1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2000 Silicon Graphics, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
3  *
4  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
5  * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
6  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
7  *
8  * This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but
9  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11  *
12  * Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is
13  * free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement
14  * or the like.  Any license provided herein, whether implied or
15  * otherwise, applies only to this software file.  Patent licenses, if
16  * any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with
17  * other software, or any other product whatsoever.
18  *
19  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
20  * with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
21  * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
22  *
23  * Contact information: Silicon Graphics, Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy,
24  * Mountain View, CA  94043, or:
25  *
26  * http://www.sgi.com
27  *
28  * For further information regarding this notice, see:
29  *
30  * http://oss.sgi.com/projects/GenInfo/NoticeExplan/
31  */
32 /*
33  * Define io syscalls supported by doio
34  */
36 #define	READ	1
37 #define	WRITE	2
38 #define	READA	3
39 #define	WRITEA	4
40 #define	SSREAD	5
41 #define	SSWRITE	6
42 #define	LISTIO  7
43 #define	LREAD	10		/* listio - single stride, single entry */
44 #define	LREADA	11
45 #define	LWRITE	12
46 #define	LWRITEA	13
47 #define	LSREAD	14		/* listio - multi-stride, single entry */
48 #define	LSREADA	15
49 #define	LSWRITE	16
50 #define	LSWRITEA 17
51 #define	LEREAD	18		/* listio - single stride, multiple entry */
52 #define	LEREADA	19
53 #define	LEWRITE	20
54 #define	LEWRITEA 21
56 /* Irix System Calls */
57 #define	PREAD	100
58 #define	PWRITE	101
59 #define	READV	102
60 #define	WRITEV	103
61 #define	AREAD	104
62 #define	AWRITE	105
63 #define	LLREAD	110
64 #define	LLAREAD	111
65 #define	LLWRITE	112
66 #define	LLAWRITE 113
67 #define	MMAPR	120
68 #define	MMAPW	121
69 #define RESVSP	122		/* fcntl(F_RESVSP) */
70 #define UNRESVSP 123		/* fcntl(F_UNRESVSP) */
71 #define	DFFSYNC	124		/* fcntl(F_FSYNC) */
72 #define	FSYNC2	125		/* fsync(2) */
73 #define	FDATASYNC 126		/* fdatasync(2) */
74 #define	BIOSIZE	127		/* fcntl(F_SETBIOSIZE) */
76 #ifdef CRAY
77 /* used: <<doio>> 1.? <<DOIO>> 1.5 <-DOIO-> 1.7*/
78 #define DOIO_MAGIC  '<[DOIO]>'
79 #else
80 #define DOIO_MAGIC  07116601
81 #endif
83 /*
84  * Define various user flags (r_uflag field) that io requests can have
85  * specified.
86  */
88 #define F_WORD_ALIGNED		0001	/* force request to be word aligned */
90 /*
91  * define various doio exit status's
92  */
94 #define E_NORMAL    000	    	/* normal completion	    	    	*/
95 #define E_USAGE	    001	    	/* cmdline usage error	    	    	*/
96 #define E_SETUP	    002	    	/* any of a million setup conditions	*/
97 #define E_COMPARE   004	    	/* data compare error from doio child	*/
98 #define E_INTERNAL  010	    	/* various internal errors  	    	*/
99 #define E_LOCKD	    020	    	/* lockd startup/timeout errors	    	*/
100 #define E_SIGNAL    040	    	/* killed by signal 	    	    	*/
102 /*
103  * Define async io completion strategies supported by doio.
104  */
106 #define	A_POLL		1		/* poll iosw for completion	*/
107 #define A_SIGNAL	2		/* get signal for completion	*/
108 #define A_RECALL	3		/* use recall(2) to wait	*/
109 #define A_RECALLA	4		/* use recalla(2) to wait	*/
110 #define A_RECALLS	5		/* use recalls(2) to wait	*/
111 #define	A_SUSPEND	6		/* use aio_suspend(2) to wait	*/
112 #define A_CALLBACK	7		/* use a callback signal op.	*/
114 /*
115  * Define individual structures for each syscall type.  These will all be
116  * unionized into a single io_req structure which io generators fill in and
117  * pass to doio.
118  *
119  * Note:	It is VERY important that the r_file, r_oflags, r_offset, and
120  *		r_nbytes fields occupy the same record positions in the
121  *		read_req, reada_req, write_req, and writea_req structures and
122  *		that they have the same type.  It is also that r_pattern
123  *		has the same type/offset in the write_req and writea_req
124  *		structures.
125  *
126  *		Since doio.c accesses all information through the r_data
127  *		union in io_req, if the above assumptions hold, the above
128  *		fields can be accessed without regard to structure type.
129  *		This is an allowed assumption in C.
130  */
132 #define MAX_FNAME_LENGTH    128
134 struct read_req {
135     char    r_file[MAX_FNAME_LENGTH];
136     int	    r_oflags;			/* open flags */
137     int	    r_offset;
138     int	    r_nbytes;
139     int	    r_uflags;			/* user flags: mem alignment */
140     int	    r_aio_strat;		/* asynch read completion strategy */
141     int	    r_nstrides;			/* listio: multiple strides */
142     int	    r_nent;			/* listio: multiple list entries */
143 };
145 struct write_req {
146     char    r_file[MAX_FNAME_LENGTH];
147     int	    r_oflags;
148     int	    r_offset;
149     int	    r_nbytes;
150     char    r_pattern;
151     int	    r_uflags;			/* user flags: mem alignment */
152     int	    r_aio_strat;		/* asynch write completion strategy */
153     int	    r_nstrides;			/* listio: multiple strides */
154     int	    r_nent;			/* listio: multiple list entries */
155 };
157 struct ssread_req {
158     int	    r_nbytes;
159 };
161 struct sswrite_req {
162     int	    r_nbytes;
163     char    r_pattern;
164 };
166 struct listio_req {
167 	char	r_file[MAX_FNAME_LENGTH];
168 	int	r_cmd;			/* LC_START or LC_WAIT */
169 	int	r_offset;		/* file offset */
170 	int	r_opcode;		/* LO_READ, or LO_WRITE */
171 	int	r_nbytes;		/* bytes per stride */
172 	int	r_nstrides;		/* how many strides to make */
173 	int	r_nent;			/* how many listreq entries to make */
174 	int	r_filestride;		/* always 0 for now */
175 	int	r_memstride;		/* always 0 for now */
176 	char	r_pattern;		/* for LO_WRITE operations */
177 	int	r_oflags;		/* open(2) flags */
178 	int	r_aio_strat;		/* async I/O completion strategy */
179 	int	r_uflags;		/* user flags: memory alignment */
180 };
182 #define rw_req	listio_req	/* listio is superset of everything */
184 /*
185  * Main structure for sending a request to doio.  Any tools which form IO
186  * for doio must present it using one of these structures.
187  */
189 struct io_req {
190     int	    r_type; 	    	/* must be one of the #defines above	    */
191     int	    r_magic;	    	/* must be set to DOIO_MAGIC by requestor   */
192     union {
193 	struct read_req		read;
194 	struct write_req	write;
195 	struct ssread_req	ssread;
196 	struct sswrite_req	sswrite;
197 	struct listio_req	listio;
198 	struct rw_req		io;
199     } r_data;
200 };