1 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 Software License for The Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library for Android
4 © Copyright  1995 - 2020 Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten
5 Forschung e.V. All rights reserved.
8 The Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library for Android ("FDK AAC Codec") is software
9 that implements the MPEG Advanced Audio Coding ("AAC") encoding and decoding
10 scheme for digital audio. This FDK AAC Codec software is intended to be used on
11 a wide variety of Android devices.
13 AAC's HE-AAC and HE-AAC v2 versions are regarded as today's most efficient
14 general perceptual audio codecs. AAC-ELD is considered the best-performing
15 full-bandwidth communications codec by independent studies and is widely
16 deployed. AAC has been standardized by ISO and IEC as part of the MPEG
17 specifications.
19 Patent licenses for necessary patent claims for the FDK AAC Codec (including
20 those of Fraunhofer) may be obtained through Via Licensing
21 (www.vialicensing.com) or through the respective patent owners individually for
22 the purpose of encoding or decoding bit streams in products that are compliant
23 with the ISO/IEC MPEG audio standards. Please note that most manufacturers of
24 Android devices already license these patent claims through Via Licensing or
25 directly from the patent owners, and therefore FDK AAC Codec software may
26 already be covered under those patent licenses when it is used for those
27 licensed purposes only.
29 Commercially-licensed AAC software libraries, including floating-point versions
30 with enhanced sound quality, are also available from Fraunhofer. Users are
31 encouraged to check the Fraunhofer website for additional applications
32 information and documentation.
36 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
37 are permitted without payment of copyright license fees provided that you
38 satisfy the following conditions:
40 You must retain the complete text of this software license in redistributions of
41 the FDK AAC Codec or your modifications thereto in source code form.
43 You must retain the complete text of this software license in the documentation
44 and/or other materials provided with redistributions of the FDK AAC Codec or
45 your modifications thereto in binary form. You must make available free of
46 charge copies of the complete source code of the FDK AAC Codec and your
47 modifications thereto to recipients of copies in binary form.
49 The name of Fraunhofer may not be used to endorse or promote products derived
50 from this library without prior written permission.
52 You may not charge copyright license fees for anyone to use, copy or distribute
53 the FDK AAC Codec software or your modifications thereto.
55 Your modified versions of the FDK AAC Codec must carry prominent notices stating
56 that you changed the software and the date of any change. For modified versions
57 of the FDK AAC Codec, the term "Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library for Android"
58 must be replaced by the term "Third-Party Modified Version of the Fraunhofer FDK
59 AAC Codec Library for Android."
64 limitation the patents of Fraunhofer, ARE GRANTED BY THIS SOFTWARE LICENSE.
65 Fraunhofer provides no warranty of patent non-infringement with respect to this
66 software.
68 You may use this FDK AAC Codec software or modifications thereto only for
69 purposes that are authorized by appropriate patent licenses.
73 This FDK AAC Codec software is provided by Fraunhofer on behalf of the copyright
74 holders and contributors "AS IS" and WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES,
75 including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and
76 fitness for a particular purpose. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR
77 CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary,
78 or consequential damages, including but not limited to procurement of substitute
79 goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits, or business interruption,
80 however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict
81 liability, or tort (including negligence), arising in any way out of the use of
82 this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
86 Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS
87 Attention: Audio and Multimedia Departments - FDK AAC LL
88 Am Wolfsmantel 33
89 91058 Erlangen, Germany
91 www.iis.fraunhofer.de/amm
92 amm-info@iis.fraunhofer.de
93 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
95 /**************************** AAC decoder library ******************************
97    Author(s):   Robert Weidner (DSP Solutions)
99    Description: HCR Decoder: Prepare decoding of non-PCWs, segmentation- and
100                 bitfield-handling, HCR-Statemachine
102 *******************************************************************************/
104 #include "aacdec_hcrs.h"
106 #include "aacdec_hcr.h"
108 #include "aacdec_hcr_bit.h"
109 #include "aac_rom.h"
110 #include "aac_ram.h"
112 static UINT InitSegmentBitfield(UINT *pNumSegment,
113                                 SCHAR *pRemainingBitsInSegment,
114                                 UINT *pSegmentBitfield,
115                                 UCHAR *pNumWordForBitfield,
116                                 USHORT *pNumBitValidInLastWord);
118 static void InitNonPCWSideInformationForCurrentSet(H_HCR_INFO pHcr);
120 static INT ModuloValue(INT input, INT bufferlength);
122 static void ClearBitFromBitfield(STATEFUNC *ptrState, UINT offset,
123                                  UINT *pBitfield);
125 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
126      description: This function decodes all non-priority codewords (non-PCWs) by
127 using a state-machine.
128 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
129 */
131   UINT numValidSegment;
132   INT segmentOffset;
133   INT codewordOffsetBase;
134   INT codewordOffset;
135   UINT trial;
137   UINT *pNumSegment;
138   SCHAR *pRemainingBitsInSegment;
139   UINT *pSegmentBitfield;
140   UCHAR *pNumWordForBitfield;
141   USHORT *pNumBitValidInLastWord;
142   UINT *pCodewordBitfield;
143   INT bitfieldWord;
144   INT bitInWord;
145   UINT tempWord;
146   UINT interMediateWord;
147   INT tempBit;
148   INT carry;
150   UINT numCodeword;
151   UCHAR numSet;
152   UCHAR currentSet;
153   UINT codewordInSet;
154   UINT remainingCodewordsInSet;
155   SCHAR *pSta;
156   UINT ret;
158   pNumSegment = &(pHcr->segmentInfo.numSegment);
159   pRemainingBitsInSegment = pHcr->segmentInfo.pRemainingBitsInSegment;
160   pSegmentBitfield = pHcr->segmentInfo.pSegmentBitfield;
161   pNumWordForBitfield = &(pHcr->segmentInfo.numWordForBitfield);
162   pNumBitValidInLastWord = &(pHcr->segmentInfo.pNumBitValidInLastWord);
163   pSta = pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pSta;
165   numValidSegment = InitSegmentBitfield(pNumSegment, pRemainingBitsInSegment,
166                                         pSegmentBitfield, pNumWordForBitfield,
167                                         pNumBitValidInLastWord);
169   if (numValidSegment != 0) {
170     numCodeword = pHcr->sectionInfo.numCodeword;
171     numSet = ((numCodeword - 1) / *pNumSegment) + 1;
173     pHcr->segmentInfo.readDirection = FROM_RIGHT_TO_LEFT;
175     /* Process sets subsequently */
176     numSet = fMin(numSet, (UCHAR)MAX_HCR_SETS);
177     for (currentSet = 1; currentSet < numSet; currentSet++) {
179       /* step 1 */
180       numCodeword -=
181           *pNumSegment; /* number of remaining non PCWs [for all sets] */
182       if (numCodeword < *pNumSegment) {
183         codewordInSet = numCodeword; /* for last set */
184       } else {
185         codewordInSet = *pNumSegment; /* for all sets except last set */
186       }
188       /* step 2 */
189       /* prepare array 'CodewordBitfield'; as much ones are written from left in
190        * all words, as much decodedCodewordInSetCounter nonPCWs exist in this
191        * set */
192       tempWord = 0xFFFFFFFF;
193       pCodewordBitfield = pHcr->segmentInfo.pCodewordBitfield;
195       for (bitfieldWord = *pNumWordForBitfield; bitfieldWord != 0;
196            bitfieldWord--) { /* loop over all used words */
197         if (codewordInSet > NUMBER_OF_BIT_IN_WORD) { /* more codewords than
198                                                         number of bits => fill
199                                                         ones */
200           /* fill a whole word with ones */
201           *pCodewordBitfield++ = tempWord;
202           codewordInSet -= NUMBER_OF_BIT_IN_WORD; /* subtract number of bits */
203         } else {
204           /* prepare last tempWord */
205           for (remainingCodewordsInSet = codewordInSet;
206                remainingCodewordsInSet < NUMBER_OF_BIT_IN_WORD;
207                remainingCodewordsInSet++) {
208             tempWord =
209                 tempWord &
210                 ~(1
211                   << (NUMBER_OF_BIT_IN_WORD - 1 -
212                       remainingCodewordsInSet)); /* set a zero at bit number
213                                                     (NUMBER_OF_BIT_IN_WORD-1-i)
214                                                     in tempWord */
215           }
216           *pCodewordBitfield++ = tempWord;
217           tempWord = 0x00000000;
218         }
219       }
220       pCodewordBitfield = pHcr->segmentInfo.pCodewordBitfield;
222       /* step 3 */
223       /* build non-PCW sideinfo for each non-PCW of the current set */
224       InitNonPCWSideInformationForCurrentSet(pHcr);
226       /* step 4 */
