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1 /* Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
3 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 You may obtain a copy of the License at
7     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 limitations under the License.
14 ==============================================================================*/
19 #include "absl/container/inlined_vector.h"
20 #include "absl/types/span.h"
21 #include "llvm/IR/Value.h"
22 #include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/hlo_instruction.h"
23 #include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/llvm_ir/ir_array.h"
25 namespace xla {
26 namespace gpu {
28 // A tile is a spatial subdivision of a tensor. We group tensor elements into
29 // tiles so that we can launch kernels to process the tensor elements in blocks
30 // of tiles.
31 //
32 // A kernel mapping scheme describes a method to partition the tensors accessed
33 // by an unnested HLO instruction into tiles and blocks of tiles, and the
34 // associated information to use hardware threads to process the tensor elements
35 // in blocks of tiles.
36 //
37 // Currently, there are two main use cases for a tiling scheme. First, we
38 // implement kernels with 0-2-1 memory transpose using shared memory to improve
39 // memory access pattern. Second, we implement reduction to contiguous
40 // dimensions in layout, with or without memory transpose, to achieve better
41 // memory access pattern as well as to reduce the need numbers of executed
42 // expensive instructions, such as thread synchronization related instructions
43 // and atomic operations. For both use cases, we can apply a normalization to
44 // the original tensors, to collapse contiguous dimensions for the same purpose
45 // and produce normlized three dimensional tensors. For this reason, the tiling
46 // scheme class only needs to handle normalized three dimensional tensors and
47 // two dimensional tiles.
48 //
49 // The current implementation of the class is somewhat NVIDIA GPU oriented. This
50 // situation can be improved when there is a need though. The idea of 0-2-1
51 // transpose using shared memory can be found in the following CUDA algorithm in
52 // TensorFlow: https://goo.gl/MStRV6.
53 //
54 // We use a thread block to process a tile because we want to use the HW thread
55 // block synchronization primitives to synchronize the processing of all the
56 // elements in the same tile. A thread block can be viewed as a two dimensional
57 // array of threads, described by the number of threads for the Y and X
58 // dimensions. A thread block (num_threads_y, num_threads_x) processes a tile of
59 // (tile_size_y, tile_size_x) as follows: each thread in the thread block
60 // processes one element in the tile so that all the threads in the thread block
61 // together process a subdivision of the tile that has the same dimension as the
62 // thread block array. Then the thread block moves on to process the next
63 // subdivision of the tile until the whole tile is processed. Therefore, each
64 // thread in the thread block processes
65 // tile_size_x/num_threads_x * tile_size_y/num_threads_y elements in a tile.
66 //
67 // There are situations where we want a thread block to process multiple
68 // tiles. We can't group those tiles into a bigger tiles because we limit a tile
69 // to a two dimensional spatial subdivision of a tensor. For example, when we
70 // use tiling to implement reduction with tranpose, we want the partial sum
71 // produced by each thread to accumulate values for more elements before using
72 // shlf_down and atomic_add instructions for further reduction, to amortize the
73 // cost of such expensive instructions. The concept of tile block is introduced
74 // for this purpose. A tile block is a three dimensional array of tiles, of
75 // which some dimensions may be degenerated to only one tile.
76 class KernelMappingScheme {
77  public:
78   enum { DimZ = 0, DimY, DimX, DimTot };
79   enum IndexingOrder {
80     // Thread reads consecutive elements.
81     LinearIndexingX,
82     // Thread reads strided elements while keeping memory coalescing.
83     StridedIndexingX,
84     // Thread reads a few consecutive elements then take a strided
85     // step. This can trigger vectorized reads and keep memory
86     // coalescing.
87     StridedLinearIndexingX
88   };
90   KernelMappingScheme(absl::Span<const int64> dims_in_elems,
91                       absl::Span<const int64> tile_sizes, int64 num_threads_y,
92                       int64 num_threads_x, IndexingOrder indexing_order,
93                       int vector_size, bool is_row_contiguous = false)
94       : dims_in_elems_{dims_in_elems[0], dims_in_elems[1], dims_in_elems[2]},
95         tile_sizes_{tile_sizes[0], tile_sizes[1], tile_sizes[2]},
96         num_threads_x_(num_threads_x),
97         num_threads_y_(num_threads_y),
98         indexing_order_(indexing_order),
99         vector_size_(vector_size),
100         is_row_contiguous_(is_row_contiguous) {
101     CHECK_EQ(tile_sizes[1] % num_threads_y_, 0);
102     CHECK_EQ(tile_sizes[2] % num_threads_x_, 0);
103     VLOG(10) << "dims_in_elems_ = " << absl::StrJoin(dims_in_elems_, ",");
104     if (indexing_order != LinearIndexingX) {
105       // StridedIndexingX, and StridedLinearIndexingX
106       // is for the purpose of vectorization, which requires
107       // GetTileSizeFor(DimX) to be a multiplier of num_threads_x_.
108       CHECK_EQ(GetTileSizeFor(DimX) % num_threads_x_, 0);
109     }
110   }
112   // Number of elements in each dimension (Z/Y/X respectively).
GetDimsInElems()113   absl::Span<const int64> GetDimsInElems() const { return dims_in_elems_; }
GetNumberOfBlocks()115   int64 GetNumberOfBlocks() const {
116     return CeilOfRatio(dims_in_elems_[0], GetTileSizeZ()) *
117            CeilOfRatio(dims_in_elems_[1], GetTileSizeY()) *
118            CeilOfRatio(dims_in_elems_[2], GetTileSizeX());
119   }
121   // Tile size for a given dimensions. Tiles are assigned per thread block,
122   // and are processed by all threads in the block.
