1 /*
2  * Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
3  *
4  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5  * found in the LICENSE file.
6  */
8 #ifndef GrGLUtil_DEFINED
9 #define GrGLUtil_DEFINED
11 #include "include/gpu/gl/GrGLInterface.h"
12 #include "include/private/GrTypesPriv.h"
13 #include "include/private/SkImageInfoPriv.h"
14 #include "src/gpu/GrDataUtils.h"
15 #include "src/gpu/GrStencilSettings.h"
16 #include "src/gpu/gl/GrGLDefines.h"
18 class SkMatrix;
20 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
22 typedef uint32_t GrGLVersion;
23 typedef uint32_t GrGLSLVersion;
24 typedef uint64_t GrGLDriverVersion;
26 #define GR_GL_VER(major, minor) ((static_cast<uint32_t>(major) << 16) | \
27                                  static_cast<uint32_t>(minor))
28 #define GR_GLSL_VER(major, minor) ((static_cast<uint32_t>(major) << 16) | \
29                                     static_cast<uint32_t>(minor))
30 #define GR_GL_DRIVER_VER(major, minor, point) ((static_cast<uint64_t>(major) << 32) | \
31                                                (static_cast<uint64_t>(minor) << 16) | \
32                                                 static_cast<uint64_t>(point))
34 #define GR_GL_MAJOR_VER(version) (static_cast<uint32_t>(version) >> 16)
35 #define GR_GL_MINOR_VER(version) (static_cast<uint32_t>(version) & 0xFFFF)
37 #define GR_GL_INVALID_VER GR_GL_VER(0, 0)
GrGLFormatChannels(GrGLFormat format)41 static constexpr uint32_t GrGLFormatChannels(GrGLFormat format) {
42     switch (format) {
43         case GrGLFormat::kUnknown:               return 0;
44         case GrGLFormat::kRGBA8:                 return kRGBA_SkColorChannelFlags;
45         case GrGLFormat::kR8:                    return kRed_SkColorChannelFlag;
46         case GrGLFormat::kALPHA8:                return kAlpha_SkColorChannelFlag;
47         case GrGLFormat::kLUMINANCE8:            return kGray_SkColorChannelFlag;
48         case GrGLFormat::kLUMINANCE8_ALPHA8:     return kGrayAlpha_SkColorChannelFlags;
49         case GrGLFormat::kBGRA8:                 return kRGBA_SkColorChannelFlags;
50         case GrGLFormat::kRGB565:                return kRGB_SkColorChannelFlags;
51         case GrGLFormat::kRGBA16F:               return kRGBA_SkColorChannelFlags;
52         case GrGLFormat::kR16F:                  return kRed_SkColorChannelFlag;
53         case GrGLFormat::kRGB8:                  return kRGB_SkColorChannelFlags;
54         case GrGLFormat::kRG8:                   return kRG_SkColorChannelFlags;
55         case GrGLFormat::kRGB10_A2:              return kRGBA_SkColorChannelFlags;
56         case GrGLFormat::kRGBA4:                 return kRGBA_SkColorChannelFlags;
57         case GrGLFormat::kSRGB8_ALPHA8:          return kRGBA_SkColorChannelFlags;
58         case GrGLFormat::kCOMPRESSED_ETC1_RGB8:  return kRGB_SkColorChannelFlags;
59         case GrGLFormat::kCOMPRESSED_RGB8_ETC2:  return kRGB_SkColorChannelFlags;
60         case GrGLFormat::kCOMPRESSED_RGB8_BC1:   return kRGB_SkColorChannelFlags;
61         case GrGLFormat::kCOMPRESSED_RGBA8_BC1:  return kRGBA_SkColorChannelFlags;
62         case GrGLFormat::kR16:                   return kRed_SkColorChannelFlag;
63         case GrGLFormat::kRG16:                  return kRG_SkColorChannelFlags;
64         case GrGLFormat::kRGBA16:                return kRGBA_SkColorChannelFlags;
65         case GrGLFormat::kRG16F:                 return kRG_SkColorChannelFlags;
66         case GrGLFormat::kLUMINANCE16F:          return kGray_SkColorChannelFlag;
67         case GrGLFormat::kSTENCIL_INDEX8:        return 0;
68         case GrGLFormat::kSTENCIL_INDEX16:       return 0;
69         case GrGLFormat::kDEPTH24_STENCIL8:      return 0;
70     }
72 }
74 /**
75  * The Vendor and Renderer enum values are lazily updated as required.
