1 //===- OperationSupport.h ---------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // This file defines a number of support types that Operation and related
10 // classes build on top of.
11 //
12 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
17 #include "mlir/IR/Attributes.h"
18 #include "mlir/IR/BlockSupport.h"
19 #include "mlir/IR/Identifier.h"
20 #include "mlir/IR/Location.h"
21 #include "mlir/IR/TypeRange.h"
22 #include "mlir/IR/Types.h"
23 #include "mlir/IR/Value.h"
24 #include "mlir/Support/InterfaceSupport.h"
25 #include "llvm/ADT/BitmaskEnum.h"
26 #include "llvm/ADT/PointerUnion.h"
27 #include "llvm/Support/PointerLikeTypeTraits.h"
28 #include "llvm/Support/TrailingObjects.h"
29 #include <memory>
31 namespace mlir {
32 class Dialect;
33 class DictionaryAttr;
34 class ElementsAttr;
35 class MutableDictionaryAttr;
36 class Operation;
37 struct OperationState;
38 class OpAsmParser;
39 class OpAsmParserResult;
40 class OpAsmPrinter;
41 class OperandRange;
42 class OpFoldResult;
43 class ParseResult;
44 class Pattern;
45 class Region;
46 class ResultRange;
47 class RewritePattern;
48 class Type;
49 class Value;
50 class ValueRange;
51 template <typename ValueRangeT> class ValueTypeRange;
53 class OwningRewritePatternList;
55 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
56 // AbstractOperation
57 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
59 enum class OperationProperty {
60   /// This bit is set for an operation if it is a commutative
61   /// operation: that is an operator where order of operands does not
62   /// change the result of the operation.  For example, in a binary
63   /// commutative operation, "a op b" and "b op a" produce the same
64   /// results.
65   Commutative = 0x1,
67   /// This bit is set for an operation if it is a terminator: that means
68   /// an operation at the end of a block.
69   Terminator = 0x2,
71   /// This bit is set for operations that are completely isolated from above.
72   /// This is used for operations whose regions are explicit capture only, i.e.
73   /// they are never allowed to implicitly reference values defined above the
74   /// parent operation.
75   IsolatedFromAbove = 0x4,
76 };
78 /// This is a "type erased" representation of a registered operation.  This
79 /// should only be used by things like the AsmPrinter and other things that need
80 /// to be parameterized by generic operation hooks.  Most user code should use
81 /// the concrete operation types.
82 class AbstractOperation {
83 public:
84   using OperationProperties = uint32_t;
86   using GetCanonicalizationPatternsFn = void (*)(OwningRewritePatternList &,
87                                                  MLIRContext *);
88   using FoldHookFn = LogicalResult (*)(Operation *, ArrayRef<Attribute>,
89                                        SmallVectorImpl<OpFoldResult> &);
90   using HasTraitFn = bool (*)(TypeID);
91   using ParseAssemblyFn = ParseResult (*)(OpAsmParser &, OperationState &);
92   using PrintAssemblyFn = void (*)(Operation *, OpAsmPrinter &);
93   using VerifyInvariantsFn = LogicalResult (*)(Operation *);
95   /// This is the name of the operation.
96   const Identifier name;
98   /// This is the dialect that this operation belongs to.
99   Dialect &dialect;
101   /// The unique identifier of the derived Op class.
102   TypeID typeID;
104   /// Use the specified object to parse this ops custom assembly format.
105   ParseResult parseAssembly(OpAsmParser &parser, OperationState &result) const;
107   /// This hook implements the AsmPrinter for this operation.
printAssembly(Operation * op,OpAsmPrinter & p)108   void printAssembly(Operation *op, OpAsmPrinter &p) const {
109     return printAssemblyFn(op, p);
110   }
112   /// This hook implements the verifier for this operation.  It should emits an
113   /// error message and returns failure if a problem is detected, or returns
114   /// success if everything is ok.
verifyInvariants(Operation * op)115   LogicalResult verifyInvariants(Operation *op) const {
116     return verifyInvariantsFn(op);
117   }
119   /// This hook implements a generalized folder for this operation.  Operations
120   /// can implement this to provide simplifications rules that are applied by
121   /// the Builder::createOrFold API and the canonicalization pass.
122   ///
123   /// This is an intentionally limited interface - implementations of this hook
124   /// can only perform the following changes to the operation:
125   ///
126   ///  1. They can leave the operation alone and without changing the IR, and
127   ///     return failure.
128   ///  2. They can mutate the operation in place, without changing anything else
129   ///     in the IR.  In this case, return success.
