1 package com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation;
3 import java.lang.annotation.*;
5 /**
6  * Annotation used for configuring details of if and how type information is
7  * used with JSON serialization and deserialization, to preserve information
8  * about actual class of Object instances. This is necessarily for polymorphic
9  * types, and may also be needed to link abstract declared types and matching
10  * concrete implementation.
11  *<p>
12  * Some examples of typical annotations:
13  *<pre>
14  *  // Include Java class name ("com.myempl.ImplClass") as JSON property "class"
15  *  &#064;JsonTypeInfo(use=Id.CLASS, include=As.PROPERTY, property="class")
16  *
17  *  // Include logical type name (defined in impl classes) as wrapper; 2 annotations
18  *  &#064;JsonTypeInfo(use=Id.NAME, include=As.WRAPPER_OBJECT)
19  *  &#064;JsonSubTypes({com.myemp.Impl1.class, com.myempl.Impl2.class})
20  *</pre>
21  * Alternatively you can also define fully customized type handling by using
22  * <code>&#064;JsonTypeResolver</code> annotation (from databind package).
23  *<p>
24  * This annotation can be used both for types (classes) and properties.
25  * If both exist, annotation on property has precedence, as it is
26  * considered more specific.
27  *<p>
28  * When used for properties (fields, methods), this annotation applies
29  * to <b>values</b>: so when applied to structure types
30  * (like {@link java.util.Collection}, {@link java.util.Map}, arrays),
31  * will apply to contained values, not the container;
32  * for non-structured types there is no difference.
33  * This is identical to how JAXB handles type information
34  * annotations; and is chosen since it is the dominant use case.
35  * There is no per-property way to force type information to be included
36  * for type of container (structured type); for container types one has
37  * to use annotation for type declaration.
38  *<p>
39  * Note on visibility of type identifier: by default, deserialization
40  * (use during reading of JSON) of type identifier
41  * is completely handled by Jackson, and is <b>not passed to</b>
42  * deserializers. However, if so desired,
43  * it is possible to define property <code>visible = true</code>
44  * in which case property will be passed as-is to deserializers
45  * (and set via setter or field) on deserialization.
46  *<p>
47  * On serialization side, Jackson will generate type id by itself,
48  * except if there is a property with name that matches
49  * {@link #property()}, in which case value of that property is
50  * used instead.
51  *<p>
52  * NOTE: use of type id of "class name" with very general base type
53  * (such as {@link java.lang.Object} or {@link java.io.Serializable})
54  * can potentially open up security holes if deserializing content
55  * generated by untrusted sources. If content can not be trusted,
56  * it is necessary to either use "type name" as type id, or to
57  * limit possible types using other means.
58  */
59 @Target({ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE, ElementType.TYPE,
60     ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.PARAMETER})
61 @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
62 @JacksonAnnotation
63 public @interface JsonTypeInfo
64 {
65     /*
66     /**********************************************************
67     /* Value enumerations used for properties
68     /**********************************************************
69      */
71     /**
72      * Definition of different type identifiers that can be included in JSON
73      * during serialization, and used for deserialization.
74      */
75     public enum Id {
76         /**
77          * This means that no explicit type metadata is included, and typing is
78          * purely done using contextual information possibly augmented with other
79          * annotations.
80          */
81         NONE(null),
83         /**
84          * Means that fully-qualified Java class name is used as the type identifier.
85          */
86         CLASS("@class"),
88         /**
89          * Means that Java class name with minimal path is used as the type identifier.
90          * Minimal means that only the class name, and that part of preceding Java
91          * package name is included that is needed to construct fully-qualified name
92          * given fully-qualified name of the declared supertype; additionally a single
93          * leading dot ('.') must be used to indicate that partial class name is used.
94          * For example, for supertype "com.foobar.Base", and concrete type
95          * "com.foo.Impl", only ".Impl" would be included; and for "com.foo.impl.Impl2"
96          * only ".impl.Impl2" would be included.