227       /* decode all non-PCWs belonging to this set */
229       /* loop over trials */
230       codewordOffsetBase = 0;
231       for (trial = *pNumSegment; trial > 0; trial--) {
232         /* loop over number of words in bitfields */
233         segmentOffset = 0; /* start at zero in every segment */
234         pHcr->segmentInfo.segmentOffset =
235             segmentOffset; /* store in structure for states */
236         codewordOffset = codewordOffsetBase;
237         pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.codewordOffset =
238             codewordOffset; /* store in structure for states */
240         for (bitfieldWord = 0; bitfieldWord < *pNumWordForBitfield;
241              bitfieldWord++) {
242           /* derive tempWord with bitwise and */
243           tempWord =
244               pSegmentBitfield[bitfieldWord] & pCodewordBitfield[bitfieldWord];
246           /* if tempWord is not zero, decode something */
247           if (tempWord != 0) {
248             /* loop over all bits in tempWord; start state machine if & is true
249              */
250             for (bitInWord = NUMBER_OF_BIT_IN_WORD; bitInWord > 0;
251                  bitInWord--) {
252               interMediateWord = ((UINT)1 << (bitInWord - 1));
253               if ((tempWord & interMediateWord) == interMediateWord) {
254                 /* get state and start state machine */
255                 pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pState =
256                     aStateConstant2State[pSta[codewordOffset]];
258                 while (pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pState) {
259                   ret = ((STATEFUNC)pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pState)(bs, pHcr);
260                   if (ret != 0) {
261                     return;
262                   }
263                 }
264               }
266               /* update both offsets */
267               segmentOffset += 1; /* add NUMBER_OF_BIT_IN_WORD times one */
268               pHcr->segmentInfo.segmentOffset = segmentOffset;
269               codewordOffset += 1; /* add NUMBER_OF_BIT_IN_WORD times one */
270               codewordOffset =
271                   ModuloValue(codewordOffset,
272                               *pNumSegment); /* index of the current codeword
273                                                 lies within modulo range */
274               pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.codewordOffset = codewordOffset;
275             }
276           } else {
277             segmentOffset +=
278                 NUMBER_OF_BIT_IN_WORD; /* add NUMBER_OF_BIT_IN_WORD at once */
279             pHcr->segmentInfo.segmentOffset = segmentOffset;
280             codewordOffset +=
281                 NUMBER_OF_BIT_IN_WORD; /* add NUMBER_OF_BIT_IN_WORD at once */
282             codewordOffset = ModuloValue(
283                 codewordOffset,
284                 *pNumSegment); /* index of the current codeword lies within
285                                   modulo range */
286             pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.codewordOffset = codewordOffset;
287           }
288         } /* end of bitfield word loop */
290         /* decrement codeword - pointer */
291         codewordOffsetBase -= 1;
292         codewordOffsetBase =
293             ModuloValue(codewordOffsetBase, *pNumSegment); /* index of the
294                                                               current codeword
295                                                               base lies within
296                                                               modulo range */
298         /* rotate numSegment bits in codewordBitfield */
299         /* rotation of *numSegment bits in bitfield of codewords
300          * (circle-rotation) */
301         /* get last valid bit */
302         tempBit = pCodewordBitfield[*pNumWordForBitfield - 1] &
303                   (1 << (NUMBER_OF_BIT_IN_WORD - *pNumBitValidInLastWord));
304         tempBit = tempBit >> (NUMBER_OF_BIT_IN_WORD - *pNumBitValidInLastWord);
306         /* write zero into place where tempBit was fetched from */
307         pCodewordBitfield[*pNumWordForBitfield - 1] =
308             pCodewordBitfield[*pNumWordForBitfield - 1] &
309             ~(1 << (NUMBER_OF_BIT_IN_WORD - *pNumBitValidInLastWord));
311         /* rotate last valid word */
312         pCodewordBitfield[*pNumWordForBitfield - 1] =
313             pCodewordBitfield[*pNumWordForBitfield - 1] >> 1;
315         /* transfare carry bit 0 from current word into bitposition 31 from next
316          * word and rotate current word */
317         for (bitfieldWord = *pNumWordForBitfield - 2; bitfieldWord > -1;
318              bitfieldWord--) {
319           /* get carry (=bit at position 0) from current word */
320           carry = pCodewordBitfield[bitfieldWord] & 1;
322           /* put the carry bit at position 31 into word right from current word
323            */
324           pCodewordBitfield[bitfieldWord + 1] =
325               pCodewordBitfield[bitfieldWord + 1] |
326               (carry << (NUMBER_OF_BIT_IN_WORD - 1));
328           /* shift current word */
329           pCodewordBitfield[bitfieldWord] =
330               pCodewordBitfield[bitfieldWord] >> 1;
331         }
333         /* put tempBit into free bit-position 31 from first word */
334         pCodewordBitfield[0] =
335             pCodewordBitfield[0] | (tempBit << (NUMBER_OF_BIT_IN_WORD - 1));
337       } /* end of trial loop */
339       /* toggle read direction */
340       pHcr->segmentInfo.readDirection =
341           ToggleReadDirection(pHcr->segmentInfo.readDirection);
342     }
343     /* end of set loop */
345     /* all non-PCWs of this spectrum are decoded */
346   }
348   /* all PCWs and all non PCWs are decoded. They are unbacksorted in output
349    * buffer. Here is the Interface with comparing QSCs to asm decoding */
350 }
352 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
353      description:   This function prepares the bitfield used for the
354                     segments. The list is set up once to be used in all
355 following sets. If a segment is decoded empty, the according bit from the
356 Bitfield is removed.
357 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
358         return:     numValidSegment = the number of valid segments
359 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
360 */
InitSegmentBitfield(UINT * pNumSegment,SCHAR * pRemainingBitsInSegment,UINT * pSegmentBitfield,UCHAR * pNumWordForBitfield,USHORT * pNumBitValidInLastWord)361 static UINT InitSegmentBitfield(UINT *pNumSegment,
362                                 SCHAR *pRemainingBitsInSegment,
363                                 UINT *pSegmentBitfield,
364                                 UCHAR *pNumWordForBitfield,
365                                 USHORT *pNumBitValidInLastWord) {
366   SHORT i;
367   USHORT r;
368   UCHAR bitfieldWord;
369   UINT tempWord;
370   USHORT numValidSegment;
372   *pNumWordForBitfield =
373       (*pNumSegment == 0)
374           ? 0
375           : ((*pNumSegment - 1) >> THIRTYTWO_LOG_DIV_TWO_LOG) + 1;
377   /* loop over all words, which are completely used or only partial */
378   /* bit in pSegmentBitfield is zero if segment is empty; bit in
379    * pSegmentBitfield is one if segment is not empty */
380   numValidSegment = 0;
381   *pNumBitValidInLastWord = *pNumSegment;
383   /* loop over words */
384   for (bitfieldWord = 0; bitfieldWord < *pNumWordForBitfield - 1;
385        bitfieldWord++) {
386     tempWord = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* set ones */
387     r = bitfieldWord << THIRTYTWO_LOG_DIV_TWO_LOG;
388     for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_BIT_IN_WORD; i++) {
389       if (pRemainingBitsInSegment[r + i] == 0) {
390         tempWord = tempWord & ~(1 << (NUMBER_OF_BIT_IN_WORD - 1 -
391                                       i)); /* set a zero at bit number
392                                               (NUMBER_OF_BIT_IN_WORD-1-i) in
393                                               tempWord */
394       } else {
395         numValidSegment += 1; /* count segments which are not empty */
396       }
397     }
398     pSegmentBitfield[bitfieldWord] = tempWord;        /* store result */
399     *pNumBitValidInLastWord -= NUMBER_OF_BIT_IN_WORD; /* calculate number of
400                                                          zeros on LSB side in
401                                                          the last word */
402   }
404   /* calculate last word: prepare special tempWord */
405   tempWord = 0xFFFFFFFF;
406   for (i = 0; i < (NUMBER_OF_BIT_IN_WORD - *pNumBitValidInLastWord); i++) {
407     tempWord = tempWord & ~(1 << i); /* clear bit i in tempWord */
408   }
410   /* calculate last word */
411   r = bitfieldWord << THIRTYTWO_LOG_DIV_TWO_LOG;
412   for (i = 0; i < *pNumBitValidInLastWord; i++) {
413     if (pRemainingBitsInSegment[r + i] == 0) {
414       tempWord = tempWord & ~(1 << (NUMBER_OF_BIT_IN_WORD - 1 -
415                                     i)); /* set a zero at bit number
416                                             (NUMBER_OF_BIT_IN_WORD-1-i) in
417                                             tempWord */
418     } else {
419       numValidSegment += 1; /* count segments which are not empty */
420     }
421   }
422   pSegmentBitfield[bitfieldWord] = tempWord; /* store result */
424   return numValidSegment;
425 }
427 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
428   description:  This function sets up sideinfo for the non-PCW decoder (for the
429 current set).