130   ///  3. They can return a list of existing values that can be used instead of
131   ///     the operation.  In this case, fill in the results list and return
132   ///     success.  The caller will remove the operation and use those results
133   ///     instead.
134   ///
135   /// This allows expression of some simple in-place canonicalizations (e.g.
136   /// "x+0 -> x", "min(x,y,x,z) -> min(x,y,z)", "x+y-x -> y", etc), as well as
137   /// generalized constant folding.
foldHook(Operation * op,ArrayRef<Attribute> operands,SmallVectorImpl<OpFoldResult> & results)138   LogicalResult foldHook(Operation *op, ArrayRef<Attribute> operands,
139                          SmallVectorImpl<OpFoldResult> &results) const {
140     return foldHookFn(op, operands, results);
141   }
143   /// This hook returns any canonicalization pattern rewrites that the operation
144   /// supports, for use by the canonicalization pass.
getCanonicalizationPatterns(OwningRewritePatternList & results,MLIRContext * context)145   void getCanonicalizationPatterns(OwningRewritePatternList &results,
146                                    MLIRContext *context) const {
147     return getCanonicalizationPatternsFn(results, context);
148   }
150   /// Returns whether the operation has a particular property.
hasProperty(OperationProperty property)151   bool hasProperty(OperationProperty property) const {
152     return opProperties & static_cast<OperationProperties>(property);
153   }
155   /// Returns an instance of the concept object for the given interface if it
156   /// was registered to this operation, null otherwise. This should not be used
157   /// directly.
getInterface()158   template <typename T> typename T::Concept *getInterface() const {
159     return interfaceMap.lookup<T>();
160   }
162   /// Returns true if the operation has a particular trait.
hasTrait()163   template <template <typename T> class Trait> bool hasTrait() const {
164     return hasTraitFn(TypeID::get<Trait>());
165   }
167   /// Look up the specified operation in the specified MLIRContext and return a
168   /// pointer to it if present.  Otherwise, return a null pointer.
169   static const AbstractOperation *lookup(StringRef opName,
170                                          MLIRContext *context);
172   /// This constructor is used by Dialect objects when they register the list of
173   /// operations they contain.
insert(Dialect & dialect)174   template <typename T> static void insert(Dialect &dialect) {
175     insert(T::getOperationName(), dialect, T::getOperationProperties(),
176            TypeID::get<T>(), T::getParseAssemblyFn(), T::getPrintAssemblyFn(),
177            T::getVerifyInvariantsFn(), T::getFoldHookFn(),
178            T::getGetCanonicalizationPatternsFn(), T::getInterfaceMap(),
179            T::getHasTraitFn());
180   }
182 private:
183   static void insert(StringRef name, Dialect &dialect,
184                      OperationProperties opProperties, TypeID typeID,
185                      ParseAssemblyFn parseAssembly,
186                      PrintAssemblyFn printAssembly,
187                      VerifyInvariantsFn verifyInvariants, FoldHookFn foldHook,
188                      GetCanonicalizationPatternsFn getCanonicalizationPatterns,
189                      detail::InterfaceMap &&interfaceMap, HasTraitFn hasTrait);
191   AbstractOperation(StringRef name, Dialect &dialect,
192                     OperationProperties opProperties, TypeID typeID,
193                     ParseAssemblyFn parseAssembly,
194                     PrintAssemblyFn printAssembly,
195                     VerifyInvariantsFn verifyInvariants, FoldHookFn foldHook,
196                     GetCanonicalizationPatternsFn getCanonicalizationPatterns,
197                     detail::InterfaceMap &&interfaceMap, HasTraitFn hasTrait);
199   /// The properties of the operation.
200   const OperationProperties opProperties;
202   /// A map of interfaces that were registered to this operation.
203   detail::InterfaceMap interfaceMap;
205   /// Internal callback hooks provided by the op implementation.
206   FoldHookFn foldHookFn;
207   GetCanonicalizationPatternsFn getCanonicalizationPatternsFn;
208   HasTraitFn hasTraitFn;
209   ParseAssemblyFn parseAssemblyFn;
210   PrintAssemblyFn printAssemblyFn;
211   VerifyInvariantsFn verifyInvariantsFn;
212 };
214 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
215 // NamedAttrList
216 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
218 /// NamedAttrList is array of NamedAttributes that tracks whether it is sorted
219 /// and does some basic work to remain sorted.