76  */
77 enum class GrGLVendor {
78     kARM,
79     kGoogle,
80     kImagination,
81     kIntel,
82     kQualcomm,
83     kNVIDIA,
84     kATI,
86     kOther
87 };
89 enum class GrGLRenderer {
90     kTegra_PreK1,  // Legacy Tegra architecture (pre-K1).
91     kTegra,        // Tegra with the same architecture as NVIDIA desktop GPUs (K1+).
93     kPowerVR54x,
94     kPowerVRRogue,
96     kAdreno3xx,
97     kAdreno430,
98     kAdreno4xx_other,
99     kAdreno530,
100     kAdreno5xx_other,
101     kAdreno615,  // Pixel3a
102     kAdreno620,  // Pixel5
103     kAdreno630,  // Pixel3
104     kAdreno640,  // Pixel4
106     kGoogleSwiftShader,
108     /** Intel GPU families, ordered by generation **/
109     // 6th gen
110     kIntelSandyBridge,
112     // 7th gen
113     kIntelIvyBridge,
114     kIntelValleyView,  // aka BayTrail
115     kIntelHaswell,
117     // 8th gen
118     kIntelCherryView,  // aka Braswell
119     kIntelBroadwell,
121     // 9th gen
122     kIntelApolloLake,
123     kIntelSkyLake,
124     kIntelGeminiLake,
125     kIntelKabyLake,
126     kIntelCoffeeLake,
128     // 11th gen
129     kIntelIceLake,
131     kGalliumLLVM,
133     kMali4xx,
134     /** G-3x, G-5x, or G-7x */
135     kMaliG,
136     /** T-6xx, T-7xx, or T-8xx */
137     kMaliT,
139     kAMDRadeonHD7xxx,     // AMD Radeon HD 7000 Series
140     kAMDRadeonR9M3xx,     // AMD Radeon R9 M300 Series
141     kAMDRadeonR9M4xx,     // AMD Radeon R9 M400 Series
142     kAMDRadeonPro5xxx,    // AMD Radeon Pro 5000 Series
143     kAMDRadeonProVegaxx,  // AMD Radeon Pro Vega
145     kOther
146 };
148 enum class GrGLDriver {
149     kMesa,
150     kChromium,
151     kNVIDIA,
152     kIntel,
153     kSwiftShader,
154     kQualcomm,
155     kAndroidEmulator,
156     kUnknown
157 };
159 enum class GrGLANGLEBackend {
160     kUnknown,
161     kD3D9,
162     kD3D11,
163     kOpenGL
164 };
166 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
168 /**
169  *  Some drivers want the var-int arg to be zero-initialized on input.
