1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2# Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
3# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
4# found in the LICENSE file.
6"""Utilities for launching and accessing ChromeOS buildbots."""
8from __future__ import division
9from __future__ import print_function
11import ast
12import json
13import os
14import re
15import time
17from cros_utils import command_executer
18from cros_utils import logger
20INITIAL_SLEEP_TIME = 7200  # 2 hours; wait time before polling buildbot.
21SLEEP_TIME = 600  # 10 minutes; time between polling of buildbot.
23# Some of our slower builders (llvm-next) are taking more
24# than 12 hours. So, increase this TIME_OUT to 15 hours.
25TIME_OUT = 15 * 60 * 60  # Decide the build is dead or will never finish
28class BuildbotTimeout(Exception):
29  """Exception to throw when a buildbot operation timesout."""
32def RunCommandInPath(path, cmd):
33  ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter()
34  cwd = os.getcwd()
35  os.chdir(path)
36  status, stdout, stderr = ce.RunCommandWOutput(cmd, print_to_console=False)
37  os.chdir(cwd)
38  return status, stdout, stderr
41def PeekTrybotImage(chromeos_root, buildbucket_id):
42  """Get the artifact URL of a given tryjob.
44  Args:
45    buildbucket_id: buildbucket-id
46    chromeos_root: root dir of chrome os checkout
48  Returns:
49    (status, url) where status can be 'pass', 'fail', 'running',
50                  and url looks like:
51    gs://chromeos-image-archive/trybot-elm-release-tryjob/R67-10468.0.0-b20789
52  """
53  command = ('cros buildresult --report json --buildbucket-id %s' %
54             buildbucket_id)
55  rc, out, _ = RunCommandInPath(chromeos_root, command)
57  # Current implementation of cros buildresult returns fail when a job is still
58  # running.
59  if rc != 0:
60    return ('running', None)
62  results = json.loads(out)[buildbucket_id]
64  # Handle the case where the tryjob failed to launch correctly.
65  if results['artifacts_url'] is None:
66    return (results['status'], '')
68  return (results['status'], results['artifacts_url'].rstrip('/'))
71def ParseTryjobBuildbucketId(msg):
72  """Find the buildbucket-id in the messages from `cros tryjob`.
74  Args:
75    msg: messages from `cros tryjob`
77  Returns:
78    buildbucket-id, which will be passed to `cros buildresult`
79  """
80  output_list = ast.literal_eval(msg)
81  output_dict = output_list[0]
82  if 'buildbucket_id' in output_dict:
83    return output_dict['buildbucket_id']
84  return None
87def SubmitTryjob(chromeos_root,
88                 buildbot_name,
89                 patch_list,
90                 tryjob_flags=None,
91                 build_toolchain=False):
92  """Calls `cros tryjob ...`
94  Args:
95    chromeos_root: the path to the ChromeOS root, needed for finding chromite
96                   and launching the buildbot.
97    buildbot_name: the name of the buildbot queue, such as lumpy-release or
98                   daisy-paladin.
99    patch_list: a python list of the patches, if any, for the buildbot to use.
100    tryjob_flags: See cros tryjob --help for available options.
101    build_toolchain: builds and uses the latest toolchain, rather than the
102                     prebuilt one in SDK.
104  Returns:
105    buildbucket id
106  """
107  patch_arg = ''
108  if patch_list:
109    for p in patch_list:
110      patch_arg = patch_arg + ' -g ' + repr(p)
111  if not tryjob_flags:
112    tryjob_flags = []
113  if build_toolchain:
114    tryjob_flags.append('--latest-toolchain')
115  tryjob_flags = ' '.join(tryjob_flags)
117  # Launch buildbot with appropriate flags.
118  build = buildbot_name
119  command = ('cros_sdk -- cros tryjob --yes --json --nochromesdk  %s %s %s' %
120             (tryjob_flags, patch_arg, build))
121  print('CMD: %s' % command)
122  _, out, _ = RunCommandInPath(chromeos_root, command)
123  buildbucket_id = ParseTryjobBuildbucketId(out)
124  print('buildbucket_id: %s' % repr(buildbucket_id))
125  if not buildbucket_id:
126    logger.GetLogger().LogFatal('Error occurred while launching trybot job: '
127                                '%s' % command)
128  return buildbucket_id
131def GetTrybotImage(chromeos_root,
132                   buildbot_name,
133                   patch_list,
134                   tryjob_flags=None,
135                   build_toolchain=False,
136                   asynchronous=False):
137  """Launch buildbot and get resulting trybot artifact name.
139  This function launches a buildbot with the appropriate flags to
140  build the test ChromeOS image, with the current ToT mobile compiler.  It
141  checks every 10 minutes to see if the trybot has finished.  When the trybot
142  has finished, it parses the resulting report logs to find the trybot
143  artifact (if one was created), and returns that artifact name.
145  Args:
146    chromeos_root: the path to the ChromeOS root, needed for finding chromite
147                   and launching the buildbot.
148    buildbot_name: the name of the buildbot queue, such as lumpy-release or
149                   daisy-paladin.
150    patch_list: a python list of the patches, if any, for the buildbot to use.
151    tryjob_flags: See cros tryjob --help for available options.
152    build_toolchain: builds and uses the latest toolchain, rather than the
153                     prebuilt one in SDK.
154    asynchronous: don't wait for artifacts; just return the buildbucket id
156  Returns:
157    (buildbucket id, partial image url) e.g.