220 class NamedAttrList {
221 public:
222   using const_iterator = SmallVectorImpl<NamedAttribute>::const_iterator;
223   using const_reference = const NamedAttribute &;
224   using reference = NamedAttribute &;
225   using size_type = size_t;
NamedAttrList()227   NamedAttrList() : dictionarySorted({}, true) {}
228   NamedAttrList(ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> attributes);
229   NamedAttrList(const_iterator in_start, const_iterator in_end);
231   bool operator!=(const NamedAttrList &other) const {
232     return !(*this == other);
233   }
234   bool operator==(const NamedAttrList &other) const {
235     return attrs == other.attrs;
236   }
238   /// Add an attribute with the specified name.
239   void append(StringRef name, Attribute attr);
241   /// Add an attribute with the specified name.
242   void append(Identifier name, Attribute attr);
244   /// Add an array of named attributes.
245   void append(ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> newAttributes);
247   /// Add a range of named attributes.
248   void append(const_iterator in_start, const_iterator in_end);
250   /// Replaces the attributes with new list of attributes.
251   void assign(const_iterator in_start, const_iterator in_end);
253   /// Replaces the attributes with new list of attributes.
assign(ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> range)254   void assign(ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> range) {
255     append(range.begin(), range.end());
256   }
empty()258   bool empty() const { return attrs.empty(); }
reserve(size_type N)260   void reserve(size_type N) { attrs.reserve(N); }
262   /// Add an attribute with the specified name.
263   void push_back(NamedAttribute newAttribute);
265   /// Pop last element from list.
pop_back()266   void pop_back() { attrs.pop_back(); }
268   /// Returns an entry with a duplicate name the list, if it exists, else
269   /// returns llvm::None.
270   Optional<NamedAttribute> findDuplicate() const;
272   /// Return a dictionary attribute for the underlying dictionary. This will
273   /// return an empty dictionary attribute if empty rather than null.
274   DictionaryAttr getDictionary(MLIRContext *context) const;
276   /// Return all of the attributes on this operation.
277   ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> getAttrs() const;
279   /// Return the specified attribute if present, null otherwise.
280   Attribute get(Identifier name) const;
281   Attribute get(StringRef name) const;
283   /// Return the specified named attribute if present, None otherwise.
284   Optional<NamedAttribute> getNamed(StringRef name) const;
285   Optional<NamedAttribute> getNamed(Identifier name) const;
287   /// If the an attribute exists with the specified name, change it to the new
288   /// value.  Otherwise, add a new attribute with the specified name/value.
289   void set(Identifier name, Attribute value);
290   void set(StringRef name, Attribute value);
292   /// Erase the attribute with the given name from the list. Return the
293   /// attribute that was erased, or nullptr if there was no attribute with such
294   /// name.
295   Attribute erase(Identifier name);
296   Attribute erase(StringRef name);
begin()298   const_iterator begin() const { return attrs.begin(); }
end()299   const_iterator end() const { return attrs.end(); }
301   NamedAttrList &operator=(const SmallVectorImpl<NamedAttribute> &rhs);
302   operator ArrayRef<NamedAttribute>() const;
303   operator MutableDictionaryAttr() const;
305 private:
306   /// Return whether the attributes are sorted.
isSorted()307   bool isSorted() const { return dictionarySorted.getInt(); }
309   /// Erase the attribute at the given iterator position.
310   Attribute eraseImpl(SmallVectorImpl<NamedAttribute>::iterator it);
312   // These are marked mutable as they may be modified (e.g., sorted)
313   mutable SmallVector<NamedAttribute, 4> attrs;
314   // Pair with cached DictionaryAttr and status of whether attrs is sorted.
315   // Note: just because sorted does not mean a DictionaryAttr has been created
316   // but the case where there is a DictionaryAttr but attrs isn't sorted should
317   // not occur.
318   mutable llvm::PointerIntPair<Attribute, 1, bool> dictionarySorted;
319 };
321 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
322 // OperationName
323 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
325 class OperationName {
326 public:
327   using RepresentationUnion =
328       PointerUnion<Identifier, const AbstractOperation *>;
OperationName(AbstractOperation * op)330   OperationName(AbstractOperation *op) : representation(op) {}
331   OperationName(StringRef name, MLIRContext *context);
333   /// Return the name of the dialect this operation is registered to.
334   StringRef getDialect() const;
336   /// Return the operation name with dialect name stripped, if it has one.
337   StringRef stripDialect() const;
339   /// Return the name of this operation. This always succeeds.
340   StringRef getStringRef() const;
342   /// Return the name of this operation as an identifier. This always succeeds.
343   Identifier getIdentifier() const;
345   /// If this operation has a registered operation description, return it.
346   /// Otherwise return null.