170  */
171 #define GR_GL_INIT_ZERO     0
172 #define GR_GL_GetIntegerv(gl, e, p)                                            \
173     do {                                                                       \
174         *(p) = GR_GL_INIT_ZERO;                                                \
175         GR_GL_CALL(gl, GetIntegerv(e, p));                                     \
176     } while (0)
178 #define GR_GL_GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(gl, t, a, pname, p)          \
179     do {                                                                       \
180         *(p) = GR_GL_INIT_ZERO;                                                \
181         GR_GL_CALL(gl, GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(t, a, pname, p));   \
182     } while (0)
184 #define GR_GL_GetInternalformativ(gl, t, f, n, s, p)                           \
185     do {                                                                       \
186         *(p) = GR_GL_INIT_ZERO;                                                \
187         GR_GL_CALL(gl, GetInternalformativ(t, f, n, s, p));                    \
188     } while (0)
190 #define GR_GL_GetNamedFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(gl, fb, a, pname, p)          \
191     do {                                                                             \
192         *(p) = GR_GL_INIT_ZERO;                                                      \
193         GR_GL_CALL(gl, GetNamedFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(fb, a, pname, p));   \
194     } while (0)
196 #define GR_GL_GetRenderbufferParameteriv(gl, t, pname, p)                      \
197     do {                                                                       \
198         *(p) = GR_GL_INIT_ZERO;                                                \
199         GR_GL_CALL(gl, GetRenderbufferParameteriv(t, pname, p));               \
200     } while (0)
202 #define GR_GL_GetTexLevelParameteriv(gl, t, l, pname, p)                       \
203     do {                                                                       \
204         *(p) = GR_GL_INIT_ZERO;                                                \
205         GR_GL_CALL(gl, GetTexLevelParameteriv(t, l, pname, p));                \
206     } while (0)
208 #define GR_GL_GetShaderPrecisionFormat(gl, st, pt, range, precision)           \
209     do {                                                                       \
210         (range)[0] = GR_GL_INIT_ZERO;                                          \
211         (range)[1] = GR_GL_INIT_ZERO;                                          \
212         (*precision) = GR_GL_INIT_ZERO;                                        \
213         GR_GL_CALL(gl, GetShaderPrecisionFormat(st, pt, range, precision));    \
214     } while (0)
216 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
218 GrGLStandard GrGLGetStandardInUseFromString(const char* versionString);
219 GrGLSLVersion GrGLGetVersion(const GrGLInterface*);
220 GrGLSLVersion GrGLGetVersionFromString(const char*);
222 struct GrGLDriverInfo {
223     GrGLStandard      fStandard      = kNone_GrGLStandard;
224     GrGLVersion       fVersion       = GR_GL_INVALID_VER;
225     GrGLSLVersion     fGLSLVersion   = GR_GLSL_INVALID_VER;
226     GrGLVendor        fVendor        = GrGLVendor::kOther;
227     GrGLRenderer      fRenderer      = GrGLRenderer::kOther;
228     GrGLDriver        fDriver        = GrGLDriver::kUnknown;
229     GrGLDriverVersion fDriverVersion = GR_GL_DRIVER_UNKNOWN_VER;
231     GrGLANGLEBackend  fANGLEBackend       = GrGLANGLEBackend::kUnknown;
232     GrGLVendor        fANGLEVendor        = GrGLVendor::kOther;
233     GrGLRenderer      fANGLERenderer      = GrGLRenderer::kOther;
234     GrGLDriver        fANGLEDriver        = GrGLDriver::kUnknown;
235     GrGLDriverVersion fANGLEDriverVersion = GR_GL_DRIVER_UNKNOWN_VER;
236 };
238 GrGLDriverInfo GrGLGetDriverInfo(const GrGLInterface*);
240 /**
241  * Helpers for glGetError()
242  */
244 void GrGLCheckErr(const GrGLInterface* gl,
245                   const char* location,
246                   const char* call);
248 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
250 /**
251  * Macros for using GrGLInterface to make GL calls
252  */
254 // Conditionally checks glGetError based on compile-time and run-time flags.
256     extern bool gCheckErrorGL;
257 #define GR_GL_CHECK_ERROR_IMPL(IFACE, X)                 \
258     do {                                                 \
259         if (gCheckErrorGL) {                             \
260             IFACE->checkError(GR_FILE_AND_LINE_STR, #X); \
261         }                                                \
262     } while (false)
263 #else
265     do {                                 \
266     } while (false)
267 #endif
269 // internal macro to conditionally log the gl call using SkDebugf based on
270 // compile-time and run-time flags.
272     extern bool gLogCallsGL;
273     #define GR_GL_LOG_CALLS_IMPL(X)                             \
274         if (gLogCallsGL)                                        \
275             SkDebugf(GR_FILE_AND_LINE_STR "GL: " #X "\n")
276 #else
277     #define GR_GL_LOG_CALLS_IMPL(X)
278 #endif
280 // makes a GL call on the interface and does any error checking and logging
281 #define GR_GL_CALL(IFACE, X)                                    \
282     do {                                                        \
283         GR_GL_CALL_NOERRCHECK(IFACE, X);                        \
284         GR_GL_CHECK_ERROR_IMPL(IFACE, X);                       \
285     } while (false)
287 // Variant of above that always skips the error check. This is useful when
288 // the caller wants to do its own glGetError() call and examine the error value.
