1 /*
2 * Copyright 2017 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17 #include "security_manager.h"
19 #include "os/log.h"
21 using std::vector;
23 namespace test_vendor_lib {
DeleteAllKeys()25 uint16_t SecurityManager::DeleteAllKeys() {
26 uint16_t size = key_store_.size();
27 key_store_.clear();
28 return size;
29 }
DeleteKey(const Address & addr)31 uint16_t SecurityManager::DeleteKey(const Address& addr) {
32 uint16_t count = key_store_.count(addr.ToString());
33 if (count) {
34 key_store_.erase(addr.ToString());
35 }
36 return count;
37 }
ReadAllKeys() const39 uint16_t SecurityManager::ReadAllKeys() const {
40 return key_store_.size();
41 }
ReadKey(const Address & addr) const43 uint16_t SecurityManager::ReadKey(const Address& addr) const {
44 return key_store_.count(addr.ToString());
45 }
WriteKey(const Address & addr,const std::array<uint8_t,16> & key)47 uint16_t SecurityManager::WriteKey(const Address& addr,
48 const std::array<uint8_t, 16>& key) {
49 if (key_store_.size() >= max_keys_) {
50 return 0;
51 }
52 key_store_[addr.ToString()] = key;
53 return 1;
54 }
GetKey(const Address & addr) const56 const std::array<uint8_t, 16>& SecurityManager::GetKey(
57 const Address& addr) const {
58 ASSERT_LOG(ReadKey(addr), "No such key");
59 return key_store_.at(addr.ToString());
60 }
AuthenticationRequest(const Address & addr,uint16_t handle)62 void SecurityManager::AuthenticationRequest(const Address& addr, uint16_t handle) {
63 authenticating_ = true;
64 current_handle_ = handle;
65 peer_address_ = addr;
66 peer_pin_requested_ = false;
67 peer_pin_received_ = false;
68 host_pin_received_ = false;
69 }
AuthenticationRequestFinished()71 void SecurityManager::AuthenticationRequestFinished() {
72 authenticating_ = false;
73 }
AuthenticationInProgress()75 bool SecurityManager::AuthenticationInProgress() {
76 return authenticating_;
77 }
GetAuthenticationHandle()79 uint16_t SecurityManager::GetAuthenticationHandle() {
80 return current_handle_;
81 }
GetAuthenticationAddress()83 Address SecurityManager::GetAuthenticationAddress() {
84 return peer_address_;
85 }
SetPeerIoCapability(const Address & addr,uint8_t io_capability,uint8_t oob_present_flag,uint8_t authentication_requirements)87 void SecurityManager::SetPeerIoCapability(const Address& addr, uint8_t io_capability, uint8_t oob_present_flag,
88 uint8_t authentication_requirements) {
89 ASSERT(addr == peer_address_);
90 peer_capabilities_valid_ = true;
91 if (io_capability <= static_cast<uint8_t>(IoCapabilityType::NO_INPUT_NO_OUTPUT)) {
92 peer_io_capability_ = static_cast<IoCapabilityType>(io_capability);
93 } else {
94 peer_io_capability_ = IoCapabilityType::INVALID;
95 peer_capabilities_valid_ = false;
96 }
97 peer_oob_present_flag_ = oob_present_flag;
98 if (authentication_requirements <= static_cast<uint8_t>(AuthenticationType::GENERAL_BONDING_MITM)) {
99 peer_authentication_requirements_ = static_cast<AuthenticationType>(authentication_requirements);
100 } else {
101 peer_authentication_requirements_ = AuthenticationType::INVALID;
102 peer_capabilities_valid_ = false;
103 }
104 }
SetLocalIoCapability(const Address & peer,uint8_t io_capability,uint8_t oob_present_flag,uint8_t authentication_requirements)106 void SecurityManager::SetLocalIoCapability(const Address& peer, uint8_t io_capability, uint8_t oob_present_flag,
107 uint8_t authentication_requirements) {
108 ASSERT(peer == peer_address_);
109 ASSERT_LOG(io_capability <= static_cast<uint8_t>(IoCapabilityType::NO_INPUT_NO_OUTPUT), "io_capability = %d",
110 static_cast<int>(io_capability));
111 ASSERT_LOG(oob_present_flag <= 3, "oob_present_flag = %hhx ",
112 oob_present_flag);
113 ASSERT_LOG(authentication_requirements <= static_cast<uint8_t>(AuthenticationType::GENERAL_BONDING_MITM),
114 "authentication_requirements = %d", static_cast<int>(authentication_requirements));
115 host_io_capability_ = static_cast<IoCapabilityType>(io_capability);
116 host_oob_present_flag_ = oob_present_flag;
117 host_authentication_requirements_ = static_cast<AuthenticationType>(authentication_requirements);
118 host_capabilities_valid_ = true;
119 }
InvalidateIoCapabilities()121 void SecurityManager::InvalidateIoCapabilities() {
