1#!/usr/bin/env python3
2# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
4# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
5# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
6# found in the LICENSE file.
8"""Script for running nightly compiler tests on ChromeOS.
10This script launches a buildbot to build ChromeOS with the latest compiler on
11a particular board; then it finds and downloads the trybot image and the
12corresponding official image, and runs crosperf performance tests comparing
13the two.  It then generates a report, emails it to the c-compiler-chrome, as
14well as copying the images into the seven-day reports directory.
17# Script to test different toolchains against ChromeOS benchmarks.
19from __future__ import print_function
21import argparse
22import datetime
23import os
24import re
25import shutil
26import sys
27import time
29from cros_utils import command_executer
30from cros_utils import logger
32from cros_utils import buildbot_utils
34# CL that uses LLVM-Next to build the images (includes chrome).
35USE_LLVM_NEXT_PATCH = '513590'
37CROSTC_ROOT = '/usr/local/google/crostc'
38NIGHTLY_TESTS_DIR = os.path.join(CROSTC_ROOT, 'nightly-tests')
39ROLE_ACCOUNT = 'mobiletc-prebuild'
40TOOLCHAIN_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
41TMP_TOOLCHAIN_TEST = '/tmp/toolchain-tests'
42MAIL_PROGRAM = '~/var/bin/mail-sheriff'
43PENDING_ARCHIVES_DIR = os.path.join(CROSTC_ROOT, 'pending_archives')
44NIGHTLY_TESTS_RESULTS = os.path.join(CROSTC_ROOT, 'nightly_test_reports')
46IMAGE_DIR = '{board}-{image_type}'
47IMAGE_VERSION_STR = r'{chrome_version}-{tip}\.{branch}\.{branch_branch}'
49TRYBOT_IMAGE_FS = IMAGE_FS + '-{build_id}'
51    'board': r'(?P<board>\S+)',
52    'image_type': r'(?P<image_type>\S+)',
53    'chrome_version': r'(?P<chrome_version>R\d+)',
54    'tip': r'(?P<tip>\d+)',
55    'branch': r'(?P<branch>\d+)',
56    'branch_branch': r'(?P<branch_branch>\d+)',
57    'build_id': r'(?P<build_id>b\d+)'
61RECIPE_IMAGE_FS = IMAGE_FS + '-{build_id}-{buildbucket_id}'
63    'board': r'(?P<board>\S+)',
64    'image_type': r'(?P<image_type>\S+)',
65    'chrome_version': r'(?P<chrome_version>R\d+)',
66    'tip': r'(?P<tip>\d+)',
67    'branch': r'(?P<branch>\d+)',
68    'branch_branch': r'(?P<branch_branch>\d+)',
69    'build_id': r'(?P<build_id>\d+)',
70    'buildbucket_id': r'(?P<buildbucket_id>\d+)'
74TELEMETRY_AQUARIUM_UNSUPPORTED = ['bob', 'elm', 'veyron_tiger']
77class ToolchainComparator(object):
78  """Class for doing the nightly tests work."""
80  def __init__(self,
81               board,
82               remotes,
83               chromeos_root,
84               weekday,
85               patches,
86               recipe=False,
87               test=False,
88               noschedv2=False):
89    self._board = board
90    self._remotes = remotes
91    self._chromeos_root = chromeos_root
92    self._base_dir = os.getcwd()
93    self._ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter()
94    self._l = logger.GetLogger()
95    self._build = '%s-release-tryjob' % board
96    self._patches = patches.split(',') if patches else []
97    self._patches_string = '_'.join(str(p) for p in self._patches)
98    self._recipe = recipe
99    self._test = test
100    self._noschedv2 = noschedv2
102    if not weekday:
103      self._weekday = time.strftime('%a')
104    else:
105      self._weekday = weekday
106    self._date = datetime.date.today().strftime('%Y/%m/%d')
107    timestamp = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S')
108    self._reports_dir = os.path.join(
109        TMP_TOOLCHAIN_TEST if self._test else NIGHTLY_TESTS_RESULTS,
110        '%s.%s' % (timestamp, board),
111    )
113  def _GetVanillaImageName(self, trybot_image):
114    """Given a trybot artifact name, get latest vanilla image name.
116    Args:
117      trybot_image: artifact name such as
118        'daisy-release-tryjob/R40-6394.0.0-b1389'
119        for recipe images, name is in this format:
120        'lulu-llvm-next-nightly/R84-13037.0.0-31011-8883172717979984032/'
122    Returns:
123      Latest official image name, e.g. 'daisy-release/R57-9089.0.0'.
124    """
125    # For board names with underscores, we need to fix the trybot image name
126    # to replace the hyphen (for the recipe builder) with the underscore.