289 #define GR_GL_CALL_NOERRCHECK(IFACE, X)                         \
290     do {                                                        \
291         (IFACE)->fFunctions.f##X;                               \
292         GR_GL_LOG_CALLS_IMPL(X);                                \
293     } while (false)
295 // same as GR_GL_CALL but stores the return value of the gl call in RET
296 #define GR_GL_CALL_RET(IFACE, RET, X)                           \
297     do {                                                        \
298         GR_GL_CALL_RET_NOERRCHECK(IFACE, RET, X);               \
299         GR_GL_CHECK_ERROR_IMPL(IFACE, X);                       \
300     } while (false)
302 // same as GR_GL_CALL_RET but always skips the error check.
303 #define GR_GL_CALL_RET_NOERRCHECK(IFACE, RET, X)                \
304     do {                                                        \
305         (RET) = (IFACE)->fFunctions.f##X;                       \
306         GR_GL_LOG_CALLS_IMPL(X);                                \
307     } while (false)
GrGLFormatFromGLEnum(GrGLenum glFormat)309 static constexpr GrGLFormat GrGLFormatFromGLEnum(GrGLenum glFormat) {
310     switch (glFormat) {
311         case GR_GL_RGBA8:                return GrGLFormat::kRGBA8;
312         case GR_GL_R8:                   return GrGLFormat::kR8;
313         case GR_GL_ALPHA8:               return GrGLFormat::kALPHA8;
314         case GR_GL_LUMINANCE8:           return GrGLFormat::kLUMINANCE8;
315         case GR_GL_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8:    return GrGLFormat::kLUMINANCE8_ALPHA8;
316         case GR_GL_BGRA8:                return GrGLFormat::kBGRA8;
317         case GR_GL_RGB565:               return GrGLFormat::kRGB565;
318         case GR_GL_RGBA16F:              return GrGLFormat::kRGBA16F;
319         case GR_GL_LUMINANCE16F:         return GrGLFormat::kLUMINANCE16F;
320         case GR_GL_R16F:                 return GrGLFormat::kR16F;
321         case GR_GL_RGB8:                 return GrGLFormat::kRGB8;
322         case GR_GL_RG8:                  return GrGLFormat::kRG8;
323         case GR_GL_RGB10_A2:             return GrGLFormat::kRGB10_A2;
324         case GR_GL_RGBA4:                return GrGLFormat::kRGBA4;
325         case GR_GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8:         return GrGLFormat::kSRGB8_ALPHA8;
326         case GR_GL_COMPRESSED_ETC1_RGB8: return GrGLFormat::kCOMPRESSED_ETC1_RGB8;
327         case GR_GL_COMPRESSED_RGB8_ETC2: return GrGLFormat::kCOMPRESSED_RGB8_ETC2;
328         case GR_GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT: return GrGLFormat::kCOMPRESSED_RGB8_BC1;
329         case GR_GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT: return GrGLFormat::kCOMPRESSED_RGBA8_BC1;
330         case GR_GL_R16:                  return GrGLFormat::kR16;
331         case GR_GL_RG16:                 return GrGLFormat::kRG16;
332         case GR_GL_RGBA16:               return GrGLFormat::kRGBA16;
333         case GR_GL_RG16F:                return GrGLFormat::kRG16F;
334         case GR_GL_STENCIL_INDEX8:       return GrGLFormat::kSTENCIL_INDEX8;
335         case GR_GL_STENCIL_INDEX16:      return GrGLFormat::kSTENCIL_INDEX16;
336         case GR_GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8:     return GrGLFormat::kDEPTH24_STENCIL8;
339         default:                         return GrGLFormat::kUnknown;
340     }
341 }
343 /** Returns either the sized internal format or compressed internal format of the GrGLFormat. */