347   const AbstractOperation *getAbstractOperation() const;
349   void print(raw_ostream &os) const;
350   void dump() const;
getAsOpaquePointer()352   void *getAsOpaquePointer() const {
353     return static_cast<void *>(representation.getOpaqueValue());
354   }
355   static OperationName getFromOpaquePointer(const void *pointer);
357 private:
358   RepresentationUnion representation;
OperationName(RepresentationUnion representation)359   OperationName(RepresentationUnion representation)
360       : representation(representation) {}
361 };
363 inline raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &os, OperationName identifier) {
364   identifier.print(os);
365   return os;
366 }
368 inline bool operator==(OperationName lhs, OperationName rhs) {
369   return lhs.getAsOpaquePointer() == rhs.getAsOpaquePointer();
370 }
372 inline bool operator!=(OperationName lhs, OperationName rhs) {
373   return lhs.getAsOpaquePointer() != rhs.getAsOpaquePointer();
374 }
376 // Make operation names hashable.
hash_value(OperationName arg)377 inline llvm::hash_code hash_value(OperationName arg) {
378   return llvm::hash_value(arg.getAsOpaquePointer());
379 }
381 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
382 // OperationState
383 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
385 /// This represents an operation in an abstracted form, suitable for use with
386 /// the builder APIs.  This object is a large and heavy weight object meant to
387 /// be used as a temporary object on the stack.  It is generally unwise to put
388 /// this in a collection.
389 struct OperationState {
390   Location location;
391   OperationName name;
392   SmallVector<Value, 4> operands;
393   /// Types of the results of this operation.
394   SmallVector<Type, 4> types;
395   NamedAttrList attributes;
396   /// Successors of this operation and their respective operands.
397   SmallVector<Block *, 1> successors;
398   /// Regions that the op will hold.
399   SmallVector<std::unique_ptr<Region>, 1> regions;
401 public:
402   OperationState(Location location, StringRef name);
404   OperationState(Location location, OperationName name);
406   OperationState(Location location, StringRef name, ValueRange operands,
407                  TypeRange types, ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> attributes,
408                  BlockRange successors = {},
409                  MutableArrayRef<std::unique_ptr<Region>> regions = {});
411   void addOperands(ValueRange newOperands);
addTypesOperationState413   void addTypes(ArrayRef<Type> newTypes) {
414     types.append(newTypes.begin(), newTypes.end());
415   }
416   template <typename RangeT>
417   std::enable_if_t<!std::is_convertible<RangeT, ArrayRef<Type>>::value>
addTypesOperationState418   addTypes(RangeT &&newTypes) {
419     types.append(newTypes.begin(), newTypes.end());
420   }
422   /// Add an attribute with the specified name.
addAttributeOperationState423   void addAttribute(StringRef name, Attribute attr) {
424     addAttribute(Identifier::get(name, getContext()), attr);
425   }
427   /// Add an attribute with the specified name.
addAttributeOperationState428   void addAttribute(Identifier name, Attribute attr) {
429     attributes.append(name, attr);
430   }
432   /// Add an array of named attributes.
addAttributesOperationState433   void addAttributes(ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> newAttributes) {
434     attributes.append(newAttributes);
435   }
addSuccessorsOperationState437   void addSuccessors(Block *successor) { successors.push_back(successor); }
438   void addSuccessors(BlockRange newSuccessors);
440   /// Create a region that should be attached to the operation.  These regions
441   /// can be filled in immediately without waiting for Operation to be
442   /// created.  When it is, the region bodies will be transferred.
443   Region *addRegion();
445   /// Take a region that should be attached to the Operation.  The body of the
446   /// region will be transferred when the Operation is constructed.  If the
447   /// region is null, a new empty region will be attached to the Operation.
448   void addRegion(std::unique_ptr<Region> &&region);
450   /// Take ownership of a set of regions that should be attached to the
451   /// Operation.
452   void addRegions(MutableArrayRef<std::unique_ptr<Region>> regions);
454   /// Get the context held by this operation state.
getContextOperationState455   MLIRContext *getContext() const { return location->getContext(); }
456 };
458 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
459 // OperandStorage
460 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
462 namespace detail {
463 /// This class contains the information for a trailing operand storage.
464 struct TrailingOperandStorage final
465     : public llvm::TrailingObjects<TrailingOperandStorage, OpOperand> {
~TrailingOperandStoragefinal466   ~TrailingOperandStorage() {
467     for (auto &operand : getOperands())
468       operand.~OpOperand();
469   }
471   /// Return the operands held by this storage.
getOperandsfinal472   MutableArrayRef<OpOperand> getOperands() {
473     return {getTrailingObjects<OpOperand>(), numOperands};
474   }
476   /// The number of operands within the storage.
477   unsigned numOperands;
478   /// The total capacity number of operands that the storage can hold.