127    # Currently the only such board we use is 'veyron_tiger'.
128    if trybot_image.find('veyron-tiger') != -1:
129      trybot_image = trybot_image.replace('veyron-tiger', 'veyron_tiger')
130    # We need to filter out -tryjob in the trybot_image.
131    if self._recipe:
132      trybot = re.sub('-llvm-next-nightly', '-release', trybot_image)
133      mo = re.search(RECIPE_IMAGE_RE, trybot)
134    else:
135      trybot = re.sub('-tryjob', '', trybot_image)
136      mo = re.search(TRYBOT_IMAGE_RE, trybot)
137    assert mo
138    dirname = IMAGE_DIR.replace('\\', '').format(**mo.groupdict())
139    return buildbot_utils.GetLatestImage(self._chromeos_root, dirname)
141  def _TestImages(self, trybot_image, vanilla_image):
142    """Create crosperf experiment file.
144    Given the names of the trybot, vanilla and non-AFDO images, create the
145    appropriate crosperf experiment file and launch crosperf on it.
146    """
147    if self._test:
148      experiment_file_dir = TMP_TOOLCHAIN_TEST
149    else:
150      experiment_file_dir = os.path.join(NIGHTLY_TESTS_DIR, self._weekday)
151    experiment_file_name = '%s_toolchain_experiment.txt' % self._board
153    compiler_string = 'llvm'
154    if USE_LLVM_NEXT_PATCH in self._patches_string:
155      experiment_file_name = '%s_llvm_next_experiment.txt' % self._board
156      compiler_string = 'llvm_next'
158    experiment_file = os.path.join(experiment_file_dir, experiment_file_name)
159    experiment_header = """
160    board: %s
161    remote: %s
162    retries: 1
163    """ % (self._board, self._remotes)
164    experiment_tests = """
165    benchmark: all_toolchain_perf {
166      suite: telemetry_Crosperf
167      iterations: 5
168      run_local: False
169    }
171    benchmark: loading.desktop {
172      suite: telemetry_Crosperf
173      test_args: --story-tag-filter=typical
174      iterations: 3
175      run_local: False
176      retries: 0
177    }
178    """
179    telemetry_aquarium_tests = """
180    benchmark: rendering.desktop {
181      run_local: False
182      suite: telemetry_Crosperf
183      test_args: --story-filter=aquarium$
184      iterations: 5
185    }
187    benchmark: rendering.desktop {
188      run_local: False
189      suite: telemetry_Crosperf
190      test_args: --story-filter=aquarium_20k$
191      iterations: 3
192    }
193    """
195    with open(experiment_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
196      f.write(experiment_header)
197      f.write(experiment_tests)
199      if self._board not in TELEMETRY_AQUARIUM_UNSUPPORTED:
200        f.write(telemetry_aquarium_tests)
202      # Now add vanilla to test file.
203      official_image = """
204      vanilla_image {
205        chromeos_root: %s
206        build: %s
207        compiler: llvm
208      }
209      """ % (self._chromeos_root, vanilla_image)
210      f.write(official_image)
212      label_string = '%s_trybot_image' % compiler_string
214      # Reuse autotest files from vanilla image for trybot images
215      autotest_files = os.path.join('/tmp', vanilla_image, 'autotest_files')
216      experiment_image = """
217      %s {
218        chromeos_root: %s
219        build: %s
220        autotest_path: %s
221        compiler: %s
222      }
223      """ % (label_string, self._chromeos_root, trybot_image, autotest_files,
224             compiler_string)
225      f.write(experiment_image)
227    crosperf = os.path.join(TOOLCHAIN_DIR, 'crosperf', 'crosperf')
228    noschedv2_opts = '--noschedv2' if self._noschedv2 else ''
229    command = ('{crosperf} --no_email={no_email} --results_dir={r_dir} '
230               '--logging_level=verbose --json_report=True {noschedv2_opts} '
231               '{exp_file}').format(
232                   crosperf=crosperf,
233                   no_email=not self._test,
234                   r_dir=self._reports_dir,
235                   noschedv2_opts=noschedv2_opts,
236                   exp_file=experiment_file)
238    return self._ce.RunCommand(command)
240  def _SendEmail(self):
241    """Find email message generated by crosperf and send it."""
242    filename = os.path.join(self._reports_dir, 'msg_body.html')
243    if (os.path.exists(filename) and
244        os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser(MAIL_PROGRAM))):
245      email_title = 'buildbot llvm test results'
246      if USE_LLVM_NEXT_PATCH in self._patches_string:
247        email_title = 'buildbot llvm_next test results'
248      command = ('cat %s | %s -s "%s, %s %s" -team -html' %
249                 (filename, MAIL_PROGRAM, email_title, self._board, self._date))
250      self._ce.RunCommand(command)
252  def _CopyJson(self):
253    # Make sure a destination directory exists.
