1 public protocol FlatBufferGRPCMessage {
3     /// Raw pointer which would be pointing to the beginning of the readable bytes
4     var rawPointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer { get }
6     /// Size of readable bytes in the buffer
7     var size: Int { get }
9     init(byteBuffer: ByteBuffer)
10 }
12 /// Message is a wrapper around Buffers to to able to send Flatbuffers `Buffers` through the
13 /// GRPC library
14 public final class Message<T: FlatBufferObject>: FlatBufferGRPCMessage {
15     internal var buffer: ByteBuffer
17     /// Returns the an object of type T that would be  read from the buffer
18     public var object: T {
19         T.init(buffer, o: Int32(buffer.read(def: UOffset.self, position: buffer.reader)) + Int32(buffer.reader))
20     }
22     public var rawPointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer { return buffer.memory.advanced(by: buffer.reader) }
24     public var size: Int { return Int(buffer.size) }
26     /// Initializes the message with the type Flatbuffer.Bytebuffer that is transmitted over
27     /// GRPC
28     /// - Parameter byteBuffer: Flatbuffer ByteBuffer object
29     public init(byteBuffer: ByteBuffer) {
30         buffer = byteBuffer
31     }
33     /// Initializes the message by copying the buffer to the message to be sent.
34     /// from the builder
35     /// - Parameter builder: FlatbufferBuilder that has the bytes created in
36     /// - Note: Use  `builder.finish(offset)` before passing the builder without prefixing anything to it
37     public init(builder: inout FlatBufferBuilder) {
38         buffer = builder.sizedBuffer
39         builder.clear()
40     }
41 }