479   unsigned capacity : 31;
480   /// We reserve a range of bits for use by the operand storage.
481   unsigned reserved : 1;
482 };
484 /// This class handles the management of operation operands. Operands are
485 /// stored either in a trailing array, or a dynamically resizable vector.
486 class OperandStorage final
487     : private llvm::TrailingObjects<OperandStorage, OpOperand> {
488 public:
489   OperandStorage(Operation *owner, ValueRange values);
490   ~OperandStorage();
492   /// Replace the operands contained in the storage with the ones provided in
493   /// 'values'.
494   void setOperands(Operation *owner, ValueRange values);
496   /// Replace the operands beginning at 'start' and ending at 'start' + 'length'
497   /// with the ones provided in 'operands'. 'operands' may be smaller or larger
498   /// than the range pointed to by 'start'+'length'.
499   void setOperands(Operation *owner, unsigned start, unsigned length,
500                    ValueRange operands);
502   /// Erase the operands held by the storage within the given range.
503   void eraseOperands(unsigned start, unsigned length);
505   /// Get the operation operands held by the storage.
getOperands()506   MutableArrayRef<OpOperand> getOperands() {
507     return getStorage().getOperands();
508   }
510   /// Return the number of operands held in the storage.
size()511   unsigned size() { return getStorage().numOperands; }
513   /// Returns the additional size necessary for allocating this object.
additionalAllocSize(unsigned numOperands)514   static size_t additionalAllocSize(unsigned numOperands) {
515     return additionalSizeToAlloc<OpOperand>(numOperands);
516   }
518 private:
519   enum : uint64_t {
520     /// The bit used to mark the storage as dynamic.
521     DynamicStorageBit = 1ull << 63ull
522   };
524   /// Resize the storage to the given size. Returns the array containing the new
525   /// operands.
526   MutableArrayRef<OpOperand> resize(Operation *owner, unsigned newSize);
528   /// Returns the current internal storage instance.
getStorage()529   TrailingOperandStorage &getStorage() {
530     return LLVM_UNLIKELY(isDynamicStorage()) ? getDynamicStorage()
531                                              : getInlineStorage();
532   }
534   /// Returns the storage container if the storage is inline.
getInlineStorage()535   TrailingOperandStorage &getInlineStorage() {
536     assert(!isDynamicStorage() && "expected storage to be inline");
537     static_assert(sizeof(TrailingOperandStorage) == sizeof(uint64_t),
538                   "inline storage representation must match the opaque "
539                   "representation");
540     return inlineStorage;
541   }
543   /// Returns the storage container if this storage is dynamic.
getDynamicStorage()544   TrailingOperandStorage &getDynamicStorage() {
545     assert(isDynamicStorage() && "expected dynamic storage");
546     uint64_t maskedRepresentation = representation & ~DynamicStorageBit;
547     return *reinterpret_cast<TrailingOperandStorage *>(maskedRepresentation);
548   }
550   /// Returns true if the storage is currently dynamic.
isDynamicStorage()551   bool isDynamicStorage() const { return representation & DynamicStorageBit; }
553   /// The current representation of the storage. This is either a
554   /// InlineOperandStorage, or a pointer to a InlineOperandStorage.
555   union {
556     TrailingOperandStorage inlineStorage;
557     uint64_t representation;
558   };
560   /// This stuff is used by the TrailingObjects template.
561   friend llvm::TrailingObjects<OperandStorage, OpOperand>;
562 };
563 } // end namespace detail
565 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
566 // ResultStorage
567 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
569 namespace detail {
570 /// This class provides the implementation for an in-line operation result. This
571 /// is an operation result whose number can be stored inline inside of the bits
572 /// of an Operation*.
573 struct alignas(8) InLineOpResult : public IRObjectWithUseList<OpOperand> {};
574 /// This class provides the implementation for an out-of-line operation result.
575 /// This is an operation result whose number cannot be stored inline inside of
576 /// the bits of an Operation*.
577 struct alignas(8) TrailingOpResult : public IRObjectWithUseList<OpOperand> {
TrailingOpResultTrailingOpResult578   TrailingOpResult(uint64_t trailingResultNumber)
579       : trailingResultNumber(trailingResultNumber) {}
581   /// Returns the parent operation of this trailing result.
582   Operation *getOwner();
584   /// Return the proper result number of this op result.
getResultNumberTrailingOpResult585   unsigned getResultNumber() {
586     return trailingResultNumber + OpResult::getMaxInlineResults();
587   }
589   /// The trailing result number, or the offset from the beginning of the
590   /// trailing array.