254    os.makedirs(PENDING_ARCHIVES_DIR, exist_ok=True)
255    # Copy json report to pending archives directory.
256    command = 'cp %s/*.json %s/.' % (self._reports_dir, PENDING_ARCHIVES_DIR)
257    ret = self._ce.RunCommand(command)
258    # Failing to access json report means that crosperf terminated or all tests
259    # failed, raise an error.
260    if ret != 0:
261      raise RuntimeError(
262          'Crosperf failed to run tests, cannot copy json report!')
264  def DoAll(self):
265    """Main function inside ToolchainComparator class.
267    Launch trybot, get image names, create crosperf experiment file, run
268    crosperf, and copy images into seven-day report directories.
269    """
270    if self._recipe:
271      print('Using recipe buckets to get latest image.')
272      # crbug.com/1077313: Some boards are not consistently
273      # spelled, having underscores in some places and dashes in others.
274      # The image directories consistenly use dashes, so convert underscores
275      # to dashes to work around this.
276      trybot_image = buildbot_utils.GetLatestRecipeImage(
277          self._chromeos_root,
278          '%s-llvm-next-nightly' % self._board.replace('_', '-'))
279    else:
280      # Launch tryjob and wait to get image location.
281      buildbucket_id, trybot_image = buildbot_utils.GetTrybotImage(
282          self._chromeos_root,
283          self._build,
284          self._patches,
285          tryjob_flags=['--notests'],
286          build_toolchain=True)
287      print('trybot_url: \
288            http://cros-goldeneye/chromeos/healthmonitoring/buildDetails?buildbucketId=%s'
289            % buildbucket_id)
291    if not trybot_image:
292      self._l.LogError('Unable to find trybot_image!')
293      return 2
295    vanilla_image = self._GetVanillaImageName(trybot_image)
297    print('trybot_image: %s' % trybot_image)
298    print('vanilla_image: %s' % vanilla_image)
300    ret = self._TestImages(trybot_image, vanilla_image)
301    # Always try to send report email as crosperf will generate report when
302    # tests partially succeeded.
303    if not self._test:
304      self._SendEmail()
305      self._CopyJson()
306    # Non-zero ret here means crosperf tests partially failed, raise error here
307    # so that toolchain summary report can catch it.
308    if ret != 0:
309      raise RuntimeError('Crosperf tests partially failed!')
311    return 0
314def Main(argv):
315  """The main function."""
317  # Common initializations
318  command_executer.InitCommandExecuter()
319  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
320  parser.add_argument(
321      '--remote', dest='remote', help='Remote machines to run tests on.')
322  parser.add_argument(
323      '--board', dest='board', default='x86-zgb', help='The target board.')
324  parser.add_argument(
325      '--chromeos_root',
326      dest='chromeos_root',
327      help='The chromeos root from which to run tests.')
328  parser.add_argument(
329      '--weekday',
330      default='',
331      dest='weekday',
332      help='The day of the week for which to run tests.')
333  parser.add_argument(
334      '--patch',
335      dest='patches',
336      help='The patches to use for the testing, '
337      "seprate the patch numbers with ',' "
338      'for more than one patches.')
339  parser.add_argument(
340      '--noschedv2',
341      dest='noschedv2',
342      action='store_true',
343      default=False,
344      help='Pass --noschedv2 to crosperf.')
345  parser.add_argument(
346      '--recipe',
347      dest='recipe',
348      default=True,
349      help='Use images generated from recipe rather than'
350      'launching tryjob to get images.')
351  parser.add_argument(
352      '--test',
353      dest='test',
354      default=False,
355      help='Test this script on local desktop, '
356      'disabling mobiletc checking and email sending.'
357      'Artifacts stored in /tmp/toolchain-tests')
359  options = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
360  if not options.board:
361    print('Please give a board.')
362    return 1
363  if not options.remote:
364    print('Please give at least one remote machine.')
365    return 1
366  if not options.chromeos_root:
367    print('Please specify the ChromeOS root directory.')
368    return 1
369  if options.test:
370    print('Cleaning local test directory for this script.')
371    if os.path.exists(TMP_TOOLCHAIN_TEST):
372      shutil.rmtree(TMP_TOOLCHAIN_TEST)
373    os.mkdir(TMP_TOOLCHAIN_TEST)
375  fc = ToolchainComparator(options.board, options.remote, options.chromeos_root,
376                           options.weekday, options.patches, options.recipe,
377                           options.test, options.noschedv2)
378  return fc.DoAll()
381if __name__ == '__main__':
382  retval = Main(sys.argv)
383  sys.exit(retval)