430 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
InitNonPCWSideInformationForCurrentSet(H_HCR_INFO pHcr)431 static void InitNonPCWSideInformationForCurrentSet(H_HCR_INFO pHcr) {
432   USHORT i, k;
433   UCHAR codebookDim;
434   UINT startNode;
436   UCHAR *pCodebook = pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pCodebook;
437   UINT *iNode = pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.iNode;
438   UCHAR *pCntSign = pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pCntSign;
439   USHORT *iResultPointer = pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.iResultPointer;
440   UINT *pEscapeSequenceInfo = pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pEscapeSequenceInfo;
441   SCHAR *pSta = pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pSta;
442   USHORT *pNumExtendedSortedCodewordInSection =
443       pHcr->sectionInfo.pNumExtendedSortedCodewordInSection;
444   int numExtendedSortedCodewordInSectionIdx =
445       pHcr->sectionInfo.numExtendedSortedCodewordInSectionIdx;
446   UCHAR *pExtendedSortedCodebook = pHcr->sectionInfo.pExtendedSortedCodebook;
447   int extendedSortedCodebookIdx = pHcr->sectionInfo.extendedSortedCodebookIdx;
448   USHORT *pNumExtendedSortedSectionsInSets =
449       pHcr->sectionInfo.pNumExtendedSortedSectionsInSets;
450   int numExtendedSortedSectionsInSetsIdx =
451       pHcr->sectionInfo.numExtendedSortedSectionsInSetsIdx;
452   int quantizedSpectralCoefficientsIdx =
453       pHcr->decInOut.quantizedSpectralCoefficientsIdx;
454   const UCHAR *pCbDimension = aDimCb;
455   int iterationCounter = 0;
457   /* loop over number of extended sorted sections in the current set so all
458    * codewords sideinfo variables within this set can be prepared for decoding
459    */
460   for (i = pNumExtendedSortedSectionsInSets[numExtendedSortedSectionsInSetsIdx];
461        i != 0; i--) {
462     codebookDim =
463         pCbDimension[pExtendedSortedCodebook[extendedSortedCodebookIdx]];
464     startNode = *aHuffTable[pExtendedSortedCodebook[extendedSortedCodebookIdx]];
466     for (k = pNumExtendedSortedCodewordInSection
467              [numExtendedSortedCodewordInSectionIdx];
468          k != 0; k--) {
469       iterationCounter++;
470       if (iterationCounter > (1024 >> 2)) {
471         return;
472       }
473       *pSta++ = aCodebook2StartInt
474           [pExtendedSortedCodebook[extendedSortedCodebookIdx]];
475       *pCodebook++ = pExtendedSortedCodebook[extendedSortedCodebookIdx];
476       *iNode++ = startNode;
477       *pCntSign++ = 0;
478       *iResultPointer++ = quantizedSpectralCoefficientsIdx;
479       *pEscapeSequenceInfo++ = 0;
480       quantizedSpectralCoefficientsIdx +=
481           codebookDim; /* update pointer by codebookDim --> point to next
482                           starting value for writing out */
483       if (quantizedSpectralCoefficientsIdx >= 1024) {
484         return;
485       }
486     }
487     numExtendedSortedCodewordInSectionIdx++; /* inc ptr for next ext sort sec in
488                                                 current set */
489     extendedSortedCodebookIdx++; /* inc ptr for next ext sort sec in current set
490                                   */
491     if (numExtendedSortedCodewordInSectionIdx >= (MAX_SFB_HCR + MAX_HCR_SETS) ||
492         extendedSortedCodebookIdx >= (MAX_SFB_HCR + MAX_HCR_SETS)) {
493       return;
494     }
495   }
496   numExtendedSortedSectionsInSetsIdx++; /* inc ptr for next set of non-PCWs */
497   if (numExtendedSortedCodewordInSectionIdx >= (MAX_SFB_HCR + MAX_HCR_SETS)) {
498     return;
499   }
501   /* Write back indexes */
502   pHcr->sectionInfo.numExtendedSortedCodewordInSectionIdx =
503       numExtendedSortedCodewordInSectionIdx;
504   pHcr->sectionInfo.extendedSortedCodebookIdx = extendedSortedCodebookIdx;
505   pHcr->sectionInfo.numExtendedSortedSectionsInSetsIdx =
506       numExtendedSortedSectionsInSetsIdx;
507   pHcr->sectionInfo.numExtendedSortedCodewordInSectionIdx =
508       numExtendedSortedCodewordInSectionIdx;
509   pHcr->decInOut.quantizedSpectralCoefficientsIdx =
510       quantizedSpectralCoefficientsIdx;
511 }
513 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
514      description: This function returns the input value if the value is in the
515                   range of bufferlength. If <input> is smaller, one bufferlength
516 is added, if <input> is bigger one bufferlength is subtracted.
517 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
518         return:   modulo result
519 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
520 */
ModuloValue(INT input,INT bufferlength)521 static INT ModuloValue(INT input, INT bufferlength) {
522   if (input > (bufferlength - 1)) {
523     return (input - bufferlength);
524   }
525   if (input < 0) {
526     return (input + bufferlength);
527   }
528   return input;
529 }
531 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
532      description: This function clears a bit from current bitfield and
533                   switches off the statemachine.
535                   A bit is cleared in two cases:
536                   a) a codeword is decoded, then a bit is cleared in codeword
537 bitfield b) a segment is decoded empty, then a bit is cleared in segment
538 bitfield
539 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
540 */
ClearBitFromBitfield(STATEFUNC * ptrState,UINT offset,UINT * pBitfield)541 static void ClearBitFromBitfield(STATEFUNC *ptrState, UINT offset,
542                                  UINT *pBitfield) {
543   UINT numBitfieldWord;
544   UINT numBitfieldBit;
546   /* get both values needed for clearing the bit */
547   numBitfieldWord = offset >> THIRTYTWO_LOG_DIV_TWO_LOG; /* int   = wordNr */
548   numBitfieldBit = offset - (numBitfieldWord
549                              << THIRTYTWO_LOG_DIV_TWO_LOG); /* fract = bitNr  */
551   /* clear a bit in bitfield */
552   pBitfield[numBitfieldWord] =
553       pBitfield[numBitfieldWord] &
554       ~(1 << (NUMBER_OF_BIT_IN_WORD - 1 - numBitfieldBit));
556   /* switch off state machine because codeword is decoded and/or because segment
557    * is empty */
558   *ptrState = NULL;
559 }
561 /* =========================================================================================
562                               the states of the statemachine
563    =========================================================================================
564  */
566 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
567      description:  Decodes the body of a codeword. This State is used for
568 codebooks 1,2,5 and 6. No sign bits are decoded, because the table of the
569 quantized spectral values has got a valid sign at the quantized spectral lines.