591   uint64_t trailingResultNumber;
592 };
593 } // end namespace detail
595 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
596 // OpPrintingFlags
597 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
599 /// Set of flags used to control the behavior of the various IR print methods
600 /// (e.g. Operation::Print).
601 class OpPrintingFlags {
602 public:
603   OpPrintingFlags();
OpPrintingFlags(llvm::NoneType)604   OpPrintingFlags(llvm::NoneType) : OpPrintingFlags() {}
606   /// Enables the elision of large elements attributes by printing a lexically
607   /// valid but otherwise meaningless form instead of the element data. The
608   /// `largeElementLimit` is used to configure what is considered to be a
609   /// "large" ElementsAttr by providing an upper limit to the number of
610   /// elements.
611   OpPrintingFlags &elideLargeElementsAttrs(int64_t largeElementLimit = 16);
613   /// Enable printing of debug information. If 'prettyForm' is set to true,
614   /// debug information is printed in a more readable 'pretty' form. Note: The
615   /// IR generated with 'prettyForm' is not parsable.
616   OpPrintingFlags &enableDebugInfo(bool prettyForm = false);
618   /// Always print operations in the generic form.
619   OpPrintingFlags &printGenericOpForm();
621   /// Use local scope when printing the operation. This allows for using the
622   /// printer in a more localized and thread-safe setting, but may not
623   /// necessarily be identical to what the IR will look like when dumping
624   /// the full module.
625   OpPrintingFlags &useLocalScope();
627   /// Return if the given ElementsAttr should be elided.
628   bool shouldElideElementsAttr(ElementsAttr attr) const;
630   /// Return the size limit for printing large ElementsAttr.
631   Optional<int64_t> getLargeElementsAttrLimit() const;
633   /// Return if debug information should be printed.
634   bool shouldPrintDebugInfo() const;
636   /// Return if debug information should be printed in the pretty form.
637   bool shouldPrintDebugInfoPrettyForm() const;
639   /// Return if operations should be printed in the generic form.
640   bool shouldPrintGenericOpForm() const;
642   /// Return if the printer should use local scope when dumping the IR.
643   bool shouldUseLocalScope() const;
645 private:
646   /// Elide large elements attributes if the number of elements is larger than
647   /// the upper limit.
648   Optional<int64_t> elementsAttrElementLimit;
650   /// Print debug information.
651   bool printDebugInfoFlag : 1;
652   bool printDebugInfoPrettyFormFlag : 1;
654   /// Print operations in the generic form.
655   bool printGenericOpFormFlag : 1;
657   /// Print operations with numberings local to the current operation.
658   bool printLocalScope : 1;
659 };
661 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
662 // Operation Value-Iterators
663 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
665 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
666 // OperandRange
668 /// This class implements the operand iterators for the Operation class.
669 class OperandRange final : public llvm::detail::indexed_accessor_range_base<
670                                OperandRange, OpOperand *, Value, Value, Value> {
671 public:
672   using RangeBaseT::RangeBaseT;
673   OperandRange(Operation *op);
675   /// Returns the types of the values within this range.
676   using type_iterator = ValueTypeIterator<iterator>;
677   using type_range = ValueTypeRange<OperandRange>;
getTypes()678   type_range getTypes() const { return {begin(), end()}; }
getType()679   auto getType() const { return getTypes(); }
681   /// Return the operand index of the first element of this range. The range
682   /// must not be empty.
683   unsigned getBeginOperandIndex() const;
685 private:
686   /// See `llvm::detail::indexed_accessor_range_base` for details.
offset_base(OpOperand * object,ptrdiff_t index)687   static OpOperand *offset_base(OpOperand *object, ptrdiff_t index) {
688     return object + index;
689   }
690   /// See `llvm::detail::indexed_accessor_range_base` for details.
dereference_iterator(OpOperand * object,ptrdiff_t index)691   static Value dereference_iterator(OpOperand *object, ptrdiff_t index) {
692     return object[index].get();
693   }
695   /// Allow access to `offset_base` and `dereference_iterator`.
696   friend RangeBaseT;
697 };
699 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
700 // MutableOperandRange
702 /// This class provides a mutable adaptor for a range of operands. It allows for
703 /// setting, inserting, and erasing operands from the given range.
704 class MutableOperandRange {
705 public:
706   /// A pair of a named attribute corresponding to an operand segment attribute,
707   /// and the index within that attribute. The attribute should correspond to an
708   /// i32 DenseElementsAttr.
709   using OperandSegment = std::pair<unsigned, NamedAttribute>;
711   /// Construct a new mutable range from the given operand, operand start index,
712   /// and range length. `operandSegments` is an optional set of operand segments
713   /// to be updated when mutating the operand list.
