1 /*
2  *  Copyright 2015 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
3  *
4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
9  */
11 package org.webrtc;
13 import android.annotation.TargetApi;
14 import android.graphics.SurfaceTexture;
15 import android.opengl.GLES11Ext;
16 import android.opengl.GLES20;
17 import android.os.Build;
18 import android.os.Handler;
19 import android.os.HandlerThread;
20 import android.support.annotation.Nullable;
21 import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
22 import org.webrtc.EglBase.Context;
23 import org.webrtc.TextureBufferImpl.RefCountMonitor;
24 import org.webrtc.VideoFrame.TextureBuffer;
26 /**
27  * Helper class for using a SurfaceTexture to create WebRTC VideoFrames. In order to create WebRTC
28  * VideoFrames, render onto the SurfaceTexture. The frames will be delivered to the listener. Only
29  * one texture frame can be in flight at once, so the frame must be released in order to receive a
30  * new frame. Call stopListening() to stop receiveing new frames. Call dispose to release all
31  * resources once the texture frame is released.
32  */
33 public class SurfaceTextureHelper {
34   /**
35    * Interface for monitoring texture buffers created from this SurfaceTexture. Since only one
36    * texture buffer can exist at a time, this can be used to monitor for stuck frames.
37    */
38   public interface FrameRefMonitor {
39     /** A new frame was created. New frames start with ref count of 1. */
onNewBuffer(TextureBuffer textureBuffer)40     void onNewBuffer(TextureBuffer textureBuffer);
41     /** Ref count of the frame was incremented by the calling thread. */
onRetainBuffer(TextureBuffer textureBuffer)42     void onRetainBuffer(TextureBuffer textureBuffer);
43     /** Ref count of the frame was decremented by the calling thread. */
onReleaseBuffer(TextureBuffer textureBuffer)44     void onReleaseBuffer(TextureBuffer textureBuffer);
45     /** Frame was destroyed (ref count reached 0). */
onDestroyBuffer(TextureBuffer textureBuffer)46     void onDestroyBuffer(TextureBuffer textureBuffer);
47   }
49   private static final String TAG = "SurfaceTextureHelper";
50   /**
51    * Construct a new SurfaceTextureHelper sharing OpenGL resources with |sharedContext|. A dedicated
52    * thread and handler is created for handling the SurfaceTexture. May return null if EGL fails to
53    * initialize a pixel buffer surface and make it current. If alignTimestamps is true, the frame
54    * timestamps will be aligned to rtc::TimeNanos(). If frame timestamps are aligned to
55    * rtc::TimeNanos() there is no need for aligning timestamps again in
56    * PeerConnectionFactory.createVideoSource(). This makes the timestamps more accurate and
57    * closer to actual creation time.
58    */
create(final String threadName, final EglBase.Context sharedContext, boolean alignTimestamps, final YuvConverter yuvConverter, FrameRefMonitor frameRefMonitor)59   public static SurfaceTextureHelper create(final String threadName,
60       final EglBase.Context sharedContext, boolean alignTimestamps, final YuvConverter yuvConverter,
61       FrameRefMonitor frameRefMonitor) {
62     final HandlerThread thread = new HandlerThread(threadName);
63     thread.start();
64     final Handler handler = new Handler(thread.getLooper());
66     // The onFrameAvailable() callback will be executed on the SurfaceTexture ctor thread. See:
67     // http://grepcode.com/file/repository.grepcode.com/java/ext/com.google.android/android/5.1.1_r1/android/graphics/SurfaceTexture.java#195.
68     // Therefore, in order to control the callback thread on API lvl < 21, the SurfaceTextureHelper
69     // is constructed on the |handler| thread.
70     return ThreadUtils.invokeAtFrontUninterruptibly(handler, new Callable<SurfaceTextureHelper>() {
71       @Nullable
72       @Override
73       public SurfaceTextureHelper call() {
74         try {
75           return new SurfaceTextureHelper(
76               sharedContext, handler, alignTimestamps, yuvConverter, frameRefMonitor);
77         } catch (RuntimeException e) {
78           Logging.e(TAG, threadName + " create failure", e);
79           return null;
80         }
81       }
82     });
83   }
85   /**
86    * Same as above with alignTimestamps set to false and yuvConverter set to new YuvConverter.