570 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
571         output:   Two or four quantizes spectral values written at position
572 where pResultPointr points to
573 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
574         return:   0
575 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
576 */
Hcr_State_BODY_ONLY(HANDLE_FDK_BITSTREAM bs,void * ptr)577 UINT Hcr_State_BODY_ONLY(HANDLE_FDK_BITSTREAM bs, void *ptr) {
578   H_HCR_INFO pHcr = (H_HCR_INFO)ptr;
579   UINT *pSegmentBitfield;
580   UINT *pCodewordBitfield;
581   UINT segmentOffset;
582   FIXP_DBL *pResultBase;
583   UINT *iNode;
584   USHORT *iResultPointer;
585   UINT codewordOffset;
586   UINT branchNode;
587   UINT branchValue;
588   UINT iQSC;
589   UINT treeNode;
590   UCHAR carryBit;
591   INT *pLeftStartOfSegment;
592   INT *pRightStartOfSegment;
593   SCHAR *pRemainingBitsInSegment;
594   UCHAR readDirection;
595   UCHAR *pCodebook;
596   UCHAR dimCntr;
597   const UINT *pCurrentTree;
598   const UCHAR *pCbDimension;
599   const SCHAR *pQuantVal;
600   const SCHAR *pQuantValBase;
602   pRemainingBitsInSegment = pHcr->segmentInfo.pRemainingBitsInSegment;
603   pLeftStartOfSegment = pHcr->segmentInfo.pLeftStartOfSegment;
604   pRightStartOfSegment = pHcr->segmentInfo.pRightStartOfSegment;
605   readDirection = pHcr->segmentInfo.readDirection;
606   pSegmentBitfield = pHcr->segmentInfo.pSegmentBitfield;
607   pCodewordBitfield = pHcr->segmentInfo.pCodewordBitfield;
608   segmentOffset = pHcr->segmentInfo.segmentOffset;
610   pCodebook = pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pCodebook;
611   iNode = pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.iNode;
612   pResultBase = pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pResultBase;
613   iResultPointer = pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.iResultPointer;
614   codewordOffset = pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.codewordOffset;
616   pCbDimension = aDimCb;
618   treeNode = iNode[codewordOffset];
619   pCurrentTree = aHuffTable[pCodebook[codewordOffset]];
621   for (; pRemainingBitsInSegment[segmentOffset] > 0;
622        pRemainingBitsInSegment[segmentOffset] -= 1) {
623     carryBit = HcrGetABitFromBitstream(
624         bs, pHcr->decInOut.bitstreamAnchor, &pLeftStartOfSegment[segmentOffset],
625         &pRightStartOfSegment[segmentOffset], readDirection);
627     CarryBitToBranchValue(carryBit, /* make a step in decoding tree */
628                           treeNode, &branchValue, &branchNode);
630     /* if end of branch reached write out lines and count bits needed for sign,
631      * otherwise store node in codeword sideinfo */
632     if ((branchNode & TEST_BIT_10) ==
633         TEST_BIT_10) { /* test bit 10 ; ==> body is complete */
634       pQuantValBase = aQuantTable[pCodebook[codewordOffset]]; /* get base
635                                                                  address of
636                                                                  quantized
637                                                                  values
638                                                                  belonging to
639                                                                  current
640                                                                  codebook */
641       pQuantVal = pQuantValBase + branchValue; /* set pointer to first valid
642                                                   line [of 2 or 4 quantized
643                                                   values] */
645       iQSC = iResultPointer[codewordOffset]; /* get position of first line for
646                                                 writing out result */
648       for (dimCntr = pCbDimension[pCodebook[codewordOffset]]; dimCntr != 0;
649            dimCntr--) {
650         pResultBase[iQSC++] =
651             (FIXP_DBL)*pQuantVal++; /* write out 2 or 4 lines into
652                                        spectrum; no Sign bits
653                                        available in this state */
654       }
656       ClearBitFromBitfield(&(pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pState), segmentOffset,
657                            pCodewordBitfield); /* clear a bit in bitfield and
658                                                   switch off statemachine */
659       pRemainingBitsInSegment[segmentOffset] -= 1; /* last reinitialzation of
660                                                       for loop counter (see
661                                                       above) is done here */
662       break; /* end of branch in tree reached  i.e. a whole nonPCW-Body is
663                 decoded */
664     } else { /* body is not decoded completely: */
665       treeNode = *(
666           pCurrentTree +
667           branchValue); /* update treeNode for further step in decoding tree */
668     }
669   }
670   iNode[codewordOffset] = treeNode; /* store updated treeNode because maybe
671                                        decoding of codeword body not finished
672                                        yet */
674   if (pRemainingBitsInSegment[segmentOffset] <= 0) {
675     ClearBitFromBitfield(&(pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pState), segmentOffset,
676                          pSegmentBitfield); /* clear a bit in bitfield and
677                                                switch off statemachine */
679     if (pRemainingBitsInSegment[segmentOffset] < 0) {
680       pHcr->decInOut.errorLog |= STATE_ERROR_BODY_ONLY;
681       return BODY_ONLY;
682     }
683   }
685   return STOP_THIS_STATE;
686 }
688 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
689      description: Decodes the codeword body, writes out result and counts the
690 number of quantized spectral values, which are different form zero. For those
691 values sign bits are needed.
693                   If sign bit counter cntSign is different from zero, switch to
694 next state to decode sign Bits there. If sign bit counter cntSign is zero, no
695 sign bits are needed and codeword is decoded.
696 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
697         output:   Two or four written quantizes spectral values written at
698 position where pResultPointr points to. The signs of those lines may be wrong.
699 If the signs [on just one signle sign] is wrong, the next state will correct it.
700 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
701         return:   0
702 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
703 */
705   H_HCR_INFO pHcr = (H_HCR_INFO)ptr;
706   SCHAR *pRemainingBitsInSegment;
707   INT *pLeftStartOfSegment;
708   INT *pRightStartOfSegment;
709   UCHAR readDirection;
710   UINT *pSegmentBitfield;
711   UINT *pCodewordBitfield;
712   UINT segmentOffset;
714   UCHAR *pCodebook;
715   UINT *iNode;
716   UCHAR *pCntSign;
717   FIXP_DBL *pResultBase;
718   USHORT *iResultPointer;
719   UINT codewordOffset;
721   UINT iQSC;
722   UINT cntSign;
723   UCHAR dimCntr;
724   UCHAR carryBit;
725   SCHAR *pSta;
726   UINT treeNode;
727   UINT branchValue;
728   UINT branchNode;
729   const UCHAR *pCbDimension;
730   const UINT *pCurrentTree;
731   const SCHAR *pQuantValBase;
732   const SCHAR *pQuantVal;
734   pRemainingBitsInSegment = pHcr->segmentInfo.pRemainingBitsInSegment;
735   pLeftStartOfSegment = pHcr->segmentInfo.pLeftStartOfSegment;
736   pRightStartOfSegment = pHcr->segmentInfo.pRightStartOfSegment;
737   readDirection = pHcr->segmentInfo.readDirection;
738   pSegmentBitfield = pHcr->segmentInfo.pSegmentBitfield;
739   pCodewordBitfield = pHcr->segmentInfo.pCodewordBitfield;
740   segmentOffset = pHcr->segmentInfo.segmentOffset;
742   pCodebook = pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pCodebook;
743   iNode = pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.iNode;
744   pCntSign = pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pCntSign;
745   pResultBase = pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pResultBase;
746   iResultPointer = pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.iResultPointer;
747   codewordOffset = pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.codewordOffset;
748   pSta = pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pSta;
750   pCbDimension = aDimCb;
752   treeNode = iNode[codewordOffset];
753   pCurrentTree = aHuffTable[pCodebook[codewordOffset]];
755   for (; pRemainingBitsInSegment[segmentOffset] > 0;
756        pRemainingBitsInSegment[segmentOffset] -= 1) {
757     carryBit = HcrGetABitFromBitstream(
758         bs, pHcr->decInOut.bitstreamAnchor, &pLeftStartOfSegment[segmentOffset],
759         &pRightStartOfSegment[segmentOffset], readDirection);
761     CarryBitToBranchValue(carryBit, /* make a step in decoding tree */
762                           treeNode, &branchValue, &branchNode);
764     /* if end of branch reached write out lines and count bits needed for sign,
765      * otherwise store node in codeword sideinfo */
766     if ((branchNode & TEST_BIT_10) ==
767         TEST_BIT_10) { /* test bit 10 ; if set body complete */
768       /* body completely decoded; branchValue is valid, set pQuantVal to first
769        * (of two or four) quantized spectral coefficients */
770       pQuantValBase = aQuantTable[pCodebook[codewordOffset]]; /* get base
771                                                                  address of
772                                                                  quantized
773                                                                  values
774                                                                  belonging to
775                                                                  current
776                                                                  codebook */
777       pQuantVal = pQuantValBase + branchValue; /* set pointer to first valid
778                                                   line [of 2 or 4 quantized
779                                                   values] */
781       iQSC = iResultPointer[codewordOffset]; /* get position of first line for
782                                                 writing result */
784       /* codeword decoding result is written out here: Write out 2 or 4
785        * quantized spectral values with probably */
786       /* wrong sign and count number of values which are different from zero for
787        * sign bit decoding [which happens in next state] */
788       cntSign = 0;
789       for (dimCntr = pCbDimension[pCodebook[codewordOffset]]; dimCntr != 0;
790            dimCntr--) {
791         pResultBase[iQSC++] =
792             (FIXP_DBL)*pQuantVal; /* write quant. spec. coef. into spectrum */
793         if (*pQuantVal++ != 0) {
794           cntSign += 1;
795         }
796       }
798       if (cntSign == 0) {
799         ClearBitFromBitfield(
800             &(pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pState), segmentOffset,
801             pCodewordBitfield); /* clear a bit in bitfield and switch off
802                                    statemachine */
803       } else {
804         pCntSign[codewordOffset] = cntSign;     /* write sign count result into
805                                                    codewordsideinfo of current
806                                                    codeword */
807         pSta[codewordOffset] = BODY_SIGN__SIGN; /* change state */
808         pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pState =
809             aStateConstant2State[pSta[codewordOffset]]; /* get state from
810                                                            separate array of
811                                                            cw-sideinfo */
812       }
813       pRemainingBitsInSegment[segmentOffset] -= 1; /* last reinitialzation of
814                                                       for loop counter (see
815                                                       above) is done here */
816       break; /* end of branch in tree reached  i.e. a whole nonPCW-Body is
817                 decoded */
818     } else { /* body is not decoded completely: */
819       treeNode = *(
820           pCurrentTree +
821           branchValue); /* update treeNode for further step in decoding tree */
822     }
823   }
824   iNode[codewordOffset] = treeNode; /* store updated treeNode because maybe
825                                        decoding of codeword body not finished
826                                        yet */
828   if (pRemainingBitsInSegment[segmentOffset] <= 0) {
829     ClearBitFromBitfield(&(pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pState), segmentOffset,
830                          pSegmentBitfield); /* clear a bit in bitfield and
831                                                switch off statemachine */
833     if (pRemainingBitsInSegment[segmentOffset] < 0) {
834       pHcr->decInOut.errorLog |= STATE_ERROR_BODY_SIGN__BODY;
835       return BODY_SIGN__BODY;
836     }
837   }
839   return STOP_THIS_STATE;
840 }
842 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
843      description: This state decodes the sign bits belonging to a codeword. The
844 state is called as often in different "trials" until pCntSgn[codewordOffset] is
845 zero.