714   MutableOperandRange(Operation *owner, unsigned start, unsigned length,
715                       ArrayRef<OperandSegment> operandSegments = llvm::None);
716   MutableOperandRange(Operation *owner);
718   /// Slice this range into a sub range, with the additional operand segment.
719   MutableOperandRange slice(unsigned subStart, unsigned subLen,
720                             Optional<OperandSegment> segment = llvm::None);
722   /// Append the given values to the range.
723   void append(ValueRange values);
725   /// Assign this range to the given values.
726   void assign(ValueRange values);
728   /// Assign the range to the given value.
729   void assign(Value value);
731   /// Erase the operands within the given sub-range.
732   void erase(unsigned subStart, unsigned subLen = 1);
734   /// Clear this range and erase all of the operands.
735   void clear();
737   /// Returns the current size of the range.
size()738   unsigned size() const { return length; }
740   /// Allow implicit conversion to an OperandRange.
741   operator OperandRange() const;
743   /// Returns the owning operation.
getOwner()744   Operation *getOwner() const { return owner; }
746 private:
747   /// Update the length of this range to the one provided.
748   void updateLength(unsigned newLength);
750   /// The owning operation of this range.
751   Operation *owner;
753   /// The start index of the operand range within the owner operand list, and
754   /// the length starting from `start`.
755   unsigned start, length;
757   /// Optional set of operand segments that should be updated when mutating the
758   /// length of this range.
759   SmallVector<std::pair<unsigned, NamedAttribute>, 1> operandSegments;
760 };
762 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
763 // ResultRange
765 /// This class implements the result iterators for the Operation class.
766 class ResultRange final
767     : public llvm::indexed_accessor_range<ResultRange, Operation *, OpResult,
768                                           OpResult, OpResult> {
769 public:
770   using indexed_accessor_range<ResultRange, Operation *, OpResult, OpResult,
771                                OpResult>::indexed_accessor_range;
772   ResultRange(Operation *op);
774   /// Returns the types of the values within this range.
775   using type_iterator = ArrayRef<Type>::iterator;
776   using type_range = ArrayRef<Type>;
777   type_range getTypes() const;
getType()778   auto getType() const { return getTypes(); }
780 private:
781   /// See `llvm::indexed_accessor_range` for details.
782   static OpResult dereference(Operation *op, ptrdiff_t index);
784   /// Allow access to `dereference_iterator`.
785   friend llvm::indexed_accessor_range<ResultRange, Operation *, OpResult,
786                                       OpResult, OpResult>;
787 };
789 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
790 // ValueRange
792 namespace detail {
793 /// The type representing the owner of a ValueRange. This is either a list of
794 /// values, operands, or an Operation+start index for results.
795 struct ValueRangeOwner {
ValueRangeOwnerValueRangeOwner796   ValueRangeOwner(const Value *owner) : ptr(owner), startIndex(0) {}
ValueRangeOwnerValueRangeOwner797   ValueRangeOwner(OpOperand *owner) : ptr(owner), startIndex(0) {}
ValueRangeOwnerValueRangeOwner798   ValueRangeOwner(Operation *owner, unsigned startIndex)
799       : ptr(owner), startIndex(startIndex) {}
800   bool operator==(const ValueRangeOwner &rhs) const { return ptr == rhs.ptr; }
802   /// The owner pointer of the range. The owner has represents three distinct
803   /// states:
804   /// const Value *: The owner is the base to a contiguous array of Value.
805   /// OpOperand *  : The owner is the base to a contiguous array of operands.
806   /// void*        : This owner is an Operation*. It is marked as void* here
807   ///                because the definition of Operation is not visible here.
808   PointerUnion<const Value *, OpOperand *, void *> ptr;
810   /// Ths start index into the range. This is only used for Operation* owners.
811   unsigned startIndex;
812 };
813 } // end namespace detail
815 /// This class provides an abstraction over the different types of ranges over
816 /// Values. In many cases, this prevents the need to explicitly materialize a
817 /// SmallVector/std::vector. This class should be used in places that are not
818 /// suitable for a more derived type (e.g. ArrayRef) or a template range
819 /// parameter.