158    (8952271933586980528, trybot-elm-release-tryjob/R67-10480.0.0-b2373596)
159  """
160  buildbucket_id = SubmitTryjob(chromeos_root, buildbot_name, patch_list,
161                                tryjob_flags, build_toolchain)
162  if asynchronous:
163    return buildbucket_id, ' '
165  # The trybot generally takes more than 2 hours to finish.
166  # Wait two hours before polling the status.
167  time.sleep(INITIAL_SLEEP_TIME)
168  elapsed = INITIAL_SLEEP_TIME
169  status = 'running'
170  image = ''
171  while True:
172    status, image = PeekTrybotImage(chromeos_root, buildbucket_id)
173    if status == 'running':
174      if elapsed > TIME_OUT:
175        logger.GetLogger().LogFatal(
176            'Unable to get build result for target %s.' % buildbot_name)
177      else:
178        wait_msg = 'Unable to find build result; job may be running.'
179        logger.GetLogger().LogOutput(wait_msg)
180      logger.GetLogger().LogOutput('{0} minutes elapsed.'.format(elapsed / 60))
181      logger.GetLogger().LogOutput('Sleeping {0} seconds.'.format(SLEEP_TIME))
182      time.sleep(SLEEP_TIME)
183      elapsed += SLEEP_TIME
184    else:
185      break
187  if not buildbot_name.endswith('-toolchain') and status == 'fail':
188    # For rotating testers, we don't care about their status
189    # result, because if any HWTest failed it will be non-zero.
190    #
191    # The nightly performance tests do not run HWTests, so if
192    # their status is non-zero, we do care.  In this case
193    # non-zero means the image itself probably did not build.
194    image = ''
196  if not image:
197    logger.GetLogger().LogError('Trybot job (buildbucket id: %s) failed with'
198                                'status %s; no trybot image generated. ' %
199                                (buildbucket_id, status))
200  else:
201    # Convert full gs path to what crosperf expects. For example, convert
202    # gs://chromeos-image-archive/trybot-elm-release-tryjob/R67-10468.0.0-b20789
203    # to
204    # trybot-elm-release-tryjob/R67-10468.0.0-b20789
205    image = '/'.join(image.split('/')[-2:])
207  logger.GetLogger().LogOutput("image is '%s'" % image)
208  logger.GetLogger().LogOutput('status is %s' % status)
209  return buildbucket_id, image
212def DoesImageExist(chromeos_root, build):
213  """Check if the image for the given build exists."""
215  ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter()
216  command = ('gsutil ls gs://chromeos-image-archive/%s'
217             '/chromiumos_test_image.tar.xz' % (build))
218  ret = ce.ChrootRunCommand(chromeos_root, command, print_to_console=False)
219  return not ret
222def WaitForImage(chromeos_root, build):
223  """Wait for an image to be ready."""
225  elapsed_time = 0
226  while elapsed_time < TIME_OUT:
227    if DoesImageExist(chromeos_root, build):
228      return
229    logger.GetLogger().LogOutput('Image %s not ready, waiting for 10 minutes' %
230                                 build)
231    time.sleep(SLEEP_TIME)
232    elapsed_time += SLEEP_TIME
234  logger.GetLogger().LogOutput('Image %s not found, waited for %d hours' %
235                               (build, (TIME_OUT / 3600)))
236  raise BuildbotTimeout('Timeout while waiting for image %s' % build)
239def GetLatestImage(chromeos_root, path):
240  """Get latest image"""
242  fmt = re.compile(r'R([0-9]+)-([0-9]+).([0-9]+).([0-9]+)')
244  ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter()
245  command = ('gsutil ls gs://chromeos-image-archive/%s' % path)
246  ret, out, _ = ce.ChrootRunCommandWOutput(
247      chromeos_root, command, print_to_console=False)
248  if ret != 0:
249    raise RuntimeError('Failed to list buckets with command: %s.' % command)
250  candidates = [l.split('/')[-2] for l in out.split()]
251  candidates = [fmt.match(c) for c in candidates]
252  candidates = [[int(r) for r in m.group(1, 2, 3, 4)] for m in candidates if m]
253  candidates.sort(reverse=True)
254  for c in candidates:
255    build = '%s/R%d-%d.%d.%d' % (path, c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3])
256    # Denylist "R79-12384.0.0" image released by mistake.
257    # TODO(crbug.com/992242): Remove the filter by 2019-09-05.
258    if c == [79, 12384, 0, 0]:
259      continue
261    if DoesImageExist(chromeos_root, build):
262      return build
265def GetLatestRecipeImage(chromeos_root, path):
266  """Get latest nightly test image from recipe bucket.
268  Image location example:
269  $ARCHIVE/lulu-llvm-next-nightly/R84-13037.0.0-31011-8883172717979984032
270  """
272  fmt = re.compile(r'R([0-9]+)-([0-9]+).([0-9]+).([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)')
274  ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter()
275  command = ('gsutil ls gs://chromeos-image-archive/%s' % path)
276  ret, out, _ = ce.ChrootRunCommandWOutput(
277      chromeos_root, command, print_to_console=False)
278  if ret != 0:
279    raise RuntimeError('Failed to list buckets with command: %s.' % command)
280  candidates = [l.split('/')[-2] for l in out.split()]
281  candidates = [(fmt.match(c), c) for c in candidates]
282  candidates = [([int(r)
283                  for r in m[0].group(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)], m[1])
284                for m in candidates
285                if m]
286  candidates.sort(key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True)
287  # Try to get ony last two days of images since nightly tests are run once
288  # another day.
289  for c in candidates[:2]:
290    build = '%s/%s' % (path, c[1])
291    if DoesImageExist(chromeos_root, build):
292      return build