimeSec(event.log_time_us());
1746     float y = static_cast<float>(event.dtls_transport_state);
1747     states.points.emplace_back(x, y);
1748   }
1749   plot->AppendTimeSeries(std::move(states));
1750   plot->SetXAxis(config_.CallBeginTimeSec(), config_.CallEndTimeSec(),
1751                  "Time (s)", kLeftMargin, kRightMargin);
1752   plot->SetSuggestedYAxis(0, static_cast<float>(DtlsTransportState::kNumValues),
1753                           "Transport State", kBottomMargin, kTopMargin);
1754   plot->SetTitle("DTLS Transport State");
1755   plot->SetYAxisTickLabels(
1756       {{static_cast<float>(DtlsTransportState::kNew), "NEW"},
1757        {static_cast<float>(DtlsTransportState::kConnecting), "CONNECTING"},
1758        {static_cast<float>(DtlsTransportState::kConnected), "CONNECTED"},
1759        {static_cast<float>(DtlsTransportState::kClosed), "CLOSED"},
1760        {static_cast<float>(DtlsTransportState::kFailed), "FAILED"}});
1761 }
CreateDtlsWritableStateGraph(Plot * plot)1763 void EventLogAnalyzer::CreateDtlsWritableStateGraph(Plot* plot) {
1764   TimeSeries writable("DTLS Writable", LineStyle::kNone,
1765                       PointStyle::kHighlight);
1766   for (const auto& event : parsed_log_.dtls_writable_states()) {
1767     float x = config_.GetCallTimeSec(event.log_time_us());
1768     float y = static_cast<float>(event.writable);
1769     writable.points.emplace_back(x, y);
1770   }
1771   plot->AppendTimeSeries(std::move(writable));
1772   plot->SetXAxis(config_.CallBeginTimeSec(), config_.CallEndTimeSec(),
1773                  "Time (s)", kLeftMargin, kRightMargin);
1774   plot->SetSuggestedYAxis(0, 1, "Writable", kBottomMargin, kTopMargin);
1775   plot->SetTitle("DTLS Writable State");
1776 }
1778 }  // namespace webrtc