97          *<br>
98          * <b>NOTE</b>: leading dot ('.') MUST be used to denote partial (minimal) name;
99          * if it is missing, value is assumed to be fully-qualified name. Fully-qualified
100          * name is used in cases where subtypes are not in same package (or sub-package
101          * thereof) as base class.
102          *<p>
103          * If all related classes are in the same Java package, this option can reduce
104          * amount of type information overhead, especially for small types.
105          * However, please note that using this alternative is inherently risky since it
106          * assumes that the
107          * supertype can be reliably detected. Given that it is based on declared type
108          * (since ultimate supertype, <code>java.lang.Object</code> would not be very
109          * useful reference point), this may not always work as expected.
110          */
111         MINIMAL_CLASS("@c"),
113         /**
114          * Means that logical type name is used as type information; name will then need
115          * to be separately resolved to actual concrete type (Class).
116          */
117         NAME("@type"),
119         /**
120          * Means that typing mechanism uses customized handling, with possibly
121          * custom configuration. This means that semantics of other properties is
122          * not defined by Jackson package, but by the custom implementation.
123          */
124         CUSTOM(null)
125         ;
127         private final String _defaultPropertyName;
Id(String defProp)129         private Id(String defProp) {
130             _defaultPropertyName = defProp;
131         }
getDefaultPropertyName()133         public String getDefaultPropertyName() { return _defaultPropertyName; }
134     }
136     /**
137      * Definition of standard type inclusion mechanisms for type metadata.
138      * Used for standard metadata types, except for {@link Id#NONE}.
139      * May or may not be used for custom types ({@link Id#CUSTOM}).
140      */
141     public enum As {
142         /**
143          * Inclusion mechanism that uses a single configurable property, included
144          * along with actual data (POJO properties) as a separate meta-property.
145          * <p>
146          * Default choice for inclusion.
147          */
148         PROPERTY,
150         /**
151          * Inclusion mechanism that wraps typed JSON value (POJO
152          * serialized as JSON) in
153          * a JSON Object that has a single entry,
154          * where field name is serialized type identifier,
155          * and value is the actual JSON value.
156          *<p>
157          * Note: can only be used if type information can be serialized as
158          * String. This is true for standard type metadata types, but not
159          * necessarily for custom types.
160          */
161         WRAPPER_OBJECT,
163         /**
164          * Inclusion mechanism that wraps typed JSON value (POJO
165          * serialized as JSON) in
166          * a 2-element JSON array: first element is the serialized
167          * type identifier, and second element the serialized POJO
168          * as JSON Object.
169          */
170         WRAPPER_ARRAY,
172         /**
173          * Inclusion mechanism similar to <code>PROPERTY</code>, except that
174          * property is included one-level higher in hierarchy, i.e. as sibling
175          * property at same level as JSON Object to type.
176          * Note that this mechanism <b>can only be used for properties</b>, not
177          * for types (classes). Trying to use it for classes will result in
178          * inclusion strategy of basic <code>PROPERTY</code> instead.
179          *<p>
180          * Note also that this mechanism <b>can not be used for container values</b>
181          * (arrays, {@link java.util.Collection}s, {@link java.util.Map}s); it only
182          * works for scalar and POJO values.
183          */
186         /**
187          * Inclusion mechanism similar to <code>PROPERTY</code> with respect
188          * to deserialization; but one that is produced by a "regular" accessible
189          * property during serialization. This means that <code>TypeSerializer</code>
190          * will do nothing, and expects a property with defined name to be output
191          * using some other mechanism (like default POJO property serialization, or
192          * custom serializer).
193          *<p>
194          * Note that this behavior is quite similar to that of using {@link JsonTypeId}
195          * annotation;
196          * except that here <code>TypeSerializer</code> is basically suppressed;
197          * whereas with {@link JsonTypeId}, output of regular property is suppressed.
198          * This mostly matters with respect to output order; this choice is the only
199          * way to ensure specific placement of type id during serialization.
200          *
201          * @since 2.3.0 but databind <b>only since 2.5.0</b>.