GrGLFormatToEnum(GrGLFormat format)344 static constexpr GrGLenum GrGLFormatToEnum(GrGLFormat format) {
345     switch (format) {
346         case GrGLFormat::kRGBA8:                return GR_GL_RGBA8;
347         case GrGLFormat::kR8:                   return GR_GL_R8;
348         case GrGLFormat::kALPHA8:               return GR_GL_ALPHA8;
349         case GrGLFormat::kLUMINANCE8:           return GR_GL_LUMINANCE8;
350         case GrGLFormat::kLUMINANCE8_ALPHA8:    return GR_GL_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8;
351         case GrGLFormat::kBGRA8:                return GR_GL_BGRA8;
352         case GrGLFormat::kRGB565:               return GR_GL_RGB565;
353         case GrGLFormat::kRGBA16F:              return GR_GL_RGBA16F;
354         case GrGLFormat::kLUMINANCE16F:         return GR_GL_LUMINANCE16F;
355         case GrGLFormat::kR16F:                 return GR_GL_R16F;
356         case GrGLFormat::kRGB8:                 return GR_GL_RGB8;
357         case GrGLFormat::kRG8:                  return GR_GL_RG8;
358         case GrGLFormat::kRGB10_A2:             return GR_GL_RGB10_A2;
359         case GrGLFormat::kRGBA4:                return GR_GL_RGBA4;
360         case GrGLFormat::kSRGB8_ALPHA8:         return GR_GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8;
361         case GrGLFormat::kCOMPRESSED_ETC1_RGB8: return GR_GL_COMPRESSED_ETC1_RGB8;
362         case GrGLFormat::kCOMPRESSED_RGB8_ETC2: return GR_GL_COMPRESSED_RGB8_ETC2;
363         case GrGLFormat::kCOMPRESSED_RGB8_BC1:  return GR_GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT;
364         case GrGLFormat::kCOMPRESSED_RGBA8_BC1: return GR_GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT;
365         case GrGLFormat::kR16:                  return GR_GL_R16;
366         case GrGLFormat::kRG16:                 return GR_GL_RG16;
367         case GrGLFormat::kRGBA16:               return GR_GL_RGBA16;
368         case GrGLFormat::kRG16F:                return GR_GL_RG16F;
369         case GrGLFormat::kSTENCIL_INDEX8:       return GR_GL_STENCIL_INDEX8;
370         case GrGLFormat::kSTENCIL_INDEX16:      return GR_GL_STENCIL_INDEX16;
371         case GrGLFormat::kDEPTH24_STENCIL8:     return GR_GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8;
372         case GrGLFormat::kUnknown:              return 0;
373     }
375 }
GrGLFormatBytesPerBlock(GrGLFormat format)377 static constexpr size_t GrGLFormatBytesPerBlock(GrGLFormat format) {
378     switch (format) {
379         case GrGLFormat::kRGBA8:                return 4;
380         case GrGLFormat::kR8:                   return 1;
381         case GrGLFormat::kALPHA8:               return 1;
382         case GrGLFormat::kLUMINANCE8:           return 1;
383         case GrGLFormat::kLUMINANCE8_ALPHA8:    return 2;
384         case GrGLFormat::kBGRA8:                return 4;
385         case GrGLFormat::kRGB565:               return 2;
386         case GrGLFormat::kRGBA16F:              return 8;
387         case GrGLFormat::kLUMINANCE16F:         return 2;
388         case GrGLFormat::kR16F:                 return 2;
389         // We assume the GPU stores this format 4 byte aligned
390         case GrGLFormat::kRGB8:                 return 4;
391         case GrGLFormat::kRG8:                  return 2;
392         case GrGLFormat::kRGB10_A2:             return 4;
393         case GrGLFormat::kRGBA4:                return 2;
394         case GrGLFormat::kSRGB8_ALPHA8:         return 4;