846 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
847         output:   The two or four quantizes spectral values (written in previous
848 state) have now the correct sign.
849 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
850         return:   0
851 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
852 */
854   H_HCR_INFO pHcr = (H_HCR_INFO)ptr;
855   SCHAR *pRemainingBitsInSegment;
856   INT *pLeftStartOfSegment;
857   INT *pRightStartOfSegment;
858   UCHAR readDirection;
859   UINT *pSegmentBitfield;
860   UINT *pCodewordBitfield;
861   UINT segmentOffset;
863   UCHAR *pCntSign;
864   FIXP_DBL *pResultBase;
865   USHORT *iResultPointer;
866   UINT codewordOffset;
868   UCHAR carryBit;
869   UINT iQSC;
870   UCHAR cntSign;
872   pRemainingBitsInSegment = pHcr->segmentInfo.pRemainingBitsInSegment;
873   pLeftStartOfSegment = pHcr->segmentInfo.pLeftStartOfSegment;
874   pRightStartOfSegment = pHcr->segmentInfo.pRightStartOfSegment;
875   readDirection = pHcr->segmentInfo.readDirection;
876   pSegmentBitfield = pHcr->segmentInfo.pSegmentBitfield;
877   pCodewordBitfield = pHcr->segmentInfo.pCodewordBitfield;
878   segmentOffset = pHcr->segmentInfo.segmentOffset;
880   /*pCodebook               = */
881   pCntSign = pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pCntSign;
882   pResultBase = pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pResultBase;
883   iResultPointer = pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.iResultPointer;
884   codewordOffset = pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.codewordOffset;
886   iQSC = iResultPointer[codewordOffset];
887   cntSign = pCntSign[codewordOffset];
889   /* loop for sign bit decoding */
890   for (; pRemainingBitsInSegment[segmentOffset] > 0;
891        pRemainingBitsInSegment[segmentOffset] -= 1) {
892     carryBit = HcrGetABitFromBitstream(
893         bs, pHcr->decInOut.bitstreamAnchor, &pLeftStartOfSegment[segmentOffset],
894         &pRightStartOfSegment[segmentOffset], readDirection);
895     cntSign -=
896         1; /* decrement sign counter because one sign bit has been read */
898     /* search for a line (which was decoded in previous state) which is not
899      * zero. [This value will get a sign] */
900     while (pResultBase[iQSC] == (FIXP_DBL)0) {
901       if (++iQSC >= 1024) { /* points to current value different from zero */
902         return BODY_SIGN__SIGN;
903       }
904     }
906     /* put sign together with line; if carryBit is zero, the sign is ok already;
907      * no write operation necessary in this case */
908     if (carryBit != 0) {
909       pResultBase[iQSC] = -pResultBase[iQSC]; /* carryBit = 1 --> minus */
910     }
912     iQSC++; /* update pointer to next (maybe valid) value */
914     if (cntSign == 0) { /* if (cntSign==0)  ==>  set state CODEWORD_DECODED */
915       ClearBitFromBitfield(&(pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pState), segmentOffset,
916                            pCodewordBitfield); /* clear a bit in bitfield and
917                                                   switch off statemachine */
918       pRemainingBitsInSegment[segmentOffset] -= 1; /* last reinitialzation of
919                                                       for loop counter (see
920                                                       above) is done here */
921       break; /* whole nonPCW-Body and according sign bits are decoded */
922     }
923   }
924   pCntSign[codewordOffset] = cntSign;
925   iResultPointer[codewordOffset] = iQSC; /* store updated pResultPointer */
927   if (pRemainingBitsInSegment[segmentOffset] <= 0) {
928     ClearBitFromBitfield(&(pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pState), segmentOffset,
929                          pSegmentBitfield); /* clear a bit in bitfield and
930                                                switch off statemachine */
932     if (pRemainingBitsInSegment[segmentOffset] < 0) {
933       pHcr->decInOut.errorLog |= STATE_ERROR_BODY_SIGN__SIGN;
934       return BODY_SIGN__SIGN;
935     }
936   }
938   return STOP_THIS_STATE;
939 }
941 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
942      description: Decodes the codeword body in case of codebook is 11. Writes
943 out resulting two or four lines [with probably wrong sign] and counts the number
944 of lines, which are different form zero. This information is needed in next
945                   state where sign bits will be decoded, if necessary.
946                   If sign bit counter cntSign is zero, no sign bits are needed
947 and codeword is decoded completely.
948 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
949         output:   Two lines (quantizes spectral coefficients) which are probably
950 wrong. The sign may be wrong and if one or two values is/are 16, the following
951 states will decode the escape sequence to correct the values which are wirtten
952 here.