202          */
204         ;
205     }
207     /*
208     /**********************************************************
209     /* Annotation properties
210     /**********************************************************
211      */
213     /**
214      * Specifies kind of type metadata to use when serializing
215      * type information for instances of annotated type
216      * and its subtypes; as well as what is expected during
217      * deserialization.
218      */
use()219     public Id use();
221     /**
222      * Specifies mechanism to use for including type metadata (if any; for
223      * {@link Id#NONE} nothing is included); used when serializing,
224      * and expected when deserializing.
225      *<p>
226      * Note that for type metadata type of {@link Id#CUSTOM},
227      * this setting may or may not have any effect.
228      */
include()229     public As include() default As.PROPERTY;
231     /**
232      * Property names used when type inclusion method ({@link As#PROPERTY}) is used
233      * (or possibly when using type metadata of type {@link Id#CUSTOM}).
234      * If POJO itself has a property with same name, value of property
235      * will be set with type id metadata: if no such property exists, type id
236      * is only used for determining actual type.
237      *<p>
238      * Default property name used if this property is not explicitly defined
239      * (or is set to empty <code>String</code>) is based on
240      * type metadata type ({@link #use}) used.
241      */
property()242     public String property() default "";
244     /**
245      * Optional property that can be used to specify default implementation
246      * class to use for deserialization if type identifier is either not present,
247      * or can not be mapped to a registered type (which can occur for ids,
248      * but not when specifying explicit class to use).
249      * Property has no effect on choice of type id used for serialization;
250      * it is only used in deciding what to do for otherwise unmappable cases.
251      *<p>
252      * Note that while this property allows specification of the default
253      * implementation to use, it does not help with structural issues that
254      * may arise if type information is missing. This means that most often
255      * this is used with type-name -based resolution, to cover cases
256      * where new sub-types are added, but base type is not changed to
257      * reference new sub-types.
258      *<p>
259      * There are certain special values that indicate alternate behavior:
260      *<ul>
261      * <li>{@link java.lang.Void} means that objects with unmappable (or missing)
262      *    type are to be mapped to null references.
263      *    For backwards compatibility (2.5 and below), value of
264      *    <code>com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.NoClass</code> is also allowed
265      *    for such usage.
266      *  </li>
267      * <li>Placeholder value of {@link JsonTypeInfo} (that is, this annotation type
268      *    itself} means "there is no default implementation" (in which
269      *   case an error results from unmappable type).
270      *   For backwards compatibility with earlier versions (2.5 and below),
271      *   value of {@link JsonTypeInfo.None} may also be used.
272      *  </li>
273      * </ul>
274      */
defaultImpl()275     public Class<?> defaultImpl() default JsonTypeInfo.class;
277     /**
278      * Property that defines whether type identifier value will be passed
279      * as part of JSON stream to deserializer (true), or handled and
280      * removed by <code>TypeDeserializer</code> (false).
281      * Property has no effect on serialization.
282      *<p>
283      * Default value is false, meaning that Jackson handles and removes
284      * the type identifier from JSON content that is passed to
285      * <code>JsonDeserializer</code>.
286      *
287      * @since 2.0
288      */
visible()289     public boolean visible() default false;
291     // 19-Dec-2014, tatu: Was hoping to implement for 2.5, but didn't quite make it.
292     //   Hope for better luck with 2.8 or later
293     /**
294      * Property that defines whether type serializer is allowed to omit writing
295      * of type id, in case that value written has type same as {@link #defaultImpl()}.
296      * If true, omission is allowed (although writer may or may not be able to do that);
297      * if false, type id should always be written still.
298      *
299      * @since 2.5
300     public boolean skipWritingDefault() default false;
301     /*
303     /*
304     /**********************************************************
305     /* Helper classes
306     /**********************************************************
307      */
309     /**
310      * This marker class that is only to be used with <code>defaultImpl</code>
311      * annotation property, to indicate that there is no default implementation
312      * specified.
313      *
314      * @deprecated Since 2.5, use any Annotation type (such as {@link JsonTypeInfo},
315      *    if such behavior is needed; this is rarely necessary.
316      */
317     @Deprecated
318     public abstract static class None { }
319 }