122 host_capabilities_valid_ = false;
123 peer_capabilities_valid_ = false;
124 }
GetSimplePairingType()126 PairingType SecurityManager::GetSimplePairingType() {
127 if (!host_capabilities_valid_ || !peer_capabilities_valid_) {
128 return PairingType::INVALID;
129 }
130 bool host_requires_mitm = (host_authentication_requirements_ == AuthenticationType::NO_BONDING_MITM) ||
131 (host_authentication_requirements_ == AuthenticationType::DEDICATED_BONDING_MITM) ||
132 (host_authentication_requirements_ == AuthenticationType::GENERAL_BONDING_MITM);
133 bool peer_requires_mitm = (peer_authentication_requirements_ == AuthenticationType::NO_BONDING_MITM) ||
134 (peer_authentication_requirements_ == AuthenticationType::DEDICATED_BONDING_MITM) ||
135 (peer_authentication_requirements_ == AuthenticationType::GENERAL_BONDING_MITM);
136 if (peer_oob_present_flag_ != 0 || host_oob_present_flag_ != 0) {
137 if (host_oob_present_flag_ == 0) {
138 return PairingType::PEER_HAS_OUT_OF_BAND;
139 } else {
140 return PairingType::OUT_OF_BAND;
141 }
142 }
143 if (!(peer_requires_mitm || host_requires_mitm)) {
144 return PairingType::AUTO_CONFIRMATION;
145 }
146 LOG_INFO("%s: host does%s require peer does%s require MITM",
147 peer_address_.ToString().c_str(), host_requires_mitm ? "" : "n't",
148 peer_requires_mitm ? "" : "n't");
149 switch (peer_io_capability_) {
150 case IoCapabilityType::DISPLAY_ONLY:
151 switch (host_io_capability_) {
152 case IoCapabilityType::DISPLAY_ONLY:
153 case IoCapabilityType::DISPLAY_YES_NO:
154 return PairingType::AUTO_CONFIRMATION;
155 case IoCapabilityType::KEYBOARD_ONLY:
156 return PairingType::INPUT_PIN;
157 case IoCapabilityType::NO_INPUT_NO_OUTPUT:
158 return PairingType::AUTO_CONFIRMATION;
159 case IoCapabilityType::INVALID:
160 return PairingType::INVALID;
161 }
162 case IoCapabilityType::DISPLAY_YES_NO:
163 switch (host_io_capability_) {
164 case IoCapabilityType::DISPLAY_ONLY:
165 return PairingType::AUTO_CONFIRMATION;
166 case IoCapabilityType::DISPLAY_YES_NO:
167 return PairingType::DISPLAY_AND_CONFIRM;
168 case IoCapabilityType::KEYBOARD_ONLY:
169 return PairingType::INPUT_PIN;
170 case IoCapabilityType::NO_INPUT_NO_OUTPUT:
171 return PairingType::AUTO_CONFIRMATION;
172 case IoCapabilityType::INVALID:
173 return PairingType::INVALID;
174 }
175 case IoCapabilityType::KEYBOARD_ONLY:
176 switch (host_io_capability_) {
177 case IoCapabilityType::DISPLAY_ONLY:
178 case IoCapabilityType::DISPLAY_YES_NO:
179 return PairingType::DISPLAY_PIN;
180 case IoCapabilityType::KEYBOARD_ONLY:
181 return PairingType::INPUT_PIN;
182 case IoCapabilityType::NO_INPUT_NO_OUTPUT:
183 return PairingType::AUTO_CONFIRMATION;
184 case IoCapabilityType::INVALID:
185 return PairingType::INVALID;
186 }
187 case IoCapabilityType::NO_INPUT_NO_OUTPUT:
188 return PairingType::AUTO_CONFIRMATION;
189 case IoCapabilityType::INVALID:
190 return PairingType::INVALID;
191 }
192 }
SetPinRequested(const Address & addr)194 void SecurityManager::SetPinRequested(const Address& addr) {
195 ASSERT(addr == peer_address_);
196 peer_pin_requested_ = true;
197 }
GetPinRequested(const Address & addr)199 bool SecurityManager::GetPinRequested(const Address& addr) {
200 return peer_pin_requested_;
201 }
SetLocalPin(const Address & peer,const std::vector<uint8_t> & pin)203 void SecurityManager::SetLocalPin(const Address& peer,
204 const std::vector<uint8_t>& pin) {
205 host_pin_received_ = true;
206 host_pin_ = pin;
207 }
SetRemotePin(const Address & peer,const std::vector<uint8_t> & pin)209 void SecurityManager::SetRemotePin(const Address& peer,
210 const std::vector<uint8_t>& pin) {
211 peer_pin_received_ = true;
212 peer_pin_ = pin;
213 }
GetLocalPinResponseReceived(const Address & peer)215 bool SecurityManager::GetLocalPinResponseReceived(const Address& peer) {
216 return host_pin_received_;
217 }
GetRemotePinResponseReceived(const Address & peer)219 bool SecurityManager::GetRemotePinResponseReceived(const Address& peer) {
220 return peer_pin_received_;
221 }
PinCompare()223 bool SecurityManager::PinCompare() {
224 return host_pin_received_ && peer_pin_received_ && peer_pin_ == host_pin_;
225 }
226 } // namespace test_vendor_lib