953 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
954         return:   0
955 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
956 */
958   H_HCR_INFO pHcr = (H_HCR_INFO)ptr;
959   SCHAR *pRemainingBitsInSegment;
960   INT *pLeftStartOfSegment;
961   INT *pRightStartOfSegment;
962   UCHAR readDirection;
963   UINT *pSegmentBitfield;
964   UINT *pCodewordBitfield;
965   UINT segmentOffset;
967   UINT *iNode;
968   UCHAR *pCntSign;
969   FIXP_DBL *pResultBase;
970   USHORT *iResultPointer;
971   UINT codewordOffset;
973   UCHAR carryBit;
974   UINT iQSC;
975   UINT cntSign;
976   UINT dimCntr;
977   UINT treeNode;
978   SCHAR *pSta;
979   UINT branchNode;
980   UINT branchValue;
981   const UINT *pCurrentTree;
982   const SCHAR *pQuantValBase;
983   const SCHAR *pQuantVal;
985   pRemainingBitsInSegment = pHcr->segmentInfo.pRemainingBitsInSegment;
986   pLeftStartOfSegment = pHcr->segmentInfo.pLeftStartOfSegment;
987   pRightStartOfSegment = pHcr->segmentInfo.pRightStartOfSegment;
988   readDirection = pHcr->segmentInfo.readDirection;
989   pSegmentBitfield = pHcr->segmentInfo.pSegmentBitfield;
990   pCodewordBitfield = pHcr->segmentInfo.pCodewordBitfield;
991   segmentOffset = pHcr->segmentInfo.segmentOffset;
993   iNode = pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.iNode;
994   pCntSign = pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pCntSign;
995   pResultBase = pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pResultBase;
996   iResultPointer = pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.iResultPointer;
997   codewordOffset = pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.codewordOffset;
998   pSta = pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pSta;
1000   treeNode = iNode[codewordOffset];
1001   pCurrentTree = aHuffTable[ESCAPE_CODEBOOK];
1003   for (; pRemainingBitsInSegment[segmentOffset] > 0;
1004        pRemainingBitsInSegment[segmentOffset] -= 1) {
1005     carryBit = HcrGetABitFromBitstream(
1006         bs, pHcr->decInOut.bitstreamAnchor, &pLeftStartOfSegment[segmentOffset],
1007         &pRightStartOfSegment[segmentOffset], readDirection);
1009     /* make a step in tree */
1010     CarryBitToBranchValue(carryBit, treeNode, &branchValue, &branchNode);
1012     /* if end of branch reached write out lines and count bits needed for sign,
1013      * otherwise store node in codeword sideinfo */
1014     if ((branchNode & TEST_BIT_10) ==
1015         TEST_BIT_10) { /* test bit 10 ; if set body complete */
1017       /* body completely decoded; branchValue is valid */
1018       /* set pQuantVol to first (of two or four) quantized spectral coefficients
1019        */
1020       pQuantValBase = aQuantTable[ESCAPE_CODEBOOK]; /* get base address of
1021                                                        quantized values
1022                                                        belonging to current
1023                                                        codebook */
1024       pQuantVal = pQuantValBase + branchValue; /* set pointer to first valid
1025                                                   line [of 2 or 4 quantized
1026                                                   values] */
1028       /* make backup from original resultPointer in node storage for state
1029        * BODY_SIGN_ESC__SIGN */
1030       iNode[codewordOffset] = iResultPointer[codewordOffset];
1032       /* get position of first line for writing result */
1033       iQSC = iResultPointer[codewordOffset];
1035       /* codeword decoding result is written out here: Write out 2 or 4
1036        * quantized spectral values with probably */
1037       /* wrong sign and count number of values which are different from zero for
1038        * sign bit decoding [which happens in next state] */
1039       cntSign = 0;
1041       for (dimCntr = DIMENSION_OF_ESCAPE_CODEBOOK; dimCntr != 0; dimCntr--) {
1042         pResultBase[iQSC++] =
1043             (FIXP_DBL)*pQuantVal; /* write quant. spec. coef. into spectrum */
1044         if (*pQuantVal++ != 0) {
1045           cntSign += 1;
1046         }
1047       }
1049       if (cntSign == 0) {
1050         ClearBitFromBitfield(
1051             &(pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pState), segmentOffset,
1052             pCodewordBitfield); /* clear a bit in bitfield and switch off
1053                                    statemachine */
1054         /* codeword decoded */
1055       } else {
1056         /* write sign count result into codewordsideinfo of current codeword */
1057         pCntSign[codewordOffset] = cntSign;
1058         pSta[codewordOffset] = BODY_SIGN_ESC__SIGN; /* change state */
1059         pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pState =
1060             aStateConstant2State[pSta[codewordOffset]]; /* get state from
1061                                                            separate array of
1062                                                            cw-sideinfo */
1063       }
1064       pRemainingBitsInSegment[segmentOffset] -= 1; /* the last reinitialzation
1065                                                       of for loop counter (see
1066                                                       above) is done here */
1067       break; /* end of branch in tree reached  i.e. a whole nonPCW-Body is
1068                 decoded */
1069     } else { /* body is not decoded completely: */
1070       /* update treeNode for further step in decoding tree and store updated
1071        * treeNode because maybe no more bits left in segment */
1072       treeNode = *(pCurrentTree + branchValue);
1073       iNode[codewordOffset] = treeNode;
1074     }
1075   }
1077   if (pRemainingBitsInSegment[segmentOffset] <= 0) {
1078     ClearBitFromBitfield(&(pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pState), segmentOffset,
1079                          pSegmentBitfield); /* clear a bit in bitfield and
1080                                                switch off statemachine */
1082     if (pRemainingBitsInSegment[segmentOffset] < 0) {
1083       pHcr->decInOut.errorLog |= STATE_ERROR_BODY_SIGN_ESC__BODY;
1084       return BODY_SIGN_ESC__BODY;
1085     }
1086   }
1088   return STOP_THIS_STATE;
1089 }
1091 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1092      description: This state decodes the sign bits, if a codeword of codebook 11
1093 needs some. A flag named 'flagB' in codeword sideinfo is set, if the second line
1094 of quantized spectral values is 16. The 'flagB' is used in case of decoding of a
1095 escape sequence is necessary as far as the second line is concerned.
1097                   If only the first line needs an escape sequence, the flagB is
1098 cleared. If only the second line needs an escape sequence, the flagB is not
1099 used.
1101                   For storing sideinfo in case of escape sequence decoding one
1102 single word can be used for both escape sequences because they are decoded not
1103 at the same time:
1106                   bit 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10  9  8  7  6  5
1107 4  3  2  1  0
1108                       ===== == == =========== ===========
1109 =================================== ^      ^  ^         ^            ^
1110 ^ |      |  |         |            |                    | res. flagA  flagB
1111 escapePrefixUp  escapePrefixDown  escapeWord
1113 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1114         output:   Two lines with correct sign. If one or two values is/are 16,
1115 the lines are not valid, otherwise they are.
1116 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1117         return:   0
1118 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1119 */
1121   H_HCR_INFO pHcr = (H_HCR_INFO)ptr;
1122   SCHAR *pRemainingBitsInSegment;
1123   INT *pLeftStartOfSegment;
1124   INT *pRightStartOfSegment;
1125   UCHAR readDirection;
1126   UINT *pSegmentBitfield;
1127   UINT *pCodewordBitfield;
1128   UINT segmentOffset;
1130   UINT *iNode;
1131   UCHAR *pCntSign;
1132   FIXP_DBL *pResultBase;
1133   USHORT *iResultPointer;
1134   UINT *pEscapeSequenceInfo;
1135   UINT codewordOffset;
1137   UINT iQSC;
1138   UCHAR cntSign;
1139   UINT flagA;
1140   UINT flagB;
1141   UINT flags;
1142   UCHAR carryBit;
1143   SCHAR *pSta;
1145   pRemainingBitsInSegment = pHcr->segmentInfo.pRemainingBitsInSegment;
1146   pLeftStartOfSegment = pHcr->segmentInfo.pLeftStartOfSegment;
1147   pRightStartOfSegment = pHcr->segmentInfo.pRightStartOfSegment;
1148   readDirection = pHcr->segmentInfo.readDirection;
1149   pSegmentBitfield = pHcr->segmentInfo.pSegmentBitfield;
1150   pCodewordBitfield = pHcr->segmentInfo.pCodewordBitfield;
1151   segmentOffset = pHcr->segmentInfo.segmentOffset;
1153   iNode = pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.iNode;
1154   pCntSign = pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pCntSign;
1155   pResultBase = pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pResultBase;
1156   iResultPointer = pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.iResultPointer;
1157   pEscapeSequenceInfo = pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pEscapeSequenceInfo;
1158   codewordOffset = pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.codewordOffset;
1159   pSta = pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pSta;
1161   iQSC = iResultPointer[codewordOffset];
1162   cntSign = pCntSign[codewordOffset];
1164   /* loop for sign bit decoding */
1165   for (; pRemainingBitsInSegment[segmentOffset] > 0;
1166        pRemainingBitsInSegment[segmentOffset] -= 1) {
1167     carryBit = HcrGetABitFromBitstream(
1168         bs, pHcr->decInOut.bitstreamAnchor, &pLeftStartOfSegment[segmentOffset],
1169         &pRightStartOfSegment[segmentOffset], readDirection);
1171     /* decrement sign counter because one sign bit has been read */
1172     cntSign -= 1;
1173     pCntSign[codewordOffset] = cntSign;
1175     /* get a quantized spectral value (which was decoded in previous state)
1176      * which is not zero. [This value will get a sign] */
1177     while (pResultBase[iQSC] == (FIXP_DBL)0) {
1178       if (++iQSC >= 1024) {