87    *
88    * @see #create(String, EglBase.Context, boolean, YuvConverter, FrameRefMonitor)
89    */
90   public static SurfaceTextureHelper create(
91       final String threadName, final EglBase.Context sharedContext) {
92     return create(threadName, sharedContext, /* alignTimestamps= */ false, new YuvConverter(),
93         /*frameRefMonitor=*/null);
94   }
96   /**
97    * Same as above with yuvConverter set to new YuvConverter.
98    *
99    * @see #create(String, EglBase.Context, boolean, YuvConverter, FrameRefMonitor)
100    */
101   public static SurfaceTextureHelper create(
102       final String threadName, final EglBase.Context sharedContext, boolean alignTimestamps) {
103     return create(
104         threadName, sharedContext, alignTimestamps, new YuvConverter(), /*frameRefMonitor=*/null);
105   }
107   /**
108    * Create a SurfaceTextureHelper without frame ref monitor.
109    *
110    * @see #create(String, EglBase.Context, boolean, YuvConverter, FrameRefMonitor)
111    */
112   public static SurfaceTextureHelper create(final String threadName,
113       final EglBase.Context sharedContext, boolean alignTimestamps, YuvConverter yuvConverter) {
114     return create(
115         threadName, sharedContext, alignTimestamps, yuvConverter, /*frameRefMonitor=*/null);
116   }
118   private final RefCountMonitor textureRefCountMonitor = new RefCountMonitor() {
119     @Override
120     public void onRetain(TextureBufferImpl textureBuffer) {
121       if (frameRefMonitor != null) {
122         frameRefMonitor.onRetainBuffer(textureBuffer);
123       }
124     }
126     @Override
127     public void onRelease(TextureBufferImpl textureBuffer) {
128       if (frameRefMonitor != null) {
129         frameRefMonitor.onReleaseBuffer(textureBuffer);
130       }
131     }
133     @Override
134     public void onDestroy(TextureBufferImpl textureBuffer) {
135       returnTextureFrame();
136       if (frameRefMonitor != null) {
137         frameRefMonitor.onDestroyBuffer(textureBuffer);
138       }
139     }
140   };
142   private final Handler handler;
143   private final EglBase eglBase;
144   private final SurfaceTexture surfaceTexture;
145   private final int oesTextureId;
146   private final YuvConverter yuvConverter;
147   @Nullable private final TimestampAligner timestampAligner;
148   private final FrameRefMonitor frameRefMonitor;
150   // These variables are only accessed from the |handler| thread.
151   @Nullable private VideoSink listener;
152   // The possible states of this class.
153   private boolean hasPendingTexture;
154   private volatile boolean isTextureInUse;
155   private boolean isQuitting;
156   private int frameRotation;
157   private int textureWidth;
158   private int textureHeight;
159   // |pendingListener| is set in setListener() and the runnable is posted to the handler thread.
160   // setListener() is not allowed to be called again before stopListening(), so this is thread safe.
161   @Nullable private VideoSink pendingListener;
162   final Runnable setListenerRunnable = new Runnable() {
163     @Override
164     public void run() {
165       Logging.d(TAG, "Setting listener to " + pendingListener);
166       listener = pendingListener;
167       pendingListener = null;
168       // May have a pending frame from the previous capture session - drop it.
169       if (hasPendingTexture) {
170         // Calling updateTexImage() is neccessary in order to receive new frames.