820 class ValueRange final
821     : public llvm::detail::indexed_accessor_range_base<
822           ValueRange, detail::ValueRangeOwner, Value, Value, Value> {
823 public:
824   using RangeBaseT::RangeBaseT;
826   template <typename Arg,
827             typename = typename std::enable_if_t<
828                 std::is_constructible<ArrayRef<Value>, Arg>::value &&
829                 !std::is_convertible<Arg, Value>::value>>
ValueRange(Arg && arg)830   ValueRange(Arg &&arg) : ValueRange(ArrayRef<Value>(std::forward<Arg>(arg))) {}
ValueRange(const Value & value)831   ValueRange(const Value &value) : ValueRange(&value, /*count=*/1) {}
ValueRange(const std::initializer_list<Value> & values)832   ValueRange(const std::initializer_list<Value> &values)
833       : ValueRange(ArrayRef<Value>(values)) {}
ValueRange(iterator_range<OperandRange::iterator> values)834   ValueRange(iterator_range<OperandRange::iterator> values)
835       : ValueRange(OperandRange(values)) {}
ValueRange(iterator_range<ResultRange::iterator> values)836   ValueRange(iterator_range<ResultRange::iterator> values)
837       : ValueRange(ResultRange(values)) {}
ValueRange(ArrayRef<BlockArgument> values)838   ValueRange(ArrayRef<BlockArgument> values)
839       : ValueRange(ArrayRef<Value>(values.data(), values.size())) {}
840   ValueRange(ArrayRef<Value> values = llvm::None);
841   ValueRange(OperandRange values);
842   ValueRange(ResultRange values);
844   /// Returns the types of the values within this range.
845   using type_iterator = ValueTypeIterator<iterator>;
846   using type_range = ValueTypeRange<ValueRange>;
getTypes()847   type_range getTypes() const { return {begin(), end()}; }
getType()848   auto getType() const { return getTypes(); }
850 private:
851   using OwnerT = detail::ValueRangeOwner;
853   /// See `llvm::detail::indexed_accessor_range_base` for details.
854   static OwnerT offset_base(const OwnerT &owner, ptrdiff_t index);
855   /// See `llvm::detail::indexed_accessor_range_base` for details.
856   static Value dereference_iterator(const OwnerT &owner, ptrdiff_t index);
858   /// Allow access to `offset_base` and `dereference_iterator`.
859   friend RangeBaseT;
860 };
862 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
863 // Operation Equivalency
864 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
866 /// This class provides utilities for computing if two operations are
867 /// equivalent.
868 struct OperationEquivalence {
869   enum Flags {
870     None = 0,
872     /// This flag signals that operands should not be considered when checking
873     /// for equivalence. This allows for users to implement there own
874     /// equivalence schemes for operand values. The number of operands are still
875     /// checked, just not the operands themselves.
876     IgnoreOperands = 1,
878     LLVM_MARK_AS_BITMASK_ENUM(/* LargestValue = */ IgnoreOperands)
879   };
881   /// Compute a hash for the given operation.
882   static llvm::hash_code computeHash(Operation *op, Flags flags = Flags::None);
884   /// Compare two operations and return if they are equivalent.
885   static bool isEquivalentTo(Operation *lhs, Operation *rhs,
886                              Flags flags = Flags::None);
887 };
889 /// Enable Bitmask enums for OperationEquivalence::Flags.
892 } // end namespace mlir
894 namespace llvm {
895 // Identifiers hash just like pointers, there is no need to hash the bytes.
896 template <> struct DenseMapInfo<mlir::OperationName> {
897   static mlir::OperationName getEmptyKey() {
898     auto pointer = llvm::DenseMapInfo<void *>::getEmptyKey();
899     return mlir::OperationName::getFromOpaquePointer(pointer);
900   }
901   static mlir::OperationName getTombstoneKey() {
902     auto pointer = llvm::DenseMapInfo<void *>::getTombstoneKey();
903     return mlir::OperationName::getFromOpaquePointer(pointer);
904   }
905   static unsigned getHashValue(mlir::OperationName Val) {
906     return DenseMapInfo<void *>::getHashValue(Val.getAsOpaquePointer());
907   }
908   static bool isEqual(mlir::OperationName LHS, mlir::OperationName RHS) {
909     return LHS == RHS;
910   }
911 };
913 /// The pointer inside of an identifier comes from a StringMap, so its alignment
914 /// is always at least 4 and probably 8 (on 64-bit machines).  Allow LLVM to
915 /// steal the low bits.
916 template <> struct PointerLikeTypeTraits<mlir::OperationName> {
917 public:
918   static inline void *getAsVoidPointer(mlir::OperationName I) {
919     return const_cast<void *>(I.getAsOpaquePointer());
920   }
921   static inline mlir::OperationName getFromVoidPointer(void *P) {
922     return mlir::OperationName::getFromOpaquePointer(P);
923   }
924   static constexpr int NumLowBitsAvailable = PointerLikeTypeTraits<
925       mlir::OperationName::RepresentationUnion>::NumLowBitsAvailable;
926 };
928 } // end namespace llvm
930 #endif