1179         return BODY_SIGN_ESC__SIGN;
1180       }
1181     }
1182     iResultPointer[codewordOffset] = iQSC;
1184     /* put negative sign together with quantized spectral value; if carryBit is
1185      * zero, the sign is ok already; no write operation necessary in this case
1186      */
1187     if (carryBit != 0) {
1188       pResultBase[iQSC] = -pResultBase[iQSC]; /* carryBit = 1 --> minus */
1189     }
1190     iQSC++; /* update index to next (maybe valid) value */
1191     iResultPointer[codewordOffset] = iQSC;
1193     if (cntSign == 0) {
1194       /* all sign bits are decoded now */
1195       pRemainingBitsInSegment[segmentOffset] -= 1; /* last reinitialzation of
1196                                                       for loop counter (see
1197                                                       above) is done here */
1199       /* check decoded values if codeword is decoded: Check if one or two escape
1200        * sequences 16 follow */
1202       /* step 0 */
1203       /* restore pointer to first decoded quantized value [ = original
1204        * pResultPointr] from index iNode prepared in State_BODY_SIGN_ESC__BODY
1205        */
1206       iQSC = iNode[codewordOffset];
1208       /* step 1 */
1209       /* test first value if escape sequence follows */
1210       flagA = 0; /* for first possible escape sequence */
1211       if (fixp_abs(pResultBase[iQSC++]) == (FIXP_DBL)ESCAPE_VALUE) {
1212         flagA = 1;
1213       }
1215       /* step 2 */
1216       /* test second value if escape sequence follows */
1217       flagB = 0; /* for second possible escape sequence */
1218       if (fixp_abs(pResultBase[iQSC]) == (FIXP_DBL)ESCAPE_VALUE) {
1219         flagB = 1;
1220       }
1222       /* step 3 */
1223       /* evaluate flag result and go on if necessary */
1224       if (!flagA && !flagB) {
1225         ClearBitFromBitfield(
1226             &(pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pState), segmentOffset,
1227             pCodewordBitfield); /* clear a bit in bitfield and switch off
1228                                    statemachine */
1229       } else {
1230         /* at least one of two lines is 16 */
1231         /* store both flags at correct positions in non PCW codeword sideinfo
1232          * pEscapeSequenceInfo[codewordOffset] */
1233         flags = flagA << POSITION_OF_FLAG_A;
1234         flags |= (flagB << POSITION_OF_FLAG_B);
1235         pEscapeSequenceInfo[codewordOffset] = flags;
1237         /* set next state */
1238         pSta[codewordOffset] = BODY_SIGN_ESC__ESC_PREFIX;
1239         pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pState =
1240             aStateConstant2State[pSta[codewordOffset]]; /* get state from
1241                                                            separate array of
1242                                                            cw-sideinfo */
1244         /* set result pointer to the first line of the two decoded lines */
1245         iResultPointer[codewordOffset] = iNode[codewordOffset];
1247         if (!flagA && flagB) {
1248           /* update pResultPointr ==> state Stat_BODY_SIGN_ESC__ESC_WORD writes
1249            * to correct position. Second value is the one and only escape value
1250            */
1251           iQSC = iResultPointer[codewordOffset];
1252           iQSC++;
1253           iResultPointer[codewordOffset] = iQSC;
1254         }
1256       }      /* at least one of two lines is 16 */
1257       break; /* nonPCW-Body at cb 11 and according sign bits are decoded */
1259     } /* if ( cntSign == 0 ) */
1260   }   /* loop over remaining Bits in segment */
1262   if (pRemainingBitsInSegment[segmentOffset] <= 0) {
1263     ClearBitFromBitfield(&(pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pState), segmentOffset,
1264                          pSegmentBitfield); /* clear a bit in bitfield and
1265                                                switch off statemachine */
1267     if (pRemainingBitsInSegment[segmentOffset] < 0) {
1268       pHcr->decInOut.errorLog |= STATE_ERROR_BODY_SIGN_ESC__SIGN;
1269       return BODY_SIGN_ESC__SIGN;
1270     }
1271   }
1272   return STOP_THIS_STATE;
1273 }
1275 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1276      description: Decode escape prefix of first or second escape sequence. The
1277 escape prefix consists of ones. The following zero is also decoded here.
1278 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1279         output:   If the single separator-zero which follows the
1280 escape-prefix-ones is not yet decoded: The value 'escapePrefixUp' in word
1281 pEscapeSequenceInfo[codewordOffset] is updated.
1283                   If the single separator-zero which follows the
1284 escape-prefix-ones is decoded: Two updated values 'escapePrefixUp' and
1285 'escapePrefixDown' in word pEscapeSequenceInfo[codewordOffset]. This State is
1286 finished. Switch to next state.
1287 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1288         return:   0
1289 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1290 */
1292   H_HCR_INFO pHcr = (H_HCR_INFO)ptr;
1293   SCHAR *pRemainingBitsInSegment;
1294   INT *pLeftStartOfSegment;
1295   INT *pRightStartOfSegment;
1296   UCHAR readDirection;
1297   UINT *pSegmentBitfield;
1298   UINT segmentOffset;
1299   UINT *pEscapeSequenceInfo;
1300   UINT codewordOffset;
1301   UCHAR carryBit;
1302   UINT escapePrefixUp;
1303   SCHAR *pSta;
1305   pRemainingBitsInSegment = pHcr->segmentInfo.pRemainingBitsInSegment;
1306   pLeftStartOfSegment = pHcr->segmentInfo.pLeftStartOfSegment;
1307   pRightStartOfSegment = pHcr->segmentInfo.pRightStartOfSegment;
1308   readDirection = pHcr->segmentInfo.readDirection;
1309   pSegmentBitfield = pHcr->segmentInfo.pSegmentBitfield;
1310   segmentOffset = pHcr->segmentInfo.segmentOffset;
1311   pEscapeSequenceInfo = pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pEscapeSequenceInfo;
1312   codewordOffset = pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.codewordOffset;
1313   pSta = pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pSta;
1315   escapePrefixUp =
1316       (pEscapeSequenceInfo[codewordOffset] & MASK_ESCAPE_PREFIX_UP) >>
1319   /* decode escape prefix */
1320   for (; pRemainingBitsInSegment[segmentOffset] > 0;
1321        pRemainingBitsInSegment[segmentOffset] -= 1) {
1322     carryBit = HcrGetABitFromBitstream(
1323         bs, pHcr->decInOut.bitstreamAnchor, &pLeftStartOfSegment[segmentOffset],
1324         &pRightStartOfSegment[segmentOffset], readDirection);
1326     /* count ones and store sum in escapePrefixUp */
1327     if (carryBit == 1) {
1328       escapePrefixUp += 1; /* update conter for ones */
1329       if (escapePrefixUp > 8) {
1330         pHcr->decInOut.errorLog |= STATE_ERROR_BODY_SIGN_ESC__ESC_PREFIX;
1331         return BODY_SIGN_ESC__ESC_PREFIX;
1332       }
1334       /* store updated counter in sideinfo of current codeword */
1335       pEscapeSequenceInfo[codewordOffset] &=
1336           ~MASK_ESCAPE_PREFIX_UP;              /* delete old escapePrefixUp */
1337       escapePrefixUp <<= LSB_ESCAPE_PREFIX_UP; /* shift to correct position */
1338       pEscapeSequenceInfo[codewordOffset] |=
1339           escapePrefixUp;                      /* insert new escapePrefixUp */
1340       escapePrefixUp >>= LSB_ESCAPE_PREFIX_UP; /* shift back down */
1341     } else {                                   /* separator [zero] reached */
1342       pRemainingBitsInSegment[segmentOffset] -= 1; /* last reinitialzation of
1343                                                       for loop counter (see
1344                                                       above) is done here */
1345       escapePrefixUp +=
1346           4; /* if escape_separator '0' appears, add 4 and ==> break */
1348       /* store escapePrefixUp in pEscapeSequenceInfo[codewordOffset] at bit
1349        * position escapePrefixUp */
1350       pEscapeSequenceInfo[codewordOffset] &=
1351           ~MASK_ESCAPE_PREFIX_UP;              /* delete old escapePrefixUp */
1352       escapePrefixUp <<= LSB_ESCAPE_PREFIX_UP; /* shift to correct position */
1353       pEscapeSequenceInfo[codewordOffset] |=
1354           escapePrefixUp;                      /* insert new escapePrefixUp */
1355       escapePrefixUp >>= LSB_ESCAPE_PREFIX_UP; /* shift back down */
1357       /* store escapePrefixUp in pEscapeSequenceInfo[codewordOffset] at bit
1358        * position escapePrefixDown */
1359       pEscapeSequenceInfo[codewordOffset] &=
1360           ~MASK_ESCAPE_PREFIX_DOWN; /* delete old escapePrefixDown */
1361       escapePrefixUp <<= LSB_ESCAPE_PREFIX_DOWN; /* shift to correct position */
1362       pEscapeSequenceInfo[codewordOffset] |=
1363           escapePrefixUp; /* insert new escapePrefixDown */
1365       pSta[codewordOffset] = BODY_SIGN_ESC__ESC_WORD; /* set next state */
1366       pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pState =
1367           aStateConstant2State[pSta[codewordOffset]]; /* get state from separate
1368                                                          array of cw-sideinfo */
1369       break;
1370     }
1371   }
1373   if (pRemainingBitsInSegment[segmentOffset] <= 0) {
1374     ClearBitFromBitfield(&(pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pState), segmentOffset,
1375                          pSegmentBitfield); /* clear a bit in bitfield and
1376                                                switch off statemachine */
1378     if (pRemainingBitsInSegment[segmentOffset] < 0) {
1379       pHcr->decInOut.errorLog |= STATE_ERROR_BODY_SIGN_ESC__ESC_PREFIX;
1380       return BODY_SIGN_ESC__ESC_PREFIX;
1381     }
1382   }
1384   return STOP_THIS_STATE;
1385 }
1387 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1388      description: Decode escapeWord of escape sequence. If the escape sequence
1389 is decoded completely, assemble quantized-spectral-escape-coefficient and
1390 replace the previous decoded 16 by the new value. Test flagB. If flagB is set,
1391 the second escape sequence must be decoded. If flagB is not set, the codeword is
1392 decoded and the state machine is switched off.