171         updateTexImage();
172         hasPendingTexture = false;
173       }
174     }
175   };
177   private SurfaceTextureHelper(Context sharedContext, Handler handler, boolean alignTimestamps,
178       YuvConverter yuvConverter, FrameRefMonitor frameRefMonitor) {
179     if (handler.getLooper().getThread() != Thread.currentThread()) {
180       throw new IllegalStateException("SurfaceTextureHelper must be created on the handler thread");
181     }
182     this.handler = handler;
183     this.timestampAligner = alignTimestamps ? new TimestampAligner() : null;
184     this.yuvConverter = yuvConverter;
185     this.frameRefMonitor = frameRefMonitor;
187     eglBase = EglBase.create(sharedContext, EglBase.CONFIG_PIXEL_BUFFER);
188     try {
189       // Both these statements have been observed to fail on rare occasions, see BUG=webrtc:5682.
190       eglBase.createDummyPbufferSurface();
191       eglBase.makeCurrent();
192     } catch (RuntimeException e) {
193       // Clean up before rethrowing the exception.
194       eglBase.release();
195       handler.getLooper().quit();
196       throw e;
197     }
199     oesTextureId = GlUtil.generateTexture(GLES11Ext.GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES);
200     surfaceTexture = new SurfaceTexture(oesTextureId);
201     setOnFrameAvailableListener(surfaceTexture, (SurfaceTexture st) -> {
202       hasPendingTexture = true;
203       tryDeliverTextureFrame();
204     }, handler);
205   }
207   @TargetApi(21)
208   private static void setOnFrameAvailableListener(SurfaceTexture surfaceTexture,
209       SurfaceTexture.OnFrameAvailableListener listener, Handler handler) {
211       surfaceTexture.setOnFrameAvailableListener(listener, handler);
212     } else {
213       // The documentation states that the listener will be called on an arbitrary thread, but in
214       // pratice, it is always the thread on which the SurfaceTexture was constructed. There are
215       // assertions in place in case this ever changes. For API >= 21, we use the new API to
216       // explicitly specify the handler.
217       surfaceTexture.setOnFrameAvailableListener(listener);
218     }
219   }
221   /**
222    * Start to stream textures to the given |listener|. If you need to change listener, you need to
223    * call stopListening() first.
224    */
225   public void startListening(final VideoSink listener) {
226     if (this.listener != null || this.pendingListener != null) {
227       throw new IllegalStateException("SurfaceTextureHelper listener has already been set.");
228     }
229     this.pendingListener = listener;
230     handler.post(setListenerRunnable);
231   }
233   /**
234    * Stop listening. The listener set in startListening() is guaranteded to not receive any more
235    * onFrame() callbacks after this function returns.
236    */
237   public void stopListening() {
238     Logging.d(TAG, "stopListening()");
239     handler.removeCallbacks(setListenerRunnable);
240     ThreadUtils.invokeAtFrontUninterruptibly(handler, () -> {
241       listener = null;
242       pendingListener = null;
243     });
244   }
246   /**
247    * Use this function to set the texture size. Note, do not call setDefaultBufferSize() yourself
248    * since this class needs to be aware of the texture size.
249    */
250   public void setTextureSize(int textureWidth, int textureHeight) {
251     if (textureWidth <= 0) {
252       throw new IllegalArgumentException("Texture width must be positive, but was " + textureWidth);
253     }
254     if (textureHeight <= 0) {
255       throw new IllegalArgumentException(
256           "Texture height must be positive, but was " + textureHeight);
257     }
258     surfaceTexture.setDefaultBufferSize(textureWidth, textureHeight);
259     handler.post(() -> {
260       this.textureWidth = textureWidth;
261       this.textureHeight = textureHeight;
262       tryDeliverTextureFrame();
263     });
264   }
266   /**
267    * Forces a frame to be produced. If no new frame is available, the last frame is sent to the
268    * listener again.
269    */
270   public void forceFrame() {
271     handler.post(() -> {
272       hasPendingTexture = true;
273       tryDeliverTextureFrame();
274     });
275   }
277   /** Set the rotation of the delivered frames. */
278   public void setFrameRotation(int rotation) {
279     handler.post(() -> this.frameRotation = rotation);
280   }
282   /**
283    * Retrieve the underlying SurfaceTexture. The SurfaceTexture should be passed in to a video
284    * producer such as a camera or decoder.