395         case GrGLFormat::kCOMPRESSED_ETC1_RGB8: return 8;
396         case GrGLFormat::kCOMPRESSED_RGB8_ETC2: return 8;
397         case GrGLFormat::kCOMPRESSED_RGB8_BC1:  return 8;
398         case GrGLFormat::kCOMPRESSED_RGBA8_BC1: return 8;
399         case GrGLFormat::kR16:                  return 2;
400         case GrGLFormat::kRG16:                 return 4;
401         case GrGLFormat::kRGBA16:               return 8;
402         case GrGLFormat::kRG16F:                return 4;
403         case GrGLFormat::kSTENCIL_INDEX8:       return 1;
404         case GrGLFormat::kSTENCIL_INDEX16:      return 2;
405         case GrGLFormat::kDEPTH24_STENCIL8:     return 4;
406         case GrGLFormat::kUnknown:              return 0;
407     }
409 }
GrGLFormatStencilBits(GrGLFormat format)411 static constexpr int GrGLFormatStencilBits(GrGLFormat format) {
412     switch (format) {
413         case GrGLFormat::kSTENCIL_INDEX8:
414             return 8;
415         case GrGLFormat::kSTENCIL_INDEX16:
416             return 16;
417         case GrGLFormat::kDEPTH24_STENCIL8:
418             return 8;
419         case GrGLFormat::kCOMPRESSED_ETC1_RGB8:
420         case GrGLFormat::kCOMPRESSED_RGB8_ETC2:
421         case GrGLFormat::kCOMPRESSED_RGB8_BC1:
422         case GrGLFormat::kCOMPRESSED_RGBA8_BC1:
423         case GrGLFormat::kRGBA8:
424         case GrGLFormat::kR8:
425         case GrGLFormat::kALPHA8:
426         case GrGLFormat::kLUMINANCE8:
427         case GrGLFormat::kLUMINANCE8_ALPHA8:
428         case GrGLFormat::kBGRA8:
429         case GrGLFormat::kRGB565:
430         case GrGLFormat::kRGBA16F:
431         case GrGLFormat::kR16F:
432         case GrGLFormat::kLUMINANCE16F:
433         case GrGLFormat::kRGB8:
434         case GrGLFormat::kRG8:
435         case GrGLFormat::kRGB10_A2:
436         case GrGLFormat::kRGBA4:
437         case GrGLFormat::kSRGB8_ALPHA8:
438         case GrGLFormat::kR16:
439         case GrGLFormat::kRG16:
440         case GrGLFormat::kRGBA16:
441         case GrGLFormat::kRG16F:
442         case GrGLFormat::kUnknown:
443             return 0;
444     }
446 }
GrGLFormatIsPackedDepthStencil(GrGLFormat format)448 static constexpr bool GrGLFormatIsPackedDepthStencil(GrGLFormat format) {
449     switch (format) {
450         case GrGLFormat::kDEPTH24_STENCIL8:
451             return true;
452         case GrGLFormat::kCOMPRESSED_ETC1_RGB8:
453         case GrGLFormat::kCOMPRESSED_RGB8_ETC2:
454         case GrGLFormat::kCOMPRESSED_RGB8_BC1:
455         case GrGLFormat::kCOMPRESSED_RGBA8_BC1:
456         case GrGLFormat::kRGBA8:
457         case GrGLFormat::kR8:
458         case GrGLFormat::kALPHA8:
459         case GrGLFormat::kLUMINANCE8:
460         case GrGLFormat::kLUMINANCE8_ALPHA8:
461         case GrGLFormat::kBGRA8:
462         case GrGLFormat::kRGB565:
463         case GrGLFormat::kRGBA16F:
464         case GrGLFormat::kR16F:
465         case GrGLFormat::kLUMINANCE16F:
466         case GrGLFormat::kRGB8:
467         case GrGLFormat::kRG8:
468         case GrGLFormat::kRGB10_A2:
469         case GrGLFormat::kRGBA4:
470         case GrGLFormat::kSRGB8_ALPHA8:
471         case GrGLFormat::kR16:
472         case GrGLFormat::kRG16:
473         case GrGLFormat::kRGBA16:
474         case GrGLFormat::kRG16F:
475         case GrGLFormat::kSTENCIL_INDEX8:
476         case GrGLFormat::kSTENCIL_INDEX16:
477         case GrGLFormat::kUnknown:
478             return false;
479     }
481 }