1393 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1394         output:   Two lines with valid sign. At least one of both lines has got
1395 the correct value.
1396 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1397         return:   0
1398 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1399 */
1401   H_HCR_INFO pHcr = (H_HCR_INFO)ptr;
1402   SCHAR *pRemainingBitsInSegment;
1403   INT *pLeftStartOfSegment;
1404   INT *pRightStartOfSegment;
1405   UCHAR readDirection;
1406   UINT *pSegmentBitfield;
1407   UINT *pCodewordBitfield;
1408   UINT segmentOffset;
1410   FIXP_DBL *pResultBase;
1411   USHORT *iResultPointer;
1412   UINT *pEscapeSequenceInfo;
1413   UINT codewordOffset;
1415   UINT escapeWord;
1416   UINT escapePrefixDown;
1417   UINT escapePrefixUp;
1418   UCHAR carryBit;
1419   UINT iQSC;
1420   INT sign;
1421   UINT flagA;
1422   UINT flagB;
1423   SCHAR *pSta;
1425   pRemainingBitsInSegment = pHcr->segmentInfo.pRemainingBitsInSegment;
1426   pLeftStartOfSegment = pHcr->segmentInfo.pLeftStartOfSegment;
1427   pRightStartOfSegment = pHcr->segmentInfo.pRightStartOfSegment;
1428   readDirection = pHcr->segmentInfo.readDirection;
1429   pSegmentBitfield = pHcr->segmentInfo.pSegmentBitfield;
1430   pCodewordBitfield = pHcr->segmentInfo.pCodewordBitfield;
1431   segmentOffset = pHcr->segmentInfo.segmentOffset;
1433   pResultBase = pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pResultBase;
1434   iResultPointer = pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.iResultPointer;
1435   pEscapeSequenceInfo = pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pEscapeSequenceInfo;
1436   codewordOffset = pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.codewordOffset;
1437   pSta = pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pSta;
1439   escapeWord = pEscapeSequenceInfo[codewordOffset] & MASK_ESCAPE_WORD;
1440   escapePrefixDown =
1441       (pEscapeSequenceInfo[codewordOffset] & MASK_ESCAPE_PREFIX_DOWN) >>
1444   /* decode escape word */
1445   for (; pRemainingBitsInSegment[segmentOffset] > 0;
1446        pRemainingBitsInSegment[segmentOffset] -= 1) {
1447     carryBit = HcrGetABitFromBitstream(
1448         bs, pHcr->decInOut.bitstreamAnchor, &pLeftStartOfSegment[segmentOffset],
1449         &pRightStartOfSegment[segmentOffset], readDirection);
1451     /* build escape word */
1452     escapeWord <<=
1453         1; /* left shift previous decoded part of escapeWord by on bit */
1454     escapeWord = escapeWord | carryBit; /* assemble escape word by bitwise or */
1456     /* decrement counter for length of escape word because one more bit was
1457      * decoded */
1458     escapePrefixDown -= 1;
1460     /* store updated escapePrefixDown */
1461     pEscapeSequenceInfo[codewordOffset] &=
1462         ~MASK_ESCAPE_PREFIX_DOWN; /* delete old escapePrefixDown */
1463     escapePrefixDown <<= LSB_ESCAPE_PREFIX_DOWN; /* shift to correct position */
1464     pEscapeSequenceInfo[codewordOffset] |=
1465         escapePrefixDown; /* insert new escapePrefixDown */
1466     escapePrefixDown >>= LSB_ESCAPE_PREFIX_DOWN; /* shift back */
1468     /* store updated escapeWord */
1469     pEscapeSequenceInfo[codewordOffset] &=
1470         ~MASK_ESCAPE_WORD; /* delete old escapeWord */
1471     pEscapeSequenceInfo[codewordOffset] |=
1472         escapeWord; /* insert new escapeWord */
1474     if (escapePrefixDown == 0) {
1475       pRemainingBitsInSegment[segmentOffset] -= 1; /* last reinitialzation of
1476                                                       for loop counter (see
1477                                                       above) is done here */
1479       /* escape sequence decoded. Assemble escape-line and replace original line
1480        */
1482       /* step 0 */
1483       /* derive sign */
1484       iQSC = iResultPointer[codewordOffset];
1485       sign = (pResultBase[iQSC] >= (FIXP_DBL)0)
1486                  ? 1
1487                  : -1; /* get sign of escape value 16 */
1489       /* step 1 */
1490       /* get escapePrefixUp */
1491       escapePrefixUp =
1492           (pEscapeSequenceInfo[codewordOffset] & MASK_ESCAPE_PREFIX_UP) >>
1493           LSB_ESCAPE_PREFIX_UP;
1495       /* step 2 */
1496       /* calculate escape value */
1497       pResultBase[iQSC] =
1498           (FIXP_DBL)(sign * (((INT)1 << escapePrefixUp) + (INT)escapeWord));
1500       /* get both flags from sideinfo (flags are not shifted to the
1501        * lsb-position) */
1502       flagA = pEscapeSequenceInfo[codewordOffset] & MASK_FLAG_A;
1503       flagB = pEscapeSequenceInfo[codewordOffset] & MASK_FLAG_B;
1505       /* step 3 */
1506       /* clear the whole escape sideinfo word */
1507       pEscapeSequenceInfo[codewordOffset] = 0;
1509       /* change state in dependence of flag flagB */
1510       if (flagA != 0) {
1511         /* first escape sequence decoded; previous decoded 16 has been replaced
1512          * by valid line */
1514         /* clear flagA in sideinfo word because this escape sequence has already
1515          * beed decoded */
1516         pEscapeSequenceInfo[codewordOffset] &= ~MASK_FLAG_A;
1518         if (flagB == 0) {
1519           ClearBitFromBitfield(&(pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pState), segmentOffset,
1520                                pCodewordBitfield); /* clear a bit in bitfield
1521                                                       and switch off
1522                                                       statemachine */
1523         } else {
1524           /* updated pointer to next and last 16 */
1525           iQSC++;
1526           iResultPointer[codewordOffset] = iQSC;
1528           /* change state */
1529           pSta[codewordOffset] = BODY_SIGN_ESC__ESC_PREFIX;
1530           pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pState =
1531               aStateConstant2State[pSta[codewordOffset]]; /* get state from
1532                                                              separate array of
1533                                                              cw-sideinfo */
1534         }
1535       } else {
1536         ClearBitFromBitfield(
1537             &(pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pState), segmentOffset,
1538             pCodewordBitfield); /* clear a bit in bitfield and switch off
1539                                    statemachine */
1540       }
1541       break;
1542     }
1543   }
1545   if (pRemainingBitsInSegment[segmentOffset] <= 0) {
1546     ClearBitFromBitfield(&(pHcr->nonPcwSideinfo.pState), segmentOffset,
1547                          pSegmentBitfield); /* clear a bit in bitfield and
1548                                                switch off statemachine */
1550     if (pRemainingBitsInSegment[segmentOffset] < 0) {
1551       pHcr->decInOut.errorLog |= STATE_ERROR_BODY_SIGN_ESC__ESC_WORD;
1552       return BODY_SIGN_ESC__ESC_WORD;
1553     }
1554   }
1556   return STOP_THIS_STATE;
1557 }