285    */
286   public SurfaceTexture getSurfaceTexture() {
287     return surfaceTexture;
288   }
290   /** Retrieve the handler that calls onFrame(). This handler is valid until dispose() is called. */
291   public Handler getHandler() {
292     return handler;
293   }
295   /**
296    * This function is called when the texture frame is released. Only one texture frame can be in
297    * flight at once, so this function must be called before a new frame is delivered.
298    */
299   private void returnTextureFrame() {
300     handler.post(() -> {
301       isTextureInUse = false;
302       if (isQuitting) {
303         release();
304       } else {
305         tryDeliverTextureFrame();
306       }
307     });
308   }
310   public boolean isTextureInUse() {
311     return isTextureInUse;
312   }
314   /**
315    * Call disconnect() to stop receiving frames. OpenGL resources are released and the handler is
316    * stopped when the texture frame has been released. You are guaranteed to not receive any more
317    * onFrame() after this function returns.
318    */
319   public void dispose() {
320     Logging.d(TAG, "dispose()");
321     ThreadUtils.invokeAtFrontUninterruptibly(handler, () -> {
322       isQuitting = true;
323       if (!isTextureInUse) {
324         release();
325       }
326     });
327   }
329   /**
330    * Posts to the correct thread to convert |textureBuffer| to I420.
331    *
332    * @deprecated Use toI420() instead.
333    */
334   @Deprecated
335   public VideoFrame.I420Buffer textureToYuv(final TextureBuffer textureBuffer) {
336     return textureBuffer.toI420();
337   }
339   private void updateTexImage() {
340     // SurfaceTexture.updateTexImage apparently can compete and deadlock with eglSwapBuffers,
341     // as observed on Nexus 5. Therefore, synchronize it with the EGL functions.
342     // See https://bugs.chromium.org/p/webrtc/issues/detail?id=5702 for more info.
343     synchronized (EglBase.lock) {
344       surfaceTexture.updateTexImage();
345     }
346   }
348   private void tryDeliverTextureFrame() {
349     if (handler.getLooper().getThread() != Thread.currentThread()) {
350       throw new IllegalStateException("Wrong thread.");
351     }
352     if (isQuitting || !hasPendingTexture || isTextureInUse || listener == null) {
353       return;
354     }
355     if (textureWidth == 0 || textureHeight == 0) {
356       // Information about the resolution needs to be provided by a call to setTextureSize() before
357       // frames are produced.
358       Logging.w(TAG, "Texture size has not been set.");
359       return;
360     }
361     isTextureInUse = true;
362     hasPendingTexture = false;
364     updateTexImage();
366     final float[] transformMatrix = new float[16];
367     surfaceTexture.getTransformMatrix(transformMatrix);
368     long timestampNs = surfaceTexture.getTimestamp();
369     if (timestampAligner != null) {
370       timestampNs = timestampAligner.translateTimestamp(timestampNs);
371     }
372     final VideoFrame.TextureBuffer buffer =
373         new TextureBufferImpl(textureWidth, textureHeight, TextureBuffer.Type.OES, oesTextureId,
374             RendererCommon.convertMatrixToAndroidGraphicsMatrix(transformMatrix), handler,
375             yuvConverter, textureRefCountMonitor);
376     if (frameRefMonitor != null) {
377       frameRefMonitor.onNewBuffer(buffer);
378     }
379     final VideoFrame frame = new VideoFrame(buffer, frameRotation, timestampNs);
380     listener.onFrame(frame);
381     frame.release();
382   }
384   private void release() {
385     if (handler.getLooper().getThread() != Thread.currentThread()) {
386       throw new IllegalStateException("Wrong thread.");
387     }
388     if (isTextureInUse || !isQuitting) {
389       throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected release.");
390     }
391     yuvConverter.release();
392     GLES20.glDeleteTextures(1, new int[] {oesTextureId}, 0);
393     surfaceTexture.release();
394     eglBase.release();
395     handler.getLooper().quit();
396     if (timestampAligner != null) {
397       timestampAligner.dispose();
398     }
399   }
400 }