1 package org.robolectric.res.android;
3 // transliterated from https://android.googlesource.com/platform/system/core/+/android-9.0.0_r12/include/utils/Errors.h
5 public class Errors {
7   public static final int NO_ERROR = 0;
9   // in the Cpp code, 'int' return values can either indicate an error, or a valid value
10   // success can be interpreted as return value >= 0. So make all error codes negative values
11   // following the convention of  assigning UNKNOWN_ERROR to INT32_MIN value as a base and
12   // incrementing from there
14   public static final int UNKNOWN_ERROR = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
15   public static final int BAD_INDEX = UNKNOWN_ERROR + 1;
16   public static final int BAD_TYPE = UNKNOWN_ERROR + 2;
17   public static final int BAD_VALUE = UNKNOWN_ERROR + 3;
18   public static final int NO_MEMORY = UNKNOWN_ERROR + 4;
19   public static final int NAME_NOT_FOUND = UNKNOWN_ERROR + 5;
20   public static final int NO_INIT = UNKNOWN_ERROR + 6;
21 }