GetTileSizeFor(int d)123   int64 GetTileSizeFor(int d) const { return tile_sizes_.at(d); }
GetTileSizeZ()125   int64 GetTileSizeZ() const { return GetTileSizeFor(DimZ); }
GetTileSizeX()126   int64 GetTileSizeX() const { return GetTileSizeFor(DimX); }
GetTileSizeY()127   int64 GetTileSizeY() const { return GetTileSizeFor(DimY); }
GetNumThreadsX()129   int64 GetNumThreadsX() const { return num_threads_x_; }
GetNumThreadsY()130   int64 GetNumThreadsY() const { return num_threads_y_; }
GetThreadsPerBlock()132   int64 GetThreadsPerBlock() const {
133     return GetNumThreadsX() * GetNumThreadsY();
134   }
GetIndexingOrder()136   IndexingOrder GetIndexingOrder() const { return indexing_order_; }
GetVectorSize()137   int GetVectorSize() const { return vector_size_; }
GetRowContiguous()138   bool GetRowContiguous() const { return is_row_contiguous_; }
140  private:
141   // The number of elements in each dimension.
142   const std::array<int64, 3> dims_in_elems_;
144   // The number of elements for each dimension of a tile.
145   const std::array<int64, 3> tile_sizes_;
147   // Number of threads used to process elements in the X direction of a tile.
148   const int64 num_threads_x_;
150   // Number of threads used to process elements in the Y direction of a tile.
151   const int64 num_threads_y_;
153   // When num_threads_x threads process a total of tile_size_x
154   // elements in the X dimension of a tile, each threads process
155   // n=tile_size_x/num_threads_x elements.
156   // indexing_order defines which tile's elements each thread reads.
157   const IndexingOrder indexing_order_;
159   // vector_size_ only supported for row reduction and must be a divisor
160   // of tile_sizes_[2]/num_threads_x.  Interesting values are 2 and 4
161   // to trigger vectorized loads on GPUs while keeping memory
162   // coalescing.
163   const int vector_size_;
164   const bool is_row_contiguous_;
165 };
167 // Information to support the code generation for a tiled reduction kernel.
168 using AddressVector = absl::InlinedVector<llvm::AllocaInst*, 1>;
169 class ReductionCodegenInfo {
170  public:
ReductionCodegenInfo(KernelMappingScheme mapping_scheme,int num_partial_results,bool is_row_reduction)171   explicit ReductionCodegenInfo(KernelMappingScheme mapping_scheme,
172                                 int num_partial_results, bool is_row_reduction)
173       : mapping_scheme_(mapping_scheme),
174         num_partial_results_(num_partial_results),
175         is_row_reduction_(is_row_reduction) {
176     if (num_partial_results > 1) {
177       CHECK_EQ(num_partial_results, (mapping_scheme.GetTileSizeX() /
178                                      mapping_scheme.GetNumThreadsX()));
179     }
180   }
GetKernelMappingScheme()182   const KernelMappingScheme& GetKernelMappingScheme() const {
183     return mapping_scheme_;
184   }
186   // Gets writeable pointer to the address (or addresses) used to store
187   // reduction accumulators.
GetMutablePartialResultAddresses()188   AddressVector* GetMutablePartialResultAddresses() {
189     return &partial_result_addresses_;
190   }
192   // Returns the address (addresses) of the reduction accumulators.
GetPartialResultAddresses()193   absl::Span<llvm::AllocaInst* const> GetPartialResultAddresses() const {
194     return partial_result_addresses_;
195   }
197   // Mutable pointer to the address of the input element to perform the
198   // reduction with.
GetMutableReductionInputAddresses()199   AddressVector* GetMutableReductionInputAddresses() {
200     return &reduction_input_addresses_;
201   }
GetMutableInitialValues()203   std::vector<llvm::Value*>* GetMutableInitialValues() {
204     return &initial_values_;
205   }
GetInitialValues()207   absl::Span<llvm::Value* const> GetInitialValues() const {
208     return initial_values_;
209   }
211   // Returns the address of the input element to perform the reduction with.
GetReductionInputAddresses()212   absl::Span<llvm::AllocaInst* const> GetReductionInputAddresses() const {
213     return reduction_input_addresses_;
214   }
GetNumPartialResults()216   int GetNumPartialResults() const { return num_partial_results_; }
IsRowReduction()217   bool IsRowReduction() const { return is_row_reduction_; }
219   // Gets a pointer to a mutable shared cache used by reduction.
GetMutableSharedCache()220   std::vector<llvm::GlobalVariable*>* GetMutableSharedCache() {
221     return &shared_cache_;
222   }
224   // Shared cache used for reduction.
GetSharedCache()225   absl::Span<llvm::GlobalVariable* const> GetSharedCache() const {
226     return shared_cache_;
227   }
229  private:
230   std::vector<llvm::GlobalVariable*> shared_cache_;
231   std::vector<llvm::Value*> initial_values_;
232   const KernelMappingScheme mapping_scheme_;
233   AddressVector partial_result_addresses_;
234   AddressVector reduction_input_addresses_;
235   int num_partial_results_;
236   bool is_row_reduction_;
237 };
239 }  // end namespace gpu
240 }  // end namespace xla