GrGLFormatIsSRGB(GrGLFormat format)483 static constexpr bool GrGLFormatIsSRGB(GrGLFormat format) {
484     switch (format) {
485     case GrGLFormat::kSRGB8_ALPHA8:
486         return true;
487     case GrGLFormat::kCOMPRESSED_ETC1_RGB8:
488     case GrGLFormat::kCOMPRESSED_RGB8_ETC2:
489     case GrGLFormat::kCOMPRESSED_RGB8_BC1:
490     case GrGLFormat::kCOMPRESSED_RGBA8_BC1:
491     case GrGLFormat::kRGBA8:
492     case GrGLFormat::kR8:
493     case GrGLFormat::kALPHA8:
494     case GrGLFormat::kLUMINANCE8:
495     case GrGLFormat::kLUMINANCE8_ALPHA8:
496     case GrGLFormat::kBGRA8:
497     case GrGLFormat::kRGB565:
498     case GrGLFormat::kRGBA16F:
499     case GrGLFormat::kR16F:
500     case GrGLFormat::kLUMINANCE16F:
501     case GrGLFormat::kRGB8:
502     case GrGLFormat::kRG8:
503     case GrGLFormat::kRGB10_A2:
504     case GrGLFormat::kRGBA4:
505     case GrGLFormat::kR16:
506     case GrGLFormat::kRG16:
507     case GrGLFormat::kRGBA16:
508     case GrGLFormat::kRG16F:
509     case GrGLFormat::kSTENCIL_INDEX8:
510     case GrGLFormat::kSTENCIL_INDEX16:
511     case GrGLFormat::kDEPTH24_STENCIL8:
512     case GrGLFormat::kUnknown:
513         return false;
514     }
516 }
518 #if defined(SK_DEBUG) || GR_TEST_UTILS
GrGLFormatToStr(GrGLenum glFormat)519 static constexpr const char* GrGLFormatToStr(GrGLenum glFormat) {
520     switch (glFormat) {
521         case GR_GL_RGBA8:                return "RGBA8";
522         case GR_GL_R8:                   return "R8";
523         case GR_GL_ALPHA8:               return "ALPHA8";
524         case GR_GL_LUMINANCE8:           return "LUMINANCE8";
525         case GR_GL_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8:    return "LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8";
526         case GR_GL_BGRA8:                return "BGRA8";
527         case GR_GL_RGB565:               return "RGB565";
528         case GR_GL_RGBA16F:              return "RGBA16F";
529         case GR_GL_LUMINANCE16F:         return "LUMINANCE16F";
530         case GR_GL_R16F:                 return "R16F";
531         case GR_GL_RGB8:                 return "RGB8";
532         case GR_GL_RG8:                  return "RG8";
533         case GR_GL_RGB10_A2:             return "RGB10_A2";
534         case GR_GL_RGBA4:                return "RGBA4";
535         case GR_GL_RGBA32F:              return "RGBA32F";
536         case GR_GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8:         return "SRGB8_ALPHA8";
537         case GR_GL_COMPRESSED_ETC1_RGB8: return "ETC1";
538         case GR_GL_COMPRESSED_RGB8_ETC2: return "ETC2";
539         case GR_GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT: return "RGB8_BC1";
540         case GR_GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT: return "RGBA8_BC1";
541         case GR_GL_R16:                  return "R16";
542         case GR_GL_RG16:                 return "RG16";
543         case GR_GL_RGBA16:               return "RGBA16";
544         case GR_GL_RG16F:                return "RG16F";
545         case GR_GL_STENCIL_INDEX8:       return "STENCIL_INDEX8";
546         case GR_GL_STENCIL_INDEX16:      return "STENCIL_INDEX16";
547         case GR_GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8:     return "DEPTH24_STENCIL8";
549         default:                         return "Unknown";
550     }
551 }
552 #endif
554 GrGLenum GrToGLStencilFunc(GrStencilTest test);
556 /**
557  * Returns true if the format is compressed.
558  */
559 bool GrGLFormatIsCompressed(GrGLFormat);
561 #endif